Jenny Farley can identify somewhat with the plight of Sandra Bullock’s character in the hit film “The Proposal.”TheGulfport resident has never been faced with the prospect of being banished from the United States to her native Canada within a single weekend, as was dramatized on screen, but she has experienced some hassles when crossing the border. Those problems will be no more since, as of Sept. 6, she is officially a U.S. citizen.
One summer she got a job at a camp in northern Michigan. She went home for a weekend due to a death in the family, and when she came back a few days later, U.S. officials would not let her into the country despite her having a contract to work the entire summer. Fortunately, she was not delayed in returning to college in the fall.
Meet Gulfport’s Newest U.S. Citizen: Jenny Farley
She went through a visa process in 2006 when she moved to California to begin college. While there she needed a job, which meant another visa.
Jenny continued on page 5
Gulfport resident Jenny Farley displays her U.S. citizenship certificate just after taking the oath in Tampa. A fellow Canadian who also was just sworn in took this photo.
By Monroe Roark
THE GABBER.COM Digital subscriptions provided by the City of Gulfport No. 2778 September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
The way we do things now isn’t the way The Gabber always did things.Once upon a time at The Gab ber, the owners gave free ads to charities. That was a long time ago, but it’s the world I entered when I started working for the paper. Somewhere along the way, though, the owners realized they couldn’t afford to do that, and they started charging for ads. I always thought the owners felt a little bad about the need to charge, because as the president of one such charity – the Gulfport Historical Society – I noticed we didn’t always get a bill for things (and this was after I left the paper, so it wasn’t because I workedToday,there.)westill charge charities for ads, although we offer them our best rate – so long as they can show us they’re a 501(c)(3) in the eyes of the IRS.
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2 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
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At The Gabber, we want to help everyone. The problem is that every page costs money to create and print, and as much as we want to give away ads to worthy organizations – of which there many – we have to be able to pay our staff, and our printer and landlord are also pretty clear on wanting to get paid, too. There’s also the overwhelming angst of not being able to pay our bills, the paper failing, us disappointing a community, and us having to leave in shame and move to North Dakota which, no disrespect, is not the goal.
Often, charities need to advertise their fundraiser, but don’t have money to ad vertise, so how are they supposed to attract people to their events? Many times – as was the case at the museum recently – a board member paid out of pocket for the ad. That’s not sustainable for any organization, so The Gabber’s created a charity ad bank. Here’s how it works: Any 501(c)(3) can choose an ad package for the year, based on what they think they’ll need, whether it’s 12 ads a year or 52. They still pay our lowest rate, but instead of paying one lump sum, they can make interest-free payments on a monthly or weekly basis throughout the year. This way, they can budget for advertising without taking a chunk out of what may be shoestring budgets. It’s the most sustainable way we can think of to help the many worthy charities in our community.
- Cathy
publisher’s note
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We hope all the local charities will take part in this, and we hope, as we grow, we can give them even better rates.
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Jon Kile, Columnist
Suffice to say, we’re motivated to keep the paper solvent, but we also want to lift up the organizations that make Gulfport special. We just can’t do it for free. And so we’ve had discussion upon discussion, and last month, I think we arrived at a solution, and we believe it will benefit the charities.
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The views and opinions expressed in this publi cation are not necessarily those of the publish ers, advertisers, or employees of the Gabber. The Gabber is not liable for any errors in advertising beyond the cost of the first printing of any adver tisement. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced or copied without permission of the publisher.
Creative Director
Mike Sunnucks, Crime
Cathy Salustri cathy@thegabber.comLoper
The museum and the arts center are not alone. Friends of Strays needs shelter volunteers. The Lions Club needs members. Little League needs support. The Ki wanis needs money and people. There’s no shortage of need; what there seems to be is a shortage of money, even the money to advertise for what they need.
We’ve had a lot of talks internally about how we can help the charities get the word out about what they’re doing and what they need. At the museum, we al ways have events we want people to know about, and now that we’re responsible for the Gulfport Arts Center, our need has doubled.
cal match. That means Gulfport will pay only $15,000 if Forward Pinellas gets the grant.
“There is going to be a lot of planning involved [if Gulfport gets the grant],” Nicholls said. “It is a 12-month process, and we will be including the businesses along the corridor and the residents. There will be community meetings and then a final presentation at the end to the council showing what improve ments are being recommended for that corridor. Afterward, Forward Pinellas has agreed to go look for those dollars to actually implement thoseMayorimprovements.”SamHenderson asked if the plan would include widening the road. Nicholls said that was unlikely.
“I think they will be mostly minor safety improvements that they can
In response to a question from Councilmember April Thanos (Ward I) about possibly extending the study all the way south on 49th to the water, Nicholls said another plan is in place for that area and has al ready been Councilmemberapproved.Michael Fridovich (Ward IV) noted he’s received calls about portions of the Gulfport Bou levard corridor, to which O’Reilly re sponded that his staff is waiting on officials from Pinellas County and Duke Energy for cost estimates.
“This is another opportunity for us to leverage our dollars,” City Manag er Jim O’Reilly said.
“Duke Energy presented a lighting plan that was just not sufficient,” said Nicholls. “They had to rework it but they are doing that now. I have talked to the county and they are supposed to be putting a response together re garding the mural and some of those additional crosswalks.”
Gulfport and Forward Pinellas Partner in 49th Street Safety Federal Grant Sought for Planning
get some extra funding for improvements along the 49th Street South corridor.
By Monroe | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 3 news
Gulfport Council voted at its Sept. 6 regular meeting to approve an agreement with Forward Pinellas that could lead to a federal grant designated for improvements in tended to prevent death and seri ous injury on roads and streets. The Federal Highway Administration has set aside $5 billion over the next five years for these types of projects through its “Safe Streets for All” ini tiative.According to a city staff report, Forward Pinellas is applying for the FHWA grant to help communities within the county identify safety improvements that help to advance the Safe Streets Pinellas Action Plan.Public Works Director Tom Nicholls told the Council that the Memoran dum of Understanding would lead to a $150,000 planning grant with a 20% match typically required, but since the majority of the corridor also is in St. Petersburg, Forward Pinellas agreed to pay half of the lo
Gulfport and Forward Pinellas are looking for meaningful ways to make 49th Street safer.
achieve,” said Nicholls. “I told them I wanted to go from the crossing at 7th to Gulfport Boulevard, but they’re probably going to extend it and try to include the SunRun ner bus on 1st Avenue North, doing some connectivity with that onto 49th Street as well.”
Forward Pinellas initiated the agreement, Nicholls said, as the or ganization wanted to work with a few communities throughout Pinel las to apply for a grant.
GulfportRoarkresidents have one more chance to make their voices heard before final approval of the budget and millage rate for the new fiscal year that starts Oct. 1.
When Mayor Sam Henderson opened the public hearing, a single comment was given from an unidentified person who never left his seat: “We’re happy.”
staff of 151 full-time and 58 parttime employees, of which 58.5% are public safety-related. The employees provide services which include police, fire, community development, code enforcement, water & sewer utilities, sanitation, street maintenance, library, marina, cultural facilities, events, and parks and recreation.”
4 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 GULF BEACHES LAW, P. A. ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW PROBATE CORPORATE www.Gul fB eache Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Your Trusted Local Attorney! Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Estate Planning including Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney, Trust & Probate Estate Administration, Elder Law including Medicaid & Special Needs Trusts, Corporate & Business Planning We are available for phone consultations! 2816 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707 • (727) 822-2200 Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD,
Gulfport Budget Set for Approval on Sept. 20 Millage Rate Expected Not To Change
anced budget once again and to keep providing the level of services the community has become accustomed to,” O’Reilly told the council.
on the budget and tax rate.
Gulfport Council will vote one time The
There was zero public comment on the budget ordinance. The proposed general fund budget is $16,539,136.
“We are happy to give you a bal-
By Monroe
millage rate won’t increase, but property taxes will. SALUSTRICATHY
At the Sept. 6 Gulfport City Council meeting, the council approved the first readings of ordinances for both actions. Council will vote one last time at its Sept. 20 meeting. A public hearing will precede the meeting.Council set the millage rate for the 2023 fiscal year at 4.039, the same as the 2022 fiscal year. Nevertheless, property taxes will increase by 14.38% because property values have increased over the past year. To keep property taxes level, Council would have had to roll back the millage rate to 3.5312 mills. City Manager Jim O’Reilly noted that this is the 11th consecutive year for the millage rate to hold steady and not go up.
A city staff memo pointed out that the budget “is structured to support the services required to maintain a full service city of more than 11,000 residents.” It went on to state that this is done with “a
“I don’t think they would ever hire a foreigner again because it was such a mess,” she said.
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For most of her adult life she had never seriously considered U.S. citizenship.“Itwas a ton of money and a ton of work. I wasn’t interested,” she said. But when considering the documentation that had been required for her marriage visa and green card, she changed her mind. “I didn’t want to go through this every 10 years.”
When she moved in 2011 to Florida’s east coast to begin her career as an elementary school teacher, the school hired an immigration attorney, but there were still some bumps in the road.
The City of Gulfport is accepting ap plications from Gulfport residents to serve as a volunteer on the Police Officers’ Pension Board. The Pen sion Board meets quarterly to evaluate legal issues affecting pensions and review the funds’ operations and investments to ensure the best possible outcome for the plan. Vol unteer applications may be obtained at City Hall or online at mygulfport. us under Departments, City Clerk, Resources. For more information on the Board, go to the website for the Pension Plan at www.resourcecen , and select Gulfport Munic ipal Police Officers’ Trust Fund from the Pension Plan tab and follow the Trustee Resources link. For additional appointment information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office.
