The Healing School Magazine - July 2017

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The Bible tells us how, on a certain day, the Apostle Peter went through the quarters, visiting the saints at Lydda. There he found a certain man named Aeneas, who was sick of the palsy and bedridden for eight long years. He had received the Gospel in that condition and believed in Jesus Christ. However, when Peter came to him and saw him lying paralyzed on the bed, he said, “Aeneas, Jesus maketh thee whole: arise, and make thy bed” (Acts 9:34), and immediately the man stood up healed. Peter didn't pray for the man; he didn't have to. All he did was to give him the Gospel in a nutshell; he said, “Jesus makes you well.” That's what the message of the Gospel can do in the life of anyone that receives it. Peter realized that the life of Christ in Aeneas was all the latter needed to overcome paralysis. No wonder our opening Scripture says, “And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.” I am often excited about the power and efficacy of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; how it liberates men from bondage into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Anyone who embraces the Gospel is brought into a life of absolute liberty – a life of the miraculous – far removed from religion. Galatians 5:1 lets us know that Christ has made us free to live the glorious and exciting life of the Spirit; therefore, refuse to be hampered with any yoke of slavery. John 8:32 says, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” The truth is the Word of God; your knowledge of the Word will keep you in perpetual victory, cleanse your heart and purge your conscience to serve God. It will foil every strategy of the enemy to put you in bondage of any kind. As a Christian, you can walk out of any condition that is contrary to the Word of God concerning you. You don't have any business remaining one more day in that painful, pitiful or unfavorable condition! Just get up and walk out of it. You can walk out of that sickness, poverty, lack and want! All you have to do is stop thinking, talking and acting like the man who's sick, poor or in lack. On the contrary, start thinking, and talking and acting like the man who is healthy, strong, rich, prosperous and victorious in Christ Jesus! That's the way to walk out of your limitations. Those around you may have known you as a man or woman who always complained of being broke or sick, but now, you've changed your language and mannerisms! All they hear you say now is who you are in Christ; you've walked out on the devil and the limitations of life! Glory to God!

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833


n 2004, 46-year-old Xiomara Merida from Guatemala suddenly woke up and discovered that she was in a hospital. On returning home, she was informed that she had lost consciousness. This was the beginning of frequent, recurrent seizures due to epilepsy. Once outgoing, vibrant and cheerful, Xiomara lost her excitement for life. Thinking about her condition made her unhappy and inexplicably tired. Seeking to arise out of the depression into a new life, she undertook a journey of faith to the Healing School. This is her riveting testimony of healing and deliverance.


iomara tells her story: “I came to the Healing School because I had suffered from epilepsy since 2004. I was working in the middle of the night and I felt very tired; so, I decided to go to sleep and I told my daughters not to disturb me, then I went to my bedroom. My daughter heard something that made her come into my room where she found me having the first seizure. She called an ambulance and I ended up in the hospital. After that, I had another seizure at work while talking to my co-workers, so the ambulance took me and I again woke up at the hospital. When I woke up each time, I couldn't recognize anyone, not even my husband and daughters and I didn't know where I was. This condition made me so sad, because when the epileptic seizures came, it was like losing oxygen in the brain. I couldn't recognize anyone, not even my husband of 27 years. It affected my social life, people regarded me like a sick person and they worried constantly. It affected my family and also my work; everyone treated me like I was some kind of special case; that affected my self-confidence, I didn't have my self-esteem anymore.” Life had changed for Xiomara and she found herself withdrawing more and more from everything and everyone with each passing day. “Epilepsy made me tired,” she said. “I just wasn't the same woman as before. I used to be a very energetic person, with a lot of charisma. I had always had laughter and I was into organizing everything, but because of the epilepsy, I didn't have the energy to do anything anymore. The doctor told me that I had to be on medication forever; I couldn't drive and I had to use a mask to sleep.” In addition to the physical and emotional strain of dealing with epilepsy, the continued loss of memory over the years also strained her relationship with her family. Sometimes, it was a chore even to recall the names of her daughters

