The Gate Magazine January Issue

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INTERVIEWS 4 Automan 12 Hour Past 18 Tension Head 24 It Lies Within 30 Tommy Vitaly 36 Nuroksol

MUSIC NEWS 31 David Shankle Press Release

CD REVIEWS 43 Tension Head 44 Publik Parking 45 Up and Coming Bands


So much has been happening with the mag. We did take a couple of months off to update software, gather more artists to interview, work on new things to add to the magazine and also to move the operation to a different physical location. We will be adding special guest writers, and new pages to it all in the coming months so watch for all the new additions. We have also changed our publishing schedule slightly to help accommodate the changes and also the writers and will be releasing issues on the 15th of each month. So we hope you will like the new updates coming and keep reading and sending us your suggestions for the magazine. You can email us your suggestions through the website on the contact us page. We take all suggestions seriously and will respond to everyone. We want to give you what you want to read about and also the latest music news. Keepin’ it loud!

Want your music reviewed or an interview? Send us your CD, press kit/bio, regular email address and other materials to: The Gate Music Magazine Online 722 Ingleside Flint, MI 48507 Or Email us a zip file containing your CD, album art, press kit/bio, and several pictures with a regular email address to contact you to: Correction for October issue: Hydrovibe’s new album is called Nothing Left to Lose.

The Gate Staff Colleen Radford Chris Dumas Jennifer Lee


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By Chris Dumas

The Story of Automan, excerpt from their biography… Automan was formed in 2002 by writing partners Darrell “Dwarf” Millar (vocals) and Carleton Lockhart (guitar)—is a genuinely pure, 70’s/80’s influenced kick-ass ‘rawk’ band in the essence of Aerosmith, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC and others. Their distinctive, upbeat brand of modern classic rock can best be described as coming straight out of a music time capsule, yet it’s altogether fresh, current and timeless. Darrell, a lifelong professional musician, is internationally renown as the former drummer for the multi-million selling hard rock act, Killer Dwarfs, as well as for Nikki Sixx produced southern rock at Laidlaw. As one of the most high profile and well traveled drummers of the 80’s and 90’s hard rock era, he has shared concert stages worldwide with the likes of Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, ZZ Top, Pantera, Lynyrd Skynyrd and several others. In formulation Automan, he vacated the drums for frontman duties and it’s his high energy, “welcome to the party” persona that fuels Automan’s performances both live and on record. Carleton, a master guitarist who is capable of playing all styles of rock and jazz, has been mesmerizing musicians and fans alike for years on the independent circuit with his unique style of playing pickles, left-handed and upside down. Those who witness his stellar performances are astounded at his jaw dropping techniques. Undoubtedly, Carleton’s incomparable approach to guitar is a key ingredient of the Automan Sound. In 2004, Automan was rounded out with the additions of bassist John Fenton and drummer Adrian Cavan. Touring extensively throughout Southern Ontario has polished the band into a tight, highly entertaining professional act. Their 2008 full-length CD release, entitled “Pocket Change” was produced by Darrell, recorded in Toronto with engineer Adam Cree, mixed and coproduced in North Caroling by Greg Looper (Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers/Mudcrutch), mix engineered by Matt Horton (Matchbox 20), and mastered by Justin Shturtz at Sterling Sound in NYC. If you love blues-based rock in its truest form, yet with it’s own distinctive up to date qualities, then spare some time to check out Automan’s album, Pocket Change. Now on to the interview…

Chris: How does the music scene in Canada differ from the US? Darrell: It operates about the same as the US. The difference is sheer numbers of population. Canada is a huge country spread out with a small population. A platinum album in the USA is 1 million units, in Canada its 50,000 units. You can’t make a living selling a gold record in Canada. Also, the concert scene is very healthy in Canada, but the club scene is not good and it’s very hard for a band to even get paid playing clubs in Canada these days. In the USA I am about to find out how it is now as I will be touring there soon. It’s been awhile since I have toured there. Continued on page 6 5 55 5

