The Healing School Magazine - September 2019

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Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). “Ye are of God…” This is John’s testimony to Christians, that their origin is in God. In other words, the Christian is born of God and, therefore, has the same life and nature with God. It is important to note that the verse doesn’t say you shall overcome them; it says you have overcome them. This is not a promise; it is a statement of fact. You are not trying to overcome; you have overcome already! Also, observe that it doesn’t say you have overcome them because you are strong or very spiritual. No! You have overcome them because the One in you is greater than the one in the world! Colossians 1:13 says, “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:” The natural man is under the dominion of the devil, and therefore requires deliverance. But the new creation man who has been brought out of dominion of the devil into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son doesn’t need to be delivered again. When a man is born again, the life of the irst Adam, which is subject to sin and death, is supplanted by the life and nature of Christ. This new man is reborn with a brand new life. He is a completely new species of being that never existed before. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Bible says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new…” In reality, the new creature has his origin in God. His life comes from God, and this life can never be defeated, destroyed or brought down. 02 | The Healing School Magazine

Back in the Old Testament, God told the children of Israel that “…the life of the lesh is in the blood…” (Leviticus 17:11). Their lives were dependent on the blood running through their veins. However, the moment you’re born again, your life no longer comes from blood but from God and His Spirit dwelling in you. Romans 8:11 declares, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” It is important to note that these truths are not promises, but statements of fact, unveiling your true description. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge…” Many are oppressed and alicted by the devil because they lack the knowledge of God’s Word. This is the reason you must take your study of God’s Word seriously. It will show you who you really are and what belongs to you in Christ. The truth is, the more of God’s Word you receive into your spirit, the greater insight you’ll have into the life of God that’s in you and the more you’ll function in it. That life will become so real to you that it’ll be impossible for sickness to dominate you. Therefore, live every day in the reality of who you are. You’re no longer what you used to be. The life of God within you is greater than any inirmity. In other words, by virtue of your new birth, you’re no longer subject to diseases and infections. You now have the overcoming life – that life that cannot be brought down by sickness – within you. It is superior to the devil, demons, and all manner of diseases!

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


he Healing School Ministers’ Visitation Program is a platform for inspiring Christian leaders from all around the world with the message of the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Over the years, thousands of ministers have witnessed the miraculous at the Healing School and have had their faith raised to new dimensions. Deeply imparted by the Word and the special time of fellowship, their lives and ministries are never the same again. They leave the Healing School with a keen desire and burning passion in their hearts to make an impact in their cities and nations with the Gospel. Pastor Sandra Osorio of Koinonia Ministries in California, USA, has an outstanding testimony of how her encounter with the man of God, Pastor Chris, changed her life at the Healing School. Having been diagnosed with uterine cancer, hypertension, insomnia, glaucoma, goiter, skin problems, liver problems, lower back pain, and breast cyst in 2009, her quality of life plummeted. Health problems were a major setback for one whose ministry required frequent travels, and her condition seemed to overshadow everything else in her life. “Always, I kept thinking, ‘Will this sickness ever come to an end?’” she says.

Following the various diagnoses, Pastor Sandra kept every doctor’s appointment and complied with every treatment and medication as prescribed, but the symptoms intensiied with time and the pain was excruciating. “These conditions afected me in all areas of my life,” says Pastor Sandra. “As a minister of the Gospel, I could not preach like before because I couldn’t stand for long. Financially, I was afected because I paid substantial amounts for medications and hospital bills. I couldn’t fulill my role as a wife and a mother. I was feeble, always sickly and in need of help.” Direly in need of a turnaround in her life and trusting the 04 | The Healing School Magazine

Lord for a miracle, Pastor Sandra was delighted when, in 2012, the opportunity came to attend the Ministers’ Visitation Program with Pastor Chris in South Africa. She was greatly expectant for a lasting solution as she made her way to the Healing School. She recollects, “I prayed to the Lord and I was divinely directed to come to the Healing School.” At the Healing School, Pastor Sandra’s life truly changed in great, irreversible ways. She witnessed diverse healings and miracles that stirred her faith to receive a miracle, not only for her body but also her ministry. She talks about her time at the Healing School: “During my visit to the Healing School, I received divine revelation on how to grow my ministry and impact others, but my deteriorating health bothered me. Still, I had great expectations that my life would completely change. “Then came the day Pastor Chris prayed for me. As soon as I saw him, I said to myself, “This is my time. I know this is my day!” When the man of God said, “Out!” I fell to the loor and I felt something strong coming into my body. When I stood up, I ran like I never did in my life. That was the end of cancer and every form of sickness in my life.”

