THE GABBER.COM Digital subscriptions provided by the City of Gulfport 7490 GULF BLVD • ST PETE BEACH • 727-367-3309 • AVAILABLEGIFTCARRY-OUTDINE-INPJSOYSTERBAR.COM••CERTIFICATESONOURWEBSITE!FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1992 30 YEARS OF FRESH LOCAL SEAFOOD 30 YEARS OF No. 2774 August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 HOME LOANS FAST/EXPERIENCED/LOCALLOWORNOFEESCALLORTEXTTODAY!727-777-6305DAVETUCKER Coco continued on page 18 Seafood enchiladas at Coco Wood grill. RINGJEN Beach Bites By Jen Ring The hardest part of doing a restaurant review is deciding what to order. This is especially true for a place like Coco Wood Grill in Redington Shores, where menu items include seafood enchiladas, soft shell crab tacos, macadamia-crusted swordfish, three unique riffs on an old fashioned, house-made red sangria, and many martinis from which to choose. I wanted to try everything, but I’m only one person with one stomach and one liver. So I ordered a banana rum old fashioned to start and seafood enchiladas for dinner. The banana rum old fashioned was the first thing to arrive at my table. My waitress brought the drink in an old-fashioned glass covered with a cocktail smoke top.

Ivory WoodpeckerBilled
2 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 voices REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life! 2908-B Beach Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL Publisher727-321-696533707&Editor-in-Chief Cathy Salustri cathy@thegabber.comLoper Advertising Director Barry barry@thegabber.comLoper Creative Director Joey joey@thegabber.comNeill Features & Events Jen jen@thegabber.comRing News & Politics Monroe monroe@thegabber.comRoark Operations Patrick patrick@thegabber.comGraney Reporters Mike Sunnucks, Crime Amanda Hagood, Books Nano Riley, Environment Jon Kile, Columnist Resie Waechter, Outdoors & Fitness Serving Gulfport, South Pasadena, St. Petersburg West, Downtown St. Petersburg, Kenneth City, Tyrone, Tierra Verde, St. Pete Beach, Pass-A-Grille, Treasure Island, Pinellas Point, Madeira Beach, Pinellas Park Owners Barry Loper and Cathy Salustri Loper Deadlines Friday at 5 p.m. The views and opinions expressed in this publi cation are not necessarily those of the publish ers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any adver tisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher.
Sighting In 1989, in Homestead, Florida we saw one of these. We were out with the horses when the big gest Woodpecker I’ve ever seen flew in and landed on one of the pine trees near our barn. I’ve nev er seen anything like it before or since. Back then we didn’t have cell phones with cameras, so sadly, I wasn’t able to get a picture of it. Not knowing exactly what kind of woodpecker it was, I rushed home and pulled out our trusty World Book Encyclopedia to look up woodpeckers. It was there where I found out what we were looking at. I called Fish and Wildlife, the local bird watcher’s club, and the Audubon Society; everyone said it was a pileated woodpecker, but they were wrong. To this day, I would swear what we all saw was a giant Ivory-Billed Woodpeck er. When that joker pecked at the tree, it shook a full-grown Florida pine – not an easy feat! Well, thank you for posting your article and I hope more will be found in the fu ture. –Robin Gillespie, Lakeland More Criticism for Our Theater Critic I think the theater critic, Brian Shea, was short on kudos and too stingy with remarks on the nine one-act plays performed at the Catherine Hickman Theater. He felt the plots and character relationships were underdeveloped. I have to disagree. I felt both characters and plots were well-developed and obvious with in the time constriction of 10 to 12 minutes. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much through one play as much as I did through all nine one-acts. Some plots were more serious than others, but still incorporated humor. I look forward to seeing the next nine one-acts next year. Bravo to the playwrights and performers and production assistants for outstand ing work. –Loretta Delamere, South Pasadena Missing: Sea Grasses by the Casino
I was saddened two days ago by death and destruction of the sea grasses and mangroves that had seemed to have taken root which might help against erosion and unhappy surge waters during hur ricane season. This picture is east side of Casino. Perhaps there’s good reason and I’m not the ex pert just one of the volunteer clean up crew. I just finished a seminar on storm drainage and Pinellas County drain cleaning [at which] I learned of the need to ensure sea sonal adjustments to lawn care, like allow lawns to grow to help re lieve some water drainage. I guess, bottom line, do we in Gulfport have an environmental group that has expertise on shoreline vegetation and how to prepare and promote health of the sea grasses and man groves, which may provide protec tion against unhappy waters when it’s our turn. –Bradford Daniel, “Lt. Dan”, Gulfport

Editor’s Note: We asked Gulfport’s Public Works director what hap pened, and here’s what he told us: Parks staff recently performed reg ular maintenance in the area be tween the Casino and the pier. No sea grasses or mangroves were removed. A handful of dogfennel weeds and railroad vines were re moved and they cut back the Cren chrus spinifex (sand spurs). –Tom Nicholls Can’t Count on The Gabber
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and com mentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name and city, and should be as brief as possible (ideally <250 words). We may edit letters for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite violence, include personal attacks on private citizens, or that are in tentionally misleading or inac curate. Letters sent to the Gab ber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s so cial media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not nec essarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, adver tisers, or staff. Send letters to or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.
Every Thursday I look forward to picking up The Gabber to catch up on local news. I was disappointed to day that there was no mention of a local resident who was run over and passed from his injuries recently. I also checked online, but I didn’t see any coverage of this unfortunate ac cident. This is definitely newsworthy. I realize you are trying to encompass a broader news area, but there real ly should be local Gulfport news on a regular basis. Prior to moving to Gulf port, I would read The Gabber online to find out what was happening in town. Now that I live here full time, I feel like I can no longer count on The Gabber for news around town. While the historical stories are interesting, we really need a reliable source of lo cal news other than “news” we gather from the Gulfport pages on Facebook. Please reconsider providing local news as well as coverage of events that recently took place. We want to see pictures from GeckoFest, the San ta rampage, etc., after the event. That is what a local newspaper is for, in my opinion. –Marie Lamarre, Gulfport Correction In the Aug. 11 edition, we identified the new operations manager at the Gulfport Merchants Chamber of Commerce as Missy Gosselin. We’ve known Missy professionally for sev eral years, but clearly not socially –we didn’t realize she’d married last year. We should have identified her as Missy Helmbold, and we apolo gize for the error. | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 3

4 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022
To learn more, hover phone camera over the QR Code or visit You can spot them from across the room, beaming like besties. They share a funny bone and see the world in a certain way. Friends since childhood? Well, it feels that way. Helen recalls the day Barbara moved in to Watermark. They felt an instant connection. Now they talk about everything, losing track of time until someone says, “Oh, it’s time to eat!” They enjoy fitness classes and events together as well as local excursions. Their days end when Helen and Barbara each say, “I’ll say a prayer for you!” “I never thought I’d find my best friend at age 97.” Watermark Resident Helen, Barbara (left) and Helen, Watermark residents Explore More Call 727-202-3474 today for a virtual tour or to plan an in-person private consultation. Learn about our many amenities and supportive expert team. Meet residents who are thriving in a positive environment that brings out the best in everyone. 1255 Pasadena Avenue South • St. Petersburg, FL 33707 The Springs, Operated by Summit Care Inc.