Then there was the citizenship test. It has 100 questions, although U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services only asks the applicant 10.
Officials administer the test orally, and she had to answer six questions correctly to pass the test. Jenny only needed seven questions to reach that mark – she answered six out of seven questions correctly. Some of the questions can be tough, while others are as simple as, “Which ocean is on the west coast of the United States?” Of course, all of the questions can be studied on YouTube.The test and the interview took place Sept. 1. Chad went to the interview as well so that USCIS could confirm their relationship was the real thing. Jenny learned that day she had passed and her new status was a done deal.
After meeting through a mutual friend, Jenny and her husband Chad wed in 2018. Even that did not go as planned: The wedding that was planned for July had to be done in late May or she risked having to wait a year because of visa requirements.
She started the citizenship process in March.
“It’s relatively very little paperwork compared to the initial marriage visa and green card,” she said. Part of the most recent documentation is proof of her current life in America, from bank statements to her children’s birth certificates. | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 5
Five days later she returned to the USCIS office in Tampa to take the oath and complete the process. Her husband did not make that trip, because no one is allowed in the room except for those taking the oath (and interpreters, if needed).Nowshe has dual citizenship. She will have an easier time with employment in the future, although she expects to remain a stay-athome mom for a few years.
“The biggest thing, honestly, for me is that the border will be so much easier,” she said, referring to future visits to her hometown where her parents still live. “It has stressed me out so much in the past. Now I can go and come back just like any American.”
About the City of Gulfport budget
About GeckoFest
Overheard at the Sept. 6 Gulfport Council Meeting
“For the 11th consecutive year we have maintained the millage rate.” –City Manager Jim O’Reilly “We’re happy.” –an unidentified audience member, making the only public comment on the millage “We are happy to give you a balanced budget once again and to keep providing the level of services the community has become accustomed to.” –City Manager Jim O’Reilly
–Vice Mayor Christine Brown (Ward“WithII)a lot of moving tar gets.” –Mayor Sam Hender son “If anyone ever chooses to look at it, I’m happy to lend you my copy so you can.” –Councilmember April Thanos (Ward I), to residents
“It [GeckoFest] was great. It was so much fun. Everything was perfect. There was no rain, it was breezy; it was hot but there was a breeze. The unveiling of the statue was so much fun. I was surprised at how many people came out, but that’s Gulfport. The chamber did a great job with the whole month of Gecko stuff. Great statue; such a wonderful addition.”
About the Heat
”It protects you, too.” –City Attorney Andrew Salzman, to Brown
About Pinellas Forward
Here’s some outtakes from the Sept. 6 Gulfport City Council meeting.
On the Purchase of a New Fire Truck
About Gulfport’s Property and Casualty Insurance
“It’s always a great document and I know you worked really hard. We appreciate the work that goes into it from you and your staff.”
“With the transformation of this greenway to a beau tiful park and event venue – thank you to the City for all your hard work – we at SO49 have decided that we are now going to refer to that area as Trolley Market District, which is more reflective of what we now have.” –SO49 president Jeri Reed. City Manager O’Reilly told The Gabber the change would have to occur organical ly, meaning the City will not change the name of the area unless businesses and residents in that area call for change.
About a Short-Term Rental
6 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
“I’m just sad we have to wait a year and a half, but it’ll
“Have we thought about extending it all the way to the water, since we have had people drive off the end?”
“I had a new house built next to me by Winway. It has been a prob lem since it was built. It was turned into a duplex after it was given its occu pancy permit and is now being short-term rent ed as a duplex … They’ve opened up a car wash and detail business in the house, and it is advertised on Google with that address. The owners of the house also have a car dealership in Clearwater, and they’re buying and selling cars at this location in Gulfport. They’re also doing body work there.” –Bob McKenna during public comment
“That’s kind of early these days.” –Attorney Salzman to Vice-Mayor Brown
be a 2024.” –Vice Mayor Brown
“It [GeckoFest] was a really good time. I was super impressed when we had the unveiling of McFly. It was nice to see so many people out to see it, too. I think it’s a great addition to the city.” –Councilmember Paul Ray, Ward III
About the Neighborhood Near Trolley Market Square Mark
–Councilwoman Thanos
“We were for our numbers on property and casualty. This is essentially homeowners insurance. We did see a climb of about 14%, which is the industry standard. It is accounted for within the budget.” – City Manager Jim O’Reilly“Weneed it.” –Councilmember Christine Brown (Ward II), after the council approved renewing the policy
“Be careful outside. We tend to get a little too used to [the heat] this time of the year. Be cognizant of your pets, making sure they have water and all those good things. Remember to think about how hot those surfaces are if you’re going for a walk and taking them out on the concrete or the asphalt. I’ve got my fingers crossed for some nights that get down in the mid-70s sometime soon.” –Mayor Henderson
The second half started explosively. After Northeast kicked off, Miller took the handoff on first down and raced 73 yards down the right sideline for a score. On the next possession, Jonas Sagesse Jr. picked off a pass but Gibbs could not capitalize.The | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 7 S AFE INDOOR & OUTDOOR DINING AND BEER GARDEN 3007 BEACH BLVD • GULFPORT (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM Do you have FEMA? We can provide BETTER COVERAGE at a LOWER COST! Check out our options. Home • Flood • Condo • Renters Auto • Commercial 5308 Gulfport Blvd. S. • Gulfport Located Next to State Farm 727-209-8888 •
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Mike Whitman, Agent
in the end zone for the touchdown, and Ke’wyan Washington ran it in for a two-point conversion to make it a 23-20 game.
St. Petersburg Catholic (0-3) dropped a 43-28 decision to Master’s Academy of Orlando.
Hollins (0-2) and St. Petersburg (11) were off this week.
Lakewood (1-2) fell 24-14 at home toBocaHomestead.Ciega(1-2) was shut out for the second straight week with a 21-0 loss at Largo.
By Monroe Roark
Gibbs suffers 37-20 loss at Northeast Miller Shines with 238 Yards on the Ground
The Gibbs defense heads back to the field during the Northeast game.
Midway through the fourth quarter, Viking defender Derrick Brantley scooped up a bobbled shotgun snap – the sixth lost fumble for Gibbs of the night – and ran 50 yards for a touchdown. The Northeast defense held on the next possession, capping it off with a sack on fourth down, and Mikale Washington scored on an 8-yard run with 1:41 left.Overall it was another rough week for most South Pinellas teams.
Gladiators cut the lead to three points on the second play of the fourth quarter. After Gibbs was stopped on fourth down at the Northeast 5, a Viking running back was hit at the goal line on a firstdown play, and the ball popped loose. DeVon Walton recovered it
But that was as close as it got.
The Gibbs Gladiators fell to 0-3 on the 2022 season with a 37-20 loss atThereNortheast.were no weather delays, but a day of steady rain leading up to kickoff produced a soggy field that had no small effect on the players’ footing and overall mobility. The Vikings broke out to a 23-6 halftime lead and weathered a Gibbs second-half rally before pulling away for the Sammywin.Miller Jr. was the focus of the Gibbs offense all night, rushing for 238 yards and scoring twice. His first touchdown came less than four minutes into the game and gave the Gladiators an early lead, after George Butler intercepted a pass to end Northeast’s first possession. Gibbs drove 37 yards and Miller took it in from the 2.
But the Vikings reeled off 23 un-
All local teams will be in action in the coming week, mostly on the road. St. Petersburg will travel to Osceola, Hollins heads to Dunedin, Boca Ciega will play at East Lake, Lakewood has its first road game of the season against Pinellas Park, and SPC is at Clearwater Central Catholic. Gibbs will stay on the southern end of Pinellas County and host Largo.
answered points before halftime. Evan Jacobson threw three touchdown passes, two to De’Angelo Owens and another to Cory Conklin, while Jackson Bickel converted a field goal to go along with a pair of extra points.
New State Funding Allows Return of TD Tampa Bay
Let It Rain - Keep It Dry
“I am extremely grateful that PSTA has re-opened the Tampa Bay area to the physically challenged in our community,” said Kim Rankine, a member of PSTA’s Transit Riders Advisory Committee and a user of PSTA’s paratransit services. “I am so excited about all of the possible new adventures that this opportuni ty has opened up for me.”
and travel where they please.”
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The popular Transportation Disad vantaged, or TD, Tampa Bay initia tive includes curb-to-curb regional trips within Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Pasco counties, but PSTA dis continued the services in June 2021 due to a lack of funding. It is ramp ing back up now because PSTA re ceived $1 million from the Florida Commission for Transportation Dis advantaged, according to a Sept. 6 statement issued by PSTA officials.
PSTA Resumes Program for Disabled Riders
More local residents with physi cal challenges can once again take advantage of public transportation thanks to the relaunch of a Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority program.
As part of the 2022 legislative session, the Florida Legislature au thorized the use of up to $4 million in Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund monies to administer the Innovative Service Development Grant Program, through which TD Tampa Bay received its funding for theTorestart.qualify, Pinellas County resi dents should phone 727-540-1900.
The unveiling of this program comes just a little over a month be fore another major PSTA initiative, the SunRunner, makes its debut Oct. 21. The new “bus rapid tran sit” service consists of lines that stretch along 1st Avenue North and South between downtown St. Petersburg and the beaches, giving passengers what the PSTA believes will be a faster and more cost-efficient ride.
