The Healing School Magazine - July 2018

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“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with beneits, even the God of our salvation” (Psalm 68:19).


f you work for a thriving corporation, it may increase your wages regularly, give you lots of fringe beneits with certain allowances–a large house, a chaufeurdriven car, summer holidays abroad, scholarships for your children, free medical care, etc., but all these things don’t compare with what the Lord gives. Think about it. If a irm could give such wonderful beneits to those in its employ, imagine then what God would give you for working for Him! He gives the greatest blessings, and He daily loads us with beneits. “Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, won’t he also surely give us everything else?” Romans 8:32 (TLB).

In Matthew Chapter 6, Jesus gave His disciples a format on how to pray, and in verse 11, He said, “Give us this day our daily bread.” When He taught them this format of prayer, He hadn’t died on the cross, the New Testament hadn’t started because a will doesn’t come into existence until the death of the testator. After the death of Jesus Christ, the New Testament was sealed. Meaning that every provision from His will had become legal; you could now take advantage of it. However, it is important to note that the Master wasn’t talking about a loaf of bread, Jesus’ teaching in that prayer suggests that every day, in the mind of God, there’s a blessing for you. There’s more than enough supply for you every day. 02 | The Healing School Magazine

Romans 11:29 says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” God’s blessings upon your life, unlike what that multinational corporation you work for may give you, aren’t temporary; they are permanent and irrevocable. He doesn’t take back what He gives you. Your employers may give you all the nice things but they can one day decide to retire you. There is, however, no retirement in God, neither is there a pension scheme. Ever since you were born again and you received Christ, there’s been a daily supply for you–that’s what ‘daily bread’ means. That means you probably have a pile of unused supplies with God, supplies and beneits from God that you never took advantage of. Read our opening verse again. It says He daily loads us with beneits. Meaning that, aside from the supply, there’re also beneits–extras. God isn’t just into provision, He’s into supply as well; He’s not just providing what you need, He supplies them. Which means there’s a constant low, and the reason for the low is for you to have more than enough for yourself, and to help others. The more you work for the Lord and with the Lord in His ‘business’ of reaching the lost with the Gospel, the more He honours you for doing it. There’s no man or group on earth that can bless you the way God has already blessed you, and can bless you. Continue to serve Him diligently and He’ll reward your faith and faithfulness.

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lmost from birth, life for Joanne Govindsamy had been one long, diicult struggle. Diagnosed with asthma when she was just 3 months old, she required constant care and medical attention. Forced to live in controlled environments to manage her condition, Joanne was robbed of a normal childhood as she couldn’t play around like a normal child. Over the years, her health deteriorated as the several medications she had to take extracted a heavy toll on her body. Joanne was just 19 when she inally got her death sentence; her lungs had failed and were too damaged to be operated on. She was told that she had only a few days more to live, and the doctors advised her mother to take her home and help her enjoy her last days on earth. Determined to hold on to her daughter, Joanne’s mother–Shereen–brought Joanne to the Healing School. This was the beginning of a new life for Joanne. Shereen tells us how it all started, “When Joanne was about 3 months old, she had problems breathing, so I took her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with asthma. They gave her pills and put her on steroids. I was also asked to buy her a nebulizing machine for oxygen. She used two inhalers–one was a preventer and the other was a steroid pump. She also took prednisone tablets, among others; her prescription had about 20 pills a day. There were times when she would be having problems breathing–and the pump and all the tablets and steroids wouldn’t help her; that’s when I had to put her on the nebulizer. Her health was a concern for the whole family, it was a part of our lives. Then, when she was 19 years old, we noticed that she was gaining weight very fast. Her normal waist size was thirty, but it went up to like forty-two. We went to check what was happening, and lung failure was the diagnosis. Her lungs had been damaged over the years due to the adverse efects of the medications.” “I was hospitalised for 3 months,” Joanne picks up the story. “It hurt to be in that condition all those years, it afected my life. I had to always carry

My lungs had failed and there was no operation or anything that could save me, there was no hope. I was a young girl of 19, and I was getting this unbelievable news that my life was over. 04 | The Healing School Magazine

the pump with me. The inhalers I had to use every day were supposed to last a month, but they didn’t even last one week because I needed them so much, sometimes as often as every 10 minutes. I had to use one if there was a smell that made my chest heavy, like perfume, or if I stood or walked for too long.

the lungs specialist for a new lung functionality test. Before they told my mum to take me home, my lungs were working at 15%, but after 2 weeks at the Healing School, the new test showed that my lungs were functioning at 88%. Even the doctor was surprised, but I told him that it was by the power of God.”

