The Healing School Magazine - December 2019

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Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an ofering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29)..


lifestyle of gratitude activates the blessings and graces of God in your life. So, as the year draws to a fruitful .end, it’s important that we take some time to thank God for His awesome blessings in our lives. If you look into your life and the receding year in retrospect, you’d ind that the Lord has been so gracious and kind; His love, mercy and grace have seen us through a very remarkable year. Make every day a special day of rejoicing and express gratitude to the Lord for His blessings throughout the year. In celebrating all that He’s done for you, there’re four important things to do in your gratitude and appreciation. First is your prayer of thanksgiving. Pray a prayer of thanksgiving from your heart to the Lord, appreciating Him for a most successful year. As you pray, express yourself in thanksgiving; let it low freely from your heart. When you pray in thanksgiving, what follows is the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Secondly, worship and praise Him freely and ecstatically from your spirit. Ofer the Lord the worship and praise of thanksgiving, where you’re full, exuberant and overjoyed with praise from your spirit. When you praise the Lord from your heart in the beauty of holiness, His glory will be manifested in your behalf. Thirdly, celebrate Him with your testimony of thanksgiving. Testify of what He’s done in your life; eulogize Him for the joy of the Spirit that’s in your heart. Count your blessings and testify of His goodness in your personal life. Be conscious of, and thankful for, all He’s done for you, in you, and with you, daily airming that they happened by His grace, mercy, faithfulness, and love that endure forever. Thank Him for the foundation of your spirit; the foundation of faith that He gave you. Celebrate the hope, and other blessings in your spirit. 02 | The Healing School Magazine

Lastly, celebrate Him with an ofering. This is the part that many are yet to understand: the power of the ofering. We worship God with our oferings because He’s God. Your ofering to God is a testimony of your faith in Him. When you give God your ofering, it’s not a collection; it’s a hallowed oblation with which you testify that He’s God in your life. With your ofering, you’re testifying and giving glory to Him. Give the Lord a special thanksgiving ofering, and project yourself into the greater future He’s planned for you. Apart from your ofering being a celebration of the prosperity of God in your life, it’s also your airmation or testimony of His greatness, and your recognition of His power and sovereignty. The patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and Solomon – all gave oferings upon the altar in worship to God. For example, Solomon ofered a thousand burnt oferings where God would have accepted much less (1 Kings 3:4), but it relected His recognition and testimony of the greatness of God. Choose certain times or hours throughout this month to have celebration sessions, alone or with your family. Make it an entire season of celebration because you’re grateful for all that Christ is to you; you acknowledge and appreciate His grace at work in you. Don’t spend time thinking about some unattained goals or ‘disappointments’ you may have experienced in the year. Rather, celebrate Jesus, trusting that He’s already perfected all that concerns you. Rejoice! Shout and dance. Glorify the Name of Jesus. Celebrate His life that’s in you. Celebrate His Word that’s working mightily in you. Celebrate the prosperity, health, peace, joy, victories and life of glory that God has given you. Hallelujah!

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead, and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. By faith, I receive remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


he second healing service of the 2019 Summer Session with Pastor Chris in Canada was an extraordinary day for the miraculous. Eager and enthusiastic, many from all around the world gathered for a time of superlative expressions of the supernatural as they awaited the power of God, that one touch and one word that would bring forth healing. Also present at the service were partners and ministers of the Gospel who came to witness the ministry of the Spirit through the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. A perfect culmination to a most glorious session, the service commenced with fervent prayers, worship, and thanksgiving to the Almighty God for wondrous miracles and His demonstrations of love. With voices lifted high, all expressed their deep appreciation to the Lord for His goodness and endless wonders. It was a most auspicious healing service, with one inspiring moment after another. Attendees had the inimitable opportunity to hear amazing testimonies from some who were healed at previous sessions of the Healing School. These were testimonies of faith and triumph over dire conditions and circumstances. Life was bleak for Pheon Andrews after she developed a leg ulcer, which led to several restrictions as she could barely walk. Pheon came to the Healing School with faith in her heart for a miracle, and her divine encounter transformed her situation, and indeed her life, most remarkably. Now free of pain, Pheon testiied that her life is back to normal and every day is full of bliss, to the glory of God. With many more of such astonishing testimonies, the expectations of those waiting in line for a miracle heightened. They were conident that God would surely turn their trials into testimonies. The long-awaited moment inally came when the man of God, Pastor Chris, entered the auditorium. Clothed in the Spirit, the man of God ministered to the sick, commanding inirmities to leave the bodies of those they had alicted. 04 | The Healing School Magazine

