The Healing School Magazine - December 2018

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“…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).


s we bask in the euphoria of the yuletide season, it’s important to understand who Jesus is, and what He actually came to do. Jesus is not a religious leader; He didn’t come to establish a religion. There’re many who think He came to show us how to do good things, and live the good life; that’s not what He came to do. He came to give us life. Therefore, Christmas is the celebration of the divine life—the Godkind of life that we have received in Christ Jesus. God made us humans, but wanted us to have His life and nature. His plan was to make us associates of the God-kind, not just to live as mere men. That’s the reason He sent Jesus to the world; to live, die, and come back to life, thus making it possible for men to receive the life of God. “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life...” (1 John 5:11-12). The Apostle Paul referenced something very powerful and signiicant about the Christ-life in us in Colossians 1:26-27. He writes, “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Have you ever tried to imagine what Christ living in a 02 | The Healing School Magazine

man really means? If Jesus Christ, who opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears, gave the lame new legs to walk, healed the maimed, and raised the dead, truly lives in you, what should that make you? It means you’re invincible; a superman; and an extraordinary success; a victor forever! This is what makes Christmas special; it’s Christ alive in you. He came for you, to live in you, and to live through you. Religion would have men believe they can only receive this life when they get to heaven, but eternal life is the present-hour possession of the one who believes in Jesus Christ. Man, in all his self-righteousness, is nothing before the Lord, until he receives this glorious life in him. How can anyone receive this life and nature of God today? It’s through faith in what Christ has done. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Anyone who believes, receives. Eternal life—the life and nature of God—is imparted to you the moment you make Jesus the Lord of your life. This life is one of righteousness, glory, victory, success and excellence. If you haven’t been born again, you can do so even now, and become a partaker of this glorious, supernatural life, by asking Jesus to be the Lord of your life.

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer, believing with all your heart: “O Lord God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul. Right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!” If you’ve just said that prayer, please send an email to God bless you.

The Healing School Magazine is published by the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 – 0833


n one moment, life can go from beautiful and normal to being extraordinarily painful and excruciating. It never occurred to Honorine that anything was wrong in her body, until one fateful morning when she experienced such pain that she was unable to get up from bed. This began the ordeal of her life, she spent the next twelve years trying to cope with the situation, all to no avail. Help, and a lasting solution, came when she heard about the Healing School. There, she received a miracle and new life. Today, she walks by faith and is full of joy and laughter. In a special interview at the Healing School, Honorine tells her story. Please, introduce yourself and tell us what happened to you. My name is Honorine Aisekko, I’m 33 years and I’m from Benin Republic. What brought me to the Healing School was vertebral prolapse and joint pains. One morning in October 2004, I woke up and I couldn’t stand on my feet. I tried to stand the irst time but I fell down; I tried a second time and the same thing happened. I stayed in the room till noon. When my brothers and sisters returned from school, I explained the situation to them. They took me to the hospital and the doctor prescribed some medications, which I started taking immediately. The drugs dulled the pain a little but didn’t do much else. When the pain continued after a while, the doctor who was treating me ordered radiographs and other tests. Following the tests and further analyses, the doctor told me I was sufering from lumbar spondylosis. Again, he prescribed medications

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for me to alleviate the problem, and again the condition didn’t improve. So, I had to go for more scans that then revealed that there was vertebral compression. A corset was prescribed for me, with more medications for daily use, but none of it helped. There was no lasting relief or satisfaction.

to do immediately. I knew that I had received my healing, my healing was efective and complete. And then I stood up and started running; I didn’t want to stop running, I was ready to run all the way back to my country to proclaim what the Lord had done. He healed me of everything.

You were in that condition for twelve years. How did you cope, living that way? It was a trying time for me. I was unable to do anything; I could not stand up, let alone support myself. I did not sleep comfortably because I couldn’t roll over on my side. Even turning my neck was impossible. I could no longer bathe or feed myself, lifting my hands and carrying out small movements couldn’t be done; things I used to do without thinking became very diicult. I could do absolutely nothing. Over time, I observed that I didn’t have friends anymore; my friends had left me, deserted me. I had started work as a teacher, but since I could no longer walk, I lost the job. I lost my life because of this condition.

So, what are the changes since you got healed? I knew that my life was going to change when I came to the Healing School, and that’s what happened, I have a new life now, I can do everything and I speak with authority. Now, I am well all the time, I am comfortable and free.

So, how did you come to the Healing School? I didn’t want to live this life; I had dreams for my life, but I was in a lot of pain, and sufering. So my sister decided to take me to a Christ Embassy church, where we found out that there was going to be a Healing School in Lagos, Nigeria. This was in 2016. We quickly registered, and I came to the Healing School in that horrible condition. I wanted God to heal me totally from every pain I was sufering from. And, despite my dire situation, I knew in my heart that having come here, and since I was going to see Pastor Chris, that I was already healed.

Also, not only was I healed, I carry healing power. When I returned home, I noticed my niece wasn’t crawling yet, even though she should have been. So I picked her and held her in my hands for a while, then I set her on the loor and she started to crawl. And what would you like to say to the man of God, Pastor Chris? My dear father! I love you too much, Pastor Chris. Through you, my life was restored. I’m living a triumphant life. I’m a testimony and I know who I am now, thanks to Pastor Chris. Do you have a word for the Healing School partners? To the partners, I thank you. Thanks to you, life now has meaning to me. Without you, I wouldn’t be here. I’m a beneiciary of everything you do, and I pray to God that you see increase in your inances and that the Holy Ghost will bless your families, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

What happened the day the man of God ministered to you? When Pastor Chris came into the auditorium, I said, “Sickness, it is time; you must leave, you must go.” The man of God started ministering to people row by row. When he was in front of me, I looked into his eyes but I wasn’t seeing Pastor Chris. I was seeing light and everything was white.

