The Healing School Magazine - February 2017

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“And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” (1 John 5:11-12). When you are born again, the very life of Christ is the life that you receive into your spirit. Jesus said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches...” (John 15:5). If He is the Vine and we are His branches, it means the very life that flows through Him flows through us also. That life is what is called in the Greek language 'Zoë' the God-life! It is everlasting life, the very essence of divinity; and it is a special kind of life. When you let that life dominate you, it will destroy every disease; it will destroy every unwanted growth; it will paralyze every work of the devil! You see, you are not what you used to be! When you were born again, you received the life of God. This life is in His Son and he that has the Son has this life. This life makes you superhuman. You did not get it from your earthly father nor did you get it from your lineage; you got it from Jesus! This is why the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed

away; behold, all things are become new.” You have to cast away the wrong mentality: the defeat mentality, the poverty mentality and When you let that life dominate you, it will destroy every disease; it will destroy every unwanted growth...the weakness mentality. Cast them all down and out! Reject them from your life and make up your mind that you will not be a defeated person or a victim in life for you have a new life and future. When you are conscious of the life of God in you, you will never waste your time praying for deliverance or seeking for a breakthrough because you will discover that Jesus already broke through for you! He already placed before you an open door that no devil can shut. You are a new creature with the life, power and abilities of God functioning in you; therefore, you are a victor all the time, absolutely successful in everything that concerns you! God bless you.

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833

“I believe that when I get to the Healing School, my eyesight will be restored, and I will have 20-20 vision.” - Shania from Namibia “I really believe that I am going to get healed, that I will receive a miracle and go home whole, able to do all the things I couldn't do like play ball and lead a normal life. I'm really excited to see what God is going to do.” - Benedict from Ukraine All around the world, regardless of country, wealth or social status and connections, many lack the ability to do the simple things that are often taken for granted and are denied the simple comforts of everyday life as a result of some debilitating illness or the other. The Autumn Session of the Healing School with Pastor Chris will hold in the months of March and April 2017, in Johannesburg, South Africa. It will be another opportunity for men, women and children who are afflicted with diverse health conditions to receive an awesome touch of the Holy Spirit in a special way, with extraordinary miracles! Thousands from across all continents of the world will gather for a time of divine restoration and transformation. One thing is certain, every one of them will be met at their point of need and their lives will never be the same again. Help someone receive a miracle today; be a part of those transforming lives at the 2017 Healing School Autumn Session by participating in the following ways: -

Invite or register someone for the Session Pray towards the Session Give towards the Session

Visit: or download the Healing School Mobile App for more information. God bless you.

Frieda Boni's story began when she started to feel severe pain in her chest in the year 2009. Further investigations revealed that she had an enlarged heart (cardiomegaly). From that point on, she became dependent on medications. Regardless, her condition steadily deteriorated until she could no longer do anything for herself. At 32, Frieda had lost all hope for a normal life, and was resigned to having to rely on drugs for the rest of her life. Just when things looked bleak, she discovered the oasis of wonders that is the Healing School. “What brought me to the Healing School is an enlargement of the heart,” Frieda narrates. “This problem started in 2009; I was feeling pain in my heart, in my chest and, sometimes, in my stomach. So I went to the hospital where the doctor examined me and asked me to go for an x-ray. When I returned with the results, the doctor said I have enlargement of the heart. I was given painkillers and other drugs that I needed to take all the time.” The medications were only effective for a short while, and soon, Frieda developed adverse reactions to the pills. She explains, “Eventually, it got to a stage that, when I took the medicine, I felt more pain – all over my back, chest, stomach, knees, all over my body; my head ached and throbbed. I went for another scan, and after that, I was admitted in the hospital immediately for treatment. But I was told that my heart was totally damaged; nothing could be done about it. I would have to continue taking drugs for the rest of my life. “I spent a lot of money on tests and treatments, but no improvement. The condition kept getting worse and worse. As time went on, I found that I couldn't do things on my own anymore. I couldn't even go to work or leave the house, I couldn't take care of my children. If I ran or walked some distance, my

heart would beat very fast. I was always pale and short of breath; I had to lie down all the time. This problem affected my family a lot, especially my husband who spent so much money. I was in a very hopeless situation; I was sad and I cried a lot because the pain was severe.”

