The Gate Music Magazine Feb 2010

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CAGE-The USA’s Kings of Prog Metal


Man of Kin-Thrash Metal from West London


Cold Spell-From the land of ice and snow, Sweden


SBU-Detroit, Michigan’s Hardcore, Metal band


Pythia-Hails from the UK this female-fronted band is sure to rock you!

36 The Round-All hail The Round, all American rock band MUSIC NEWS 42 42 43

Chris Johnson of Holy Rage & Halo Guitars Endorsement Warmachine on tour with Wasp Warriors of Metal Fest


Idols Higher Open Chapter Requiem for Oblivion


SBU Chaos Theory


We keep adding things as we move along! First off, we would to welcome one of our newest writers to The Gate...Shaz Millar, our rockaholic hails out Australia and also writes for several other magazines. She currently works with a dear friend and the hardest working man in the music business, The Beast , Mr Willy Forrest. Together they have forged, Beauty and The Beast Promotions. Her debut is this month with the interview of Cold Spell. Secondly, Sick Puppy is loose and running rabid with a new leash, he is also debuting his first written interview with Man of Kin. For those of you who don’t know Sick Puppy Beau, he is an awesome internet radio personality, he currently has a live 365 podcast so check that out as well. Last but not least, Jenny has finally come out with her newest section called Chaotic Showcase. She will be covering bands that we get through Music Submit and giving you an overview of each. The name says it all...she will include everything from punk to death metal in this section! Our dear friend and family member, Willie (Trujillo) Williams of the BC Smith & The Willie Williams Infestation passed away recently due to cancer. Willie this issue is for you! Rest in peace brother! Want your music reviewed or an interview? Send us your CD, press kit/bio, regular email address and other materials to: The Gate Music Magazine Online 722 Ingleside Flint, MI 48507 Or Email us a zip file containing your CD, album art, press kit/bio, and several pictures with a regular email address to contact you to: The Gate Staff Colleen Radford-Editor, Writer, Graphics & layout Chris Dumas-Writer & Interviewer Jennifer Lee-Writer & Interviewer Sick Puppy Beau-Writer & Interviewer Shaz Millar-Writer & Interviewer


Chris - How did CAGE come abou

Cage - We were all a bunch of m Chris - How did CAGE come abou the grunge movement and realiz continue the legacy of the meta CRUSHER simultaneously explod CAGE.

By Chris Dumas For all you heavy metal fans out there...Cage out of San Diego, California is probably one of the hardest hitting heavy metal bands around. In a previous issue I had the chance to talk to Sean Peck, lead singer of Cage and get a little background about himself. This time they were awesome to give us another interview before they started traveling the world. Chris - How did CAGE come about? Cage - We were all a bunch of metal heads that were under assault by the grunge movement and realized it was up to us to create and continue the legacy of the metal grand masters. The bands NOMAD and CRUSHER simultaneously exploded like a big bang to create what is now CAGE. 44 4 4


Chris - How did the name CAGE get started? Cage - Our very first drummer actually came up with it. We wanted a name like FIGHT and CAGE unbelievably had not been trademarked so we nabbed it! Chris - What inspired you to start playing music? Cage - I got into metal late and it was cool because once it took hold of me there were tons of albums to discover. I used to air guitar around my room and rock out singing along with old Priest and Maiden records. I had all the posters on the walls and had spent a lot of time staring at the album covers and attending concerts. The majesty of the arena metal vibe, and how the music made me feel was and still is a powerful force. I was a class clown type of guy always making funny voices and doing impersonations and as I sang in my room I thought hey I can hit these notes etc. I then joined a cover band in college and really started enjoying the attention and feeling of being a performer. I eventually got a knack for song writing too and now here I am. Chris - Explain your sound to everyone. Cage - Well CAGE embodies all the classic metal sounds sounding very familiar yet with its’ own identifiable sound. It walks the fine line of a classic sound and feel but also is obvious that this is somehow a modern day band. Fans of Maiden, Priest, Iced Earth, Testament, King Diamond, and Agent Steel will find a lot to like with us. Cage - What keeps you guys going to keep playin’ the style of music that you do?

Cage - This is the kind of music we love and the music that moves us. We are very focused on the song from a listener of metal perspective. All the compositions are orchestrated to have fists pumping in the air and heads metal heads that were under assault bybanging and singing along with the chorus! We are all very much inut? fluenced our whole lives through by the music and its’ lifestyle. zed it was up to us to create and


al grand masters. The bands NOMAD and ded like a big bang to create what is now

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Chris - In the band does everyone have a say in everything or is there just one certain person? Cage - No we are all very democratic and everyone’s opinion is very well respected (especially mine ha!). There are 3 main people who write but the others are very much involved while we put the songs together. We have very little drama in this band which is nice and everyone gets along 99% of the time. That is really hard to find and hold on to. We are all quite close friends and that helps with everything that it takes to keep the metal train rolling. Chris - How is the following in the USA compared to overseas? Cage - Well Europe is probably our best market but we keep making inroads all the time to the US. Now we have been playing a lot of different regions of America that we never have before and it is definitely helping spread the word everywhere. Mexico is another great market for us. Chris - So you just got done with an east coast mini tour. Any idea on another tour soon? Cage - Yes there are big plans for us everywhere and the demand for us has definitely increased from our last efforts. We plan on doing 2 Europe tours next year as well as a bunch of US stuff. We head out to Texas for the first time in December and another east run is planned for April 2010. Look for us to support our first DVD release and our vinyl releases as well. We have a ton of new product coming out next year and our live reputation has grown as a ferocious metal act that can stand up to anyone on the stage. Chris - Science of Annihilation, the new album. How does it differ from your previous albums? Cage - Well it is our first all digital production from a recording standpoint. We used to do all analog and everything went to tape always so the sound this time is different. Also overall it is way faster and aggressive. Our new drummer Norm Leggio ex of PSYCHOTIC WALTZ really added a new level of power which we wanted to showcase and exploit. Being faster and heavier than ever is cool and all but the songs had to be great. We worked really hard to find a balance between shredding and blasting and keeping the classic CAGE feel as well. We always seem to come through somehow and this CD was no exception. The fans and media have absolutely embraced it and that is awesome.

