Gulfport Comes Together to Come Clean
By Monroe Roark
Deb’s Laundry has offered to wash, dry, and fold uniforms for students in need at cost. Gulfport Elementary will arrange for the families in need to get services. Those in need should reach out to the Gulfport Elementary social worker.
Laundry continued on page 5
On an otherwise typical school day last year, Marissa Dix received a message from a parent that changed her outlook about how some families get by from week to week.The Gulfport Montessori Elementary School social worker was making routine calls, checking on students who had missed school for a few days to see if there was any way she could help. Kids miss school for a variety of reasons, from sickness to a family trip to just wanting to be Ferris Bueller for a day.One student’s mother gave a reason she hadn’t heard before.
“He doesn’t have any clean uniforms,” the woman told Dix about her son. “I don’t have any money to wash them, and I’m not going to send him to school in dirty clothes because then there will just be a call from Child Protective Services.”
Dix was stunned.

2 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 2908-B Beach Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL Publisher727-321-696533707&Editor-in-Chief Cathy Salustri cathy@thegabber.comLoper Advertising Director Barry barry@thegabber.comLoper Creative Director Joey joey@thegabber.comNeill Features & Events Jen jen@thegabber.comRing News & Politics Monroe monroe@thegabber.comRoark Operations Patrick patrick@thegabber.comGraney Reporters Mike Sunnucks, Crime Amanda Hagood, Books Nano Riley, Environment Jon Kile, Columnist Resie Waechter, Outdoors & Fitness Serving Gulfport, South Pasadena, St. Petersburg West, Downtown St. Petersburg, Kenneth City, Tyrone, Tierra Verde, St. Pete Beach, Pass-A-Grille, Treasure Island, Pinellas Point, Madeira Beach, Pinellas Park Owners Barry Loper and Cathy Salustri Loper Deadlines Friday at 5 p.m. The views and opinions expressed in this publi cation are not necessarily those of the publish ers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any adver tisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MD CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT ON-SITE BLOOD DRAWS • GENERAL SICK VISITS FLU SHOTS • PT/INR • B-12 SHOTS SPORTS PHYSICALS• WELL WOMAN EXAMS GEL JOINT INJECTIONS • PRP (PLATELET RICH PLASMA) WELLNESS SCREENINGS • ELECTROCARDIOGRAMS WOUND CARE • PHYSICAL THERAPY NON-SURGICAL FRACTURE MANAGEMENT, ETC. DRLABRADOR.COM • BOARD CERTIFIED PHYSICIANS LABRADOR PRIMARY CARE CENTER Now TWO convenient locations: 2191 9th Ave N #220, St. Petersburg, FL 33713 | 727-327-9667 6775 Crosswinds Dr N, St. Petersburg, FL 33710 | 727-381-8006 BILINGUAL STAFF • SE HABLA ESPAÑOL And Many Other Insurances! NOW ACCEPTING

–Bill Oetting, Gulfport Gulfport Man Dies...
In Defense of Winway
Regarding this week’s article associated with Bruce Plesser, The Gabber demonstrated a total lack of journalism. What exactly is The Gabber’s mission statement ? Paul Innis, Gulfport Edtor’s Note: Our mission, as stated on our website: The Gabber Newspaper has no agenda other than to inform the public through accurate and honest reporting, to engage the community, and help us all better understand our hyper-local and regional world. I was a bit shocked by the insensitivity of the article on the gentleman who passed away from the car accident in Gulfport. There was a gratuitous amount of morbid and personal details divulged for a local newspaper. It seemed exploitative. I am certain the deceased’s family members (and the public) were horrified by reading graphic details of the incident and his blood alcohol level being shared. And surely the driver is grappling with immense grief and emotional distress. Why share this person’s employment information? The MAIT said there is not enough evidence to conclude there were any traffic violations. Why not leave it at that? It was a traffic accident. You should be ashamed. Incidentally, there is an organization that assists individuals who have unintentionally harmed others in accidents and there are related peer support opportunities – the website is called Accidental Impacts; you may want to share this with any of your readers who have been through, or have a loved one who has been through such trauma –Ginny Bodkin, Treasure Island What an appalling article about Bruce Plesser. Bad enough it was a tragic accident that resulted in his death but did you have to mention he was dragged by a car? Or that the driver is now going to have to face the rest of her life blaming herself? Thanks for nothing. –Mary O’Malley, Gulfport | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 3 voices REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
The Gabber reported that at the July 19 Gulfport city council meeting the mayor accused Winway homes of being dishonest with him. According to The Gabber, the Mayor did not disclose the details of this meeting and what led him to this conclusion, just that he had a meeting with Winway and they were not honest with him. I want to state unequivocally that my experience with Winway homes has been the exact opposite. They have always been honest and gone out of their way to be fair. I am a Winway customer. They built my home in 2019. We bought a lot in Gulfport and then went in search of a home builder. We chose Winway because we thought they would build a quality, custom home at a fair price. We were not disappointed. Our home was included in the 2020 Flamingo Tour of Homes. We’ve lived in our home for almost three years now and it is a quality home that we thoroughly enjoy. Just one example of Winway’s honesty is their behavior at the end of the first year in our home. They contacted us to remind us that the home warranty process was transferring from a direct Winway contract to a home insurance company and did we want them to address any issues before that occurred. We came up with a list of about 12 items which they corrected without delay at their own expense. We have many other examples of Winway’s honest business behavior and will be glad to discuss with anyone willing to have a polite conversation. I’m not accusing the mayor of anything. I don’t know what drove the mayor’s assessment and I am not a lawyer but I think Florida’s Sunshine Law requires the mayor to disclose the details of an official meeting if requested. I’ll submit a request to the City and see if there are any details available just to satisfy my curiosity.
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name and city, and should be as brief as possible (ideally <250 words). We may edit letters for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite violence, include personal attacks on private citizens, or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers, or staff. Send letters to or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.
To learn more, hover phone camera over the QR Code or visit
You can spot them from across the room, beaming like besties. They share a funny bone and see the world in a certain way. Friends since childhood? Well, it feels that way. Helen recalls the day Barbara moved in to Watermark. They felt an instant connection. Now they talk about everything, losing track of time until someone says, “Oh, it’s time to eat!” They enjoy fitness classes and events together as well as local excursions. Their days end when Helen and Barbara each say, “I’ll say a prayer for you!” “I never thought I’d find my best friend at age 97.” Watermark Resident Helen, Barbara (left) and Helen, Watermark residents Explore More Call 727-202-3474 today for a virtual tour or to plan an in-person private consultation. Learn about our many amenities and supportive expert team. Meet residents who are thriving in a positive environment that brings out the best in everyone. 22-BCB-4285AASSISTED LIVING LICENSE #0083 1255 Pasadena Avenue South • St. Petersburg, FL 33707 at The Springs, Operated by Summit Care Inc.
4 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022

“In that moment her honesty brought me back down to earth,” she said.
“With this effort we hope to provide a resource for families with students at Gulfport Elementary. We thank The Gabber and Deb’s Laundry for their support and willingness to help those in our Teacherscommunity.”andschool staff will iden tify those with need, then staff will reach out and offer the assistance. Only items worn to school – uniforms, socks, shoes, and underwear – can get washed; Deb’s Laundry will wash, dry, and fold the clothes at a signifi cant discount. Families in need should reach out to the Gulfport Elementary school social worker to make arrangements. Any local business owner or resident is welcome to partici pate. Contact the GMC (3101 Beach Blvd. S., Suite 1; 727-3443711) to make a donation.
“The Gulfport Merchants Cham ber is pleased to join the partnership with The Gabber and Deb’s Laundry to support families in our com munity,” GMC opera tions director Melissa Helmbold said.
Laundry continued from cover SALUSTRICATHY
“A lot of people take for grant ed that they can throw a load of laundry in the wash after work or school,” said Dix. “The fact that the community has pulled together to help meet this need is really neat and we appreciate it.” | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 5 news
“In that moment her honesty brought me back down to earth,” keeps extra uniforms and accessories in stock with help from Pasadena Community Church, and she was able to help this parent immediately, but the conversation stuck with her. She had just had a chat with Gabber publisher Cathy Salustri Loper about how the news paper could be a community partner with the school in some way.
The next time they spoke, Dix relayed this account and they dis cussed possible solutions when Loper wondered aloud, “What about washing clothes?”
After both women took some time to consider how an initiative like that might work, Loper reached out to Deb’s Laundry as well as the Gulfport Merchants Chamber and the leadership at Gulfport City Hall. Deb’s Laundry offered to discount its services to families; The GMC, the City, The Gabber, and others will pay for the laundry.