Chris: Tell everyone why they need to come and see Automan and buy a CD. Darrell: I am very proud of this band and its members and I worked very hard on writing, rehearsing and recording the "Pocket Change" disc. Carleton Lockhart - Guitars. John Fenton Bass and Adrian Cavan - Drums and myself as frontman is a blues rooted Rock & Roll machine. This is a very entertaining outfit live. I still drum on one song per night. We have a double drumkit built and I do a little drum duo with Adrian. The CD is very true to the art of what it is. Not over produced and very sonic. If you like blues rooted Rock & Roll in the vein of 70's ACDC, Aerosmith, Stones. Then you will LOVE Get it at itunes,, Best Buy, HMV. Chris: How did all of you guys get together to form Automan? Darrell: Carleton and I had met years before when his band had opened for Killer Dwarfs. I ran into him years later in Toronto when I was on the search for a guitar player for an ACDC tribute band called Autobon I formed, so I could work my vocal chops. Right there our writing partnership was solidified and we starting working towards the original band John Fenton was an old friend that I had played with in other short projects of mine over the years. He was an easy choice. Adrian Cavan the drummer was recommended by engineer Adam Cree. He auditioned for the drum spot and made the cut. Chris: Any plans of a tour and if so you comin’ to the States? Darrell: We have already toured most of Canada and are still touring now in southern Ontario. I fly to New York city Oct 16th, to have meetings about a US tour slated for summer of 2010. This is the plan and we will tour the USA in summer of 2010. From what I am hearing, you may see us in Flint Michigan in August 2010. Home of The Gate Magazine. 6 6 6

Chris: You guys have such a different sound than I'm used to and I love it. Who are your influences to achieve your sound? Darrell: Carleton and I are the writers of the band. We both grew up in the 70's and are huge fans of 70's rock such as Jeff Beck, Led Zep, Johnny Winter, Areosmith, Stones, Ted Nugent, ACDC etc. We wanted to write a record that got us off like that stuff. The sound of the band is what it is. We didn't try to sound that way. The guitar tones are what Carleton brings. That's his tone of choice. The bands chemistry was all natural. Chris: I've been listening to the new album and it is badass. How did it all come together and did it take awhile to write and record? Darrell: I am so pleased that you like it and see where we are going with this. The record was written over a year period in 2008. We tracked it at 4 different studios. 2 in Canada and 2 in USA. It took about a month to record. I produced it. Adam Cree engineered it. Greg Looper from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Co-produced and mixed it. Justin Shturtz mastered it at Sterling Sound in NYC. Chris: Pickless, left handed and up side down playing style. How come no pick and why upside down? Darrell: It’s simple really. Carleton is left handed. When he learned to play guitar as a kid, he took a regular guitar and flipped it up-side down and learned to play strumming up instead of down. He is a huge Jeff Beck fan thus playing with his fingers. Guys like Mark Knopfler and Dickie Betts mastered this technique as well. Chris: Out of all the big names you've played with. Which one is the most memorable and is there someone you just can't wait to play with? Darrell: Iron Maiden, ZZ Top and Motley Crue all stellar tours to be apart of. As far as new artists, I would love to tour with Airbourne a new band from Australia and Buckcherry. For the kings of rock‌I would love to tour with ACDC, Areosmith and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers to name a few. Continued on page 8 7



Chris: A question I haven't asked in awhile. What's the craziest thing to happen to you on stage?

Darrell: This is an easy one. When I was on tour with Iron Maiden in England in the late 80's, I ended up naked on the stage at the Hammersmith Odeon. Bruce Dickinson grabbed my goch in a last night prank I was pulling and got em’ off. Insanity. You can find it on youtube if you search Killer Dwarfs/Iron Maiden. I had a back drop fall on me once as well during a show with Killer Dwarfs in the US.

Darrell DWaRf Millar CEO Unkledunk Records 8 8

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By Chris Dumas Portland Maine based Hour-Past has been considered by many as "The Ultimate Thinking man's band". Their unique style of rock/pop/hard rock suits all listeners of the genres. Blending great song structure with powerful vocals, an incredible talent pool of influences, the band's music brings a fresh new approach to today's modern rock offerings. "Emotionally powerful and moving" says Performance1 Magazine in a recent review. Since their conception in 2005 the band has played many high profile shows bringing the big live show performances to the smaller club atmosphere. Opening for several national acts and receiving steady air play in the New England area. Their 2007 release "A Vacant Smile" has been the label's number one seller and has maintained a top retail and indie release charting since June of 2007. "A Vacant Smile" is available in stores and online everywhere. Their sophomore release Drift was just released in July of this year. Chris- You been with RatPak Records since 05'. What's it like to be on such a killer label? Coopa- It is great! RatPak has done everything they can to put us out there for the masses. Joe has believed in us from the very beginning and for that we can't be more pleased. Chris- Who are your guys influences? Coopa- First and most important, Freddy Mercury of Queen. He was and in my opinion still is, the best rock front man of all time! After that, I guess I would have to say Sting from the police, Layne Stalye of Alice In Chains, Chris Cornel, Early Scott Weiland, Eddie Vedder, John Mayer, David Gray and the list goes on and on. I just love good songwriters with a soulful voice. Chris- How does the new album differ from the first? Coopa-I think it is a little more straight forward. Has just a touch more balls to it. It’s also in my opinion a tad more radio friendly. I wanted to write lyrics that were more straight to the point. I didn't want the listener to have to guess to what I was talking about. I just wanted pure honesty, and I think I accomplished that this time around. I also think the guys and I wrote some great rock music this time even more than before. I am very proud of this CD! Chris- Your Pray for me video. Where was it shot at and is it a live show? Coopa- It was shot at Mark's Showplace in Berlin NH. It was a live show and the director had an actress there portraying my girlfriend, who is supposed to be a drug addict. And it’s my battle with dealing with her. I thought it was a decent job. The funny thing is, the song has nothing to do with any of that. That is just what the director got out of the song. Continued on page 14


