The Healing School Magazine - June 2017

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od inhabits the praises of His people; that's where He dwells. The Psalmist said “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22:3). In several portions of scripture, we see God's mighty deliverance in the affairs of men when they praised Him. That's because praise is an expression of faith in Him. And faith, the Bible says, can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). Acts 16 chronicles how songs of praise from Paul and Silas resulted in a divinely orchestrated earthquake that saw to their release from an obnoxious incarceration. They had been imprisoned in a city called Thyatira. In this distressing situation, they chose to pray and sing praises to God. “And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed” (Acts 16:26). God's presence prevailed in their situation, and they were set free from jail by His power. That's how powerful praise is! King Jehoshaphat understood this faith principle and appointed singers to go before his army, praising the beauty of God's holiness in a time of war, when anyone would naturally be distraught. God had assured them of victory in this war; however, His presence became manifest when they began to praise Him! “And when they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten” (2 Chronicles 20:22). The secret of their victory was definitely praise!

further drives this point home. Her daughter had been troubled by a devil, and she came to Jesus for healing. She had wept and cried after Jesus, yet He did not oblige her much pleading. She also constituted such a nuisance that His disciples asked Him to send her away. “Then came she and worshipped him…” (Matthew 15:25), and the situation changed! If you desire a miracle today, whether it's in your job or finances, or even trouble at work; or perhaps it has to do with your health or that of a loved one; whatever it is, as an act of faith, set this matter before you, and begin to sing songs of praise in the spirit and also in your understanding again and again, as the Holy Spirit gives you utterance. By this act of faith, you're invoking the power of God – the most High God – over the matter before you. Worrying and doubt have never produced a positive result. Instead, the Bible says faith is what gets the job done! (Matthew 17:20). You don't have to say much. Don't talk about the thing that's been bothering you. Keep your focus on the Lord; as you sing and dance to the Lord, chanting verses of praise to extol His majesty, the power of God will surge through your being. Don't stop at this time; as the inspiration increases, speak in tongues again and again, until you have a note of victory.

No matter what the case is, such worship will be followed by the miraculous. Rather than feel downcast, helpless or overwhelmed when you face challenges, employ the worship and praise strategy; the power of God's Spirit will be stirred, and you'll have a testimony. Praise and worship the Lord in the face of daunting challenges, and His glory The Syrophoenician woman’s story in Matthew 15:22-28 will be manifested.

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833

To me, coming to the Healing School was more than healing. I had lost my joy and I had no peace, but at the Healing School, everything changed.



n the morning of September 24 2015, Keren Chulu was out and about her normal business, without a clue that her life was about to change drastically. Hours later, on her way home, she was involved in a car accident, and sustained severe injuries in her feet and on the right leg. This was the beginning of Keren's ordeal. Keren begins her story with recollections of that fateful day: “I was walking home in the evening and I suddenly heard screeching tires from behind me. The next thing I remembered was opening my eyes to find dust in my mouth, with my right leg bent the wrong way and blood all over my legs. I spent ten days in the Intensive Care Unit after that. There were six surgical procedures done on me, including the reconstruction of my right knee and right foot with metals inserted.” Despite the treatments, Keren's situation didn't improve at all. She reports that, “After spending more than two months in the hospital, I still could not stand or walk without help. By holding on to my father or mother, I could stand for about ten seconds, and then I'd have to sit down. “When I left the hospital, I was told I would never walk again. Also, I would never