The regional service is provided by Uber, Lyft, Wheelchair Transport, and taxi services for all qualified residents of Hillsborough, Pasco, and Pinellas counties. Current Pi nellas County residents can use the program, while Hillsborough and Pasco residents will have access to
By Monroe Roark
the program later this month. “We are so excited to be re-launch ing this very popular service,” said PSTA chief executive officer Brad Miller. “When the state funding was canceled last year, I know a lot of residents who relied on the service to get from Pinellas to Tampa or Pas co to Clearwater were left stranded. Now, they can get their lives back
The SunRunner will be complete ly free to ride for its first six months in operation, officials said. After that, the service will be complete ly cashless – trips can be planned and paid for using a smartphone or a PSTA Flamingo Fares card.
Gulfport’s getting a new fire truck, but it will take more than a year before it arrives.
The City Council voted at its Sept. 6 meeting to approve the $835,160 purchase using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) coronavirus re covery funds. But as City Manager Jim O’Reilly pointed out during the discussion, the current lead time on this kind of equipment is 18 months. So the City will get a 2024 truck that likely will not arrive be fore late 2023 at the earliest.
According to officials, the Gulf port Fire Department’s current En gine 17, a 2012 model, has recently cracked the 100,000-mile mark. Maintenance and upkeep has in creased over the years due to its age and the number of calls it runs daily, officials said.
The very next action on the City Council agenda was a vindication
“It’s pretty self-explanatory,” said O’Reilly. “This is why we are buying a new truck.” | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 9 2908-A Beach Boulevard (in the heart of the Village) 727-303-0976 un driesdries • Kitchen & Serveware • Gourmet Foods • Gifts, Cards, Books • Stella’s Gear & Souvenirs
It’s going to be a while, but Gulf port is getting a new fire truck.
dated equipment, added options, as well as the installation of all the equipment.TheCityhas now used $4,876,638 of the $6,181,536 in ARPA funds al located by the federal government. That means $1,304,898 remains for approved expenditures.
Gulfport Uses ARPA Money for New Fire Truck City Expects to Wait More Than a Year for Delivery
At present, the backup fire truck is a 2004 with 117,000 miles and plenty of repairs under its belt. It will get sold as surplus when the new truck arrives – at auction on E-Gov according to O’Reilly – and the 2012 model will then become theThebackup.purchase price stated for the new Engine 17 includes all the up
By Monroe Roark
of sorts for the previous decision, as a $28,097 payment for emer gency repairs to Engine 17 was approved. The vehicle recently re quired a complete engine overhaul, and as the bill was above $20,000 it required council approval.
Owl Fatalities in Pinellas Due to Poisoning
The Poison, Meant for Rodents, Kills Owls, Pets, and Other Wildlife
“We see hawks, eagles or other raptors dead on the road – hit by a car,” she said, “but why were they so slow? These poisons bio-accu mulate over time, so we think most raptors have toxins.”
10 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg karenformarijuana.com33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D.
“These recent owl deaths were highly visible, but the problem is astronomical,” said Nancy Murrah, founder and president of the Rap tor Center of Tampa Bay.
“We know the symptoms (of poi soning) well and see many birds we suspect are dying from it,” she said. “But with necropsies costing $250, we can’t afford that for every bird death we see.”
The death of a beloved family of great horned owls in Safety Har
owls died around Tampa Bay, all resulting from eating rat poison, according to necropsies.
Before rat poison kills the rat, it slows them down, making them easy pickings for owls like this burrowing owl at Boyd Hill. When the owls eat the poisoned rats, they die, too.
By Nano Riley
This spring a rash of owl deaths prompted a closer look at rodenti cides (rat poison). Almost a dozen
Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance. Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance. All Florida Family Care, Inc. S. Tirupathi M.D. Primary Care Physician 3301 66th St N, Ste-A, St. 727-344-6200Petersburg Call the o ce for a FREE tour! Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9-5pm We are always there for YOU! 24 Hour Answering Service with doctor on call 24 hours a day. We o er same day appointments for all our patients! 2001 Board Certified in Internal Medicine at Michigan State University. Practicing as an Internist in the area since 2003. Recipient of the 2009 and 2010 People Choice Award for Favorite Physician. Physician Supervised Weight Loss Program | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 11
Fatally poisoned rats also affect non-target animals, even coyotes and panthers, because one rat can poison other mammals through bio-accumulation. It’s considered a danger to household pets, espe cially cats, who may catch a dying rodent.Fortunately, Pinellas County has
At Boyd Hill Nature Park in south St. Petersburg, Jason Cowen oversees the Raptor Center and shared concerns about neighbors us ing rodenticides that could affect park wildlife. “We don’t use them, but we’re sur rounded by a golf course and residen tial neighborhood,” he said. “If they use rat bait, the hawks, owls and other rap tors could be poisoned.”
In St. Petersburg, advocates want a moratorium on ARs in parks.
about ro denticides in state parks and other public areas
bor’s Phillipe Park triggered the recent alarm. The pair, dubbed Emily and Oliver, were raising two owlets called Huey and Louie. For almost seven years the pair nest ed in the “Owl Tree”, which be came a gathering place for nature raisingeatingedaccidentallynecropsied.ofshowedoneTampaanotherin’sperishedmoreTampaowlthephotographers.Buttheseweren’tsummer’sonlyfatalitiesinBay–fournestingowlsinDunedHammockPark,inaSouthpark,andinManatee.AlltoxiclevelsrodenticideswhenTheowlsingestatoxicdosebypoisonedrats,seriousconcerns
In the U.S., the prevalence of ARs in non-target wildlife is wide spread, with raptors a special concern because of ARs. A recent study at Tufts University’s found 100% of raptors they studied had traces of ARS. The EPA considers ARs so dangerous they tried to keep them from store shelves.
Often, manufacturers flavor rat bait with peanut butter to make it more attractive, sometimes draw ing squirrels and other non-target species. Urban areas with restau rants and grocery stores regularly bait parking lots.
It may be their last meal.
Cowen said the Sierra Club has approached area governments to protect raptors and other pred ators of small mammals by using
“I’ve told them moving forward we’ll go in a different direction,” Nicholls told The Gabber, adding that, as needed, the City would use snap traps instead.
snap traps, sparing rats the slow, painful death, and minimizing ex posure to non-target animals.
The popular anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) leave the rat wandering
“We recommend snap traps,” Murrah said. “They’re far more humane; they kill the rat right away. Some people prefer hu mane traps, relocating the ro dents in a more rural area with natural predators and fewer easy foodOthersources.”methods of rodent con trol include not leaving pet food outside, covering garbage cans, and plugging holes to keep ro dents out of homes. around as it bleeds out, providing a gobbleforslow-movingtempting,preyanunsuspectingpredator,whomayituporshareitwithitsfamily.
The popular anticoagulant ro denticides (ARs) leave the rat wan dering around as it bleeds out, providing a tempting, slow-moving prey for an unsuspecting predator, who may gobble it up or share it with its family.
banned the use of rodenticides in all parks, and local governments in Safety Harbor and Dunedin have replaced rodenticides with snap traps that kill rats immediately.
In Gulfport, Tom Nicholls, direc tor of Public Works, said they con tract pest control out to local firms. After speaking with The Gabber, Nicholls asked the contractor what they used. When he learned they used ARs, he told them that was no longer acceptable.
With their expanded hours, The Club gave Treasure Island a new late-night dining option. It’s now possible to order grouper or filet mignon at a Treasure Island restau rant after 9 p.m., as The Club is now open until 10 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday nights; on Fridays and Saturdays, they’re open until mid night.We asked Persaud what’s the best way for newcomers to experience The Club. She suggested visiting during one of their weekend pool parties.
The Club at Treasure Island, 400 Trea sure Island Causeway, Treasure Is land. Wed.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Fri., 11 a.m.-midnight; Sat., 10 a.m.-mid night; Sun., 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 727-3674511.
St. Pete’s West Side is about to get a new fast casual dining option. This winter, Red Mesa Mercado opens a second location where Two Grac es used to be. With burritos in the neighborhood of $7-15, Red Mesa is St. Pete’s Mexican food go-to, with taco options, combo meals, a full li quor bar, and desserts. Plus, they’re owned by longtime St. Pete restau rateurs, Peter and Shawn Vetyia.
The Birria Platter at Red Mesa Mercado.
“A gigantic thank you goes out to our awesome friends and family for joining us for a weekend of dining, cocktails, hugs, and selfies!” Good Intentions posted on Instagram. “It was a great turn out and your en ergy and kindness made our space truly come alive.
“I would say, for the first time, we do pool parties on the weekends,” Persaud told The Gabber. “Saturday and Sunday, we typically either have live entertainment by the pool or a DJ that plays 1-5 p.m. ... It’s the perfect mid-day timing if you want to come hang out, grab a bite to eat, swim in the pool.”
West St. Pete Gets Red Mesa Mercado This Winter
Last week, Good Intentions (1900 1st Ave. S., St. Pete) invited friends and family to try the restaurant be fore they opened to the public. We’re guessing everything went well, be
Plant-Based, Pool Parties, and Cheap Burritos Business News from St. Pete and the Beaches
12 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 business beat Lisa PenceIndependent Sales Representative Florida License W566896 Let Me Help find the right Medicare plan for you! Call 727-560-3674 • LinkedIn: LisaPenceMedicare • Medicare Health Plans Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Medicare Advantage Plans Part D Prescription Drug Plans My assistance is 100% complimentary —there’s no cost to you!
“Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for: We are excited to announce that we will be officially open 5 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. At this time, we are op erating on a first come, first served basis with plenty of comfortable space to relax and wait for a table (with beverages if you’d like!) We absolutely can’t wait to see you!”
cause on Sept. 11 they announced their official opening.
Good Intentions is a joint proj ect from the owners of Nah Dogs, Golden Dinosaurs, and Black Rad ish. The New American vegan restaurant serves elevated vegan items, classic cocktails, wine, and NA options. According to Good Intentions, the seasonal gnocchi was a crowd favorite at the friends and family night. And The Gab ber’s Creative Director, Joey Neill, a self-professed hater of seafood, speaks highly of the devilish crab balls.
Good Intentions Opened Wednesday in St. Pete
By Jen Ring Treasure Island Club Events For Everyone
The Club at Treasure Island is open to everyone, with a host of new events and live entertainment. The latest additions are late-night hours, karaoke starting at 7 p.m. on Friday nights, and live music by the pool on weekends. Edwards Group representative Nadia Persaud said the purpose was to create more op tions for people on the island.
Chess set made by Jackie Kaufman, St. Petersburg Chess Club members, and St. Petersburg artist Alex Kaufman.
Then Jackie started looking for places to display the completed chess set.
By Jen Ring
Shores artist Jackie Kaufman hadn’t thought much about chess either. That was until one of her stu dents at The Beach Art Center in Indian Rocks Beach brought it up. Kaufman was teaching a workshop on mold making and pewter casting when one of her students men tioned that this would be a good pro cess for creating individual chess pieces. Kaufman liked the idea, but she didn’t want to create an entire chess set by herself, so she started looking for collaborators.
Did you know that St. Pete has a chess club? If not, you’re not alone. It’s been around, in the same building, sinceRedington1931.
“This was my first time at the chess club,” Kaufman told The Gabber, “and what I saw there made my idea, and this project, very special. It was late Friday afternoon, and people of all ages were flowing in to just play chess. Some seemed to know each other, but some were strangers... I was so intrigued that a place like this was here and so active.”Kaufman convinced nine chess club members to par
ticipate in her Chess Club project. They each completed a single chess piece during a two-day workshop in June. Then Kaufman enlisted another Kaufman – her son, St. Petersburg artist Alex Kaufman — to make the board. Alex designed the 23-by-23-inch board, made from aluminum and glass, with a blue and white checkered pattern.
How a Chess Set Became an Art Show in St. Pete Jackie Kaufman’s Chess Club Project Inspires a Pop-Up Art Exhibition at the Morean Arts Center
“Initially I wanted to find a school that had a chess club,” Kaufman told The Gab ber.That was until she found out about the Saint Petersburg Chess Club.
‘Checkered’ The Morean Arts Center, 719 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. Opening reception: Sept. 10, 5-8 p.m. Through Oct. 31: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The only thing left was for Cooper to find a context in which to display the board. Thus, the idea for a checker-themed art show was born. The exhibition takes place in the Morean’s pop-up gallery, a small space Cooper re serves for last-minute ideas like this. Main gallery shows like the concurrent Tes One Retrospective, Good Inten tions, are planned at least a year ahead of time. | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 13
“I had never heard of them before,” says Kaufman, “and it turns out, I was not the onlyKaufmanone...” hatched a plan. She would teach the chess club members to create a chess set to promote their club. She set up a meeting with Saint Pe tersburg Chess Club President, Timotey Gospodinov, and told him her idea.
“Jackie’s vision and chess board turned out great, and I can’t wait for our visitors to see it!” says Cooper.
Checkered includes checkerboard-inspired work from 23 artists, but the centerpiece of the exhibition is Kaufman and the St. Petersburg Chess Club’s chess set.
“Jackie approached me about her Chess Club project a few months ago. I loved the concept, and the fact that it was bringing attention to this old establishment which happens to be a stone’s throw from the AmandaMorean.”—Cooper
“Jackie approached me about her Chess Club project a few months ago,” the Morean Arts Center’s Chief Curator, Amanda Coo per, told The Gabber. “I loved the concept, and the fact that it was bringing attention to this old establishment which happens to be a stone’s throw from the Morean. I was also drawn to the connection between chess and art – neither of these things sees age or ability boundaries – they are there for everyone to learn and enjoy.”
Scott Cooper’s detailed set gives the appearance of a concrete jungle where the audience moves through the scaffolding and simulated steam past the graffiti-lined walls to arrive at their seats, perfectly setting the tone of this punk rock world.
Three youthful friends are bored with suburbia and dealing with their teenage anger and angst. One friend goes off to fight in a war. He gets injured and falls in love with a nurse. Another friend travels the country, gets hooked on drugs and has his heart broken while trying to find himself. The third friend spends most of his days and nights on a couch hitting a bong and anguishing over getting his girlfriend pregnant.
Nevertheless,company.thewhole cast put their heart and soul into the production at American Stage. From the beginning of the evening, the ensemble had the energy of a full-throttle, high-paced adrenaline rush. They were sharp and on their toes, even when technical issues arose.
A Green Light for Green Day Fans
This is the story written by Billy Joe Armstrong and Michael Mayer that strings the songs from the punk band Green Day’s Grammy-winning album, “American Idiot”, into the theatrical musical of the same title.
table: the neon lights in the shape of a cross on the back of St. Jimmy’s vest. The best costume is Favorite Son’s (fantastically performed by Arron Castle) glittering deep purple-sequenced suit and jet-black, Ken-doll wig. These costumes popped with life.
This is a production for Green Day fans. I saw a gentleman in the audience, eyes closed, bobbing his head, and mouthing the words to every song. The production moved him. The songs and the story of American Stage’s “American Idiot” carry the tone of anger and anxiety of youth from beginning to end, with little else in between. While that may be great and cathartic to listen to from a popular punk album, sitting in a theater for 90-plus minutes without intermission with the energy of anger and angst relentlessly projected towards me as a loosely threaded musical made me bored, irritated, and uninvested.
By Brian Shea
Jordan Jeffers’ amazing costumes greatly enhance the story. Most no-
hear the full impact of the music. A glitchy start to the evening, and later in the performance, there were multiple microphone issues from both body and handheld mics – yet the performers continued giving their all. Bravo to this youthful cast for serving the story, the production, and the audience well. Their professionalism in the face of technical challenges shone through.
Still, even with the deficits of the story and technical elements, I sincerely applaud the performers for investing their wholehearted talent, passion, and commitment in this production.
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At American Stage, Green Day Fans Will Love ‘Green Day’s American Idiot’
On opening night, I found it difficult to follow the story, perhaps because the story’s main purpose is to showcase the songs from a popular album by a popular band. That story structure would pose a challenge to any theater
Green Day’s American Idiot American Stage, 163 3rd St. N., St. Petersburg. Through Oct. 7: Wed.-Thurs., 7 p.m.; Fri.Sat., 8 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 2 p.m. $45. 727823-7529,
American Stage’s latest showcases Green Day’s popular “American Idiot”, and our critic says Green Day fans will love it.
At the start of opening night, the first instrument played, an electric guitar, was silent for the first few moments. The guitarist played on, and the ensemble sang soon after; power to the instrument was restored, and the audience could
A month after Kristin Shepherd resigned as the Muse um of Fine Arts’ Executive Director, Anne-Marie Russell has stepped in as Interim Executive Direc tor. Russell comes to the MFA from Archi tecture Sarasota, where she was Execu tive“WeDirector.are so pleased to announce Anne-Marie Russell as Interim Execu tive Director,” Dimity Carlson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, wrote in a press re lease. “Under Anne-Marie’s leadership, we will continue to evolve the MFA to serve as the dynamic cultural destination that the community of St. Petersburg and beyond, knows and loves.”
is Not a Selfie, 2019’s Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami , Jennifer Angus’ ‘The Grasshopper and the Ant’ and Other stories , and 2020’s Art of the Stage Despite the Museum’s outward success, talk of high turnover and a potentially hos tile work environment under Shepherd’s leadership persisted. The Gabber reached out to Carlson to confirm that a consultant report suggested the hostile environment came from from upper management, but Carlson did not return multiple calls.
The MFA has not yet announced whether it will search for a new director or make Russell’s interim position per manent, but the listing appears neither on the Florida As sociation of Museum’s job board or the MFA’s website.
The MFA during the Derrick Adams exhibition.
The MFA hosted several show-stopping exhibitions during Shepherd’s five-year tenure, including 2018’s This
FLORIDAOFARCHIVESSTATE MONIKA STUDIOLO2EXTRAVAGANZAWEEKENDWATSONHOUSEGALLERY Friday • Saturday • Sunday Oct 7 - 9 • 5-9pm A large collection plus a Silent Auction on 12 paintings 1302 52nd St S, Gulfport Text or Call 727-366-5712
RINGJEN | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 15
Hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Eckerd College
A Change of Leadership at the Museum of Fine Arts Anne-Marie Russell Steps in as Interim
Despite the Museum’s outward success, talk of high turnover and a potentially hostile work leadershipunderenvironmentShepherd’spersisted. Executive Director
Friday, October 21 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. at Eckerd College
By Jen Ring
It's an all-day celebration with noted state experts and authors, Rick Kilby and Seth Bramson, who will take historical journey through Florida—by steamboat and by rail. more info about the head to
us on a
Advice from Local Growers
How To Grow Avocados in Your Florida Yard
Potted avocado trees for sale at Jene’s Tropicals in St. Pete.