Eligible individual employees do not pay out of pocket for their health insurance premiums. Gulfport pays the entire base premium of each employee and sets aside some funds for those employees who elect to purchase dependent health insurance coverage, according to a staffThereport.Cityoffers employees three medical plan options from which to choose. The base plan provides for a set level of benefits, of which the City pays 100% of the premiums for employee-only health coverage and up to $2,400 annually for depen dent care coverage. The second plan provides for a greater level of overall benefits with lower deductibles and co-pay amounts. An employee who selects this plan will be responsible for con tributing any additional cost of pre miums in excess of the premium paid for by the City for the base plan. A third healthcare plan offered is a low-cost health plan option that provides a significantly reduced lev el of benefit options with affordable premiums. All plans have an out-ofpocket deductible prior to the reali zation of a plan’s benefits. Eligible Gulfport employees also receive individual coverage for life and accidental death and dismem berment insurance through Stan dard Insurance Company. That rate will remain at .34 per $1,000 of cov ered benefit for the upcoming fis cal year, based on each employee’s salary as of Oct. 1, 2022. The rate is guaranteed for 12 months. Long-term disability coverage is also offered through Standard In surance Company at a rate of .61 per $100 of monthly covered payroll, according to officials. That rate will stay the same in FY 2023, with any cost changes being dependent sole ly on salary changes. “This is a very positive benefit that we offer the employees,” said O’Reil ly. “We have had individuals who became disabled and were able to realize this return.”
Great Staff Benefits, Minimal Increases for Taxpayers By Monroe GulfportRoarkofficials say they’re pleased with the way employees continue to receive solid benefits with minimal increases in costs to taxpayers.CityCouncil approved three mea sures at its Aug. 2 regular meeting related to health insurance, life in surance, and long-term disability coverage.Theexpected cost of health in surance premiums for the upcoming fiscal year is roughly $1.2 million and is expected to increase only 1% over the previous year. City Manager Jim O’Reilly said that is “fabulous” con sidering the state of the healthcare industry right now, and some coun cilmembers responded to the news with “yay” and “hooray.” | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 5 news Health insurance plans for Gulfport city staff will increase by 1% over last year, according to City Manager Jim O’Reilly.
Gulfport Council Approves Insurance Plans for Staff

“We are seeing a struggle, as any organization, to maintain our em ployees and recruit new employees,” said Justice, who noted that a spe cial salary increase was earmarked for 911 operators, who have been hard to retain at times, along with nurses at the Pinellas County Jail. The County will use about $189 million in federal ARPA funds for certain necessary projects. “Most of that is going directly to the exciting underground stuff no one will ever see,” Justice said, cit ing in particular a recent failure of a 60-year-old pipe in unincorporated Seminole. “Those [repairs] aren’t thousands of dollars. Those are mil lions of Pinellasdollars.”County welcomed 15 mil lion visitors last year, Justice said, and they spent $5.5 billion while they were here. The county cur rently has 90,000 jobs that rely on tourism, down slightly from 100,000 before the pandemic but up signifi cantly from 60,000 when the shut down was at its height. “We’ve recovered but not com pletely,” he said.
Pinellas County Commissioner Charlie Justice updated Gulfport City Council at its Aug. 2 meeting. Justice, an at-large commissioner, serves as the chair of the Pinellas County Commission.
By Monroe GulfportRoarkleaders recently got an in-person update on the state of Pinellas County from the current chairman of the Board of County Commissioners.CharlieJustice, the District 3 atlarge commissioner who chairs the board for 2022, discussed the County’s proposed $3.2 billion budget as well as other financial details, such as a new millage rate that is expected to drop from 5.13 to“That4.73. is the first time in 35 years we have had a millage reduction two years in a row,” said Justice, who added that a portion of the millage will be dedicated to a road stabilization fund. Budget hearings are set for Sep tember; Pinellas County’s fiscal year starts Oct. 1. About $2.5 bil lion of the budget is for operating expenses, with the balance set aside for capital expenditures and funded by the Penny for Pinellas, which passed in 2017 with 83% of the“Itvote.iswhy we are able to pay as we go,” he said. “We have no debt in the county budget except for in our sewer system. We have no general fund debt for roads or anything else because we are able to pay as we go. That gives
JUSTICECHARLIE Chair Charlie Justice Gives South Pinellas Updates County Considering $3.2 Billion Budget
2,200 employees under the county administrator and another 3,000 under the various constitutional officers, in the judiciary and a few independent agencies.
6 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 us the lowest debt ratio of any ur ban county in Florida, something we are incredibly proud of. If you move across the bay or to another county, your debt ratio immediate ly Thedoubles.”new budget includes a 3% pay raise as well as a one-time $1,200 salary bump and two $600 retention bonuses. There are about 2908-A Beach Boulevard (in the heart of the Village) 727-303-0976 un driesdries • Kitchen & Serveware • Gourmet Foods • Gifts, Cards, Books • Stella’s Gear & Souvenirs Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD,

Officials estimated that about $11 million would come in from the county’s bed tax in the current fis cal year, but that total will actually come closer to $14 million, which adds up to a total of $86 mil lion. Justice said that number was around $30 million when he start ed his tenure as a commissioner nearly a decade ago. Justice said that money is im portant for marketing the destina tion and running the Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as for beach renourishment funds and capital investment in various cul turalSpecifically,facilities. those funds will fac tor into whatever offer the county might make down the road to keep the Tampa Bay Rays on this side of the bay. Justice said he wants to hear the thoughts of Gulfport and other cities regarding the contin ued value of the Rays to the com munity.“Atsome point we are going to have to make a decision – and it’s going to be a big-number decision,” he said. “The County’s portion will be strictly bed tax, no general fund or any other source. But that could still add up to several hundred mil lionThedollars.”overall unemployment rate in Pinellas is 2.7%, with 500,000 total jobs county wide, the most in the history of the County, accord ing to Justice. | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 7 S AFE INDOOR & OUTDOOR DINING AND BEER GARDEN 3007 BEACH BLVD • GULFPORT (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM “The first time in 35 years we have had a millage reduction two years in a row.”
The BCC has been working on its small enterprise fund, which Jus tice acknowledged the County has not been tracking very well over the years. Now there are about 1,300 County contracts with local businesses; those contracts total $23“Wemillion.want our money to stay in the hands of local employers and em ployees,” he said. On the issue of housing, Jus tice said the BCC passed a “tenant’s bill of rights” at its regular meet ing the same day of his Gulf port presentation. It is meant to prevent discrimination against those who used vouchers and other types of assistance in their search for housing, he said, and Gulfport can choose to use it as is, adapt its own, or opt out A percentage of the Penny for Pinellas every year is guaranteed for affordable housing, with one of the biggest recent success sto ries being the Palms of Pinellas development near Largo, Justice said. Another was just approved in unincorporated Seminole, and County officials are working with St. Petersburg on a 200-unit site in Fairfield at the old Tibbett’s Lumber.“We’ve guaranteed 4.15% of the total Penny over 10 years to go there [for housing], and we made the commitment to try and spend some of that every year, but we’ve probably front-load ed that because there’s been so much demand,” said Justice. “The Skyway Lofts on 34th Street that just opened was part of the pro gram. But we’re seeing struggles in that program, quite frankly, and it’s cooling off a littleDevelopersbit.” work ing with the County under this program must commit certain numbers of units within specific income and rental guidelines. That doesn’t al ways work for them, according to Justice.“Wehad a group come back and say, ‘Here’s your check back. Nev er mind. We can make enough at market rate. We don’t need your help.’ That’s the one on Central Avenue at about 61st Street. It’s a challenge for all of us at this time,” he said. Five of the seven seats on the BCC are up for grabs in this year’s elections, although three of the current board members are re turning with no opposition, Jus tice said. District 4 (North Pinel las) has an open primary while District 2 (at-large) has a Republi can primary in August and a gen eral election in November.

