The Gate Music Magazine Online

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Tribute to Peter Steele


My Goodbye to a Metal God, Ronnie James Dio


Metal Missionaries-The Assimilation of Extreme Christian Metal into Mainstream Consciousness

MUSIC NEWS 32 33 34 35 36

Shadowside Blanket Fest Omega Crom Gene Hogan One


Sink To See Nero Zero Bullet Proof Messenger Charetta

CD REVIEWS 41 41 42

Hydra Blackhorned Saga Ballz Deluxe


As you all are aware, we love to cross promote with everyone. We have recently added to the mix, several new affiliations. First is Rock U Review. Welcome writer Bonnie Patione. She will be submitting articles The Gate is also an “in kind� sponsor of Warriors of Metal Fest coming this June in Ohio, USA. So look for the flyer ad in the mag and on the website. Please check out the newest CD release, The Beast Selects Sampler CD with all proceeds to benefit Muscular Dystrophy. The CDs are available worldwide on digital download and through A sampler CD will also be available with the July issue of Vocals Magazine.

Want your music reviewed or an interview? Send us your CD, press kit/bio, regular email address and other materials to: The Gate Music Magazine Online 722 Ingleside Flint, MI 48507 Or Email us a zip file containing your CD, album art, press kit/bio, and several pictures with a regular email address to contact you to:

The Gate Staff Colleen Radford-Editor, Writer, Graphics & layout Chris Dumas-Freeland writer & CD reviews Jennifer Lee-Freelance writer & Research Sick Puppy Beau-Freelance writer & Radio Host Paul Counelis-Freelance writer



By Sick Puppy Beau

With : CESAR SANCHEZ . Bass and JESUS TRUJILLO . Vocals Welcome back my Metal Brothers and Sister’s, to yet another journey into an amazing hard rock band out of Madrid, Spain. Old school “Vintage” hard rockers, will love this months guest. To say Vintage and New to compare a band, is truly a statement of the talent involved in itself. I would like to offer you the bands bio to read first, then we will chat with the bands singer, and bassist. ELDORADO Eldorado has been nominated one of the fifth finalists in two categories in the 9th annual Independent Music Awards program: - Best Hard Rock / Metal Album: Golden - Best Hard Rock / Metal Song: The House Of The 7 Smokestacks Eldorado started recently the promotion of their new album in the USA and this nomination is a great support for the development of the band there. Going back some years, the first Eldorado album, “En Busca de Eldorado”, released in May 2008, was produced and recorded in August and September 2007 by Richard Chycki Aerosmith, Mick Jagger, Rush etc- and mastered by Mika Jussila in Finvox Studios. The album’s reviews were excellent. During the following year the band presented extensively the album along Spain and started



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the composition of the second album. They decided to create both an English and a Spanish version out of it. This second album that they are now presenting was also recorded with Richard Chycki producer, but this time in his studio in Toronto (Canada) in June 2009 and mastered by Andy VanDette in Masterdisk, New York. After listening the band sound in this second album, Richard coined an expression that defined it: "New Vintage Rock". It is now the sound motto of the band. Eldorado has been invited to perform in the SXSW (South by Southwest) festival, that takes place in March between the 17th and the 21th. Also, Bad Reputation, an European label known by the quality of its bands, got interested in the band and signed a deal with Eldorado for Europe at the end of November. Bad Reputation will be launching the English version of the album with three bonus tracks in Spanish at theend of February in Germany, France, Uk, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. As you can see, we have some serious rocker’s saying hi this month, so lets get right to it. Sick Puppy Beau: Welcome to The Gate my friends, it is a pleasure to have such a refreshing band to introduce to our readers. Cesar :It is our pleasure and many thanks for opening your door to Eldorado. Sick Puppy Beau: First I would like to say congrats on the awards and exposure the band has brought itself in such a short time. Has the fast exposure been a positive thing for the band, or has it all been just a blur? Cesar:It is positive without any doubt. Right now, thanks to the new techs, there are massive amount of music and it is really difficult to stand out so the media and the rock lovers find and listen to you. In this sense, the awards are helping us to get noticed and make people aware of Eldorado. Also, these organizations being so prestigious, being there is a recognition to the quality of the music we do. This is also great when talking to agents, promoters etc that are necessaries to develop the band in the international scene. Sick Puppy Beau: The band has been compared to WolfMother, Deep Purple, and branded itself with “Vintage Rock” sound. I personally hear a strong “Trouble” influence, which is one of my favorite old school bands. Who are your influences? And if had one wish of who you could share a stage with for one show, who would it be? Cesar: We have a long list of important bands in our lives. From Beatles to Nirvana, passing through Pink Floyd, The Doors, Faces, Janis Joplin, Free, Neil Young, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Blind Melon, The Raconteurs and many others. It would be great to play with the Foo Fighters in the Wembley Stadium!