“It is one of the rare things that you can actually grow an avocado tree from seed and get fruit,” Ross told The “’re me,” I replied. “Mine rotted.”“And then there’s that,” Ross said. “It all depends on what it was you tried to root. There are so many vari ables.”Let’s say that you actually man age to grow a little tree from your avocado seed. How long will you have to wait for fruit?
16 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 food
A sunny location with wind protec tion and good drainage are import ant.“For a grafted tree, don’t plant the tree any deeper than what you see in the pot,” VanButsel told The Gabber. “The entire graft has to be planted above the ground. And you should get it on a fertilizer schedule – at the least three times a year to keep it healthy. Generally people lose them due to overwatering or that the area holds water. The other thing is do not add a bunch of potting soil, manure, and top soil, because they do very well in the native ground. You don’t want the tree sitting low in the ground. If any thing, mound it up a little, then enjoy your fruit.”
A few years ago, I found out that it’s possible to grow an avocado from seed. So I removed the pit from my grocery store Haas avoca do, jabbed some toothpicks into it, suspended it in a glass half-full of water, and left it on my patio until it grewGreenmold.thumb I am not.
Last week, The Gabber reported on Florida’s “Year of the Avocado.” Next week, we’ll show you how to put all those avocados to good use.
“You can plant avocado trees all through the year in our climate,” Ross tells me.
“[This] will ensure that the tree’s on a durable rootstock, so it stands a better chance in our poor soil,” she told The Gabber. “Plus they fruit quickly.”Florida avocados come in many va rieties, too.
“I am told and believe It takes about 12 years to get an oil content that is mature enough to be yum my,” Crea Egan, the Food Forest cre ator, contributed. “So I suggest you purchase a grafted tree that is at
least 6 years old, [anywhere from a] 7-gallon up to a 30-gallon tree.”
“Picking a variety that grows well in our area is a good start,” Egan contributes. “We have self-polli nating Winter Mexican and Wurtz Avocado in Gulfport Food Forest –their oil content is excellent… Other varieties that do well here are Joey, Dwarf Maria, Brogdon and Cho quette.”Onceyou’ve selected or grown your tree, it’s time to plant.
By Jen Ring
Toffer Ross, Gulfport’s horticul turalist, assures me it is possible to grow an avocado from seed.
“At any time, we at least have 12-15 varieties, ”VanButsel told The Gabber. “And there may be more than that, but a lot of them are very tropical, so they would [grow] further south.”
Jené VanButsel of Jene’s Tropicals also recommends grafted trees.
GabberLife: Indoor Chair Volleyball in Gulfport Join the Fun Twice a Week Jen | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 17 gabberlife
out there — for some, too hot to play beach vol leyball on an actual beach in the middle of the afternoon. Perhaps that’s why indoor chair volleyball has become so popular at the Gulfport Senior Center. Since he took charge of the activity a few years ago, Larry Lucas has seen the number of participants increase from about 20 to 80. When I walked in on a Monday afternoon game, I saw about 20 seniors sitting around two volleyball nets, sending two large beach balls flying back and forth through the air. From the
Lestari Tae gets ready for the return.
looks on their faces, this is extremely enjoyable. Want to join in the fun? Gulfport Senior Center hosts in door chair volleyball twice a week – Mon., 3-5 p.m. and Fri., 1:30-3:30Gulfportp.m.Senior Center members can drop in and give it a try. Don’t worry if you don’t know the rules — Lucas goes over them at the beginning of each session. Gulfport Senior Center, 5501 27th Ave S, Gulfport. 727-893-1231. mygulfport. us/recreation/senior-center
Treasure Island Sunday Service 10am with Holy Communion 727-360-5739 Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send an email advertising@thegabber.comto: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership wit h Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included
Friday 7PM
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18 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
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the original founders. After retiring from the marine hardware business, he served as the president of Five Towns Syracuse building associa tion for 10 years, contributing count less budget improvements and physical efforts to the well-being of the association and their beloved neighbors. His most recent hob bies included tinkering with model trains, and building a scale model of “Tinkertoy”. John was preceded in death by his parents, John M. and Magdalene E. Dudinsky, and sib lings Thomas Dudinsky, Robert Du dinsky, and Diane Godown. John is survived by his wife, Jesselyn; son, John David Dudinsky (Charlotte); daughter Karen Elizabeth Casler (Ken); son, Michael Thomas Dudin sky (Kathy); and daughter, Michelle Joy Betros (John); 12 grandchil dren; and two great-grandchildren. John’s celebration of life will be Sat urday, September 24 at the Gulf port Lions Club (4630 Tifton Dr. S., Gulfport) from 4-8 p.m. Please join us to celebrate and share memo ries of his life!
Obituaries continued on page 20
John Charles Dudinsky, 81, of St. Petersburg, passed away on August 12. Born in Hillsdale, New Jersey on September 29, 1940 he relocated to Gulfport, Florida at the age of 6. He grew up on Tradewinds Drive, just steps away from Boca Ciega Yacht Club and Gulfport Marina. He met his childhood sweetheart, Jes selyn Davis, in Gulfport Elementary School, and they graduated togeth er from Boca Ciega High School in 1958. They married in 1961, and spent 60 wonderful years together.
Rita A. Libby , 94, longtime resi dent of Gulfport, was called home to the Lord on August 30. A de voted wife and mother, Rita most enjoyed spending time with her
family, sewing, playing cards, table games, and shuffleboard. Rita was born in Greenville, Maine on May 9, 1928 to Joseph E. and Valeda ( nee Baillargeon) Audette. After grad uating from Mount San Antonio College, Pamona, California, she moved to Baltimore, Maryland and married Blair B. Libby in 1952. They raised five children before retiring to Town Shores in Gulfport. Rita and Blair enjoyed retirement of 38 years, including traveling the U.S. and abroad. In 2021, the couple moved to the Fountains at Boca Ciega Bay in South Pasadena. Rita and Blair celebrated 70 years of marriage on July 17, 2022 sur rounded by family and friends. Rita is survived by Blair, her devoted
and loving husband, and two sis ters, Charlene and Joan. Rita is also survived by her daughter, Nancy J. Neun (Greg Neeley); daughter, Kathy L. (David) Mueller; son, Da vid B. (Debi); daughter, Patricia L. (Harry) Barrick; and son, Rev. Rob ert A. (Mitzi); 12 grandchildren, Bri an, Michael, Christopher, Daniel, David, Kate, Drew, Darian, Spen cer, Robert, Jessica, and Steven; 10 great-grandchildren, Caeden, Grayson, Quinn, Kinga, Kaia, Kasja, Hudson, Dawson, Paige, and Mila. A memorial mass will be celebrat ed at Most Holy Name Catholic Church in Gulfport on November 12 at 11 a.m. Graveside interment to follow at Woodlawn Memorial Gar dens, Gulfport.
obituaries | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 19
John served in the Navy from 19611967, serving on the USS Randolph aircraft carrier as an electronics technician. Upon returning from the Navy to Gulfport, he worked as a machinist in his father’s business, Florida Machine Products. Soon af ter, he and his brothers, Tom and Robert, formed a marine hardware fabrication business called JTR En terprises. The family business is still owned by his nephew Derek and Dee Dee Dudinsky. John always had a love for the water and sailing, which he discovered as a young boy on Boca Ciega Bay. Over the years he was a competitive offshore rac er. He was well known as the skip per of the family’s 30-foot sailboat “Tinkertoy”. John was a longtime member of the Gulfport Yacht Club, and the Treasure Island Tennis and Yacht Club, where he was commo dore from 1994-1995, and was in strumental in the construction of the current building. John was also a longtime member and past presi dent of the Gulfport Lions Club. His father, John M. Dudinsky, was one of
Geraldine Grace Kaufman April 14, 1935 – September 4, 2022. Geraldine Grace Kaufman, 87, of Gulfport passed away on Sunday, September 4. Geraldine was born April 14, 1935. Geraldine and her family moved to Gulfport in 1965 from Brockton, Massachusetts. She served as a den mother and pack leader for Cub Pack 315, Troop Council for Troop 315, and adult advisor for Explore Post 395 in the ‘70. She worked at the Gulfport Bank, Madeira Beach Bank, and Bank of America for 27 years, retiring in 2000. She loved following skating and basketball. She loved animals, reading, and a spirited conversation. She will be missed. She is survived by her sons Glenn Robert Kaufman and Scott Robert Kaufman. Services will be held on September 20 at 6 p.m. at St Vincent’s Episcopal Church 5441 9th Ave N, St. Petersburg.