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Chris- Your new CD Drift hit the top 10. How’s that feel? Coopa- It is a nice feeling to have a sense of accomplishment, However it is not everything. We are proud of the CD and that is the most important thing despite what other people think. But it is also a great feeling to know that people dig it and feel the same way. This business is very hard and most of the time, you don't get anything back. So for those rare moments when you do, I always enjoy them. Chris- Your guys sound really stands out from alot of music I listen to. Describe what you sound like for the readers. Coopa- Wow now that has got to be one of the hardest yet most frequent questions we or any band gets. I never really know how to answer that, I guess we just sound like us. I know that doesn't explain much but, how do you answer a question like that? We are simply a rock band, take that any way you like. It takes a listen to decide. And depending on the ear, you will always get a different answer. Chris- Any plans for a big tour soon? Especially coming to the Flint, Mi area!! Coopa- We would love to, unfortunately it takes funding and that is something we do not have at the moment. We are trying to jump on to a bigger tour and be the opening act for someone. At some point yes, we are definitely looking forward to it. Chris- Where do you see yourselves in 5 years? Coopa- Writing more music, that is and always has been the main focus of this group. Ok just a few individual questions.... Chris- I'm a fellow bass player myself and was wondering what kinda rig you use and what ax you playin? Malcolm- I have a Nemesis amp but play direct at gigs. In fact, we all go direct--even drums. We tend to be different in that sense. There are trade-offs and pros and cons with going direct. It makes for a much easier set-up and break-down for gigs. I like the Nemesis because it's got a lot of kick, punch, quality tone, and richness in a small package. I've never been one of those give-me-anobnoxiously-huge-towering-amp sorta guy. I always look for the larger sound in the smaller package. My main ax is a Spector Euro LX-4. I'm sponsored with Spector. I was drawn to Spector because Ned Stienberger designed them and was not surprised to find a great bass under his design.

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Chris- Your riffs are brutal, screaming, just plain ass badass man. When you write a song how do you go about it? Jeff - Wow, thanks so much for the props! I guess when I write music, I usually don't even realize I’m writing, strangely enough. Most often I have no intention of writing anything, as my sole intent is just to have some fun and make noise. I'll pick up the guitar (or keyboard), and then start improving / tinkering with the first idea that comes to mind. Riffs tend to form from the improv, and if I am lucky enough to actually remember them, I’ll play em for the guys. Often, Josh ends up reminding me about riffs that I played at band practice, and then I forgot about. The band tends to have hive mind when we jam, and before we know it, a riff becomes a song. After years of playing, it's still just like magic to me! Chris- Josh, anything special you do to add your feel to the songs? Josh - I approach every tune as its own entity. I try not to play drums to it...But rather to add to the overall melody and message each has inside it. I do feel it's very important to hold down the fort with the rhythm...but it’s also just as important to layer each song as the individual tune calls for. Coopa - A tattoo artist, body piercer, and owner. Your ink is amazing bro. How's it feel to be in a badass band and slink some sick ink? It is a great feeling to be surrounded by the arts every day of my life. I am living my dream! man your guys music is sold everywhere imaginable. Hows that feel? I haven't thought about it much to be honest. I am always just trying to write more and more. But now that you mention it, Yes, it's a damn cool feeling!!! Thank guys for takin the time to answer my question and I can't wait to see you live and party with ya !! Keep it LOUD !!! Thank you very much and thank you also for supporting original music! You Rock! I look forward to having a cold one with you as well! Thank you, Sincerely Chris- Let everyone know where to go to check you guys out and where to get your CD's. Coopa- MySpace is the best way to find us. Our CD's are available on iTunes, Rapsody and all the online stores as well as They are also available in most stores, as well as in Japan and the U.K.

