The Gabber: November 10, 2022

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Gibbs Grad

Ja’tanaisha Thompson is a freshman at the University of Florida, albeit not a typical freshman.

For starters, she just turned 17.

Thompson was still 16 when she graduated from Gibbs High School last May and arrived on the UF campus in Gainesville a month later. She made the move early thanks to her own smarts and a local program that identifies and helps exceptional students navigate high school and blaze a trail for college.

She started her accelerated academic path while a student at John Hopkins Middle School, which offered certain high school courses for students in seventh and eighth grade. She took advantage of those and started her actual high school years ahead of the game.

“I did start high school on time as a freshman,” she said. “But I had the amount of credits of a typical sophomore.”

After her ninth-grade year was completed and she was still a year ahead, Thompson decided to ramp it up even more. In addition to the eight classes she took at Gibbs last year, she signed up for five classes through Florida Virtual School and

Grad continued on page 7

on College

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No. 2786 November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Ja’tanaisha Thompson and her grandmother at last spring’s Gibbs High School graduation.
Head Start

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Kudos to Gulfport Public Works

Hats off to the City trash depart ment! These people have been steadily working hard to clear storm debris, brush, etc. from our town. Again, hats off! –Neva Lar son, Gulfport

Gulfport on the Edge

Gulfportians and those who work and play here are invited to take part in the first of three commu nity conversations on Nov. 14 at the Casino (6:30-9 p.m.). Ward 1 Councilmember April Thanos is sponsoring these Town Halls with a twist…opportunities for people to share their perspectives, exper tise, and creative ideas in small group discussions guided by table hosts. An all-volunteer production team is being trained in the “art of hosting” to make this experience inclusive, productive, and mean ingful for participants. Each of the Gulfport on the Edge events, scheduled for Nov. 14, Jan. 30, and April 10 will have a different theme and strategic “altitude” so people can enjoy participating in just one or all of the sessions. Informa tion gathered will be documented, compiled, and made available for use as a foundation for planning and navigating the new realities of our times. Register for the free event at Gulfport_On_The_Edge. –Ingrid Breden berg, Gulfport

Random Act of Kindness

A week ago I had gone to McDon alds to pick up biscuits for my hus band and me. When I handed my money to the cashier, I was told that the car ahead of me had paid my bill. I cannot begin to describe the in credible feeling that came over me to realize that in this crazy world of ours, there are still wonderful peo ple who perform loving acts of kind ness to complete strangers! What

that person didn’t know is that while waiting in line, I had received news of a death of a family member. The kindness became a special message that meant even more to me! –Mar ilyn Savery, no city given

A Letter From Tim McBride’s Family

My husband and I would like to share our hearty thanks and plea sure for the article on our son, Tim McBride, featured in the October issue of The Gabber. Tim is a very

special and loved member of our im mediate family, but given his out going personality has also become a member of many families, some unknown to us. Our lifelong goal has always been to make Tim’s life meaningful and rewarding. You have captured him at his best, work ing hard and contributing. We could not be more grateful and pleased with your article! Copies of your [newspaper] are now circulating with families and friends in Ohio and South Carolina. Again, our thanks! Jan and Bob McBride

The Gabber welcomes and encourages letters and commentary. One letter per person, per month. All letters must be signed with your real name and city, and should be as brief as possible (ideally <250 words). We may edit letters for content, clarity and length. We will not print letters that incite vi olence, include personal attacks on private citizens, or that are intentionally misleading or inaccurate. Letters sent to the Gabber for print will also appear online and on the Gabber’s social media pages. Commentary posted to the Gabber’s website and social media pages may also be used in print. Opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of the Gabber owners, advertisers, or staff. Send letters to or mail them to 2908-B Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL, 33707. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 3
REMEMBER: Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

Let’s Connect Call 727-202-3474 to plan a private tour and consultation. Meet residents who are thriving in our upbeat environment. Scan QR Code or visit 1255 Pasadena Avenue South • St. Petersburg, FL 33707 INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE Skilled Nursing at The Springs, Operated by Summit Care Inc. Music is Ageless FLORIDA ASSISTED LIVING LICENSE #008322-BCB-7806A

4 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Watermark Resident Helen,
Suzette D. (left), Watermark resident We’re
connected when we’re playing. There’s beauty in making music together.”
– Suzette, Watermark Resident, Ukulele Goddess
Suzette played the piano at age 4 and plucked a mean ukulele in college. Then she played “Tiny Bubbles” at a Watermark luau. That’s how it started.
Residents created a ukulele club. There’s Adrienne, who first played in Hawaii. And Judy, eager to try a new instrument. Some never played a note before. In this club, talent is optional; good cheer universal. They jam to cool tunes and sway to “Margaritaville.” Are they perfect? Nope. Are they wonderful? Beyond measure.

Gulfport Council Moving to Giving Land to Homeowners Final Consideration of Ordinances Scheduled for Nov. 15

The Gulfport City Council appears to be on its way to vacating the right-of-way between three homes and Clam Bayou, essentially turning over city land to the homeowners.

All three ordinances regarding property along so-called Beach Drive on the east side of Gulfport passed their first readings at the council’s Nov. 1 regular meeting, and all by 3-2 vote, with Paul Ray (Ward III) and April Thanos (Ward I) voting in opposition. The second reading is scheduled for Nov. 15.

Thanos maintained that the prop erty should not be given to the pri vate homeowners, while Ray said he did not have a problem with the action if it were decided by a citizen referendum.

All five councilmembers agreed that there should never be an actual road at that location and the proper ty should remain in its current state, which is essentially impossible to develop from a practical standpoint because it’s on a tidal mud flat and the area has multiple mangroves.

It took nearly three hours to cov er these agenda items as each re quired a public hearing, and many members of the public took advan tage of the opportunity to speak.  There were a few comments of a personal nature between people on both sides of the issue, but Mayor Sam Henderson encouraged speak ers to stick to the issue itself. Sev eral people acknowledged that the Planning and Zoning Board meeting a month ago, at which this issue was addressed, became quite nasty at times.

Gulfport’s city code has provi sions for property owners to apply for vacation of right-of-way. Gulf port resident Paul Herman filed a lawsuit in opposition to the process, but the court denied his request for an injunction. When Councilman Michael Fridovich (Ward IV) asked if the council should wait until the outcome of the lawsuit to act, City

Attorney Andrew Salzman noted that the applicants could have a due process complaint if that happened.

“Sometimes we have to make hard decisions,” Fridovich said later before one of the votes. “That is why we are elected.”

The three properties in question are on the southern tip of 44th Street South and Quincy Street South. Beach Drive was created de cades ago, but the city’s never used it as a road or for any other reason.

The homeowners cited safety concerns from having the property open to the public, and they peti

tioned the council to let them con tinue being the stewards of the land so it will remain in its current state.