There was much elation as diverse miracles began to happen all over the place. The lame walked, blind eyes opened, deaf ears were unstopped, and all manner of sicknesses and diseases came to nothing. All rejoiced and praised the Lord in reverence and wonder of His mighty power demonstrated in those who had just been healed. For so many people, this day would always be signiicant; this was the day their dire circumstances, hopeless situations and hardships ceased to exist. 46-year-old Anita Jefrey sufered eye problems, hypertension and hypothyroidism. Coupled with frequent demonic attacks, these conditions left her the worse for wear physically and mentally. Searching for freedom, she made her way to the Healing School, where she found the solution to her dilemma when the man of God ministered to her. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems, high blood pressure and several other ailments plagued Donald Benjamin for over 7 years. Despite medications and treatments, the conditions persisted, causing Donald great pain and sorrow. Help came with news about the Healing School. When Pastor Chris laid hands on him, Donald received his healing and started to do all the things he couldn’t do before. For 18 years, Felicia Oiboh’s life was one long struggle, as she tried her best to cope with arthritis, asthma, sciatica,

hypertension and eye problems. Daily experiences of pain and discomfort marred her quality of life. Hoping for a change, she attended the Healing School for that one word from God that would change her life forever. Felicia is completely healed and is free of pain and inirmity. Glory to God! After the ministrations, Pastor Chris specially acknowledged visiting ministers and appreciated the partners of the Healing School for their commitment to transforming lives all over the world. It was with great joy and conviction that many came forward to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus in their lives when the man of God made an altar call. Pastor Chris blessed everyone present with increased grace and renewed strength, and all marveled as this tremendous season of healing wonders came to a close amidst singing and dancing. What a most remarkable capstone to the 2019 Healing School Summer Session. Registration for the 2020 Healing School Autumn Session in South Africa has commenced! Scheduled to run through March and April, it will be an episode of the miraculous like never before. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of it. Be a dispenser of healing, hope and restoration: Invite the sick | Pray | Give Visit for more information.

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have been a minister of the Gospel for many years, but when I met the man of God, Pastor Chris, I was promoted to another level in my walk with God. It all started when, on the Internet, I saw some video clips of Pastor Chris ministering to the sick at the Healing School. It was all very inspiring, so when my wife and I got an invitation to visit the Healing School, I was very excited. Despite having seen the miracles on video before, I was still shocked when I saw so many miracles happening live. It wasn’t just one or two miracles, there were lots of miracles happening at the same it. It was a blessing to watch Pastor Chris as God used him to heal people and get them up out of their wheelchairs. It was an experience that I will always cherish. Through Pastor Chris’ teaching, the Word that I received was so deep. The man of God taught us about Christ in us and the importance of fellowship with the Holy Spirit – not just for ministry, but for our personal lives as well. He told us about his personal walk with the Lord and how his faith has grown. During this encounter, I saw and understood that Pastor Chris doesn’t just teach the Word of God, he lives it. This was important for me because I wanted to serve God better and be more efective in my ministry. Then at the end of the meeting, Pastor Chris greeted me and prophesied to me. Communicating the words of the Spirit, Pastor Chris said, “The reality and manifestations of God’s love and grace in your life will be more evident than ever before. The grace has increased in you. Even the power of your communication, the power of your ministry has been increased by the Lord.”