Trash On The Rise
The Pinellas County Board of Commissioners voted to increase “tipping fees” for solid waste from the current rate of $44.70 per ton to $47.75 per ton effective Oct. 1. That will change to $51.00 per ton in the fall of 2023 and $54.50 per ton a year after that – a total hike of more than 20% in the next three years.
The three-year stormwater utility fee schedule calls for no change this year, a $2-per-month increase next year, and another $1-per-month in crease in the third year. The water service ordinance also addressed meter installation and connection charges, meter tam pering, the elimination of standby fees, and an increase in delinquency charges from 1.5% to 5%.
By Monroe Roark
“Tipping fee” refers to the amount charged every time a garbage tuck dumps a load of garbage onto the “tipping floor” of the waste-to-en ergy facility at Pinellas County Solid Waste.The City also will raise its recy cling rates, because its recycling processor is raising its rates. This, staff said, results from a sharp de cline in the market mainly because China is no longer accepting gener ic recycling materials, leaving items such as mixed paper and glass with almost no value. Water and sewer costs in Gulfport will remain the same for the coming year under the new rate structure approved by Council. Following a presentation and rec ommendation two weeks earlier by a consultant, Gulfport City staff sug gested zero increase this year along with 8% increases in FY2024 and 2025. In addition to approving that standard, the council repealed the previous rate structure that charged every customer the same amount up to 2,000 gallons regardless of how little people actually used.
As expected, rate increases for trash collection were approved by the Gulfport City Council at its Aug. 16 regular meeting, while water and sewer rates will eventually go up –but not this year. City staff recommended a 6% increase in garbage and recycling rates; Gulfport Council approved this increase. This was attributed to three factors: rising fuel costs, increased tipping fees, and higher “people costs,” as City Manager Jim O’Reilly put it, as city employees are also getting a 6% raise to at least partly keep up with inflation.
“Despite our best efforts to seek every opportunity to maintain lev els of efficiency, rising costs are unavoidable,” a staff report read. “In addition to rate increases from wholesale providers, the City has experienced significant increases in the rising costs of employee salaries and benefits costs in recent years combined with the extreme volatility of fuel costs. Also, significant wear and tear on the fleet has consider ably increased the cost of maintain ing the vehicles and equipment nec essary to operate the fund.”
For households using less than 2,000 gallons of water, utility bills could decrease under the new plan.
Gulfport Trash Rates Increasing Now; Water, Sewer Increase Later
6 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022

“Well, if it’s just a dollar, how silly can it be?” –Henderson, in response to Thanos
–Councilmember April Tha nos, referring to the City’s adjustment of water and sewer rates that includes a one-dollar reduction for this year on a lower usage tier
“I have no answer for why anybody, except for lack of compassion, would do that to somebody.” –Vice Mayor Christine Brown, addressing sudden and large rent “Greed.”increases–MayorSam Hender son, in response to Brown
“I think it’s better to take the dollar now. Next year they’re going to be pay ing two dollars, so there’s more of an increase next year, and I think it’s silly.” | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 7 AMAZING FOOD, CRAFT BEERS & MICROBREWS SAFE, DININGSOCIALLY-DISTANCEDINSIDEANDOUTSIDE VETERAN OWNED • EARTH AND DOG-FRIENDLY GULFPORT BREWERY + EATERY • 3007 BEACH BLVD • (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM Gulfport gathers YOUR NEW FAVORITE RESTAURANT IN THE WATERFRONT DISTRICT ...where Gulfport gathers BEST NEW BREWERY, PINELLAS BEST TASTE THE RAINBOW Overheard at the Aug. 16 Gulfport City Council Meeting By Monroe Roark Things said at the most recent Gulfport City Council meeting: “You can imagine the kind of chang es I’ve seen in Gulfport from be ing quite edgy to being very weird to starting to be quite gentrified.” –Phyllis Plot nick, who has had the same home in Gulfport since 1983 “Looking at the recent cen sus data, we’ve actually been hemorrhaging citi zens. We’re down to what we were in 1990, which is 11,700 — from 12,900 at its highest.” –Robert Salta on Gulfport’s “Wheneverpopulationrentcontrol has been tried in a major city … it ultimately ends up hurting the people it was caused to help.” –Robert Salta

The price tag: $1,350 a month, plus a background check. However, water, electricity, Wi-Fi, and garbage are included.
Affordability rating: Come on. Four and a half stars out of five. This is a pretty sweet deal if you’re flying solo. Everything (everything!) is included in the rent and the apartment is so close to the beach you can smell it. I know this because I checked it out. I deducted half a star because the apartment looks so sterile. You could murder someone in this apartment and clean it up with a Swiffer. It looks like something an alien would live in and stare at the bone-white wall all day before zipping on his skin suit and walking to Verducci’s for dinner. But hey, you can walk to Verducci’s. This small St. Pete Beach apartment could work if you’re flying solo.
But a local knows where to find a deal, always, even when it comes to beach front rentals. Here’s a list of three places that fit the bill and don’t break the bank. What did I learn on my quest for cheap rentals? They exist. They are slim, small, and full of stipulations (no pets) but they are not impossible to come by.
By Abby Baker
A Blue Bedroom This one-bathroom, one-bedroom home sits close to Upham and Sunset Beach. It’s part of a four unit building at 341 78th Ave., St. Pete Beach. According to All County Suncoast Property Management, the property is available on Sept. 1.
The price tag: $1,300 monthly, plus a $1,300 security deposit and a $40 application fee. The tenant must have a 600 or better credit score to qualify. Affordability rating: four out of five stars. You can’t really beat $1,300 a month on the beach, especially when they are free perks, like a pool. Not to mention, John’s Pass is a two-minute drive, 18-minute walk, and seven-minute bus ride.
8 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 EXPERIENCE COUNTS – AND SAVINGS ADD UP Find out about the Competitive Rates and Special Benefits available through our agency for all your insurance needs! Ready to learn more? Contact our agency now!Call today for your FREE , no obligation quote. HOME • FLOOD AUTO • COMMERCIALBUSINESS 727-344-4500 6524 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710
Rentals on the Cheap? Looking to Live on the Sand on the Cheap? Here’s What We Found
Minimalist Living If you have no pets, no live-in family, and visitors are OK with sitting on your bed, this St. Pete Beach studio could work for the minimalistic renter. The 400 square-foot studio sits a few blocks from the Gulf of Mexico at 517 76th Ave., St. Pete Beach. One plus: there’s terrazzo floors. One minus: the outside seating area leaves much to be desired. Think old chairs, cigarette butts, and one solo Snapple rolling around on the cement.
No one ever said living walking distance from the beach is an inexpensive life choice. In Florida, the closer you go to the shore, the more it’s going to cost you. That’s why the condos on St. Pete Beach, Madeira, and Treasure Island are filled with retirees and frighteningly high price tags.
The price tag: $1,445. Plus, a security deposit, one months rent, and a $350 administration fee. Affordability rating: three out of five stars. Move in rates are steep, plus the area isn’t incredibly walkable. If you’re looking to walk to Toasted Monkey and the beach, however, you’re in luck. Plus, let’s consider the great lighting of this one-person blue apartment. Small Spaces Madeira Singles or brave couples can rent a studio condo on the second floor of an apartment complex at 13733 Gulf Blvd., Madeira Beach. The apartment, available now, is unfurnished but includes a toaster oven and air fryer. There’s a community pool, grill, and on-site laundry.