One homeowner called out Her man specifically, saying that his ac tions over the past year were ruining her life. Herman told the council he felt badly for everyone involved but was acting on “principle.” He added that the council’s actions are a vi olation of the city’s comprehensive plan and that could have a negative effect down the road from a legal standpoint. Thanos also expressed concerns about setting a precedent with this vote. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 5 news
Some homeowners want the City of Gulfport to turn this waterfront land over to them for free, while others want it to remain open to the public. Council will vote a second time at its Nov. 15 meeting. CATHY SALUSTRI

Overheard at the Nov. 1 Gulfport City Council Meeting

About the midterm elections

“As everyone knows, by Nov. 8 everyone will have voted (I hope). In 2020, Gulfport turnout was 88%. That’s the number to beat this year. I hope we can do better. This is the midterms. People do not necessar ily always turn out. After Nov. 8 we can put away our signs and contin ue to live our lives here in Gulfport.” –Ingrid Bredenburg on behalf of the nonpartisan ad hoc group known as Gulfport Votes 100%

About wifi at city facilities

“I’m wondering what progress we’ve made on installing wifi in the Catherine Hickman Theater. I at tended a council meeting a year ago and I know it was in the budget. It was a very grandiose plan to add wifi to a lot of city facilities, includ ing the dog park and things like that. I humbly ask you to please take one bite out of the elephant and put wifi in the Catherine Hickman Theater as soon as possible. It’s really, really needed.” –Eileen Navarro

“With regard to the wifi, we still have equipment on back order. As soon as we get everything delivered we’ll start the process for all of the locations, including the theater.” City Manager Jim O’Reilly

About ongoing renovations at the tennis courts

“The last time I asked I was told they would be finished in March of 2022. We’ve had no tennis courts now for five-six weeks. I don’t think anything has been done in two weeks. I’m wondering if our contrac tor has been fired – because some

one knocked over, or put at a great slant, our lighting system – or quit and gone on to greater jobs. I hope that can publicly be addressed.”

Karen Love

“As for the tennis courts and pick leball court, it’s an ongoing process. The contractor is still on the job. I’ll check with Tom [Nicholls] tomorrow and get a better timeline. That’s the best I can do tonight. We are still working on the project. Usually these take more than five-six weeks to be completed.” –O’Reilly

About homeless encampments in the city

“I’ve been to enough meetings to know that the city does not have a lot of rights that you can do with our

homeless people. But I do feel like my life was threatened by the man who resides at Pavilion #3 and I did talk about it when it happened. He is still there every day. He has a full encampment. He sleeps on the picnic bench. He has his chairs, his food, his furniture, and his goods in the area.

“In addition to that, there is an other house that has been taken over by a homeless person now on the corner of 26th and Beach. There is a gentleman that goes there ev ery night, sets up his camp on their side porch and side yard. He sleeps there all night – you can still see him because he sleeps until about 9 in the morning. He leaves his stuff there all day while he goes and does what he wants, and then he comes back. The hurricane shutters are on. I don’t think these people know. Can the rest of us set up camp and start renting out our yards? It is a serious question.” –Love

“The house that was identified at 26th Avenue and Beach Boulevard? The police have investigated that situation and this person is a fam ily member of the property owner.”

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Grad continued from cover completed all 13 at the same time. That gave her 24 credits and made her eligible to graduate at 16.

This was not her plan when she started high school, she said, but once she saw how she was already down that path, she decided to see it through.

After applying to more than 30 colleges and being accepted by most of them, she chose the Uni versity of Florida because of what she called “a great community for first-generation students.” She said she identifies as that because nei ther of her parents have college de grees, so she will be the first in her family to achieve that.

Then there was one other small detail: UF recognized her academ ic excellence by awarding her a full scholarship.

A major influence in Thompson’s high school life was Elevating Ex cellence, a program sponsored by the Pinellas Education Foundation. Her academic advisor at Gibbs sug gested that she attend the organi zation’s four-day summer seminar to get some help in preparation for the SAT, which she would obvious ly be taking earlier than most of her fellow students.

“At that seminar I had access to how to improve certain things with in the SAT that would be helpful for me,” she said. “The program taught me how to write meaningful essays

that can be concise and help me get my point across without having to explain too much.”

She used that newfound knowl edge when filling out all of those college applications and continues to draw from it as a college student, along with some guidance regard ing test-taking skills.

“I learned to eliminate certain questions when under time pres sure,” she said. “It helped during the SAT and still helps.”

Elevating Excellence was launched in June 2018. The program focuses on providing high-achieving, low-in come, underserved students and

their families with a personalized path to college success.

Elevating Excellence has college planning centers at 17 high schools with academic counseling and tar geted support for low-income and minority students. The program re cently got a huge boost in the form of a $1.3 million grant from the He lios Education Foundation.

According to recent data from the Pinellas Education Foundation, there are currently just shy of 4,900 students identified in the Elevating Excellence program across 17 high schools in the area.

Thompson is majoring in criminol ogy, with an eye toward a career in the legal profession.

“I’ve always wanted to be a law yer ever since I was a lot younger but never knew what path I would take,” she said. “In my ninth-grade year, one of my classes was a crim inal justice class. I started realizing that I really wanted to advocate for criminal defendants, and I thought it would be best if I went down the lane of being a criminal defense at torney.”

She plans to go straight into law school after her undergraduate work is done, maybe at UF or even out of state. But she has no desire to speed up her advancement like she did in high school.

“I’ll just keep a pretty nice pace here for four years and enjoy my col lege years.” | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 7 S AFE INDOOR & OUTDOOR DINING AND BEER GARDEN 3007 BEACH BLVD • GULFPORT (727) 954-4109 • GULFPORT-BREWING.COM
Ja’tanaisha Thompson is barely 17 and already off and running as a University of Florida student. JA’TANAISHA THOMPSON

Gulfport Neighbor Feud Comes to Council Meeting Arrest, Injunction Resulted from Confrontations

After a citizen aired various griev ances at the recent Gulfport City Council meeting regarding alleged threats to his safety and that of his wife, information from city officials as well as court documents confirm the presence of an old-fashioned feud between neighbors.

Jonathan Robert, the first speaker during public comment time at the

Nov. 1 council meeting, praised Gulf port for its “progressive, inclusive, and welcoming nature” and then wasted no time expressing his dis pleasure with the conduct of Dan iel Donelini, whose house on 58th Street South backs up to Robert’s residence on Freemont Street.

“From everything I’ve gathered, he is a known quantity and regard

ed by everyone in the community as a menace,” said Robert. “Literally everyone I’ve spoken to from code enforcement to the police records office has rolled their eyes when I mention this gentleman’s name.”

After referencing a meeting orga nized by Councilmember Paul Ray (Ward III) that he had with City Man ager Jim O’Reilly and Police Chief

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Gulfport police arrested one man for battery, and an injunction has been issued against a neighbor.

Robert Vincent, he went on to cite numerous incidents in which he or a fellow neighbor has called the police regarding Donelini and his “abusive and violent behavior.”

“The Gulfport Police Department has been no help to us whatsoev er,” Robert stated. “I had a meeting where I had to debate what a credi ble threat really was, after mine and my wife’s life had been threatened by this gentleman.”

Robert waved a document before the council and said that a judge had ruled earlier that day that their concerns were credible, issuing an injunction against Donelini regard ing four different neighbors.

“Now I only hope that when I call the police department, they will actually effectively deal with this menace and deal with him appropri ately,” he said. “This pattern of ap peasement seems like it has been going on for years.”