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Sick Puppy Beau: As it said in your bio, your song “Atlantico” was chosen among 15,000 entries as one of the finalist for “Best Rock Composition”. Now that isn’t any easy task, and with judges like Jeff Beck, Robert Smith, and Black Francis, did that provide any added pressure to the band, or was that a wake up call telling you it was finally your time to show your talents? Cesar : We don’t feel any special pressure about that (hey, the song is already written :-) ) but it is amazing to think that people like that, of whom we are fans, had listen to our music and had chosen it like a great Rock Composition. Being a musician is a whole live style. When you are not composing or recording, you are in the road for a tour. Eldorado was created almost four years and two albums ago... I can say that with this new album things are getting better and better, the band is going international, the gigs are more frequent and bigger and we need to keep this track... Sick Puppy Beau: One of the most impressive things I saw, was you caught Richard Chycki’s ear, and he became the bands producer. Some may not know the name, but as stated before, he has the names of legends like Aerosmith and Rush under his belt. How much did he bring to the band as far as sound and format, did he challenge you, or did he just let the band flow its sound and tweek it a little? It had to be intimidating to work with such a person at first right? Cesar :We had worked with Richard in the first album of Eldorado and he was our first option for the second one. Once the demo was recorded, we sent it to Rich who told us “if we want to obtain the album that you are thinking about, come to my place”. We understood what he means immediately when we arrived there. His studio has the perfect combination between modern and vintage gear, and he knew how to extract the best of it... and of us! Richard rocks.

We spoke about the sound just arriving to Toronto, in the way to his studio. The band and him had the same vision about the sound of the album, very organic and very closed to the gig´s band. And the rest is very simply, five guys –the band and Richard- playing rock. Sick Puppy Beau: The bands from Spain, I have had the pleasure of interviewing so many bands from the region, and I cant help but notice, so much of the music coming out of the region still has the old school rock sound we here enjoyed in the states before the horrible tragic coming of Emo and other garbage. Do you think it will be difficult exposing your stuff to the states audience being I feel our youth has lost its mind as far as good music? My opinion only, LOL. Cesar :It is a good point of view and I agree about the big presence of Emo in the states music scene. Nevertheless, the rock bands like AC DC, Metallica and others keep playing enormous gigs. And there are new classic rock bands growing up day by day their number of fans like Wolfmother or Airbourne, demonstrating the power of great songs. paySick Puppy Beau: On that, what is in the future for Eldorado? Touring, Album’s ect. Whats next for you guys? , an American label to launch the album in North America and being able to organize a tour for next


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Cesar :This Spring and Summer we will keep touring across our country. In Autumn we will start playing in other European countries, where we are now considering different options. Also, our manager is currently in discussions with an American label to launch the album in North America and being able to organize a tour for next winter. We are also composing new songs, that we include in our gigs. It maintains our gigs always interesting and it is one of the best ways to feel how well our fans love a new song. Sick Puppy Beau: With your classic sound, what is the bands favorite cover tune to play, warm up with etc.? Jesus : I’d have to say “I don’t need no doctor”, for many reasons, we usually play it in the sound checks to warm up and to level the stage volume, and at the same time it gives you a good state of mind to face the gig, I mean sometimes you’re a bit tired because of the travel or because you’ve got up early to get to the place of the gig in time, but its powerful feeling puts you in the situation quickly, so we kill two birds with one stone. Sick Puppy Beau: As I am sure you know, Natalia is the one that contacted us and turned us on to your music. She seems like a true lover of music, and a very dedicated soul to her work. I would like to thank her personally for giving us a chance, as well as our readers to experience Eldorado. A bands success is truly measured by the loyal people who help in exposing them and getting the material out there. Is there anything you would like to say about her yourselves? Jesus: I think Natalia never sleeps, and if she does I suspect you can’t tell because she surely sleeps while she is working. She completely believes in the band and she is the responsible that the things are advancing so well for Eldorado. She organizes gigs, contact the media, labels, promoters... the band can be completely focused in creating and playing music and that is great! Sick Puppy Beau : Well I listened and have your latest, and I give it a “Must Have” for the old school rocker who needs his roots of rock fulfilled in this day of confusing genre’s. Please, tell everyone where they can go see more on the band, where they can buy it, and keep up with you guys. Jesus: Thank you very much, we’re glad to hear that! You guys can contact us and keep updated in our myspace or our facebook: or in our website You'll find our records and all the information about gigs, shop, media, etc… Sick Puppy Beau: As most of you already know, you can also hear this band, and others like them on my internet broadcast at Brother’s, I want to thank you for taking the time to talk with us, and I wish you nothing but success. Please keep us posted and stay in touch ok? Hopefully we will see you here in the states soon. Jesus: You bet! Thanks for your attention and to offer us a space to talk about our music. See you in the states. Best wishes

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In Memory of “Petrus Thomas Steele” Born Jan. 4rth, Died April 15th, 2010 Article By: Sick Puppy Beau Blood, Love, Pain, and Life Of…….”Petrus”