School Supplies from the Seaside Local Residents Come Through for Gulfport Students
“For so many of our parents, things are tough right now,” said Bohrnsen. “They are working so hard and trying to get their supplies, but not always making it. There’s a great big need. So for Seaside to hold a fundraiser for our school – these kids are going to be so excited.”
By Monroe Roark
“We got together and came up with specific wish lists for each grade lev el,” said Bohrnsen. “They are giving backpacks, markers, journals, scis sors, all kinds of supplies plus some extra stuff – just out of the goodness of their hearts and the desire to sup port Gulfport and its local elementary school.”Seaside Villas already had a special place in Bohrnsen’s heart because her mother became a resident there recently after moving from Chicago. | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 9 COMBAT ACUTE OR CHRONIC PAIN USING COLD LASER AND THE BODY’S NATURAL RESOURCES Physician Spine • 2150 49th St N Suite C • 727-347-7827 G.A. Machacek dc dabco/diplomate american board of chiropractic orthopedics Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD,
Gulfport’s Seaside Villas residents stepped up to help students at Gulfport Montessori Elementary. They hosted a school supply drive and donated boxes of school supplies to the elementary school.
A Gulfport neighborhood came through in a big way to help young students have what they need for the new school year.
The Seaside Villas residents decid ed to make the fundraiser one of their regular monthly events, using com munity email and social media to get the word out.
“Everybody has just wrapped her with love,” she said. “It is just really fabulous.”
On Aug. 15, a large cache of donat ed school supplies arrived at Gulfport Montessori Elementary School, the proceeds from a supply drive at the Seaside Villas apartment community in downtown Gulfport. According to GMES teacher Kathleen Bohrnsen, the initiative began when Seaside Vil las leasing manager Laura Botsford, a former teacher, reached out with an idea for the residents to do some thing to support the school.

Police in Limbo Two Years Later, Gulfport Police Still Await a Ruling
attorney and me diator Kitty Grubb held an arbitration hearing in October 2020 regarding the Gulfport Police sanctioning two officers over their handling of a do mestic dispute on St. Patrick’s Day 2019.She has yet to issue a ruling, frus trating both sides of the City’s police dispute.“Itwill be two years in September since this case was argued in front of her. Never in my life have I seen such a delay by an arbitrator,” said Ken Afienko, an attorney for the Fra ternal Order of Police. Grubb hasn’t responded to multi ple requests for comment about the delays, when she might issue a rul ing, and why her decision has been MIA. Grubb — whose resume with the National Mediation Board also lists her as an Olympic sports official — heard more than 13 hours of testi mony on Oct. 22, 2020 on the Gulf port Police Department’s demotion of Rob Burkhart from sergeant to of ficer and suspension of officer Cory Smith over their handling of a do mestic dispute involving two broth ers and their mother. Burkhart and Smith left that scene without making an arrest; police made an arrest the next day. They said the command level signed off on that decision. After an internal review, Gulfport Police Department Chief Robert Vincent demoted Burkhart and sus pended Smith without pay for 84 hours.Via the police officers collective bargaining agreement, the officers appealed their punishments.
FOP attorney Afienko, who repre sented the officers, took the dispute to arbitration. Both sides agreed on Grubb.The MIA mediation has left both sides trying to figure out next steps, and they aren’t on the same page.
September marks two years since arbitrator Kitty Grubb heard a case between Gulfport officers and the po lice department. She hasn’t indicated when she will rule.
10 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022
By Mike Gulfport’sSunnuckslong-lost police arbitra tion continues to exist in the medi ation world’s equivalent to the Ber mudaSeminole-basedTriangle.
“The City refuses to pick anoth er arbitrator and retry the case, so I have another grievance filed to address that issue,” Afienko told The Gabber. “The grievance has not

O’Reilly said the City and FOP need to discuss next steps; he’s hesitant to speak about the long delays with a ruling still potentially pending.
The NMB lists her fees as $1,575 per day (up to 8 hours) for labor mediation and $196.88/hour for additional research. Grubb charges $950/day for grievance mediations and $118/ hour for additional research. She also charges an $118.75/hour for travel time, according to NMB. | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 11 GULF BEACHES LAW, P. A. ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW PROBATE CORPORATE www.Gul fB eache Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Your Trusted Local Attorney! Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Estate Planning including Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney, Trust & Probate Estate Administration, Elder Law including Medicaid & Special Needs Trusts, Corporate & Business Planning We are available for phone consultations! 2816 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707 • (727) 822-2200 been heard by the city manager yet, but I expect to meet with him soon about a resolution to the original arbitration.”Afienko is also running for Pinellas County judge and has been endorsed by Gulfport City Attorney Andrew Salzman, according to the FOP attorney’s campaign website.
“I’m still part of a legal proceeding,” he said. Still, O’Reilly said he’s in uncharted waters with a protracted process like“I’vethis.never had it happen before. My experience is they are usually cleared within 60 to 90 days,” O’Reilly said.
The Gabber reached out to the NMB to ask about the Gulfport situation, professional standards, and protocols when rulings are delayed or do not happen. The federal mediation agency has not yet responded to those questions.
“The reason for the delay is that the original arbitrator has given me every excuse in the book as to why she hasn’t ruled and refuses to give me a date when she will have the order done,” Afienko said. Both Afienko and Gulfport City Manager Jim O’Reilly said there was no deadline for when Grubb would rule.“There’s nothing in the CBA. It’s moot on that point,” said O’Reilly in an interview with The Gabber.
The National Mediation Board, a federal agency with listings of certified arbitrators, lists Grubb as one. She has ruled “in approximately 50 cases”, according to the government agency. City and FOP officials said Grubb will not get paid for her work unless she renders a ruling in the dispute.

12 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 Call 727-228-9382 today to reserve your spot at one or all of these fun and informative events! Feelfreetobringafriend. 7800 Liberty Ln • Seminole, FL 33772 • FreedomSquareFL.comAssisted Living Facility # AL4759
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Green Devils Win Big Over St. Pete Catholic High School Football Returns
Gibbs will travel south across the Skyway to face Palmetto, Lakewood will host Northeast, SPC plays at home against Cambridge Christian, St. Petersburg travels north to Tar pon Springs, and Hollins opens the season against Green Mountain, a high school in Colorado, at what is technically a neutral site at Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports. | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 13 ST. PETERSBURG SAIL & POWER SQUADRON PRESENTS: America’s Boating Course WWW.BOATING-STPETE.ORG/AMERICAS-BOATING-COURSESTARTSMONDAY,AUGUST29,20227:00PM-9:00PM|2502NDAVESE,ST.PETE,33701RegisterNow
The final preseason game of 2022: St. Pete Catholic at St. Pete High – the Barons against the Devils.
The St. Petersburg Green Devils hosted the Barons of St. Petersburg Catholic in a preseason game that was anything but an even matchup, as the home team roared out of the gate with three first-quarter touch downs and scored all its points be fore halftime in a 35-6 win. After punting the first time they got the ball, the Green Devils scored on three straight possessions in the first quarter. Sophomore quarter back Jeffery Jones had a pair of 55yard touchdown runs and threw a 33-yard scoring pass to Evan Aikens. Two of those scores came after turn overs, with Jesus Torres recovering a fumble and Vondarial Jones inter cepting a pass. One of the wildest plays anyone will see this season came early in the second quarter. Jones heaved a pass toward the end zone while under pressure and it was intercepted near the goal line, but on the return Elijah Wallace stripped the ball and took it into the end zone. Jones broke loose again in the middle of the second quarter and scored from 31 yards out for a 35-0 lead at halftime. The Barons put together two sus tained drives in the second half, which was played under a running clock due to the score. The first drive went into St. Petersburg territory be fore ending with a fumble that was recovered by the Green Devils’ Ma son Newmeyer. In the fourth quarter, the Barons drove the length of the field and fi nally got on the board when Demari on Rowe ran 11 yards for a score with four minutes left. The Barons missed the extra point. In two other preseason games last Friday involving local teams, Boca Ciega traveled to Palm Harbor Uni versity and came away with a 33-7 win while Gibbs played on the road at Middleton in Tampa and fell 34-22. The season really gets rolling this weekend with a full slate of games involving local teams. Boca Ciega hosts Seminole in a Thursday night contest, while the bulk of the sched ule is Friday night.
By Monroe Roark