others. God uses me in a mighty way now. Everywhere I go, I pray for the sick and they get healed. My zeal for the ministry and the spread of the Gospel has greatly increased. I have taken the healing ministry of Pastor Chris to the nations of the world, especially across South America. I am impacting the rich and poor, leaders of nations and corporations, church pastors and youth leaders with the message of Pastor Chris,” she declares. In the years since her irst visit to the Healing School, Pastor Sandra and her husband have made much impact for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in many nations, particularly in South America. Some major feats include organized mission trips to Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, and other countries. During these trips, Pastor Sandra holds outreach programs and ministers’ forums where shares her testimony, enlightens many on the truth of God’s Word, and introduces the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. She also ministers specially to the sick, and many miracles have been recorded in these meetings. She has also co-hosted several Pastors and Leaders’ Conferences with her husband, with delegates attending from more than thirty countries.

Following special ministrations and impartations from the Spirit of God, the Pastor Sandra who left the Healing School wasn’t the same one who had come. She is healthy, whole and full of life. Sharing her experience, she says, “After I left the Healing School, I experienced so many wonderful changes in my life – spirit, soul, body, and ministry. God healed me in every way.”

Pastor Sandra Osorio continues to make waves in the nations of the world with her enthralling testimony and is changing many lives through the ministry of God’s Word. Expressing her heartfelt gratitude to the man of God, Pastor Chris, for the privilege of her life-transforming encounter at the Healing School, Pastor Sandra says, “Thank you, Pastor Chris, for being the kind of man you are. My ministry has been totally changed. I am not the same again. I have been transformed. Glory to God!”

Today, Pastor Sandra is an ardent partner with the vision and ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. Her commitment to taking healing to the nations and demonstrating the Spirit of God is unparalleled. “Attending the Healing School also impacted my faith, and it increases daily. Not only did I receive my miracle, but I also received the power to heal

For information on how to participate in Healing School sessions and programs, kindly visit, or send a mail to God bless you. The Healing School Magazine | 05

“I received my healing by participating in the Healing School Online Prayer Conference! In the year 2014, I sufered a mild stroke, which caused clots in my heart. A doctor prescribed some medications to clear the clots but there was no improvement. I sufered unbearable pain, such that my body would go numb and it was a struggle to breathe. When I got the link for the Prayer Conference, I logged in, not knowing I was going to receive my healing. While we prayed, I realized that the pain was gone. I stood up and paced the loor, no pain! From that day, I sleep well, the pain is gone and my breathing is normal.”

“I am a pastor, and my brethren and I watched the Online Prayer Conference together. One of my members, who had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had been conined to bed for over two months, was brought to church on a bed. After the prayers and a ministration by the praise team, she suddenly jumped up from the bed and started running around the church; jumping, rolling, and shouting that all her being would praise God. She is healed and whole! Thank you, Lord, for the Prayer Conference.”

I am so grateful to God for His healing power at work in me. My case was mentioned at the Online Prayer Conference; both my parents died as a result of diabetes, and I was sufering from the disease, too. When Evangelist Eddy mentioned my case, I went under the inluence of the anointing. There and then, I celebrated my healing with the lifting of my hands. I want to say a big thank you to our man of God for this Online Prayer Conference that was organized just for me.

O. David from Cameroon

D. John from USA

Hlobsile Sibandze from Swaziland

Glory to God! My brother in-law had partial stroke and was unable to help himself or do anything for some months. Thanks to Pastor Chris and the Healing School, he is moving around now and he even looks diferent. He was fully healed right after the Prayer Conference. Praise be to God!

I would like to thank the Lord our God for keeping me alive. He has been the pillar and strength to me and my family. I was going through a hard time in life, I had aches all over my body, and even in my bones. I also had sleepless nights. But I thank God for bringing me a sister in Christ who introduced me to the Healing School Online Prayer Conference. I was healed of all pain while we prayed, and I am freer than I’ve ever felt. Praise God!

On the irst of July, I woke up with a sore pimple on my right breast. It was very painful and had been bothering me but I avoided going to the doctors because I knew the result would be too negative for me to handle. As I interceded for others during the Prayer Conference, I discovered that the pain had stopped and the lump had disappeared. Glory to God! Thank you, Pastor Chris.