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When my magazine senior editor asked me if I wanted to write a piece on Peter, at first I was like, “Hell Yeah!”, but after researching and reminiscing I realized, I was in for a ride. Being a person that uses music as an outlet, and a motivation tool, I began to realize, how truly profound this man was. Not being a big fan of his works when the band Type O Negative first came out, and converting to a huge fan after listening to their deeper tracks that were not being played on FM radio. I realized, this is the type of shit, I wanted to start an internet radio station because, “People Needed to hear this Shit”. The Darkness, Pain, and Passion in the music, just makes you want to do something. Whether it be break something, fuck something, or most important, just feel something for a few moments of his music and voice. Peter had that talent, to touch you in a place that most don’t admit to having. A quote by him, “I don't know what to say to that, but I have to agree with Johnny that, yeah, we do touch upon things that most men would rather not admit: That we feel pain, we cry, get sad and sometimes don't deal well with disappointment.” So with that, I am here to write about a man, who most profoundly, spoke and sang of his pain, disappointment, and his long struggle of dealing with life, and depression, but at the same time, standing strong, even though he was self conscious on stage, and by no means was afraid to counter attack an asshole in the crowd, booing his works. Born Petrus Thomas Steele, he was raised by a devout catholic family. But was later asked to leave the church, and I am stating facts here people, for his constant flatulence during church sermons. Seems he had a thing for ripping a loud one against the hard wooden bench, in which he was being preached to on. In his growing, he suffered from depression, and severe drug abuse, and after an intervention by his family, was admitted into the Kings County Psychiatric Ward in 1987 for treatment. His last act before being committed was for trying to commit suicide with plastic silverware. Only one can even speculate on his thoughts of that action. Once he got out, he formed Type O Negative, in 1989, the true facts are, the only reason he started the band was to try and win back a former girlfriend with which he was still in love with. At 6’8”, his presence on stage was already enormous, but when his deep voice called out his lyrics, well…. That added to his intimidation and stage presence. In real life, he was terrified of being on stage, and very self conscious. To him, this was just a way to try and impress and win back his love. Little did he know, he was about to embark on a whole new genre of music, and group of fans that he wasn’t even looking for. Once the Fame and Fortune started, and thinking he was a gift to his audience, true arrogance, in which I appreciate, agreed to pose for Play Girl Magazine in 1995 as the centerfold. Only to be once again disappointed, to find out, that only 29% of Play Girls subscribers were woman. This was a true “Freak Out” for him, and wrote the song shortly after, “I Like Goils”.

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Once the band had formed a following, they were being offered record contracts left and right. Road Runner was the lucky one to lure them in, at least they thought so. Upon the bands entering Road Runner Records, thinking they had an easy paycheck in Type O, with the 80’s Glam Rock going on, and a big following of the band, they had no clue what they were about to be in business with. In a room of corporate suit’s, lawyers, and “All About The Check” people, “Petrus” signed his first big label contract. Unknown to the corporate people in the room, he had a special pen made for the moment. It was an ink pen with an ink stem filled with his own blood and semen taken the day prior. Peter was smart, he wanted not just a signature, but DNA on this contract. Thus started, Type O Negative. I would like to flash back to Ozzfest, it was 1996. They were the opening act in West Palm Beach Florida on the main stage. I had the pleasure to meet the keyboard players brother in the VIP area, and at first I was like, “yeah, whatever, Type O, blah,blah,” but when Pete took the stage, I was instantly captivated. His voice and presence on stage was so intimidating, yet his songs were so lullabyish, I knew it was something special. Peter had a thing for touching a note inside you, being pain, love, ecstasy, anything really. His voice and presence, just brings you to a place, bad, good, happy, sad, but it brings you there. There is a quote by him saying music is his “Mood” when he was washing his car, he liked Hard Core, when he was Cleaning his house, he like to listen to old school rock. Music was his attitude adjustment. And I think that’s where I connect with him. My biggest passion, hobby, and outlet, is music. Peter had a knack for exploiting those moments, and liked taking people for that ride, in his music. His voice and music, penetrates your past, your feelings, and your pain. Petrus T Steele….. you have influenced so many more than just that girlfriend you were trying to impress, and for that, I thank you. I hope you found peace, and more importantly, laid your demons to rest, cause now, we are left with nothing but your pain and anger, but as a fan, I hope you got the biggest stage to play on wherever it may be. Rest in Peace my Metal Brother. I know you have a spot in this world, that you like to sit over, and watch. Put the horns up, rock on, and be at peace with your bad self man. Most important, thanks for the emotions, thoughts, and meaning, of your work. At 6’8” you didn’t have the rock star look, but brother, you had/have, the attitude. So for me, I PLAY, “Dark Side of the Womb”