Heather Elizabeth Olmstead, 31. With deep sorrow we announce the passing of daughter, Heather Elizabeth Olmstead of Gulfport, on August 18. She attended Gulfport Elem, Baypoint, and Boca Ciega High and Most Holy Name of Jesus Church. She especially loved her dog Chichi and enjoyed many friends. Heather is survived by her mother, Lanette Ann Olmstead of Gulfport; father, William Olmstead of Clearwater; brothers, Daryl (Kelly) of Hillsborough, New Jersey; and David of Gulfport; three sisters, Julia of Ellenton, Jennifer (Mykeldavid) of Largo, and Kristina of St. Petersburg. Heather also leaves behind her five nephews and two nieces, as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins. She was preceded in death by maternal grandparents, Abel and Rita Johnson of St. Petersburg, paternal grandparents, Charles and June Olmstead of St. Petersburg/Ellenton, and Uncle Keith from NY. Rest well with the angels, sweet daughter. Funeral at St. Jude’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
20 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 Obituaries continued on page 20
John William Powell Jr., 86, of St. Petersburg passed away Friday, August 26 at his home in Harrisonville, Missouri. He was born July 28, 1936, in Brooklyn, New York. On July 26, 1958, he married Joanne Louise Reed. John was a Union member of the IBEW for 65 years. He retired from KCP&L in 1993 as a lineman. John belonged to the Knights of Columbus for 50 years. John’s hobbies were playing the stock market, traveling with his RV, sharing a good joke, and playing card games.John is survived by his wife of 64 years Joanne Powell; five children: John (Lori) Powell of Oakdale, Minnesota; Bob (Janet) Powell of Appling, Georgia; Chris (Stephanie) Powell of Cleveland, Ohio; Jody Landon of Sedalia, Missouri; and Cathy (Casey) Belker of Harrisonville, Missouri; 13 grandchildren: James Jr., Joseph, Sarah, Jessica, Reed, Parker, Katelyn, Andrew, Ella, Adam, Ashley, Craig, and Jake; and seven great grandchildren. He was proceeded in death by his son James Powell of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Hart Watt Born in Picton, Ontario, on November 14, 1941. Passed away peacefully at his home in Thorton, Canada on August 12 after a short but courageous fight with cancer with his loving son Brandon Watt of Kingston, Ontario at his side. In the few weeks Hart had between his diagnosis and passing, Hart packed in more dancing and fun with friends and family than anyone thought possible! He approached this situation with the same smile, twinkle in his eye, and sense of humor that he always approached his life with. In the end Hart was content and at peace with his prognosis saying that he had the opportunity to live a more full and interesting life than many. Hart came to Florida every year for dancing and fun. He became a dancing icon at many local venues. Tuesday night Argentine tango, Wednesday night swing dance at the Gulfport Casino, Thursday night Latin dance, and afternoon tea dances with the ladies. We hope Hart left you with a smile on your face because that’s truly what he enjoyed most: dancing and making people smile! Memorial donations may be made directly to a veterans charity of choice, cancer foundation of choice, or Canada Without Poverty. Condolences may be forwarded through
All pets spayed, vaccinated, micro-chipped and dewormed. All cats must leave in a cat carrier; all dogs must leave with a leash and escape-proof collar. Unless other wise noted, cat adoptions are $40 and dogs are $200. Pet Pal Animal Shelter, 405 22nd Ave. S., St. Pete. Tues.-Sat., 11-4:30 p.m. 727-328-7738;
All pets spayed, vaccinated, mi cro-chipped and dewormed. Hydra’s adoption fee is $25. Friends of Strays 2911 47th Ave. N., St. Petersburg. 727-522-6566,
Diesel and Roo: Dynamic Duo Looking for a readymade doggie family? Roo and Diesel, BFFs since almost forever, need to stay together. They enter tain each other and hey, if you have a kiddie pool, they’ll entertain you, too. Diesel’s a bit introverted, but Roo brings out his best side. Roo’s good looks pale in comparison to her loyalty to her family. They’re both 4-yearold All-American pups who prefer a home with no small children.
Micanopy is a sweet southern town and the kitty namesake is a sweet southern boy who loves songs of the South, and the Sun shine State, so please sing to this 5-month domestic shorthair. He’s also a fan of cuddles, kisses on his head, and belly rubs. He’s good with other pets, too. | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 21 30% OFF Call now for your free consultation! 727-821-0976 Showroom by appointment only • 800 Pasadena Ave S Blinds • Shutters • Shades • Motorization • ©2020 Budget Blinds, LLC. All rights reserved. Budget Blinds is a trademark of Budget Blinds, LLC and a Home Franchise Concepts Brand. Each franchise independently owned and operated. Your Next Purchase
Hydra is a cat’s cat, what some might call an “extroverted intro vert”: she wants affection and pets, but on her terms –and then she needs solitude and independence. Hydra’s a one-pet kitty who would love a home without other pets. Sure, she’s 10, but give her a cat tree and watch her go!
Cormac Kavanagh, 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17:
Curtis Allen, 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18: Seth Campbell, 5 p.m.
Caddy’s Johns Pass 190 Boardwalk Pl. E.
Thursday, Sept. 15:
Caddy’s Treasure Island 9000 W. Gulf Blvd.
Friday, Sept. 16:
Caddy’s St. Pete Beach 5501 Gulf Blvd.
Duane Worden, 6 p.m.
Undercover Rasta, 6 p.m.
Tripp & Becca, 4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16: Paul Anthony, 1 p.m.; Curtis Allen, 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17: Cory Phillips, 12 p.m.; Matt Knabe, 5:30 p.m.
Matt Capps, 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18: Act 3, 4 p.m.
2908 ½ Beach Blvd. S.
Daniel Dean of Vagabond Tweed, 7 p.m.
Gulfport Brewery + Eatery 3007 Beach Blvd. S.
Saturday, Sept. 17:
Sunday, Sept. 18:
Thursday, Sept. 15: Chris Francisco, 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16: Hurricane Shane, 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 17:
Fri. Sept. 16:
Coconut Charlies Beach Bar & Grill 6100 Gulf Blvd.
David Massey. 5 p.m.
Bamboo Beach Bar & Grill 13025 Village Blvd. Thursday, Sept. 15: Jay Brown, 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 17:
The Brass Captain Saloon & BBQ 15045 Madeira Way Friday, Sept. 16: Drop Dead Dangerous, 7 p.m.
Thursday, September 15
Things To Do continued on page 26
A Maker’s Market in Downtown Gulfport with Music & Live Entertainment
Still Friends Sacred Lands, a waterfront botanical garden with a rich Native American history, launches its fall concert season. The season begins with popular folk band Still Friends, outside on the Dolphin Stage. Reservations recommended. Sacred Lands, 1700 Park St N #4348, St. Petersburg. 7:30 p.m. $15; $25, dinner at 7 p.m. 727-3470354.
Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly
Cross-Cultural Poetry Scottish poet and lyricist Robert Burns gained literary stardom in Scotland with the publication of his first book of poetry in the summer of 1786. Perhaps more interesting is how popular Burn’s class-conscious poems became in Russia more than a century later. He’s the national poet of Scotland, but he’s the people’s poet in Russia. Eckerd College Professor Emeritus Bill Parsons discusses this cross-cultural poetic relationship in a joint meeting of the Scottish Cultural Society and the Russian American Club. Russian American Club,
things to do
Free Concert The South Pasadena Community Band hosts a free hourlong concert for folks who enjoy show tunes and marches. Hibiscus Hall, South Pasadena City Hall, 7047 Sunset Dr. S., South Pasadena. 7:30 p.m.
nautical gear in ROC Park. Find boating equipment, fishing gear, nautical antiques and artwork, scuba gear, beach attire, boat shoes, and more. Madeira Beach Recreation Complex, 200 Rex Place, Madeira Beach. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Anime St. Pete The organizers of St. Pete Comic Con bring you St. Petersburg’s first-ever anime convention. What happens at an anime convention? About what you’d expect. People dress up as anime characters and discuss Japanese animation. Anime St. Pete features more than 50 panel discussions, a lip sync competition, a TikTok Film Festival, and appearances by anime
Things to Do in South Pinellas Sept. 15-22 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 23
Friday, September 16
5 - 9 PM
Third Saturday of Every Month
Nautical Shopping Madeira Beach’s annual nautical flea market returns with more than 100 vendors selling
For more information:
Saturday, September 17
Saturday, September 17 –Sunday, September 18
Plant-Based Potluck They’re all about the green — both cash and lettuce — at Red Feather Studios in Gulfport this Saturday. Eat Be Grow, the nonprofit that planted and sustains the Gulfport Food Forest, hosts a plant-based potluck with guest speaker Laura Oldainie. Oldanie is a Green Living Money Coach who teaches people to align their money with their values, like living green. Oldainie will discuss cultivating multiple forms of capital at this Saturday night supper club. Red Feather Studios, 1301 49th St. S., Gulfport. 7 p.m. $10 suggested donation. 727560-0608.
Crystal River cosplayer @Abradorable has won awards from large cons like Metrocon in Tampa.
voice actors. St. Petersburg Coliseum, 535 4th Ave N, St. Petersburg. $28-128.
Nova Musica Director of the St. Petersburg Jazz Festival David Manson performs new works with St. Petersburg-based Brazilian Jazz band O Som Do Jazz in a free concert. The Music Center at St. Petersburg College, 6605 Fifth Ave. N., St. Petersburg. 7:30 p.m.
• OCT. DARLING buffet lunch, Off-Broadway Palm...$129
COST: $499* per person double or $659 single
in Tampa’s
• OCT. SNOOK HAVEN Suncoast Banjo Society...$49
29, SAT.
DEC 12-17, 2022, 6 DAY
• OCT. THURS. LUNCH BUNCH w/ TODD! - Back Porch/Red Barn...$66
• NOV. 5, SAT. “MALE INTELLECT” Buffet lunch at Suncoast Broadway...$119 • NOV. 6, SUN. MARIE SELBY GARDENS & SPANISH POINT Orchids!...$89 • NOV. 7, MON. SHOPPING W/ WENDY WEBSTER FLEA MARKET...$59 • NOV. 11, FRI. REBA McENTIRE, LIVE AT THE AMALIE ARENA...$159 www.tif tour 919 Tyrone Blvd, St.
COST: $539* per person double or $699 single
What’s the Best Thing You Saw at GeckoFest?
OCT. 8, SAT. “The Crown Live” at the
DEC 1-3, 2022, 3 DAY
Photos by Jen Ring
’S “
COST: $1319* per person double or $1745 single
• OCT. EVITA at Suncoast Broadway Dinner Theater in Hudson…$109
More Great 2022 Multi-Day Tours
13, THURS.