and grandson. The frequent seizures also left her children traumatized, as they had to witness Xiomara's being taken away in an ambulance on countless occasions. With faith in the power of God to transform her life completely, Xiomara started to look for a place of possibilities, a place where all that ailed her could be taken away, a place where she could get her freedom back. “I wanted God to heal me from this condition, because I knew that sickness was of the devil. My husband and I were looking for answers, so we went to many different places,” she recalled. The time for restoration came when Xiomara saw Pastor Chris for the first time: “We saw Pastor Chris on TV one day and my husband said to me, 'You know what? This man looks sincere. We should go and see him.' I didn't want to live with epilepsy for the rest of my life. So we made enquiries and found out about the Healing School.” Xiomara tells of her experience at the Healing School: “From the first moment I stepped into the Healing School, I fell in love with the people and with the teachings. From the beginning, I was told that I am healed and that God wants to use me. I believed! I heard the same words that God's Spirit had been whispering to me every day, and I knew that this was my place. “The day Pastor Chris ministered to me brought a new life for me. I was bullied a lot in school as a kid because I didn't have a father who could rescue me from the bullies. But when Pastor Chris came to me, I heard God tell the devil to leave His daughter alone. Then Pastor Chris said, 'out!' It was beautiful beyond what I can describe in words.”

That was the end of epilepsy and memory loss for Xiomara, her life has been beautiful and full of joy ever since. She recounts, “After the Healing School, I got promoted at work; I used to have people in charge of me, but now I'm in charge of people. When I lost my memory, I lost my knowledge of the English language, so I had to start learning to speak it all over again. Now, my memory is back and it's wonderful! I haven't had another seizure since the day I came to the Healing School. “I am so full of energy and I love God with all of me. I enjoy worshiping Him, so much that I even joined the choir. It's all so exciting!” Xiomara is filled with gratitude to God for all He has done in her life. To the partners of the Healing School, she says, “Partners, you're planting for your brothers and sisters to get a bright future. You, your children, grandchildren and entire generations will reap the same. Thank you so much.” To the man of God, Pastor Chris, she says, “I live the Bible now because you taught me so well; to me, you are the voice of God speaking. Thank you, Pastor Chris, because you're a doer of the Word.” To someone in need of healing today, Xiomara says, “God has His eyes on you. Trust in Jesus; when God sent Him 2,000 years ago, he did a good job. Believe in what God has done for you, He says you're healed, and you are healed.” To participate in the upcoming 2017 Healing School Summer Session in Canada, kindly visit God bless you!


In 2010, I felt some pain in my back. At first, I was not worried, but over time, the pain increased. Within a few months, I could no longer walk by myself and I had to depend on others to do everything for me. I went for an MRI scan that showed lumps in my chest, that was when I found out that I had spinal tuberculosis. When the doctor said my only chance for survival was to have an operation, I knew it was time to turn to God for solutions. I came to the Healing School, believing God for a miracle. On the healing service day, Pastor Chris prayed for me and blew over me. I fell and then I got up jumping like I'd never done before. I knew from that day that I was totally healed. Now, I walk, I run and I even play soccer! Praise the Lord! This testimony has opened a new chapter in my life. It has settled everything about me. My family is happy and my business is thriving. Many people have seen what God has done in my life and when they come to me, I make sure they never leave without the Word of God and a glorious testimony. My life is beautiful and my heart is filled with joy. - Sampson Asamoah One day at work, I felt ill and decided to see a doctor. After some examinations, I was told that I had hypertension. From that time, my health began to decline; I was out of breath often and I couldn't walk long distances or climb the stairs. I had to use medications all the time, for 19 long years. I was always sad because I had to depend on my children most of the time. When I heard about the Healing School, I had hope that my life would be normal again. God touched me with His mighty power in that place, and I knew that I was healed. I received new strength and now, I can climb stairs and there's no more tightness in my chest; I can do all the things I couldn't do before and I'm off medication. It's so marvelous, like being a new person again. This is a miracle for me and many have come to believe in the power of the Almighty God through my testimony.� - Madge Paulse My testimony started in March 2013 at the Healing School session in Johannesburg, South Africa. Before then, I had high blood pressure and I suffered miscarriages, which caused me to spend a lot of time in hospitals. I even had an operation and I started seeing a cardiologist at age 23, but no doctor could figure out why I was losing my babies. I attended the Healing School session for two weeks, and a week after, I went to the doctors and found that I was pregnant. To their surprise, my blood pressure had also returned to normal, and it stayed that way throughout the pregnancy. On December 16, 2013, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. He is three and a half years old now and he is healthy and strong as ever. I praise God for giving me a miracle through the man of God, Pastor Chris. I will always testify of His infinite goodness. Hallelujah! - Nadi Mwanza To read more testimonies and for information on attending Healing School sessions, kindly visit our website @ Also download the Healing School Mobile App for Android and iOS devices for latest news and updates from the Healing School.