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My goodbye to the Metal God…Ronnie James Dio, 1942-2010 By Colleen Radford In the early morning on May 16, 2010, I got up and got online only to read the sad news of the passing of one the most loved singers, Ronnie James Dio. I was upset. I have always been a fan of Dio since the first time I heard his voice on the Elf album, Carolina County Ball. In fact, I searched high and low to buy the album and just by chance a local record store had one copy. I cherished that album for many years. What mesmerized me was his all powerful voice and then I heard Man on the Silver Mountain and I was totally hooked. I bought up everything that I could that had Ronnie James Dio singing. I waited for the day when I was old enough to go to a metal concert. Well, my very first concert was Dio’s Last in Line tour in 1984. I was so excited that I could barely sleep the night before. I got there and managed to work my way right up to the wall to see the show. When Dio came out and stood right in front of me, I jumped up and the crowd rushed the wall and pinned me, I was hanging from the wall. I hung on and didn’t care it was an awesome show and one that I will never forget! Over the years I subjected my children, as they were growing up, to Ronnie James Dio on a

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daily basis and they loved it. They were even singing the songs in their play bands when they were little. In fact, I had to buy the cassette, Holy Diver, several times over because I kept wearing them out. Still today, with the kids all grown up now, they still love to listen to Dio. I had the chance last fall to see Dio with Heaven & Hell to review for the magazine. I took my oldest daughter along and we had a great time. It was her first time seeing Dio live. She kept commenting on what a wonderful opportunity it was to finally see him live and that she will never forget it. It made me feel good to have that musical connection with my kid and I have Dio to thank for that. In my mind as it is in many, Ronnie James Dio is the Metal God and will be sadly missed by us all. Whether he realized it or not he did make a huge impact on the metal scene, from his amazing voice to his metal horns, courtesy of his Italian grandmother and her “Malocchio� (the evil eye to ward off evil). Metal will not be the same without him. Ronnie’s widow, Wendy along with many others have started a non profit cancer fund called Stand Up and Shout. Please visit


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The Beast CD A SAMPLER Will be available for people that buy July`s copy of Vocals Magazine This will be for Hard copy CDS :) The Revolution Music Label is pleased to announce an upcoming special CD release called the Beast Selects Best Metal CD. This CD is to Raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Association World Wide. 100% of the proceeds of all Profits will go to MDA. There are many great artists that have donated songs to this project. These artists include Kickaxe, Tommy Vitali, Warmachine, Skew Siskin, Angel of the Nightfall, Autumnis, Publik Parking, Agent Cooper, Warpath, Tony Smotherman and many many more artists. Digital Downloads of this CD will be available in June through most outlets. Hard pressed CDS will also be made available by The Revolution Music Label. The Label also would like to thank Kelly Brightbill www.kellybrightbill.comthe artist that designed the special cover for the Beast Selects Best Metal CD and Willy "The Beast" Forrest for acting as artist liaison and choosing the artists for the CD. The Revolution Music Label would also like to announce that a sampler of this special Project will be made available through the purchase of printed copies of July's issue of Vocals Magazine and would like to also thank its media associates for participating in this project world wide.



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Metal Missionaries: Christian Metal To The Extreme by Paul Counelis Bruce Moore recently authored an exciting book, "Metal Missionaries", on what he refers to as a great passion of his: Christian Metal and some of the bands that represent the genre. In the book, he describes the cynicism that the genre (and it's many subgenres) was met with, the struggles of many bands to gain respect, and the ultimate acceptance of the Christian Metal scene worldwide as well as delving into some of the great bands that are currently enjoying unprecedented success. It's a fascinating read, and is highly recommended for both Christian and secular fans of metal music. Recently, Bruce was kind enough to grant us an interview, and his responses are just as interesting as the book himself. His love for the Metal genre is never in question, and his interest in promoting this important aspect of the Metal community is clearly sincere. Paul Counelis: When I was a teen, there wasn't much mainstream talk of Christian Metal. Aside from Stryper, who were excellent musicians (Oz Fox is a brilliant guitar player; listen to his astounding solo on "The Way" for point of reference), most metal fans didn't know much about the faith based genre. What got you interested in exploring the Christian metal scene? Bruce Moore: I have had an interest in metal since a really early age, and as I mention in the book I even made an attempt to put together a Christian Metal band back in the early Eighties. However, we were met with so much opposition that we never really did anything beyond playing a few shows. I have followed the scene quite closely for the past twenty or so years as a fan. In the past few years while working as a writer for various Hard Rock and Heavy Metal publications I started noticing that the scene was beginning to gain in popularity and was also beginning to expand to other genres besides mainstream metal. This is where the idea for the book came from, and from there I just decided to follow my passions; my faith, heavy metal and writing. PC: Did anything surprise you as you delved into the bands? BM: The biggest surprise for me was the way in which these Extreme Christian Metal bands are accepted into the culture by both their fans and their peers. I have been to numerous shows where Christian Metal bands are sharing the stage with secular bands and other than maybe a few loud-mouths in the crowd I have never noticed an issue. This was quite surprising to me because as I mentioned, I am an old school Christian Metal fan and I can remember all of the controversy that was stirred up in the early days of the genre. PC: Do you think being a Christian band hurts as far as evolving into mainstream consciousness? BM:I think in the past it was an issue. In the early days of the genre, identifying oneself as a Christian band usually meant you would get the immediate brush off or the critics would accuse you of using religion as a gimmick to sell records. However, I think in the past few years the lines between the secular scene and the Christian scene have become blurred. As I mentioned earlier, not only have I seen these bands being accepted, but in the course of my interviews most if not all of the bands confirm this observation. Of course, there will always be critics on both sides of the issue but for the most part I think that the people who are buying the records and going to