“At the end of the 3-month period in the hospital, the doctors called my mum and advised her to take me home because there was nothing they could do for me. My lungs had failed and there was no operation or anything that could save me, there was no hope. I was a young girl of 19, and I was getting this unbelievable news that my life was over. So, I was supposed to go home and spend time with my family, instead of dying in the hospital. They told my mum to help me enjoy the weekend as it would be my last.”

It’s been more than a year since that fateful day at the hospital, and Joanne is still alive and doing well. Her life is totally diferent now and she attests to a new life of blessings and fulilled dreams, “This testimony means everything, it’s my life. I would not be here today if I didn’t attend the Healing School. God is faithful, and He really did a wonder in my life. I’m forever grateful to God. I thank Him for healing me and making me whole again.

Unable to accept that her child had reached the end of the line, Shereen decided to bring Joanne to the Healing School. “It was very depressing and sad, and it broke my heart, but I knew a place where there was an abundance of hope,” she says. Joanne narrates her experience at the Healing School: “I wanted God to heal me and take away the sickness from my body, so that I wouldn’t need the pumps anymore, or have to be rushed to the hospital or use the nebulizer. “When we came to the Healing School, from being in the auditorium and listening to the Word, I knew that I was already healed. Then Pastor Chris ministered to me. I recall that the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit was so intense that my body started to tremble and shake, even before the man of God came towards me. The experience was like nothing I had ever felt before, it was amazing to feel the power of God in such a way. “After the Healing School, I made another appointment with

“For my family, life has been much better. I work now and my life is normal again. My mum doesn’t have to take care of me all the time because I can do things on my own. Being in an airplane used to be impossible for me because the environment is pressurised and conined, but now, by the grace of God, I am a certiied light attendant.” Joanne says to the partners of the Healing School, “Thank you for your love and dedication, for all that you do for us. May you grow more in the grace of our Lord.” To Pastor Chris, she says, “There are no words to describe how grateful and thankful I am to God for sending someone like you to us. I love you dearly, I thank you and I wish that you may grow and prosper even more.” Registration for the upcoming 2018 August Session with Pastor Chris in Lagos, Nigeria, has commenced. Like Joanne says, “This is your time, get ready to be renewed and revived. Your faith will work for you.” Visit or download the Healing School Mobile App for more information today. The Healing School Magazine | 05


ll around the world, from several countries, hundreds of pastors and leaders journeyed to South Africa to experience the power of God at the Healing School’s 2018 Ministers’ Visitation Program. Having heard of the mighty works wrought at the Healing School, they were expectant for an awesome experience. It was such a remarkable, transforming and spiritually invigorating experience for these ministers, right from their irst meeting with the man of God, Pastor Chris, which was the healing service. The visiting ministers watched the written Word of God come alive as Pastor Chris ministered healing to the sick and cast out devils with great authority; they saw the sick rise from deathbeds and others get out of wheelchairs. Witnessing so many miracles, the ministers marveled at God’s goodness. Among these anointed leaders of God’s people from across the globe was Pastor Julio Souza of Foursquare Gospel Church in Rondônia, Brazil, who related his experience at the healing service: “I was highly impacted because I had the opportunity to see the power of the Holy Spirit very strongly as people with various diseases were healed, it was supernatural. The message that Pastor Chris preaches is profound, revealing, shocking. I’ve never heard anything like it.” 06 | The Healing School Magazine

The ministers were treated to a rich time of fellowship with the Word of God at special teaching meetings they had with Pastor Chris and several other senior pastors, who unveiled deep truths and taught them several fundamental subjects in God’s Word.

As the impartation service ended, the man of God proclaimed blessings upon the ministers. It was glorious to see them empowered with a fresh anointing to fulil God’s vision for their lives and ministries, and to impact more lives for Jesus.

Reacting to the message, Evangelist Charles Gollaboina from Spirit of Life Church, India, enthused, “The Word of God preached by Pastor Chris was simple, but had a lot of depth in God. He explained the Word in such detail, and this will deinitely help me communicate the Gospel of Jesus to others with simplicity.”