Another unsuccessful theft oc curred Aug. 1 near Town Shores the same beach location when wouldbe thieves tried the TikTok chal lenge on an unlocked Honda Accord. Again, the aspiring thieves busted the steering column and ignition, but could not start the car. On Aug. 8, Gulfport police also re ported that another car near 54th Street and 29th Avenue South had its rear window broken into and the steering mechanism tampered with; a passerby two juveniles, who left the scene before police could ques tionWoodmanthem. said these incidents fit with the TikTok challenge, focusing on Kia models manufactured be tween 2011 and 2021 and Hyundai vehicles made between 2015 and 2021.He stressed the need for residents to lock and secure their cars. “An extremely high percentage of vehicle burglaries and vehicle thefts are due to the victims leaving the ve hicle unlocked, the vehicle unlocked with the keys inside, or the vehicle unlocked and running unattended,” Woodman said. “If people would se cure their vehicles, we would have a lot less occurrences of these types ofOncrimes.”Aug. 5, thieves stole a car near 30th Avenue and Clinton Street South after the owner left the vehi cle running and unlocked in a resi dential drive way. St. Petersburg police also report a rise in car thefts — including Kore an-made Hyundais and Kias.
“Since July 11, we have had 56 cars stolen and 23 of them have been Kia/Hyundais models. That’s about 41%,” said Yolanda Fernandez, com munity awareness director for the St. Petersburg Police Department.
By Mike Sunnucks
8 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022
A TikTok challenge appears responsible for attempted car thefts.
A social media challenge is result ing in an increase in stolen and ille gally entered cars in Gulfport and St. Petersburg, according to police. Cops say a TikTok challenge shows Kia and Hyundai vehicles getting hot wired and stolen with USB cables. A number of the successful Tik Tok-related challenges result in joy rides; thieves leave the car nearby, police say, but add that the efforts to hot wire the vehicles can damage steering and ignition systems.
TikTok-Inspired Felony Averted The Challenge Doesn’t Work Well, But Still Damages the Cars
The Gulfport Police Department reported two separate break-ins to Kia vehicles on July 31. One occurred near Seaside Villas near 58th Street. Would-be thieves attempted to steal an unlocked Kia; they tampered with the steering column but could not start the car, according to GPD. The same night more would-be thieves tried to steal another un locked Kia near Shore Boulevard and 60th Street South in Town Shores. GPD said the would-be thieves dis mantled the Kia’s steering column, but could not start the car. GPD Sergeant Thomas Woodman said police have no leads.
“Investigators determined that car thieves are using a technique to break into the steering column to start the vehicles and steal them. The targeted vehicles are KIA and Hyundai models 2021 and older that use an inserted key instead of a push button ignition.” Fernandez also urged car owners to lock their vehicles. Police departments throughout the country report additional inci dences of the social media grand theft auto trend.

“Really, we were looking most for ward to some of the photographs and written letters that people had put in back then,” says Vars. “I think that would have been the most exciting had they actually survived the years.”
The good news is that about 30 items were in good enough condi tion to display at the museum. Of the items recovered, Vars is most enamored with the old newspapers. (Either that, or he’s just telling this journalist what she wants to hear.) “You know, I’m a big sucker for newspapers,” Vars said. “So for me it’s kind of neat just to see some of the old St. Pete Times in there, from when it was the St. Pete Times. I grew up around the area, so I remember the St. Pete Times.” He also mentioned some old directories and tourist guides made before the internet and cell phones became ubiquitous, t-shirts, and some graphics – includ ing a sticker from the Don Cesar.
Local historian Frank Hurley Jr. with then-St. Pete Beach Mayor Kevan Finch at the time capsule burial ceremony in 1997.
By Jen Ring In 1997, residents of St. Pete Beach filled a 6-foot-long time capsule with letters, photographs, newspapers, and other ephemera to honor the City of St. Pete Beach’s 65th Anniversary. Altogether, res idents placed about 40-50 items into the time capsule. The City then buried the capsule in front of the (then) police headquarters on Boca Ciega Drive before re-locat ing the capsule to the new City Hall building on Corey Avenue in the early 2000s. Other than that one move, the capsule’s rested under ground, unopened, for 25 years. On July 14, 2022, a small team of people unearthed the capsule at St. Pete Beach City Hall and transport ed it to Gulf Beaches Historical Mu seum. Afterward, GBHM celebrated St. Pete Beach history with a cer emonial opening of said time cap sule and a party. Did you miss it? No worries: You can still see a portion of the unearthed objects on display at GBHM through the holidays (at least – perhaps longer, staff says). We took a moment to talk to ex hibition curator Joey Vars. Here’s what he had to say about the objects taken from the capsule. “We were looking forward to reading a letter our old volunteer archival curator had written to us, but unfortunately, a lot of the con tents of the time capsule itself did get damaged,” Vars said. “They ac tually got water damaged at some point, either when the capsule was moved when the new city hall was built, or at some other point in the last handful of decades. The cap of the time capsule itself had been cracked, and then water was al lowed to leak in. So that actually did damage most of the photographs and records that were in there.”
“It was kind of neat just to see how much a lot of it has stayed the same,” Vars told The Gabber. “It’s still really community-centric, it’s still very tourist-centric and beach-cen tric…So from that perspective, it’s really the same messaging you see nowadays.”
Though technology has changed over the years, every thing else about St. Pete Beach has stayed surprisingly similar. | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 9 30% OFF Call now for your free consultation! 727-821-0976 Showroom by appointment only • 800 Pasadena Ave S Blinds • Shutters • Shades • Motorization • ©2020 Budget Blinds, LLC. All rights reserved. Budget Blinds is a trademark of Budget Blinds, LLC and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand. Each franchise independently owned and operated. Your Next Purchase It’s Time Time Capsule from 1997 Unearthed at St. Pete Beach City Hall

On July 25, a Gulfport woman’s estranged husband violated a court order and came back to her home. When he tried to hold her against her will, she shot at him.
He Came Back; She Fought Back Man Held Gulfport Woman Against Her Will – She Shot at Him
By Mike Sunnucks A Gulfport woman will face no charges for shooting at her es tranged husband on July 25. The woman fired three rounds from a handgun when Richard Pokorny vi olated a no-contact order issued in March.OnMarch 17 of this year, Gulfport police arrested the 6-foot, 2-inch, 220-pound man for allegedly chok ing his wife and slamming her onto the counter. A judge set Pokorny’s bond at $1,500 and he bonded out of jail, but also issued a no-contact order. Pokorny then started pre-tri al intervention. A no-contact order is an order from a judge stating there should not be any contact; it is not the same as a restraining or der, according to GPD. Pokorny pled not guilty to those charges.OnJuly 25, despite a judge’s or der, he returned to her Gray Street home. wife’s cell phone and laptop and refused to return them. The victim was being held against her will, and in fear for her own safety, she fired three rounds from a handgun at her husband. None of the shots struckGulfporthim.”Police Sergeant Thom as Woodman said Gulfport police arrested Pokorny, 56, for domestic battery, witness tampering, and violating a pre-trial no-contact or der.This time, a judge set his bond higher: $30,000 for violation of a pretrial release; $5,000 for tam pering with a witness; and no bond at all for domestic battery. He fac es felony charges and remains in jail at press time.
Pokorny worked as a science teacher for Hillsborough County Public Schools since 1996, most recently at Greco Middle School in Tampa. A Hillsborough County Public Schools spokesperson said Pokorny was not allowed back on campus after the March arrest, and had to meet with human resources at that time. The spokesperson said Pokorny has since resigned.
“Pokorny entered his wife’s home and refused to leave,” a GPD statement reads. “He also took his
10 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 ST. PETERSBURG SAIL & POWER SQUADRON PRESENTS: America’s Boating Course | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 11
Gulfport Police started the report, but Pinellas County’s Major Accident Investigation Team (MAIT) will finish the investigation. This is a service for which Gulfport contracts; in ex change for the services, Gulfport Police Department provides an offi cer to work on the MAIT team. If, Vincent added, the investiga tion suggests Ross was at fault, at that time, police would charge her. “As it stands right now, there’s not enough evidence to conclude that she committed any traffic vi olations,” Vincent said. “Typically a traffic death investigation can take 30-60 days [to complete].”
Gulfport Man Dies After Getting Dragged by Car Police Say Driver Likely Couldn’t See Man Lying in Street
Ross, a horticulturalist with the City of Gulfport, has a tarnished driving record, but police say they’ve no basis to think Ross was at fault in the Aug. 2 accident. “It would be difficult to see some one lying in the street in the dark,” Vincent told The Gabber. In 2018, Plesser qualified as a candidate to represent Gulf port’s Ward I on City Council. He ran against then-incumbent Dan Liedtke, but lost the race by 618 votes. (Liedtke, who later lost to current Ward I representative, April Thanos, received 1254 votes to Plesser’s 618.) Why he was prone in the street remains unclear.
Bruce Plesser, 69, died Aug. 7 as a result of his injuries.
former candi date for Gulfport City Council Bruce Plesser died as a result of injuries he received when a driver ran him over with her 2012 Nissan Pathfinder and dragged him 10 feet. Police believe Plesser, 69, was lying or crouching in the street when the accident oc curred.Toxicology reports revealed Pless er’s blood alcohol content was 0.234% approximately four hours after the accident, almost triple the legal limit for intoxication (the State of Florida considers someone in toxicated when they have a 0.08% BAC).The incident occurred near 54th Street and 26th Avenue South short ly before 10 p.m. on Aug. 2. Gulfport Police Department Sergeant Thom as Woodman said Plesser died at Bayfront Health in St. Petersburg on Aug.The7. driver, Christopher Elizabeth “Toffer” Ross, stopped her SUV and called 911. Police have not charged her in the incident, Woodman said. Despite rumors and innuendo on social media, police say Ross was likely not at fault and that Ross did not leave the scene of the accident. “It definitely was not a hit and run,” Chief Rob Vincent said, adding that Ross passed a field sobriety test and gave police no reason to sus pect she was under the influence. “Based on what I’ve seen so far, it’s unlikely that she would be charged.”
By Mike