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Chris - So I gotta know, what is the craziest shit that has happened to you guys at a show. Cage - Ha! Besides equipment always going down and having to roll with those punches sometimes in front of thousands at big shows! But I think when I brought up a 10 foot Boa Constrictor on stage for our last song when we opened for Judas Priest and it got loose and freaked Priest out as it wrapped itself up in KK Downing guitar cables was pretty insane! Chris - Tell everyone where they can go to get ahold of your music and check on you to see where and when you’re touring. Cage - Well all the Best Buys in the US have the new record and iTunes of course, but if you go to you can get it all! Check Cage out at:

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Interviewed by Sick Puppy Beau Sick Puppy Beau: Before we get into the guts of Man of Kin, I would like to say I am not only pleased to be able to chat with you, but am a huge fan, am looking at this as a chance to speak with a band that I know, will be going big time very soon. On that note, you guys have not been together all that long, and it seems you already have a huge following. Tell me how Man of Kin came about, including how the name came about, and what you think is drawing the attention so quickly?

Jaz: First of all I just want to say thank you for featuring us in your magazine, although we are making inroads in the UK its great to see someone so passionately flying the flag in the US, which is a place we’d love to visit soon and start putting on some shows. The band name story isn’t really interesting! We recently done a radio show in the UK and told them that a gnome from Alaska came up with the name and I think we’re going to stick with that, especially with this being a US feature. The band in its current line up has only been going for about 4/5 months or so, we started out a couple of years ago under the banner “Man Of Kin” but the only members left from the original line up are myself and Jon. When Aaron came into the band in August 2009 we pretty much started again and the response has been amazing, we work very hard as a band and it’s really starting to pay off, people seem to be warming to us at the minute and I can only hope that continues. 10 10 10

Sick Puppy Beau: Being based in London, it seems you could not be luckier as far as being smack in the middle of one of the legendary regions that is British Metal. But, with all do respect, has it surprised you how fast the band has recruited a fan base from all over the world? And is there a possible tour coming outside of England in the future?

Jaz: Its safe to say we are very proud of our British roots but in reality London is one of the hardest places to make it as a Metal band, the problem is you’re pretty much a needle in a haystack in terms of bands and musicians and getting noticed can be really difficult. We’ve been lucky to have some great people on board that have helped us break through and play some great venues and get some great exposure but in London luck is a big part of getting anywhere in this industry. We seem to be getting more and more fans outside of the UK which is absolutely fantastic; we have put all our energies into trying to lay down a solid foundation over here before we venture abroad so it is really surprising that people seem to be discovering the band on their own. We’ve even been offered slots at major festivals in places like Venezuela, something that we would struggle to do in the UK right now… so it really shows people’s passion for the music we make right now. We are still Unsigned so therefore are self funded so touring outside the UK would largely depend on any deal we sign in the near future but we are really eager to get on the road as soon as possible.

Sick Puppy Beau: As you know, I am involved in broadcasting as well. I have featured Man of Kin not only on my internet show, but have gotten the band FM airplay as well. This all thanks to a young maiden named Caz. She has been a long time friend and fan of my show, and sent me a couple tunes to check out. I was instantly hooked. Do you have anything you want to say about such loyal fans like Caz. The band has a reputation for wanting to please the fans, so I would like to give you a chance to say something to all of them now. Jaz: Caz is a great example of someone who fights the cause for the bands in the UK, when someone goes to the extent to get the band some international exposure we would consider them way more than a fan. Its strange that I didn’t really know Caz until she put us forward for this so it’s a testament to her to do something so selfless for the music she is passionate about. In terms of our fans from the UK and anyone else from around the World, we really do consider our fans and friends the most loyal anyone could ask for. Its amazing to see so many people turn out again and again and spend their hard earned money and take the time to come to our gigs and buy our CDs. There is nothing better than the rush of a great gig for a musician and our fans always make sure we never have a dull night on the stage!

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Sick Puppy Beau: I like to pride myself in having a wide range of musical taste, but my favorite is the old school, heavy hitting guitar and bass, with an anthem type sound. Your tune “Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down”, seems to be one of those type songs. What are the bands influences, and are you trying to reach out to a certain genre, or do you see the bands sound expanding as it grows?

Jaz: “Bastards” was a really important song for the band at the beginning as its one of those tracks the crowd seem to latch on to straight away live, we have a new album coming out in May which we are about to record which features the new line up, we have some rough demo’s of the new stuff on the bands MySpace and Website. We are definitely A LOT more excited about the new stuff as it definitely shows a progression and maturity within the bands writing. We have kept to our thrash roots but have added a lot more melody. With Aaron’s arrival in the band the guitars have gone up a notch or twelve so we are really excited about getting the new album out and touring it. The main difference between the new album and the “Lock n Load” is that the whole band contributed to the new album a lot more than the old one, and 5 minds are better than 1 or 2.

Sick Puppy Beau: The bands website shows you as “Self Managed”, are you currently looking for a label? And being self managed, with the success you have had in such short time, is the band ready for that next level?

Jaz: I think the new album will definitely be important in terms of the bands short term future, we have an album launch at the Scala, one of the best venues in the UK in May, and we will be looking to hit the industry hard with the launch. We recently got some interest from some major labels at a show at the Underworld in Camden, London and we’re looking to get them all down to the Scala, put on a show and pass them a CD with the hope that the right label puts in the right offer. I’ve always been reluctant to approach management and Record Labels due to the fact if we signed a deal before now we would probably sell the band short, but right now we are definitely ready to sign the right deal and move forward. We’re feeling really confident about the future of the band and hopefully if we get the deal we’re looking for, one of the first things we can do is head to the States.

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Sick Puppy Beau: My favorite tune from Man of Kin so far, is “Primitive”, Tell us what the songs about, and is it from a personal experience. I can personally say, when I have “One of them Days” I throw that tune in, and it brings me back up to a positive level. Is that what you were shooting for?

