By Monroe Roark
The Boca Ciega Pirates only needed the first half to pick up their first regular-season win of 2022. After racing out of the gate to put up a 27-0 lead before halftime, the Pirates were about to return to the field for the third quarter when the Thursday night game was halted due to lightning. The stands emptied and everyone waited for a few minutes until both coaches agreed to call the game and make Boca Ciega 1-0 on the season. The game began with some con-
When both high school coaches agreed to call the game due to storms in the third quarter, Boca Ciega had 27 to Seminole High’s 0.
THE GABBER.COM Digital subscriptions provided by the City of Gulfport No. 2776 September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 Pirates continued on page 8
Pirates Hammer Seminole in Shortened Game

2 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 2908-B Beach Blvd. S. Gulfport, FL Publisher727-321-696533707&Editor-in-Chief Cathy Salustri cathy@thegabber.comLoper Advertising Director Barry barry@thegabber.comLoper Creative Director Joey joey@thegabber.comNeill Features & Events Jen jen@thegabber.comRing News & Politics Monroe monroe@thegabber.comRoark Operations Patrick patrick@thegabber.comGraney Reporters Mike Sunnucks, Crime Amanda Hagood, Books Nano Riley, Environment Jon Kile, Columnist Resie Waechter, Outdoors & Fitness Serving Gulfport, South Pasadena, St. Petersburg West, Downtown St. Petersburg, Kenneth City, Tyrone, Tierra Verde, St. Pete Beach, Pass-A-Grille, Treasure Island, Pinellas Point, Madeira Beach, Pinellas Park Owners Barry Loper and Cathy Salustri Loper Deadlines Friday at 5 p.m. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any advertisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher. GULFPORTYOURUSSHOWGrandRe-Openingof the Gulfport Arts Center October 7 thru art@gulfporthistoricalsociety.orgMid-December

2. Check the acceptable forms of 3.IdentificationDoesyour current address match your ID and voters registration do not have internet access, call 727-464-8683 –Paul Skinner, Gulfport Today is the first day of the
The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name and city, and should be as brief as possible (ideally <250 words). We may edit letters for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite violence, include personal attacks on private citizens, or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers, or staff. Send letters to or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707.
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1. Check your precinct; some people have new polling stations | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 3 Wrong Way Homes I greatly resent Winway Homes coming into our neighborhood and destroying our old homes and trees, and then replacing them with houses that are out of proportion in size and character to the surrounding homes. When I see their sign on a lot, I think: WrongWay Homes: Erasing Gulfport’s character, charm, and history one lot at a time. –Eric Folsom, Gulfport A Poll Workers Advice on Voting I’ve worked the polls in Pinellas since early 2020, and I believe these steps will help people get in and out of the polls more efficiently. Review the information on On the home page the red blocks allow the following: 1. Register or update your voter reg2.istrationCheck your current voter status 3. Request a mail-in ballot or request to stop mail ballots 4. Verify your correct precinct (some have changed) 5. Volunteer to become a poll worker Under “Election Information” you can find a list of acceptable forms of identification. Florida law requires a valid picture and signature identifications. Some acceptable forms of ID don’t have a signature, just a picture (for example, the Concealed Weapon Permit or VA ID cards) If your ID doesn’t have a signature, you’ll be asked for a second acceptable form of ID with a signature. I recommend using your drivers license. Check the list on The signature on your drivers license is your official signature and when you sign the inspector will compare to the signature on file. Please look at your signature before coming to the polls. I know that my signature on checks is not like my official signature, and I had a mail-in ballot rejected. My signature on the ballot envelope did not match the signature on my drivers license. Once you send in a mail-in ballot, you can check the status on You can also check the early voting dates and locations. The last thing is your current address. If you’ve moved and your drivers license isn’t updated, or you haven’t updated the address on the voters list in, you’ll have to spend more time with the clerk or assistant clerk to verify your address before voting. This takes about five-10 minute to update. Finally, our next election is Nov. 8.

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Suzette played the piano at age 4 and plucked a mean ukulele in college. Then she played “Tiny Bubbles” at a Watermark luau. That’s how it started. Residents created a ukulele club. There’s Adrienne, who first played in Hawaii. And Judy, eager to try a new instrument. Some never played a note before. In this club, talent is optional; good cheer universal. They jam to cool tunes and sway to “Margaritaville.” Are they perfect? Nope. Are they wonderful? Beyond measure. Let’s Connect Call 727-202-3474 to plan a private tour and consultation. Meet residents who are thriving in our upbeat environment. Code visit 1255 Pasadena Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Watermark Resident Helen, Suzette D. (left), Watermark resident connected when playing. There’s beauty in making music together.” Suzette, Watermark Resident, Ukulele Goddess
4 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022
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Music is

Gulfport and BCYC had been in discussions regarding whether the club would continue its current lease on the City-owned property or another arrangement would be pursued, but those conversations paused when the litigation began.
The club pays $2,000 per month under its lease agreement, which is now month-to-month.
O’Reilly informed the council at its Aug. 16 regular meeting about the dismissal of the lawsuit, noting that he and City Attorney Andrew Salzman meet with BCYC leaders the following week to hear what they had to say. Both men made it clear that they would not be ad vancing any proposals but would simply hear BCYC’s side.
In April of 2021 BCYC Commodore Roger Gilmore received a letter from City Manager Jim O’Reilly stating that the City Council intended to terminate the lease and return the property to solely municipal uses. That decision was rescinded two months later and O’Reilly informed Gilmore that the City wished to pur sue a new lease agreement.
“We will follow whatever direction we receive from the City,” said Gilm ore.Members of the City Council have their opinions on what should be done regarding Gulfport’s relation ship with the BCYC. During the Aug. 16 meeting Mayor Sam Henderson and Councilman Paul Ray both in dicated that they had already let O’Reilly know what their positions were, although they shared no spe cifics.On a larger scale, Vice Mayor Christine Brown suggested adopt ing a formal marina master plan “so we know where we’re going as a group.”“Wehave such a beautiful place down there and it’s such an integral part of the community,” she said. Councilwoman April Thanos agreed with that idea. Ray said if it were done, it should be “with a ton of public “Councilinput.”needs to decide what it wants to do with that particular area,” noted Salzman. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 5 news
BCYC has a month-to-month lease for the property. Now that the lawsuit brought against them and the City of Gulfport by a former member has ended, the City and the club can resume discussions about a different agreement.
The Lawsuit That Held Up Discussions Was Dismissed With Prejudice
By Monroe Roark
A judge dismissed the lawsuit that has held up talks between the City of Gulfport and Boca Ciega Yacht Club. Both groups can now resume addressing their respective goals for BCYC’s portion of the marina area – but there’s no set timetable for when any kind of new agreement could be reached.
Talks Between Gulfport, Boca Ciega Yacht Club on the Horizon
Gilmore submitted a proposal Aug. 19 to all of the members of the City Council as well as O’Reilly and Salzman. A copy was also hand-de livered to The Gabber office. O’Reilly told The Gabber Aug. 26 that Gilmore’s action changed the tenor of his and Salzman’s meeting with BCYC because that action put the ball in Council’s court. O’Reilly said he could not proceed on the City’s behalf until the council took action, whether it be to terminate the lease or come up with a new agreement. As long as BCYC is con tent to operate on the month-tomonth lease, there is no legal ur gency for the council to do anything, O’Reilly said. One project proceeding at the marina is the improvement of the dry boat storage area that was ap proved last year. That work is ex pected to include the installation of a shell-based impervious sur face, secured decorative fencing, automatic roll gates, water and electric, numbered spaces, and security lighting. It was noted at the time that the marina’s dry boat storage facility generates about $85,000 per year. Gilmore said he and his organiza tion were prepared to do “whatever the City wants us to do.” While he expects to present a more formal ized proposal in the near future, he doesn’t expect any action soon giv en the city’s busy agenda.
The judge dismissed the lawsuit, filed by Samantha Ring, with prej udice, according to an order filed in July with the U.S. District Court. Ring initially brought suit against the club but later added the City of Gulfport as a defendant. Her 2020 suit alleged violations of the Amer icans with Disabilities Act regarding her dog, which she claimed was a bee-killing service animal. “Dis missed with prejudice” means Ring cannot file the lawsuit again.