he Volunteer Medical Corps (VMC) is a unique initiative, a global medical outreach committed to providing medical care, relief assistance and sustainable health care solutions in crisis regions and to communities in dire need. Established as a network of Christian health workers, members of the Corps are engaged in actions with the primary intent of enhancing health, and are committed to providing humanitarian assistance to communities and persons in need. With members in over 50 countries, so many lives have been changed through the VMC's work, as committed Christian medics take healing and salvation to the sick and needy through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The work of the Volunteer Medical Corps covers special outreaches to victims of natural disasters, refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of wars and terrorist activities, and under-served or indigent communities. The VMC also undertakes medical outreaches to hospitals across various countries. Members of the VMC in Zimbabwe took God's love to the Chikurubhi Maximum Female Prison. They provided free healthcare and medications for over one hundred and sixty inmates and several children who were born in the prison in the course of their mothers' incarceration. Relief materials provided during this outreach included food items, diapers and other items for the women's personal care. One hundred and sixty-two prisoners received salvation that day, to the great delight of the medical team. The VMC Chapter in Ukraine reached out to Stalevarov Shelter Home, a camp for those displaced by the war in Luhansk and Donetsk regions of the country. They provided free blood pressure screening and relief materials to the residents. Recently, they also carried out a medical outreach to the homeless in the train station of the city of Vinnytsia. They ministered the Word of God to them and shared free copies of Christian materials, as well as packs of warm food, with them. The gifts meant so much to the beneficiaries, and they were reminded of God's love for them. This rekindled hope in their hearts for a more glorious future. The World 'No Tobacco' Day on May 31 was specially commemorated by VMC members in India with a medical outreach to the Jesus Heals Clinic in Pune, India. During the outreach, they provided free medical services including cardiac screening, free bone density check-up, blood pressure check, blood sugar check and medical consultation to over forty patients. The patients were also educated about the consequences of tobacco chewing and smoking through counseling, and various informative charts and illustrations. Make a difference in the lives of the sick, needy and displaced around the world! Join our global team today through the following ways: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sign up as a volunteer by visiting: Establish VMC Chapters in your country Participate in our regional online conferences Organize VMC outreaches and programs in your locality Sponsor our projects

For more information on how to participate in or partner with the Healing School Medical Missions: Visit Or send an email to Or call these numbers: +234 808 204 9811 or +234 802 706 9133. Healing School & You‌ together, taking healing to the nations!



