The Healing School Magazine - November 2019

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“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)


he Lord Jesus made this powerful statement about you. He says to you the very thing He said about Himself when He said, “As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world” (John 9:5). This lets you know your calling as a Christian. Again, the Lord announced: “I am the light of the world. If anyone follows me, he shall not walk in darkness but he shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). Then in John 20:21, He said, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” Meaning that, like Him, you’re a savior to your world; as long as you’re in the world, you’re the light of the world. So, what does light do? Light is that which makes manifest; light illuminates. Ephesians 5:13 tells us that, “…all things that are reproved, are made manifest by the light: for whatever doth make manifest is light.” You have a calling in this life to bring illumination to your world. You unveil God’s Word and reveal the things of the Spirit to the world. Light gives direction; it describes. You’re the one to show the world how to live, what to do, and how to be successful, irrespective of the darkness. Philippians 2:15 says, “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” You’re called to light up the darkness. You’re a city that’s set on a hill to be a light in your world. Psalm 74:20 talks about the dark places of the earth, but you’re light in that dark world. It makes no diference the darkness and problems in the world, you’re the hope and the solution that the world 02 | The Healing School Magazine

needs. The problems and hardships in the world today are your opportunities to shine and manifest the glory of God. No wonder Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). 1 Thessalonians 5:5 says, “Ye are all children of light, and children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.” You can’t be diferent from your origin; the ofspring of a dog will naturally be a dog, not a cat. Therefore, as a child of light, you are the light of your world, in much the same way as Jesus was the Light of the world. The Lord Jesus did His part in obtaining salvation for all men through His vicarious death and glorious resurrection. Now, it’s your responsibility to tell others about His saving power. The Gospel of Jesus Christ, really, is the solution to the problems in today’s world! There’s no greater light than the light of His righteousness with which we must light up everyone in our world. As a student, you’re the light in your school. As a businessperson, you’re the light of your industry. As a police oicer, you’re the light of the service and community. As a soldier, you’re the light of the army. You’re the light in your workplace. Go ahead and light up your world! Let the ire of the Gospel burn in you, and through you. Let the love of Christ so shine through you that the world may see it and glorify God in you. You’re God’s hands of love, mercy and compassion to the world. You’re the light and hope of the world!

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833

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he Healing School is a unique place of possibilities. People from all walks of life come in their thousands from across the globe just to be in that atmosphere of faith where the tangible presence of God is. The Scriptures come alive and miracles unfold as many apprehend the reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of God to heal, save and deliver through His Word. To God’s children, the Bible says in Proverbs 23:18 (Ampliied) that, “Surely there is a future [and a reward], And your hope and expectation will not be cut of.” This Scripture was proven at the Healing School sessions that held in 2019, the Year of Lights. Dreams were fulilled and expectations surpassed, irst at the Autumn Session in South Africa, then at the Summer Session in Canada. Coming from all corners of the world, multitudes congregated at the Healing School for truly resplendent times of fellowship with the Spirit of God at the various healing services that held during the sessions. These unique, epochal meetings comprised exulting moments of melodious worship and fervent prayers. Faith increased and anticipation heightened when several people who had received their healing at previous sessions showed up to attest to their breathtaking testimonies. God had turned their sorrows to joy, their pain to praise and their despair to delight. These testiiers radiated happiness and unusual conidence as they provided proof that the Word of God works. Inspired by these testimonies, the hunger for more demonstrations of the power of God was always palpable, leading to sessions of thanksgiving unto the Lord. Each time, there was a distinct shift in the atmosphere when the man of God, Pastor Chris entered the hall; a conirmation that it was time for the miraculous. Shouts of exultation and triumph resounded as many were healed and freed from all that had alicted them for so long. It made no diference whether the problems were of medical, psychological or spiritual nature, all conditions bowed to the Name above all names as Pastor Chris ministered to the sick with purpose and commanding authority. What joy it was to behold such magniicent displays of God’s love. Continuing the celebrations, the man of God especially welcomed ministers of the Gospel, youth delegates, partners, and other special guests who attended these historical services from all over the world, ministering to them with prophecies and heart-warming messages as he was led of the Holy Ghost. The services closed with joyous airmations of divine health, salvation for the hitherto unsaved, and pronouncements of glorious blessings. Glory be to the Lord, who is ever gracious and kind. Be a dispenser of healing, hope and restoration. Be a part of the Healing School sessions: Invite | Pray | Give Visit for more information. The Healing School Magazine | 05

