The Healing School Magazine - October 2019 Edition

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“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that ind them, and health to all their lesh” (Proverbs 4:20-22).


magine that a certain wonder-drug with the ability to cure any kind of sickness, disease, or pain has just been produced. It’s an all-round drug that can heal the body of anything. If you were barren, it would help you conceive; if you were anorexic or bulimic, it would cure the eating disorder. If you were bald, it would make your hair grow again; if you were sick with a terminal disease, it would heal it. It could do just anything. If such a drug were possible, it would be in very high demand all over the world. Even if they aren’t sick, many people would like to have it, just in case anything happened. Incidentally, the Word of God is that drug. Proverbs 4:22 says the Word is, “… life unto those that ind them, and health to all their lesh.” In Matthew 13, Jesus’ disciples asked Him why He taught the people in parables, and Jesus explained that only the disciples had been granted revelation knowledge of the mysteries and secret truths of the Kingdom of God, which the rest of the people had not been granted (verse 11). 02 | The Healing School Magazine

In other words, the disciples had an understanding imparted to them that the people didn’t have. Then in the ifteenth verse, the Lord said something remarkable, “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” The word ‘converted’ here doesn’t mean a change from sinner to saint. It means a transformation of the condition of a man’s life. So, Jesus was actually saying that if at any time the people have revelation knowledge imparted to their spirits, there’ll be a transformation. The results are automatic! The Word of God has been programmed that way; if you see it with your eyes, hear with your ears, and understand with your heart, there’ll be a transformation and God’s healing power will be manifested. The Word of God actually functions like a step-up converter. It transforms you from one

level of glory to another. The focus of Jesus’ teaching here is the importance of having revelation knowledge. If you’re born again and the Holy Spirit lives in you, revelation knowledge has been granted you. The Holy Spirit is the One who imparts the understanding of God’s Word to you. 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.” The Holy Spirit helps you hear, see and understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. If you accept and receive the revelation knowledge that He brings to you, there’ll be a conversion in your condition and a transformation in the circumstances of your life. When you understand this truth, you’ll understand that God doesn’t choose to heal one and not the other. He said, “When you see, hear and understand My Word, you’ll be healed! There’s no option, My healing power is in My Word!”

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


he Healing School is a unique place of possibilities. Thousands come from across the globe just to be in this incredible atmosphere of faith where the tangible presence of God is manifested and the Scriptures come alive as miracles unfold. For many, their stories begin with chronicles of discomfort and disease, of how their lives became meaningless because of the limitations placed on them by various ailments and inirmities. Handicapped and unable to help themselves, depression and feelings of frustration are prevalent. The turning point, always, is when light shines through the darkness with news about the Healing School. Faith and hope stir in their hearts when they hear of the man of God, Pastor Chris, and when this faith meets the power of God, the results are amazing miracles that prove the eicacy of God’s Word. The irst healing service of the 2019 Summer Session with Pastor Chris in Canada was a special day for transforming lives. Thousands from far and wide came to witness the compassionate love of Christ toward mankind. Indeed, it was an extraordinary time arranged by God for the miraculous. The service unfolded with moments of fervent intercession, rapturous worship, prayers of thanksgiving, and faith-illed airmations that ushered the attendees to greater dimensions of fellowship with the Spirit of God. Excitement and expectations were palpable in the atmosphere as the congregation listened to the riveting testimonies and awesome accounts of several people whose lives were transformed, restored and turned around