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When I received this prophecy of more grace, I became humbler, and I was grateful that the Lord had chosen me for a greater level of impact. As we planned to return to Hungary, I knew that I had become more efective, and that I was going to do more than ever before. I knew that Hungary would never be the same again. My time at the Healing School yielded a new revelation for me, and I began to function with the anointing for healing at a higher level. From that irst visit, we have seen the Lord do mighty miracles and healings in our midst. During the irst Sunday service after I went back to Hungary, I invited people who were sick to come out. I prayed for them and blew on them. I prayed for four people and they all got healed that day. One lady couldn’t walk or do anything for herself, and she was using a special walking aid and braces because she also had broken bones in her neck. I noticed her while I was preaching, and then she came forward when I made that call. I prayed for her and she was completely healed. She started laughing and smiling. This was a big miracle in our church. We also organized a church conference, where I taught and imparted my brethren with all that I received at the Healing School. Over 500 people were in attendance and the power of God was mightily present. It was a glorious time of fellowship with the Word, and Holy Ghost impartation. I introduced books and other materials from Pastor Chris to the church and we adopted them for use in our services and leadership training programs. My church leaders and brethren are daily growing in the accurate knowledge of the Word and our ministry’s inluence is spreading faster than ever before.

The nation of Hungary and Europe need to experience the healing power of God through the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. As I watched Pastor Chris pray for the sick at the Healing School, I realized that, if you want to reach people with this Gospel of Christ, you have to preach with words and with works. So, another thing I did upon our return to Hungary was to share my experience and the results that we saw in our church afterwards with other ministers of the faith. We’ve had ministers’ conferences and forums, where men and women of God from every part of Hungary and other countries come for moments of fellowship and prayer. My message to them is the same one I received from Pastor Chris at the Healing School: God’s Word is the Way, the Truth and the Life. It is the secret to success in ministry. It is our responsibility as ministers to make full proof of this Word, so we continually walk therein until we prevail. Their lives are never the same after, and they leave refreshed, transformed and strengthened for greater works by the Spirit of God. These ministers are always very excited about my testimonies and are eager to come with me to the Healing School. Three people came with me the irst time I visited, and seven people came the second time. This has been our testimony over the years; the more people we tell about the ministry of Pastor Chris, the more people we have who want to come and have this great experience. Also, coming to the Healing School afected my family in a very special way. I had a special time of impartation with my family when I got back. I ministered specially to my son and my daughter, and they were totally changed. They became active in ministering to other young people and are on ire for God. When I was visiting the Healing School the following year, they came with me and attended the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris. My father, too, changed; he got baptized and now supports my ministry, helping with the work and preaching as well. My family serves God. The Healing School changed my life and ministry. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for the opportunity to be a part of your life-changing Ministers’ Visitation Program. I feel your love for us and for God’s people all over the world. I will continue to pray that the Lord bless you more and more. Bishop Tamas Raki New Covenant Church, Hungary. Are you a minister of the Gospel? Do you want inspiration for the next level in your life and ministry? Then, come for a consummate experience of glory and grace. To participate in the next Healing School Ministers’ Visitation Program, visit our website at

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our partnership with the Healing School is about you being God’s outstretched arm to a sick and ailing world. So many in diferent parts of the world were touched by the power of God’s unending grace and compassion in the year 2019. You made the miraculous a reality in their lives through your gifts of love.

Thank you, dear partners, for making the year 2019 full of notable achievements and supernatural accomplishments. We love and appreciate you! We are indeed grateful and we pray that you will continually experience favor, increase, divine health and other special blessings, even as you continually spread and overtake new territories for God’s Kingdom. 08 | The Healing School Magazine

WE LOOK FORWARD TO A MORE GLORIOUS 2020 he year 2020 will be even more glorious. We look forward to the many things we will accomplish together in partnership with the Lord, as we take hope, joy and salvation to the peoples and nations of the earth. Partner with us in 2020 through your involvement in these programs and projects.


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The Healing Centre Building Project 2020 Healing School Autumn Session 2020 Healing School June Session 2020 Healing School Summer Session Healing School Online Prayer Conferences, Ministers’ Visitation Programs, Global Miracle Faith Seminars & other programs Also, you can join the Healing School Prayer Network and our Cyber Church, and participate in the free distribution of Healing School Magazine and other materials.