12 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 6801 Gulfport Blvd #12 • South Pasadena 727-344-2524 • GET YOUR GECKO ON! GOOD THRU AUGUST 31ST 2022 GULF BEACHES LAW, P. A. ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW PROBATE CORPORATE www.Gul fB eache Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Your Trusted Local Attorney! Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Estate Planning including Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney, Trust & Probate Estate Administration, Elder Law including Medicaid & Special Needs Trusts, Corporate & Business Planning We are available for phone consultations! 2816 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707 • (727) 822-2200 A patch of dirt on Shore Boulevard received a facelift, thanks in part to Gulfport Public Works Director Tom Nicholls. GLENKIM Beautification, Brick by Brick Gulfport City Crew Spruces Up Corner of Shore Boulevard
By Monroe Roark A sore spot along Shore Boulevard has a new look, thanks to alert residents and attentive Gulfport officials.The Beachwalk Condo Association has started some beautification projects around its 10-unit complex at the corner of 56th Street and Shore Boulevard. Kim Glen represented the association at the July 7 Gulfport City Council meeting to ask for help with a specific request. The ground on the northwest corner surrounding a lamp post was mostly dirt and tended to flood whenever it rained. “I think originally it was mostly shell, and when it rained the shell kept washing away over the years until it became nothing,” she told The Gabber last week. Since that patch of ground belongs to the City, she asked the council members if anything could be done to make it more presentable. Public Works Director Tom Nicholls came out to the site the following week to assess what work was needed, and by Aug. 9, a City crew installed a brick layer to cover the dirt and make the area much more aesthetically pleasing.
“It looks really nice. Everybody is very happy that it’s not just a dirt spot anymore,” said Glen, noting that the lamp post did not have to be moved and the crew simply worked around it. “It’s a nice, low-maintenanceSomesolution.”customers at the nearby restaurants park their bicycles around the lamp post and can continue to do so, she said. “We are very pleased,” she said of her neighbors’ interaction with the City on this project. “It was a good experience.”

 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 13
A decade ago, Gulfport resident Billy Glimpse bought a baby grand piano. “I lived very near my grandchildren, who all play instruments, and I thought they would be able to stop by after school and learn how to play [the pi ano],” Glimpse told The Gabber. “They know how to read music, but they nev er really got a desire to play it. So I start ed playing it.”
RINGJEN Keys for All Gulfport Resident
A decade later, a combination of hearing loss and arthritis keep the 76-year-old Glimpse from hitting the keys too hard. So she donated her pia no to the Gulfport Senior Center. “I couldn’t think of a better place to put it,” says Glimpse. “I love what the Center is doing. I’ve lived in large cities that don’t have as much enthusiasm to take care of their senior citizens.”
Billy Glimpse’s baby grand piano in its new home at the Gulfport Senior Center. Billy Baby Grand Piano to
Senior Center
Glimpse Donates
By Jen Ring
The Senior Center Foundation’s Of fice Manager, Amy Oatley, can already imagine what the piano will look like in the new senior center. “If you’ve been to any senior communities like The Foun tains, you come and they have this big beautiful lobby, and they have a piano there,” Oatley told The Gabber. “When you look at the picture of the new se nior center, I could just see the piano in theForlobby.”now, the piano sits in the current senior center, where Senior Center su pervisor Rachel Cataldo believes that many of the center’s regulars will use it. “We have a lot of talent here at the senior center,” Cataldo told The Gab ber. “We have people who can liter ally just sit down and start playing any song…We also have a world-re nowned concert pianist that comes here – Ray Luck.” Luck offered to play at the Gulfport Senior Center if they ever got a piano. “It is a lovely piano,” says Glimpse. “I hope they all enjoy playing it.”

By Jen Ring Munch’s for sale After 70 years in business, Munch’s Restaurant and Sundries owner Larry Munch wants to retire. His iconic St. Pete Diner, featured on Food Network’s Diners, DriveIns and Dives, is now for sale. The diner comes bundled with the strip center alongside Munch’s and two single-family homes. Munch seeks a buyer interested in continuing to run the beloved diner.
“My very first bite of a Frios so lidified my desire to be a part of the brand as a franchise owner,” Keisha Reeder said in a press re lease. “The simple act of enjoying a Frios pop truly has the power to take you back in time and re member what it felt like to be a kid again. It’s been a joy to share the same feeling with guests of our St. Petersburg Sweet Ride.”
GulfPerk is closed – but don’t worry; it’s only temporary. From Aug. 13-22, the Gulfport coffee shop and eatery shuts its doors for its annual employee vacation. “We want our team to be as well-rested, relaxed and refreshed as possible, so we’re giving them a full week off to just kick back and enjoy some time off!” GulfPerk an nounced in their newsletter. “We can’t wait to see you again on Au gust 23!”
Munch’s is for sale.
RINGJEN GulfPerk goes on vacation.
The Latest Business Beat in Gulfport and St. Pete
GulfPerk on Vacation, Reopens Aug. 23
14 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 Business Beat: Munch’s for Sale, GulfPerk Vacation, Frios Pops
Andy Harp launched Frios Gour met Pops out of his garage in Al abama in 2013. By the time Harp sold Frios to the current own er and CEO, Cliff Kennedy, Fri os had 36 locations in 10 states.
The popsicles come in such unique flavors as blueberry cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, Christmas tree cake, key lime pie, root beer float, and banana pud ding. You can view the full list of them at
In a 2018 interview with, Kennedy told reporter William Thornton he hoped to grow the Frios brand nationally, making it the first nationally recognized brand of gourmet pops. He’s ac complishing this by selling fran chises throughout the country.
Prospective buyers can view the listing at online or contact Lisa Ul rich, Barkett Realty’s Commercial & Investment Specialist, at 727388-9500. Frios Gourmet Pops Arrive in St. Pete Sometime this month, you may start seeing a colorful tie dye van serving gourmet pop sicles at St. Petersburg events. Frios Gourmet Pops Sweet Ride, owned by Nick and Keisha Reed er, comes from Dallas, TX, where they served more than 60 differ ent flavors of gourmet popsicles.
“Larry’s retirement is much-de served so we are working to pre serve his long-standing family business,” said Broker/Owner of Barkett Realty John Barkett in a press release. “We know the com munity can appreciate this effort— especially his very loyal patrons.”