The Budget Increases, but Rising By Monroe Roark
Property Values Means Millage Likely Won’t
“What this reflects is that you [the council] were very conserva tive in spending during COVID,” he said. “When we closed, we did not do a lot of special things and we saved money on events. A few years ago we talked about reduc ing the reserve to 16%. Now we are back at 23 and closer to 25.”
6 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 30% OFF Call now for your free consultation! 727-821-0976 Showroom by appointment only • 800 Pasadena Ave S Blinds • Shutters • Shades • Motorization • ©2020 Budget Blinds, LLC. All rights reserved. Budget Blinds is a trademark of Budget Blinds, LLC and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand. Each franchise independently owned and operated. Your Next Purchase Gulfport City Council will approve a new budget next month. SALUSTRICATHY
Reflecting the ongoing conver sation about short-term rentals and the potential violations in volved, O’Reilly said he included an additional code enforcement officer in the budget in case the council wanted to go in that di rection.
$16.5 Million-Budget Approval Set for September
The Gulfport City Council is a month away from approving a bud get for the 2023 fiscal year, which starts Oct. 1. City Manager Jim O’Reilly submit ted a proposed budget to the coun cil July 14, one day before the dead line set in the city charter. First and second readings of the 2023 millage rate and budget adoption have been scheduled for Sept. 6 and 20, during regular City Council meetings, so that Council can adopt the budget prior to the Sept. 30 deadline in the charter.Asof Council’s Aug. 16 regu lar meeting, the proposed new general fund budget amounts to $16,587,000. That represents a 7% increase from the previous fiscal year’s budget of $15,425,500. While the budget numbers are go ing up, property values have risen even more – 15.21% in Gulfport as projected by Pinellas County’s ap praisers, as noted in a Gulfport city staffThereport.City’s millage rate is proposed to remain at 4.039 for the 11th con secutive year, with increased prop erty values generating an estimated $697,000 in additional revenue, ac cording to City officials. The expect ed 17.08% increase in the Water front Redevelopment District should generate an extra $103,239. The vast majority of the budget increase comes from what O’Reil ly likes to call “people costs.” City employees will get a 6% pay raise this year to help stem the tide of inflation on their personal bank ac counts. Inflation has been reported in double digits recently in the Tam pa Bay region.
“70% of your budget is people costs,” O’Reilly told the council at its most recent meeting. “The price of fuel is also very volatile. I never thought I’d be budgeting these kinds of numbers per gallon.”
The City has about $3.7 million in the bank, which O’Reilly said is “ex cellent” and pointed out that ARPA funds are not included in that amount because by law ARPA money cannot be put into a city’s reserves.

Lisa Lane retained her District 2 at-large seat and Caprice Edmond won re-election in District 7. Both garnered a majority of votes. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 7 Lisa PenceIndependent Sales Representative Florida License W566896 Let Me Help find the right Medicare plan for you! Call 727-560-3674 • LinkedIn: LisaPenceMedicare • Medicare Health Plans Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans My assistance is 100% complimentary —there’s no cost to you! Take a look at who won – and who didn’t – in the Aug. 23 Pinellas and Florida primary elections. Primary Results for Pinellas, Florida State Elections Some Winners, But Some Races Have Run-Off in November By Monroe Roark
Now that the 2022 Florida primary election is in the record books, some winners can breathe easy with no more contested races, while others get ready for the November general election.Races in Florida are plurality con tests, which means a majority vote is not necessary to win a race with more than two candidates and there are no runoffs. The most obvious example of this for local voters is perhaps the Republican primary for the 13th Con gressional District seat, currently held by Charlie Crist, in which Anna Pauli na Luna bested four other candidates and won with 44.5% of the vote.
Local judicial races in the 6th Cir cuit also require a majority. Della Cope was the top vote-getter in a three-person race in Group 1 with 44% and will face Megan Roach in November. Outright winners includ ed Kathy Hessinger (Group 13), Cyn thia Newton (Group 22), and Keith Meyer (Group 27).
Primary winners in the State House District 58 races were Re publican Kim Berfield and Democrat Bernie Fensterwald. Berny Jacques won the GOP primary for District 59 and Michele Rayner was the Demo cratic primary winner for District 62. In five statewide races on the Pi nellas County ballot, each of the overall winners carried Pinellas. That includes both nominees for ag riculture commissioner: Republican Wilton Simpson and Democrat Nao miThereBlemur.were Democratic primary challenges in three other key state wide positions with Republican in cumbents. Crist won the chance to face Ron DeSantis in November for governor. Current congresswoman Val Demings will try to unseat Marco Rubio in the U.S. Senate, and Aramis Ayala will square off against Ashley Moody.Thegeneral election takes place Nov. 8; the deadline to register to vote is Oct. 11.
James Judge picked up the GOP nomination in the 14th Congressional District with 52.5%. The Democrat ic winner for that district was Kathy Castor with 90%. Both congressional districts have candidates from a vari ety of parties vying for the chance to go to PinellasWashington.County candidates who are unopposed in the primary or general election are not listed on the ballot. That is why current coun ty commissioners Kathleen Peters (R-District 6) and Rene Flowers (D-District 7), who represent south Pinellas, were absent even though they were up for re-election this year. Neither of them were chal lenged in the primary or the general election.Incumbent Dave Eggers won the Republican primary for the District 4 seat in north Pinellas with 68% of the vote. There is no Democrat chal lenger, so he will remain in office. Brian Scott is the Republican win ner for the District 2 at-large seat on the Board of County Commissioners. He will face incumbent Pat Gerard in November.Pinellas County School Board seats are nonpartisan and decid ed during the primary election, al though runoffs are in play for those who do not get a majority of the vote.Keesha Benson finished just ahead of Dawn Peters in District 3, 40% to 38%, so those two will square off in November. The same is true in District 6 with Stephanie Meyer (47%) going up against Brian Martin (38%).

8 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022
The Pirates got on the board early, thanks to excellent special teams play. Seminole was forced to punt midway through the first quarter from its own end zone, but Frederico Freeman burst through to block the kick and carried the ball into the end zone as smoothly as if it were a planned play. Joseph Geiger’s extra point made it 7-0.
The Pirates defense scooped up a fumble on the third play of the en suing drive, giving the home team great field position at the Seminole 20. Six plays later, Zahir Favors took the ball across the goal line from 1 yard out with 5:35 left in the firstFavorsquarter.scored with another run on the first play of the second quarter, capping a very short drive that was set up by a muffed punt in the rain that gave Boca Cie ga the ball inside the red zone. A shanked Seminole punt allowed the Pirates to start at the Semi nole 26 on a later possession, and that drive concluded with another Favors 1-yard score. He finished with 129 yards on 20 carries in the shortened game. Another Thursday area matchup also fell victim to bad weather, but with a positive outcome. Lakewood opened at home against Northeast and led 28-0 when the game was stopped in the third quarter. An thony Colandrea passed for 305 yards and three touchdowns for theTheSpartans.thirdThursday game was a shutout like the other two, al though with the local team on the wrong end of the score. The Hollins Royals ventured up I-4 to Disney’s Wide World of Sports for a game against Green Mountain High from Colorado, and it was a long bus ride back home, as the Royals fell 47-0.The remainder of the week’s action took place Friday as usu al. St. Petersburg rolled over Tar pon Springs 48-12 in a road game. Gibbs also was on the road and lost a close one to Palmetto 26-20. St. Petersburg Catholic opened the regular season at home but was outmatched by Cambridge Chris tian in a 38-0 defeat. A full slate of local games is on the schedule for Sept. 2. Gibbs travels to the northeast corner of the state to face St. Augustine while St. Petersburg Catholic ven tures a few miles north to play at Indian Rocks Christian. Hollins will be in Hillsborough County squar ing off against Land O’Lakes, and St. Petersburg is once again on the northern end of the county at Palm Harbor University. Lakewood hosts Palm Beach Central and Boca Cie ga is back at home against Pinellas Park.
Pirates continued from cover siderable rain, leading to several penalties and some unsure footing by both teams. The rain subsided by the second quarter, but the players had to deal with the wet field until the final whistle.