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the shows are much more tolerant than they were in the past. So, to answer your question, I don’t feel that it hurts the Christian bands to meld into the mainstream; actually, it more than likely helps them because it gives them exposure to a greater number of people. Having product available in major retail outlets as opposed to exclusively in Christian bookstores is definitely a plus as far as marketing goes. PC: Of the stigmas attached to the subgenre, what do you think is the most inaccurate? BM: I think the most inaccurate stigma attached to the Extreme Christian Metal subgenre is that it is not a legitimate form of Christian Music. I think that is utter hogwash because guitars, bass and drums are not inherently evil. Music is music and is devoid of any meaning whatsoever until lyrics are placed over it. That being the case, if the lyrics are Christian based or Faith based how can anyone make the point that Extreme Christian Metal is not a legitimate genre? PC: Very well said. What is your personal favorite of the bands, and why? BM: That is a tough one because honestly, I like them all. That being said, it really depends on the mood I am in at any given moment. However, if forced to choose I would have to say Graverobber, Bloodline Severed, or Corpus Christi. PC: Graverobber is a personal favorite of mine, as well. BM: I dig Graverobber because not only does their music and their message appeal to me, but also their whole stage show is quite incredible. I really like the heavy theatrical/horror inspired vibe they have going on. It is horrifying yet edifying, making it a truly inspired contradiction. Bloodline Severed appeals to me for a different reason. I really enjoy their lethal mixture of many Extreme Metal genres. Their music contains elements of Death Metal, Black Metal, and at times, what I would call Nu-Metal. Corpus Christi appeals to me because out of all of the Extreme Metal sub-genres, I think Metal Core might be my favorite and these guys are a solid Metal Core band. PC: Have metal fans been responsive to the book, and has that response been positive or negative? The response has been quite overwhelming. I can honestly say I never expected the book to cause such a stir. The coverage has been great and the debates the book has stirred up are interesting to say the least. Let me also say that my intention when writing and ultimately releasing this book was not to cause a disturbance; I was merely writing from the heart about a passion of mine. I by no means wanted to create any rifts amongst the extreme metal community either secular or Christian. That being said, aside from the few “nasty” e-mails I received, with the message "Hail Satan”, the response from the secular metal scene has been favorable. The response from the Christian Metal scene has been positive for the most part as well. There have been some critics of the book, who question selection of the bands I chose to include. Of course those who are upset about the selection are entitled to their opinions because what I consider to be innovative and or ground-breaking might not be so for some one else.

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PC: Is there anything about the Christian metal bands that you think metal fans would be surprised to find out? BM: I think the biggest thing people will notice after reading the book and the responses from the bands themselves is that they are all genuine. This is not a gimmick to sell records or concert tickets. The bands included in Metal Missionaries are truly sincere about their faith in Jesus Christ. After reading though the book, it is impossible not to notice how passionate they are about not only their music, but their faith as well. PC: The book covers the origin of the Christian metal movement all the way to where it is now. How long did it take to research? BM: It took me about a year and a half to research and write this book. Having been a part of the scene as a fan for so long I was already quite familiar with the older stuff and it’s history. There still was quite a bit of research involved, but I think I had a solid foundation to build upon. PC: And were the bands happy about the coverage? BM: I have heard from most of the bands interviewed in the book and yes, those I have heard from have had nothing but positive things to say about it. PC: Where do you think the scene will evolve? BM: Hard to tell. I think that most, if not all of the barriers have been busted through, and Extreme Christian Metal is now very much a part of the scene as a whole. That being the case, I believe it will follow the trends that we have seen in the metal world for so long now. Over the years, metal has progressively gotten heavier, faster, and more extreme and I believe this type of music will continue on that trend, Christian or secular. PC: How can readers get a copy of the book for themselves? BM: At this time, the book is only available in digital format and can be downloaded from I would love to see it in print, as that was the original goal, and I am hoping to secure traditional publishing sometime in the near future. My hope is that it makes enough “noise� and someone will pick it up for a print version. I hope you check it out. I think fans of the Extreme Christian Metal genre will really dig the interviews with the bands and for those not familiar with the genre this might be a good starting point for learning about this type of music. Also, be sure to check out the bands included in the book, they all could use some love. For more information, log onto the Metal Missionaries Facebook page:

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Beauty & The Beast Promotions are proud to represent each and every client whether or not the act has a big name in the industry or that of the starting artist. We work hand in hand with our media associates and partners to give the best service possible. We are proud to represent the following labels, management and individuals in presenting publicity around the world. In arranging interviews an having contacts to have their music distributed to the media. The Revolution Music Label Hakori Tension Head Publik Parking The Round Milligram Smile Silverspork Burn Around Unkle Dunk Records Automan Darrell "Dwarf" Millar formerly of Killer Dwarfs, Laidlaw Elfinstone Music Division of Amberinteractive Kick Axe Official Publicity Staff for Al Atkins (Founding vocalist of Judas Priest) Holy Rage Publicist for Global Thunda Network Providing Publicity for Pamela Moore Randy Black Marija James Duncan (Divinity) Warmachine Exciter Barbara Schenker Seventh Rize And Many More ... Find us at and at 31


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Brazilian Metal band Shadowside arrives today in Europe. The band will be performing at two festivals taking place on the next few days. One of the events happens on the world famous Bran Castle, also know as Dracula's Castle in Romania. Both concerts are in support of the Dare to Dream album recently released in the Old Continent. More informations bellow. Video: A video for the song Hideaway is available on low and high resolution upon request. Interviews: All band members are available for interviews. Promo pictures: We have low and high resolution band photos available upon request.

Shadowside ready to perform in European festivals Dracula's Castle will be one of the stages


Brazilian metallers Shadowside are back to Europe. The band consisting of Dani Nolden (vocals), Raphael Mattos (guitars), Ricardo Piccoli (bass) and Fabio Buitvidas (drums) are arriving on Thursday (June 17) to the Old Continent to continue the tour in support of the Dare to Dream album. The most recent material from the quarter was recently released worldwide under S4/NL Distribution with the song Everlasting Sun as a bonus track. Shadowside will be one of the headliners of two festival in Eastern Europe. They will perform on the 3rd edition of Rockin' Transilvania Open Air in Romenia on June 20 at Bran Castle, world famous as Dracula's Castle. On June 26, "Wake Up Screaming Tour" is confirmed to hit Banja Luka Rock Open Air, in Bosnia and Herzegovina band has just released a brand new video for the track Hideaway which can be watched at


INDIE WEEK Hosts Charity Event to Benefit the Homeless

A night of great music during a renowned festival. The cost of admission? A blanket or comforter in any condition. Blank-Fest Toronto will be collecting blankets at the El Mocambo during INDIE WEEK on Thursday, October 14, 2010. The donations will be distributed to Toronto's Serving Charity to aid the homeless during Toronto’s winter months, which are known for having temperatures well below zero. Those who are homeless run the risk of frostbite and possible death due to overexposure. 2010 marks the 13th Anniversary for the Blank-Fest Concert Series, and this year it is expanding to Toronto with the help of the international festival INDIE WEEK. New York City indie rock veteran Kenn Rowell of The Baghdaddios founded Blank-Fest in 1997, and has since organized the annual NYC fundraiser. In the past, Rowell says that Blank-Fest NYC has raised more than 6,000 total donations that have been distributed to the homeless in the New York City area and has inspired similar efforts in New Jersey, Manhattan, Montreal and Nottingham, UK. Among the many distinguished artists who have performed at past international Blank-Fests are: Rothberg (EMI), Buddy Cage (Grateful Dead), Marc Rizzo (Soulfly) and Meg Griffin (Sirius Radio). - 30 Blankfest Toronto - Blankfest Quebec -

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NEWS RELEASE Montreal, QC - June 10, 2010 Omega Crom Announce Summer Shred Tour Dates

Vancouver ripping metallers Omega Crom announce their Summer Shred tour dates presented by in support of their debut album Blood, Steel and Fire released earlier this year on Reversed Records. This will be Omega Crom's second Canadian tour this year in support of BSF, which features a progressive blend of power metal, aggressive death, thrash and shredding. "OC is stoked to tear up the stage with friends and fans on our 2010 Summer Shred Canadian Tour! We'll be debuting some searing new material as well as scorching tracks from our current album Blood, Steel and Fire. So come down, grab a beer and let's rip it up!" commented vocalist / guitarist Johnny Ketlo. In addition to kicking off the Summer Shred tour, Omega Crom is offering up its killer track "The Passing of Azazel" for free download available at Facebook Event - Upcoming Tour Dates (more dates to be announced) July 23 - Pogue Mahone, Kamloops BC w/ Kobra and the Lotus July 24 - The Branding Iron, Armstrong BC July 25 - Third, Prince George, BC (all ages) July 26 - Better Than Freds, Grand Prairie, AB July 29 - The Taphouse, St. Albert, AB July 30 - The Canmore Hotel, Canmore, AB July 31 - Dickens Pub, Calgary, AB August 2 - Filthy McNasty’s (Metal Monday’s), Edmonton, AB August 5 - Parthenon Pizza, Brandon, MB August 6 - The Zoo, Winnipeg, MB August 7 - Black Pirates, Thunder Bay, ON – Zombie Walk Fest August 9 - Serbian Center, Sudbury, ON August 10 - Moon Over Marin, London, ON August 12 - The Coach and Horses, Windsor, ON August 13 - Siesta Nouveaux, Toronto, ON August 14 - Piranha Bar - Montreal, QC August 15 - Bar Le Magog, Sherbrooke, QC August 18 - Kilroys, Thunder Bay, ON - Murder Fest August 19 - Rideout Community Club - Kenora, ON August 20 - The North Hill Inn, Brandon, MB August 28 - Voodoo's, Penticton, BC OMEGA CROM - BLOOD, STEEL & FIRE (REVERSED RECORDS) elease Date - April 5, 2010 Links: Myspace Facebook Twitter Youtube Reverbnation CBC 3 iLike Buy Links: ReversedRecords Store iTunes CD Baby Omeg Crom - "Capturing The Onslaught" Promo Vid - 34