C. Hayford from Canada

E. Vakalala from Fiji

S. Ngomane from Bahrain


hese are only a few of the remarkable testimonies that have come in following the epochal Healing School Online Prayer Conference that held on the twentieth of July 2019, and more begin to low in on daily basis. The Conference was a unique experience for the millions of people who participated from over two hundred countries and territories.

It was an inimitable atmosphere of faith, power and miracles as saints all over the world convened for a special time of prayers and intercession. As beautifully encapsulated by Pastor Deola Phillips – the CEO of Loveworld Incorporated and 06 | The Healing School Magazine

Director of the Healing School – in her opening address, it was, “A special program with a vision and focus of making power available for the Healing School Summer Session – a season to usher in seasons of mercy and grace into the lives of many.” She further remarked that, “God is so gracious, He is a healing, loving and kind God. Through the Healing School, we have the opportunity to be co-workers with God in extending that healing, love and grace to many.” She went on to reveal what the participants should expect in the course of the Conference, saying, “We will bring you inspiring thoughts that will guide your mind as we pray; guide your mind to pray efectively, the way you ought to pray and the things you ought to pray about.” Several thought-provoking discussions engaged the attendees as salient topics were brought to the fore. Talking about the relevance of the healing ministry in the world today, Evangelist (Dr) Eddy Owase said, “Some think miracles are outdated, but that is ignorance. Sickness is not new; it is still as debilitating now as it was then (in Bible days). Despite advancements of medicine and technology, there are still diseases that are incurable. But there was no sickness Jesus couldn’t heal, and He is still healing the sick today, just as in Bible days. More than ever, miracles are relevant. That’s why we’re here today; because it is unnecessary for anyone to die of sickness when the power of God is present to heal.” Building on that, Pastor Emeka Eze buttressed the importance of praying for the sick and the impact of the Healing School’s Prayer Conferences. He said, “Many sicknesses are caused by devils, so healing is the removal of oppression by devils. It takes power to remove a devil, and you have the ability to take care of devils. You have that power, so it is important for us to stand in the gap and pray for the sick to receive healing. Prayer transcends distance; we can transmit the power of God to people wherever they are, and they will receive the healing.” Also live at the program to express their appreciation to God, and to the partners of the Healing School, were several testiiers whose extraordinary stories of grace and transformation started with the opportunities that they had to attend the Healing School. “The condition that brought me to the Healing School in 2016 was prostate cancer. From the teaching that I received and my encounter with Pastor Chris, I felt God relieve me of all I was going through, both spiritually and emotionally. I share my testimony every chance I get, and I’m thankful for this opportunity as well. I share my experience, and when I lay hands on the sick, they get healed,” John Foord testiied. Free from ibromyalgia, Rejoice Phaladi attested thus, “At irst, I didn’t know what was going on. When I saw any

new symptoms, I’d think the worst, and I had panic attacks because I thought I was going to die. I went to China where I was diagnosed but I was disheartened when I found that there was no cure. Then I came to the Healing School and I was made to realize that the devil had no power over me. I exercised my faith and now I have the victory!” Inspired by the faith-illed words and testimonies that featured throughout the program, the online participants joined the ministers on set to pray and intercede for those who needed divine healing in their bodies, especially those who had sent in their prayer requests, as well as others who would attend the Healing School Summer Session in Canada. The result was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit that swept away pain and rolled away the cares of many; it was present in many homes, oices, churches and viewing centers across the cities and nations of the world. Truly, it was a manifestation of the supernatural that changed the course of many lives with signs and wonders, miracles and testimonies following. To send in your testimonies from the Prayer Conference, send an email to You can also join the Healing School Prayer Network at The Healing School Magazine | 07


irstly, I’d like to say thank you to my man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, for the opportunity to partner with the Healing School. There is so much grace and anointing when you partner with the Healing School. I was married for almost four years without a child. We did all the medical tests and procedures as recommended but nothing came of it. Then, I was challenged in my spirit to go to the altar in church every day to pray. Prior to that time, we had launched the Healing School Autumn Session in my church, for which my husband and I had made a pledge. However, I received an instruction from the Holy Spirit as I prayed to sow another special seed for the Healing School. At the time, I wasn’t working, and I had no income outside my husband. But the instruction was clear that I couldn’t get this seed from anyone; it would have to be something precious to me. The one thing I had that was most precious to me at that time was my mobile phone; giving it was truly a sacriice for me. As soon as I dropped the phone on the altar, I fell under the anointing and I felt something leave me. That was the turning point in my childless condition. I knew in that moment that the Lord had answered my prayers. Even without physical evidence, I knew that I had received