The Bar is Open at Peninsula Inn – With Happy Hour It’ll still be a few months be fore The Peninsula Inn re-opens their main restaurant, but for now, you can enjoy bites and cocktails on the patio after 5 p.m. Thurs day through Saturday (Call to check hours : 727-346-9800). And weekend brunch is on the way.
By Jen Ring Vintage Marché Opens in South St. Petersburg Tampa Bay’s largest month ly vintage market is on the move. Vintage Marché will open its new location, at 2906 34th St. S. in St Pete (right next to the Aldi), in time for the September market, Sept. 2-4. In addition to being in a new location, Vintage Marche has new vendors and new vin tage treasures for you to peruse. Open one weekend a month only – the first weekend – Vintage Marché has an almost cult-like fol lowing among thrifters and fans of retro ephemera. Originally Brocan te Market near 3 Daughters Brew ing, current owner Paul Donofrio took the helm in Dec. 2019. They moved into their new location over the summer.
Foodwise, artichokes and pesto, smoked fish dip, truffle fries, gua camole and plantain chips, cheese melt sliders, and shrimp ceviche are all on the menu. The cocktail of ferings include a piña colada made with homemade piña colada mix, a mojito made with Big Cypress rum, and something called a “porn star martini” made with Big Cypress Vodka. Bourbon drinkers have their choice of an old fashioned or bour bon sour, both made with Noble Oak bourbon, and tequila fans can choose from a margarita or palo ma. They also make a mezcal mule. Technically, cocktails and bites aren’t a meal, but smoked fish dip, artichokes, truffle fries, and a pina colada offered plenty of food. During happy hour (from 5-6 p.m., Thursday-Saturday), they have $6 cocktails, half-price wine bottles, $4 beers, and snacks and light bites from $3-$10. Brunch is set to begin this week end, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and in cludes such items as a breakfast burger and a Greek yogurt bowl.
Representative Florida License W566896 Let Me Help find the right Medicare plan for you! Call 727-560-3674 • LinkedIn: LisaPenceMedicare • Medicare Health Plans Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans My assistance is 100% complimentary —there’s no cost to you! Artichokes,
Gulfport’s Beach House 5317 Celebrates Two Years Beach House 5317 celebrates its second anniversary during the Aug. 27 Gulfport Boulevard Block Party. Since the art/home dé cor/gift shop opened in 2020, they’ve grown to feature craftwork from more than 30 local artists. “Opening during the pandemic was challenging, but I recognized we had to do something different not only to be successful, but be cause the community needed it. Many local artists struggled over the years because they didn’t have anywhere to sell their art. I want ed to give them a place they could share their work and profit from it,” Beach House 5317 owner, Jamie Edwards, wrote in a press release. For the block party, Beach House 5317 will offer 10% off everything in the store. The block party/anniver sary celebration takes place Aug. 27, from 5-9 p.m., and the shop will en ter every buyer in a contest to win several prizes.
LisaSales pina colada, and truffle fries on the Peninsula Inn porch.
14 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 Business Beat: Marché Move, Beachy B-Day + New Happy Hour Business News from Gulfport and St. Pete

By Amanda Hagood Being a teenager is hard enough without hurricanes, spiteful aunts, and or murderous ghosts. But these – along with fitting in and finding love – are all in a day’s work for 15-year-old Gabrielle, protagonist of Nikki Marsh’s self-published debut young adult novel, “The Juju Girl” (2021).Inthis richly imag ined story, set in turnof-the-century New Orleans, Gabbie and her mother are forced to flee a storm that destroys their home and resettle in the high society world of the Crescent City’s Creoles of color. Gabbie quickly learns that her family has supernatural powers – and plenty of dark secrets. When an in-law re turns from the dead to revenge an old wrong, she must choose whether to save her family, or fulfill her own mag
GET YOUR GECKO ON! GOOD THRU AUGUST 31ST 2022 is wracked with guilt, but also elated when the boy in question turns his at tentions to her. It’s angsty, it’s funny, it’s a bit savage – it’s teenagerdom. Also engrossing is the book’s set ting, which alternates between an opulent (if haunted) house, the city’s famous cemeteries, and the shadowy realms in which Gabbie receives her instruction.“Ilovethe blending of cultures found in New Orleans,” Marsh says. “I also wanted to capture its legendary spooky side.” You might expect (and will get) a fair complement of the snakes, spells, and pralines that fill so many stories about New Orleans. But Marsh also opens up some fascinating devices – spirit-world portals hidden in the park, a ghostly doppelgänger of the family’s longtime servant – that make me excited to read the next volume. In it, Marsh explains, Nikki will face some challenging social issues and continue her journey to master her self and her gift. Whether or not you are or have a budding teenage voduisant in your family, the book offers a message of self-discovery and affirmation that many young adults will appreciate.
Nikki Marsh’s début novel , “The Juju Girl”, is a coming-of-age story with a twist –or maybe a few twists! How many hurricanes, snobby aunts, and revenge-seeking ghosts can one girl handle?
arts ical“Thedestiny.Juju Girl,” the first volume of a planned trilogy, won the 2022 Self-Publishing EBook Award of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. Marsh, who lives in Gulf port, felt deeply honored by the news. “This was my debut novel at age 75,” she beams, “so winning an award from the ALA exceeded my expecta tions!”The book faithfully captures the struggles of adolescence: Gab bie feels, within a few pages, anxious about fitting in, annoyed with her narcissistic aunt, and unsteady in her growing magical powers. In one sub plot, Gabbie casts a spell on a richer, prettier love rival that gives the unfor tunate target unspeakable halitosis in the middle of a fancy ball. Gabbie
Good Juju Gulfport
Author Nikki Marsh’s About New Orleans Wins ALA Award | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 15
6801 Gulfport Blvd #12 • South Pasadena 727-344-2524 •
“This was my debut novel at age 75,” she beams, “so winning an award from the ALA exceeded expectations!”my