NEWS RELEASE Montreal, QC - June 8, 2010 Legendary Extreme Metal Drummer GENE HOGLAN Releases "The Atomic Clock" Legendary extreme metal drummer Gene Hoglan brings forth his long awaited instructional DVD “The Atomic Clock”. Available on Hoglan Industries in the US and on Reversed Records in Canada, Hoglan showcases his three decades of experience of performing and recording with the world’s most well known metal bands such as Devin Townsend, Dark Angel, Death, Dethklok, Strapping Young Lad, Testament, Zimmer’s Hole and most recently Fear Factory along with many others on his resume. Offering two hours of pure metal drumming fury, Gene shells out his pounding arsenal to drummers and music fans intrigued to understand what makes "The Clock" tick . Featuring 9 full songs from various projects (5 from the mighty MECHANISM), plus different improvised solos, in addition to tons of tips and tricks from his personal cache. Watch the Gene fill the screen, sharing his knowledge and putting it to the test. To View the "The Atomic Clock" Video Trailer - please visit the following link: - 30 Gene Hoglan - The Atomic Clock - DVD (Instructional) 2010 Links: Hoglan Industries Reversed Records Myspace Facebook Youtube Twitter Buy Links: Reversed Records Hoglan Industries Video Trailer: “Hoglan has one of the most impressive resumes in heavy metal dating back to the early 1980's including DARK ANGEL, TESTAMENT, DEATH, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD.” – Sick Drummer Magazine “Gene fucking Hoglan is being Gene fucking Hoglan on the drums.” – “Gene is well known for his very impressive double kick drum rhythms, and his amazingly creative drum arrangements including the use of some unusual objects for percussive effect. His playing is highly technical, accurate, and extremely fast earning the nickname "The Atomic Clock".”– “This man has one of the heaviest sounding drum sounds of all time… some of the most intense piece of drumming I've ever heard. – “The intensity of Hoglan’s drumming is buttressed by the constancy and accuracy of his ferocious double kick rhythms, executed to blistering tempos.” - “Gene Hoglan's kick drums blast through in furious, amazingly accurate 32nd-note flurries.” – Modern Drummer – (SYL Interview 2005) “Known for his incredibly tight, rapid-fire playing, Hoglan remarkably always maintains a Zen-like composure behind his kit.” - “Drummer extraordinaire!” - “Drumming maestro” - Metal Hammer (UK) “Mesmerizing skin work” - Continued on page 36


GENE HOGLAN – THE ATOMIC CLOCK – DVD (Instructional) Label: - Gene Hoglan Industries (US) - Reversed Records (Canada) Distribution: - Gene Hoglan Industries (US) - Reversed Records (Canada) DVD Credits: Directed by: Marcus Rogers (Cinestir Films) Edited by: Marcus Rogers Produced by: Gene Hoglan Executive Producer by: Byron Stroud Recorded by: Shaun Thingvold Engineering & Editing by: Rob 'Chicken' Shallcross Photographer Credit by: Gemini Visuals About: At long last, legendary drummer Gene Hoglan (Strapping Young Lad, Death, Dark Angel, Dethklok, plus a coffee break in just about every other metal band on the planet!) has released his very first DVD, “The Atomic Clock”! Hooray! Is it instructional? Who Knows? Is it educational? Who cares, it’s GEEEEEEEEENE, so it’s bound to be entertaining as hell!!! On this disc, Hoglan will break down what makes ‘The Clock’ tick, his style, his philosophies, especially his quirks and cheats. Will he break down your favourite ‘Gene Patterns’? Hell no! Will he clog your brain with countless dull rudiments? No way! Will he blow your mind with 9 complete songs from his upcoming projects? Hell yes he will! You’ll see an-hour-and-a-half of wicked Gene-playing, plus the disc is chock full of ‘extras’! What other instructional discs have ‘EXTRAS’, we ask? None that we know of! That’s why this is no mere ‘instructional’ disc, it’s way more than that! Yippee! Filmed in magnificent ‘Enormo-Vision’, the big man will fill the screen with knowledge put to the test from his 3 decades of drumming. Do you need to be a schooled drummer to appreciate it? What are ya, nuts? You don’t even have to be a DRUMMER to enjoy this DVD! All you need is two hours of couch time, armed with your sense of fun! Quick Fact: Hoglan was nominated in the "Best Drummer" category at the second annual 2010 Revolver Golden Gods Awards.