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Charis. I continued confessing the Word in victory. These all happened in May 2017. In the month of June 2017, I received conirmation that I was pregnant. When I gave birth to baby Charis, it was an awesome experience, but then complications arose a few hours later. Charis had shortness of breath, and then she had a seizure. At irst, they wouldn’t tell me what was happening so that I wouldn’t worry, but with my husband’s consent, she was transferred to a teaching hospital. Though they were at capacity, my daughter was admitted by some miracle. As soon as they received her, she was hooked to an oxygen tank and treatment commenced immediately. I insisted on going to see her the next day; when I reached her, I laid hands on her and kept declaring the Word of God over her life. I kept on confessing that my Healing School seed was enough of a strong reason to preserve her life. I declared that she was well, whole and perfect. From that moment, she began to recover. The doctors did several tests and scans to ascertain that she was okay, and they insisted that Charis stay in the hospital, under observation for three more days. When she was discharged, they gave us instructions on

what to look out for, and recommended other tests that should be done, because they were still concerned. I reairmed to them that my daughter was well. I wouldn’t give up on my faith or on the Word of God. While talking to my pastor, I pointed out that Charis was a result of my faith, my prayers, and my sacriice. I could not lose her to the devil. He assured me that everything would be ine, that the blessings of the Lord make rich and add no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). I held on to that word and kept praying with my husband. Her name is Charis (grace), and that grace was at work in her, following her everywhere. Grace has been our testimony ever since. After that time, Charis has lourished in and enjoyed divine health. She is over a year old now, and I’ve had no cause to take her to the hospital. She hasn’t required further medical attention to this day; no sign or symptom of illness, heart-related or otherwise. Not even a fever. And I know that this is as a result of my partnership with the Healing School. Every time I think of what the Lord has done for me with the miracle that is Charis, I fall to my knees and give thanks to God. Really, the Lord has done marvelous things for me. The Word of God works. Partnership works. My advice to you is to learn to trust in God, and to take Him at His Word. Be a partner today; partnering with the Healing School is such a grace. Much grace has been added to me now to give even more. Praise the Lord! Stella Akpan

No matter where you are, you can be a life changer through your partnership commitment to the Healing School Your partnership with the Healing School provides a unique opportunity to be God’s outstretched arm to a sick and ailing world. You establish the Gospel of Christ and the Kingdom of God in the lives and hearts of thousands of people who are in dire need of a new start. Healing School partnership is also an insurance for you and your loved ones, because God makes what you do for others happen for you. Be God’s answer to the cries of many. Take healing to the nations today. Begin with a visit to The Healing School Magazine | 09


alt is good (Mark 9:50), and it plays a crucial role in maintaining the body’s health. In food, salt provides nutrients like sodium chloride and iodine, as well as trace amounts of magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, etc. It also serves the functions of preservative, and texture and lavor enhancement. Beneits of salt in the body include: • Oral rehydration. Salt is crucial to sustaining ideal hydration levels in the body. It also contributes to the maintenance of pH levels and electrolyte balance for proper organ functions; electrolytes here mainly refer to magnesium, potassium, calcium, and sodium. An oral rehydration solution (made of salt, sugar and water) is recommended to compensate for loss of luids. • Iodine supply. The body needs thyroid hormones for proper development of the brain and bone structure, and in turn needs iodine to create the hormone, especially during pregnancy and in young children. The easiest and most common source of iodine is Iodized salt. • Blood pressure control. The amount and frequency of salt intake directly inluences blood pressure levels. This can go both ways (high or low), so be sure to moderate salt consumption in order to keep blood pressure at optimum levels. • Oral and dental health. From reducing swelling and soothing sore throats and gums, to removing plaque, whitening teeth and reducing risk of bacterial infection in the mouth, a little salt and some warm water will make a huge diference. • Other beneits. Taking liquids with salt in them will relieve muscle cramps, while soaking your feet in warm, salty water will relieve pain and aid exfoliation. Salt adds that savory taste to nearly everything, which makes it easy to overdo. The following symptoms are indications that you may be consuming too much salt: • Dehydration. Thirst is a natural response to too much salt because the body requires water to restore balance in the cells. • Bloating. Excess sodium in the body can cause the 10 | The Healing School Magazine