By Brian “SomethingShea Clean,” the current production of Studio Grand Cen tral, located in the Grand Central District of St. Petersburg, is a chal lenging yet essential story told from a profoundly moving perspective. | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 15 arts
“Something Clean” deals masterfully with an uncomfortable topic.
...artistic and technical elements added to the overall theme of the story of characters with fractured lives trying to mend the pieces together.
A Mother’s Nightmare Studio Grand Central Asks, “How Do You Cope When Your Son’s a Rapist?”
The play revolves around a mother named Charlotte (Played by Debbie Yones) as she tries to cope with the aftermath of her 20-year-old son –and only child – serving jail time for raping a fellow college student. Debbie Yones is stunning in her portrayal of a mother on the razor’s edge of a breaking point, giving a powerhouse performance. Char lotte is determined to find answers as to how she could have missed the traits of a rapist in her child that she was dearly close to and gave all her best at raising him to be a good man.Charlotte is a woman trying to piece together the shattered pieces of her life, fearing if she is truthful, the rest of her world will also break. She volunteers at a sexual abuse survivors clinic near her home. She doesn’t give her full name, or her family’s recent history for fear of be ing rejected and ostracized. Choos ing to be called Charlie, Charlotte befriends an affable staff worker who helps her become a volunteer. Charlotte hides the truth about where she is volunteering from her husband, who thinks she is volunteering at a homeless shelter. Ward Smith has assembled a crack erjack team of actors for this production. Alan Mohney, Jr., plays Charlotte’s husband, Doug. He tries to care for his wife but also feels lost and alone in despair – a delicate balance for any actor to ac complish, and Mohney does so with great focus. The character of Joey, a volunteer staffer at the clinic, is played well by Troy Brooks. Joey is the perfect counterpoint for Char lotte and Doug. Packed within this 85-minute emotional roller coaster with no in termission are scenes that happen in rapid-fire succes sion, with multiple locations switching sharply with the aid of the creative light ing of technical di rector Michael Horn. Given the intimate physical space of the roughly 40-seat studio theater, the set pieces of the multiple locations overlapped each other. At times each actor would merely have to pivot with a dramat ic light change, and their character would be in a different scene. These artistic and technical elements add ed to the overall theme of the sto ry of characters with fractured lives trying to mend the pieces together. This play is intense with some gut-wrenching emotional scenes that may be difficult to watch, yet it’s masterfully performed. Thank you to Studio Grand Central for taking on this play. For this pro duction, Studio Grand Central has partnered with the Suncoast Cen ter, a local non-profit that provides support services for sexual assault survivors. Information about their services is in the studio’s lobby. There will be a talkback with staff members from the Suncoast Cen ter after the August 27 perfor mance of Something Clean at Stu dio Grand Central. Something Clean Studio Grand Central, 2260 1st Ave. S., St. Pete. Through Aug. 28: Thurs.-Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m. $35. 727-202-7019; studiograndcentral. com

Means Pushing Through
KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D. 401 Jason Hackenwerth balloon sculpture at Creative Pinellas. Art Reminds Us Finding Success Sometimes Fear
RINGJEN Quick Pivot His
16 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg karenformarijuana.com33713
“...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify.
The Venice Biennale came with its own challenges. Hackenw erth planned to hang his balloon sculptures all over the city, but the kids of Venice had other ideas. “I was climbing up trees to hang sculptures up as high as I could,” Hackenwerth told The Gabber, “or I was scaling the sides of buildings and terraces to hang the sculp
By Jen Ring
St. Pete-based artist Jason Hack enwerth makes a lot more than just balloon sculptures. The multidis ciplinary artist started his career 20 years ago, making and showing paintings in New York City. But he wasn’t happy with the pace with which his paintings were selling, so he started experimenting with latex balloons in the subway by his studio. “I would just blow up little balls and I would stick them around on the ceiling in these dank plac es,” Hackenwerth told The Gabber. The work was interesting enough to attract the attention of the Scope Art Fair’s producer and curator, who gave Hackenwerth the opportuni ty to decorate the hotel lobby for the 2004 fair. Despite working on it without sleep or food for days, Hackenwerth’s installation was torn down before the fair even began. Then inspiration struck. Hack enwerth had a vision of connect ing the balloons to make a form. “So I pushed through curiosity and fear and I made the very first ever sculpture there, at that fair, and it took off,” Hackenwerth told The Gabber. “By the end of 2005, I had been flying all over the world, all over the place, making sculptures in museums and art fairs. I was given a grant to make a sculpture at the Venice Biennale. It was amazing.”

A Maker’s Market in Downtown Gulfport with Music & Live Entertainment Saturday of Every Month 5 - 9 PM For more information: Jason Hackenwerth in front of one of his sculptures.
PINELLASCREATIVE tures in places and walkways all around Venice. But no matter how clever I thought I was, and no matter how good my parkour skills were, I couldn’t get them up high enough that the kids that lived in Venice couldn’t reach them and then steal them. Every morning, for a week, I’d go out and I’d put these sculptures all over town. I started at 3 a.m. and by 10 a.m. I’d have them all over town. By the afternoon, kids were riding around on bikes wearing my sculptures.” | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 17
Kids have always been some of Hackenwerth’s most enthusiastic fans. They ran underneath and around Hackenwerth’s balloon sculptures during the opening reception for Dark Matter at Creative Pinellas this summer, touching as much as they could reach. I’m also excited about these balloon sculptures, but I’m not literally running circles around them. Hackenwerth has a theory about this. “I think that in most cases, the sculptures with balloons elicit a similar response in adults,” says Hackenwerth, “but adults are just much more reserved in how they express their reaction. And children, they just go crazy, because they don’t know not to…Adults, they hold back, but kids are showing us how we’re really feeling on the inside.”
In another career pivot, Hackenwerth designed his first wearable balloon sculpture. He built a wearable bed bug balloon sculpture with launchable balloon missiles on site. “I put this thing on and I went on the hunt, looking for those kids,” Hackenwerth told The Gabber. “It didn’t take long before we had a showdown. In front of the Ed Roche pavilion, I was having a battle with young kids on bikes [shooting] my balloon missiles from my giant bed bug sculpture.”
The adults stood underneath Hackenwerth’s balloon sculptures at Dark Matter and took selfies before exploring the drawings and paintings in the adjacent galleries. More than just balloons, Dark Matter walks us through 20 years of Hackenwerth’s career, including several stand-alone paintings along with drawings and photos of past balloon sculpture designs. Together, they provide a unique glimpse into Hackenwerth’s process and deliver us to a foreign world of UFOs, giant insects, and alien-like forms.
Dark Matter Creative Pinellas, 12211 Walsingham Road, Largo. Through Oct. 16.,

Pina colada bread pudding gets flambeed at Coco Wood Grill.
From my cocktail through Grilleverythingdessert,aboutmymealatCocoWoodwasspecial,andIcouldn’taskforbetterservice.
Coco Wood Grill’s banana rum old fashioned contains the bourbon and bitters of a traditional old fashioned, but adds rum and banana liquor into the mix. They’ve effectively made a Tiki version of an old fashioned. The drink, made with Maker’s Mark, is perfectly balanced. The rum and banana are noticeable, but don’t pull too much attention from the be loved bourbon taste of a classic old fashioned. I savor every sip as I wait for my meal to arrive. The seafood enchiladas arrived stuffed with scallops, shrimp, spin ach, ricotta, mozzarella, and Parme san cheese, all rolled in pasta sheets, which would technically make these more like manicotti, but they were crisped up and topped with poblano cream sauce like a burrito or chimi changa. This dish is Italian-Mexi can-coastal fusion at its best. The light seafood, along with the strips of crisp-cooked squash and car rots served on the side, balance out the rich cheeses in these enchiladas. After I finished my meal and cocktail, I leaned back in my chair and took in the scene. The well-land scaped patio doesn’t have a view of the Gulf of Mexico, but it feels like a tropical oasis just the same. I heard a flock of wild green parrots land in a nearby palm tree, squawk ing away. It’s the perfect ending to my work day. But wait, we’re not done. We haven’t had dessert yet. My waitress tells me they have a piña colada bread pudding for des sert that’s flambéed table side. And who can say no to that? I can’t believe how much this des sert tastes like a piña colada. The hostess tells me this is because they soak the bread in piña colada mix. From my cocktail through dessert, ev erything about my meal at Coco Wood Grill was special, and I couldn’t ask for better service. You can tell a lot about a restaurant by the way they treat a customer who requests a table outside after a rainstorm when all the tables and chairs are still wet and literally no one else is seated outside. I normal ly wouldn’t ask for such a thing, but I practically have no immune sys tem post-transplant, so it had to be done. If the hostess was annoyed that several towels were needed to wipe down my table, I couldn’t tell. And if my waitress was put out by having to walk outside just to serve me, she didn’t show it. Coco Wood Grill is a class act. Coco Wood Grill, 17814 Gulf Blvd., Redington Shores. 727-498-6005,
She flamed my lidded drink table side, embers flying downwind, until the glass filled with smoke. When she removed the lid, the smoke slowly rose from my glass, leaving a hint of smokiness on the nose.
18 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 food Lisa PenceIndependent Sales Representative Florida License W566896 Let Me Help find the right Medicare plan for you! Call 727-560-3674 • LinkedIn: LisaPenceMedicare • Medicare Health Plans Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans My assistance is 100% complimentary —there’s no cost to you! Coco continued from cover Bread and dipping sauce at Coco Wood Grill. RINGJEN