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when they made that journey of faith to the Healing School. These were demonstrations of faith and triumph over dire conditions and circumstances. For 52 long years, Fiona Macey’s life was one long struggle as she tried her best to cope with chronic kidney disease, a condition she had had from birth. Daily experiences of headaches, nausea, weight problems, eating problems, poor memory, and lack of concentration marred her life. Hoping for a change, Fiona attended the Healing School for that one Word from God that would shine the light and quell the darkness. Now, all Fiona talks about is the new chapter of her life that is full of glory and radiant light. She is free at last! Rony Korkis sufered from Erdheim-Chester disease, a rare blood disease that was accompanied by symptoms like fever, night sweats, fatigue, weakness, and weight loss. This was the condition in which Rony came to the Healing School, where he received his miracle after the man of God, Pastor Chris, ministered to him. Now, Rony is completely healed and testiies to his clean bill of health. Free from depression, 36-year-old Nadia Toco talked about how she sufered spiritual attacks and posttraumatic stress disorder before she came to the Healing School. These conditions led to abnormal behaviors, such as vicious mood swings, suicidal impulses, vivid hallucinations and much more. When she met Pastor Chris at the Healing School, a new phase began in her life, replete with testimonies of peace, prosperity, and increase. Joy and thanksgiving illed many hearts, and expectations heightened as they listened to testimonies that proved the immeasurable love of God. For those in the hall who awaited their time of visitation, they were conident that their stories, too, would end in praise and triumph. It was with these thoughts that all raised their hands towards the heavens in praise of the Father’s majesty. Reverent cries gave way to loud cheers and shouts of joy, heralding the arrival of the man of God, Pastor Chris, at the healing service. The man of God ministered to the sick, commanding inirmities to leave the bodies of those they had alicted. There were miracles everywhere as cancers checked out and blood conditions were healed, burdens lifted and debilitating ailments became history! Many expressed their profound delight with dancing and rejoicing, gleefully doing what they hitherto could not do. It was a new, glorious day for them! The Healing School Magazine | 05

For 4 years, Grace Michaels sufered fatigue, joint pain, stifness, swelling, and rashes. These were as a result of an autoimmune disease that caused her immune system to attack her body, rather than defend it. Grace tried to manage the condition but life was diicult as she had to depend on medications to enable her function normally. Attending the Healing School Summer Session was an act of faith, and she came with hope that this debilitating illness would come to an end. Strength came to Grace when the man of God ministered to her. Pastor Chris declared her healed, and she got up rejoicing, thanking the Lord for her body had been restored to normal.

62-year-old Henry Hiduaye was diagnosed with spinal cord compression and chronic back pain. Despite the treatments and physical therapy sessions, the pain and discomfort did not abate over time. As the years passed, the situation worsened, with the pain spreading to his legs and weakening his lower extremities. Unable to walk properly, Henry had to rely on a walking stick to minimize the pain as much as possible when he moved. When the man of God, Pastor Chris, prayed for Henry at the Healing School, there was relief and bliss as the pain disappeared. Henry lifted his hands in praise to God, walking without any inhibitions for the irst time in years. Glory to God!

Before this glorious day at the Healing School, Veca Koceva could barely remember what it was like to live without pain. At 84, she had lived with constant aches and pain all over her body for 45 years, more than half of her life. Without a speciic diagnosis, Veca tried various alternatives to alleviate the pain but to no avail. Her encounter with the power of God as Pastor Chris ministered was all she needed. The pain stopped completely and Veca was overwhelmed at God’s goodness, running freely with renewed vigor.

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Franziska Aghahowa, a 58-year-old lady from Switzerland, came to the Healing School in dire need of a change in her life. Having sufered from multiple sclerosis and high blood pressure for more than 25 years, she had gone through many phases as her health deteriorated. In the course of time, Franziska had resorted to a walker when her legs could no longer support independent movement, she had become blind in one eye, and she endured sleepless nights due to migraines and constant pain. A new life, free of pain and sickness, dawned for Franziska when she got one touch from the Master. Walking unaided, she was delighted at the awesome miracle that had brought the transformation she hitherto desired. Praise the Lord.

The celebrations continued as the man of God, Pastor Chris, led the congregation in victorious airmations of divine health. He exhorted those who had just received their healing to maintain focus on the Word and to proclaim their miracles always. Then he made a call for those who would receive salvation and accept Jesus into their hearts. He also expounded deep truths from the Word of God and blessed everyone present with increased grace and renewed strength. It was with great joy and conviction that many came forward to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus over their lives as the man of God made an altar call. Thereafter, Pastor Chris specially thanked partners of the

Healing School for the marvelous work that they do. He released special blessings on all present, divine utterances of favor and special promotions. Indeed, the irst healing service of the 2019 Healing School Summer Session was divinely orchestrated for signs and wonders, and the testimonies will continue to reverberate the Good News of God’s healing power. Glory to God! For more reports from the 2019 Summer Session with Pastor Chris in Canada, or for information on how to participate in the next Healing School session, please visit God bless you.