Robert charged that the city has used its own resources to install landscaping in the easement in front of Donelini’s house because it is so unsightly. He alleged that Donelini has committed numerous code vi olations, keeping a rat-infested and unusable recreational vehicle in his yard, and shines lights directly into a neighbor’s house for purposes of harassment.

“I feel like we’ve done everything we can as neighbors to protect our selves,” said Robert. “Now it’s in the hands of bigger authorities than us, and I would hope that they take these issues seriously and respond in kind.”

When Mayor Sam Henderson asked if he would like to share a

copy of the court action with the council, Robert said he would email it to city officials. No one at City Hall had received such a document as of the morning of Nov. 3.

A search of the Pinellas County circuit court clerk’s website con firmed that four separate injunc tions related to domestic stalking had been filed on behalf of four neighbors – Robert, his wife An drea Desky, Nancy Sparks, and Cin dy Stovall – with final judgments in each case entered Nov. 1 as Robert had said.

A number of other details re garding the activities of everyone involved were not mentioned in the Council meeting. After hear ing Robert’s allegations about the lack of response from the police, Vincent outlined those details in a Nov. 2 memo to O’Reilly that he shared with The Gabber.

Four calls to police prior to the Sept. 8 meeting organized by Ray were documented by Vincent, starting with an anonymous call in December of 2021 about loud mu sic coming from Donelini’s house.

More recently, Donelini called police Aug. 9 to report Sparks com ing onto his property in violation of a trespass warning. There was no evidence to support that, and Sparks said she stood on a crate to look over the fence because she suspected Donelini of abusing his dogs.

Sparks reported Aug. 18 that Do nelini was cutting bamboo trees on her side of the fence, and police confirmed this while adding that the trees are on an easement that can be maintained by either neighbor.

Sparks also said that when she con fronted Donelini, he said he would shoot her. No gun was seen and there was nothing about the alleged threat to sustain an assault charge.

A Sept. 2 confrontation did result in an arrest. After Donelini contact ed police, an investigation revealed that someone had thrown yard debris into Donelini’s yard, so he picked it up and tossed it over the fence onto the easement. Robert attempted to stop him, and when Donelini walked onto the easement, Robert attacked him by hitting him several times with a bamboo stick, causing visible injuries. Gulfport po lice arrested Robert and charged him with battery.

Robert gave details to O’Reilly and Vincent at their meeting about what he said were threatening comments Donelini had made. Vincent told him none of these would by them selves rise to the level of a crime, but continued activity could pro voke a stalking charge. Vincent said he gave Robert instructions on how to obtain a protective injunction, but when Robert asked him to contact the prosecutor to have his criminal charges dropped the chief refused to do so.

Vincent cited in his memo to O’Reilly several other incidents since the meeting in which Donelini and various neighbors alleged wrongdo ing, such as throwing rocks across the fence toward each other’s hous es and the cord to Donelini’s saw being cut. The most recent call by press time was Sept. 23 about Do nelini playing loud music and shin ing flood lights into a neighbor’s home.

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Friday, November 18 at 6:30 PM Bay View Park 7054 Sunset Drive South

Count down as Mayor Penny throws the switch to light up our parks! Come enjoy lights, festive music, and refreshments to kick off the holiday season!



Friday, December 9 at 6:30 PM Barbara Gilberg Habitat 1600 Pasadena Avenue South Join us for a viewing party as decorated boats pass through local waters!

Prizes will be awarded in two categories - boats 25’ & under and boats over 25’ First place in each category - $1,200 Second place in each category - $750 Third place in each category - $500

To sign up for the parade, contact Rob Antognoni at or 727-287-4997

Visit the City’s website or Facebook page for more details!

10 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022

On 11/15/22, the Gulfport City Council will have a final vote to


At the last Council meeting, the Gulfport City Council voted 3 to 2 to give away to private people almost 600 feet of public waterfront land along the north shore of Clam Bayou. Over the objection of the other Council members, three members voted to GIVE away public lands that have been public for over 100 years. This land grab violates the City’s Comprehensive Plan and the City Charter, which requires a public referendum. If this passes on final vote, we will


It is not too late to stop this

On 11/15/22 the Council will hold a final vote. Contact the Council members who voted NO CONFIDENCE in their ability to be good stewards of the land and respectfully ask them to change their vote and keep this public shoreline public. Ask them to keep Gulfport Gulfport. The yes votes were Christine Brown, Sam Henderson and Michael Fridovich. But most importantly, COME TO THE COUNCIL MEETING on 11/15 and BE HEARD. Go to for more information. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 11 Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance. Now accepting Humana, Freedom, Optimum, United, Wellmed, Medicare, and most commercial insurance. All Florida Family Care, Inc. S. Tirupathi M.D. Primary Care Physician 3301 66th St N, Ste-A, St. Petersburg 727-344-6200 Call the o ce for a FREE tour! Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9-5pm We are always there for YOU! 24 Hour Answering Service with doctor on call 24 hours a day. We o er same day appointments for all our patients! 2001 Board Certified in Internal Medicine at Michigan State University. Practicing as an Internist in the area since 2003. Recipient of the 2009 and 2010 People Choice Award for Favorite Physician. Physician Supervised Weight Loss Program St.Petersburg
Recycle Sale with holiday items, gifts,
Garden Club presents their annual Christmas
plants and something for your sweet tooth.
and get in the Christmas Spirit!

Friday Night Lights: Gladiators Hold Off Green Devils 20-18

The Gibbs Gladiators closed out their regular season at home and had a seesaw game, with a scoreless first half followed by 20 unanswered points in about seven minutes before withstanding a two-touchdown ral ly by the St. Petersburg Green Devils and hanging on for a 20-18 victory.

The only first-half points came on a Jordan Browy field goal for St. Peters burg. But the Gladiators came alive on offense in the third quarter, start ing after their defense recovered a fumble at the Green Devils’ 33. Sam my Miller took the handoff and burst free to get inside the 10, and then he scored on a 7-yard run to put Gibbs ahead to stay.

On the next possession, Miller broke loose and tore down the sideline for a 67-yard score. The Gibbs defense held and a short punt gave the home team the ball at the St. Petersburg 35. Caleb Morris connected with George Butler on a pass to the 1, and after a negative-yardage play pushed the ball back to the 5, Miller crossed the goal line for the third time in the game on the first play of the fourth quarter. Morris and Butler connected again for the two-point conversion and a 20-3 Gibbs lead.

The Gladiators got the ball back after a diving interception by Saint Sykes, but they couldn’t move the ball and a short punt put the Green Devils

in great shape at the Gibbs 24. Quar terback Jefferey Jones scored from 2 yards out, and after a missed extra point kick was retried due to a pen alty, Browy took the overhead toss from his holder on a perfectly-execut ed fake and scored two points.

After a disastrous Gibbs possession led to a fourth-and-44, a bad snap on the punt attempt was downed at the Gladiators’ 16. The Green Devils converted a fourth-and-1, after which Jones scored on a 3-yard run. Browy’s kick cut the lead to 2 with 2:44 left.