Game On at Gulfport’s Gecko Crawl Matching Outfits Abound, But So Did Game-Themed Costumes
The Geckoettes — Renee Carr, Brenda Graf, Lisa Luetden, Kelli LaPuma, and Denise Zielinski — at Gulfport Brewery during Gecko Crawl 2022. | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 19 gabberlife free quote & DEMO (727) 360-7070 PVC FENCE PVCFROMCLEANEDPANELS$11APANELFENCEPANELSCLEANED
By Jen ThisRingyear’s GeckoFest theme is “game night”, and Gulfport brought out the cards for the Aug. 13 Gecko Crawl. Event organizers set up tables at Caddy’s, Gulfport Brewery, Neptune Grill, North End Taphouse, O’Maddy’s, and Tiki Bar and Grill. Participants drew a playing card at each location. Several participants arrived in matching outfits or costumes — most game-themed, geckothemed, or beach-themed — in cluding the Geckoettes and a group of friends dressed as play ing cards. Highlights were an ap pearance from the Gulfport Gecko Amalgamated Marching Band, live music from The String Rays at North End Taphouse, Brittany Bald win at Neptune Grill, and the disco dance party at Tiki Bar and Grill. At the end of the night, Gulfport Merchants Chamber of Commerce President Barbara Banno tallied the hands and presented priz es for the best and worst scores. Congrats to the lucky winners who went home with a basket of vodka, a dolphin cruise, and a free stay at the Peninsula Inn.

ST. PETE BEACH Twisted Tiki 340 Corey Ave. Saturday, Aug. 20: Hors esWild, 5 p.m.
Coconut Charlie’s Beach Bar & Grill 6100 Gulf Blvd. Saturday, Aug. 20: Undercover Rasta, 6 p.m. Chill Restaurant & Bar 357 Corey Ave. Friday, August 19: Carlos & Joe, 6:30 p.m.
TREASURE ISLAND Caddy’s Treasure Island 9000 W. Gulf Blvd. Thursday, Aug. 18: Chris Francisco, 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19: Crownz, 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20: Gerry Williams, 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21: Logan Grant and The Show Ponies, 5 p.m.
MADEIRA BEACH Caddy’s Johns Pass Thursday, Aug. 18: Audrey Short, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19: Curtis Allen, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20: Jariah Higgins, 12 p.m.; Matt Knabe, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21: Tripp & Becca, 11 a.m.; Less is More, 4:30 p.m.
20 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MD CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT ON-SITE BLOOD DRAWS • GENERAL SICK VISITS FLU SHOTS • PT/INR • B-12 SHOTS SPORTS PHYSICALS• WELL WOMAN EXAMS GEL JOINT INJECTIONS • PRP (PLATELET RICH PLASMA) WELLNESS SCREENINGS • ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS WOUND CARE • PHYSICAL THERAPY NON-SURGICAL FRACTURE MANAGEMENT, ETC. DRLABRADOR.COM • BOARD CERTIFIED PHYSICIANS LABRADOR PRIMARY CARE CENTER Now TWO convenient locations: 2191 9th Ave N #220, St. Petersburg, FL 33713 | 727-327-9667 6775 Crosswinds Dr N, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 | 727-381-8006 BILINGUAL STAFF • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL And Many Other Insurances! NOW ACCEPTING TheGULFPORTTikiBar& Grill at 56th & Shore 5519 Shore Blvd. S. Saturday, Aug. 20: Beck & Borst, 3 p.m. Neptune Grill 5501 Shore Blvd. S. Sunday, Aug. 21: CallaBoone, 1 p.m. Pia’s Veranda 3054 Beach Blvd. S. Sunday, Aug. 21: Bill Vinhage, 6 p.m. Caddy’s Gulfport 3128 Beach Blvd. S. Friday, Aug. 19: Obi Wan Knabe and The Force, 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20: Hot Tonic, 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21: Erika Najibo, 12 p.m.; Daniel Carroll, 4 p.m.

 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 21 things to do Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly Virtual Things To Do continued on page 22 EXPERIENCE COUNTS – AND SAVINGS ADD UP Find out about the Competitive Rates and Special Benefits available through our agency for all your insurance needs! Ready to learn more? Contact our agency now!Call today for your FREE , no obligation quote. HOME • FLOOD AUTO • COMMERCIALBUSINESS 727-344-4500 6524 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710 St. Pete Seniors Week, Mad Beach Tailgate + Global Climbing Day Find links for these events — and many other things to do — online at
Friday, August 19Sunday, August 21 Go Wilde The Theatrical Teens of Tomorrow present “The Importance of Being Earnest”. In this classic Oscar Wilde comedy, the play’s protagonist creates an imaginary brother named Ernest in an attempt to escape his many responsibilities. St. Petersburg City Theatre, 4025 31st St. S., St. Petersburg. Aug. 19-20, 7:30 p.m.; Aug. 21, at 2 p.m. $15-18. Sunday, August 21Thursday, August 25 Age Well Want to stay young forever? Well, that’s not possible. But this week the City of St. Petersburg’s Parks and Recreation Department offers the next best thing – five full days devoted to aging well. It’s all part of St. Pete’s inaugural Seniors Week, happening across multiple city centers in St. Pete. The fun begins with the Senior Fit Fair on Sunday, and a cooking demonstration Monday. The Senior Games Showdown happens Wednesday, with board games, outdoor activities, and more. The week wraps up Thursday with a gala at St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club, featuring hors d’oeuvres and signature mocktails. Multiple locations in St. Pete. Aug. 21-25. Thursday, August 18 In the Kitchen Tired of your usual weekly dinner rotation? Learn to make eggplant parm with Chef Jack. Gulfport Senior Center, 5501 27th Ave. S., Gulfport. 4 p.m. Call 727-893-5657 to preregister. Friday, August 19 Clay Date Bring a date, leave with four pieces of handcrafted pottery (and the date). Learn together over the wheel. BYOB and BYOS (bring your own smock) – things can get messy. The Hive St. Pete, 559 49th St. S., St. Petersburg. 7 p.m. $79. Game Night This month’s porch party features the wildly irreverent, always local “You Don’t Know Gulfport” trivia game. Form a team and win. Proceeds benefit the winner and the Gulfport Historical Society. Gulfport History Museum, 5301 28th Ave. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m. Free to watch; donation to play at player’s discretion. Members get free drinks; others, BYOB. 727-201-8687,
Saturday, August 20 Art Yard Sale Shop for art and miscellaneous items with prices starting at $1 and maxing out at $100. Look for work from Janet Folsom, Martha Gipson, Myron Hansen, Jessica McCormick, and others. The Morean Arts Center, 719 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. facebook. com/ events/438077091361407 Scallop Search Ready to snorkel for scallops? Tampa Bay Watch invites snorkelers to participate in the Great Bay Scallop Search, but these scallops aren’t for dinner. The goal is for volunteers (TBW needs 40) to survey the scallop population along a 100-square-meter survey area. Participants with kayaks are preferred, but there are some canoes and kayaks available. Fort De Soto Park Boat Ramp, 3500 Pinellas Bayway S., Tierra Verde. 9 a.m. teer-main/scheduled-projects/ Tailgate Get ready for college football’s opening day on Mad Beach. The Mad Beach Kickoff Tailgate, a four-hour-long celebration of college football, has live music, food, tailgate-themed booths, local college alumni associations, a cornhole tournament, and a field goal-kicking competition. Madeira Beach Recreation Department, 200 Rex Place, Madeira Beach. 4-9 p.m. Scramble Mangrove Bay Golf Course celebrates its 44th Anniversary with a four-person, 18-hole scramble. Admission includes lunch, prizes, and tournament gifts. Mangrove Bay Golf Course, 875 62nd Ave. NE. 8 a.m. $65/player. Climb Celebrate Global Climbing Day at Vertical Ventures, a 20,000 square-foot facility with more than 150 climbing routes, suitable for