Abbott Mújica: “Ray Domingo’s sculpture of the Gecko, because it’s akin to how I’d like to see myself op erating in the world. And catching whoever played at the Blueberry Patch stage.”
Jody Robinson: “The unveiling of the Gecko.”
• OCT. MURALS w/ lunch at Doc Fords...$79
Renee and Joe Silberberg: “We were only there during the day, but the whole thing. The music was very good. There was a magician. It’s just so Gulfport.”
23, SUN. MT.
• NOV. Ride across Tampa Bay!...$59 Pete, FL 33710
DEC 8-10, 2022, 3 DAY
• OCT. WILD FLORIDA Visit this fantastic exotic animal paradise...$109
Includes: 9 meals (5B, 1L, 2D + 1 Drury Dinner). This trip of a lifetime incl: 3 nts at luxurious Opryland Resort, buffet breakfast each morning at Opryland, XMAS Dinner Party with the Oak Ridge Boys!, Gen’l Jackson Dinner Cruise on Cumberland River with entertainment, lunch at Blake Shelton’s Ole Red restaurant, & more!!!
9, SUN ”
• Straz Jaeb Theater...$79
• OCT. CASTLE Tour the “Castle” includes lunch...$99
24 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 the gabs • Tours Designed with you in mind! • Full Brochures available on all trips! • Over 38 years in business • Expert Drivers, Luxury Coaches! LicensedFLSellerof Travel#ST12255TRAVELISFUNTOURS 727-347-1600 FREE TRAVEL CLUB MEETINGS! - Prizes & Excitement!!! WEDNESDAY October 12th, 9:30AM at Freedom Square & 1:30PM at Big Apple Buf fet in Tyrone Gardens or on Youtube live!!
OCT. 7, FRI. IL VOLO at Ruth Eckerd Hall 7:30 PM…$129
Includes: 3 meals (2B, 1D) 2 nts at Courtyard by Marriott, St. Augustine w/ included hot breakfast each morning, fam. bus tour, first night ’s dinner incl & Nights of Lights Trolley Tour featuring more than 3 million Holiday Lights & displays w/ special effects throughout the Historic District, Day 2 independent touring with all day on/off privileges on Old Town Trolley, spend your final morning in town through lunch (on your own) in historic St. George Street area
Includes: 2 nts at Southern Oaks Inn w/hot country breakfast at hotel each morning, fam. driving tour on arrival, first nights dinner incl., Fantastic “Night of Lights” trolley tour with music, full day of touring in historic areas with on off privileges, and the return of the 67th Annual St. Augustine Christmas parade!!!
Alicia “Red” Peck: “Costumes. The marching band was the best though. They got everyone going, but they’re always the highlight.”
• OCT. DORA CRAFT FAIR food, music, beer & wine...$69
DEC 25, 3 DAY A TROPICAL CHRISTMAS Ft Myers....$539*/$623 DEC 30, 3 DAY A SPECTACULAR NEW YEAR’S EVE Lake Okeechobee!....$529*/$619 FEB 19, 4 DAY AMAZING ATLANTA, City Tour, Aquarium & Much More!!!...$699*/$899 *Price is Per Person for Double Occupancy Plus Dozens of Great Day Trips! Here are just a few!
Mickey Alberts took The Gabber to Santorini. They both enjoyed the views!
Have you taken the Gabber somewhere? We want to see your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to
gabber on vacation
ALBERTSMICKEY | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 25 sudoku Solution on page 27 Solution on page 27crossword
nior Center’s first Calendar Girl Fashion Show. The show features styles for every month of the year using clothes provided by local boutiques and shops. But more than just fashion, a ticket to Gulfport Senior Center’s Calendar Girl Fashion Show comes with finger foods, shopping opportunities, and a chance to win door prizes. Money from ticket sales goes towards the Senior Center’s building fund. Get tickets online, at the Senior Center, BoTiki, Susan Mango, or Zaiya. Catherine A. Hickman Theater, 5501 27th Ave. S., Gulfport. 2 p.m.$10.
Over the Hill Ka’Tiki celebrates 40 years on Sunset Beach with live music all day long, throwback drink prices, food specials, and more. BlessED and The Divine Derelicts bring some rockin’ reggae to the stage at 9 a.m. They’re followed by Someday Honey, with their signature blend of blues, country, and soul, at 1 p.m.; then pop/rock/country cover band Cat 5 at 7 p.m. Follow their event page on Facebook for additional details as they release them. Ka’Tiki, 8803 West Gulf Blvd., Treasure Island. 9 a.m.-11 p.m.
Twisted Tiki celebrates two years on St. Pete Beach with live music from acoustic guitar duo Pete & Dean from 4-8 p.m., raffles, and food & drink specials all day. Twisted Tiki, 340 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach.
October 7 thru art@gulfporthistoricalsociety.orgMid-December
26 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
Grand Re-Opening of the Gulfport Arts Center
2920 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport. 3 p.m. $10.
Rock Me “Amadeus Live” comes to St. Pete for one night only. Don’t miss your chance to watch the Academy Award-winning 1984 film, “Amadeus”, with a live soundtrack provided by The Florida Orchestra. For fans of
Diamonds in the Ruff Show off your dog, shop for jewelry, and enjoy gourmet eats and drinks at this annual dog-friendly fundraiser. Proceeds benefit Pet Pal Animal Shelter. Hawthorne Bottle Shop, 2927 Central Ave., St. Petersburg. 5 p.m.
Sunday, September 18
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, period dramas, and award-winning biopics. Mahaffey Theater, 400 1st St. S., St. Petersburg. 7:30 p.m. $18-47.
Things To Do continued from page 21
One Day Tampa Bay One day a year, One Day Tampa Bay sends photographers into neighborhoods to document life in Tampa Bay. Anyone who signs up and pays the entry fee by 5 p.m. September 16 can participate in this community photography project. Pro tip: they’re always looking for good photos of Gulfport. $30 registration fee supports the Morean Arts Center’s photography & digital imaging program (with scholarships and equipment for youth and adults).
Thursday, September 22
Calendar Girls Still not sure what the coastal grandma trend is all about? Find out at Gulfport Se-
Vino Veritas “In wine, there is truth.” Trish Parry, Andrew Hughes, Larry Bukovey, and Tracy Reynolds star in this dark comedy about the perils of honesty written by David MacGregor and directed by Stephen Ray. The play begins with two couples drinking wine together on Halloween night. But this isn’t an ordinary wine. This ceremonial blue wine is made from the skin of blue dart tree frogs and acts as a truth serum. Studio Grand Central, 2260 1st Ave. S., St. Petersburg. Through Oct. 9: Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 3 p.m. . $25-35. | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 27 solution ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR NEXT THURSDAY’S ISSUE IS FRIDAY BY 5 p.m.
SENIORS, NEED HELP? Reputable local, Deb Rodriguez can help with meal prep/ cleanup, housecleaning, laundry, pets, ap pointments/errands, companionship, etc. Will also BARTER for live-in accommoda tions. References available, Deb Rodriguez: 727-479-6147. 727-345-3108ELECTRIC
$40 per visit/hour –
HANDYMAN SEMI-RETIRED All types of repairs. Small jobs welcome. Quality work at reasonable prices. Honest. Reliable. Free estimates. John: 727-410-2201.
28 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS If you have questions about advertising, please email us at or call 727-321-6965! Deadline: Friday 3 p.m. ComputerAccountingService CLEAR NUMBERS BOOKKEEPING Virtual bookkeeping for small businesses and nonpro ts. Monthly packages customized to your needs or one time cleanups. Payroll available. QuickBooks Online Certi ed ProAdvisor. 10+ years experience. Call/text to 727-248-0714 or email nspence@clearnumbers.bizto ComputerComputerGulfportRepairRepair 451510am-5pmMon-ThuYearsinGulfportYearsExperience Fax,ComputerSalesCopy,Print4510am-5pmYearsExperience Sales Fast Friendly Service 727-388-3493232149thStS MAYNARD ELECTRIC SERVICEServiceHour24 WHEN YOU NEED IT! FREE 525-0677ESTIMATES • Room Additions • Fuses to Breakers • Circuits Added • Ceiling Fans • Lightning Protection • Mobile Homes • Phone Wiring • Security Lighting & #EC0002881LicensedMoreBondedInsuredSt.Lic.
SEMI-RETIRED CARPENTER At discount prices! Free estimates. Frame and finish work. Gulfport and Pinellas Park areas. Call the Door Doctor. Gus: 727-644-6194.
Handy Person
CLEAN UP CLEAN UP CLEAN UP Handy helpers. Skilled labor, anything around the house from A-Z. Weeding, rock gardens cleaned, mulch, sod, and plants installed. Small trees planted and removed. Pressure washing. Free estimates. 30 years experi ence. Locally St. Pete /Gulfport: 407-2446045. James: 407-244-6045.
Home Improvement
Residential/Commercial. All roofing types - T.P.O., tapered systems, shingle, metal, tile, & flat roofs. Great prices, best war ranties. Our general contracting division also does kitchens, baths, additions, new construction, and much, much more. Free estimates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727-410-7323.
CCC 1333650 OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE ESTABLISHED 1989 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED 727-544-3800 Business Services CALL TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Amazing gifted powers receive vibrations from the sound of your voice. I can and will help solve all problems of life. Love, mar riage, finances, career changes. Psychic and life coach. One free question. Call 203979-5599. Lawn & Landscape IRRIGATIONREMOVALSTAIN Remove ugly rust-colored irrigation stains from vinyl fencing and most sur faces around your house or business, including signage. Free estimate and demonstration. Call/text ruststainremoval@icloud.com727-360-7070.