On second-and-10 at the Gibbs 30, St. Petersburg’s Vondarrial Jones made a clutch interception on a play that left every fan in the home stands stunned, as they thought the Gladia tors would keep the ball on the ground with the Green Devils having only one timeout left. Now the visitors had new life and were in great field position.

They moved the ball to the 15 and lined up for what would have been the game-winning field goal to cap off an impressive comeback. The ball sailed wide right. Gibbs needed to run only one more play, in victory forma tion, as time expired.

Gibbs finished the regular season 2-8 with wins in its final two games. St. Petersburg fell to 7-3.

All three other south Pinellas teams in action came out on the losing end of the scoreboard, and none of those games were close:

Lakewood (6-4) lost to Lakeland 48-20.

Hollins (1-9) lost to Osceola 35-6.

Boca Ciega (3-7) lost to Clearwater 41-13.

Lakewood and St. Petersburg have advanced to the playoffs. Lakewood hosts Clearwater Friday night while St. Petersburg travels to Jesuit.

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Sammy Miller scores the first of his three touchdowns for Gibbs. MONROE ROARK

Housekeeping Items at Gulfport City Council

Gulfport Museum Lease Renewed, Council Approves Pension Changes

After three hours of deliberations and public input on the Beach Drive land issue that dominated the agen da, the Gulfport City Council took just a few moments at the end of its Nov. 1 regular meeting to give final approval to four ordinances regarding ongoing city business. All had first readings approved Oct. 18.

Three of the ordinances in ques tion contained amendments about three city-sponsored pension funds: the Firefighters Retirement Pension Fund; Municipal Police Officers’ Trust Fund; and General Employees’ Pen sion Plan.

City officials say the changes re flect changes to the Internal Revenue Code and associated U.S. Treasury regulations.

The financial impact to Gulfport is

microscopic, with an actuarial im pact of 1/10 of 1% increase regarding the firefighters’ fund and no change on the other two, officials said.

The Board of Trustees for each fund recommended approving the changes and adopting of the new ordinances. Council voted unani mously to approve each one, with no public comment or council dis cussion at either the first or second readings.

Council also approved, on second reading, renewing the Gulfport His torical Society’s lease of two cityowned buildings – the Gulfport His tory Museum (5310 28th Ave. S.) and the Gulfport Arts Center at Bryer Hall (2726 54th St. S.) Both are within the perimeter of Chase Park.

The lease lasts for five years, with

rent set at one dollar per year. The former lease contained a provision for an additional five-year option, but council decided at its previous meet ing to remove that provision.

The city budgeted $1,200 annually for the buildings, for utility and major maintenance.

As part of the lease, Gulfport His torical Society names the city as co-insured on its required liability in surance in the amount of $1 million. The city is also indemnified per the agreement.

Councilmembers – Vice Mayor Christine Brown is a past GHS board chair – and other city officials agreed that the community effort which keeps GHS going precludes the city from incurring personnel costs for a curator for the items under the Soci ety’s care.

“They do reciprocate for you al lowing them use of both buildings,” said City Manager Jim O’Reilly, point ing out the recent Arts Center event that was enjoyed by several coun cilmembers and other people. “If we didn’t have the Historical Society, I would have to have someone work through the library as a curator of the city’s memorabilia.”

By the terms of its lease, the Gulf port History Museum has free ad mission.

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PHOTO BY JACK SWENNINGSEN. COURTESY OF ECKERD COLLEGE ARCHIVES. GIFT OF THE JACK SWENNINGSEN ESTATE. Get your Legitimate Emotional Support Animal Psychiatric Service Dog Consults & Letters Tasha Holland-Kornegay, PHD, LCMHC 919-601-1313
Gulfport History Museum. CATHY SALUSTRI

Bitcoins and Beanie Babies

A while back, Gulfport became famous for being the home of the first home sale conducted via cryptocurrency. As I sit down to write this, I’ve watched several short videos aimed at helping my young children understand “crypto.” I’d like to say that it’s part of our homeschooling curriculum, but sadly, it’s because I’ve read dozens and dozens of articles explaining bitcoin, and I still don’t really understand it. I only have a degree in economics, so it’s understandable that this might be hard for me.

Oh, I get that it’s decentralized money. And I know there are warehouses full of computers in rural America “mining” bitcoin by “solving math problems” and using so much electricity that lakes are boiling. (What the computers are doing cannot be explained in the English language.) I understand that it’s completely anonymous, impossible to steal, and apparently quite easy to lose. There was a guy in Scotland who threw out an old laptop forgetting that he’d once mined some then-worthless bitcoin — today worth about $150 million. Now he’s literally trying to get the municipality to let him mine the dump for his lost bitcoin. Pretty sure I can’t get a cent for solving the daily Wordle.

I’ve had long conversations with a local cryptocurrency guru in which we both leave frustrated. He says people agree bitcoin has

value, and that’s why it has value.

I said, “It sounds like Beanie Babies,” hearkening to the day when specific stuffed toys were supposedly in demand and more valuable. He conceded, “Yes, it’s like Beanie Babies, but it’s not going to go away.”

And just as soon as I accepted the fact that my kids are going to have to handle my bitcoin investments for me, the Crypto Nerds started talking about NFTs. I went to an article explaining NFTs for beginners and it said, “Non-fungible tokens are digital assets that contain identifying information recorded in smart contracts.”

Oh! Why didn’t you just say so? Digital assets! Smart contracts!

It’s like “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and we’re all just nodding our heads at this stuff. Except people are getting rich and poor — and then rich and poor again — and I’m missing the roller coaster ride.

As I understand it, NFTs are a digital way to assign ownership of

some asset – usually, but not always, digital. Like, I could send you a PDF of this issue of The Gabber with an NFT and you’d have the “original” digital issue — as original as the Mona Lisa. All other PDFs of The Gabber would be like posters from the Louvre Museum gift shop.

Why am I even writing about this? I could say that, as a parent, it’s important for us to teach our kids financial literacy. But I resent that the only path to getting bitcoin (other than buying it like a dumb investor) is to have giant computers solving complicated math problems. I’ve written about plants, and people have emailed, offering me plants. I’ve written stories about peanuts, and readers have offered me peanuts. I’ve written about brick pavers, and yes, I’ve been offered pavers. So now, I’m relying on the computing power of my fingers and my laptop for someone to give me one measly bitcoin (sure, it’s worth $21,000, but that can’t last).

I promise not to lose it.

Jon Kile is a stay-at-home dad, writer and amateur homeschool teacher in St. Pete. He and his wife Monica, a nonprofit consultant and marathoner, have a habit of loading their two kids into their RV and disappearing down the backroads of America. After he was diagnosed with a rare condition called Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Jon adjusted his lifestyle while finding inner peace and humor. Visit


14 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Find out about the Competitive Rates and Special Benefits available through our agency for all your insurance needs! Ready to learn more? Contact our agency now! Call today for your FREE , no obligation quote. HOME • FLOOD AUTO • BUSINESS COMMERCIAL 727-344-4500 6524 1st Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710

Cocktails, Tots, and Chamber News New Gulfport Chamber Board Members, a Cocktail Lobby, and Menu Changes

Although the renovations at Gulfport’s Historic Peninsula Inn haven’t wrapped up quite yet, the lobby cocktail bar is open and pouring drinks. While you sip, take a look around and you’ll see evidence of ongoing construction, and if you happen to talk to co-owner Gaston Gonzalez or property manager Chi Charrack, they’ll usually take a moment to talk about the extensive renovations taking place inside the building. Work continues, with the lodging portion of the inn closed until at least early 2023, Charrack told The Gabber.