GEMS GETAWAYS Island Grille & Raw Bar Enjoy this relaxed venue with water views, offering American surf & turf, raw oysters and tropical drinks. Sept. 15. $6; $8, nonmembers. Imagine Museum & Lunch at Red Mesa Cantina Grab a bite of Mexican eats after a docent-led tour of the beautiful con temporary glass art. Sept. 22. $19; $25, nonmembers. Riverview Flea Market Do some fun shop ping at this small indoor flea market of fering everything from antiques to appar el – plus a BBQ joint. Sept. 29. $20; $25, nonmembers. Join the Adventure Club! Step out of your comfort zone, try something new, and check it off your bucket list. Helicopter Ride Sept. 6. $58; $54, members. iFly Tampa Nov. 17. $99; $94, members.
MONDAYS Chair Exercise/Yoga 9:30 a.m., Theater lobby Spanish for Beginners 10 a.m., Room 107 Wisdom Healing Qigong 11 a.m., Theater lobby Mahjong 12 p.m., Room 107 Dominos 1 p.m., Theater lobby Chair Yoga 1 p.m., Casino Strength Training & Aerobics 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall Chair Volleyball 3 p.m., Dining Hall
InvestmentWEDNESDAYSDiscussionGroup 10 a.m., Room 107 Bunco 10:30 a.m., Room 106 Canasta 1 p.m., Theater lobby Bingo 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall Cardio Drumming 4:30 p.m., Dining Hall Cardio Drumming 5:30 p.m., Dining Hall
S. •
GEMS (Gulfport Extended Mobility Service) provides affordable Door-to-Door transportation service, rides to medical ap pointments, shopping, and much more for Gulfport residents, 55 years of age or older or disabled. 727-893-2242. Medical Equipment Lending Program provides gently used wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches and other medical equip ment to seniors who need it. Supplies limited.
Supplemental food assistance for quali fying Gulfport Seniors in need is available at the Senior Center. Pantry is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Proper verification required prior to use of the pantry.
THURSDAYS Guided Meditation 10 a.m., Room 107 Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater lobby Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater lobby Italian Language Classes 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., various rooms Wellness Movement 9 a.m., Room 106 Gulfport Writers’ Workshop 9:30 a.m., Room 107 Knitting & Crocheting 10 a.m., Theater lobby Healing Yoga Therapy 11 a.m., Casino Bridge Instruction 12:30 p.m., Room 107 1 p.m., Theater lobby Chair Volleyball 1:30 p.m., Dining Hall Senior Center 5501 27th Ave. 727-893-5657 registration required. Free, residents; $50, non-residents. All programs subject to change without notice. Mon.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-7 p.m. and Fri, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Stop by, join weekly for full calendar of events.
newsletter, or like us on Facebook
Fitness Center now open! To provide physical distancing, we’ve limited capacity, so call to register for a spot.
Medicare & Health Insurance Assistance Frustrated trying to navigate the insurance world? We have you covered! Make your appointment today. Matinee Movie Take a break and enjoy a movie with friends. Call for title. Aug. 26, 1 p.m. It’s Hurricane Season – Are You Prepared? Stormy weather is coming. Make sure you have the latest information, see what we learned from the latest hurricanes, how Gulf port would look after a Category 3 storm, and what you can do to protect yourself and your home. Aug. 30, 2 p.m. MY Story! MY Voice! This four-week course, offered by Keep St. Pete Lit, will help unleash your memories and record your rich history to share with family and friends. Aug. 31-Sept. 21, 1:30 p.m. Limited space; registration required Veterans Coffee Connection Veterans of all service eras, come for coffee, support, friendship, and to learn about available community resources. Sept. 2, 10 a.m. Gulfport ROCKS! Create some fun rock art. Supplies provided. Sept. 2, 1:30 p.m. The Girls’ Club A new social group of old er single lesbians who just wanna have fun! Meet for coffee, chit-chat, and to plan and organize monthly social events. Sept. 6, 3 p.m. The Truth About Carbs – Health Talk with Labrador Primary Carbs get a bad rap; should we be so scared of them? Dr. McCoy talks about good vs. bad carbs, understand ing the function they provide to your body, what foods contain what kinds of carbs, and healthier carb substitutes. Sept. 8, 12 p.m. Rhythm & Groove Jam Session Let’s make music together at our monthly hootenan ny. Bring your instrument & join our casu al jamming group. Open to all people, all instruments, all experience levels, and, of course, listeners. Sept. 8, 3 p.m. Crafty Creations Time to get your crafty juices flowing and make a fun fall gnome wreath. Sept. 9, 10 a.m. Supplies provided. Limited space – registration required. Memory Screenings Worried about your memory? St. Anthony’s Memory Disorder Clinic offers free and confidential memory screenings. Sept. 12. Appointment required; call to schedule.
Intermediate Spanish 6 p.m., Room 106
• /gulfportseniorcenter Annual
Gulfport Senior Citizens Harmonica Club 9 a.m., Room 107 Line Dancing for Beginners 10 a.m., Neighborhood Center Tai Chi 10 a.m., Casino Continuing Level 1 Spanish 10:30 a.m., Zoom Texas Hold ‘Em 11 a.m., Theater lobby Contract Bridge 1:30 p.m., Theater lobby New Horizons Band of Gulfport Jazz Practice 4:30 p.m., Room 107 New Horizons Band of Gulfport Concert Practice 6 p.m., Dining Hall
16 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022
VPK Program Gulfport’s VPK program is accepting Voluntary Prekindergarten Vouchers for the 2022-23 school year. The program’s free for Florida children who turn 4 by Sept. 1. Parents must ap ply at, then bring the cer tificate of eligibility to pre-register their child. VPK hours: 8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; program begins Sept. 6. Preregistration hours are Mon-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. CLASSES Call instructor for more information. Want to teach a class? Call John: 727F.I.T893-1079.Tennis Fri., 6 p.m. Free for beginners, ages 21 and up. Chase Park, 5313 27th Ave. S. Mo: 727-515-1454. Hatha Yoga 6:15 p.m. $12/class or $50/ month. Denise: 727-251-8868. Holistic Health Sept. 22, 6:30 p.m. $20/ class. Jennifer: 813-263-3919. Hula Hoop Fitness Second & fourth Thurs day, 6:30 p.m. $10/class. Maria: mestra Tennis Tues., 6 p.m. Adult lessons. Chase Park, 28th Ave. and 53rd St. S. $15. Mo: 727515-1454. Catherine Hickman Theater 727-893-1070 • 5501 27th Ave. S.
Contra Dance With Tampa Friends of Old Time Dance. Band and caller. Aug. 28: 3:30 p.m., lesson; 4 p.m., dance. $10. 727-8232725.
Get the city app by visiting Annual registration: $3; $25, nonresidents Pickleball Intermediate and advanced Mon., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Beginners Tues., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All levels Tues., 6-8:30 p.m. and Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Adult Basketball Wed. & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m. Table Tennis Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Game Room Mon., Wed., & Fri., 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Betsy Lester Reception
School Year Child Care Program Regis tration continues for the 2022-23 school year child care program for kids entering kindergarten through age 14. Bus trans portation available from Pasadena Funda mental, Bear Creek, Gulfport Montessori, and Douglas Jamerson Elementary. Pro gram runs until 5:30 p.m., with extend ed hours until 6 p.m. for an extra charge. Please contact the Recreation Center for more details. Teen Night Registrations Continue! for the 2022-2023 Teen Night Program. Avail able for middle and high school students 17 and younger. Recreation, social activities, field trips, cooking projects, guest speak ers and service projects. Teens can use the gymnasium, game room and outdoor area. Mon., Wed., & Fri.: 6-9 p.m. Rec Cen ter membership required: $3; $25, nonres idents. Tot Time Pre-register for the 2022-2023 Tot Time Program, a pre-school, handson program for ages 3-5. Tot Time makes learning fun for children and helps pre pare them for kindergarten. Two, three and five-day monthly options available. Program runs 8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m., start ing Sept. 6. Pre-registration runs 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. $25 deposit holds a spot and gets applied to first month’s tuition. Gulfport residents must provide proof of residency.
Gecko Game Night: Gulfport’s 2022 Gecko Ball Live music, dancing, costume contest, live and silent auctions, and, of course, the Gecko Queen coronation. Aug. 27, 6 p.m. $30-$40 at Beach Bazaar or at visitgulf | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 17 Recreation Center 5730 Shore Blvd S. • 727-893-1068 • Gulfport Public Library 5501 28th Ave. S. • 727-893-1074 • /gulfportlibraryfl • Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. All programs free and subject to change. Storytime Join us for stories, rhymes, mu sic. Thursdays, 10:15 & 11 a.m. Baby Time Sing songs, read books, enjoy lap bounce rhymes, and meet other care givers with infants and young toddlers 2 years and under. (Older siblings also wel come.) Fridays, starting Sept. 2, 10:15 a.m. Come & Go Craft Drop in for creative, self-di rected crafting. For all ages, but some pieces might be on the small side. Limited supplies; crafts are first-come, first-serve. Children’s area tables. Sept. 3, 10 a.m. Garden Grampa Mr. Albert will share his knowledge of all things gardening and sus tainability through storytelling and hands-on fun. For kids grades K-5, on the first Wednes day (note day-of-week change) of the month in the Reading Garden. Sept. 7, 4 p.m. DIY Spiderweb Wreath Adults, make a spooky spider-covered wreath. Supplies provided. Registration required; opens Sept. 1, call or email library.programs@ Sept. 8, 2 p.m. LGBTQ Film Series Note new time. Call for this month’s title. Sponsored by the LGBTQ Resource Center. Sept. 8, 6 p.m. Grown-up Movie Series Jeremy Mal colm’s the most desirable bachelor in the English countryside. People gossip about a list detailing perfect qualities for his future wife. Someone from outside the town hears about it and believes she can win him over. Based on the novel by Su zanne Allain. PG-13 Call for title. Sept. 10, 1 pm. Teen Space Spend time with friends and make new ones. Play games, make art, watch movies, or just hang out. Activities vary – and what we do is up to you! Ages 12-18 only. Mondays, starting Sept. 12, 4 p.m. Gulfport Book Club Discuss Her Fearful Symmetry by Audry Niffenegger. Get a copy from the library or audiobook from Overdrive/Libby. Sept. 15, 2 p.m. Gulfport Casino Ballroom 727-893-1070 • 5500 Shore Blvd. S. Fourth Friday Country Dance Party Aug. 26 6:15 p.m., lesson; 7 p.m., dance. $10. 727798-3660.
Casino Weekly Dances Ballroom Lessons: Tues., 12 p.m. $10 Argentine Tango: Tues., 6:30 p.m., $10 Swing: Weds., 7 p.m. $10 Latin Night: Thurs., 7 p.m. $10
See art from September’s featured artist, Betsy Lester. Cash bar. Sept. 2, 6-8 p.m.; exhibit runs through September.