Lillian Hennes’ life took a diferent direction following the tragic demise of her father when she was 9 years old; she didn’t speak for a year and half afterwards. In subsequent years, overwhelming grief gave way to depression. A few years later, shock and stress pushed her deeper into its recesses. This changed Lillian mentally and emotionally. She recalls, “Being in depression was ghastly. I didn’t get excited. I never felt like doing anything. I was in a sort of daze.” She was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder as well, but despite being on heavy medication, her condition worsened. The side efects from the drugs left her exhausted and gradually made walking too diicult for her. Eventually, she would be conined to a wheelchair. When Lillian came to the Healing School, she had sufered from depression for 58 long years. By providence, she met someone who introduced her to the ministry of Pastor Chris. Yearning for a divine solution, Lillian decided to attend the Healing School. Now, Lillian is all smiles and full of the joy of the Holy Ghost as she testiies of her miracle: “It’s been 2 years since Pastor Chris ministered to me, but I’ll never forget it. I left the Healing School elated and overjoyed, and walking! My husband tells me I’m transformed, people tell me I’m glowing, and I know that it’s the glory of God shining through.”

62-year-old Grace Nolani lived with the discomfort and limitations placed on her by asthma, insomnia and other ailments. For decades, sleepless nights, incessant coughing, impaired hearing, and consistent hospital visits described her daily life. Despite Grace’s dependence on medications, her condition worsened as other complications such as heart palpitations arose. Also, she had hearing problems, which deteriorated until she became deaf. These conditions made her feel useless and handicapped. Then, Grace turned to God for a lasting solution, and it wasn’t long before the Spirit of the Lord pointed her in the right direction. At the Healing School, Grace was illed with great expectation and her encounter with the man of God resulted in a miracle. Radiant with joy and contentment, Grace talks about the awesome transformation in her life since then: “I can do everything that I couldn’t do before. I can talk, shout and scream, and I sleep better. I evangelize now. I’m very busy doing the Lord’s work. The Lord opened my ears, and I’m full of supernatural strength. Now, those around me believe in the power of God, and I am so grateful that I am alive!” 06 | The Healing School Magazine

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n 2019, we produced unforgettable results through our programs as we advanced the cause of the Gospel across the globe. Millions of people in every continent, country and territory experienced the power of God to transform and make whole.

HEALING SCHOOL ONLINE PRAYER CONFERENCE Healing School Online Prayer Conferences are phenomenal episodes of prayers and intercessions for the sick, and they mark auspicious moments for rewriting the stories of so many lives. The Online Prayer Conferences that held in this Year of Lights featured moments of beautiful worship, lively discussions and elevating sessions of fervent, heartfelt prayer.

participants made supernatural deposits of power as they prayed. The Prayer Conferences came to their high points when the ministers interceded for all who needed healing in their bodies. The ministers boldly pronounced words of healing and restoration on those alicted with all forms of diseases and inirmities! Testimonies followed, and signs and wonders were wrought by the power of God that swept across the nations in those moments. Kelvin from the United States stood up from the wheelchair and began to walk around in his house for the irst time, after six years of incapacitation due to spinal cord compression. John from the United Kingdom rejoiced, as his brother who was hitherto mentally challenged became calm after the prayers and called John by his name for the irst time in six months, requesting for a meal. There was great celebration as growths, pain and weakness disappeared from many who testiied through the response centers.

