The Healing School Magazine - April 2017

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“And, behold, I send the promise of My Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).


efore His crucifixion, the Lord Jesus promised the disciples and others who would believe in Him that not only will they do the works He did, they would do even greater works (John 14:12). Jesus made this promise because, on His request, the Father was sending the Holy Spirit to reside in us – to empower us for the miraculous. Also in Ephesians 4:14-16, the Spirit of God, through the Apostle Paul, prays that God's people be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man. Through the power of the Holy Spirit living in you, there's absolutely no height of success or victory you can't attain. You have inside you the supernatural elixir for victory; you can do all things through the Holy Ghost that lives within you. He brings into your life the enablement to blaze new trails and cause new things to happen. The actual rendering from the original text in Ephesians 4:14-16 says, 'that they may be invigorated with might'. This is so important because there are people who are weak inside; some are unable to make serious decisions in life because of fear and timidity, some are concerned about what others think of them and are afraid to do what they ought to do, some are not bold enough to be themselves. Such folks need to be invigorated with miracle-working ability in their inner man. From the Master's emphasis in the opening scripture, He knew we wouldn't be able to fulfil the divine call without divine enablement that the Holy Spirit brings. Blessed be God! We've been endued with power from on high for the miraculous: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit has enabled you to produce proof of Christ's resurrection and the reality of God's kingdom. He's all you need to live supernaturally in this life. It doesn't matter how you look on the outside; you may look weak or feeble, but don't be weak or feeble. Someone may look at you and wonder what you do or what you are capable of. In response to such, you say, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens, energizes, invigorates, and empowers me; I am bold and strong inside.” The Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus made Him 'the Christ' and enabled Him to do the mighty works He did. That same Spirit lives in you today; He has anointed you and made it possible for you to do the impossible. Never again say that you're helpless or ordinary, for the enabler – the Holy Spirit – has taken residence in you and He has empowered you for the miraculous.

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833

Every year, the International Easter Youth Camp (IEYC) with Pastor Chris holds in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is a very special event where youth between ages 13 and 23 enjoy glorious times of refreshing and inspiration by the Holy Spirit. The Camp provides an inimitable opportunity for young people to grow spiritually and cultivate their passion for changing the world. The youth come from different parts of the world, all with expectations for a divine, destiny-altering experience. “I hope to have an experience that will make my relationship with God stronger like never before. My desire for the Youth Camp is to receive more revelation of who God is to me. I want it to be a definitive encounter for everyone who attends – a distinct turning point,” says Jathniel from Puerto Rico. The Camp has a fantastic line up of programs that are highly instructive and underscore the mind of the Spirit of God for today's Christian youth, which is to stand for the faith of the Gospel, regardless of circumstances and irrespective of the cost. The Camp’s curriculum is carefully planned for spiritual and intellectual growth of the delegates. Mark from Belarus attended the IEYC last year, and he had this to say, “Not only did we receive spiritual things like the Word of God, we also did some activities and did drilling exercises because we needed to keep our bodies fit, and my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.” At the end of the program, the youth leave the Camp with a special anointing, fired up to take their world for Jesus. At the end of the IEYC in 2016, Karla, an attendee from Ireland said, “It was a great privilege to be at the International Easter Youth Camp. I'm filled with joy and the power of God's Spirit. I have received power and I'm now grounded and ready for the battle field; ready to impact the youth in my country and the rest of the world with the same fire of God's Spirit I received here!” The 2017 International Easter Youth Conference with Pastor Chris will be an extraordinary time for even more young people to be inspired for the future and equipped to impact their generation. For information on how to participate in a Youth Camp or to visit the Healing School, visit our website at