Although this popular festival now receives widespread attention, its beginnings in 2001 remind us of how much Gulfport has changed – including in weird and wonderful ways – since the beginning of the millennium. A journey back in time a generation ago reveals how a less-than-impressive fireworks performance led to a quirky and impressive cultural explosion. Gulfport experienced a bit of a cultural identity crisis throughout much of the 1990s. As St. Petersburg’s leaders tried to shed that city’s multigenerational reputation as “God’s waiting room” with developers transforming their downtown and them banking on the promise of a newly-completed dome for a yetto-arrive baseball team, Gulfport remained a quiet destination. For example, residents repeatedly advocated for a community theater, starting in 1992. Multiple delays stalled the project. Finally, in December 2000, the Catherine A. Hickman Theater opened as a cultural beacon just north of the library. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 9 S AFE INDOOR & OUTDOOR DINING AND BEER GARDEN 3007 BEACH BLVD • GULFPORT (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM Do you have FEMA? We can provide BETTER COVERAGE at a LOWER COST! Check out our options. Home • Flood • Condo • Renters Auto • Commercial 5308 Gulfport Blvd. S. • Gulfport Located Next to State Farm 727-209-8888 •
will celebrate the 22nd annual GeckoFest this Saturday. Since its beginnings in 2001, this end-of-summer event has allowed crowds to rally around this area’s favorite reptile, dress in costumes, sing, dance, and celebrate.
“Game Night” is this year’s theme. A Tranquil Town and Failed Fireworks
Whitman, Agent “We work with over 50 companies to get you the best rates!” How We Got to GeckoFest A (Fairly) Brief History of Gulfport’s GeckoFest and Gecko Ball
The following summer, Gulfport’s Fourth of July fireworks celebration left much to be desired. Community leaders expressed their displeasure, and the company that supplied the less-than-exciting pyrotechnics promised to deliver another shipment for an event later that summer.
Laying the Gecko Groundwork Marlene Shaw, the city’s events manager at the time, was tasked with booking a band to accompany the fireworks at this first late-summer celebration. Hoping to add more flair, Shaw reached out to the community.FrankHibrandt, who saw the artistic potential within Gulfport long before the city’s cultural heritage GeckoFest continued on page 10
The 2012 Gecko Season theme was Geckos in Wonderland, and Jon Ziegler got into the theme. Here he is at that year’s GeckoFest.
By James GulfportiansSchnur

It is dangerous to tell children the truth. They might discerningbecomeor, God forbid, empathetic. Paid for by FACA (Floridians Against Childhood Awareness)
The opposite of Woke is Asleep
The year 2009 marked the debut of the first Gecko Ball, held at the former Bellini’s, now Sea Dog Can tina. The following year, the Gecko Ball moved across the street to the Historic Peninsula Inn and added its first themed celebration, “Geckos in Wonderland.” Funds from this 2010 event benefited Gulfport’s Centen nial Celebration that October. Gecko gatherings continued to flourish throughout the 2010s. The Gecko Ball and Gecko Pub Crawl Gulfport’s first Gecko Queen, Faun Weaver, pictured with her court in 2013.
Annual GeckoFest themes ampli fied the community’s creativity as the event grew in popularity. The 2007 GeckoFest even stole a little cannon thunder from the Big Gua va across Tampa Bay as a restored 1937 vessel in Boca Ciega Bay did its best Gasparilla-styled invasion imi tation by shooting scorched hot dog buns into the Fortunately,air.Boca Ciega already had a well-established reputation as a haven for pirates to protect the town, one that has lasted at least since the high school opened in 1953.By this time, colorful costumes and balloons – along with noise makers ranging from rattles to ka zoos – had become the norm. From 130 vendors in 2007 to more than 170 two years later, the 2009 festi val attracted approximately 15,000 attendees.
10 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022
GeckoFest continued from page 9
transformation, suggested calling the event “Gecko Fest,” with Shaw immediately agreeing. Local artist and longtime resident Elizabeth Neily had a different opin ion. Reminding them that geckos are as native to Florida as out-ofstate transplants, Neily suggest ed “Mullet Festival” instead. When votes were tallied that summer, the hanging chads unanimously favored the gecko over the mullet, and a new tradition began.
GeckoFest’s Growing Popularity
The first fall event in 2001 may have been a gecko-themed festival, but it also included a bit of a mullet mutiny, one staged with a smile by Neily and others.
The City-sponsored event changed colors quicker than a lizard as the Gulfport Chamber of Com merce nurtured it and encouraged the area’s business community to take an increasingly active role. Without the chamber’s involvement, this event might have disappeared due to municipal budget cuts.
Adding a Ball Just Before Fall

In 2014, Roaring Geckos celebrated the – what else? – Roaring ‘20s
Angela Lagan, ready to Charleston, at Roaring Geckos | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 11 CENTURY JEWELERS 6801 Gulfport Blvd #12 South LocalTheCenturyJewelers.com727-344-2524PasadenaDrink,Snack&ShopatParticipatingRetailersinSamosCorner!PlusHorror/SupernaturalAuthorBookSigning. were embraced by the community, along with GeckoFest. Face-painters, performers, and musicians brought excitement to the late August/early September event each year.The Ball moved to the Casino in 2013. Whether it was during “Gecko Gras,” “20,000 Geckos Under the Sea,” or the groovy “Geckostock,” the annual crowning of the Gecko Queen became a highly anticipated event. An Unexpected Pause and New Excitement Then COVID-19 hit. After the July 2020 decision to cancel Gecko-related gatherings, social media participants filled the void with their “Paint the Town With Geckos” initiatives to keep the lizard-loving legendAlthoughalive. the 20th anniversary celebration was canceled, the community and Gulfport Merchants Chamber of Commerce welcomed the resumption of Gecko Season in 2021. Ironically, a City-sponsored fireworks display helped to rekindle the event, one that filled the skies much better than the summertime dud that had allowed GeckoFest to begin two decades earlier. Grab your masks, get in your costumes, and enjoy another historic GeckoFest on Saturday!

