The Healing School Magazine - August 2017

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“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19).


ometimes people wonder, “If God's Word says I'm a success, why are things not working out for me?” What they haven't realized is that even though God wants you to be prosperous, successful, excellent, and sound, you have to line up with the Word, and decide to be all He wants you to be. It's a personal choice that you must make.

the miracle you desire or require – is already inside you! It's your responsibility to activate it. Whatever God will do in your life is to the extent of the operation of His power in you. So you see, you really can't, and shouldn't, hold God responsible for all happenings in your life, neither is He the one “delaying” the fulfilment of His Word in your life; you're the one to activate the power in you. It makes no difference what you need; be it healing, increased finances, a new job, a child, growth and expansion in ministry, business or in your career, success in your academics, etc., the power to make it happen is inside you.

Anyone can do anything for you, including praying for you and sharing the Word with you, but no one can make decisions for you. You have to make your own decisions. God's role is to guide you through His Word, and the Holy Spirit, so you can make the right decisions. Many people have troubles in their lives because of bad decisions. Your life today has turned out to be the way it is because of the choices you made. In the God gave us His Word as a tool with which to build our lives, same vein, your tomorrow is dependent on the choices and and frame our world. You can create for yourself a victorious decisions you make today. life of divine health, success, peace and prosperity through the Word of God in your mouth. The Psalmist describes the God has given you the right to either choose life and blessings glorious life of the one who constantly talks or meditates on or death and curses. He didn't pre-destine anyone for failure; the Word: “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers rather, He wants you to prosper and be in health (3 John 1:2); of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf He's ordained a great life for you. Therefore, decide that also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall you're going to fulfil the dream He has for you. How you live prosper” (Psalm 1:3). your life, what decisions you make, is entirely up to you. You can choose to be a success! You can choose to walk in Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now unto him that is able to do divine health every day! You can choose to do excellently well exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, in life. It's a choice that you have to make. You might ask, “Is it according to the power that worketh in us.” The that simple?” Yes! I admonish you to make that choice today, responsibility for your life isn't so much with God as it is with if you haven't done so already. Don't allow circumstances you. Indeed, He's God and He's all-powerful; with Him, all determine what you'll be in life. Take charge of your life today and make it what you want it to be! Make the decision to live things are possible. the glorious life that God has planned for you. However, the power to change things – His power to produce

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833


essica Scott's childhood was snatched from her when she was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, lichen dermatitis and thin basement membrane disease at the age of 14. The various symptoms of her condition had her limited and unable to do many things most teenagers would take for granted. This left her emotionally scarred, with constant feelings of sadness, depression and despair. With the desire to live differently, Jessica came to the Healing School, full of faith in her heart and hoping for a miracle. The story of her transformation is truly a delightful, awe-inspiring tale. “It all started in 2014, I went to the washroom one day and I peed out blood,” Jessica begins. “My parents were really concerned, so they took me to the hospital. After examining me, the doctor said that I have thin basement membrane disease, which meant that my body filters were not catching enough blood, causing it to go through.” This was only the beginning, however, as more issues cropped up in the ensuing months. “The lichen dermatitis came as a result of the thin basement membrane disease. It started with a skin rash on my face, my arms and lower legs. The rash came with a lot of itching and burning, and it hurt. The dermatologist we consulted recommended a cream for its treatment, but it was really expensive.

“Being that way affected me, because it made me not want to socialize with people. The skin rash was so bad. I didn't feel pretty anymore. I couldn't wear dresses or heeled shoes. I had to cover up all the time because I didn't want people to ask questions.”

front of me and the next thing I knew was me falling under the power. I realized that I was healed. It was a new experience and I thanked God for it.” It's been nearly 2 years since this divine experience, and in total contrast to her life before the Healing School, Jessica has only testimonies to share. She attests thus, “My life has been one of blessings upon blessings, and I can only thank God for that. Even before anything comes to me, I already have a solution. I listen to and confess the Word like never before. I have the Word of God surrounding me 24/7.