Jaz: Primitive along with most of the other tracks on the first album we’re definitely geared towards getting that exact response. Primitive in particular was actually the first song written by the original line up and there was a lot of people in the early stages of Man Of Kin through jealousy or generally spite that wanted us to fail. Primitive was a response to all those people, people who would rather take someone else down than do something to improve their own life. I wanted that song to remain relevant throughout our whole career as a band, not knowing where it would take us… but it was basically a “we’ve done our best to make something of ourselves, what have you done?” track and at this point in the bands life it definitely still feels relevant. With the new stuff drawing a much more positive reaction songs such as “Primitive” and “Bastards” don’t get played very often anymore, but they are still very important to the bands history and we occasionally bring them out on request.

Sick Puppy Beau: So what is in the future for Man of Kin? What are the goals for the band over the next year? New album? Tours? Fill us in so we can spread the word.

Jaz: Well like I said, we have a new album out in May which will be titled “…And So It Begins” which marks a new start for the band, I would encourage anyone to go to the MySpace or Website and hear the demo’s of the new stuff and let us know what they think. We have a UK tour planned for April and are aiming to hit some festivals over the summer. The main focus for the new year is to have a record deal in place by 2011 and then take this on the road internationally. The main reason we do this is so we can play as many shows to as many great crowds as possible and hopefully we can get the right label in place to help us do that on a bigger scale. Once again I want to say a huge thanks for getting us some exposure in the States and if you want us over there in the summer, we’ll come down and do a one off show in your local town… just let us know!

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Sick Puppy Beau: Well I have to tell you man, From the couple tunes I have, I see a great future for the band, and look forward to following your progress. On that note, any chance The Pup might be able to get the latest cd for our broadcast? And also, please tell everyone, where they can go to hear more Man of Kin, stay updated, and most important, buy your tunes. This is where you plug any and all things “Man of Kin”.

Jaz: You can grab the original record at or, it goes without saying we will definitely send you a copy of the new demo’s for airplay as we are very keen to push the new stuff. The big moment will be in May at the new album launch so keep track on the progress of the new album. We’re looking for as much feedback on the new demo’s as possible before we go in and spend a fortune laying them down in the studio haha! We’ve noticed that our album has been download 10’s of thousands of time’s via bit torrent’s, that’s absolutely fine by us… but if you can afford it and you like the music… please grab a copy from the MySpace, we are a self funded band and every penny or cent helps!

Sick Puppy Beau: I want to thank you for hanging with The Gate Music Mag today my brother, and I can not say enough, I love this band, and hope to see you in the states soon. Until then, we will continue to play your Metal riffs on all our affiliates, and by all means, keep me posted. Is there anything you would like to say in closing brother?

Jaz: I would like to say a huge thanks to yourself from the whole band, people like yourself are exactly what a Metal band needs to succeed and we are thrilled to see you working so hard to spread the name. To anyone in the States reading this, hopefully we’ll be hitting a town near you soon, spread the word... Oh and “Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down” Sick Puppy Beau: Inspiration behind new material: Jaz: The song “…And So It Begins” really sums up the new material, the intention when setting up Man Of Kin was for me to find the best musicians I can and that I can enjoy working with. I feel since the new line up was complete that’s the first time that has happened… it was a long road to get there but I can imagine spending the next 20 years writing, touring and hanging out with my fellow band mates. It’s quite ironic that for most musicians, they first album will be generally about their previous life experience but when the 2nd album roles around, you are so immersed in music that your experiences tend to be about music itself. The new album is definitely about the experiences we’ve had in this band over the past 2 years and I think some songs make it quite clear as to how things have gone and how much were enjoying ourselves now.

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Sick Puppy Beau: How the current line up got together:

Jaz: Its been a frustrating time trying to find the right musicians with the right mentality to do this project, as with most bands we have experienced over-inflated ego’s, delusion and everything else that comes from a musician doing music for the wrong reasons. I’m ecstatic to say that for the first time in my 8 year music career I am working with 4 guys who are absolutely doing music for the right reasons. The first key moment was finding Carl on bass, I have known Carl for about 7 years now and it was actually MeI that initially encouraged him to pick up the bass at university. We’ve been gigging together for years but when Man Of Kin came about we hadn’t played together for a couple of years. We were experiencing problems with finding the right bassist and with a big show to do in two weeks later we lost our bassist at the time, I gave Carl a ring and tried to convince him to come out of retirement which he did and I don’t think he’s regretted it since. Next up we found Drummer Rob through the wonderful world of the interweb, he moved down to London from Cornwall (about 5 hours drive away) to make it in music and his passion and ability were obvious from his audition… he’s an absolute student of music and even has degrees in it, I was a drummer until I started Man Of Kin and took to vocals and he’s quite easily the best drummer I’ve ever worked with… he made me look rubbish! Finally we bought in Aaron on Lead Guitar, already extremely well known on the scene for his ability and presence he is by a long way the best guitarist I’ve worked with and arguably one of the best guitarists I’ve seen on the unsigned circuit… he was a big part of this band going to the next level. Rhythm Guitarist Jon has been there since the start and has worked harder than anybody to try and make this work, he is about as solid a rhythm guitarist as you could hope for, an absolute riffmeister and a joy to work with.

Sick Puppy Beau: Don’t forget my Metal Brothers and Sisters, you can hear Man of Kin on my show, and many more bands like them at as well as The Butcher Shop, 94.3FM and more to come. Drop me a line, and by all means, stop by my myspace page and check out more stuff from Man of Kin, they are in my top friends. Thanks Jaz, and looking forward to Man of Kin taking on the world. Jaz: Thanks for featuring us Beau! I’m looking forward to it too! You can check out Man of Kin at:

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By Shaz Millar ColdSpell comes from the land of the "ice and snow" up in the north of Sweden The songs of ColdSpell is a mixture, with the groove of the seventies to the choruses and melodies from the –80's and from the raw and naked touch from the -90's to the amazing bands and productions of the new millennium. The debut-album "Infinite Stargaze" was released in Europe with Escape-music U.K. in februari 2009 and in July in Japan with Bickee music. This album was recorded by Pelle Saether at Studio Underground in Sweden and was mixed and mastered by the legendary Tommy Hansen (Pretty Maids, TNT, Jorn, Helloween) at Jailhouse Studios in Denmark. The artwork was done by the amazing C.A.Beckston. The album has got great reviews from all over the world and is on many album toplists in 2009 , for example “The album of the year” at A video is about to be released and a new album will be out in august 2010. Today I would like to take the Time to say Welcome To a Band From Sweden....Coldspell Welcome on Behalf Of The Gate Music Magazine.... Shaz: Firstly Could you Please Introduce Your band and Members...