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By Chris Dumas Formed in 2003, Tension Head from Saginaw, Michigan explode onto the stage with the ferocity of a hurricane. Led by leather lunged vocalist C.P. Rossio and backed by the thunderous bass of Anthony Garcia, the vicious guitars of Sean Griffin and the propulsive percussion of JoJo Jimenez, these straddlers of the fence between hard rock and metal take no prisoners with their energetic live performances and blistering recorded material. Tension Head are more than ready to takeover an unsuspecting worldwide audience, in a excerpt from Robert E. Martin's (Review Magazine) glowing review he even went as far as to say, "the sound of Tension Head is incisive, all consuming and impossible to ignore. Be prepared for the trip of your life." As the dust settles in the aftermath of the fallout for a once blossoming musical landscape, all that shall remain is Tension Head. Chris: Did you ever that when TH formed that it would blow up and spread like wild like it has? Chuck: "We'll, honestly no, but I did think that when Tony and I started T.H. that it would grab at least a few people from every kind of genre, race, age, you name it...I (we) didn’t want to create a music just for one group of individuals, but rather to move as many people as possible!" Chris: You guys have jumped on a couple tours and traveled, been to lots of places. Any certain one you like the most and why? Chuck: "I've talked it up many, many times, still to this day New Orleans and or Louisiana was the best show, trip, night out, all the above I think we've ever was our very 1st time all the way down South, hell, I think it was our 1st time out of the state as a band, and I got to take the band and friends to my favorite hang out, Pat O' Briens! I bought everyone there with me (10) their very own Hurricane (4 shots of 151 rum each Hurricane, lol! Oh Yeah!!!), I was the only one who had one before...what a great time! Plus, the show we played down there was sold-out for the 1st time in like 12 years, with the help of the best local talent of course, no bullshit!" Chris: When it comes to writing music, how do you guys go about it? Chuck: "We've tried everyway I think possible as far as the writing process goes...usually I'll have some lyrics already down or at least some kind of kickass chorus (so I think, lol) and then Sean and I will start makin’ a hook together, followed by Tony and JoJo, but I'd really like to have the chance sometime to have the fellas write 10 or so songs that they are 100% on and then, write the lyrics after (it has only been done a couple of times if that, "Repossession" is one of them)!" Continued on page 20 19

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Chuck: "We've tried everyway I think possible as far as the writing process goes...usually I'll have some lyrics already down or at least some kind of kickass chorus (so I think, lol) and then Sean and I will start makin’ a hook together, followed by Tony and JoJo, but I'd really like to have the chance sometime to have the fellas write 10 or so songs that they are 100% on and then, write the lyrics after (it has only been done a couple of times if that, "Repossession" is one of them)!" Chris: For the folks who don’t know who TH is, let ‘em know what they are missing. Chuck: "You asked for it, so you'll get it, lol! One of the best energetic and entertaining live shows without all the props, masks, make-up, lights, etc., that you'll ever see, feel, and hear, period! We're straight up no bullshit in your face Hard ass Rock and Roll and will stay that way until I (we) have achieved the goals I have set for this band, and believe it or not, we are just getting started! In other words, if your lookin’ for a good time, TENSION HEAD is your band, come on out and get some!"

Chris: Where do you guys hope to be in 5 or 10 years? Chuck: "In 5 years from now, we better have made it to Europe, lol...and in 10 years, hopefully we'll be makin’ some kind of's all about the music!" Chris: You have been on many compilation CD's. That's gotta feel real good and an accomplishment in its own. Chuck: "Yes, it does feel good that many Compilation organizers thought to ask us, TENSION HEAD, some little band from Saginaw, Michigan to be on their releases, most of the time, it was kinda like you help me and I'll help you if ya know what I mean, some helped more than others, but we appreciated all of them!" Chris: You have played with a lot of nationals. Any certain national you like jamming with the most and why? Chuck: "There are 2 that come to mind right away, and these 2 "Nationals" are really the only ones to ever give us the respect that we think we deserve after warming up a crowd for them...TAPROOT, we've played together many times, and they are always very happy to have us on the bill with them, Jared's words to me the 1st time we're "How the hell do you expect us to follow that?" great guy he is, and HELLYEAH (the best and biggest show of TENSION Head’s career) when Chad asked everybody (2,000 people) to give it up for local boys TENSION HEAD, and the place went fuckin’ nuts, best feelin’ of my life man!" 20 186


Chris: Where do you record at? Chuck: "Fire Hyena Studio in Saginaw, MI. Chris is a close friend of the band, I told him a few years ago to put his band on hold, quit his job, and start recording bands ASAP after we 1st cut "Never Enough" with him, he is doin’ it full-time now...dude knows his shit!" Chris: You are on an Indie label, Revolution Music Records. How’s that workin’ out for ya? Chuck: "Without Dave/Scott at Revolution Music Records we would not have been able to record and distro the last cd, so I'd say it's workin’ out pretty damn good for us!" Chris: Thanks for lettin’ me interview you guys…real weird seeing I've known ya for shit 5 years or so...need to get my ass to a show soon…take it easy and see ya guys soon.. See ya soon Brother Chris! Oh Yeah!!!