Residential/Commercial. All phases of re modeling or renovations. Roofs, kitchens, baths, room additions, new construction, doors, windows, stone or concrete work, flooring, and much, much more. Free es timates. CCC 1333727 CGC 059964. 727410-7323.
JS COMPUTER REPAIR Mobile computer repair – 727-643-0697;
In-Home services: Internet security, train ing, virus & spyware removal, maintenance and repair, data recovery. (PC & Mac)
Serving the greater St. Petersburg area. Family owned and local business. Provid ing in-home personal aid companion care, after surgery care, 24-hour care, demen tia care, postpartum support, childcare, to name a few. 727-914-7472. AHCA #299995153
Over 30 years experience. Residential & com mercial, new or remodel work, service up grades, lightning arrestors, fans and lighting installed. State license #ER0007653.
Heating & Air Conditioning
GULFPORT RESIDENT SERVING GULFPORT RESIDENTS Expanding general contracting renovation services in St Petersburg with Tampa home base. In-house CAD design services, full service general contractors for additions, renovations and custom homes, kitchens, baths and decks. distinctivedesign Email: larry.distinctivedesignho Cell: 386-878-9408.
Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard mulching, weeding, yard Call for estimate: 727-641-9033.
Trust Masters Painting. Making happy customers for 42 yrs. Pressure cleaning, waterproofing, honest, reliable. 727-344-1674 or 727-5106804. References, guaranteed. Lic.#C4749.
option 4
and dates.
PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508.
General GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for parties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location
Plumbing | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 29
The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in o ce only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.
2005 HONDA CR-V FOR SALE 150k miles, looks and well A/C runs cold. Gray color. $4600. Call 317-6965799. or call 727-867-2585,
Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist 727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • PROMPTPruning/ShapingAFFORDABLE•RELIABLE Licensed & Insured Help
POWERFUL PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, You who solves all problems, You who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal, You who give me the divine gi s to forgive and forget all evil against me. In all instances of my life You are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank You for all things and confirm once again that I never want to be separated from You, even in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with You in eternal glory. Thank You for Your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. A er three days the favor requested will be granted even if it may appear di cult. This prayer must be published immediately a er the favor is granted without mentioning the favor. Only your initials should appear r at the bottom. -JMC
O’Neill’s Marina is looking for fishing enthusiasts to join our team. We have part-time positions in our bait shop Noon7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, and 5 a.m. - Noon M-W, and fill in as needed. This position is perfect for an active retired person with a flexible schedule looking for a little extra spending money. Contact Alysia alysia@oneillsmarina.comat
Junk & trash removal. Low, low prices guaranteed. Daily specials. Kitchen, bath, shed, fencing, etc. Demolition. 727-831-0507.
30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney 727-900-3459.
#CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated. Wanted with full facilities. Call Jean for info 727-366-6341.
clean up.
For Sale
SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623
Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When You Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700! License #: 234757, 299994709 Get Ready For Fall 20% OFF Electrical Audits & Systems Orientation Service NOW THROUGH OCTOBER 727-238-568315 Marine Repair Card of Thanks
THE TRASH QUEEN Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/ text 845-866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready!
The Perfect Part-Time
runs great,
POWERFUL PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy Spirit, you who solves all problems, who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal, you who give me the divine gi s to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me, I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things and confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you, even in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you, in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer for 3 consecutive days. A er 3 days the favor requested will be granted, even if it may appear di cult. This prayer must be published immediately a er the favor is granted, without mentioning the favor, only your initials should appear at the bottom. TTD 4 DD
Miscellaneous Service
Moving / Hauling
Pets / Animals
Yard / Garage Sale
Regular Hours: Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 Donations Welcome September thru May 15, 2023
SUPPER CLUB PLANT BASED POTLUCK Saturday, 9/17 from 6 - 8 p.m. at RED FEATHER STUDIOS, 1301 49th St. S., Gulf port. Speaker Laura Oldanie, 'Green Living, Money Coach,' TOPIC : Cultivating Multiple Forms of Capital: Looking at wealth from a broader perspective to bring us closer to financial freedom. Laura is featured in CNBC, Forbes, Good Housekeeping, & currently co-writing the book ""Growing FREE (Financially, Resilient Economically Empowered)."" Talk starts at 7 p.m., sug gested donation $10. RSVP 727-560-0608;
17th Ave & Pass-a-Grille Way FALL OPENING Sat., Sept. 3 @ 9 a.m.
Looking for an older/smaller 1 or 2 bedroom fully furnished home in a safe area. Needs a usable garage for my woodworking hob by. Rental time would be November 5 to April 25, give or take a couple days on each end. Single, senior Canadian snowbird, no pets! Please call Jerry Andreas at 306-2228017 before 6 p.m. CST!
Legal Notices
FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that Barbara L Shelby, owner, desiring to en gage in business under the fictitious name of Postcards & Collectibles , located in Pinel las County, Florida, intends to register said name with the Division of Corporations, Flor ida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09 of the Florida Statutes.
FISHING AND TOOLS YARD SALE 4020 55th St N., Sept 16-18. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
INSIDE YARD SALE September 17, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Inside social hall of Philip Ben jamin Tower, 250 58th St N. Small appli ances, lots of goodies, and much more. Free VISITOR parking.
Quiet professional who works at home, doesn’t smoke or drink, looking for in-law, cottage, guest quarters in which to make a treasured home. Last rental 17 years. Impec cable references. Call only (no texts): 239224-4110 or email
David Wright REALTOR® 25 years Experience Charles Rutenberg Realty S Pasadena •St Pete Beach •Treasure Island 727-308-8259 Place theGabber.comclassifiedyourlineadsonline! General
30 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. Remember your loved ones forever with us. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included Stories live on. Tell theirs. Share your loved one ’ s story. | 727-321-6965Inpartnershipwith Real Estate For Sale PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4%JeffCommission!Thomsen, Accommodations Wanted IDEAL LONG-TERMLOOKINGTENANTFORRENTAL
5-YEAR-OLD BICHON FRIZE FREE TO GOOD HOME 5-year-old Bichon Frize free to good home. Between working and car ing for 94-year-old father, the dog is not getting the attention she needs. Lovable dog, great personality. 727-342-3250.
BUYING VINTAGE COSTUME JEWELRY I MAKE HOUSE CALLS Buying vintage cos tume jewelry from the 1980s back. I make house calls. Call Kaye anytime: 239-5602816.
Pass-a-Grille Beach Community Church THRIFT SHOP
This two-bedroom, on-bath home has 772 square feet. It dates to 1954 and sold for $355,000. | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022 31 2902 Beach Blvd S. #1 Listing Agency in Gulfport! (727) Let’s Give ‘Em Something To Talk About PEOPLE ARE TALKIN’. TALKIN’ BOUT HOUSES. THEY KEEP SAYIN’ “WE LIST JUST A LITTLE TOO MUCH…SELL JUST A LITTLE TOO FAST” SALUSTRICATHY Real Estate Snapshots Here’s What Sold in Gulfport Last Week
This 1938 home has 1,050 square feet, three bedrooms, and two baths. It sold for $562,500
This 1,520-square-foot home, built in 1940, has three bed rooms and two baths. It sold for $550,000.
1620 53rd. St. S. (Tangerine)
This 1942 home has 1,027 square feet, three bedrooms, and one and one-half baths. It sold for $620,000.
This 998-square-foot home has two bedrooms and one and a half baths. It sold for $390,400.
2514 Beach Blvd. S. (Waterfront District)
6337 11th Ave. S. (Stetson)
This 984-square-foot home, built in 1958, has three bed rooms and two baths. It sold for $355,000.
3120 56th St. S. (Waterfront District)
This 1932, 1,444-square-foot home has three bedrooms and two baths. It sold for $565,000.
This three-bedroom, two-bath home, built in 1950, has 1,224 square feet. It sold for $480,000.
5302 29th Ave. S. (Waterfront District)
Other Gulfport Home Sales Last Week
1407 York St. S. (Tangerine)
2618 Quincy St. S. (Marina)
This 3,300 square foot home, built in 1993, sold for $1,650,000. It has four bedrooms and four baths.
2701 54th St. S. (Waterfront District)
6221 Pasadena Point Blvd. S. (Pasadena Yacht and Country Club
Watermark Resident Helen,
Scan visit
1255 Pasadena Avenue South • St. Petersburg, FL 33707
INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE Skilled Nursing at The Springs, Operated by Summit Care Inc.
QR Code or
Suzette D. (left), Watermark resident connected when we’re playing. There’s beauty in making music together.”
32 | September 15, 2022 - September 21, 2022
Residents created a ukulele club. There’s Adrienne, who first played in Hawaii. And Judy, eager to try a new instrument. Some never played a note before. In this club, talent is optional; good cheer universal. They jam to cool tunes and sway to “Margaritaville.” Are they perfect? Nope. Are they wonderful? Beyond measure.
– Suzette, Watermark Resident, Ukulele Goddess
“ We’re
Suzette played the piano at age 4 and plucked a mean ukulele in college. Then she played “Tiny Bubbles” at a Watermark luau. That’s how it started.
Let’s Connect
Music is Ageless
Call 727-202-3474 to plan a private tour and consultation. Meet residents who are thriving in our upbeat environment.