Thursday, August 25 Sunset Trivia There’s no trivia like sunset trivia. Play a game as the sun goes down. Think you know it all? It’s free to play and prizes are dished out nightly. Caddy’s Gulfport, 3128 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7
Help Out Treasure Island and Ma deira Beach Chamber of Commerce, along with Caddy’s Waterfront Restaurants, hosts Hand Up. They’re preparing and delivering meals to 250 food-insecure individuals, but they need volunteers to help pre pare 250 brown-bagged hoagie meals and assistance delivering the meals to three different locations: DayStar St Pete, Pinellas Safe Har bor, and Suncoast Haven Rescue Mission. Multiple locations. 11 a.m.7 p.m.
Wednesday, August 24 Swing Night Slip on your dancing shoes, Gulfport. The Gulfport Casi no Ballroom has swing classes, an open dance floor, and a cash bar. The prohibition is over – it’s time to groove. Gulfport Casino, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m.$10.
Tuesday, August 23 Beach Yoga A complimentary onehour yoga class right on the beach, just a few feet away from Caddy’s on Treasure Island. This class is led by Nancy, who instructs yogis to bring a mat or a towel and “let worries drift away while looking out onto the Gulf of Mexico.” Caddy’s Treasure Island, 9000 W. Gulf Blvd. 9 a.m. the-beachcom/events/12166-tuesday-yoga-on-eventvesta.
Monday, August 22 Tiny Stories
Weekly Bingo Feeling lucky? The Treasure Islettes Bingo has week ly games. The games include free drinks, a snack bar, and cash priz es for lucky players. Treasure Island Community Center, 154 106th Ave, Treasure Island. 6:30 p.m. Linda Hepp, 727-270-3178 or lin.hepp@; calendar
Attention kids and parents! Toddlers can come learn numbers, colors, and the alphabet through songs, stories, and move ment at this storytime event. St. Pete Beach Library, 365 73rd Ave. St. Pete Beach. 11 a.m.
Things To Do continued from page 21 beginners and advanced climbers. First-timers get the first hour free. Vertical Ventures Indoor Climbing Gym, 116 18th St. S., St. Petersburg.
22 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022

Chin-Chilly down Looking for a pet that’s quiet, curi ous, and fun? Consider the chinchilla, like Luigi. He’s a young adult, but no one’s quite sure about his age. Call Pet Pal for details.
SHELTERANIMALPALPETSHELTERANIMALPALPET | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 23 pets
The Griffin Known as the king of all creatures, the grif fin is mighty and strong – but this Griffin’s a big goofy puppy: a 9-month-old shepherd mix, to be precise. He’s devoted to games of fetch and his new home – could it be your home? You must own your home to adopt Griffin Go Go Gadget! Gadget doesn’t need much, only a fam ily to love her. This 3-year-old all-American dog wants a family with a heart as big as hers. Her needs are few: She wants to hang with you. Foster No, he’s not a foster kitty – that’s his name. This 4-year-old, 11-pound shorthair has great listening skills, so go ahead and complain about your boss – he won’t tell anyone. Foster’s recovering from hip surgery and is ready to meet his new family that will treat him like the king he is. All pets spayed, vaccinated, micro-chipped and dewormed. Pet Pal Animal Shelter, 405 22nd Ave. S., St. Pete. 727328-7738;

Eric and Kelli Garcia: “We love the entire vibe.”
24 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 the gabs Submit your events online at Paid by Caprice Edmond, nonpartisan, for Pinellas County School Board, District 7 VOTE BY AUGUSTEDMONDFOREDUCATION.COM23RD! What’s Your Favorite Thing About Gecko Season?
Mike Ellis and Mathias H.: “We both just moved to the area. We looked up things to do and this [Gecko Crawl] came up.”
Nilda Del-Llano and Kathy Van Buren: “The parties and the people.”
Photos by Jen Ring
Tom and Andrea Klausing: “We came down to find a home during Geckofest and we never left.” | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 25 sudoku Solution on page 27 Solution on page 27crossword Happy Days
Debbi Worster, Mark Penrod, and The Gabber all on vacation at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Lake Michigan earlier this summer. “That’s one giant sand dune!” Mark said, but we were just glad we didn’t wake the sleeping bear! Have you taken the Gabber somewhere? We want to see your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to
gabber on vacation

26 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 Paradise Lutheran Church on Treasure Island 10255 Paradise Blvd, Treasure Island Sunday Service 10am with Holy Communion 727-360-5739 worship 17th St. & 29th Ave N St. Petersburg 345-7777 Friday 7PM Beth-El Shalom Messianic Unitarian Universalist United Fellowship During the pandemic join us Sundays on Zoom. Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00 For Zoom directions email us at St. Vincent’s Thrift Shop 5124 Gulfport Ave S. 33707 Hours 10 AM to 2PM Wednesday to Saturday Affiliated with St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9 th Ave N. • St. Petersburg, FL 33710 AN EPISCOPAL CONGREGATION 330 85th Avenue • St. Pete Beach Reverend Omar Reyes Sundays 10:00am Holy Eucharist Wednesdays 11:00am Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing 727-360-8406 • “St. Alban's is an inviting faith community striving to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.” Where ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table. Come and See... Sunday Mass 9:30am 727-403-7178272853rd St. S. Gulfport, FL 33707 (Entrance on 28th Ave.) Good Shepherd Old Catholic Church Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send an email advertising@thegabber.comto: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership wit h Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included

Tony had a knack for solving problems and any challenges thrown at him and truly lived life to the fullest through sim ple pleasures like spending time with his family and friends. Tony coached his son Dylan’s youth soccer team for about five years at PCU. He was a kind and giving soul who would literally give the shoes off of his feet. He could reach people on a deep level and positive way.
William Anthony Althaus IV (aka Tony), 51, lost his battle to colon cancer Monday August 8, 2022 peacefully at home in Seminole. He was surrounded by love, family, his favorite music, and prayer. Tony was born December 29, 1970 in In dianapolis, IN. He attended Germantown High School, class of 1989. Tony and Robin Ashley got married on February 27, 2005 in St. Petersburg. He worked in various restaurants throughout his life and purchased Fazio’s Pizza in Gulfport in 2002 until a fire closed it in 2016.
Tony was loved by many and is survived by his wife Robin Althaus; sons Cameron Althaus and Dylan Althaus; moth er Catherine Dea; stepfather Jack Kossow; siblings Stacy Althaus, Christopher Dea, Carol Gray, and Wally Althaus; four nieces; two nephews; many cousins; extended fami ly; and friends. Those whose lives Tony touched are invited to the Gulfport Casino at 5500 Gulfport Blvd. from 1-5 p.m. on Monday Sept. 5, 2022 to reminisce, grieve, support each other, and, of course, just chat. Open sharing will be at 3 p.m.Memorial donations may be made in his honor to the Al thaus family.
Tony loved photography as a hobby and is especially known for his beautiful sunset photos over various bodies of water. His favorite spots to catch a sunset photo were John’s Pass and St. Pete Beach.
ALTHAUS-FAMILY | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 27

