Chapter 7 | Queen of Sheba Revisited In our introduction, we provide a visual presentation of the enigmatic Queen of Sheba’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem when she offered her gifts to the Temple project. This truly must have been one of the most monumental displays in history. This sovereign forged an impression on antiquity and yet, after this event, she disappears back into her own land never to be heard from again until the Last Days. It is this expanse which has caused much speculation in which some cultures have attempted to fill in blanks but we will demonstrate, they have formed occult narratives against scripture to justify their claims. We will restore this understanding and clarify whom the Queen of Sheba was, how she would have conducted herself and from where she commenced her notable voyage which has captured the hearts and minds of so many. We assure you the Hollywood narrative of this Queen arriving as a pagan harlot is utterly false. This was a true, authentic lady by every measure within this story. This narrative has sadly been greatly distorted in modern thinking even in most seminaries. The main reason is scholarship is incorporating legends that the Talmud has picked up from occult sources and when you learn their claims and origins, you will be very disappointed. One only has to read the Table of Nations in Genesis 10 to notice that there are two Sheba’s listed in that era not just one. Many commentaries just overlook the second Sheba completely yet that is the actual brother of Ophir in which this Queen’s adventure cannot be separated. In Psalm 72, David equates the correct Sheba with Tarshish, the isles (Ophir) and Seba. 73