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BoneZ Guitar Cabinets offer Outstanding Quality and Durability. Meeting the the high demands of today's guitar players. Equipped with 4- 75 watt BoneZ Metal Series Speakers. Our 300 watt enclosure will provide you with all the power handling capacity you will ever need and a Tight sonic response found in no other cab today. So Whether you play a Krank a Marshall or a Peavey This Is the Cab you need to Perform at your Best.

Bonez Guitar Cabinets 3357 Torrey Rd Flint,Michigan 48507 ( 810)-874-9126 Copyright 2008 BoneZ Cabinets A Subsidiary of




By Chris Dumas

Hailing out of Flint, MI, It Lies Within (ILW) has been a band in the making for almost eight years. This is a brand new project formed from the ashes of the band Forethought. With the addition and loss of a few members ILW is now clicking more than ever. ILW has established a good name in the Flint-town, Detroit Area, and the whole state of Michigan over the years. They have toured a handful of times around the Midwest area and are always preparing for new tours! Their drive comes from the energy their loyal fans bring to every show! ILW is one of the most well rounded local Michigan bands with their highly energetic and passionate live performances! ILW is here to bring you that sound that varies from the Norm of “Nu-Metal and Hardcore� bands today! Chris: How long has It Lies Within been together? Zack: It Lies Within (ILW) is only about a year old. This project formed from our last band named "Forethought." Certain members of our band have played together for over 13 years. Chris: Explain your drive and passion of the music your write? Zack: Music is our life! Most of us grew up with musical tradition. To simply answer this question it's all about our band name. Our drive and passion comes from what lies within us all! Chris: How did you come up with the name It Lies Within? Zack: Well we knew with the creation of this new project we needed a new band name. Our music writing and production was getting better and we really wanted to send a message and not just have a simple band name. 24 22 10


After a long band practice one day our guitarist Matt G just said "It Lies Within." We weren't even thinking of or talking about band names and as soon as we heard it we all just knew that was it. Chris: You guys have played lots of local gigs. Do you have a certain venue? Zack: ILW loves playing shows! This is the very reason we have gotten so much exposure in such little time. We are from Flint so obviously our favorite venue is "The Machine Shop!" It's basically our local hangout. The owners Kevin and Craig Zink have done so much for It Lies Within and the local scene in general. At the same time we enjoy being road warriors and playing shows anywhere and everywhere. Chris: You have a new CD out. Where you guys record it? Zack: Our CD dropped on Nov. 27th of 2009. We are really stoked about the release of this EP. We recorded with 2 different producers and studios to really broaden our horizons in the production world. This actually worked out to our benefit being able to learn different things from different perspectives. We recorded our single "Miles Away" with Nick Morris over at Cloud City Studio's. Nick has extensive background producing and recording such bands like Walls of Jericho, The Black Dahlia Murder, and more. Nick also plays in the band As they Sleep which just landed a deal with Luxor Records. We then finished our project with Josh Wickman at Dreadcore Productions. Josh is also a very talented producer who has recorded bands that have landed some solid record deals as well. We definitely recommend any band who is serious about their sound to check these guys out. Chris: Where do you guys wanna be in 5 years? Zack: ILW in 5 years hopes to be signed to a great label and on the road touring like crazy! We really feel that this time around we might have a shot and we are really excited about the rapid pace things are going for us. Thanks to our die hard fans we have started create quite the 25

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Chris: Your one of the few locals to open for nationals. Any certain one stand out the most? Zack: Well this is kinda a hard one to answer because they were all so much fun. We are very thankful for the opportunities that we've had to play with such great bands that have made their dreams come true. We would probably have to say our show with "Bullet for my Valentine" would be one of the most memorable. We played in front of a sold out crowd and had every head banging from the front all the way to the back. Afterwards we had the honor of hanging out with the guys on their bus for a while doing what bands do best! We'll leave that up for you to ponder. LOL. Chris: Do you guys have a manager to do all your booking?