A recent study reports that over 50% of the world's population is under 30 years old. Beyond demographics, youth represent a significant group, with powerful voices and unlimited ability to influence and create irreversible change in the world. Small wonder that there is much emphasis on encouraging youth development in various parts of the world. The Global Youth Leaders' Forum (GYLF) is an international organization established with the objective of providing continuous training and mentoring for young people all over the world. With a network of over 100,000 members across over 200 countries, the GYLF provides youth with a platform for global impact and is instrumental to world evangelism in various ways. One of the major programs of the GYLF is the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris – an annual event that imparts the anointing and the Word of God to young people, reinvigorating them with zeal to take their world for Jesus. Hundreds of youth have had their lives changed through various editions of this program. The GYLF also organizes Global Youth Leaders' Conferences across various countries. In 2016, the Forum held the first ever GYLF Online Conference with over 62,000 young people in attendance from 225 countries. Global youth exchange programs of the GYLF give members of the Forum the opportunity to visit other countries to hold leadership development programs. Hundreds of outreaches and initiatives have been organized and executed by the youth leaders, including evangelical campaigns, community development projects and special outreaches to the needy and victims of disaster-torn areas. The time to seed the future is now. Collaborate with us in spreading the Gospel through passionate youth in the Global Youth Leaders' Forum. There are many available opportunities. You can: -

Sponsor a youth to the International Easter Youth Camp Sponsor Youth Outreaches in your country Sponsor Global Youth Leaders' Conferences in your region.

For more information, please call +2348086844104, +2348080272995, +27799675852, or +27799675853. You can also send an email to or visit


When the body is sick, the effects of the illness can be far reaching and may cripple one or more aspects of life for those affected. The Healing School is a place where God's inimitable and infallible power is always present to not only heal the sickness, but to cause a complete turnaround in the lives of all who come with expectations for a change. Over the years, many have come to the sessions, desperate for an end to their problems. Wonderful testimonies abound of the changes that took place in their lives when they encountered the power of the anointing at the Healing School. One of these testimonies is the extraordinary story of 30-year-old Lisa Lai, who came to the Healing School with a longing for a life that is free of pain and sadness. For so many years, she had to depend on constant medication in order to function normally, but the situation only worsened. Feeling trapped in her own body, she came with hope for liberation, and one touch from God was all it took for her to be made free. Lisa testifies of the lasting impact of God's Word in her life. “I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in the summer of 2006,” Lisa begins. “I isolated myself in my bedroom all the time. I couldn't go out in public and I was scared to see people. I only felt safe in my house and I only went out at night when others were in bed. I once stayed in my house for over six months without going anywhere. When my parents noticed the abnormal change in my behavior, they encouraged me to go see a psychiatrist.” These, however, were nothing compared to what would follow. In 2013, Lisa noticed that her fingers and feet were swelling up. “The swelling caused me to limp after the day's work, but I thought it might be cramps in my foot, or maybe I was working too much,” she says. “But as the days and weeks progressed, I also noticed that my arm was getting stiff and I couldn't straighten out my fingers. All the joints in my body were swollen and my fingers were puffy and I couldn't bend them very well. This made operating everyday very hard. “About two months after the swelling started, I went to the emergency room because I wasn't feeling well. The doctors sent me

to various specialists for examination, and then they told me that I was suffering from mixed connective tissue disease. This sickness was making my body attack its own immune system.” Once full of life and very active, Lisa found it difficult to cope with the sudden change. Every day became filled with excruciating pain and everything became abnormal. She felt like her body was a prison, she was trapped and unable to do many of the things most would take for granted. “I felt a lot of pain in my joints; the wrists and fingers especially. I couldn't open bottles or open doors with my hands. I used to work out a lot, but I couldn't any more. Even running was very hard. I couldn't dance or do any activity that involved a lot movement,” she clarifies. “The disease is not curable, so the doctors kept putting me on medications to fight the symptoms, but they didn't work. Each time one failed, they would put me on a more powerful one,” Lisa says. With no hope of a medical solution, Lisa was weighed down with limitations, and this made her sad, “I felt very unhappy, like a part of my life had been taken away. I was very weak and ill, with no energy or life inside me; I had lost my strength. I was 27, but I felt like a 70-year-old woman.” Through this dark period in Lisa's life, a ray of hope shined when she heard about the Healing School. “A close friend of mine saw the Healing School of Pastor Chris on TV, and he encouraged me to attend. I came eagerly because I wanted God to heal my body and make it strong. I didn't want to keep depending on medications,” Lisa shares.