Now that Gulfport Montessori El ementary School’s grade has im proved from a D to a C, will the school’s teachers actually get a pay cut?Yes and Correspondenceno. from both the school and the Pinellas County School Board’s central office indi cates that teachers will not get paid as much in the 2022-2023 school year as they did last year, but PCSB representatives told The Gabber the responsibilities and work schedule also will not be the same.
District compensation analyst Carly Ferguson responded to a citizen’s in quiry about possible pay cuts at the school by pointing out some of these differences. Schools that receive ei ther D or an F automatically require extra support, she said, while those schools that achieve a C but had a D or F the prior year also get addition al support, although not as much as a D or F school gets. That additional support means extra weekly planning for teachers and an extended school day, for which they get paid their base hourly rate in addition to their annual salary.Ateacher working at a school that’s no longer required to have additional support will not receive a reduction in their base pay, Ferguson stated, but teachers who want to keep the addi tional compensation they previously received have the option of transfer ring to another school that needs ad ditional support.
The bottom line is that in terms of dollars and cents, teachers who have returned to Gulfport this year are making less than last year, but, as PCSB says, this is because they’re not required to work as many hours.
Gulfport Montessori Elementary School staff and students raised the school’s grade from a D to a C. Their reward? Teachers and staff will now make less money. There’s a good reason, Pinellas County School Board reps told The Gabber Newspaper.
Pay Cuts for Gulfport Teachers Who Improved School
Gulfport Teachers Required to Work Less, School Board Says
As for GMES specifically, The Gabber received a copy of an email sent by principal Ashlea Zeller to all teachers at the beginning of August with details about the upcoming schoolInstructionalyear. staff will not receive a $3,000 recruitment/retention bo nus for the 2022-23 school year, she said, although those who taught at the school last year will receive a performance bonus of $1,500 for in creasing the school grade. That pay ment will be handed out in late Sep tember or early October, and it will be prorated for those who worked only a portion of the school year. GMES is now classified as a Tier II school, Zeller said, and as such its teachers work an additional 45 min utes one day a week for structured planning. They are compensated for thatThattime.means a pay cut of $1,500 per year, plus an hourly reduction in pay for the four days for which staff is not required to work the extra 45 minutes. For the lowest paid teach ers in Pinellas County Schools, this reduces their overall pay by almost $4,700; for the highest paid teach ers, this means a pay reduction of almost $7,000. Support and ad ministrative staff will receive other changes to their pay based on the school’s grade. An inquiry from The Gabber to Zeller about whether any GMES teachers transferred to other schools to retain the extra compen sation was forwarded to the district office, and spokesperson Isabel Macarenas said that three of last year’s teachers have moved else where in the district for that reason.
By Monroe Roark
12 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 free quote & DEMO (727) 360-7070 PVC FENCE
JOHNSJUNE | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 13 COMBAT ACUTE OR CHRONIC PAIN USING COLD LASER AND THE BODY’S NATURAL RESOURCES Physician Spine • 2150 49th St N Suite C • 727-347-7827 G.A. Machacek dc dabco/diplomate american board of chiropractic orthopedics Renaissance Dad On Archery, Travel Ball, and Acting By Jon ParentsKile
today feel a lot of pres sure to help their offspring find their passion. Social media magnifies this pressure, as we watch our comrades invest in activities like sports teams that travel to other states, horses, dirt bikes, or backyard trapeze setups. My memory is fuzzy, but I think we signed our son up for t-ball shortly after he learned to walk. I do vividly remember coaching one of his teams when an 8-year-old revealed that his parents had hired him a “batting stance coach.” This particular boy, who showed lukewarm interest, said that his parents wanted him to try out for the travel team. I have no doubt that his well-meaning parents were simply worried their boy would be left behind if they didn’t give him every advantage.Travelsports started as a way for elite kids to play other elite kids. A 2018 article in The Atlantic confirmed what I suspected: Travel leagues are now so commonplace it’s no longer about elite kids; it’s about signing up kids whose parents can afford it. I won’t minimize the camaraderie the kids get from taking road trips with their teammates, but we can’t pre tend they’re all getting drafted or of fered Division I scholarships. I sympathize with parents who feel the pressure to give their children the opportunity to have the best possible experience. Our kids have tried base ball, scouts, karate, art camps, pho tography, soccer, and a host of other things, hoping for something to stick. For our daughter, it’s theater. For years she’s taken dance classes with fluctuating enthusiasm. When we signed her up with an established youth theater company, things fell into place. Her first role was as a co medic henchman in 101 Dalmatians. The final week involved an intense six straight days of five-hour re hearsals, followed by four ticketed shows. I expected her to be ready for a break. Instead, she was ready to head to Broadway. She’s doubled up on her dance classes and add ed voice lessons. It’s not cheap, but don’t tell that to my college buddy who keeps not one, but two, hors es for his daughter in a barn outside Seattle (turns out the first horse’s passion wasn’t competition). Our son was a tougher one to guide. Our philosophy has always been that our kids don’t have to do something they don’t want to do, but they have to do something. When he asked to do archery, we took him to Brandon to try it out. (I confess, my wife took him because I was afraid I’d end up driving him to Brandon every week.) Turns out, he genuinely enjoys it, and yes, I’m now driving to team practice in Brandon every week. There’s some irony in the fact that the only kind of archery is “travel archery” and it’s all about hisThestance.boyalso loves to fish and play golf. What dad will argue with that? I think the highlight of his young life was catching his first bonnethead shark and winning a tournament at fishing camp. This has the add ed benefit of literally putting food on the table. After years of taking group lessons through the First Tee youth golf program at Twin Brooks, he’s joined his middle school golf team.Watching our kids shine at things they enjoy is one of the most re warding parts of parenting. It’s a far greater feeling than I’ve had for any accomplishment of my own. And I’ll admit that I’m a little less judgy of those parents who trav el far and wide for their kids’ ac tivities. But stop me if you see me shopping for a 1,000-pound ani mal.Idon’t have anywhere to put it. We thought after four performances in two days, our daughter would be ready for a break. Instead, she’s ready for Broadway.

According to Domingo, G. Gordon had a few too many.
By Cathy Salustri
Can’t Wait ‘Til Saturday’s Unveiling? Here’s a Gecko Sneak Peek
The Gecko Parade, which starts by the Caddy’s stage at 6:10 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 3, will end at the statue. The grand unveiling will take place immediately following the parade, which should happen around 6:45 p.m., according to Justin Shea, Gulfport’s cultural events facilities super visor.The gecko’s full name is G. Gordon McFly. What does the G stand for? “Why,” Domingo says, “it’s Gulfport, silly.”
“It’s a work of love from Ray,” his wife, Linda Domingo, told The Gabber. “He loves Gulfport and all it represents.”
14 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 Jolly Green Preview
The new, casino-adjacent sculpture will stand 14’ tall. He’s flanked on one side by a much smaller statue of Morris the Cat. No, not the cat food cat – this statue’s an homage to a beloved beach cat who died decades ago. Some say Morris’ spirit never left the beach and his ghost sometimes makes itself known along the beach.
G. Gordon McFly (left) going through the epoxy stage of life.
The statue costs less than many of Domingo’s works.
Domingo, a Gulfport artist whose sleek aquatic murals and paintings sell for upwards of $50,000, approached the City of Gulfport and other art supporters about cre ating a piece that would speak to Gulfport’s eclectic side and give Gulfport a new landmark and selfie spot. His pitch: a sculpture of a giant gecko, riding a skateboard and listening to music. The City agreed to kick in half the cost of the sculpture plus the cost of the base, if Domingo could raise the rest of the monies needed. He did, and the jolly green gecko is almost ready for its unveiling at –where else? – GeckoFest 2022.
A Ray Domingo original. That’s how one City official de scribed the more-than-$30,000 giant statue of a skate boarding, ear-phone-wearing, green gecko.
That pink’s the skateboard, because how else is a gecko going to get around?

In between dominos, chess pieces, Candyland pieces, and even a couple of Ouija boards, Elizabeth Hendricks relin quished her spot as Gecko Queen and crowned Betty Pear son as her successor.
Byron Chalfont with daughter, Siri Chalfont. Siri is the inspi ration behind her parents’ restaurant, Siri’s Gourmet Burgers and Pizza. On Saturday, she attended her first Gecko Ball. All hail the Queen! Gulfport, Meet your new Gecko Queen, Betty Pearson!
See more Gecko Ball and other event photos on The Gab ber’s Instagram, @gabberlife – and tag us in your own! Gecko Game Night was the theme at Gulfport’s Gecko Ball on Saturday, August 27. The Casino Ballroom was crawling with colorful costumes. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 15 2908-A Beach Boulevard (in the heart of the Village) 727-303-0976 un driesdries • Kitchen & Serveware • Gourmet Foods • Gifts, Cards, Books • Stella’s Gear & Souvenirs Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD, gabberlife #GabberLife: Gecko Ball Game, Set, and Match Game on for the 2022 Gecko Ball
By Abby AnotherBakerGecko Ball, another Gecko Queen.
On August 27, Gulfport celebrated Gecko Ball with a “game night” themed costume gala, a raffle, and the heavily anticipated Gecko Queen crowning.