NEWS RELEASE Montreal, QC - June 3, 2010 ONE Condoms + ONE Rock Band = Safe Sex & Free Music!

Prepping for their upcoming US tour this fall in support of their latest release Dirty Valentine, Montreal hard rockers ONE have teamed up with ONE Condoms to promote safer sex and great music. While ONE is on tour fans will be able to receive free condoms at their shows and are encouraged to always protect themselves. In addition to free condoms, ONE's music will also be available for download via ONE Condoms' following links: joing the mailing list, becoming a fan on facebook, Twitter, Signing the Safer Sex Oath, and by filling out the short safer sex survey. Once one of these actions is completed, fans get emailed a song code, where they can logon and select the song for download. To hear ONE's music and learn about upcoming shows please visit their profile on ONE Condoms!


Upcoming Show Dates: June 12, 2010 - Montreal - Boulevard Lounge July 31, 2010 - Arnprior, ON - Robert Simpson Park August 20, 2010 - Ottawa, ON - Live Lounge August 27, 2010 - Sherbrooke, QC - Bar Le Magog ONE - “DIRTY VALENTINE” (2009) Links: Myspace Youtube Facebook Twitter Sonicbids CBC 3 iLike Last.FM Reverbnation Buy Links: CD Baby iTunes


Artist: Sink to See Album: Sink to See E.P Genre: Indie/Rock/Pop Location: Los Angeles, California Label: Unsigned Sink to See is a refreshing change of pace with their raw unfiltered rock. The music is full of passion and hook.The vocals are clean,the bass lines are deep,the guitar riffs are catchy and the drums are upbeat. This is some all around good rock.

Artist: Nero Zero Album: Nero Zero Genre: Rock Location: Los Angeles, California Label: Unsigned Nero Zero plays the type of music that makes you wanna party. They have the sounds of todays rock blended with raw energy and fury.The guitar is crunching and the drum beats are hard. They kind of remind me of a mix of Nicklelback, Guns and Roses and Motley Crue. Give 'em a listen.


Artist: Bullet Proof Messenger Album: Arm Yourself Genre: Rock Location: Scotia, New York Label: Unsigned Blistering rock set against technology, and laced with intricate melodies, Bullet Proof Messenger creates a new hybrid kind of rock filled with power and intelligence. Excellent vocals along with crunching guitars, deep bass and hard hitting drum beats makes for a must listen.

Artist: Charetta Album: Defying the Inevitable Genre: Alternative Hard Rock Location: New York, New York Label: Unsigned This female fronted rock band was a surprising find since good female fronted rock can be hard to come by. The music was full of aggression and hook filled melodies. The vocals were haunting and powerful. The music all flowed very well together. The band is inspired by bands such as Evanescence and Dark New Day, yet their style is extremely original and distinct.

To get your band listed here in the Chaotic Showcase and future interviews, please submit your band to us via or you can email Jennifer .



Hydra - Exhibition of Malice Straight out of Japan is a new and exciting band. Hydra, blew me away with their old but new school sound. I would have never thought that I would hear just killer, brutal metal from Japan. I couldnt get enough of the way the arranged everything. From the first song to the last, they will have you pumping your fist and bangin your head. I'm almost speechless from how much they amazed me. I think we will be hearing more from these guys in the future and I'm sure hopin so !! These guys are very tight and solid band !! So, get your ass out and go get this CD..

Blackhorned Saga - Lathspell This is a very heavy hard hitting metal band from Poland. Wow how fast can a guitar player, a bass player and drummer be? Listen to this CD and you will see. When it comes to knowing what a metal wants to hear, these guys have it !! If your a fan of being in the PIT, like I am.. Well this is your band. There isn't a song that wont have you ready to circle pit..I think I even blew the speakers in my truck !! The bass is just amazingly heavy and heart pounding. The guitar solo's, what can say but, bad ass. I put this band in my top 10 CD's that go into rotation in my truck. I cant wait till they record another killer album for me to throw the horns up to !!!


Ballz Deluxe What to say about this album but, just plain bad ass! A local, unsigned band from Waterford, Mi. These guys are a bunch of amazing and talented musicians. A very diverse background of music. They bring it all together to make one killer album. When you put this CD in you wont wanna stop listening to it. Between the drums and bass just pounding away at your chest and the guitars just belting out sweet harmonies, makes you wanna rock your ass off! If you don’t own this CD, you need too !! Get to a show and see what Ballz is about. You wont be disappointed at all.

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