Tempus Projects’ Tracy Midulla juries the first exhibition, Show Us Your Gulfport, which encourages artists to express what Gulfport means to them. The artist Midulla selects for Best of Show wins a cash prize. How will she Midullachoose?saysshe’s looking for “the best crafted, the most thoughtful, a piece that fits the theme,” she told TheArtistsGabber.can submit work through the event listing at gulfporthistori show, featuring art from school-age kids, is next and will open the afternoon of Gulfport’s traditional tree lighting in Clymer Park“We want to make it non-denomi national, so it’s not like a Christmas kids art show, but like a holiday art show that encompasses not just Christmas, but the holiday season in general,” Dix said. “We have to keep thinking of what’s next,” says Dix. “I would like to see something for Black History Month – a Black artist’s opening or a Black art opening. Something like that.”
Dix also noticed parents looking for opportunities to make art with their kids in Gulfport.
“I think it will open up more op portunities for artists, plus having the ability to share art with younger people to help them learn to express themselves through art,” LaPuma said.GAC presents opportunities for both professional artists and chil dren with their first two art exhibits.
GAC has a children’s art show planned for the holiday season.
Professional artist and steering committee member Kelli LaPuma is excited for the opportunities the center will provide artists of all ages and skill levels.
Gulfport Arts Center steering committee members Cheryl Cashdollar, Marissa Dix, Kelli LaPuma, and Annie Minnich-Beck at the soon-to-reopen center at 2726 54th St. S.
18 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 2908-A Beach Boulevard (in the heart of the Village) 727-303-0976 un driesdries • Kitchen & Serveware • Gourmet Foods • Gifts, Cards, Books • Stella’s Gear & Souvenirs Show Us Your Gulfport! Gulfport Arts Center’s Reopening Showcases Gulfport By Jen Ring The arts have returned to the building between Gulfport’s two dog parks. Gulfport Arts Center will reopen with its first art exhibition, Show Us Your Gulfport, opens Oct. 7. They’re currently accepting submis sions.This won’t be the first time that the small white building at 2726 54th St. has hosted an art event, but this arts center will be different from Frank Hilbrandt’s City of Imagination and Caroline Duvoe’s Abstract Art forWhatAutism.Hibrandt once called “a plain white ugly box,” GAC Steering Committee head Marissa Dix calls a blank canvas “ready to be painted and created by the colorful and cre ative personality of Gulfport and its residents.”COIaspired to change the way people see art; Abstract Art for Au tism hoped to empower neurodi vergent individuals with art. This iteration, like most community art centers, will provide art for all, in cluding kids. An social worker at Gulfport El ementary by day, Dix joined the steering committee to provide input on children’s art shows and classes. “I feel like kids, even at school, if you ask them what their favorite subject is, they say ‘art!’” Dix said, “because they get to be creative.”

The jalapeño condiment, for the “entry-level thrill seeker” is made with red jalapeños, onions, and garlic. It tastes great on wings, but I bet it tastes even better on tacos.
The set up: Siri’s naked chicken wings with a cup of Three Demons hot sauce and five bottles of Yellowbird hot sauces. | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 19 food free quote & DEMO (727) 360-7070 PVC FENCE
By Jen WhenRingour neighbors at Red Hot Tiki brought us some Yellowbird Hot Sauces, we had to give them a try. Although sold in Gulfport, Yel lowbird hot sauces are made in Austin, Texas. Austin residents Erin Link and George Milton say they created Yellowbird in response to the vinegary, watered-down hot sauces that dominate the mar ket. The idea: to create an all-nat ural hot sauce that isn’t diluted with a bunch of water and vinegar. The name Yellowbird comes from a small yellow bird in Thai land that feeds on bird peppers.
“It flavors their skin so pred ators won’t eat them,” Link said in a 2017 interview with Found ing Austin. The ingredients are mainly peppers and juice, with some vinegar, but no water.
Yellowbird gifted us the 2.2 oz. Classic Hot Sauce pack, which in cludes five different flavors of Yel lowbird hot sauce — Jalapeño, Serra no, Blue Agave Sriracha, Habanero, and Ghost Pepper. Since Red Hot Tiki carries Yellowbird, we thought we’d put the sauces to the test. We ordered some naked wings from Siri’s Gourmet Burgers & Piz za for the taste test. When Byron Chalfont at Siri’s found out we were using the wings for a hot sauce taste test, he brought us a cup of their own homemade hot sauce. It’s called Three Demons, and it’s made with a combination of cay enne, habanero, and ghost peppers.
The Blue Agave Sriracha sauce is sweet enough to make my chick en wing tastes like Sweet & Sour chicken — one of my favorite meals. But the real winner, for chick en wings at least, is Siri’s Three Demons. It’s salty and vinegary with just the right level of heat. That said, I’m considering adding a bottle of Yellowbird’s Jalapeño and Blue Agave Sriracha condiments to my hot sauce collection. Because, as we all know, true hot sauce lov ers are never happy with a single hot sauce. We like a collection.
Yellowbird and Siri’s Hot Sauces
Have some food for us to try in Gulfport? Contact Jen Ring at jen@
The Gabber Taste Test
I started with the OG Yellowbird, the habanero condiment, a combi nation of habanero peppers, gar lic, carrot, and tangerine juice. Yel lowbird describes it as a hot sauce “for the experienced-level thrill seeker.” This would be our publish er, Cathy Salustri Loper. I, howev er, immediately started coughing and blowing my nose in a way that probably seemed a bit over-dra matic. It’s too hot for me, but it was Loper’s favorite Yellowbird flavor. The ghost pepper hot sauce also packs a punch. The serrano hot sauce has a vegetal taste to it. (Lop er can’t taste it at all because she’s burned off her taste buds.) Although the heat level was fine, this was my least-favorite Yellowbird flavor. My favorite Yellowbird hot sauc es fall solidly into the mild cate gory. These are the Jalapeño and Blue Agave Sriracha sauces. These are both mild enough for me to en joy a sloppy wing (my preference) without burning my tongue off.

ST. PETE BEACH Caddy’s St. Pete Beach 5501 Gulf Blvd. Friday, Aug. 26: Daniel Carroll, 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27: Eric Thompson, 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28: Act 3 Berkeley Beach Club 109 8th Ave. Friday, August 26: Kimi Tortuga, 7:30 p.m. Twisted Tiki 340 Corey Ave. Friday, Aug. 26: John Kyle Rohde, 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28: Jason Alan, 4 p.m. TREASURE ISLAND Ka’Tiki 8803 W. Gulf Blvd. Thursday, Aug. 25: Streetwise Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m. Caddy’s Treasure Island 9000 W. Gulf Blvd. Thursday, Aug. 25: Matt Knabe, 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26: Dock Seven, 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27: Obi Wan Knabe and The Force, 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28: Logan Grant and The Show Ponies, 5 p.m. MADEIRA BEACH Lucky Lizard Tap House 14953 Gulf Blvd. Friday, Aug. 26: Josh Fielding, 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27: Larry Mott, 7 p.m. Caddy’s Johns Pass 190 Boardwalk Place E. Thursday, Aug. 25: Audrey Short, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 26: The Family Funk, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27: Jeremy James, 12 p.m.; Curtis Allen, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 28: Tripp & Becca, 11 a.m.; Daniel Carroll, 4:30 p.m. The Brass Captain Saloon & BBQ 15045 Madeira Way Thursday, Aug. 25: Vinnie Hines, 7 p.m.
20 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 br i Gulfport p G U L F P O R T S H O W C A S E A T T H E C A T H E R I N E A . H I C K M A N T H E A T E R 5 5 0 1 2 7 T H A V E S , G U L F P O R T , F L 3 3 7 0 7 ST RING FRED WOLFE 6: DOOR O N VED 5:30PM V R E Ja Miah DWOLFE NG RS VIP F PEN ECE RE F R GENER L & RESER P ION FOR MORE IN & UNITYOFGULFPO Saturday 24 7 P M S H O W T I M E DeLaran E