In special discussions, Pastor Deola Phillips – Director of the Healing School – and several senior ministers in the Loveworld ministry talked about the wonderful exploits recorded through Healing School sessions and outreaches. They also shared various accounts of miraculous experiences of participants in these programs. ‘Living testimonies’ were on set to share their encounters with the healing power of God at the Healing School. Their stories of triumphant faith inspired the hearts of others watching who were sick or in need. “Going to the Healing School was my only hope,” said Ian Fredman, who was healed of prolapsed intervertebral disc at the Healing School. Many also responded to the altar call and were launched into a glorious new life in Christ. True to the prophecies and Punctuating the Conferences at opportune moments words of faith that came forth at the Prayer Conferences, were segments of intense, earnest prayers where the the 2019 Sessions were an outpouring of grace, full of senior ministers led the global audience to intercede. All ministrations of light and life at the Healing School. 08 | The Healing School Magazine

MINISTERS’ VISITATION PROGRAM The Healing School Ministers’ Visitation Program gives ministers the opportunity to witness the miraculous works of the Spirit in our day. Two life-transforming editions of the Ministers’ Visitation Program held this year in South Africa and Canada, with ministers from various countries and territories in attendance. Regardless of where they came from, all the ministers came with the same expectations – to witness the power of God and to receive a special impartation for their lives and ministries. The miracles they witnessed at the Healing School raised their faith to new dimensions. Following special times of teaching and divine impartation with the man of God, Pastor Chris, the visiting ministers were ired up with renewed purpose and inextinguishable passion to spread the Gospel and heal the sick. Today, these ministers have

GLOBAL MIRACLE FAITH SEMINAR The Global Miracle Faith Seminar (GMFS) takes God’s healing power beyond the walls of the Healing School to cities and nations. With celebrations of amazing miracles, the Seminar stirs up faith, allowing attendees to partake of the grace at the Healing School. In 2019, millions converged for marvelous times of worship and empowerment. Several whose lives changed when they encountered God at the Healing School inspired many with their extraordinary testimonies. Boitumelo Hlanjwa from South Africa said, “When Pastor ministered to me, my life and ministry changed. I went back healed and full of power. Many souls have been added to God’s Kingdom.” Special times of impartation and worship featured at the GMFS. The global audience was exhorted on the supremacy of God’s Word over every circumstance and the unyielding nature of faith in the face of daunting challenges. The height of these episodes were moments when, in the

outstanding testimonies of how their encounter with the man of God changed their lives. They organized more than 400 outreaches and mission trips in 2019, through which they illuminated many lives with God’s Word. Pastor Miguel Pavon from Iglesia de Dios (Church of God), Argentina, participated in the Ministers’ Visitation Program and attested that he was mightily blessed by the Healing School experience. Since then, he has encouraged other Gospel ministers with Pastor Chris’ teachings. Pastor Miguel frequently distributes free copies of the Healing School Magazine in hospitals and on the streets of Buenos Aires. Many have been saved and healed as a result of these ministrations of faith. “It is a delight to impact lives and bring hope to many through partnership with the Healing School. We are grateful to Pastor Chris for inspiring us to do the supernatural,” Pastor Miguel said.

Name of Jesus, those who required healing in their minds and bodies received their miracles as speedily as the Word came forth. Afterwards, Thécle Faye testiied, “Before the GMFS, I was very ill and I could feel life leaving my body. Watching Evang. Eddy teach on the good ight of faith, I felt something move in my stomach. After he prayed, I felt the anointing all over me and I knew immediately that I was healed. Yes, it is done and I am alive and healed.” Many in attendance had the opportunity to receive Jesus Christ, and calls for salvation yielded much harvest as they gave their hearts to Christ. The impact of the GMFS will resound around the world for seasons to come. The miracles many experienced will be eternal testaments of the dynamic workings of God’s power. Hallelujah! Be a part of Healing School programs by attending, inviting others, praying about the programs and giving toward the programs. Visit and sign up for our newsletters for updates. The Healing School Magazine | 09

irst came to the Healing School in 2011, through the Ministers’ Visitation Program. It was a most marvelous time for me. All the questions I had were answered. I received the Word of God in a new light, and not only were my questions gone, I became an answer to my world. Now, my life is a story of walking in the liberty of the Word. I’m no longer in the shadow of religion; my Christian life has totally changed. My time with Pastor Chris at the Healing School was inspiring and I will always be grateful for the opportunity to listen to his powerful teachings, and to have been a part of that atmosphere of blessings and grace. After the Healing School, I haven’t had any health challenges; there were some symptoms at irst but strength came to me as I meditated on all that I had learned from the man of God. I’ve had no need to take any medicine ever since.