Get more information @, or subscribe for our weekly newsletters. Thank you and God bless you. The Healing School Magazine | 09


t’s the end of the year. Also, it’s the most demanding time of the year. With activities winding down and the holiday season approaching, there are a lot of things to put in place and get right just before the holidays and Christmas celebrations. For many, the festive season is full of social interactions with family, friends and colleagues.

losses. When it comes to holiday shopping, just keep it simple. 3.

BREATHE: You shouldn’t be festive and fatigued at the same time. Engage in activities that are relaxing and beneicial for your physical and spiritual health. Refresh yourself with the Word of God; spend time in personal study and listen to messages. Stressful activities increase heartbeat and shallow breathing. Work on reversing the process by taking out time to breathe. Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold that breath for 15 to 20 seconds and then slowly breathe out through your mouth. Repeat for a couple of minutes to calm yourself. Lack of sleep can make you feel irritable and more prone to stress, so avoid breaking your usual sleep patterns during this period and make sure you get enough sleep.


FAMILY TIME: Create time for family and friends. Cherish the company and fellowship that you share with your loved ones. The people in your life make you laugh, and they make it easier for you to count your blessings and remember all the things you should be grateful for. They also provide emotional support and the more time you spend with them, the less you’re tempted to ind negative alternatives for coping. It doesn’t matter whether you’re studying the Word, listening to music, walking, playing games or watching movies, just do it together.


THANKSGIVING: Thanksgiving is a very important part of our lives, especially at auspicious moments like the end of the year. This is a time to relect on the love of God and to express your gratitude for all He has done. Research shows that grateful people are highly unlikely to be depressed or stressed. Being thankful will also lower blood pressure, and you’ll have more energy to get through each day. You have a lot to be thankful for, so spend your December with thanksgiving in your heart.

Despite all the activities, you ought to still have a wonderful holiday, enjoy the Christmas celebrations and relax as you share the joy of the season with your loved ones. Here are a few tips that will help you have a pleasant and less stressful December. 1.


PLAN AHEAD: It’s all about the plan. Having a detailed plan this season will leave you with plenty time and energy for you to celebrate. Start making a list of the things you can do early, like shopping for presents and decorations, for instance. Be as detailed as possible. Include phone numbers or email addresses to make contacting vendors, suppliers and volunteers simpler. Categorize and prioritize your list according to when they should be done and what can be done in batches. Don’t pile up the work till the week before Christmas. Delegate the responsibility for certain tasks to other family members to reduce your workload. Keep the list for next year; even though it will need updating, it will remind you of what to plan for. Your plan should include the scheduled time to stop all holiday preparations, so that you can rest and enjoy your holiday. SHOP SMARTLY: Do not shop by sight. Have a shopping list that will help you make healthier food choices, get more thoughtful gifts and ind reusable decorations, all without going over budget. Try shopping online as much as possible to minimize having to work your way through the holiday crowd, which can be quite stressful. This one trick will save you time, alleviate stress, and may even save you money. Use reputable online retailers to avoid unwarranted

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For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is “Therefore a discerner of the unto thoughts intents of the heartye (Hebrews I say you,and What things soever desire, 4:12). when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye have them” (Mark 11:24). ur opening Scripture lets us shall CONFESSION