16 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg karenformarijuana.com33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D. Police have arrested Gulfport resident Ray Rodriguez for allegedly resisting an officer. St. Petersburg Police wanted to question Rodriguez in relation to an incident involving a Gulfport city employee that took place in St. Pete; when officers attempted to question Rodriguez, he fled.
One officer followed Rodriguez in a patrol car while two others were on foot. The Gulfport man eventu ally complied with police and got on the ground, according to the SPPD incident report. Rodriguez is a frequent and vo cally strident critic of the Gulfport Police Department, Gulfport gov ernment, and the Boca Ciega Yacht Club.Rodriguez also routinely speaks at Gulfport City Council hearings contending those three groups are corrupt and conspiring against him.Gulfport police arrested Rodri guez at the Aug. 2 Gulfport City Council meeting after he forceful ly opened a door at Gulfport City Hall and damaged an adjacent wall with the door stopper and door handle.Gulfport officers, including Chief Robert Vincent, pursued Rodriguez after that incident and arrested him after a short pursuit. He faces criminal mischief and a resisting an officer charges related to that incident.Attorneys representing Rodri guez from the public defender’s office have not yet responded to a request for comment.
When Police Tried To Question Him, He Tried To Flee
By Mike Sunnucks
Man Accused of Forcing Gulfport Employee Into Traffic
For the second time in a month, police have arrested Gulfport res ident Ray Rodriguez. On Aug. 14, St. Petersburg police arrested Ro driguez for allegedly resisting an officer. The St. Petersburg Police Department wanted to question Rodriguez in relation to an alleged aggravated assault that happened in AccordingGulfport. to the arrest report, a SPPD officer contacted Rodriguez, 63, near Clam Bayou Nature Park just before 9 a.m. SPPD said Gulfport PD notified them of an alleged assault involv St. Petersburg po lice, officers contacted Rodriguez near 46th and Miriam Streets South, but Rodriguez fled on foot from them after first starting to re cord the law enforcement interac tion.The victim, who works for the City of Gulfport, “is claiming that the suspect caused the victim to swerve,” Ashley Limardo, a public information specialist with SPPD, told The Gabber. “The victim filed a report to document the incident.”

The 1975-square-foot space in cludes a storage room, three studios spaces, and gallery space.
“I wanted to fill [the gallery] with things that I love,” says Valloreo. “The beach is definitely one of those. Music. Nature. Those are a lot of the things you’ll see in the gallery when weValloreo’sopen.”
Valloreo, who paints landscapes in acrylics, has her studio here, and Flor ida-inspired watercolor artist Curtis Whitwam signed up for a six-month period starting in October. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 17 New and improved galleries + Earth Origins Business News from Gulport and St. Pete
By Jen Ring Deserie Valloreo
“We are constantly working to improve who we are and what we can do for each community we serve,” Shackelford told Vitamin Retailer Magazine.
business beat
Deserie Valloreo stands next to her work in her new gallery and studio space, DRV Gallery.
The duo spruced things up, hired new gallery director Lisa Lippincott, and created a climate-controlled space that will allow them to host scheduled exhibitions and revolving shows throughout the year, includ ingAccordingsummer. to Lippincott, the City of St. Pete’s recent growth and the extension of Soft Water’s lease prompted these changes, which will transform Soft Water from a co-op gallery space into a more formal gallery.Thegallery re-opens Sept 8, at 6 p.m. with a new collection of Ja dus’ Blue Nudes, presented as Blue Nudes III. The theme of the artists’ reception is blue, to match the cool background of the paintings in this series. The gallery plans to serve blue-tinted champagne for the occasion, and guests are encour aged to wear blue. The exhibit runs through Oct. 1. Two days later, In the Abstract, featuring abstract paintings by Steph Gimson and geometric sculp tures by Kenneth Charles Lichten berger, opens during Second Satur day ArtWalk (Sept. 10, 6-9 p.m.); the exhibit runs through Nov. 5. Soft Water Gallery, 515 22nd St. S., St. Pete. Thurs.-Sat., 12-6 p.m. 727327-3473, St. Pete’s Earth Origins Named Retailer of the Year
Although Deserie Valloreo has nev er owned a gallery before, DRV Gal lery isn’t her first business.“I’ve had a variety of businesses – mostly in the wellness space,” Valloreo told The Gabber. “I’ve always felt this desire to paint, but I never knew how to get started.”Valloreo
DRV Gallery hosts a soft opening Oct. 6 with yoga for artists in the morning. The Jazz Librarians perform at the grand opening rib bon cutting Oct. 24. Soft Water Re-Opens with Two New Art Shows After closing for a summer remod el, Carrie Jadus and Mark Aeling’s Soft Water Studios reopens as Soft Water Gallery in St. Pete’s Ware house Arts District Sept. 8.
got started in 2017 when she took a painting class with Gulf port artist Judy Dazio. Five years later, she’s opening a gallery and studio on Gulfport Blvd.
Gulfport Gallery Oct. 6
The gallery plans to show work from seven resident artists, including Valloreo, Whitwam, Gulfport jeweler and sculptor Doug D’souza, book art ist Ted Wray, and a few more painters.
Retailer Magazine named Healthy Edge Retail Group 2022 Retailer of the Year. The trade magazine interviewed the people behind Healthy Edge to learn the secret to their success. According to Healthy Edge’s Vice President of Purchasing, Jeff Shackelford, the secret is employee education and community service.
The closest “health food” store to Gulfport and South Pinellas, Earth Origins, has earned the honor of “Retailer of the Year”. One of three brands belonging to the Healthy Edge Retail Group, a company dat ing to 1935, the store – which has other locations in Florida, including two in Sarasota and headquarters in Palm Harbor – merged several brands into the Earth Origins label in Vitamin2010.