I Pastor Rebekka with Megy

Pastor Freider with his mother

In partnership with the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris, I progressed from being a passive Christian to teaching and preaching the Gospel, bringing many to Christ and letting them grow in knowledge and faith. Together with my wife, Pastor Rebekka, we started a church in China. Through our partnership connection with the Healing School, we got regular guidance from the Holy Spirit on what to do. That was how we prevailed in ministry in China, despite being closely watched by the government. Today, the church is still growing, to the glory of the Lord. We have raised leaders to pastor the local church that we planted, and we brought them to the Ministers’ Visitation Program to be trained and equipped, as we were. Moreover, we have wonderful testimonies of healing the sick in the course of our ministry. During one of our visits to the Healing School, we got the Healing Shawl that Pastor Chris prayed over in one of the services. One of the beneiciaries was Megy, who had a medical condition that required her to get blood transfusion every 6 weeks; she came to us with faith in her heart for a miracle and was healed instantly when my wife placed the Shawl on her and ministered. Now, Megy is lourishing in health. Also, I took the Healing Shawl for my mother and laid it on her, then I blessed and prayed for her, demanding healing for her. She woke up and started eating and drinking again; this was after she had been hospitalized for 10 days and was unable to take anything. She got stronger each day and was able to walk and make visits after a short while.

Our staying connected to the Healing School and the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris, has been an experience of victory and praise. We are glad for the opportunity and the great exploits that we have achieved for the Kingdom of God. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for giving us the Word and helping us fulil God’s purpose for our lives. – Pastor Freider Sundermeier Visit for information on the Ministers’ Visitation Program. 10 | The Healing School Magazine


he amazing healing miracles that happen at the Healing School are highly impactful, timeless testimonies of beauty and grace that bless and inspire millions across the globe. These extraordinary testimonies are available in many ready-to-go formats for you to share the Healing School experience with your loved ones and others in your world. Make global impact by spreading the Good News: • Sign up or subscribe to receive our videos, magazines and other products. • Get and use these timeless resources. • Share your testimonies with us. • Volunteer to translate our products into other languages. • Distribute these resources via your social media platforms, blogs, etc. • Follow us on KingsChat.

Nergui Shagdarsuren translates the Healing School Magazine into Mongolian and organises outreaches with it. During a hospital outreach, she met Oyunchimeg who had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Oyunchimeg was healed through this encounter and is now an active member of the Healing School Cyber Church who also distributes the Magazine, which has helped many others. The Healing School Magazine | 11


he Healing School’s ever-expanding network comprises men, women, youth, ministers, ministries and organizations from all continents who have taken up the responsibility of reaching and impacting the world with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by committing their resources to this cause. The impact of our networks and forums reverberated across the globe as we ushered millions into special seasons of grace and great joy. The miracles many experienced are eternal testaments of the dynamic workings of God’s power through the healing ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. So far, the Healing School’s global community comprises over 130,000,000 members from every known country and territory in the world.


he Healing School Prayer Network is a special program with a vision and focus of furthering the reach and impact of the Healing School through prayers and intercessions. Highlighting our impact through the Prayer Network are the outstanding feats we accomplished for the Gospel through the various programs and outreaches of the Healing School. We have a network of millions of partners who are committed to the expansion of our work through prayers. Members of the Healing School Prayer Network efect changes around the world for the cause of the Gospel through the Healing School. The weekly Global Prayer Sessions that hold every Saturday have yielded many outstanding testimonies. Precious had a mental condition so severe that she had to be committed to a psychiatric hospital in Malawi. Some of her family members joined the Healing School Prayer Network, using her as a point of contact as they interceded for the sick. Now, Precious is completely healed by the power of God. Hallelujah! 12 | The Healing School Magazine