To make matters worse, Jessica started experiencing new, severe symptoms that hinted at another complication in her medical history. “In 2015, I was just sitting and then, I couldn't breathe. I could hear my heartbeat and I was coughing a lot. I was immediately taken to the hospital where I was admitted for 10 days. That's when I learnt that I had systemic lupus erythematosus. The doctor said that I'd “My life is a miracle. I don't experience any pain. I go to have to be on pills for the rest of my life. sleep normally and I wake up on time. My skin is clear and there are no more rashes. I can wear dresses now. I also “I experienced rapid weight loss during that period, I lost 15 wear heels because my ankles are no longer swollen. I'm pounds. I also lost my appetite. I was fatigued and tired all so full of energy and I can act my age now. the time. I didn't have the strength or energy to do a lot of things. My joints and ankles were swollen, so I couldn't “I'm changed! There's no comparison between who I was walk properly most times. This condition affected my day- and who I am now. I'm a new, changed person; I look to-day life. I couldn't be a teenager. I couldn't live as I was better, brighter and shinier. I minister healing to people supposed to. I should have been outgoing, spending time now. When people complain to me about pain in their body, with my friends and being active. The illness stopped me I tell them to lay their hands on the affected part and speak from doing things that I should have been doing at my age.” the Word.”

Glory to God! Jessica's life has been completely turned around by the power of God's unfailing love. Her heart is full of gratitude for her miracle and the glorious life she now lives. Expressing how grateful she is, she says, “Pastor Chris, I love you so much. You're so amazing. God will reward you. I thank you so much. Partners, I love you so much. You do miracles all the time through your giving. When Jessica heard about the Healing School, she You're blessing so many, and people don't have to pay to decided to attend, believing that the power of God could come here because of you.” make the pain and turmoil go away. On arrival, she said, “I want God to heal me from all these diseases and problems. What God does for one, He'll do for another. If you are in I want Him to make me feel better, and I will testify once I need of healing in your body today, the Healing School is the place for you. Come for that defining moment that will am healed.” be the turning point in your story. A final word from Jessica: She was determined not to leave the same way she came, “You're a child of God, and you're supposed to live a lavish and Jessica's expectations were met indeed. She tells of and wonderful life. You shouldn't be sick. Come to the her experience: “At the Healing School, I realized that, Healing School and take your miracle.” despite the symptoms and all that I was going through, I should neither be sick nor have to struggle. I decided to put Visit or download the an end to it. On the day of the healing service, I felt nervous Healing School mobile app for android and iOS devices for and cold. I was shaking in my seat. I didn't want to cry, but more information. tears were falling from my eyes. Then Pastor Chris was in Speaking of the emotional toll on her family, Jessica says, “It affected me emotionally and damaged me, I felt like I wasn't living life. I was stopping my parents from doing the things they wanted, and people had to watch over me all the time. I couldn't stay alone for fear that something might happen. I became depressed at this point in my life.”