“My work has what you call houseisms,” Lester said. “Memories, bits and pieces of memories inhabit the images.”Bornin Pennsylvania, but a Jersey girl at heart, Lester started her ca reer as a flight attendant. She trav eled the world, met her first hus band, and lived in Saudi Arabia for a month. Sheand her husband moved to Puerto Rico for a seven year spell. When they eventually moved to the Tampa Bay area, Lester knew it was time for a change. So, in 1992, the globetrotter en rolled at Eckerd College, seeking a Bachelor of Arts. She then earned her MFA at USF. She teaches art at both schools today.
“I always say that my most mem orable moment is just around the corner,” Lester said.
Black and White Meet Artist Betsy Lester, Then See Her
By Abby Baker
Lester’s own contribution to the Gulfport exhibit will feature familiar images, such as shopping bags and rudimentary houses. It’s intentional.
The St. Pete artists’ black, white, and gray wooden pieces will show alongside other Women Caucus artists, such as Judith Segall and Karen Carasik.
Most days, you can find her work ing away in her studio at The ArtLofts above Florida CraftArt. For now, she’s content staying involved in the local life, teaching, and making art.
In Tampa, people can find Betsy Lester’s art at the Neiman Marcus at International Plaza. Her work hangs near designer coats and pointed footwear, but she’s no snob. She’s an artist who wants to be seen. She’s also a former international flight attendant, an art teacher at Eckerd College and the University of South Florida, and the drum major of the Gulfport Gecko Amalgamated Marching Band.
The Black and White Art Show Sept. 1-30. Catherine Hickman The ater, 5501 27th Ave. S, Gulfport. Mon., 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Tues.-Thurs., 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
18 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 arts
Lester with her Contain Yourself series, on exhibit as part of the Black and White art show at the Catherine Hickman Theater, Sept. 1-30.
“Memories, bits and pieces of memories inhabit the images.”
“My intention [was] to study all things art-making and find mean ing in a transitional time. As Virgin ia Woolf put it, I needed a ‘room of one’s own’ after a 20-year sabbati cal from college. Flying around the globe, as a Delta, and Overseas National Airways flight attendant, I saw the world. Now it was time to seek meaning in those memories... to make art,” Lester said. When Lester’s husband of 36 years died, she swore she’d never marry“Thenagain. Imet Tom [Kaltenbaugh); we’ve been married 12 years and 12 years feels like yesterday,” Lester told The Gabber. If you’ve seen a Gulfport or St. Pete parade in the last year, chances are you’ve seen the couple. Les ter leads the Gulfport Gecko stuffedherMarchingAmalgamatedBandwithbatons,wearingaanimalgecko hat. Kaltenbaugh is in the back, playing the trumpet.
“I have plenty of balls in the air,” Lester said with a laugh.
From Sept. 1-30, Lester will ex hibit her Contain Yourself series at the Catherine Hickman Theater in Gulfport. Lester’s work is part of the Black and White exhibit, a show of work from the Women’s Caucus for Art Florida, an organization for which Lester serves as vice presi dent. Allthe work in the exhibit is in black and white (and gray), a theme near and dear to Lester’s heart. “Black and white cuts to the chase,” Lester said. “What you see is what you get. It’s about the physical na ture of opposites.”
Gulfport Exhibit Friday Night | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 19 First Friday of Every Month - Downtown Gulfport 3101 Beach Blvd. S. 5 - 9 PM For more information:
Then there’s catastrophe theory itself, a mathematical premise examined in Dalí’s later work, exploring how small shifts contribute to sudden, dramatic change. It is also an important theme in the novel, as the characters ponder how small choices in their interconnected histories have brought them to this perilous point. As sensational as its plot can be, the “Catastrophe Theory” raises heartfelt questions: What does it mean to be a family? How can we learn to trust again when our hearts are broken? And if the Big One finally came along, what would we want to save?
Rebecca Lowry Warchut’s debut novel takes readers through a richly imagined family drama that unfolds among Dalí’s surreal images – in the heart of a storm.
At 18 years old, Vera comes to St. Pete for a surgery to save her sight. But her mother, Eliza, has an ulterior motive: She wants to visit Vera’s biological mother, Lucia, who is the assistant director of St. Pete’s Dalítorium (Warchut’s clever rendering of our own Dalí museum). As their fateful visit unfolds, we learn of Eliza and Lucia’s youthful obsession with the famous surrealist, their pact to care for the infant Vera, and the heart-wrenching conflict that drew them apart. Young love blossoms when Vera meets Lucia’s assistant, and teenage antics ensue. Trouble arrives with the appearance of Vera’s long-lost father, a talented magician – and equally accomplished thief. And this is all before the hundred-year hurricane traps everyone inside the museum. If it sounds a little like a soap opera, it is. And the characters can feel, at times, a bit one-dimensional, doomed to extravagantly repeat their own worst character traits: Lucia, for instance, spends much of the book obsessively focused on a promotion, even when it hurts those around her. And Vera, sight restored, goes on a teenage spree that would put Ferris Bueller to shame. Even so, the book absolutely sparkles with imaginative touches that proclaim the author’s love and deep knowledge of her subject. Her descriptions of Dalí’s work are luminous, and her insight into his life and work equally fascinating. In her own surrealist experiment, she imagines the Dalítorium filled with a dozen deepfake Dalís – screens that conjure an electronic ghost of the artist. Deepfake Dalí always seems to know what the characters are thinking, hilariously flickering to life with just the right quotation for their soul-searching.
It’s hurricane season in Pinellas. And that means downpours, floods, and … surrealism? These elements come together in Rebecca Lowry Warchut’s debut novel “Catastrophe Theory” (Woodhall Press, October 2022), which brings a simmering family drama inside the unbreachable walls of St. Pete’s iconic Dalí museum – in the middle of a category five storm.
Storm at The Dalí This Catastrophe Fiction is... Surreal – Literally
By Amanda Hagood

20 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022
HurricaneGULFPORTEddie’s 5413 Shore Blvd. S. Saturday, Sept. 3: The Fulcos, 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4: Vittoria Rose Band, 4 p.m. Monday. Sept. 5: The Black Honkeys, 2:30 p.m. Caddy’s Gulfport 3128 Beach Blvd. S. Friday, Sept. 2: Scott Perez, 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3: Magic, 6 pm. Sunday, Sept. 4: Sarah Diamond, 12 p.m.; Seth Campbell, 4 p.m. ST. PETE BEACH Caddy’s St. Pete Beach 5501 Gulf Blvd. Friday, Sept. 2: Damien Ward, 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3: Chris Poe, 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4: Act 3, 4 p.m. TREASURE ISLAND Ka’Tiki 8803 W. Gulf Blvd. Friday, Sept.2: The Spazmatics, 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3: Dead Set Florida, 1 p.m.; ScreamMachine Tampa, 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4: The Family Funk, 1 p.m.; Bad Neighbors, 7 p.m. MADEIRA BEACH Lucky Lizard Tap House 14953 Gulf Blvd. Friday, Sept. 2: Hana Liz, 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3: Ryan Marchand, 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4: Karaoke & DJ Party, 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 5: Louie, 3 p.m. Caddy’s Johns Pass 190 Boardwalk Place E. Friday, Sept. 2: Chris Francisco, 1 p.m.; Paul Anthony Band, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 3: Casey Allen, 12 p.m.; Act 3, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 4: Tripp & Becca, 11 a.m.; More is More, 4:30 p.m. Monday. Sept. 5: Matt Knabe, 4:30 p.m. MD SICK

Labor Day: Monday, September 5 Party on the Beach Caddy’s Treasure Island hosts a Labor Day par- | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 21 things to do Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly Things To Do continued on page 22 EXPERIENCE COUNTS – AND SAVINGS ADD UP Find out about the Competitive Rates and Special Benefits available through our agency for all your insurance needs! Ready to learn more? Contact our agency now!Call today for your FREE , no obligation quote. HOME • FLOOD AUTO • COMMERCIALBUSINESS 727-344-4500 6524 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Get your gecko on at the 22nd Annual Gecko Fest Saturday, Sept. 3. [CC2.0]FLICKRVIAKUHNMI Things to Do in South Pinellas Sep. 1-8
“The new Transition crew is excited to practice their employment skills (display and set up, customer service, and money management) at the year’s first market,” Transition Art Educator Lauren Gentry said in a press release. “Transition artists will have greeting cards, buttons, and placemats to start the sale with more products to come in the future.”
Friday, September 2 Small Town, Big Art This month’s First Friday Art Walk in Gulfport doesn’t have a theme this month (that happens once a quarter), but it will have lots of art and live music up and down Beach Boulevard, per usual. Waterfront District, Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 5-9 p.m. Creative Clay The school year has begun, and so has Creative Clay’s Friday Art Market. Head to Creative Clay’s Courtyard this Friday to hear live music from Emily Turnage and see artwork made by Creative Clay member artists and Pinellas County Schools’ Transition student artists.
Creative Clay, 1846 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, September 3 22nd Annual GeckoFest Gulfport’s end-of-summer celebration comes to a close with the 22nd Annual GeckoFest. Festivities include a costume contest, a gecko parade, street performers, an outdoor market, and live music on two stages. Downtown Waterfront District, Beach Boulevard South, Gulfport. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Labor Day Weekend: Saturday, September 3— Sunday, September 4 Powerboats at the Pier
The P1 2022 St. Pete Powerboat Grand Prix comes to St. Pier Pier this Labor Day weekend. The Visit St. Pete/Clearwater-sponsored event brings three days of powerboat races to downtown St. Pete. Over 30 competitors have registered to participate. The St. Pete Pier, 600 2nd Ave NE, St. Petersburg. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Ribbit While powerboats race past the St. Pete Pier, check out the latest exhibit at Tampa Bay Watch Discovery Center. The Ribbit Exhibit helps you distinguish between Florida native frogs and those nasty invaders. Play with live tree frogs, learn how to protect Florida’s native species of frogs, and find out what to do when you encounter a non-native species. Tampa Bay Watch Discovery Center at the St. Pete Pier, 700 Second Ave. NE, St. Petersburg. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $0-5.