Papaganti Vinil, a member of the Prayer Network shared this testimony: “I called the Healing School to ask for prayers because my eyes were hurting and I couldn’t see. Three days after that week’s Global Prayer Session, my vision cleared up; the pain was gone!” Glory to God. Jessica from Zimbabwe says, “I lived with HIV for ive years, until I sent a prayer request to the Prayer Network. Afterwards, I went to the hospital again and tested HIV negative. I am now free of HIV. I thank God for the Healing School Prayer Network. May the Good Lord keep using this team in Jesus Name.God bless you.” Make power available for healing the sick. Weekly Global Prayer Sessions hold on Saturdays at 7:00pm (GMT+1). Join the Healing School Prayer Network:


ur Cyber Church is designed to inspire, impact and raise Christians around the world. In the year 2019, this church raised over 16 million members across 240 countries and territories, with more than a million Foundation School graduates. Through the various activities and initiatives of the Cyber Church, the Gospel was heralded in many nations of the world.

Regine, a member of the Cyber Church, impacted students of an elementary school in China by hosting a seminar where she enlightened them on leadership and illuminating their world, emphasizing the power of vision and God’s Word. Assured of a brighter future, each child spoke of their aspirations. “It was lovely to hear what great things they have in mind to accomplish in their lives,” Regine enthused afterwards.

Several people were blessed with light and beauty when members of the Healing School Cyber Church in the Netherlands visited a hospital. These representatives of Christ ministered God’s Word with so much love and compassion, and miracles ensued. Many were relieved of pain that had kept them under for so long and several of them gave their hearts to Christ.

Sign up now as a member of the Healing School Cyber Church and get your friends to do the same. Visit


ealing School Ambassadors’ Network is a unique outreach platform that equips many who have been impacted by the Healing School for efective ministry of the Gospel. Our ambassadors spread their glorious testimonies of divine healing to every man’s world, transforming lives wherever they go. With members from more than 120 countries, the impact is resounding. Dora Rodriguez from Brazil was healed of neuroendocrine tumors at the Healing School and is an active ambassador. She organized missions to Mauritius and Seychelles where she ministered God’s love to all she met, including the sick, the unsaved and ministers of the Gospel. Thousands were led to Christ and many ministers were introduced to the healing ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris.

At the recently concluded Ambassadors’ Outreach Season, many across the globe experienced God’s love and saving power, as Healing School Ambassadors reached out to their world. In South Africa, they visited the staf and patients of Leratong Hospital in Johannesburg where many lives were transformed by the power of God’s Word. Several acted in faith on the words they received and were led to Christ, while some others received healing miracles. Notable amongst these was a young man who was freed from demonic oppression and a young lady who testiied of her instant healing from a skin condition.

Become a Healing School Ambassador: The Healing School Magazine | 13


hildren are God’s gift to us and it is our responsibility to ensure their wellbeing at all times. One of the ways to do this is to create a safe and healthy environment for them. Here are a few tips we’re sure will help. 1. Speak the Word. God’s Word is the most potent tool that you have. The Bible says the Word of God is “… life unto those that ind them, and health to all their lesh” (Proverbs 4:22). Speak health and life to your children always. Keep the Word in your mouth; you’ll deinitely experience the results it talks about! 2. Ensure healthy nutrition. The importance of a healthy balanced diet cannot be over-emphasized. Ofer small amounts of food frequently throughout the day, rather than large meals. This makes nutrient absorption easier for a toddler’s little stomach. Select rounded meals with fruit, vegetables, full-fat dairy products and oily ish. Babies beneit immensely from the antibodies present in breast milk, so experts recommend exclusive breastfeeding in the irst six months. 3. Make safety a priority at all times. This will afect furniture arrangement, positioning appliances, ire safety measures, placement of fragile objects, using child-proof locks, etc. Accidents can occur in any part of the house, so it’s crucial to check everything to ensure that the home is safe. Remove all hazards from the environment, including spilled liquids, misplaced toys, toxic substances (e.g. detergent and disinfectants) not properly stored, unbalanced/broken furniture, and damaged electrical ixtures. Keep medication bottles, loose pills, coins, scissors and other small or sharp objects out of the reach of children.

