The Gabber: December 2, 2021

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arts An Unflinching View of Life as a Mayor’s Wife ‘Accidental First Lady’ Tells Kerry Kriseman’s Story

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One of the most interesting anecdotes in Kerry Kriseman’s book, “Accidental First Lady: On the Front Lines (and Behind the Scenes) of Local Politics,” comes well into her husband Rick’s political career. He’d just been elected mayor of St. Petersburg, and the couple was attending an art event. While her husband was talking with someone, a businessman approached Kriseman. “You’re really just arm candy, aren’t you?” Kriseman bristled, as any woman would. But she turned the moment around to talk about not only her husband, but her life. “The man who wanted to affix the ‘arm candy’ label on me got an earful about my longevity as a city resident, my family, my volunteer work and my job as the public relations manager for a nonprofit that serves people with disabilities,” she writes. Accidental First Lady is Kriseman’s first book, and it’s a fascinating look at the behind-the-scenes machinations of local politics. While she does describe some of the glamour


By Tamara Lush

Kriseman describes not only life as a mayor’s wife, but some of the inner workings of local politics.

At the start of her husband’s tenure as mayor, someone accused Kerry Kriseman of being “arm candy.”

Another first lady – Michelle of being a political spouse, like atObama – said “Let our jobs and our tending events at the White House, lives speak for itself.” After reading she doesn’t gloss over the difficult Kriseman’s book about her time as times, either. the mayor’s wife, and considering Her son was targeted at school her community work with Southfor being both the mayor’s son and eastern Guide Dogs, Creative Clay, Jewish, a police officer tried to curry and her ovarian cancer diagnosis, favor with her in hopes of winning a it’s apparent that she promotion, and This book is a must-read has, indeed, spoken countless people attempt- for locals who want to her truth. The Gabber spoke ed to criticize delve into the nitty-gritty her husband of Rick Kriseman’s tenure with Kriseman about her future, advice through her in office (which is com- for political spousduring conversations that ing to a close), and for es, and her favorGulfport spot. would be awk- anyone whose spouse is ite ward for most considering getting into Read the interview at of us. politics. accidental-first-laThrough it all, dy-tells-kerry-krisemans-story. Kriseman remained balanced, courKerry Kriseman will read from teous and patient, which is no small “Accidental First Lady” at the Dec. feat in today’s fractured political 11 Winter Market and at Tombolo landscape. This book is a must-read Books on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m., then at for locals who want to delve into Book + Bottle on Dec. 17 at 5 p.m.; the nitty-gritty of Rick Kriseman’s you can buy her book anywhere, but tenure in office (which is coming if you wish to support local busito a close), and for anyone whose nesses, you can get it at Tombolo spouse is considering getting into Books. politics. | December 2, 2021 - December 8, 2021

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