As the group departed, Pastor Tunde Ayodele-Matthew of Global Alame Mission, Benin Republic, stated, “My being at the Healing School has really changed my life and my ministry. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet other ministers of the Gospel from around the globe. I learnt how to minister to the sick, and that there’s nothing that is impossible. My faith is stronger than before, grace has multiplied and my vision has expanded. I’ll use this ire I’ve received to change lives in my nation, to the glory of the Lord!”

One of the most memorable experiences of the ministers’ sojourn was the special impartation service. Just as the Apostle Paul imparted spiritual gifts to Timothy by the laying on of hands (2 Timothy 1:6), Pastor Chris ministered grace and spiritual gifts to each one of them. It was a glorious sight to behold as they received and fell under the power of the Holy Spirit, totally infused with divine ability! Xenia Wedekind from Buchegg Christian Center, Switzerland, stated with much rejoicing, “When Pastor Chris ministered to me, I fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. I felt something great had been poured into me. I was delivered from fear and my faith has increased with knowledge of God’s Word. My experience at the Healing School was great, and I have become courageously bold to minister the Word in my country!”

The ministers had a glorious time of fellowship with the man of God, Pastor Chris, and were greatly equipped and translated to new realms of glory! They returned to their respective countries with new inspiration, insights and ideas, as well as renewed zeal and increased knowledge, ready to make tremendous impact by the power of God. For more testimonies and video reports of other ministers’ visits to the Healing School, and information on our Ministers’ Visitation Program, please visit

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ll around the world, the Lord is transforming the lives of people from diferent nations, of diferent tribes and tongues, in wonderful ways through the ministry of the Healing School. A multitude of people have been gloriously impacted in many ways; the sick have received healing, the oppressed have been set free, and the desperate and hopeless have had their hope restored. The 2018 Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, was an avalanche of testimonies and miracles! Several healing services held, each surpassing the previous one in glory. These meetings were inundated with manifestations of God’s power.

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61-year-old Grace Thelma Nolan from South Africa sufered from asthma, hypertension and persistent coughing for 2 years. With faith for a miracle, she attended the Healing School and the man of God ministered to her. Grace recounted, “I received my healing and my lungs and heart are now perfectly restored! My expectations were fulilled and I will always share my testimony to the glory of God!”

Felix Marima spent 5 years in agony due to hypertension, back pain, piles and severe headaches. This afected his life as he found himself unable to function properly. Several medications didn’t help, and the condition only worsened over time. With hope for a permanent solution, he decided to attend a session and made his way to South Africa from the nation of Zimbabwe. After his experience at the Healing School, Felix is free of all pain and now lives in victory and dominion over sickness.

For 12 years, Ajithra Sathyabhameswaransherlikumary, a 32-year-old lady from India, battled pain and diiculty as a result of degenerative disc disease, spinal cord injury, decreased lumbar lordosis, rheumatoid arthritis and a bulging disc injury. She also sufered recurrent seizures and syncope. With faith for a miracle that would give her back her life, she journeyed from India to the Healing School. When Pastor Chris laid hands on her, the power of God was transferred into her body and she got up from the wheelchair, completely healed, and now walks without any aid!

MAKE IT A DATE! It’s that time again! It’s time for the 2018 August Session with Pastor Chris in Lagos, Nigeria. Indeed, wondrous things happened at the Autumn Session, but the upcoming session promises to be even more glorious. The August Session will be a greater manifestation of God’s power, grace and immeasurable love. We’ll witness supernatural manifestations of the Spirit at this session, and we’ll experience an overlow of mighty miracles! We are thankful to you, our dear partners, for your steadfast support in taking healing to those in need, irrespective of who or where they are. As the August Session approaches, be prepared to be a part of the outpouring of miracles. You can partner with us in the following ways: • By praying for the session • By inviting someone for the session • By giving towards the session For more information, please visit our website at

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1. Consume Less Sugar: Give up sugary drinks like soda; one regular can of cola contains over 30grams of sugar. Replace sugary drinks with water, or unsweetened tea. Eat fresh fruits, which have less sugar than fruits canned in syrup.

eating, even if there’s still food on your plate. Pay attention to your food, don’t eat in front of the TV or computer. Multitasking leads to overeating. Also, as much as possible, avoid eating late at night, to prevent sleep disruption, acid relux and indigestion.