hank you, Pastor Chris sir, for the platform of the Healing School partnership. Ever since I started, I have seen great results and testimonies in my life. I got married in 2001 and my family has always enjoyed divine health, which I know could only have happened through our partnership. Healing School partnership is an evangelical tool. Some years ago, I visited the Healing School and it was striking how many gave their hearts to Christ. This inspired me to improve the quality of my partnership, both in giving and in praying. I realized that it was a call to ministry, and I decided that I would make deliberate efforts to be a part of every session from then on. I have moved from one level of partnership to the next through the years. In 2016, I started feeling a toothache. At first, I thought it was mere toothache and I tried simple remedies. Soon, it started affecting me, with the pain waking me up at night. It became a distraction. A colleague referred me to a clinic . Upon examination, I was told the tooth needed to be removed, and it was done. However, the pain continued, so I returned a few weeks later. After checking, the doctor seemed uncomfortable with what he saw. He did further tests and said there was cancer in my mouth. The Healing School Summer Session was around the corner and I was planning to attend. Following the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I gathered the monies the trip to Canada would have cost and gave it as my partnership seed instead. As I did that, He communicated that my burdens had been taken away. A few weeks later, I went for another check-up; the tests took 3 weeks, because the doctors kept testing and retesting. They couldn't find any trace of cancer or any infection in my mouth. After that seed, it was as if those previous records were totally erased. I'm grateful for the opportunity to grow in the Word, and for the privilege to partner. Beyond taking healing to the nations, direct personal benefits abound. I once asked an insurance broker what the annual premium is for health insurance; when he told me, I saw that no insurance company would ever give me the kind of returns or guarantee that I have on my partnership. If, as a Christian, you're not involved with the Healing School partnership, not only are you not fulfilling your ministry, you're denying yourself in ministry. This partnership is life, and there's no limit to what we can do together. If you're already a partner, don't stay on the same level. Like everything else that is born of the Word, your partnership must grow. God has blessed me as a result of my consistency; I'm a bundle of testimonies because I take advantage of the grace to do more. I encourage you to do more today. Give yourself to it; the Word doesn't fail. – Pastor Oliver Ijeri

For more information on Healing School partnership, please download the Healing School mobile app or visit

Thousands of lives are counting on you for their miracles. Join the Healing School Prayer Network today, and be a part of the transformation in the lives of millions all over the world. To Join The Healing School Prayer Network, Kindly Visit: The Healing School Prayer Network is a nexus of Christians and graduates of the Healing School from around the world, who share the passion and love for what God is doing through the Healing School. They have the responsibility of praying together for the success of all the activities, sessions and projects of the Healing School, and also interceding for the sick.


Healed of Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer I was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer in November 2016. This brought distress to my family as I was losing weight, I couldn't eat and I was in terrible pain. In 2017, I had the blessing of being invited to attend the Ministers' Visitation Program with Pastor Chris in Johannesburg, South Africa. This invitation came to me as a very big blessing from God, especially at a time in my life when I was in need of a miracle. I attended the Program in April 2017 with great expectations to be healed and to receive a higher understanding of the Word of God. Being at the Healing School with the man of God, Pastor Chris, was life-changing for me, as I learned and received from the Word of God more than ever before. There, my understanding of the Holy Spirit and His workings in my life increased. On the last day, Pastor Chris laid hands on me and commanded the spirit of cancer to go. Three times he blew into me, and three times I felt the tangible power of the Holy Ghost surge through me, which caused me to fall to the ground. I had never felt like this before. Immediately I stood up, I knew I was healed and started rejoicing and declaring my healing in the Name of Jesus. I am strong and healthy now. Hallelujah! Gunther Reyes The Almond Tree Church Mexico


A Divine Encounter I would like to specially appreciate the man of God, Pastor Chris, for the opportunity to attend the 2017 Healing School Autumn Session. Before I came, my expectations were to be imparted with a special anointing and to experience a manifestation of the miraculous. Suffice it to say that my experience at the Healing School was simply marvelous! One of the most inspiring moments for me was the healing service. I saw the book of Acts come alive as I watched the man of God pray for over 500 sick people and saw them receive healing. I was touched by the reverence displayed towards the Holy Spirit, and from there, I made up my mind to be more yielded to Him. I received a fresh revelation about being a new creation in Christ Jesus, and the benefits of having the Holy Spirit in me. My TV ministry in California is so afire that the lines are jammed because so many are people calling in! Thank you, Pastor Chris, for the privilege of being impacted by your great ministry. Prophetess Silvia Sanford Raising Deborahs Ministries United States of America