Sunday, August 28 Go Behind the Curtain Green Day’s “American Idiot” opens in down town St. Pete Sept. 7. Can’t wait until then? Get an early peek be hind the curtain via the American Stage lecture series. In this install ment, staff discusses the history and central themes of the musical. Members of the creative team will also share their process. Ever won der what goes into staging a popu lar musical? This is your chance to find out. American Stage, 163 3rd St. N., St. Petersburg. 1 p.m. Free, American Stage Subscribers and Act 1 Club Members; $10 everyone else. Shop in the Sand LocalShops1 heads to Postcard Inn for an oceanair market. Take in some live music while shopping on the beach. Two
Thursday, August 25 Senior Shuffle St. Petersburg Se niors Week comes to a close with a Senior Gala at the St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club. The semi-formal event includes music, hors d’oeu vres, signature mocktails, and more. St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club Ballroom, 559 Mirror Lake Dr. N., St. Petersburg. 5:30 p.m. Register at st | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 21 things to do Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly Things To Do continued on page 22 Things to Do in South Pinellas Aug. 25-Sept. 1
Sunset Trivia There’s no trivia like sunset trivia. Caddy’s hosts a game of trivia as the sun goes down, ev ery Thursday. Think you know it all? It’s free to play and prizes are dished out nightly. Caddy’s Gulfport, 3128 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m. cad Friday, August 26 NOLA on the Beach Seafood and live music on the beach? Think Shrimpy’s on Fridays. Each week the St. Pete Beach spot plays NOLA-inspired music alongside their usual wild-caught seafood meant as a homage to New Orle ans. Shrimpys Blues Bistro, 9524 Blind Pass Road, St. Pete Beach. 6:30 p.m. Drawing Drag Break away from tra ditional figure drawing and try Drag Figure Drawing at The Factory. Adri ana Sparkle is both host and model for this creative event. All skill levels welcome. The Factory St. Pete, 2622 Fairfield Ave. S., St. Petersburg. 8 p.m. $15. Saturday, August 27 Have a Ball Get your geckothemed and game-themed cos tumes ready, because Gecko Ball returns with a new theme: Game Night. Who will this year’s Gecko Queen be? Find out while dancing the night away to live music from Hot Tonic at this annual Gulfport event. Gulfport Casino Ballroom, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 6 p.m. $30, per person; $40, per per son group tables. Play Music on your Porch It’s Inter national Play Music on your Porch day. Don’t have a porch or play an instrument? Craftsman House Gal lery has live music on their porch all day, starting with a Radio St. Pete (96.7 FM) broadcast of The Florida Folk Show. Craftsman House Gal lery, 2955 Central Ave., St. Peters burg. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 727-323-2787. The Great Cupcake Contest The Morean continues its search for St. Petersburg’s best cupcake with the 11th Annual Great St. Pete Cupcake Contest. If you love to eat cupcakes, head to the Morean Center for Clay for a sweet time. Morean Center for Clay, 420 22nd St. S., St. Petersburg. 12-3 p.m. $10-$20.

22 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 Things To Do continued from page 21
K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg karenformarijuana.com33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D. dozen local vendors will sell arts, crafts, and other goods. Enjoy food and drink specials all day, plus the beach is right there when you’re done shopping. Postcard Inn on the Beach, 6300 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach. 2-5 p.m. localshops1. com Monday, August 29 Margarita Monday It’s Monday again, and you know what that means. Margarita Monday! The great thing about Margarita Mon day is that, like Taco Tuesday, you can celebrate it every week. Or at least, that’s how Oyster Bar in St. Pete does it. If you’ve been want ing to try some celebrity tequila, Oyster bar is making margaritas with Dwayne Johnson’s Teremana. Oyster Bar, 249 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. $5 and up. 727-897-9728, oysterbarstpete. com Tuesday, August 30 Forever learning The Osher Life long Learning Institute (OLLI) is re starting their in-person volunteer program. Are you a fan of lifelong learning? If so, then you might want to consider volunteering for OLLI. They’re looking for people to help host events, assist instruc tors setting up classrooms, aid in community outreach, and more. To learn more, and to meet exist ing OLLI volunteers, head to OLLI’s Volunteer Welcome Back event. Eckerd College CEC, 4200 54th Ave. S., St. Petersburg. 10 a.m. Contact Catherine Haddock at haddoccw@ to RSVP. olli/volunteer Wednesday, August 31 –Thursday, September 1 Artists’ Workbench Gulfport artist Elizabeth Neily sets up her work bench to demonstrate how she creates wearable art via weaving and stitching. Florida CraftArt, 501 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. 11 a.m.4 p.m. 727-821-7391, floridacraftart. org Thursday, September 1 Reel Women Fish Are you inter ested in fishing, but don’t know where to start? Reef & Reel hosts their first Ladies’ night for women interested in the sport. The eve ning features a Kingfish discus sion, store specials, raffle prizes, food and drink, and an appear ance from Captain Todd of the Tampa Bay Fishing Channel. Todd will be dishing out tips and tricks for reeling in grouper and snap per. Reef & Reel, 3350 Tyrone Blvd. N., St. Petersburg. 6 p.m. 727-820-1441, Geckos in Wonderland. Pictured: Richard Radovic (White Rabbit), Suzanne Sottile (Alice) and Jon Ziegler (Mad Hatter).

The USF PACT team is looking for 3,000 healthy volunteers to combat the growing in cidence of dementia such as Alzheimer’s dis ease. PACT is currently enrolling adults aged 65 and older with no signs of cognitive im pairment, dementia, or neurological disorders. Once accepted into the study, participants will begin their exercises at a PACT site in St. Pe tersburg, Tampa, Sarasota, Winter Haven, or Lakeland.Pastresearch shows that computerized training can help maintain mental and phys ical function. Healthy older adults who were prescribed 10 sessions of such training had a
If you or a loved one are interested in more in formation, please visit the PACT study website,, or call (727)873-4090.
29% lower risk of dementia after 10 years. Those completing additional training bene fited even more: they were 48% less likely to show signs of dementia 10 years later.
The University of South Florida PACT (Pre-venting Alzheimer’s with Cognitive Train ing) study needs healthy volunteers to join the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The study fo cuses on using computerized brain training ex ercises with the hope to reduce dementia risk.
Sponsored Content by
Alzheimer’s disease affects an estimated 6.2 million Americans, including 1 in 9 people aged 65 and older, according to the Alzhei mer’s Association. This number is projected to nearly triple to 14 million by 2060. African Americans and Hispanics are especially en couraged to enroll in PACT, as they are nearly twice as likely to suffer from dementia.
If there was a way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, would you try it?
The few medications currently on the market only provide short-term management of symp toms for those who already have dementia. This is why studies like PACT are so important. | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 23
As of today, there are no proven cure or treatments that stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia.
Join USF in the Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease.
For those currently enrolled in the study, the entire PACT team appreciates your contribu tion to science and your efforts in fighting Alz hei-mer’s disease. the University of South Florida PACT

Sierra Espinoza, Chef at Gulfport Brewery: “Bee Sting. It’s like a sri racha chili. It’s my favorite ever. Ca John’s Hot Pickle Sauce has a great dill flavor to it, and it’s great on Cu bans. Slap Ya Mama is my third.”
Rob Carr, Gulfport: “I’m more on the mild side...I take curcumin for the ar thritis. I sprinkle that on everything.”
Jill Rice, Gulfport business owner: “I’m a hot sauce weenie, so as mild or as cool as you can make my hot sauce the better.”
Photos by Jen Ring Robynne Swanson, Owner of Red Hot Tiki: “It changes constantly. Right now Ancient Dragon Elixirs is my favorite. It’s an Asian Reaper sauce. Reaper is the hottest pepper in the world...In reality I like them all because I buy what’s in the store.”
24 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 the gabs
What’s Your Favorite Hot Sauce?

your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to
Feeling the late summer heat? like did with Jane Arnold and Barb Afield in soaking in the of the taken the somewhere? want to see
– | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 25 sudoku Solution on page 27 Solution on page 27crossword People By The Numbers gabber on vacation ARNOLDJANE
glaciers. Have you

26 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 Unitarian Universalist United Fellowship During the pandemic join us Sundays on Zoom. Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00 For Zoom directions email us at “You need not think alike to love alike.” - Francis David, uuunited.org1534 worship 17th St. & 29th Ave N St. Petersburg 345-7777 Friday 7PM Beth-El Shalom Messianic St. Vincent’s Thrift Shop 5124 Gulfport Ave S. 33707 Hours 10 AM to 2PM Wednesday to Saturday Affiliated with St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9 th Ave N. • St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Where ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table. Come and See... Sunday Mass 9:30am 727-403-7178272853rd St. S. Gulfport, FL 33707 (Entrance on 28th Ave.) Good Shepherd Old Catholic Church AN EPISCOPAL CONGREGATION 330 85th Avenue • St. Pete Beach Reverend Omar Reyes Sundays 10:00am Holy Eucharist Wednesdays 11:00am Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing 727-360-8406 • “St. Alban's is an inviting faith community striving to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.” Paradise Lutheran Church on Treasure Island 10255 Paradise Blvd, Treasure Island Sunday Service 10am with Holy Communion 727-360-5739 Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send an email advertising@thegabber.comto: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership wit h Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 27 solution Live Music: Rum Syndicate and Jenna Denae! 5313-5325 Gulfport Blvd. S. (22nd Ave S.) Shopping Local has never felt this good! Questions? Call 727-946-6168 Saturday, August 27, 2022 • 5pm-9pm Pop-Up Artists • Live Music • FREE Parking