2. Eat Breakfast: Eat breakfast before you leave the house or take it with you to work or school. It’s important to eat something in the morning to fuel your body. Skipping meals during the day–especially breakfast–increases cravings for food at odd times.

7. Snack Less at Work: Get unhealthy snacks out of your oice. If you tend to graze often at work, don’t keep food at your desk. Keep it at least 2 meters away from your seat; you snack less because the distance makes you think before you grab a bite.

3. Junk Less: Avoid fast foods, but if you must, choose lower-calorie options like grilled chicken or low-fat chili. Also look for fruit or veggie options and order small sizes; avoid ‘value’ meals. Sip water instead of sugary drinks.

8. Eat Smart at Restaurants/Parties: Plan when you are to dine out. Have a healthy snack before you leave for the bufet and limit your portions at the party; then step away from the food and avoid conversations around the bufet table. At the restaurant, cut your meals in half and take one part home.

4. Snack Healthier: Instead of reaching for cookies or chips, enjoy a handful of nuts, or low-fat yogurt. Take advantage of fresh fruits in season and enjoy refreshing options at diferent times of the year. Don’t snack to relieve stress or distract yourself from the pressure–only snack when you’re hungry and eat one serving at a time. 5. Dine Out Less: Plan your meals for every day to reduce eating out. Cook in batches and preserve some for later. You can also opt for easy-to-ix healthy foods for lunch or dinner, like oatmeal with fruit. 6. Avoid Mindless Eating: Watch yourself as you eat. When you feel satisied (before you feel full) stop

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9. Learn to Say ‘No’: Stay strong when it comes to eating healthy. The bread and soup may be complementary, and your co-worker’s homemade cooking might be fantastic, but remember that every bite adds up. Refuse to indulge and just politely decline extra food. You owe yourself good health. 10. Don’t Overeat: Think small portions. Trade large plates for smaller ones. Use a tablespoon to dish out portions. Think about what you put on your plate to make sure you really want it. Serve from the cooker instead of the table, so that second helpings aren’t right in front of you. Eat slowly so your body has time to tell your brain you’re full.


“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof” (Proverbs 18:21).

id you know that your talk is your future? Every human person is the character of his or her words. Who you are today, what you’ve become, is the result of your words. That’s the reason you must mind your language and train yourself to talk right. As a Christian, you must talk diferently. Never speak death. Speak life, always. Learn and speak the language of the Word.

Don’t use the vain and base language of men; like the fellow who always says, “I’m afraid it’s going to rain!” When you talk like that, fear rises up like a giant and keeps you in bondage. Or you hear someone say, “This job is killing me.” The one who keeps saying such will probably end up crippled with a stroke or other ailment at age sixty or sixty-ive, and it will be the result of his negative confessions through the years. Don’t say, “My stomach pain has returned”; it’s not your stomach pain! Stomach pain isn’t from God, so don’t make it your possession. The only things we speak are those things given to us by God, in the language that God has given us. “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.” (Corinthians 2:12-13).

CONFESSIONS I testify of the goodness of the Lord and the victories He has wrought in my life through Christ Jesus! I testify that the power of His infallible Word has brought me into a place of strength, power, rest, and dominion. I testify that the miracles of salvation are wrought through me; I daily experience supernatural blessings of divine health and prosperity. I testify that I have the son of God, and therefore the life of God. That life that is unsusceptible and invulnerable to pain, sickness, disease or inirmity–that very life–courses through my being, giving life to my body. I testify that I lourish in divine health. I testify that the healing power of God is at work in me–in every iber of my being, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I am a child of God. I refuse to be sick. Sickness doesn’t belong to me. God’s love has given me life, so I have the life of God in me. I have health in me. I have strength in me. I’m alive, well, and sound. The Word of God is living, active, operative, energizing, and efective, and it produces what it talks about in my life. It is sharper than any knife, and it is penetrating the deepest recesses of my body. The Word is alive in me; therefore, I cannot die. My body is impervious to sickness, disease or death. Every time I receive the Word of God, it goes into my spirit, through my soul and body. The Word is working in me, replacing anything that is bad, mending anything that is broken, and correcting every anomaly. My body is perfected by the Word. The Healing School Magazine | 11

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