Healed of Sleep Apnea “I attended the Ministers' Visitation Program in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the first time this year, and I was indeed blessed to witness the manifestation of God's divinity through the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, at the Healing School. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in 2013, a condition that caused the complete cessation of airflow during my sleep. Within the first 2 years of the diagnosis, I couldn't afford to treat myself, and I consequently suffered hypertension. When the condition deteriorated in 2015, I commenced the use of the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. The doctors said that I would use it daily for life. Before my visit to the Healing School, the Lord ministered to me that I was going to be healed, so I was expectant as I set out to South Africa. During the Ministers' Visitation Program, Pastor Chris made the call for those who required healing in their hearts, I stepped out and immediately he touched me, I felt the power of God within me and I knew that I was healed. When I returned to the hotel room that night, I slept unaided for the first time in 2 years. My life was totally transformed and every anomaly corrected. Glory to God! Pastor AimĂŠ Tusisa Jesus Is Lord Ministries Morocco


Cucumber is one of the most cultivated vegetables in the world and is known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health. Outlined in this article are a few of the numerous benefits of cucumber. Ÿ

Rehydrates the body: cucumbers contain over 90% water, so it keeps the body hydrated while clearing toxins from the system.


Replenishes daily vitamins: cucumbers have several vitamins and minerals that your body needs every day.


An aid for weight loss and improved digestion: due to its low calorie and high water content, cucumber is ideal for weight watchers, and its fiber is very effective in aiding digestion while preventing chronic constipation.


Reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure: cucumber contains a hormone, which is needed for producing insulin. It also contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and fiber, which work effectively for regulating blood pressure. This makes cucumbers beneficial to diabetic patients and good for regulating blood pressure.


Skin and hair care: The skin of a cucumber can be used against skin irritations and sunburns. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce puffiness and swelling. The silicon and sulfur in cucumbers also help to stimulate hair growth. Ÿ

.Relieves bad breath: Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds; the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.


Hangover cure: To avoid a morning hangover or headache, eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients, reducing the intensity of both hangovers and headaches.


Promotes joint health, relieves gout and arthritis pain: Cucumber is an excellent source of silica, which is known to help promote joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. It is also rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, C & D, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. When mixed with carrot juice, it can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering the uric acid levels.

Cucumbers can be eaten raw, boiled or roasted. It also makes a great addition to salads, sandwiches and sauces.


“To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). Acts 3 chronicles the inspiring miracle of the lame man at the gate of the temple, called Beautiful. Peter and John had gone to the temple at the hour of prayer and met the man who begged them for alms. Turning to him, Peter said, “Look on us; silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee” (Acts 3:6). Remarkable! He said, “…such as I have give I thee.” Peter, the fisherman, who once denied Jesus out of timidity! What made the difference for Peter? What resulted in his sudden audacity of faith? He had received the Holy Spirit and had been turned into another man! He had come to understand the revelation of the divine life in him. No wonder he said in his epistle: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2 Peter 1:3-4). The man had come to understand that he was no ordinary being; he knew he had received Zoe, the very life and essence of divinity, and this made him more than human. Have you come to this understanding? Do you know you're not ordinary? Sickness, disease, poverty, and failure should have no place in you because you're God's headquarters in the earth. He wants to bless the world through you; so like Peter, be bold to declare who you are and what you have, and you'll always find yourself walking in the realm of the miraculous!

CONFESSIONS My body is vitalized by the Spirit of God who lives in me. Therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness in my body. I'm vitalized through and through by the Holy Spirit. The Word of God bolsters faith in me even now. I believe all that the Word says about me; I put my entire trust in God, knowing that no situation is beyond the authority and power of the Word by which I live and dominate circumstances. I refuse to be subject to the elements of this world because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I exercise my authority in Christ, and I declare that pain, sickness, disease and infirmities are under my dominion. I live by the dominion of Christ and by the power of the Spirit today. I declare that I prosper in my health and in the works of my hands. God, who commanded light to shine out of darkness, has shined in my heart! Therefore, I have received that same ability of faith to call forth all that I desire in my life. I walk in divine health, joy, prosperity and victory every day. I'm alive to God. I belong in the kingdom of God's dear Son, where I reign and rule by the power of the Spirit. I thank You, Father, for bringing me into such a beautiful place of glory, beauty, honor and prosperity. In the Name of Jesus, I live triumphantly over and above all circumstances of life.


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