22 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 Things To Do continued from page 21 Donations greatly appreciated. Please call during Thrift Shop store hours to schedule a drop off or pick-up of your donations. Thank you for your patronage! Hours 10am to 2pm • Wed. through Sat. • 5124 22nd Ave. S., Gulfport, FL, #727-321-7215 We carry Kitchenware Jewelry • Shoes • Linens Household Treasures • Books CD’s • DVD’s • Games and much more 1/2 price Clothing Sale EVERY Thursday (Mens, Womens, Kids, Infants) ty with a wing eating competition, starting at 1 p.m. Treasure Island police, fire, and public works de partments are all participating in the contest. The winner takes home a trophy, and Caddy’s do nates to the charity of their choice. Don’t forget to bring the kids, be cause there’s face painting from 12 -2 p.m. and a photo op with an antique police and fire truck. For the adults, there’s a 50/50 raffle, with 50% going to the winner, and the other 50% going to Treasure Island police, fire, and public works departments.
Caddy’s Treasure Is land, 9000 W. Gulf Blvd., Treasure Island. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Or Party in Gulfport Don’t feel like driving all the way out to Treasure Island? You can party right here in Gulfport. Caddy’s Gulfport is throwing their own Labor Day par ty. It’s not in the sand, but it’s close enough. DJ Fabian is in the house from 1-6 p.m., Mai Tais are on spe cial, and the cornhole tournament lasts all day. Caddy’s Gulfport, 3128 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Tuesday, September 6 Artists’ Workbench: Joyce Curvin Florida CraftArt’s Artists’ Work bench series continues. Each week, a different artist turns Flori da CraftArt into their studio, giving visitors a rare glimpse into their process in this interactive exhibi tion. This week, Joyce Curvin sets up her workbench and demon strates how she makes her signa ture papier-mache animal sculp tures. Florida CraftArt, 501 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. Through Sept. 10: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. floridacraftart. org Wednesday, September 7 Secret Cinema Find out which of seven films folks voted to see at Mastry’s Brewing in St. Pete Beach. The choices were “Creature From the Black Lagoon”, “Dr. No”, “Cab aret”, “Pink Floyd’s The Wall”, “E.T.”, “Reservoir Dogs”, or “Dazed and Confused.” Be prepared to watch any one of these seven movies, because you won’t know the winner until the film is rolling. The screening is free, but you’ll need beer money – and they’d like you to RSVP. Mastry’s Brewing Co., 7701 Blind Pass Rd, St Pete Beach. 7:30 p.m. spbeachthe Thursday, September 8 Yappy Hour Start your weekend on Thursday with Second Thursday Yappy Hour. Grab a beer and hang out with your pup on the patio, or the pawtio as Pinellas Ale Works calls it. For every beer you purchase, PAW donates a dollar to Pet Pal Animal Shelter. There’ll be a raffle, along with samples and merch from the CBD store of St. Pete and Fetch Pet Care Northeast. Pinellas Ale Works, 1962 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg. 6-8 p.m. | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 23 pets
Chillaxin Little Man Like all our kitties, Turner wants a forever home. Like many – but not all – cats, he’s a chill dude. Add to that his relaxed physique and handsome face, this affectionate grey tabby believed in life bal ance. Sure, he’ll Netflix and Chill with you, but he’s not averse to a rousing game of “hand under the blanket.” For more information on adopting a cat, or to donate, reach out to the shelter directly. Friends of Strays, 2911 47th Ave. N., St. Petersburg. 727-522-6566, friendsof
The City of Gulfport is accepting ap plications from Gulfport residents to serve as a volunteer on the Police Officers’ Pension Board. The Pension Board meets quarterly to eval uate legal issues affecting pensions and review the funds’ operations and investments to ensure the best possible outcome for the plan. Vol unteer applications may be obtained at City Hall or online at mygulfport. us under Departments, City Clerk, Resources. For more information on the Board, go to the website for the Pension Plan at www.resourcecen , and select Gulfport Munic ipal Police Officers’ Trust Fund from the Pension Plan tab and follow the Trustee Resources link. For addition al appointment information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Matcha Made in Heaven This petite tabby came to Friends of Strays in April. At first, shelter life scared her, so she spent some time de-stressing in a foster home. Matcha’s foster human had the chance to see Matcha’s personality in action. Turns out, Big Bang Theory fans will love her, because she’s a little Sheldon: She loves routine (also, sunbathing, but the routine is clutch for this kitty.) With love, attention, and a regular sched ule, she’ll seek you out and curl up in your lap. Bonus: Someone has paid her adoption fee on her new lucky human’s behalf – all you need to do is come meet her and decide what time she’ll take her breakfast!

What’s your favorite beach?
Steve Stamberger: “Madeira Beach. It’s very quaint and nothing’s on it, but if you want soething to drink, Johns Pass is just a hop and a skip away. So you’re getting the best of everything.”
Betty Murphy: “It would be Sunset Beach. That’s where I take everyone when they come here.”
Bill Lyle: “Fort DeSoto North Beach.”
24 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 the gabs
Rhonda R.: “My favorite beach is Treasure Island.”
Photos by Jen Ring
Latreca Ali: “St. Pete Beach all day long.” | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 25 sudoku Solution on page 27 Solution on page 27crossword Memorial Day gabber on vacation STANABLEROB We are totally playing with a full deck at the 2022 World Seriers of Poker in Las Vegas at Bally’s Hotel and Casino. Rob Stanable and Nick Martz brought us along FTW. We love to take risks! Have you taken the Gabber somewhere? We want to see your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to

26 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 Unitarian Universalist United Fellowship During the pandemic join us Sundays on Zoom. Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00 For Zoom directions email us at “You need not think alike to love alike.” - Francis David, uuunited.org1534 worship 17th St. & 29th Ave N St. Petersburg 345-7777 Friday 7PM Beth-El Shalom Messianic St. Vincent’s Thrift Shop 5124 Gulfport Ave S. 33707 Hours 10 AM to 2PM Wednesday to Saturday Affiliated with St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9 th Ave N. • St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Where ALL are welcome at the Lord’s table. Come and See... Sunday Mass 9:30am 727-403-7178272853rd St. S. Gulfport, FL 33707 (Entrance on 28th Ave.) Good Shepherd Old Catholic Church AN EPISCOPAL CONGREGATION 330 85th Avenue • St. Pete Beach Reverend Omar Reyes Sundays 10:00am Holy Eucharist Wednesdays 11:00am Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing 727-360-8406 • “St. Alban's is an inviting faith community striving to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So, no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.” Paradise Lutheran Church on Treasure Island 10255 Paradise Blvd, Treasure Island Sunday Service 10am with Holy Communion 727-360-5739 Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send an email advertising@thegabber.comto: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership wit h Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 27 solution ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR NEXT THURSDAY’S ISSUE IS FRIDAY BY 5 p.m.