Many come forward to receive salvation

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y name is Leticia Negrón, from Milk and Honey Ministries in Chile. We started a church in Chile where many people came, and we saw the glory of God. After some time, the persecution started and we sufered so many attacks. Some of the attacks were even from within the church community because many didn’t think a woman should be allowed to preach. At some point, I doubted that God sent me there; my ministry was thoroughly stuck. I went through a lot and I lost everything. I saw myself as a disappointment to God and everyone else. I was trapped in the lies of the devil. Still, I had this ire inside of me, and when I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to heal me, He said to me, “I called you. Don’t be afraid, trust Me.” Then I received an invitation to attend the Healing School and I knew that the Lord was going to perform a miracle. I came with a knowing that this would be my time to come alive again as a minister of God. On the healing service day, the Lord woke me up by 5:00am in the morning and ministered to me saying, “I’m going to breathe life into your spirit through the man of God, Pastor Chris, and you’re going to come alive. You will fulil what I sent you to do in Chile.” What the Holy Spirit told me was my exact experience at the Healing School. I was so excited that day. 08 | The Healing School Magazine

As we entered the place, it was so full of the anointing, you could feel the Holy Spirit. It was like being in another world. The whole place was full of God. Every song, every moment of prayer was powerful; these encouraged us and made our faith grow. I saw people from diferent parts of the world. I saw many lags representing more nations than I had ever seen before. It was so amazing. Pastor Chris walked in and as he just touched the people, they got healed. There were hundreds of people rejoicing for their miracles. It all happened so fast. I felt like a little girl as I looked at everything in awe and wonder. My eyes saw God moving as He did in the book of Acts; the Bible came alive. For many years, I had prayed to God to let me see the miraculous. Not because I didn’t believe that He could do miracles, but because I wanted to have that experience. So, when I saw these things at the Healing School, there was a change in my life. It’s very important to have the Spirit of God change you; something breaks and the darkness is pushed away. The power of the Lord wells up inside you and you’re full of light after such an encounter. Miracles make you stronger and encourage you to put the power of God inside you to work. I’m so grateful to the man of God, Pastor Chris. When I came to the Healing School, I saw so much love around

me, and now I understand why. You have Jesus alive inside of you and all of us can see it. Thank you for giving your life as a sacriice to be such a powerful man of God. Thank you for following your calling and obeying the Lord’s instructions. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be here; you invited us and made sure that we all received from God. Thank you for sharing love and being a model to us all. Watching the man of God, Pastor Chris, and hearing the Word of God from him did something to me. My faith felt as new as when I irst gave my heart to Jesus. Now, I understand so many things that I didn’t understand before. Then the man of God ministered to me. I never expected to see so much love inside just one person. As he stood close to me, I could see the light coming out from him. He is so humble and he made me feel welcome and comfortable. The man of God blew on my face, and the breath of life came upon me and inside me. I could feel the impartation from my head to my toes, and I held that close. As I was going back home, I knew that what God has always wanted to happen in my nation through me would happen. My faith that I had been sent to do something speciic had been restored. When you’ve had your own supernatural experience with God, nothing can make you doubt ever again. You’ll walk in another level of authority. It will show when you talk and when you speak to people. So, I was ready and strengthened, conident that the power to manifest God in Chile is in me. I knew that I would return with great testimonies. Leticia Negrón is a minister of the Gospel. Following her extraordinary experience at the Healing School, she has impacted many through her ministry. She spreads the Good News with fervor and great zeal; through her eforts, the knowledge of Christ has increased among many in her nation, Chile. Leticia also invites other men and women of God to be a part of the wonders at the Healing School, saying, “You don’t want to miss this experience. There’s a river lowing here for you to come and drink from the Spirit. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, that the Holy Spirit will touch your heart and your mind right now, giving you revelation and understanding. Come open and ready to receive, and you’ll not leave the same. I am testifying now that I am not the same person who came to the Healing School, and that will be your testimony, too.” For information on how to participate in Healing School sessions, kindly visit, or send a mail to God bless you.