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Michael: Yes, ColdSpell is a hardrock band from the north of Sweden. It is what can be described as my ”brainchild” that finally took its form and became a band in 2005. The band is (me) Michael who plays guitar, Nicklas the singer, Matti plays keyboard/Hammond, Tobbe is the drummer and on bass we have a new member, Anders who is an old friend of mine.

Shaz: Could you tell me How you got Your Name and why ? Michael: We wanted to have a name that fit us. It sounded great and and it couldn’t be more suitable for us , you know up here in the north of Sweden we have long and cold winters. ColdSpell is a sort of abbreviation for the Swedish word “köldknäpp”, which could be translated into English as an “icebolt”. Shaz: What is your Music background...(Who are you and your band members? Tell your story.) Michael: I´ve been for example doin cover bands, tribute bands over the years , also played in the -90´s with different Swedish artists and also did two albums with RAW that was a Swedish hardrock act in the mid -90´s. The album whas released in Europe and Japan.Then by the end of the -90´s I moved from the south of Sweden up to Kiruna where ColdSpell has its homebase. Then we have Niclas on lead vocals, he has been singing his whole life in different local bands and Im extremely glad to have Niclas with me – I couldn’t ask for more, he just step in to the studio and “bang” all vocals where done! Amazing singer! Matti on keyboard/hammond, also a good bass player. He has played the local scenes with different bands / rock bands and is a sucker for the art of Mr John Lord. Tobbe has done several years in local hard rock bands, cover bands and sami inspired rockband, I know he is like me a metalhead. Anders “Kebbe” plays bass and is new in this band, we played together in RAW in the -90´s and he have been since then doin tons of shows with Swedish artists. So you could say that the circle is closed when we play together again

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Shaz: Where have you performed? What are your favorite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows? Michael: Sorry to say that we as a band haven’t done that many shows, maybe it has to do where we live, we haven’t done anything abroad yet but I do hope that in 2010 it will be a change when it comes to that! So all venues are favourite venues right now, haha. We are booking some shows and festivals for 2010 and for example – we are doin the House Of Metal festival in Sweden in March together with bands like Lamb of God, Fatal Smile, Scar Symmetry and so on. Shaz: How has your music evolved since you first began playing music together? Michael: Not that much I believe , I think we stick to this concept with a mix between this Classic hardrock/Metal and some progressive stuff, that fits us as a band. Guess it’s a question that will be easier for the listener to answer. Shaz: What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Michael: To do this “Infinite Stargaze” album and make it just as good as all the other high quality hard rock productions. And when we look at all reviews and 2009 album top lists it feels like we did manage to do that. That is just awesome. We have a big challenge ahead of us – to do an album that hopefully will be just as good!





Shaz: What genre of music do you consider your work to be and who are your major influences? Michael: Some magazine wrote that this album will attract both the aor and metal fans so I think we are a mix between that – a little classic hardrock and a little metal too. I guess it is all of my influences that shines through in my songwriting. Our common influences are bands like Purple, Sabbath, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Journey, all that -70´s , -80´s stuff . That’s the heritage, haha

Shaz: What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?) Michael: Some personal stuff and other issues that’s more common these days like the global warming , war and peace, love and hate. This Eye of the Storm song from our album is a song to my daughter Sol Isabell that passed away so that song is my heart and soul, totally!

Shaz: Who handles your daily business activities? (Bookings, promotions, etc.) Michael: As it is now I manage to do most of the stuff but we are still lookin for the right one to handle that business. Its important for me to have that contact with all kinds of people so as long as I manage to do that , I will do that especially with fans! When it comes to contracts and stuff I’m happy to let someone else do that! Haha. We have our record label – Escape-music UK and they do a lot when it comes to promotion and stuff. Shaz: What are your longterm career goals? Michael: I really don’t know – we take one album at a time! But one goal is to have some touring in Europe so we will see about that, we had some proposals but nothing worth mention. Shaz: Do you have Any Major tour Plans? Michael: No not yet but we are workin on that , think it is important to find the right promoter/managment to work together with. Shaz: Do you have any endorsements? If So what companies? Michael: We had, but no one right now! That will be more interesting when we get some touring on the schedule


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Shaz: If you could play music in front of a large audience where would that be? Michael: You know I had this dream when I was younger – to play in Japan at Budokan and that would be awesome, haha. Shaz: What type of media exposure has the band received? Michael: We have received so many fantastic reviews from magazines, webzines and radio so we are overwhelmed! Have done lots of interviews for magazines and radio and seem like we have been played a lot on radio in Europe, US and Japan Shaz: If you could tour with another band, who would that be and why? Michael: I thought that that would be an easy question to answer but……maybe Gotthard they seem to be nice guys with the same passion for hardrock! Otherwise – friends from Sweden / Europe, Dio (mr hardrock) …..the list could be much longer! Shaz: How big a part, has The Internet played In promoting you as a band and getting your music Out there? Michael: It has meant a lot , almost everything! I released two albums in the -90´s, before this internet boom and the difference between then and now is like night and day! The whole world is out there just waiting for you – so much easier to reach out! Shaz: Is there anything you would Like to add Guys for your fans...... Michael: The main reason why I (we) started playing was to stand on stage and perform so I really hope we get our asses out there and get the opportunity to rock your socks off :)) We hope that this new album will bring us out there and ROCK. Thank you so much guys for this chance to get to know you all and for taking the time out to do this with us..... We Wish you success In all you do and Hope to See you On Tour soon.... Michael: I’m the one to say , thanks Shaz! And I do know we will meet on tour On Behalf of The gate Music magazne : Shaz. Check out Coldspall at