In addition to the bar serving drinks, the restaurant remains partially open, and Charrack says locals and visitors can expect to be able to dine under the tent as early as next week (Nov. 18.)

“We’re excited to open the tent and have more seatings and live music,” he said. “For December we want to be ready.”

Gulfport Chamber Welcomes New Board Members

The Gulfport Merchants Chamber

of Commerce welcomed two new faces and one returning member to its board of directors. Mike Fagan, co-owner of the Gulfport Beach Bazaar, has rejoined the board of directors. Stacey Purcell, of Gulfport Realty, and Erin East, a local artist with nonprofit experience, also join the board of directors.

The GMC has space for one more board member. The board, president Barbara Banno says, is a working board, which means boardmembers can expect to put in some volunteer hours. Banno added that board members should own a local business or have ties to the Gulfport community. They also must have an active membership with the GMC.

Interested in joining the board of directors? Reach out to Missy Helmbold at

Tot Time

While it’s certainly not as big of news as an historic inn getting a major overhaul or business leadership changes, Stella’s in Gulfport has made a change that has some patrons talking: They’ve stopped serving french fries. No, it’s not a sweeping move toward health food; they’ve swapped fries for tater tots.

“We all loved tater tots as a kid, so it only made sense that Stella’s fans get a little nostalgia,” owner Barbara Banno says.

Although it isn’t on the menu, The Gabber staff suggests ordering the tots topped with scrambled eggs. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 15 15% GULF BEACHES LAW, P. A. ESTATE PLANNING ELDER LAW PROBATE CORPORATE www.Gul fB eache Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Your Trusted Local Attorney! Karen S. Keaton, Esquire Estate Planning including Trusts, Wills, Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney, Trust & Probate Estate Administration, Elder Law including Medicaid & Special Needs Trusts, Corporate & Business Planning We are available for phone consultations! 2816 Beach Blvd. S., Gulfport, FL 33707 • (727) 822-2200 business beat

The Many Colors of Black ‘The Colored Museum’ at American Stage Offers Varied Perspectives

“The Colored Museum,” currently at American Stage in downtown St. Petersburg, is one of the first the atrical works created by celebrat ed Black playwright, director, and leader in American theater, George

C. Wolfe. The play is a series of sa tirical stories that examines and reflects upon modern Black iden tities, culture, and history and presents a provocative collection of sketches, primarily monologues,

that challenges the audience to face raw and often painful truths of the continuing struggles of Black people. Some of the sketch es are bitingly hilarious; most are starkly serious in their tone. Amer ican Stage presents most of the sketches well.

The play is set in a fictional mu seum. Sterile white walls with mini mal displays of innocuous objects: a glove, a mic, a fan, a necktie. The at mosphere gives a safe, cold, detached feeling, as if a patron could causal ly walk through the exhibit without emotional investment. Yet these ob jects represent a deeper story that will challenge the audience to engage and think. The play journey takes the audience through 11 tales, or “exhib its,” as the stories are presented over roughly 90 minutes.

16 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 K.F.M., M.D. • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE, M.D. 401 33rd St N., #F • St. Petersburg 33713 “...we will help you through the entire process.” No fee if you do not qualify. KFM MD • 727-300-0933 KAREN MONROE M.D. arts
Each sketch in “The Colored Museum” offers thought-provoking insight and commentary.

The play starts powerfully with the sketch Git On Board. A flight attendant named Miss Pat gives a preflight safety speech on board the “Celebrity Slaveship,” where pas sengers are asked to “Fasten their Shack les” as they take their journey from the Gold Coast of Africa to Sa vannah and through hundreds of years of oppression. Miss Pat assures the passengers that even though they will suffer for a few hundred years, sports like basket ball may make them millionaires.

Cookin’ with Aunt Ethel, a cooking show with the host Aunt Ethel sing ing a recipe to the audience on the best way to “make a bunch of Ne groes.”

The Photo Session presents the world of glamorous male and fe male models on the cover of Ebony magazine, a world that leads to a soulless life.

Soldier with a Secret offers a grip ping tale of a soldier who believes he has died, has visions of the bleak fu ture of his fellow soldiers, and thinks God has instructed him to spare his brothers in arms from their future pains. He utters a chilling line, “once you’re dead, why keep on dying?”

The Gospel According to Miss Roj, a Transgender woman, command ingly struts through a New York nightclub like a powerful preacher sermonizing to their flock the ugli ness of the world. Miss Roj delivers a speech with fierce determination that they will not be abused or si lenced any longer. They demand that the world sees them as the all-powerful “Snap” Queen.

In The Hairpiece, two wigs come to life and argue about which is the best wig for their owner to wear for her to leave her man and take charge of her life – one of the hilari ous pieces of the night.

The Last-Mama-On-The-Couch, a parody of Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun,” was easily the best sketch in the evening.  Each female character in this sketch pur posely outshines and pulls focus from the lead male character. One by one, each female character is giv

en an award for their performance while the male lead is accused of the crime of over-acting. The sketch ends with the hilarious musical number asking, “Why couldn’t he be born into an all-Black musical?”

Symbiosis has a middle-aged man throwing away the things his young er, more politically charged self owned –but his younger self is there to fight him for his former life.

Lala’s Opening is the most con fusing of the sketches. It features an American nightclub singer who pretends to be French and has a nervous breakdown as memories of her past haunt her. What may have added to the confusion in the piece were some missed light cues and an unreliable hand mic.

Permutations tells a disturbing tale. A little girl innocently talks as if she is telling a fairy tale about being raped by a garbage man. Her mother locks her away in a dark

room until the girl lays an enor mous white egg, apparently filled with flying babies.

The Party wraps up the evening. A professional party-goer images an evening with an array of famous Black people throughout history, and many of the characters from previous sketches join the party.

I applauded the strength and the incredible talent of the cast. Jennifer Jenkins, Alicia Thomas, Ye wande Odetoyinbo, Brandon Bur ditt, and Jermaine Robinson Jr. all committed to their passion and tell these stories with truth and heart. With only a few unfocused sketches, “The Colored Museum” at American Stage is a powerful evening of revealing stories that force the audience to pay atten tion and talk about as they leave the theater.

The Colored Museum Ameri can Stage, 163 3rd St. N., St. Pete. $45. Through Nov. 27: Wed.-Thurs., 7 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 2 p.m. 727-823-7529, american | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 17
“A powerful evening of revealing stories that force the audience to pay attention”

Haunted Holidays

Carol Perry’s Latest Gulfport-Based Book Brings Ghosts of Christmas Now

As much as we may love candy canes, caroling, and Christmas trees, it’s no secret that the holidays can be murder. And in the case of Car ol Perry’s newest book, “High Spir its” (November 2022), that would be murder in the first degree.