She left the Healing School totally healed; the power of God had made her whole. “When I returned home from the Healing School,” says Frieda, “everyone who saw me was in shock. The doctor had given up on me; but here I was, walking like a giant, because life had come into my spirit! Everybody was happy to see me so strong. I went back to the hospital and the doctor Help was on the way, and Frieda's testimony was couldn't reconcile my previous records with the new about to change. “Amidst all this, I called a leader in results. He was amazed as he told me that my heart church one day and told her what the doctor had said, was working perfectly well.” that I could die at any moment. Fear had gotten a hold of me and I didn't know what to do, but she said to me, Frieda also reports, “There's no more heart 'Fear not, you will live.' Then she advised me to go to enlargement, no blood clots, no pain. I can run, I can the Healing School. I came believing totally that when I walk fast for long hours, I can stand, I can cook. get to the Healing School, my life would never remain Because I was incapacitated, I couldn't work, but now, the same.” I've resumed taking care of my home and my family. I am more than a conqueror!” Proverbs 23:18 says, “For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” She has a special message for someone who may be in need of healing: “Relax, when you come to the Frieda's experience at the Healing School was breath- Healing School, you would have reached your last bus taking and awesome; she talks about her time there: stop. Like me, your life will be changed, you will never “The first time I stepped into the Healing School, it was be the same again!” marvelous. The power of God was so strong and I told myself that I was in the right place. 'Frieda will live,' I The Healing School of Pastor Chris is a place of said. On the healing service day, the anointing was so solutions, it is a place where hopeless situations are sweet! Before Pastor Chris got to me, I knew I was turned around. Be a part of someone's miracle today; healed. He pointed at my chest, and just like that, I fell participate in the 2017 Healing School Autumn under the power of the anointing. I got up and shouted, Session, starting in March 2017. For more information, 'I am healed! I am the healed of the Lord, I'm full of visit: life!'” God bless you.


I was diagnosed with multiple joint problems, prolapsed lumbar discs, pain in my right hip, and neck pain associated with cervical disc problems for 7 years. I also had hiatus hernia. I routinely had consultations which several specialists – a neurosurgeon, a rheumatologist and an orthotics consultant – with little improvement. After I attended the Healing School, I received my much-desired miracle! When Pastor Chris prayed for me, I felt a shaking in my body, precisely in my abdominal area, and then I noticed the pain was gone! The pain in my stomach and joints completely disappeared and I now walk freely! In addition, people noticed the change in me and told me I had changed; I'm happier and stronger! – Natavan Ismayilova, United Kingdom Before I came to the Healing School, my life was always on standby. I had rheumatoid arthritis and constantly experienced excruciating pain. I had to stop working and my life was really frustrating. I really needed a change in my life, and I was transformed when I received my healing at the Healing School! Now my life is totally changed. I can walk properly, and wear high-heeled shoes – something I'd given up a long time ago! My life has also been transformed spiritually and I thank God for the Healing School. I am spiritually nourished; and with the new anointing I received, I can help other people and also pray for them. I can now smile because I'm so happy! – Marcelle Bellavance, Canada I attended the Healing School Autumn session in South Africa because I needed a miracle in my life. I was involved in a car accident and sustained an orthopaedic injury that confined me to a wheelchair. I received my miracle and to the glory of God, I'm walking perfectly and living a normal life! - Lesley Cartwright South Africa


For more testimonies, visit our website @

The Ministers' Visitation Program (MVP) is a unique forum that gives ministers of the Gospel from all around the world the opportunity to visit the Healing School and witness, first-hand, the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit in our day. Through special meetings, the visiting ministers receive a divine impartation of the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Ghost; hence, they return to their countries fully prepared to make more glorious impact for the Lord. In 2016, hundreds of ministers came from 75 countries to witness and partake of the extraordinary grace that is at work in the ministry of the man of God, Pastor Chris. Expressing his purpose in coming, Viorel Dan Avram from Evangelical Church in Rucar, Romania said, “I'm expecting to receive a fresh anointing and to grow in my authority in the Spirit, so I can change my country.” In special meetings with Pastor Chris, he unveiled deep truths to the visiting ministers with teachings from the Word of God. “The most important thing is to discover your purpose and fulfil it,” he said. He further expatiated that the New Testament is about the knowledge of God, the forgiveness of sins and the relationship between God and his people. Then he explained that, “The mystery of Christ has been revealed to the saints is the fellowship of God. Fellowship refers to a sharing and a union – sharing means what belongs to God belongs to you, and union means that you are one with God.” Reacting to the message, Neal Meggs from Belize said, “The revelation of the Word was phenomenal, yet so simple. This is not a cliché; I know that I will never be the same because the Word went deep into my spirit and my heart.” Bruno Granja Santos from Brazil reported at the end of the visit, “I'm leaving here transformed! This ministry has inspired us and now we are going back to build our own ministries, following this inspiration.” Having been fired up to spread the Word of God like never before, ministers who attended the Program went all out to publish the message of Jesus Christ to all in their respective worlds. Many of these ministers have held several impactful outreaches and evangelical campaigns, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a result. Get ready for an exciting time of impartation and uplifting. Get ready to impact the nations. Be a part of the 2017 Ministers' Visitation Program, scheduled to hold in the months of March and April in Johannesburg, South Africa. For more information, kindly visit: or download the Healing School Mobile App.