What would you like to say to someone who needs a miracle right now? I’m a living testimony and I live to testify. If you’ve seen my testimony, then you know without doubt that miracles are real. There should be no doubt, the healing is efective here. Don’t think that your condition is critical or too bad, or beyond help. What God did for me, He will do for you, too.

The man of God ministered to me and in that same instant, I noticed that the pain was no longer there; I felt light, as if all the burdens had been lifted and I could do everything I desired

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Your partnership with the Healing School provides a unique opportunity to be God’s outstretched arm to a sick and ailing world. So many in diferent parts of the world were touched by the power of God’s unending grace and compassion in the year 2018. You made the miraculous a reality in their lives through your gift of love. Thank you, dear partners, for making the year 2018 full of notable achievements and supernatural accomplishments. We love and appreciate you! We are indeed grateful and we pray that you will continually experience favor, increase, divine health and other special blessings, even as you continually spread and overtake new territories for God’s Kingdom. 06 | The Healing School Magazine

The year 2019 will be an even more glorious time, we look forward to the many things we will accomplish together in partnership with the Lord, as we take hope, joy and salvation to the peoples and nations of the earth. Partner with us in 2019 through your involvement in these programs and projects: • • • • • •

Healing School sessions Healing programs Ministers’ Visitation Program Healing School Prayer Network Healing School Magazine Distribution Healing School Cyber Church

Get more information @ Thank you and God bless you. The Healing School Magazine | 07

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ood preventive medicine – the practical steps one should take to avoid disease and injury – starts with maintaining a safe and healthy home for you and your family. Humans interact with the environment constantly; so, maintaining a healthy environment is central to maintaining and improving the quality of life. Your home should be a haven of comfort and safety. In this edition, we’ll share a few tips on what you can do to create or improve a healthy environment in your home. 1.

Keep it Dry Prevent water from entering your home through leaks in rooing systems, rain water from entering the home due to poor drainage, and check your interior plumbing for any leakage.


Keep it Clean Control the source of dust and contaminants; create smooth, cleanable surfaces, reduce clutter, and use efective wet-cleaning methods.


Keep it Safe Store poisons out of the reach of children and properly label. Secure loose rugs and keep children’s play areas free from hard or sharp surfaces. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and keep ire extinguishers on hand.


Keep it Well-Ventilated Ensure that the whole house is properly ventilated, especially the kitchen and bathrooms. Constant supply of fresh air will reduce the concentration of contaminants in the home.


Keep it Pest-free All pests look for food, water and shelter. Seal cracks and openings throughout the house; store food in pest-resistant containers. If

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needed, use sticky-traps and baits in closed containers, along with pesticides. 6.

Keep it Contaminant-Free Reduce lead-related hazards in pre-1978 homes by ixing deteriorated paint, and keeping loors and window areas clean, using a wet-cleaning approach. Test your home for radon, a naturally occurring dangerous gas that enters homes through soil, crawlspaces, and foundation cracks. Install a radon removal system if levels above the EPA action-level are detected.


Keep it Well-Maintained Inspect, clean and repair your home routinely. Take care of minor repairs and problems before they become large repairs and problems.


Keep the Kitchen The kitchen is a major area because practically every surface is a magnet for bacteria, viruses, germs, roaches, and pests. Keep all surfaces cleaned and sanitized after you cook. Keep a lid on possible roach infestation by washing dishes immediately after meals. Store food in tightly sealed containers and keep trash in a container with a top on it. Also keep your sponge/dishtowel dry after use.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). clear understanding and communication of the message of faith is important, because . faith is a principle by which we live in the Kingdom of God. The Bible says, “…the just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). It shows you just how important faith is. You can’t understand and apply your righteousness in Christ without faith.



In Hebrews 11:6, the Bible says it’s impossible to please God without faith. By faith we activate or appropriate the blessings and provisions of Christ made available to us in the Gospel. It’s the reason Jesus taught the message of faith when He walked the earth; He taught the people the principle of asking and receiving. He said to them, “…whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23).

The life and nature of God is at work in me, in every ibre of my being, in every cell of my blood and in every bone of my body. I’m thus an overcomer, victorious and triumphant over sickness, disease and circumstances. I’m superior to the devil and the negative system of this world. Halleluiah!

He said if you have faith, nothing shall be impossible unto you (Matthew 17:20). Recall His remarks to many of those He ministered to; He said to them, “Your faith has made you whole.” Don’t be amongst those who underrate the message of faith. It’s the message of victory and triumph. It’s the message Jesus brought, which He’s committed to us to use in changing our world. Glory to God!

The health of God is in me, the strength of God is in me, and life of God is in me. I testify that this present truth is a reality in my life. The glory life belongs to me. I am not a victim of sickness, nor the manipulations and machinations of the devil.

Dear Father, I thank you for sending Jesus to the world, and bringing us the message of faith. Faith is stirred in my heart even now, and I’m strengthened in my spirit, soul and body. I live a life of endless victories, and I walk triumphantly over sickness and death. I am more than a conqueror, and Christ is gloriied in, and revealed through me. Amen.

Oh Lord, I thank You for Your Word that I receive every day, which builds my spirit and transforms me from glory to glory. I live in health, peace and prosperity, and I’m programmed for an extraordinary life of dominion in Christ. I am daily loaded with supernatural beneits, for God has given me the advantage in all things, in this life. I’m renewed, refreshed and positioned for the glorious life through the Word and the power of God’s Spirit at work in me today.

I have the supernatural life of God in me! The resurrection life is at work in my spirit, soul and body! I walk in this newness of life, having put on the new man in Christ, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. The Healing School Magazine | 11

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