know the power of God’s Word, Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body! I’m a new creation, not subject to t’s the Father’s delight to answer your CONFESSIONS but the Word only produces the elements of this world. I live the transcendent life! Divine life lows in every prayers; it’s His good pleasure to give you The life and nature of God is at work in me, in every iber of my being, in every results when you believe and act upon iber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I the wonderful treasures of His Kingdom cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I’m thus an overcomer, victorious it. Your faith-response is vital. reign over sickness, disease, poverty and lack! I’m superior to Satan. (Luke 12:32). Therefore, never doubt His and triumphant over sickness, disease and circumstances. I’m superior to the willingness to answer you1:3 speedily whenhasdevil and the negative systems of this world. Hallelujah! For example, 2 Peter says God I declare that my life is for glory and beauty, and in my path is life, success, you pray. The lets that us know that He given you allBible things pertain to life victory, divine health and wealth. I am the righteousness of God in Christ has youThis to receive answers to I declare am sanctiied a victor in unto this life. to like be dominated by –the forces of and ordained godliness. means everything Jesus, that holyI and God!I refuse I lourish the palm tree that means prayers (John 15:16). Jesus said, when you could ever want, that’s consistentdarkness I am fruitful useful. Andworld. like aRather, cedar inI dominate Lebanon, my I am majestic, stable, or theand forces of this environment and I you believeperfect that you receive, you isreign withpray, God’s will forandyou, durable, and incorruptible. over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, over death! shall have! It’s that pray, response, believe, already yours in simple Christ.–Your and The in the therefore, howword you ‘receive’ make the WordI am Mymore faith than is thea victory that through overcomes theJesus! world The and life every adversity. The conqueror Christ of God is in me; real inisyour personal life,anand that’s whattherefore, Greek ‘lambano’ and it’s active word. unfailingall Word of God is working in me mightily, causing my faith to be efective. fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are is: the response of the human spirit My conidence is in the Word and my heart is established upon the truth of Itfaith means to take hold of something; to seize assured. I declare that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, themake Word of God. who I am in Christ. I walk in health, victory, prosperity and success today and ittoand it yours. So when you pray with soul or spirit! Everything that is supposed to be in me is there, and nothing needs always, and I triumph against the wiles and tricks of the devil. your spirit, take hold of that which you’ve to be added or taken out! God gave us His Word to live by, and to asked for! Seize it and make it yours! use in charting our course in victory. It’s I walk in absolute mastery, divine health, safety, wellness and wholeness Word ofI God is working in me;isit’s my body,righteousness, in my mind andpeace, in my your responsibility to use theFather’s Word, toThebecause am in Christ. Christ myworking life! Hisin wisdom, Jesus made it clear that it’s the spirit. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, everything about work the you desire glory and joy are resplendent in me and expressed through me. I fulill my desire for Word. you to The boldlychange and conidently in your inances, health, and family willmecalling andlife! walk in God’s themy power theGod’s Holy receives There is noprearranged death in anypath areafor of my life by or in body;ofby talk directly to Him in prayers and receive only come as a result of your responseWord, Spirit. I am guided in wisdom to walk in God’s perfect will. I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a answers: “And in that day ye shall ask to God’s Word. It’s about your response,life of divine health, success and victory. me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, what you say on the basis of what He I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father has said! lifeinthrough Christ Jesus! testify that the power of His infallible Word has absolute victory over Isickness, disease and poverty today and always! in my name, he will give it you” (John I live brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the No weapon of darkness fashioned against me shall prosper, because I live in the 16:23). Thanks be unto God! This is 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, “Now wethat have miracles of salvation are wrought through me; I daily experience supernatural of Jesus! I’ve been delivered from sin, sickness and death, and catapulted set time! We’ve comespirit into that day world, that Name received, not the of the blessings of divine health and prosperity. into God’s realm of abundant life where I reign victoriously with Christ, every day. Jesus was referring to. There’s no need to we but the spirit which is of God; that look for know someone pray tothat God are for you; might thetothings freely I testify that I have the Son of God, and therefore the life of God. That life that Word is at work me, producing of what itdisease talks about in my body. there’s and keep reminding given no toneed us to ofcry God.” Faith is actingGod’s is unsusceptible andininvulnerable to results pain, sickness, or inirmity; that The Word of God is life and health to my body. Its transforming power is changing on these spiritual realities revealed God of your troubles: just ask, believe, and very life courses through my being, giving life to my body daily. I testify that, in to us by the Holy Spirit, accepting themtheChrist, circumstances life health. and causing my health to spring forth.aHallelujah! I lourish of in my divine I declare that I am more than conqueror. I receive! as truth, and living accordingly. can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! The Healing School Magazine | 11

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