tissues to retain more luids, causing them to swell. • Increased blood pressure. A resultant efect of holding in more luids would be that the heart has to pump faster, thus a higher blood pressure than normal. • Other health problems. There are many health conditions that can be averted by watching one’s salt intake. Some of these are diabetes, hyponatremia (sodium deiciency), cystic ibrosis, etc. With the knowledge that too much or too little salt can have adverse efects, these are some habits you can inculcate to help you moderate how much salt you consume. • Eat in. Most snacks and fast-food contain inordinate amounts of salt. This is regardless of what’s on the nutrition table because most people eat at least two or three times the suggested serving size. The best way to control how much salt you’re consuming is to prepare your own meals. • No table salt. Avoid the practice of keeping a salt shaker on the table as it is so easy to overdo. Control the urge to add more salt and only do so when it is absolutely necessary. • Watch the labels. Foods with labels like ‘no added salt’ and ‘sodium free’ are your best bet. You may also opt for labels that say ‘lightly salted’ or ‘light sodium’ to get ifty percent less than in regular products. • Keep it fresh. Opt for fresh meats (and ish), fruits and vegetables, rather than the cured or dried versions that use salt as a major preservative. • Rinse out the brine. When you buy canned foods such as tuna, beans, vegetables, and others, that have been preserved in salt water (brine), rinse once or twice before serving or cooking. • Consider alternatives. Adding spices to your meal usually helps to reduce how much salt you use. Options include pepper, nutmeg, coriander, rosemary, thyme, garlic or onion powder, bay leaf, oregano, etc. • Reduce portions. Eating less food equals eating less salt.

“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23).


roverbs 6:2 says, “Thou art snared CONFESSIONS with the words of thy mouth, thou art I’m triumphant by the Word, today, always, and forever. I’ll never be taken with the words of thy mouth.” discouraged or subject to the crippling principles of this world, because I live in and by the Word. I reign victoriously over circumstances by my faith-illed This Scripture underscores the precarious confessions. Amen. situation many have found themselves in today. They’ve been taken captive by their The Word of God has creative power to transform my life; it brings health and negative confessions; bound by their words. life to my body. It transforms the circumstances of my life. I have put away all However, if you’ve been taught right, you’ll ilthy communication from my mouth. All that proceeds from my mouth ediies; it think right, and the result of this is, you’ll talk ministers grace to the hearer and brings glory to God. right. When you talk and act right, your life will turn out right. I am blessed; that means I am empowered to prosper. The seed of blessing has been passed on me; the blessings of Abraham are for me and my family. I Our confessions rule us. When it comes have the ability to enjoy my spiritual blessings because God’s divine nature is to words, there’s no such thing as “I didn’t manifested in me. quite mean what I said.” Jesus said you shall have what you say; so don’t say it, if you The Word of God is the source of my life, and it is living and active in me don’t mean it. Consciously speak the Word today. I experience the transforming power of the Word in my health, inances, always – over your life, inances, business, family, and everything that concerns me. I live in absolute victory over sickness, health, etc. Proverbs 18:20 says, “A man’s disease, and poverty. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper because belly shall be satisied with the fruit of his I live in Christ. mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be illed.” Here, this scripture isn’t My God has made me lourish like a palm tree; I am like a tree planted by the talking about the size of your lips, but the rivers and my leaves are evergreen. I cannot be sick, because where I live is words of wisdom pouring out of your mouth. glorious; I am an inhabitant of Zion and divine health is my present-hour reality.

Also, Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” This means you can speak life and reap a harvest of good things. Whatever you believe and voice out with your mouth is what’s going to happen in your life. This is a law of the Spirit, and it works, whether or not you believe it.

Above all things, I prosper in health, even as my soul prospers. My health is dependent on God’s Word. I refuse to be sick and I cannot be sick. Sickness cannot stay in my body because my body is the temple of the living God. Thank You Lord, for the opportunity to demonstrate my faith and live by the principles of our glorious Kingdom. I live a life of faith, and as I act on the Word, my faith is built strong, exercised and energized for continuous success, victories and triumphs. My faith is alive and working, and producing the desired results. The Healing School Magazine | 11

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