Lisa relates her experience when she met the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, at the Healing School: “I remember the day Pastor Chris ministered to me. As he blew on me, I fell back so fast. It felt like a ton of bricks was on top of me and I just couldn't fight it. The anointing was so powerful and I knew I was healed. Afterwards, I felt like I had received my life again, like I'd come back from the grave. With the Holy Spirit in me, nothing would ever be too hard. “Now, I can go hiking, camping or swimming. I am living my best life and I just go for all my dreams. I was unable to turn doorknobs or open pill bottles due to the severity of the swelling in my fingers, but I can do all that very easily now. I can do anything now, I have my strength back!” she happily testifies. Explaining the import of this testimony in her life, Lisa says, “this miracle means that nothing could ever hold me back again, my healing is strong and true.” She thanks Pastor Chris for being God's instrument for her healing saying, “you've changed a lot for me and I couldn't ask for anything else.” Lisa has become committed to spreading the good news of salvation, liberty and new life in Christ. Her remarkable testimony is now an inspiration for others to glorify the name of the Lord in the earth. Hallelujah! To participate in the ongoing Autumn Session in South Africa or the upcoming Summer Session in Canada, visit



I was diagnosed with HIV, asthma and lung infection in 2004. My body grew weaker and weaker by the day. As time passed, my immune system broke down and I consequently suffered uterine infection, meningitis and back problems. I couldn't breathe or sleep properly, and I also lost control of my bladder. Life was difficult and full of pain, until I came to the Healing School. When Pastor Chris ministered to me at the healing service, I fell under the power of the anointing and I got up running, totally healed of all sicknesses. Now, I am HIV negative and my life is full of the beauty and glory of God. - Edna Dlamini For many years, I had to use hearing aids because of bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Without the aids, I could only communicate by reading lips. I was tired of being unable to connect with the world around me, so I came to the Healing School. When Pastor Chris came out during the healing service, the anointing was very strong and my expectations were great. It was wonderful. He came and breathed on me and I went down in the Spirit. When I got up, I was so happy, and I knew that the anointing of God was on me and that I am healed. Now, I can hear, I don't have any problems hearing and I am praising God for the miracle that He has done in my life. - Gail Collins I suffered from degenerative osteoarthritis and shortsightedness for over 20 years. I was in a lot of pain and all the medication I received didn't work. Eventually, I needed a wheelchair to help me move around. At the Healing School, the power of God corrected every anomaly in my body when the man of God, Pastor Chris, laid hands on me. Now, I can squat and walk without any problems, and I do all the things that I couldn't do before. It is indeed glorious, my life has been totally turned around. - Sheila Perry Stewart


Accidents are the most frequent cause of death among children, particularly car accidents. One of the first rules for child safety in a car is the use of child car seats and seat belts. The following are guidelines for ensuring that seat belts and car seats are properly used to ensure optimum protection. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ



Children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers must be safely fastened in a car seat. Ensure that everyone is wearing their seat belts before starting the car. The child seat must be appropriately fitted for your child's age and size. Children, especially babies, should not sit in a car seat for more than 20 to 30 minutes a day because the muscles in their back are not fully developed. No matter the position (front or back seat), your child’s car seat must be fastened with the car's three-point seat belt, carefully following the manufacturers' instructions. Only place your child's car seat on the front seat if the car has no passenger-side airbag or if the airbag is switched off. Never place anything under your child in the car seat; otherwise the child won't be protected by the belt should an accident occur. If the belt is too large, it must be tightened to fit your child. If your child sits loosely in the car seat, roll a couple of towels and place them on either side of the child. You may also consider buying cushions specially designed for this purpose. Only the parent or another adult should fasten/undo the child's safety belt. To be sure that the child is securely fastened at all times, you should not teach your child how to work the car seat. If the child unfastens his or her seat belt, pull over to a safe place and stay there until the child is safely fastened again. If the child continuously undoes their seat belt, fit a new buckle to re-establish safety assurance.

ADDITIONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Ÿ Always use the child lock to prevent children from fiddling with the doors while you are driving. Ÿ Keep everyone calm in the car. Shouting may distract the driver and create unnecessary danger. Ÿ Keep large or heavy objects in the trunk of the car; do not place such in the back seat or on the parcel shelf as they may be thrown forward in a collision and injure the passengers. Ÿ A child must never be left unattended in a car because they may hurt themselves with the seat belt, airbag or automatic windows. Ÿ Do not allow children younger than 12 years to sit in a front seat with an active airbag. Even for older children, you should move the seat as far back as possible.


“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth” (Philippians 2:9-10). If you've been experiencing challenges or facing difficult situations in your life, and you're ready for a change, that change can take place right now! The Scripture above is your key to the miracle you need, for it lets you know that at the mention of the name of Jesus, every opposing force, hindrance or confrontation bows. The King James translation says, “…that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven…” but the Weymouth translation renders it this way: “…every knee should bow, of beings in heaven, of those on the earth, and of those in the underworld.” The name of Jesus has power over all things and all beings, whether they are in heaven, on earth or in hell. The name has power and authority over everything that exists. That's why Peter could say to a man who was impotent in his feet and had never walked from birth, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (Acts 3:4-6), and the man leaped and walked. The name of Jesus is higher than any sickness, disease or infirmity, irrespective of what name they are called. Be it HIV, cancer, pneumonia or tuberculosis; whatever the disease may be, it's subject to the name of Jesus. If you've been sick in your body, or have a loved one who's battling with an ailment, use the name of Jesus today and effect a change. Call that name, invoke its power over that sickness, and begin to see yourself or that loved one in perfect health. Live in that name, for it is higher, greater and more powerful than any other. CONFESSIONS The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of God in me; therefore, my health is perfect, I am sound and strong. I am getting stronger by the day because my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord! The Word is working mightily in me! The Spirit of Him that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me and He vitalizes my mortal body. Health, strength, victory and prosperity are mine now by the power in the name of Jesus. I refuse to acknowledge any sickness, hindrance or limitation in my life. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be defeated and I refuse to be sick! I refuse to let my body be subject to any form of sickness or disease. I am more than a conqueror; the divine life of God is in me. Amen! I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; I'm dead to this world but alive to God. My members are yielded to God as instruments of righteousness; therefore, sin or sickness has no dominion over my body. Hallelujah! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; I am superior to all forms of sickness and diseases. Divinity is at work in me; I do not get sick because I have the life and nature of God in me.


IF UNDELIVERED, PLEASE RETURN TO THE NEAREST ADDRESS: SOUTH AFRICA Christ Embassy Healing School 303 Pretoria Avenue Cnr. Harley and Bram Fischer, Randburg, Gauteng P. O. Box 323, Randburg 2125 Tel: +27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350, +27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853 NIGERIA Christ Embassy Healing School 21/23 Ize Iyamu Road, Ikeja, Lagos P. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 808 684 4104, +234 808 027 2995, +234 808 678 3344

UNITED KINGDOM Believers’ Loveworld Unit C2 Thamesview Business Centre Barlow Way, Rainham RM 13 8BT Tel: +44(0)1708556604.

USA Christ Embassy Texas 8623 Hemlock Hill Drive Houston, Texas 77083 Tel: +1 281 759 5111 +1 281 759 6218

CANADA Christ Embassy Healing School 600 Clayson Rd, North York, Toronto Division, Ontario M9M 2H2,Canada Tel: +1 416 747 7979 +1 855 328 7979

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