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4. Engender a culture of good hygiene. Help your toddler wash their hands with soap and water after handling toys, playing outside, car trips, etc. Don’t let them spend too much time in warm, enclosed environments. Take them outdoors in the fresh air as much as possible. 5. Be irst aid ready. Accidents might still occur, no matter how vigilant one is. So, make a irst aid kit consisting basic items such as sticking plasters, bandages, gauze, tape, antibacterial cleansing wipes, sling/scarf, thermometer, tweezers, scissors, safety pins, and paracetamol. Also keep all emergency instructions inside the irst aid box, particularly for care givers. Learn the age-appropriate irst aid techniques for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – for when a child loses consciousness; and the Heimlich maneuver – for when a child is choking. Visibly display emergency numbers for quick communication and ensure every person in your household is aware of them. Add in-case-of-emergency (ICE) numbers to all phones in the house; these should include the parents’ work and cell phone numbers, doctor’s number, neighbors’ or nearby relatives’ numbers, numbers for the ambulance service and ire department, etc. 6. Emotional health helps physical health. Create good balance between rest and activity in your family life. Take time to relax with your toddler and pursue activities you both enjoy.

But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise… But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach (Romans 10:6,8). he phrase “the righteousness which is of faith” in the verse above is a rather interesting one. It’s rendered in the original Greek as “the ‘of faith’ righteousness,” thus, giving personality to the word, “righteousness”; and that righteousness, he says, “speaks.” So, righteousness talks; it doesn’t keep quiet.


CONFESSIONS My faith is alive and producing results. I am full of life and the Word of God is prospering in me. My faith grows strong as I yield to the Word, making me unshakeable and immovable at all times. I walk by faith, and not by sensory perception; I live from my spirit. I am not moved by signs or symptoms because my focus is on my true source of life and sustenance, which is the Word of God.

Often, we say Christianity is for talkers; we speak righteousness, just as we speak wisdom. The righteousness of God is the truth of God; it’s the reality concerning any situation. So, when we airm the Word, we’re speaking righteousness; we’re speaking God’s language of faith. Romans 10:9 tells us how the “of faith righteousness” works. It says, “…if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

I am bold, strong and courageous in my daily walk of faith. My words are quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. With my words, I cut down every challenge and situation that is contrary to the provisions of the Kingdom. The Greater One lives in me. I refuse to be sick because the life of God is in me, pulsating through every part of my body.

The word, “confess” is from the Greek “homologeo”, which means to speak the same thing in agreement. It means airming the Word in agreement with God; not merely repeating exactly the same words, but making your own airmations in consonance with His Word. If you’d confess or airm the same things that God has said about you in His Word, they’d become real in your life. For example, 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are suicient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our suiciency is of God.” You ought to, based on what God has said, declare, “I am suicient in Christ’s suiciency; I’m up to any task. I produce excellence and works of righteousness because Christ is my ability and suiciency.” That’s speaking the righteousness of God.

My words are backed by divine authority. When I decree a thing, it is established. I declare that I live in divine health. I walk in the full beneits of the salvation that Jesus Christ wrought for me. As I speak words of life, I cause positive changes in my life, in my environment, and in the lives of those that come in contact with me. I declare that Jesus Christ is Lord over my body. Christ lives in me now, therefore pain cannot stay. I do not get sick; I declare that my body is functioning daily in the way God designed it to. My life is directed according to the Word of God and no contrary reports can stand. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, for I am shielded by the Word of God. I have the same quality of life with God; sickness cannot destroy my body. I declare that my body is under obligation to respond to the Word of God at all times. My body is regulated by God’s Word and every part of it aligns to what God says. I am not one who continually requires healing; I am born of the life-giving Spirit of God; therefore, I am also a life giver. Glory to God!

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SOUTH AFRICA Christ Embassy Healing School 303 Pretoria Avenue (Cnr. Harley and Bram Fischer), Randburg, Gauteng

NIGERIA Christ Embassy Healing School 21/23 Ize Iyamu Road, Ikeja, Lagos P. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos

P. O. Box 323, Randburg 2125 Tel: +27 11 326 2467 +27 799 675 852 +27 799 675 853

Tel: +234 808 684 4104 +234 808 027 2995 +234 808 678 3344

UNITED KINGDOM Christ Embassy Healing School Units 402-3 Cannon Wharf Business Centre Pell Street London SE8 5EN Tel: +44 203 176 9724

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