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By Chris Dumas

Sbu SBU (Strength Beyond U) will not settle on anything less than the maximum. Since 2001, the Detroit based quartet’s mission has been around to pound out the power groove to the masses. Through four releases-2002 “Soul Divide”, 2004 “Grounded” 2006 “Stigma”, and 2008 "The New Truth" SBU continues to raise the bar with “Bone Crushing riffs”, “Melodic fill vocals”, “Live thru Lyrics” and Most of all-“Bad ass songs that they believe in written with their own life experiences”. Chris - How and when did SBU form? Deusx - 2001, myself and vocalist Sonny Carafelli had been recording for 3 years prior and decided to start performing live. Tom Hart joined at the end of 2001. The first EP, Soul Divide was released 2002. Kenny Gill solidified the rhythm section in 2003. With this line-up, SBU signed to an indie label [Mofam] and released two more efforts, Grounded [2004] and Stigma [2006]. From 2003 – 2006, the band played regional shows in New York, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois building a solid fan base. In late Fall of 2006, SBU decided to go in a heavier direction. Parting ways with Sonny and Mofam, they recruited “Take This Oath” singer Chris Grissom [BC] and finished prior touring commitments and started writing songs for the self-released The New Truth [2008]. As the band took on a heavier direction, we started building a new fan base and by more regional touring. 24


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At the end of 2008, the band was back in the studio to work on their fifth release Hellraiser [2009]. As of now, we are continuing to play as many shows, both local and regional, to bring a kick ass show to the masses. Chris - What is every ones preferred equipment? Deusx - Kenny [bass]: Yamaha and Spector basses, SWR Mo’bass amp, Fender cabs, D’addario strings Tom [drums]: pearl drums, sabian and zidjian cymbals, vader sticks BC [vocals]: audio technica mics Me [guitar]: Michael Kelly, Greg Bennett, Fender Strat, Charvel and Yamaha guitars, D’addario 1052 strings, Mesa Boogie power amp, Rocktron preamp, Midiverb4, Digitech harmonizer, Dunlop wah, and too many effect pedals to name, Monster cables Chris - Your song Dead Calm is bad ass. What was the inspiration behind that? Deusx - The inspiration for "Dead Calm" came from everyday life. When you’re not where you need to be in life, you begin to wonder “is everything worth it”. We all have bumps in the road and you’re either gonna hold on tight or let go at the slightest sign of trouble. Basically, what you think is real on the outside of a person isn't always real on the inside. We all have problems.

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Chris - Straight out of Detroit. That has a killer Metal scene. Have you played anywhere else that reminds you of the D? Deusx - No. There’s no place like Detroit. There are so many bands and so many places to play that the scene is over saturated. Chris - For up and coming bands, what advice can you give them to survive in this industry? Deusx - Learn the business. Learn about copyrights, publishing and licensing your music. Dare to be different by being the best that you can be. There are so many ways for your music to be heard on the internet. Make sure that your music is the best that it can be. Do everything you can to promote yourselves. Right place – Right time. Chris - All of your songs are tight and solid, heavy hitting. How do you guys go about writing a new song or EP? Deusx - Sometimes it can start from a killer riff or a drum beat. If it feels good, everybody jumps on it right away and we start arranging. BC always has plenty of great melodies to add to those ideas. We always test our material out live to see how it goes over. Chris - I-Tunes, Amazon. That's a big feat. How’s it feel to know that folks can download you all over the world? Deusx - Great! You don’t need a record company. 80 – 100% goes to the artist. It’s great to cut out the middleman and make our music available to anyone who likes what we do. Chris - Please, don't take offense to this, but I need to ask. 2 black guys in a bad ass metal band. I haven't heard anything as good since Body Count. Do you guys get any shit or stereotyped for it? Deusx - LOL! It’s more commonplace than you think. There are so many metal hardcore bands like Killswitch Engage, God Forbid, , Sevendust, Nonpoint, [just to name a few], that have black musicians or singers. Color should have no bearing on any kind of music. Chris - So have you guys had any music or singing lessons? Deusx - BC sang in the choir in high school. I studied music theory at Marygrove College and music production at the Recording Institute of Detroit. Kenny had some basic theory training in high school. Everyone is basically self-taught.





Chris - Who and what inspired you all to make the music that you do? Deusx - Everyday life. We are very passionateabout making good music.

Chris - You guys have played lots of places. Do you have a favorite venue? Deusx - Too many to mention. Anyplace with great sound!

Chris - You've also played with lots of brutal killer bands. Anyone stand out the most for you? Deusx - Hellrides North, Chaos Theory, Sworn Rival, Publik Parking and Pownd, to name a few. So many bands‌.. Chris - Name 3 bands, a venue and why, that you think would be the ultimate show for SBU. Throwdown, Lamb of God, and Black Label Society at any indoor venue in the tri-state area. These bands are at the top of their game. Chris - Let everyone know where they can find info on SBU, where to go to get a CD or merch. Deusx - At our shows, and as you said earlier, at I-tunes and Amazon. You will be able to by merch on-line in the next couple of weeks and find out all about the band on our myspace page –

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By Colleen Radford

My love for Gothic and Prog metal brought me to discover this awesome band from the UK. They have been hailed as the UK’s leading force in gothic power metal and I have to say that I totally agree! In the second issue of The Gate, I did a brief synopsis of the band based on their bio that they were gracious enough to send me. Emily Ovenden, lead singer and Tim Neal, guitarist, two of the six members total were available for an interview. So now the time has come to throw a few questions their way and gain a little insight into this amazing band. Colleen - Who in the band is into Greek history? I know that Pythia was an oracle in Delphi can you tell me how you all decided on this title for the band? What meaning does it have you all? Emily - I think everyone in PYTHIA has an interest in mythology. The name was actually suggested by a fan and I liked it immediately. When I am writing music, I always feel as if I am channeling something, or someone else so I connected with the idea and intention behind the name immediately. 30 30 30

Colleen - Emily, this one is specifically for you…What was it like growing up in a mock castle? Emily - It was wonderful. Unfortunately my parents have been forced into selling Barely Splatt this year due to financial difficulties, which broke my heart. My only hope is that I become a rich famous rock star so I can buy it back. Buy the album people!