ver the years, the ministry of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has impacted the lives of other ministers of the Gospel all over the world. Through special meetings and conferences, he unveils to them the glorious riches of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, giving their lives meaning. Ministers, in times past, have visited the Healing School from different parts of the world, and have been witnesses to the manifestation of the power of God through the healing and miracles. At the 2017 Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, hundreds of ministers from eighty-seven countries visited the Healing School. Their mission was to behold the mighty works of Jesus in our day, and to be impacted by the same grace and anointing at work in the life of the man of God, Pastor Chris. “I want to see the power of God working. To learn more about God and understand His Word better,” declared Rima Ayoub Wakileh from Jordan. Those who had never visited the Healing School before were motivated by what they had heard, and they came with faith to experience the same. “A friend told me about the amazing conferences with Pastor Chris and I decided to attend. I expect something amazing and beautiful to happen to me,” said Nesim Arian Hana from Egypt with so much enthusiasm. The ministers received a special invitation to the healing service with Pastor Chris. The incalculable blessing of attending this exclusive service was something they were eager to experience. At the service, the ministers saw the Word come alive as the sick were healed and the oppressed were set free when the man of God ministered by the power of the Holy Ghost. They were deeply awed by this demonstration of God's grace and loving kindness. “I thank God for giving me this opportunity to attend the Ministers' Visitation Program. God gave me a front seat to witness the powerful anointing of Pastor Chris. It was amazing to see so many miracles in one day. A myriad of diseases, healed with just a touch. Demons ordered out with such authority. Being in that meeting was awesome,” Pastor Robert Moumou from Seychelles rhapsodized.


With the glorious encounter at the healing service setting the pace for the rest of the Program, the ministers were excited and expectant to receive more as they attended several other meetings with Pastor Chris. They spoke of the richness of the revelations that came to them as the man of God gave them deeper insights into the Word. “It was amazing to be part of this powerful Program,” affirmed Pastor Josue Ernest from Rodriguez Island. “While the pastor preached every day, the Word of God became even clearer to me. The teachings have completely changed my mind set. Now, I think differently and I am convinced that as a child of God, success, progress, and victory are always on my side.” “Pastor Chris taught with such authority and experience, with such poise and confidence. I can see the spiritual growth in my life, especially speaking in tongues and having continuous fellowship with the Holy Spirit,” said Rev. Dr. Paul Rajapandian from the United Arab Emirates. Pastor Roy Matthew from India attested that, “Every time I come to the Healing School, my spirit changes. I hear deep truths from the Word of God and I get a new level of revelation that I never had. My eyes have opened to a new dimension of God's Word and wisdom.” When the time for impartation came, it was a fresh experience for the guests. In Pastor Robert's words, “To receive an impartation from Pastor Chris was the highlight. My life and Seychelles will not be the same again.” Pastor Altagracia Medrano from the Dominican Republic also shared, “The impartation service was an experience of God’s power; it was so awesome. As Pastor Chris laid hands on me, I felt a heavy sweet savor, as though someone was carrying me.” The ministers returned to their respective countries with much joy and gratitude for such a glorious and divine encounter with God. Commenting on the impact of this visit in his life and ministry, Blake Rees from Australia testifies, “For three exclusive nights, Pastor Chris shared the Word of God, unpacking deep revelation on a ministry level. We have implemented what we received in our ministry, and we're seeing significant results because of these teachings.” What a glorious and life-transforming time of fellowship! With renewed zeal and increased knowledge, these ministers will bless their countries with all they have received. Their desire and determination to impact the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ will most definitely be fulfilled to the glory of God. To learn more about the Ministers' Visitation Program, kindly visit



ood sleep is important for your health, physically and mentally. To be the best you at all times, you must allow your body rest and refresh itself through sleep. In our last edition, we discussed the benefits of a good night's sleep for your physical and mental wellbeing. An additional benefit of getting enough sleep is that you guarantee safety for yourself and others, and perform optimally when you're alert. Lack of sleep may cause microsleep – a situation where one loses consciousness for up to 30 seconds. If this happens when you're driving or operating heavy machinery, you endanger the lives of everyone in your immediate vicinity. How much sleep should you be getting? How long you need to sleep every day will change as you grow older. The older you are, the less time you need for sleep. The specific number of hours will vary among individuals, but below is a general recommendation: à à à à à