This second volume of Perry’s Haunted Haven cozy mystery se ries picks up where “Be My Ghost” (2021) left off. High-energy hotelier Maureen Doherty is ever watchful for new ways to restore the faded glory of Haven House, the some what shabby seaside inn she mys teriously inherited. A “Twelve Days of Christmas” holiday film series at the old (and reputedly haunted) Paramount Theater down the block seems like the perfect opportunity for a dinner-and-a-show promotion.

….Until the projectionist is mur dered right in the middle of the Bar bara Stanwyck classic, “Remember the Night” (which, at that point, ev

erybody certainly will). Now Mau reen is back on the case, along with her furry sidekick Finn, bulldog de tective Frank Hubbard, and the cast of lovable supporting characters that made “Be My Ghost” so charm ing.

It’s hard to resist a holiday special, and “High Spirits” delivers plenty of seasonal nostalgia – from “Home Alone” flashbacks to the enormous collection of vintage Christmas or naments that Maureen discovers packed away in Haven House’s clos ets. But much of the book’s energy is invested in developing key rela tionships and plot points. Maureen’s friendship with dreamy bar tenderturned-chef Ted grows as warm and fuzzy as a cup of mulled wine, and we learn a little more about the ec centric Penelope Josephine Gray, from whom Maureen inherited the hotel.

There are also some darker notes

that begin to take hold: shadows of spousal abuse in a prominent lo cal family, hints of shady business dealings in Haven, and a mysterious entity known as the Greater Haven Improvement Fund that apparently has “plans” for Maureen. We leave with the sense that Haven, like so many other small towns, is a little less postcard and a little more tab loid than it first appears. Its haunt ed reputation is well deserved, and Perry’s ghosts are, as ever, fantastic (or phantasmic?) vehicles to express long-buried tales of sorrow, desper ation, and joy.

There are some aspects of the plot-thickening in “High Spirits” that some readers may find frustrating, including a few new characters who are introduced, but not fully devel oped. But I, for one, am eager to see where Perry will take all of this in her next Haven book. What new spirits will she conjure?

18 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Carol Perry’s new book, “High Spirits,” serves up a holiday themed murder mystery – with plenty of seasonal spirits. AMANDA HAGOOD

Baileys in Your Coffee? This little guy won’t jump in your coffee cup, but he’ll gladly scamper around your home while you drink your morning beverage. He’s a 9-week old shorthair kitty.

Dora the Explorer Except she’s only looking to explore your lap and how well you can snuggle with her. She also loves kisses, so ex pect a lot of ‘em from this 5-month, 24 pound pup. She’s shy, though, and probably needs a home with no small kiddos.

Bewitched! Talk about kitten mag ic – Binx wiggles his whiskers, casts a spell on you, and bam, you’re in love with this 9-week-old shorthair.

Pretty Princess Princess has ruled that her new palace come with plenty of soft beds, velvet blan kets, gourmet cookies, and plen ty of treasure (toys!). This happy 3-year-old weighs in at a royal 45 pounds, and thanks to the Pit Proj ect, anyone who owns his or her home can adopt her for $75. ‘

All pets spayed, vaccinated, mi cro-chipped and dewormed. Pet Pal Animal Shelter, 405 22nd Ave. S., St. Pete. 727-328-7738; petpal | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 19 THE STORAGE HOUSE 727-327-9598 1219 49th Street South • Gulfport Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8~5 / Sat 8~2 NEED MORE SPACE? We’re The Moving Place! 24-Hour Access • First-Floor Convenience • Climate & Non-Climate Controlled units available We sell boxes, locks, and moving supplies. We are a small family owned business and will not increase your rates every 6 months like a corporate facility. CALL TODAY FOR OUR BEST RATES! pets • Hate anyone different from me • Go bankrupt and lose my home if a family member gets sick • Have my children gunned down in their classroom Thank God I live in Where I am free to
20 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 the gabs free quote & DEMO (727) 360-7070 PVC FENCE PANELS CLEANED FROM $11 A PANEL Submit your events online at What is the Name of Your Autobiography?
Photos by Patrick Graney Debbie Watson, Clearwater: “Live Life to Its Fullest” Keith Watson, Clearwater: “That’s A Bad Decision” or “What Could Possibly Go
Jill Lilly, Bradenton: “Peace of Metal” Brenda Brunelle, Gulfport: “It’s All Worth It.”


gabber on vacation | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 21
Solution on page 27crossword
sudoku Solution on page 27
MCNEIL When Mike and Sharon
traveled from
Town Shores
to Barcelona last month, they brought us along. We all had a blast! Have you taken the Gabber somewhere? We want to see your pictures! Please send a high-resolution photo and a brief description to

things to do

Things to Do

Thursday, November 10

BINGO! Stop by the Treasure Is lettes Bingo event every Thursday, where you have a chance to win up to $200 and other great prizes. Free coffee, tea, and parking, and you can buy sodas and desserts at the snack bar. This group is a nonprofit where all the money raised each Thursday goes toward college scholarships. Treasure Island Community Center, 154 106th Ave., Treasure Island. 6 p.m. $7-22. 727-547-4575.

Friday, November 11

Veterans Day Celebration Come celebrate the services of your local U.S. military veterans as the Gulfport Senior Center Foundation dedicates a “memorial ribbon of engraved pavers.” Community leaders plan to commemorate our local heroes

with a few speeches, a moment of silence, and “Taps.” Organizers en courage veterans to attend in their uniforms. Veterans Park, 5350 31st Ave. S., Gulfport. 11 a.m.

Rescue Dog Show

This dog show needs “all paws on deck.” Come at tend St Pete’s Best in Rescue Dog Show as they tell the stories of 25 rescue dogs, and you get to vote for the “top dog.” This dog-friendly event includes dog swag, vendors, raffles, and prizes. All proceeds go towards Pet Pal Animal Shelter. Ferg’s Sports Bar & Grill, 1320 Cen tral Ave., St. Petersburg. 6 p.m. 727822-4562.

Sunday, November 13

Exploring Beyond the Ego Is it dif ficult to quiet your mind and ful ly enjoy the present? Do you know

that is related to ego? Come to a discussion called Beyond the Ego. It is an evening exploration into how the ego is involved in pain, emotion, mental challenges, and how it can make it difficult to move on from the past. The evening ends with a Q&A session. Creative Play Children’s Learning Center, 2624 54th St. S., Gulfport. 4 p.m. $75-85. 727-2014537,

Monday, November 14



Your perspective matters. Let your voice be heard at Gulfport’s Finding Com mon Grounds discussion event. This event allows you to engage in respectful dialogue with your Gulf port neighbors. Come share your thoughts on important topics re garding your community while also hearing the perspectives of others

22 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Free Vegan Options Dog-Friendly

around you. The organizers en courage online reservations and welcome all. Gulfport Casino, 5500 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 6:30 p.m. 727-893-1070,

Tuesday, November 15

Fall Recipe Swap Do you believe your mom has the best apple pie recipe? Now you have the chance to share her recipe with everyone. In vite your friends and family to join St. Pete’s Fall Recipe Swap. All you have to do is bring your favorite sea sonal recipes and you’ll leave with more autumnal recipes to prepare at home. St. Pete Beach Library, 365 73rd Ave., St. Pete Beach. 2 p.m. 727363-9238,

Wednesday, November 16

Donut Happy Hour By The Beach Keep your booze at home; this hap py hour only requires your favor ite donuts and coffee. Strawberry frosted or glazed? Black or cream and sugar? This donut happy hour

is an opportunity for yourself and others to socialize over morning es sentials. Free donuts and coffee for all. St. Pete Beach Library, 365 73rd Ave., St. Pete Beach. 2 p.m. 727-3639238,

Thursday, November 17

St. Pete Beach Non-Profit Luncheon Are you thinking about giv ing back to your community? Stop by the annual Be Thankful Lunch where they celebrate local nonprofit organizations by recognizing their great efforts. Organizations include Big Brothers Big Sisters Tampa Bay, Bikes For Christ, Empowered To Change International Inc, Gulf Beaches Historical Museum, John’s Pass Rescue, Tampa Bay Watch, and The American Legion Post 305-St. Pete Beach. Postcard Inn, 6300 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach. 11:30 a.m. $1520. 727-367-2711.