Colleen - Ok, so one more for Emily. I have read that you have another career going as a published writer, how is that going? You write ghost stories, what drew your interest to that subject? Emily - Well, I had my first full-length novel published last year, which was very exciting and I received a lot of good feedback, which pleased me. I go through stages of either writing music or stories. I find it difficult creatively to do both. At the moment I am writing for the next PYTHIA album so the stories are on hold. I imagine when I am a little older and I can’t through myself around the stage anymore I will settle into a writing career but for now it’s all about the Heavy Metal. Colleen -Who does all your photography and artwork? It is incredible! Emily - We are very lucky to work with the wonderful and very talented Hayley Madden. She’s a superstar. I’ve known her from some time. We met at an exhibition and she asked me to model for her and we’ve been working together ever since. We’ve also recently done a shoot with Clive Arrowsmith, who’s a very well known photographer. He chained me, half-naked to a tree in the middle of winter and set fire to my feet. It was torturous but photo shoots are like childbirth, you forget the pain when you see what you’ve created. Tim - Totally agree, one of the most arduous processes to go through, but if the results are as good as we have received due to the skill level of the people we have worked with, it is well worth it. Also, obviously a lot of what is there is added after, so going from us posing in front of a screen to being in a fantasy wonderland is a joy to behold in the end!

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Colleen - Who and/or what gave each of you the drive and desire to pick up music? Emily - I’ve always sung since I was a little child. Music is everything to me. I don’t remember why, when or how, it’s just always been the driving force of my life. Tim - For me it came from my folks. From forcing me, crying, to piano lessons from the age of four or five, to introducing me to bands like Queen and Genesis. Even before a guitar fell into my hands around the age of 10, I was mucking around with piano, early computer music on Amiga’s and Atari’s and multi-tracking using two tape recorders. I can’t imagine my life without, or what I would have done if I hadn’t decided to constantly listen to and create all kinds of music.

Colleen -Tell me about your influences and how they have aided in molding your style and type of music that you play today. Emily - I’m very influenced by all things Gothic. I’m not talking about black lipstick, lace and big hair. I’m talking about the true Gothics, Mary Shelly, The Bronte Sisters, Bryon. Growing up with two artist parents in the wilds of Cornwall with no TV has certainly given me an overactive imagination which often gets me in trouble. Tim - In contrast, a lot of my influences end up in exactly the same place, but got there through different media, fantasy computer games, films and TV put me on the road to a ADDfuelled hyperactive mind! Musically, as I said, Queen was the big catalyst for me. Once the guitar was in my hands, GnR, Metallica and early Def Leppard took me down the metal path, and since then my influences have gone from Deicide and Cannibal Corpse to Sting! As for Pythia, my love of the sword swinging, fantasy elements of power metal and symphonic bands like Stratovarius, Blind Guardian, Turisas, Nightwish, etc made it an easy decision to follow on the path to progressing this genre, if you could call it one!! Colleen - In regards to the songwriting, who does what? Is it a group effort? Emily - We all write our own parts, I write the vocal melodies, harmonies and lyrics. Tim - Yeah, is like a melting pot, and Ross is the cauldron! Me and Andy come up with bits and pieces, then show them to Ross. He often has a million ideas on the go, so he combines it all in a basic structure with Marc. Emily crafts the basic arrangements around her vocal ideas, and then the icing of Richard’s keys and my leads and lead-melody work is added. That said quite often keyboard or bass ideas can be the driving force behind a riff or arrangement, or things are changed completely when someone, which could be anyone of the 6 of us comes up with a new take on the sound. Colleen - What is it like getting up on the big stages at the awesome festivals in Europe? Emily - It’s a lot of fun! Tim - And often daunting! But one can use that nervous adrenaline to an advantage when you’re up there, and quickly it turns into pure energy! Can be funny looking at line up’s and seeing our band’s name on the same page as some of our idols from formative years!

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Colleen - I absolutely love the video for Sarah (bury her). How long did it take to put the video together? Emily - It took a day to shoot. But it was a very long day! Tim - Video’s….. My second most arduous task in this business! But again once all the post is done, if it sends a chill, then all is good! As Emily said, a long hard day (and us boys didn’t even have Emily’s extra pressure of make-up and costume… much!) but the waiting for it after was harder as we were all so eager to see the finished product. Colleen - I have read that you all love to have fun on the road and at gigs. Can you tell me one of your funniest stories? Emily - There’s an old saying, what goes on the road, stay on the road but one thing I will tell you is that all our crew members have red hair. We only employ gingers. Tim - I think the legend of the Ginger Moshpit should at least be mentioned. It’s up to you now to find out the when and what this unforgettable event was…..

Colleen - Is there anything else you would all like to add? Emily & Tim - Buy our album and come and see one of our shows, you won’t be disappointed!

Colleen - Where can everyone check out and buy your music and also watch your videos? PYTHIA’s debut album Beneath The Veiled Embrace is available worldwide. I would like to thank Emily and Tim for taking the time out of their busy schedule to sit down and do this interview. As for the ginger mosh pit, I have googled to no avail and cannot find out what is. Plenty of mentions but no definitive definition, so Tim is just has to break down and tell me!

