Work-Life Balance
Searching for the
of Work-Life Balance by Kristen Horler, MS
For several years I heard working moms talk about ‘achieving worklife balance.’ So, like most working moms, I searched for it, only to feel like an absolute failure over and over again. I read books and articles and spent hours with my leadership coach, trying to find the secret to being a wife, mom, and
CEO, without losing my mind and losing myself. On Monday, I yelled at the kids for being late as we left the house for school. On Tuesday, I could not find two minutes to speak to my husband. On Wednesday, I was
stuck in traffic and showed up late for a meeting. On Thursday, I was too tired to make dinner and we put frozen pizzas in the oven. The list of apparent mom failures continued on and on. I wanted to be present for my children, have time to connect with my husband, make dinner for our family and get us all
January/February 2020 43