Residential/Commercial. All phases of re modeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free es timates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727410-7323. DARCY ROOFING LLC Residential/Commercial. All roofing types - T.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best war ranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323. Window Cleaning, Pressure Washing, Soft Washing, and more! Licensed and Insured 727-698-1213 PLACE THEGABBER.COMCLASSIFIEDYOURLINEADSONLINE! CCC 1333650 OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE ESTABLISHED 1989 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 727-544-3800 Lawn & Landscape IRRIGATIONREMOVALSTAIN Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most sur faces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text ruststainremoval@icloud.com727-360-7070.
AC 727-345-3108ELECTRIC
CLEAN UP YARD - CLEAN OUT HOUSES Tree work and yard work, big/small tree re moval, hauling, trim/rake, pressure clean ing, handyman. Call Sylvester: 727-4608721 or 727-482-9433. Electrical Caregivers
Over 30 years experience. Residential & com mercial, new or remodel work, service up grades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653.
Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Provid ing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, demen tia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. AHCA #299995153
28 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m. ComputerAccountingService CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to 727-248-0714 or email nspence@clearnumbers.bizto ComputerComputerGulfportRepairRepair 451510am-5pmMon-ThuYearsinGulfportYearsExperience Fax,ComputerSalesCopy,Print4510am-5pmYearsExperience Sales Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493232149thStS MAYNARD ELECTRIC SERVICEServiceHour24 WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE 525-0677ESTIMATES • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & #EC0002881LicensedMoreBondedInsuredSt.Lic. COMPUTER727-343-2838SERVICES In-Home services: Internet security, train ing, virus & spyware removal, maintenance and repair, data recovery. (PC & Mac) JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – $40 per visit/hour – 727-643-0697; Cleaning / Housekeeping Handy Person CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experi ence. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045. HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201.
Heating & Air Conditioning
Home Improvement

THE TRASH QUEEN Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/ text 845-866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready! | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 29 Plumbing Miscellaneous Service SERVICESNOTARY-$10 The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in o ce only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice. Moving / Hauling CHARLES JUNK HAULING & DEMOLITION Junk & trash removal. Low, low prices guaranteed. Daily specials. Kitchen, bath, shed, fencing, etc. Demolition. 727-831-0507. Painting PAINTINGARNEY’SINC. 30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney 727-900-3459. SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623 PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508. PROFLO727-902-7077PLUMBING #CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated. Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist 727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • PROMPTPruning/ShapingAFFORDABLE•RELIABLE Licensed & Insured Help Wanted General GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for parties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341. The Perfect Part-Time Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709 Marine Repair For Sale PERSIANAVAILABLEKITTENSFORADOPTION I have six kittens available. Silver Shaded Chinchilla Persians. Comes with full health certificate, 1st vaccinations. For inquiries call or text 727-685-9901. Pass-a-Grille Beach Community Church THRIFT SHOP 17th Ave & Pass-a-Grille Way FALL OPENING Sat., Sept. 3 @ 9 a.m. Regular Hours: Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 Donations Welcome September thru May 15, 2023 Lost & Found LOST: PACKAGED PLUMERIA CUTTING My daughter brought me a package with a plumeria cutting from her recent trip to Hawai’i. Somehow it jostled out of the stroller while walking nearby Stella’s. Hoping someone found it and will return it to me. O ering the finder plumeria cuttings in replacement of this lost, special-to-me cutting. Contact: Yard / Garage Sale
GOLF CART WANTED Gulfport resident looking to purchase a used golf cart. Looking for a non-li ed cart with newer batteries. For local use, desire a reasonable price. Want to give my dog rides. Please call/text 727-278-7623 or email
ESTATE SALE INSIDE Saturday Sept 3, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Large amounts of housewares, home decor, pictures, small appliances, costume jewelry, and tools. 7600 Sun Island Dr., #301, (Presidential bldg), South Pasadena, 33707.
ESTATE SALE Estate Sale. Furniture, decor, kitchenware, clothing, etc. Hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 3 at 2015 Gray St. S., Gulfport, FL. Lawn & Landscape SERVICE BY PAYLESS Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-641-9033.

30 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 Stories live on. Tell theirs. Share your loved one ’ s story | 727-321-6965 In par tnership with In par tnership with Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included Real Estate For Rent CONDO FOR RENT IN PASADENA 2 bedroom / 2 bath, dishwasher, dispos al, free cable, heated pool, private patio. No dogs allowed. Tenant pays electric only. $2,200 first, last, and security. Text: 727-5433291. Real Estate For Sale CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE, SOUTH GULF PORT WATERFRONT Most favored Town Shores, Buckingham building. Unit #304. Master and living room access balcony. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. 1255 sq.ft. Southern ex posure. Fantastic view of Boca Ciega Bay. Covered parking. Mirrored living room wall. Available now. Make offer. 727-643-6308, 810-610-7693. PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4%JeffCommission!Thomsen, Accommodations Wanted IDEAL LONG-TERMLOOKINGTENANTFORRENTAL Quiet professional who works at home, doesn’t smoke or drink, looking for in-law, cottage, guest quarters in which to make a treasured home. Last rental 17 years. Impec cable references. Call only (no texts): 239224-4110 or email C ity O f G ulfp O rt M eetin G s City Clerk’s Office • September 2022 All meetings are open to the public and are held in the City Hall, City Council Chambers, 2401 53 rd Street South, In Person, unless otherwise noted. Meetings may occasionally be added, cancelled or rescheduled after this list is published. Please check the city’s website for updated information and log in instructions to participate in the Council Meetings through Zoom.
– Labor
September 13, 2022 Council Meeting – Final Millage Rate/Budget Hearings & Regular Meeting - 6:00 p.m. (In and Zoom) 20, 2022 Council Meeting – Millage Rate/Budget Hearings & Regular Meeting - 6:00 pm (In person and Zoom) 6, 2022 -
September 7, 2022 Planning and Zoning Board No Meeting
September 5, 2022 City Hall Closed Day
Furnished Rentals SEASON RENTAL IN TOWN SHORES 2BR/ 2BA. Updated and beautifully furnished condo. High floor allowing panoramic view of Boca Ciega Bay. Covered parking, all utilities/cable except electric. New flooring. Pool/clubhouse. Seasonal 6/mo lease
$2300/month. No pets/smoking. Text 860995-0330. Real Estate Wanted SHORT TERM RENTAL NEEDED Writer with small dog seeking short-term apt or house w/hi-speed internet from January 1 thru March. No studio. Gulfport or SPB. Contact Place adsclassifiedyourlineonline! Deadline for classified ads is 3 p.m. Friday for the following week’s issue.
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee – 8:00 am Senior Center – 5501 27 th Ave. S
September 14, 2022 Board of Adjustment 6:00 pm

2902 Beach Blvd S. #1 Listing
SALUSTRICATHY Estate Snapshots What Sold in Gulfport Last Week
4716 29th Ave. S. (Marina) This 1,224-squarefoot home, built in 1960, has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It listed at $598,376 and sold for $575,000. 5980 Shore Blvd. S., #505 (Town Shores) This 1,450-square-foot condo, built in 1972, has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It listed at $460,000 and sold for $465,000. 5900 Shore Blvd. S., 303 (Town Shores) This 1,450-square-foot condo, built in 1972, has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It listed at $389,000 and sold for $371,000. Agency Gulfport! (727) | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022 31
The Gabber lists real estate sales every week, as space allows. This may not be a comprehensive list of all homes and condos sold in Gulfport, and often does not include commercial properties or business sales.
2616 48th St. S. (Marina) This 2,413-square-foot, four-bedroom, three-bath home, built in 1925, listed at $695,000 and sold for $610,000.
Other Gulfport Home Sales Last Week

32 | September 1, 2022 - September 7, 2022