28 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m. Accounting Computer Service CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to 727-248-0714 or email nspence@clearnumbers.bizto ComputerComputerGulfportRepairRepair 451510am-5pmMon-ThuYearsinGulfportYearsExperience Fax,ComputerSalesCopy,Print4510am-5pmYearsExperience Sales Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493232149thStS MAYNARD ELECTRIC SERVICEServiceHour24 WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE 525-0677ESTIMATES • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & #EC0002881LicensedMoreBondedInsuredSt.Lic. COMPUTER727-343-2838SERVICES In-Home services: Internet security, train ing, virus & spyware removal, maintenance and repair, data recovery. (PC & Mac) JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – $40 per visit/hour – 727-643-0697; Cleaning / Housekeeping Handy Person CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experi ence. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045. HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201. USMC SEMI RETIRED VETERAN HANDY MAN Gulfport resident serving Gulfport residents. 386-878-9408. Electrical Caregivers PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED LINE ADS THEGABBER.COMONLINE! CAREGIVERSHOMEWATCHOFST.PETEBEACH Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Provid ing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, demen tia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. AHCA #299995153 AC 727-345-3108ELECTRIC Over 30 years experience. Residential & com mercial, new or remodel work, service up grades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653. EFFICIENT, PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANER AVAILABLE Looking to add a few clients. I am an experienced, efficient and dependable house cleaner. If you are looking for someone to help maintain your home please contact me (call or text) at 813-408-4538. Great attitude and refer ences available on request. Heating & Air Conditioning NO SERVICE CHARGE EVER! “Same rates seven days a week” QUALITYATWORKCAC1815513 Luke Phillips 3914 6th St S St. Petersburg Classes / Tutoring USCG BOATINGRECREATIONALAUXILIARYSAFETYCOURSE CG Auxiliary Flotilla in Gulfport will hold a Recreational Boating class on August 20, 2022 at 3120 Mariam St. S. from 9am -5pm. Cost is $40 which qualifies for the Florida Boating ID. Contact Marty Richardson at 630-674-5352 or Your organizationcleaningresidentialLOCALandexpert.Detailed,trustworthyandfriendlyservicewithasmile. Immaculate Abode Call or text 513-607-4564Angie Home Improvement AMERICANGROUPBUILDERSLLC Residential/Commercial. All phases of re modeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free es timates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727410-7323. MESSAGES FROM YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE A Chaplain's tarot. Phone, FaceTime, Zoom, in person. Reasonable rates. 727-667-2255 for questions or to book reading. Business Services

THE TRASH QUEEN Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/ text 845-866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready! Moving / Hauling
CHARLES JUNK HAULING & DEMOLITION Junk & trash removal. Low, low prices guaranteed. Daily specials. Kitchen, bath, shed, fencing, etc. Demolition. 727-831-0507. AVAILABLE 5 DAYS A WEEK: SKIP’S MOVING & PICK-UP DELIVERY Have 14 foot box truck, willing to help. I’m the guy who moves everybody in and out of Town Shores. Available five days a week. Call: 727-320-3297. Painting PAINTINGARNEY’SINC. 30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney 727-900-3459. SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623 PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508. CHRISTIANSON PAINTING 30 years experience. Interior and exterior work done the old-school way; strong customer service. Lic #C-11520. Call or text Mark 727-452-4938. PROFLO727-902-7077PLUMBING #CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 29
ad. Locally owned and operated. Lawn & Landscape TREE SERVICE BY PAYLESS Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-641-9033. IRRIGATIONREMOVALSTAIN Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most surfaces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text ruststainremoval@icloud.com727-360-7070. Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist 727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • PROMPTPruning/ShapingAFFORDABLE•RELIABLE Licensed & Insured COOKS Gigi’s St Pete Beach is hiring Pizza & Line Cooks. Competitive salary. Full time positions - nights. Apply in person a er 4 p.m.: 4399 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. HelpGeneralWanted GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for parties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341. The Perfect Part-Time Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709 Marine RepairHome Improvement Yard / Garage Sales MAJOR MOVING SALE THIS WEEKEND (9/19-9/21) Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 1407 York Street South. Downsizing to a condo. Lots of vintage fabric, linens, drapes. Cra stu . Small furniture, artwork, kitchen stu . Electric leaf blower, garden art, and lighting. Rain, shine, or extreme heat. DARCY ROOFING LLC Residential/Commercial. All roofing types - T.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best warranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323. For Sale ITEMS FOR SALE Mens Hosote 21-speed, 26-inch Mountain bike. Various roasting pans, and small outdoor grills. All new in boxes. Women's 2X blouses. Samsung Galaxy Tab Elite. Pasadena area. Prices negotiable. Contact 727-481-5300. Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE - FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is given that “WASHBUCKLERS LLC” desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of “Washbucklers” located in PINELLAS County, Florida, intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations.

30 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 Place your classified line ads online! Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue. than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included Stories live on. Tell theirs. Share your loved one ’ s story. | 727-321-6965Inpartnershipwith Real Estate For Rent
who works at
doesn't smoke or drink, looking for in-law, cottage, guest quarters in which to make a treasured home. Last rental 17 years. Impeccable references. Call only (no texts):
2/2 ON CLINTON ST. S. IN GULFPORT 2BD/2BA house with small o ce, small laundry room with W/D, 2 dedicated parking spaces, and central air. Hardwood floors, modern kitchen amenities. Quiet neighborhood, 2 blocks to Art District, 5 blocks to beach, 1.3 miles to Stetson Law. Good for single adult, roommates, or small family. House is approx. 860sf inside. Outside, private fenced courtyard of approx. 600sf. Unfurnished. Tenant pays electric/internet/cable. Min 7-month lease. Available immediately. $2600/month. Small non-shedding dog will be considered. Contact:; text 619458-0022.
or email
1/1 ON CLINTON ST. S. IN GULFPORT 1BD/1BA second floor apartment; bright and airy. Private access up dedicated outside stairs with small patio at top. 1 dedicated onsite parking space and central air. New refrigerator; freshly painted. Approximately 500 square feet. Grey laminate floors; white cupboards. Quiet neighborhood, 2 blocks to Art District, 5 blocks to beach, 1.3 miles to Stetson Law. Unfurnished. Tenant pays electric/ internet/cable. Min 7-month lease. Available immediately. $1700/month. Small non-shedding dog will be considered. Contact: jenm@; text 619-458-0022. 2/2, 1250 Call 727-430-9306; by only. $340,000.00. professional home, 239224-4110
Let us share your good news! Photos printed as space allows. Free. email: New Baby • Engaged • Save The Date • Graduation Student of the Month • Dean's List A Li le G d News Real Estate For Sale TOWN SHORES- MANCHESTER BLDG,
Total renovation includes wet bar with ice maker & refrigerator, remodeled baths, new kitchen, granite countertops, pantry, island, walls & ceilings retextured, crown molding, baseboards, wooden shutters, electric blinds, electrical upgrades. PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4%JeffCommission!Thomsen, Accommodations Wanted IDEAL LONG-TERMLOOKINGTENANTFORRENTAL Quiet

5801 Gulfport Blvd. S. (Stetson) This 1,929-square-foot home, built in 1963, has three bedrooms and three bathrooms. It sold for $538,000.
This 1,134-square-foot home, built in 1956, has three bedrooms and one bathroom. It sold for $265,000.
5314 Newton Ave. S. (Tangerine) | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 31 The Gabber lists real estate sales every week, as space allows. This may not be a comprehensive list of all homes and condos sold in Gulfport, and often does not include commercial properties or business sales. 2902 Beach Blvd S. #1 Listing Agency in Gulfport! (727) 4716SOLD29thAve S 53021407PENDINGYorkStS29thAveS We Are Still Selling Homes And We Are Still Getting GREAT Prices!JUSTLISTED300151stStSDon’tmissoutonthis2-2within-law.LushlyLanscapedDoubleCornerlot.CompletelyCustom&Modern SALUSTRICATHY Real Estate Snapshots Here’s What Sold in Gulfport Last Week 5625 29th Ave. S. (Waterfront District)
1946, sold for $575,000. Other
two-bedroom, two-bath home, built
5321 18th Ave. S. (Tangerine) This 1,880-square-foot home, built in 1949, has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It sold for $495,000.
1212 59th St. S. (Stetson) This 1,152-square-foot home, built in 1947, has two bedrooms and two baths. It sold for $320,000.
This 1,178-square-foot, in Gulfport Home Sales Last Week

32 | August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022