Beach Book Club Have you ever wanted to be a part of a book club? Here’s your chance to get involved.

Join the St. Pete Beach Book Club as they talk about the novel “The Bee keeper of Aleppo” by Christi Lefteri. The circulation desk at the St. Pete Beach Library has copies. St. Pete Beach Library, 365 73rd Ave., St. Pete Beach. 2 p.m. 727-363-9238,

Beginners Ukulele Class Have you ever wanted to learn how to play an instrument? Check out this begin ner ukulele class that teaches you how to hold, strum, simple chords, and some basic knowledge on the instrument. The class teaches stu dents how to play two to three songs with provided ukuleles and everyone receives a free lei. The Tiki Bar & Grill at 56th and Shore, 5519 Shore Blvd. S., Gulfport. 6 p.m. $25. 727-498-8826.

Submit your events online at

City of Gulfport, Florida

Notice of 2023 Municipal General Election and Qualifying Period

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with Charter provisions, the City of Gulf port will hold a Municipal General Election on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, for the elec tion of two Councilmembers – Ward II and Ward IV. Qualifying begins at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, December 5, 2022 and ends at Noon, Monday, December 12, 2022. Can didates for Councilmember shall be a res ident of their Ward for at least one (1) year prior to the date of qualification. Please contact the Office of the City Clerk for fur ther qualifying information and paperwork, 893-1012.

Ciudad de Gulfport, Florida Notificación del Periodo de Calificación y Elección General Municipal 2023

Por medio de la presente se notifica que de conformidad con las disposiciones de los Es tatutos, la Ciudad de Gulfport celebrará una Elección General Municipal el martes 14 de marzo de 2023, para la elección de dos Con sejales (Distrito II y Distrito IV). La calificación iniciará a las 8:30 a. m. el lunes 5 de diciembre de 2022, y finalizará al mediodía del lunes 12 de diciembre de 2022. Los candidatos para Consejal deberán ser residentes de su Dis trito al menos durante un (1) año previo a la fecha de calificación. Comuníquese a la Ofi cina del Secretario de la Ciudad para recibir mayor información sobre la calificación y doc umentación requerida, 893-1012. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 23


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Discussion -10:30 Program - 11:00 For Zoom directions email us at “You need not think alike to love alike.”

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24 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
Messianic Congregation
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Special worship rates starting as low as $30/week. Send an email to: Stories live on. Tell theirs. In par tnership wit h Their life deserves more than five lines. We make sharing it affordable. • Free obituaries available; prices range from $10-$300 • Obituary on Legacy included
Paradise Lutheran Church
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with Holy Communion

Sheldon’s Great Gulfport Escape How One Wandering Tortoise Found His Way Back Home

Friday night, as we closed up the office, Gulfportian Carole Gabrio called me to tell me a land turtle was loose in Tomlinson Park. The tortoise, she was sure, was a pet. We called and left a message with the Hughes family, who have a large bale of turtles, thinking it likely es caped from their home.

At home, I walked over to the park, where a large sulcata was lapping the park perimeter. A small group had started following it, and Re bekah Sullivan and her son Jameson pulled up and promised to get the turtle (all tortoises are turtles but not all turtles are tortoises) back to the Hughes family.

“We’ve rescued him before,” she said.

One problem: This large, enthu siastic tortoise didn’t belong to the Hughes’ creep of tortoises. They agreed to keep him safe until the owner came forward.

Thanks to the magic of Gulfport and social media, Teresa Bohannon and her son were reunited with him – we know now his name is Sheldon – the next morning.

26 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 gabberlife Solar Demonstration & Free Cookout Friday, November 18, 5:00 3215 Tyrone Blvd N. Reservations: 727-509-7830 • Lighting Products • Energy Systems • Landscape Decorations • Security Systems
Sheldon gets intercepted on his lap around Tomlinson Park. The Sullivan family helped reunite him with his owner. CATHY SALUSTRI | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 27 solution ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR NEXT THURSDAY’S ISSUE IS FRIDAY BY
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Pasadena Community Church / Life Enrichments Building / Classroom 3c, 227 70th St. S., St. Petersburg, Fl 33707. Free, no registration, 7 p.m. Call 727-410-1569 for more information. Website: https://

Moving / Hauling


Full service removal of junk/trash for your home or business. Appliances, furniture, TV, carpet, concrete, yard debris, paints/chemicals, overgrown lawns, etc. Hoarding, eviction, foreclosure clean outs. 727-623-7219.


CHRISTIANSON PAINTING 30 years experience. Interior and exterior work done the old-school way; strong customer service. References. Lic #C-11520. Call or text Mark 727-452-4938.


30 years experience. Painting expert plus wallpaper hanging and removing. Lic. #C9579. Call Arney: 727-900-3459.

SEASONS BEST PAINTING & CONTRACTING, LLC Interior/exterior painting and power washing services. Over 25 years of experience. 727-506-3677. Licensed/insured. Lic. #C-11623

PINNIX PAINTING, INC. In business locally since 1980. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential. Free Estimates. Lic. #C4334. Call 727-504-1508.


Bob: 727-400-2106

Lawn & Landscape


Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding. Also do yard work, mulching, weeding, and yard clean up. Call for estimate: 727-6419033.

Miscellaneous Service


Retired RN, trustworthy, available for day work. Available to help with cooking, housekeeping, cleaning, gardening, general help around the house. Call for pricing. Vicky: 813-296-9575.


The Gabber now provides Notary Services (in o ce only) at 2908-B Beach Blvd S., Gulfport. Our Notary Public is not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice.

THE TRASH QUEEN Overwhelmed with the mess? Clean up/clean out, inside and out. Recycling, organizing, and yard work. Free estimate from Kathy, Trashologist, licensed/insured, with truck/trailer. Call/ text 845-866-3867. Responsible, reasonable, and ready! | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 29
PROFLO PLUMBING 727-902-7077 #CFC1430429 State-certified, residential/ commercial service. Senior and military discount. $25 o service with ad. Locally owned and operated. Marine Repair
Home Improvement
sidewalks, enclosed
pool areas, roofs. Call with questions. FREE estimates. Call
727-220-0226 Planting • Trimming Tree & Stump Removal Cabling/Bracing • Pruning/Shaping AFFORDABLE PROMPT • RELIABLE Licensed & Insured
Lee Claxton, I.S.A. Certified Arborist
Kiki’s Dog Wa lking, Pet Sitting, & DayCare Services Dog Walking, Pet Sitting, &
Professional Services


Help Wanted

NEED HOUSEKEEPING HELP Amputee needs help with lite housekeeping. Park and Central area, would prefer a CNA or student nurse. Call Patrick or leave a text at 727-345-1968.