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By Jennifer Lee First and foremost I want to say that I felt extremely privileged to be the one to do this interview. This is a band that I have listened to from the beginning when they were unknown by most. Now these guys have gained a much deserved large following. 36 36 36

The Round was formed in late 2003, and has been gaining ground fast ever since. They are an all American, all original hypnorock band eagerly awaiting the day when the trend rock bands pack it up and head home. Their recent play on regional radio and touring have gained the band more notoriety. The past six years have yielded two self-released albums: 2005 "Capitol" and 2007 " Fear of a round planet", which left fans wanting more. In 2008 the band recorded “Walk off the bomb" which was released by their label, The Revolution Music. The bands live performances are the real deal, no posing or acting like rock stars. Like they say, just genuine hard rock performances from genuine people. Again, I am very privileged to have had this opportunity and I hope that you all enjoy. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me here. Jennifer - How did you come up with the name "The Round"? Mike - The name came from lyrics I'd written “armed with a six gun and the round”. The Round in this case representing the trigger of the Apocalypse for lack of a better way to describe it. Jennifer - How about all of you tell us your names and a little bit about yourselves. Mike - Mike Roland is main vocalist and rhythm guitarist in the band. He enjoys being an internet addict in his free time and catching cat burglars in the act of breaking into museums and safe depository boxes. Jeremiah Gager plays bass, his hobby is to hang out under bridges and nibble at the toes of small children who walk overhead. Ant Howell is the drummer of The Round. Formerly of Free Will, he spends his time trying to repay gambling loses to mob bosses. Chris Klein is the long time lead guitarist who plays video games to the point of believing he is in them. Which can be confusing for the rest of us a lot of times. Jennifer - Do you have a favorite show that you have played? And, why? Mike - My personal favorite was a house party we played in Kalamazoo. There were probably a hundred and fifty college kids stuffed into a basement and we had them all singing along to My Pet Monster among other songs. Jennifer - Is there any band or bands in particular that you would like to get a chance to play with? Mike - We've enjoyed playing with MURDOCKS and Highbinder who we're big fans of. As far as bands we'd want to play with or open for maybe some bigger bands like the Toadies or Foo Fighters. That would at least show that we're progressing finally. Ha.

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Jennifer - Do you have a main musical influence for the band? Mike - Probably Nirvana. And the lack of motivation to do nearly anything else besides music. Jennifer - Do all of you have similar musical interests? Mike - Not exactly. There may be a handful of bands that we can agree on but I'm really into Nirvana, toadies, Muse, Beatles. Jeremiah likes heavier stuff such as Karp, Messhugah, Keelhaul. Chris likes Nirvana, Fiona Apple, Incubus. And Ant loves classical guitar aficionados John Williams, Alirio Diaz, Jonathon L. Farkas, and Mauro Giuliani. Jennifer - Is there on person that writes your lyrics? Or is it a collaboration of all of the band members? Mike - I (Mike) write all the lyrics for The Round. Jennifer - Ok,so I have to ask. How did you come up with the song "My pet monster"? Is there any special influence or meaning behind it? Mike - The song My Pet Monster had it's origins when we were practicing in our bassist's garage and he had two My Pet Monster dolls sitting up. We'd had this music kicking around for a while but no lyrics. I thought it would be funny to make up a song about the My Pet Monsters coming to life and killing off some other childhood toys in the Thunderdome from Mad Max. Jeremiah agreed it would be funny so I went with it. The line “all I need is a fifth of Jack and some Kodiak� just came from the fact that I was shouting the first thing that came to mind during the heavier part. It is a small reference to selling that particular brand of chewing tobacco at my dad's convenience store.

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Jennifer - Does there happen to be any new music in the works? Mike - We have quite a lot of covers being worked on right now so we can play out for full nights but yes, there are a hefty number of originals that are unfinished or just not ready to be played out yet. Jennifer - What are your goals for the upcoming year? Mike - We plan on cutting our teeth on full night gigs so we can get tighter and become a better band. Potentially if we can afford it we'll tour for a few weeks, which was the plan for this spring but we are deviating from that idea to play the whole nights and tour when we're better prepared. Jennifer - Where can we get "The Round" cd's and merchandise? Mike - Any and all Round merchandise can be found at any of our gigs or online in the bio of our myspace page. Which is or We can also be found on pages such as itunes. Jennifer - Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to your fans, friends or other up and coming bands? Mike - Sure, thanks for all the support. Thanks for believing in us or not because both are needed for us to want to continue to pursue our goals.. To any other up and coming bands, the only way you can fail is to quit.. This is a hard life to live because for the most part you're poor, unknown, undermined by Guitar Hero and Karaoke, and keeping faith in what you're doing can be tough. Only the ones who TRULY believe in what they're doing will make it anywhere.

Thanks again for your time and the opportunity for some exposure, Jen.

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Beauty & The Beast Promotions are proud to represent each and every client whether or not the act has a big name in the industry or that of the starting artist. We work hand in hand with our media associates and partners to give the best service possible. We are proud to represent the following labels, management and individuals in presenting publicity around the world. In arranging interviews an having contacts to have their music distributed to the media. The Revolution Music Label Hakori Tension Head Publik Parking The Round Milligram Smile Silverspork Burn Around Unkle Dunk Records Automan Darrell "Dwarf" Millar formerly of Killer Dwarfs, Laidlaw Elfinstone Music Division of Amberinteractive Kick Axe Official Publicity Staff for Al Atkins (Founding vocalist of Judas Priest) Holy Rage Publicist for Global Thunda Network Providing Publicity for Pamela Moore Randy Black Marija James Duncan (Divinity) Warmachine Exciter Barbara Schenker Seventh Rize And Many More ... Find us at and at 41

MUSIC NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!! Chris Johnson has a new guitar endorsement! Halo RAGE! Chris Johnson, guitarist for Holy Rage has agreed a new deal with Halo Custom Guitars in California for Seven String Axes. A big thanks to our new friend Jeff Lee (Halo General Manager) for giving Chris the opportunity to work with Halo. He will be using his Halo Morbus 7 in the studio alongside his trusty Moser 6 axes on the new CD (still untitled) which is heavily underway with 6 new tracks already in the bag. The release date has been altered slightly to April 2010. Chris said "I was waiting on the best deal for me and the band, I refused a deal with Dean which I will not go into,and a few other manufacturers. Halo came along and I am really pleased with the outcome. Classy 7 string guitars that look and sound great, I could not be happier!" Halo guitars is found at Warmachine on Tour With WASP

WASP Will Be on Tour With Warmachine In March 2010

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For Radio, and In Person Interviews with Warmachine Please contact 42