28 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m. Accounting Computer Service CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to 727-248-0714 or email nspence@clearnumbers.bizto ComputerComputerGulfportRepairRepair 451510am-5pmMon-ThuYearsinGulfportYearsExperience Fax,ComputerSalesCopy,Print4510am-5pmYearsExperience Sales Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493232149thStS MAYNARD ELECTRIC SERVICEServiceHour24 WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE 525-0677ESTIMATES • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & #EC0002881LicensedMoreBondedInsuredSt.Lic. COMPUTER727-343-2838SERVICES In-Home services: Internet security, train ing, virus & spyware removal, maintenance and repair, data recovery. (PC & Mac) JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – $40 per visit/hour – 727-643-0697; Cleaning / Housekeeping Handy Person USMC SEMI RETIRED VETERAN HANDYMAN Gulfport resident serving Gulfport residents. 386-878-9408. HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201. CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experi ence. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045. Electrical Caregivers PLACE THEGABBER.COMCLASSIFIEDYOURLINEADSONLINE! CAREGIVERSHOMEWATCHOFST.PETEBEACH Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Provid ing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, demen tia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. AHCA #299995153 AC 727-345-3108ELECTRIC Over 30 years experience. Residential & com mercial, new or remodel work, service up grades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653. Heating & Air Conditioning NO SERVICE CHARGE EVER! “Same rates seven days a week” QUALITYATWORKCAC1815513 Luke Phillips 3914 6th St S St. Petersburg Your organizationcleaningresidentialLOCALandexpert.Detailed,trustworthyandfriendlyservicewithasmile. Immaculate Abode Call or text 513-607-4564Angie Home Improvement AMERICANGROUPBUILDERSLLC Residential/Commercial. All phases of re modeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free es timates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727410-7323. MESSAGES FROM YOUR SPIRIT GUIDE A Chaplain's tarot. Phone, FaceTime, Zoom, in person. Reasonable rates. 727-667-2255 for questions or to book reading. Business Services Window Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Soft Washing, and more! Licensed and Insured 727-698-1213

The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in o ce only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice. Moving / Hauling CHARLES JUNK HAULING & DEMOLITION Junk & trash removal. Low, low prices guaranteed. Daily specials. Kitchen, bath, shed, fencing, etc. Demolition. 727-831-0507. AVAILABLE 5 DAYS A WEEK: SKIP’S MOVING & PICK-UP DELIVERY Have 14 foot box truck, willing to help. I’m the guy who moves everybody in and out of Town Shores. Available five days a week. Call: 727-320-3297. Painting CHRISTIANSON PAINTING 30 years experience. Interior and exterior work done the old-school way; strong customer service. References. Lic #C-11520. Call or text Mark 727-452-4938.
Miscellaneous Service | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 29 Plumbing
residential. Free
PAINTINGARNEY’SINC. 30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney 727-900-3459. SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623
PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508.
THE TRASH QUEEN Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/ text 845-866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready!
PROFLO727-902-7077PLUMBING #CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated. Lawn & Landscape TREE SERVICE BY PAYLESS Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-641-9033. IRRIGATIONREMOVALSTAIN Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most surfaces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text ruststainremoval@icloud.com727-360-7070. Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist 727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • PROMPTPruning/ShapingAFFORDABLE•RELIABLE Licensed & Insured COOKS Gigi’s St Pete Beach is hiring Pizza & Line Cooks. Competitive salary. Full time positions - nights. Apply in person a er 4 p.m.: 4399 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach, FL 33706. Help Wanted The Perfect Part-Time Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709 Marine RepairHome Improvement DARCY ROOFING LLC Residential/Commercial. All roofing types - T.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best warranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323. BLINDS AND INSTALLATIONDRAPES,SERVICE Installation and repair of all window treatments. With over 25 years experience I can help you with any type of window covering need or problem you may have. Call Jim Richardson - phone/text: 727-504-5909. Email: Licensed/Insured. For Sale PERSIANAVAILABLEKITTENSFORADOPTION I have six kittens available. Silver Shaded Chinchilla Persians. Comes with full health certificate, 1st vaccinations. For inquiries call or text 727-685-9901. City of Gulfport Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE - FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name of “Angry Mango” located in PINELLAS County, Florida intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations. Airing of Grievances CITY OF NICKELGULFPORT'SDIMINGCUSTOMERS Why does the city of Gulfport penalize customers for not using an on-line system to pay by credit card for permits, public records requests, casino events, etc. when there is no on-line system to use. What's wrong with this picture?

Ave S., Gulfport.
30 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 Stories live on. Tell theirs. Share your loved one ’ s story | 727-321-6965 In par tnership with In par tnership with Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included General GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for par ties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341. Real Estate For Rent 2/2 ON CLINTON ST. S. IN GULFPORT 2BD/2BA house with small office, small laun dry room with W/D, 2 dedicated parking spac es, and central air. Hardwood floors, modern kitchen amenities. Quiet neighborhood, 2 blocks to Art District, 5 blocks to beach, 1.3 miles to Stetson Law. Good for single adult, roommates, or small family. House is approx. 860sf inside. Outside, private fenced court yard of approx. 600sf. Unfurnished. Tenant pays electric/internet/cable. Min 7-month lease. Available immediately. $2600/month. Small non-shedding dog will be considered. Contact:; text 619458-0022. Place adsclassifiedyourlineonline!
28 5620
Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.
wet bar with ice maker & refrigerator, remod eled baths, new kitchen, granite countertops, pantry, island, walls & ceilings retextured, crown molding, baseboards, wooden shut ters, electric blinds, electrical upgrades. PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4%JeffCommission!Thomsen, Accommodations Wanted IDEAL LONG-TERMLOOKINGTENANTFORRENTAL Quiet professional who works at home, doesn't smoke or drink, looking for in-law, cottage, guest quarters in which to make a treasured home. Last rental 17 years. Impec cable references. Call only (no texts): 239224-4110 or email Pass-a-Grille Beach Community Church THRIFT SHOP 17th Ave & Pass-a-Grille Way FALL OPENING Sat., Sept. 3 @ 9 a.m. Regular Hours: Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 Donations Welcome September thru May 15, 2023 Lost & Found LOST: PACKAGED PLUMERIA CUTTING My daughter brought me a package with a plumeria cutting from her recent trip to Hawai'i. Somehow it jostled out of the stroller while walking nearby Stella's. Hoping someone found it and will return it to me. Offering the finder plumeria cut tings in replacement of this lost, specialto-me cutting. Contact: karentremmel@ Yard / Garage Sale YARD SALE 8/26 & 8/27 5813 / 5814 26h Ave S., Gulfport. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Furniture, antiques, home decor, linens, artists sup plies, lamps, and much more. YARD SALE - SAT., AUG. 27 AND SUN.,
Real Estate For Sale SHORES- MANCHESTER BLDG, 2/2, 1250 SQFT Call 727-430-9306; view by only. $340,000.00. includes AUG. 29th 9 a.m. 1 p.m.
Patio furniture, books, cloth ing, mason jars, potted plants, bookcases, dishes, furniture, mirrors, household items, art and baskets. No early birds.
Total renovation | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 31 SALUSTRICATHY Real Estate Snapshots Here’s What Sold in Gulfport Last Week 1713 60th St. S. (Stetson) This 1,738-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath home, built in 2002, listed at 649,999 and sold for $575,000. Other Gulfport Home Sales Last Week 5930 Skimmer Point Blvd. S. (Pasadena Yacht & Country Club) This 3,118-square-foot home, built in 1994, has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It listed at $1.85 million and sold for $1.8 million. 2902 Beach Blvd S. #1 Listing Agency in Gulfport! (727) 289-5500Don’twww.GulfportRealty.comMake a WithoutMoveUs! Ask us about our August Listing Special* *too good to print

32 | August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022