Chapter 17 | Rivers From Eden:
Revealing Havilah
“If you drained all the water away, it would look exactly like a river system with bends and meanders, except there are no trees along the banks...”
– Dan Parsons, PhD, sedimentologist, University of hull, uk to bbc news (who travels the world to study undersea rivers) [160] It shall cover the whole [earth] with its shadow [and its crown] (shall reach) to the [clouds]; its roots (shall go down) to the Abyss
[and all the rivers of Eden shall water its branches]. – Hymn 14, (formerly 10), The Thanksgiving Hymns Qumran Scrolls (iQH, 1Q36,4Q427-32) [414]
Along the way in this search for truth, we uncovered clues which kept leading to the Rivers From Eden of Genesis 2. We already covered the Pison River which surrounds the whole land of Havilah also known as the land of Adam and Eve (Havah) which is defined by gold, pearl and the onyx stone in which the Philippines leads the earth in all three categories. We, then, unraveled the Hebrew meaning of Uphaz which is the gold of the Pison River in ancient Havilah, Philippines tying Ophir and Havilah. The Bible is truly the most brilliant document ever written as thousands of years ago it pinned this down though we lost it in translation. 268