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Zack: No actually we do not at the moment. We handle everything and all aspects of our band. We like to run our band like a professional business which is hard to do when you leave it in the hands of the wrong person. We have had a lot of offers but nothing has striked our fancy yet. There is a lot of sharks out there just wanting to take a bite out of hard working bands but we always leave it open for future opportunity. Check out It Lies Within at:

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BoneZ Guitar Cabinets offer Outstanding Quality and Durability. Meeting the the high demands of today's guitar players. Equipped with 4- 75 watt BoneZ Metal Series Speakers. Our 300 watt enclosure will provide you with all the power handling capacity you will ever need and a Tight sonic response found in no other cab today. So Whether you play a Krank a Marshall or a Peavey This Is the Cab you need to Perform at your Best.

Bonez Guitar Cabinets 3357 Torrey Rd Flint,Michigan 48507 ( 810)-874-9126 Copyright 2008 BoneZ Cabinets A Subsidiary of




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By Chris Dumas A little bit about one of the most awesome guitar players‌Tommy Vitaly. Tommy is an Italian guitar player. He has been playing guitar for many years and has studied a lot of classical stuff for years on piano and on other instruments. Tommy is the guitar player of the Italian power metal band "SevenGates" and the mastermind of the gothic duo "Vitaly". He is currently writing his 1st neoclassical metal CD with many important guest musicians from around the world.

Chris: How long have you been playing guitar? Tommy V: I have been playing guitar since I was 15 years old. I was already a piano player at that time, and later I studied clarinet for 6 years too. Chris: Let everyone know who Tommy Vitaly is. Tommy V: Tommy Vitaly is a musician from Italy, who lives for music, and especially for rock/metal guitar. I have studied alot classical music in my life, which I still love today. I have played in several bands, but now I am involved in my power metal band called Sevengates ( and in my first solo power-neoclassical CD I had experienced the goth-rock scene too with my project "Vitaly" ( Chris: Who inspired you to start playing guitar? Tommy V: Actually I started listening to Iron Maiden, so Dave Murray and Adrian Smith were my first inspirations. During the years I started playing Van Halen, Hendrix, Skolnick, and in the end Yngwie Malmsteen, who now is my idol. Many bands influenced me in my composing of my music...such as Manowar,Helloween, Gamma Ray,Maiden,Savatage and many more.

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Chris: Explain your idea of neoclassical metal please, for the masses. Tommy V: My idea of "neoclassical Metal" is fast metal with a very good inspiration from the great maestros of the past, from classical music...BUT not with an orchestra or many keyboards, but with electric guitar as if you were playing some serious kickin ass METAL! I think Yngwie is the greatest one in this kind of metal.

Chris: What is your preferred equipment to use? Tommy V: I really absolutely love Fender Stratocasters from the '70s and the Malmsteen Signature ones. About amps I have an Engl Fireball mixed with a DOD308 overdrive pedal and a noise suppressor. I don't like to have many effects or racks. I also like the Schecter Hellraiser guitars, very aggressive ones, for extreme metal! This is what I like to play most! Chris: Any talk of a tour soon? Tommy V: I must admit at this point of my life I would like very much to have a serious tour with music. I never had actually. I am about to look for a good record deal for my solo neoclassical CD. I hope something will move, so I will have the chance to have a tour! I would like very much to come to the USA.

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Chris: Is there an instrument you don't play? Tommy V: Yes‌there are many!! I would like to play the drums in a very good way! or to play the cello! I hope someday I will find the time for learning the cello!

Chris: Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Tommy V: Thanks to you for this great interview and to all the readers! Heavy Metal never dies!!! A quick message from Tommy about the upcoming solo album: Hello my dear friends and fans! It's time to tell some new about my first solo cd! I am really busy with recordings and organization of the work. Everything is top secret for now, but I can tell you the drums recordings are ended and soon the bass ones will be too! I will have some VERY SPECIAL guest on all the instruments (drums,bass,guitar,keyboards,vocals) ,some of the greatest names of the instrumental metal world! The album will be called "JUST ME" and it will be 2 piano tracks 1 orchestral 2 power metal heavy songs 5 killer neoclassical instrumental tracks 1 J.S. Bach cover track so stay tuned,as soon as possible I will post more news! PLAY LOUD!! HAIL FOREVER Tommy V. Check out Tommy Vitaly at:


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By Colleen Radford Recently, I got a chance to sit down and chat with the guys from Nuroksol for a while at the Machine Shop in Flint, Michigan. I have to say that these guys are so awesome. It was probably the most fun I have had with an interview in a long time. What a bunch of characters! I laughed so much that my cheeks hurt when I was done. There were times that we veered off the interview just talking and joking around. It was like hanging out with old friends. What a great time. For those of you not familiar with Nuroksol, they are a local band based in Michigan out of the cities of Ann Arbor, Flint and Detroit. Nuroksol is Marlow-lead vocals, Randy-bass & vocals, Antguitar & vocals, Chef-drums & vocals and Barron-guitar. The best way to describe them is, as a mix of modern rock, R & B, soul and a touch of funk thrown in. All in all, an eclectic mix that can stand alone and can also blend with every band they gig with. I have seen them perform many times and each show they keep my attention with how tight and energetic their set is. I highly recommend that if you have the chance to see these guys perform, go and do it, you will not be disappointed. So let’s get on to the interview‌ 36 36

Colleen: So how long has Nuroksol been performing together? Ant: The band has been together for about 4 years. Randy: I’m the newest member with 6 months in the band. Colleen: Ok guys, how did Nuroksol all come about? A little history? Ant: I was writing songs and looking for a band to perform with and met Chef through a member of a former band. I agreed to play guitar with the former band and Chef had agreed to play rock with me. Chef and I meshed and then we are looking for the rest of the members when Marlow came in and did some recording with us. We added Barron by a fluke. Barron’s friend was supposed to come and tryout and he couldn’t make it so Barron tried out and we all thought hey, this is fate. Barron was the perfect fit. Randy’s been with us for about 6 months now and we have known him for a long time as a rock bassist. Bonus points…Randy’s vocals are very similar to Marlow’s so the mix was right. It has gone from there.



Colleen: With such a unique mix of genres that make up Nuroksol, who brings what influences to the band? I can’t seem to pinpoint it since the blend works so well. Marlow: I bring rock. It has always been rock for me Randy: I grew up with rock and classic and then on the weekends hang out with my cousins who listened to funk. Chef: I am deep rooted in R & B, jazz and gospel music. Barron: I am all metal, Gothic and classic rock. Queensryche is one of my favorites along with a big influence from Chris Degarmo. Oh, and all 80’s and 90’s metal. Ant: I come into the band with old school R&B, gospel and rock. You wouldn’t believe it but we all are church musician’s on Sunday. Well, except for Randy, he’s sleeping in on Sundays. Lol Colleen: You guys released your new album, Colours in the Sky, not too long ago. How is the new album being received? Ant: It has been very well received. We have a big following demographically with age groups 18-55 and then believe or not, 70+ worldwide. Chef: Also, with us being involved with the Bodog’s contest we have gained a huge following in Europe and especially in South America. Colleen: I have seen you guys perform and I have to say that you all have an energetic and extremely tight performance. How much preparation goes into the shows? Ant: We all work together to make everything as entertaining as possible. We work as a team so if one person forgets something one of us fills in. Randy: For our CD release party, we had an intro of Hanson. Mmmbop. Marlow: Yeah, and we did a dance performance with the intro. It really threw the crowd off balance for a minute. We like to keep people guessing. Sometimes we don’t always follow our shoutout sheet so it can be off the cuff. Colleen: How do you all collaborate on songs? Is it a group effort? Chef: All the songs start out on Marlow: It is really a team effort. Barron might be playing around with a riff and then Randy is tuning his bass and starts playing off Barron’s riff and then Chef starts throwing in backbeats and it all rolls from there. Colleen: Are you guys doing any touring with the new album? Ant: We try to map out our dates in cities that we are doing well in according to our demographics. 38 38

Chef: Right now we are weekend warriors, gigging and then trying to get a little sleep before work on Monday. Colleen: This question is for each of you. What are your absolute favorite songs to perform off the new album? Ant: Colours in the Sky, is my reminder to right in wrongs I’ve done in my life. It’s never to late to fix what we break. It’s about giving it your all. Marlow: Henry Pool is here. I liked from the first time I sang it. Randy: U Can’t. Chef: Got it bad. Barron: I know ya. To me, it’s powerful, and melodic. Colleen: For those you haven’t yet experience seeing you live, what can they expect? Ant: Visually, we try to rock out with a soul backbone. Always expect the unexpected. Chef: Imagine yourself caught in a thunderstorm of pillows and hammers. Colleen: Although I can’t think of a band that you guys are comparable to. Have you ever been compared with another band and who? Chef: It has been said, Living Color but that is about it. They are a great band. Mostly, we haven’t been compared to anyone else. Colleen: Ok guys, where can people go to buy your music and check you out? Ant: Check us out at You can find buy our music on: Amazon, Shockhound, Lala, eMusic, Rhapsody, Amie St, Napster and at our shows.