WARRIORS OF METAL FEST 2010 2010 Warriors of Metal Fest III - Open Air Announces Headliners Chillicothe, OH – February 8, 2010 – The Warriors of Metal Fest III - Open Air proudly announces their headliners for this summer's festival, to be held Friday, June 25 and Saturday, June 26, 2010 at Ross County Fairgrounds in Chillicothe, OH. On Friday, OMEN, the legendary Dallas, TX-based metal band formed in 1983 and largely credited as an originator of the Power Metal genre, will headline the first day of the Fest. George Call, OMEN’s lead vocalist, commented that "it's been several years since we've played this far north and we are ready to make this Fest a unique experience for our fans by introducing them to a number of brand new songs from our upcoming album." On Saturday CAGE and ASKA will co-headline the second day of the Fest. These two bands are in hot demand each year by European festivals and will now bring their brands of bone-crushing, head-banging, neck-snapping and face-melting metal to the hungry fans of the Ohio region. In a February 3 interview with Metalhead Radio's DJ MetalGod, the powerful and talented CAGE vocalist, Sean Peck, announced that they "will be playing a number of never-before-heard new songs for our fans to make Warriors of Metal Fest III - Open Air a very special experience." CAGE made a huge impression on the true metal fans of Atlanta in 2009 by raising the roof on the 10th Anniversary ProgPower Metal Festival, one of the premier metal festivals in the US. ASKA was a headliner at Warriors of Metal Fest II – Open Air in 2009, and was a favorite to return this year. ASKA plays numerous European festivals each year, and has entertained American troops in more than 37 countries as a former Department of Defense band. George Call, the founder, vocalist and guitarist of ASKA, commented that, "we received such a warm welcome from the Fest promoters and enthusiastic support from the Ohio metal fans last year during Warriors of Metal Fest II that we decided back then to announce that we will be returning to Ohio this year for another cheer, and this time we are ready to unleash a number of brand new ASKA songs from our soon-to-be-released 6th album, right along with our usual crowd pleasing classics." Although ASKA and OMEN share George Call on vocal duties and Danny White on the drums, the two bands rarely share Fest billings, so Warriors of Metal Fest III - Open Air claims a very rare and special billing. The only other opportunity for fans to catch these two bands together is at 2010’s Headbanger's Open Air in Germany. ASKA and CAGE will also share Fest billing on the 2010 SwordBrother's Metal Fest IX in Germany. 494 Productions and fest sponsor, Farvahar RecordsTM, are excited to bring a European-caliber metal festival to central Ohio and are calling out to all metal fans for their support. Additional power and thrash metal bands will be announced for the lineup over the next several weeks. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit or Contact: Ryan Carroll, 494 Productions – Datis Alaee, Farvahar Records –

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Idols are higher Album: Saturnalia Genre: Rock Loc: New Castle England,United Kingdom In the mood for something different? Something that might take you back to a different time in rock? When listening myself I felt a unique melodic edge to their music. They definitely have distinctive vocals, reminded me of someone but I couldn't quite pinpoint who. I really enjoyed the catchy drum beats and deep bass lines. You can definitely tell that this is melody driven rock with a raw lyrical quality. Go ahead, gives these guys a listen and enjoy.

Open Chapter Falling to be held San Antonio,Texas Post-Grunge What can I say about Open Chapter? I think we've come across something great here. This is a highly talented group of musicians. About 30 seconds into the first song I knew I was hooked. I love the edgy grunge sound these guys have, reminds me of the grunge-rock from back in the 90's, which was awesome by the way. The music has an edgy feel with angst filled lyrics. Lyrics that you can relate to if you sit and listen. Music filled with powerful, rhythmic guitars. When checking this band out I recommend listening to the song "Numb". These guys are great and have nowhere to go but up.

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Requiem for oblivion Album: Funeral for futility Location: Erie,Pennsylvania Genre: Metal Label: Unsigned

Requiem for oblivion is an ambient, hybrid metal project with elements of doom, death and black metal with some melancholy mood mixed in. The lyrics are primarily concerning the struggles of addiction, depression, loss and ultimately hope. If you dig hardcore then you will dig these guys. The guitar riffs alone will hook you with the mesmerizing kind of vibe you get from them. I was definitely digging on the vocals, they have a ghostly, but mostly clean sound to them, with some screaming,which I enjoy in moderation. All in all I see alot of promise in this band. I suggest you go check them out for yourselves.

To get your band listed here in the Chaotic Showcase and future interviews, please submit your band to us via or you can email Jennifer .

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SBU By Chris Dumas Yet, another just plain badass band from Detroit! SBU is that band that keeps you guessing and wanting more. I had a chance to sit down and listen and well, needless to say I wasn't sitting long. I had to get off my fat ass and start headbangin. I can't lie, not many bands get me headbangin. SBU is one that does. This is Detroit at it's finest !! If you haven't had a chance to listen to these amazing guitar solos and riffs, you need to, you dont know what your missing. They are so versitile in what they do. I put SBU in a league of their own. From the slow melodic sound to the hard and heavy, this CD is a well recorded and all around great sounding CD. The best of the best from SBU. I would recommend these guys to anyone and everyone who loves great metal. Once you listen to them, you'll be hooked and a fan for life, I know I am. So get out there and get you an SBU CD and check em out live. 2 thumbs up !!

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Chaos Theory - The Art of War By Chris Dumas Straight from the crazy streets of the D is Chaos Theory. The album The Art of War is a very well thought out CD. The recording is fenominal. I've been a fan of Chaos Theory for some years now and this album is top notch. Johnny's vocals are so brutal and in your face. His lyrics are from the heart and layed out perfectly. His voice has so much range! With Joe and Scotty on guitars, these 2 are the perfect match. Between them hitting you with killer riffs and ear piercing solos, you cant deny that these 2 are at the top of their game. Mike and Rick hold the lowend down like champs. You gotta love the bass guitar and bass drum beating your chest like a sledge hammer! This 5 piece band is one of the tightest bands around! The album has you hooked from beginning to end. I just can't get enough. The boys are in the studio again, makin yet another steller album. Can't wait to hear what new head banging metal these boys have for us. Look for Chaos Theory interview coming soon!

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