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andwashing is an easy way to prevent infection. It limits the transfer of bacteria, viruses and other microbes. As you touch people, surfaces, and objects throughout the day, you accumulate germs on your hands. In turn, infection can occur when one touches the eyes, nose or mouth after contact with these germs. Tuesday, the 15th of October, is Global Handwashing Day, and here are some things to share with your friends to universally promote this culture of personal hygiene. Wash your hands often. Wash your hands after using the restroom. Always wash when you irst step into the house, whether after a long day at the oice or from shopping. Wash your hands often when caring for someone who is sick, or when tending to babies. Wash your hands before preparing food, and also at regular intervals throughout the day. Use sanitizers (containing at least 60% alcohol) only as an alternative when soap and water aren’t available. 10 | The Healing School Magazine

Wash your hands long enough. Most people spend an average of 6 seconds washing their hands, but this is inadequate to efectively kill germs. Apply soap and water to your hands and rub continuously (remember to scrub under your nails and between ingers) for 20 seconds, then rinse of with water. You can hum the ‘Happy Birthday’ song twice to help you reach the recommended time. Dry your hands properly. Germs breed easily in moist environments, so leaving the sink with wet or damp hands will make it easier to pick up more microbes from surfaces you touch. Paper towels are highly recommended as more efective for drying your hands but, if left with a blow drier, ensure you spend enough time until your hands are totally dry. To help keep your hands clean, use a paper towel or handkerchief to open the door when exiting the bathroom or kitchen. Use cold water when washing your hands. It’s true that heat kills

germs but in water, that’s usually at boiling temperatures. Avoid using hot water too often to stop your skin from drying out. Cold or tepid water will work efectively for keeping your hands clean when used with soap and the right handwashing techniques. Choose your soap carefully and take care of it. There’s little evidence to support guaranteed results for cleaner hands from using antibacterial soap, rather than the simple bar of soap that’s easier to ind. In fact, some studies show that active ingredients in some antibacterial products may afect hormonal functions and the body’s immunity after long-term use, so you might want to stick to regular soap. Bearing in mind that bacteria thrive in moist areas, endeavor to store your soap in a dry place, and rinse the soap in water before lathering. If you use liquid soap and a reillable dispenser, thoroughly rinse out and wash the bottle before each reill. Use sealed liquid soap reills for public restroom dispensers.

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:24).



The life and nature of God are at work in me, in every iber of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I’m an overcomer, victorious and triumphant over sickness and disease. I’m superior to the devil and the negative systems of this world.

t’s the Father’s delight to answer your prayers; it’s His good pleasure to give you the wonderful treasures of His Kingdom (Luke 12:32). Therefore, never doubt His willingness to answer you speedily when you pray. The Bible lets us know that He has ordained you to receive answers to prayers (John 15:16). Jesus said that when you pray, believe that you receive, and you shall have! It’s that simple – pray, believe, and receive.

I declare that I am a victor in this life. I refuse to be dominated by the forces of darkness or the forces of this world. Rather, I dominate my environment and I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, over death!

The word ‘receive’ in the Greek is ‘lambano’ and it’s an active word. It means to take hold of something; to seize it and make it yours. So when you pray with your spirit, take hold of that which you’ve asked for! Seize it and make it yours!

The Word of God is working in me; it’s working in my body, in my mind, and in my spirit. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about me is full of life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body. I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success, and victory.

“And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you” (John 16:23). Thanks be unto God! This is that set time! We’ve come into that day that Jesus was referring to. There’s no need to look for someone to pray to God for you; there’s no need to cry and keep reminding God of your troubles: just ask, believe, and receive!

I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me; therefore, all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity, and long life are assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit! Everything that is supposed to be in me is there, and nothing needs to be added or taken out!

I live in absolute victory over sickness, disease, and poverty today and always! No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper because I live in the Name of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness, and death, and catapulted into God’s realm of life where I reign victoriously with Christ every day. God’s Word is producing the results of what it talks about in my body. The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power is changing the circumstances of my life and causing my health to spring forth. Hallelujah! The Healing School Magazine | 11

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