Playgrounds are fun spots for children of all ages, and provide a place where children can run and jump about freely as they play with their friends. Usually an outdoor place, playgrounds allow children stay active, and thus healthy. However, a fall or some other accident may cause serious injuries to children. Hence, it is imperative that adults and caregivers put safeguards in place to avoid such in the playground. The following are a few tips for ensuring child safety in the playground. Choice of Playground: Consider the following when choosing a playground for your children; - Choose structures that are appropriate for your child's age and developmental level. - Choose the right surfaces – sand, wood chips or other synthetic surfaces – that are soft and can absorb a child's fall. - Ensure your child can reach or climb the available equipment on their own. - Check equipment and surrounding area to ensure safeguards like handrails and barriers are in place and functional. - Inspect and ensure that the environment is clean and garbage free, and that there are no sharp objects or other harmful substances. Your Child – Getting Ready and on the Playground: - Dress them properly, there should be no drawstrings or cords that may get caught in equipment. For instance, you may opt for a neck warmer rather than a scarf in warm weather. - Safely store items such as skipping ropes and helmets while on the playground. - There should be adult supervision at all times, especially for children under age 5. - Teach your child to use the equipment safely and correctly, e.g. there should be no climbing or swinging when the equipment is wet. - Teach your child to learn to take turns while sharing with other children. Closely observe their interactions to identify risky or dangerous behavior where they exist. - Around pools or splash pads, kids should wear proper waterproof shoes and they should walk, not run. Never leave children (of any age) by the water without adult supervision. Other Tips for You: - Be vigilant and prepared at all times for any eventuality. Learn first aid in case your child is injured. Also have contact details for emergency service agencies handy, and ensure other caregivers have them if you are unavailable to attend to the kids personally. - When there are concerns on playground safety that you cannot readily address, contact the appropriate authorities.


“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;” (Philippians 2:9-10). If you've been experiencing challenges or facing difficult situations in your life, and you're ready for a change, that change can take place right now! The scripture above is your key to the miracle you need, for it lets you know that at the mention of the Name of Jesus, every opposing force, hindrance or confrontation bows. The Weymouth translation renders our opening verse this way: “…in the Name of JESUS every knee should bow, of beings in Heaven, of those on the earth, and of those in the underworld.” The Name of Jesus has power over all things, and over all beings, whether they be in heaven, on earth or in hell. The name has power and authority over everything that exists. That's why Peter could say to a man who had never walked from birth: “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6), and the man leaped and walked. The Name of Jesus is higher than any sickness, disease or infirmity, irrespective of what name they are called. Be it HIV, cancer or pneumonia; whatever the disease may be; it's subject to the Name of Jesus. If you've been sick in your body or have a loved one who's been battling with an ailment, use the Name of Jesus today, and effect a change. Invoke the power of the Name over that sickness and begin to see yourself or that loved one in perfect health. You can start and finish the year well and strong; that change you desire is possible, if you'd use the Name of Jesus today! It's the Name above every name, vested with all power. Live in that Name, for it's higher, greater and more powerful than any other. CONFESSION By the power in the Name of Jesus, I have authority to cast out devils and heal the sick. The devil and his cohorts have no place in my home, my body, or anything that is connected with me. I exercise dominion over them in all things continually. Amen. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; everything about my life is infused with divinity. I express the Father's glory daily; therefore, sickness and disease can't express themselves in me. Eternal life, divine health, strength and power – all are mine now! My life is extraordinary; it is full of glory and divine energy, in the name of Jesus. Amen. Divinity is tabernacled in my physical body; it flows in every fiber of my being, in every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body. I am not subject to the elements of this world. I live the transcendent life! I reign over sickness, disease and infirmity, in Jesus name. Amen. I declare that my body is no longer sustained by blood but by the life of God in me! I can't be infected in my blood because the Spirit of God is the life of my flesh. I'm an overcomer in this life and I reign over sickness, over demons and over the forces of darkness, in Jesus name. Amen. I'm continually strengthened with divine energy in my inner man; the anointing of God's Spirit flows through every part of me, making me sickness and disease free, in Jesus' name. Amen.


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