New-borns: Preschool-aged children: School-aged children: Teenagers: Adults (including the elderly):

16 –18 hours a day 11–12 hours a day At least 10 hours a day 9 –10 hours a day 6 – 8 hours a day

Tips for Getting Enough Sleep We've said a lot about establishing a regular sleep pattern and maintaining a proper sleep cycle. So, how do you break the habit of sleeping late, and ensure a truly restful night? Try these tips, and see if you don't get significantly different results. Ÿ

Watch The Drinks: It's a given that tea or coffee before bed means no sleep for most people. However, you should also watch what you drink in the afternoons. Most flavored waters, packaged iced teas, sodas and energyboosting drinks contain caffeine. So, to allow the effects wear off, stay away from these after lunch. If you want a nightcap, have it really early – no later than 6:00pm.


Choose The Right Dinner: For dinner, choose foods that are high in protein and tryptophan (converts to serotonin – a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep) like chicken, cheese, fresh vegetables, banana, milk, nuts and seeds, red meat, fish, oats, beans, lentils, and eggs. Avoid heavy meals though, eating too much will disrupt sleep.


No Phones Allowed in Bed: It's impolite to have your phone at the dinner table. It's also improper to have your phone in bed. Even when it's set on vibrate, your phone could still disturb your sleep if you're tuned to respond to every buzz and ping. If possible, disconnect from your phone (chats, calls and emails) at least 30 minutes before bed. Also use a real alarm clock, to avoid the temptation of keeping your phone close.


Fix the Mood for Snooze: Your body responds to stimuli – light means day (awake), dark means night (asleep). Keep your room dark while you sleep, but gradually make the lights dimmer as bedtime approaches. Either install low-watt light bulbs or use a dimmer switch.

Don't Overdo It. As important as it is to get enough sleep, it is even more important to not oversleep. Too much sleep will adversely affect your life spiritually, physically, financially, etc.


“Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16). 1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” This Scripture is clear about what Jesus came to do: He came to destroy the works of the devil. He paralyzed Satan, demolished his works, and rendered him and his demons completely helpless. Colossians 2:15 tells us that He made an open spectacle of Satan and his cohorts in hell and placed them under your feet. However, you have a responsibility to keep Satan and his demons where they belong; they shouldn't be allowed to run rampage in your life. Understand that though Satan is a defeated foe, the Christian isn't shielded from his wiles, stratagems and manipulations. That's why in Ephesians 6:11, we're admonished to put on the whole armor of God, so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. It's your responsibility to put your armor on; God isn't going to do it for you. One vital piece of armor is the shield of faith: “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” (Ephesians 6:16). God gave you the shield of faith to use; with it, you extinguish all the fiery darts of poverty, sickness and disease that the enemy throws at you. Keep building your faith strong by learning, and acting on, the Word. Irrespective of what happens around you, refuse to fear; refuse to give up or give in; speak the Word in faith! CONFESSIONS I have the life and nature of God in me; therefore, I'm more than a conqueror. I live a triumphant and victorious life every day, far above Satan, his wiles and all negative systems of this world! The Lord has appointed unto me a life of victory, success, health and excellence. I willingly open my heart to receive the Word today. As I study the Scriptures, and listen to the Word of God, my spirit is flooded with light and faith is stirred in me to surmount every adversity and live triumphantly in health and prosperity. I have the life of God in me; it flows in every fiber of my being. No sickness, disease or infirmity can thrive in my body, because the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in me, and has vitalized my body through and through. I'm whole, sound and excellent! In Christ, I triumph always and I have wisdom to excel in all things to the glory of the Lord. I live in health, prosperity and joy always. I celebrate my victory over Satan, the world, and all the negativities of life! Divine life has been imparted into my spirit through Jesus Christ. That life in me destroys, paralyzes, and renders ineffective the works of the devil and his attempts on my health, family, finances, and business.


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