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This is a special bonus video from the original motion picture JEZEBETH. The Demon Solo video was shot and produced by Dan Manzella of Dig-It-All Studios. The video stars Bree Michaels and features the guitar wizardry of David Shankle of the David Shankle Group (DSG). We would like to thank Dean Guitars and Randall Amps for providing us with the guitar and Amplifier. The movie JEZEBETH was written and directed by Damien Dante of Satania 6 Films. The movie is Distributed by DSR Music and Film Distribution and SGL Entertainment.

On January 14 2010 the Demonic Solo video featuring David Shankle will be released. The video also features David's new guitar, the Dean DS7 29 FRET Shred Machine, created especially for David by Dean Guitars. David, will be personally introducing this guitar at the 2010 NAMM show next week in Anaheim CA.

To celebrate Paul's Golden Globe and Critics' Choice nominations for the song (I Want To) Come Home from the Miramax film 'Everybody's Fine' starring Robert De Niro, is running a special offer for fans to receive a free download of the new song (I Want To) Come Home with any purchase of Good Evening New York City via the dedicated store. Click here for more details. Check out the promo video for the song featuring behind the scenes footage of the recording and excerpts from the film 'Everybody's Fine' at Paul's Official YouTube page. The song has been nominated in the Best Original Song category at the 67th Annual Golden Globe Awards which take place this coming Sunday, 17th March 2010 and in the category for Best Song at the 15th Annual Broadcast Film Critics' Choice Awards, taking place on Friday, 15th March 2010. The Critics' Choice Awards are broadcast live on VH-1 in the USA this coming Friday night at 9pm EST click here to vote for Paul in the poll running on the VH-1 website and get full details of the broadcast. The Golden Globe Awards are broadcast live on Sunday on NBCfrom 8pm ET/5pm PT in the USA and on Sky 1in the UK at 1am, with red carpet coverage from 11pm. Š MPL Communications LTD / Paul McCartney Made by Outside Line.

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TENSION HEAD DO OR DIE BY CHRIS DUMAS Tensionheads new album Do or Die. what can i say about it. lets start will HELL YEAH! these guys have out done themselves again. this album is a well put together album. has lots of new tunes i have not heard and some i have. chucks growling singing style cant be touched. it's for sure on of a kind. the way he puts his lyrics together on the CD is badass. and as for jo jo on the drums. once again he keeps the low end just flowing with rythmn and crazy beats. Tony's bass stands out in every song. He has a unique playing style that makes Tension Head’s sound what it is! and as for Sean’s heavy guitar solos and sweet ass riffs are top notch as usual. This CD is one that will remain in my CD player for a long time. Listening to it just makes ya wanna just start bangin your head as you drive. You go out and get this album, you'd be a fool not too !!

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PUBLIK PARKING PAVLOV’S DOG BY CHRIS DUMAS Publik Parking is a very unique band that has a very well thought out and awesome CD. I’m normally not a fan of female fronted bands. but I am for sure with these guys. This is a band that when you hear their CD, it's the same live! When I put this CD in my stereo, it was just like I was there. Everyone comes together so tight on this album, from Tucker and Nick’s guitars harmonizing in unison to Tim’s bass thumpin your heart and EriK on the skins just killin ya with great sound and musicionship. Then you have Monica with her voice that has range that is so unbeliveable for most woman. I’m very impressed with this CD and I give it a 10 out of 10. This is a good CD to add to your collection. You'll be jammin it till ya wear it out and gotta go get another.

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UP AND COMING BANDS TO CHECK OUT BY JENNIFER LEE Cloon Freakout Mayhem Rock Cloon is a four member band that originated in europe. This was my first chance to listen to them and I’d have to say that I enjoyed their music. The music was heavy, full of catchy guitar riffs and unique vocals. Cloon also has a song appearing in the independant movie "Cabras". their full length album is set to be released in late 2009.

Public Radio Sweet Child Alt/Indie Rock If you like indie rock then you will like Public Radio. Every song I listened to had that feel good vibe to it. The songs were definitely catchy, intriguing, riveting, all of those things. You could feel the strength within all of the songs. All of the electronic beats really gave the songs their good vibe. Definitely check these guys out, and I hope to hear more from them in the future. The Sky Life Roots and Wings Alt/Rock This bands music was something I could totally sit back and relax too. Many of the songs were very catchy with rich melodies and ambient synths. Their music is very blissful and soothing... I very much enjoyed this band and i hope we hear more from them in the near future.

Highway Blonde Modern/Rock Highway Blonde originated in Australia. I'd have to say that their music was different but good. The music is full of cruching guitars and tasty leads. Id say this band has a guitar driven modern sound.

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