The Gabber Newspaper seeks reporters to help tell our community’s stories. Area of focus will be arts, features, events, and food. Call 727-321-6965 Monday, Tuesday or Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. for more details.


Established 20-year Day Spa looking to rent a room to a positive, professional Licensed Massage Therapist/health care individual. Large room for you and client. $525/month, Tyrone area. Call 727-415-8137.

For Sale


Utility Trailer 4x4x8, Door in back and side, with ladder racks: $2000. Handicap scoot er ramp: $100. Call 727-798-7124.


GULFPORT LIONS CLUB Available for par ties, weddings, meetings. Great waterfront location with full facilities. Call Jean for info and dates. 727-366-6341.


Prayer Level (2), side by side, granite facade, inside chapel, very desirable location. Well kept in Royal Palms (58th St. S. & 1st Ave. S.) near Gulfport. Valued At $11k, asking $4,450. Installment payments. Private owner. Text or phone 561-221-7277.

Garage Sale


Saturday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m., 5119 6th Ave. S., St Pete. A Passion For Flowers, FL. Nursery Registration No.: 48029765. Buy 3 landscape plants and get a 4th plant free! See our Facebook page: Passiflorista / apas sionforflowers

Commercial Properties Rent

STUDIO SPACE FOR RENT Studio Space for Rent at RED FEATHER STUDIOS in Gulf port. Perfect for, yet not limited to, a ce ramic artists, painter, herbalist designer or art teacher. Also has community classroom event space. For more details call 727-5600608.

Real Estate For Rent


Room for Rent - Private entrance, private bath, microwave, medium sized fridge, quiet neighborhood. Half a block to bus line. Five blocks to beach and downtown Gulfport. First, last, background check, no drugs/alcohol. $1200/month. 727564-0464.

Real Estate For Sale

30 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
License #: 234757, 299994709
The Perfect Part-Time Job! Flexible Hours...Tell Us When
Want To Work... Supplement Your Income By Helping A Senior! Call Us Today At (727) 401-4700!
PAY LESS TO SELL YOUR HOME! Only 3-4% Commission! Jeff Thomsen, Realtor Realean Real Estate 727-222-0099 AFFORDABLE GULFPORT MOBILE HOME 4 SALE BY OWNER Well maintained MH park in beautiful Gulfport! $129,000 (home & land); quiet & private 2BR/1BA, 850 Sq.Ft + 200 Sq.Ft. Screened-in porch; many recent upgrades. Low HOA - $200/Mo. (includes water, gas, sewer, trash, heated pool/hot tub, landscaping). Call Dave: 714-745-1278. Gloria Hunter-Peroni Accredited Luxury Home Specialist Re/Max Hall of Fame, Platinum Club Lovely Remodeled single family pool home in St Petersburg, Fenced yard with Alley access, Turnkey Furnished $390 4253 Fairfield Ave South, St Petersburg Terrific 2/2 Condo with Bay views, Walk to Stores, Restaurants, Shopping and Public transportation Updated move-in ready $369 Chateau Towers 7050 Sunset Dr #210, South Pasadena Condo with Golf Course views PYCC, 2/2 large corner unit with 500 patio, remodeled and ready for new owner $419 Gulfview 6150 Gulfport Blvd #416, Gulfport PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED LINE ADS ONLINE! THEGABBER.COM

Real Estate Snapshots

Here’s What Sold in Gulfport Last Week

Other Gulfport Home Sales Last Week

1623 52nd St. S. (Tangerine)

This 1,735-square-foot, two-bedroom, two-bath home, built in 1925, listed for $399,000 and sold for $375,000.

5325 13th Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 1952 home has 816 square feet, two bedrooms, and one bath. It listed for $350,000 and sold for $335,000.

5106 14th Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 936-square-foot bungalow, built in 1957, has three bedrooms and two baths. It listed for $333,500, it sold for $329,000.

5149 Preston Ave. S. (Tangerine)

This 782-square-foot, two-bedroom, one-bath home, built in 1925, listed for $319,000 and sold for $315,000.

3037 Beach Blvd. S. (Waterfront District)

This 778-square-foot, two-bedroom, onebath home, built in 1948, listed for $480,000 and sold for $450,000.

The Gabber lists real estate sales every week, as space allows. This may not be a comprehensive list of all homes and condos sold in Gulfport, and often does not include commercial properties or business sales. | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022 31
We will list your home for 3% Commission * OR Choose from other AWESOME plans. CALL TODAY! *Applies to unoccupied homes in the Gulfport area with 4 month listing contract

Provider may also contract with other Plans/Part D sponsors. Tampa area. CarePlus is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in CarePlus depends on contract renewal. Other providers are available in our network. 1From a preferred cost-sharing retail pharmacy. Important: At CarePlus, it is important you are treated fairly. CarePlus Health Plans, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, religion, or language in their programs and activities, including in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, their programs and activities. The following department has been designated to handle inquiries regarding CarePlus’ non-discrimination policies: Member Services, PO Box 277810, Miramar, FL 33027, 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711). Auxiliary aids and services, free of charge, are available to you. 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711) CarePlus provides free auxiliary aids and services, such as qualified sign language interpreters, video remote interpretation, and written information in other formats to people with disabilities when such auxiliary aids and services are necessary to ensure an equal opportunity to participate. This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our Member Services number at 1-800-794-5907. Hours of operation: October 1 – March 31, 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. April 1 – September 30, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business day. Español (Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece anteriormente. Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole): Enfòmasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lòt lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sèvis pou Manm nou yo ki nan

32 | November 10, 2022 - November 16, 2022
H1019_MKDMFNPRproviderbwc2023_C CarePlusMedicare.comCarePlusHealthPlans We want to make it easy to get the quality care you deserve. Call a licensed CarePlus sales agent today: 855-435-3183 (TTY: 711) Plans designed for your needs, and doctors who treat you like family. BECAUSE CARESPLUS CARES. Your health is more important than ever before. We understand, and we are here for you. CarePlus helps connect you with doctors who care as much as we do. At CarePlus, our network of healthcare providers includes Optum Primary Care.*
Coordination with specialists
accepts CarePlus Health Plans and offers: For hours, and appointments, call
Or visit Optum online: We are accepting new patients today! Choose a CarePlus plan with the benefits you need, such as: • $0 copay for primary care physician office visits and lab services • $0 copay for routine dental, vision and hearing coverage • $0 to low copay for Tier 1 and Tier 2 prescription drug coverage1 22_CPP-30952_PM_Optum Primary Care_Tampa_Print_The Gabber_ENG_Full Page_7.5 x 10_1594_v2.indd 1 10/11/22 10:25 AM
lis anwo an.
• Urgent
same-day appointments • Management

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