kneel, jump, squat or wear normal shoes again. I had to wear bigger shoes – size 8 or bigger – and they had to be sneakers fitted with special inner soles to help shape my feet. If I didn't wear these soles, my feet were painful and stiff for many days afterwards. The doctor also said to me, ‘with your kind of injuries, you should expect arthritis, expect a knee replacement, a hip replacement…’ There were so many things I would never do again and my case had been written off. I had constant pain in my feet, in my right knee and hip. I had a severe limp and I couldn't even stand without leaning on my crutch. For longer distances, I had to use a wheelchair.” Talking about the impact the accident had on her life and the emotional toll, Keren reveals that it was a difficult time for her: “Life was full of pain, anxiety and fear. I was concerned about the future. I kept wondering where I would be in five or ten years if my condition continued this way, because there was always something new – a new pain, a new problem, a new report of 'you can't'. I attracted pity from others, and that was hard for me because I was used to helping other people, but I was no longer able to do anything for myself.” After a visit to the doctor in January 2016, Keren decided she had had enough of living with the ever-increasing pain. “I went to the hospital for a review and the doctor passed what, to me, was a death sentence. I said, 'No!' to all of it. I decided that I would come to the Healing School; my father was healed of deafness, prostate cancer and chronic back pain when he attended a session in 2014, so I knew that this was the answer I needed.” Keren narrates her experience when she encountered the power of God at the Healing School. “The day of the ministration is a day I'll never forget. When Pastor Chris walked into the hall, he came to me and I remember him putting his hands on my neck. Immediately, I felt a very calm wind surge through my body. My right leg shook and I fell down. When I got up from there, I started running, and jumping. Just like that, I was perfectly healed!” she exclaims. “I went to the mall a day or two later with my sister and she was buying heeled shoes. I determined that day, that I would wear high heels again. So I bought a pair in my regular size (size 7) and they fit perfectly!” Glad about her miracle and the chance to live a normal life again, Keren compares her situation a year ago with her life now that she's been healed, “To me, coming to the Healing School was more than healing. I had lost my joy and I had no peace. The dreams that I had for my life had seemed very distant and almost impossible, but at the Healing School, everything changed. I and the people around me have made such progress. “Now I can walk as far as I want, for as long as I want. I can stand the whole day if I choose. I can run and jump, and I can wear heels or any pair of shoes I decide to wear. There's no pain, nothing, zero. I used to sleep with pillows between my legs because of the pain, but I haven't done that in over a year. I couldn't play with my son, now I can. My academics suffered because of the situation, but at the end of 2016, I had distinctions in all my modules. There were huge medical bills that were paid off miraculously. “My parents had to put their lives on hold to take care of me. They were drained emotionally and financially. Now, they live in the miraculous. Things are different; so much so that my mother shared the testimony of my miracle in Zambia and someone recorded her speaking. The recorded testimony was taken to a woman in a wheelchair, and that woman watched the video until she walked out of the wheelchair. “I share my testimony with anybody who will listen, and whenever I do, the miraculous takes place. I've watched people get healed, I see people come in with ailments and pain, and they leave without them.” Using her testimony as a reference, Keren has a special message for someone in need of healing today. “Nothing is impossible. When you come to the Healing School, everything changes. You realize that you're not the sick trying to get healed, you're the healed getting ready to go and heal others.” She concludes her testimony by thanking the man of God, Pastor Chris, and partners of the Healing School, saying, “If there was no Healing School, where would I be today? Because of what you're doing, I came here for free. I received my miracle and my life was changed. You're changing lives. Continue, don't stop.” The 2017 Summer Session of the Healing School is scheduled for the month of August, and it promises to be an extraordinary time for the outpouring of the love of God. Be a part of the testimonies and miracles. Please visit to see how.



any across the globe have had their lives restored; many others received salvation; and many more, by extension, have taken the message of divine health to their world and spread the light of the Gospel – all from the anointing they received at the Healing School. The 2017 Summer Session with Pastor Chris comes up in the month of August, in Canada. It's another opportunity for men, women and children who are afflicted with diverse health conditions to receive an awesome touch of the Holy Spirit in a special way, with extraordinary miracles! Registration for the 2017 Healing School Summer Session is ongoing. You can also participate in this upcoming session in the following ways: -

by praying about the session by giving for the session by inviting someone to the session

Get ready for a time of divine impartation and superlative transformation! I was diagnosed with multiple joint problems, prolapsed lumbar discs, pain in my right hip and neck pain associated with cervical disc problems for seven years. I also had hiatus hernia. I routinely had consultations with several specialists – a neurosurgeon, a rheumatologist and an orthotics consultant – with little improvement. After I attended the Healing School in 2012, I received my much-desired miracle! When Pastor Chris prayed for me, I felt a shaking in my body, precisely in my abdominal area, and then I noticed the pain was gone! The pain in my stomach and joints completely disappeared and I now walk freely! I'm happier and stronger! – Natavan Ismayilova, United Kingdom For twenty three years, I couldn't relate properly with the world around me. I was partially deaf due to otitis media. Life was a struggle for me, I could only hear faint sounds from the left ear and communication was extremely difficult. My situation became more problematic when I developed severe back pain. Work and every aspect of my life suffered as a result. I was sad, depressed and frustrated. At the Healing School, the power of God came upon me and I received my miracle. Now, I'm totally healed, and I've seen a lot of changes in my life. I can hear and I don't feel any pain whatsoever. I've got my life back! - Primrose Jokazi, South Africa



rom every continent, hundreds of young people from 135 countries made their way to South Africa. They came, eager and glad to be part of a most auspicious event – the sixth edition of the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris.

Right from the start, this weeklong Camp promised to be an unforgettable experience. Upon arrival, Benny from Wales said, “I am looking forward to the impartation I will receive at the 2017 Youth Camp, so that I can affect my generation with the Gospel.” Also sharing her expectations, Poojah from India said, “From this Camp, I know that I'll be changed, I will be bolder to win souls for Jesus. I will not remain the same, and my country will not remain the same.” Each day of the Camp was filled with special meetings and other activities that were crucial to the total growth and development of the delegates. The morning drills were a popular favorite as the campers had the opportunity to exercise with Pastor Chris. Several excursions to fun parks and nature reserves, and other exciting activities, made the afternoons memorable as they allowed youth from various nations bond with one another. Special times of prayer and fellowship with the Word highlighted every session of the program. The delegates inspired one another through different talk shows and special presentations, including dance, music and the Spoken Word. There were also various super sessions, during which the youth enjoyed stirring lectures from senior pastors in the Believers' Loveworld ministry. The delegates increased in the knowledge of God's Word under the tutelage of the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. In exclusive meetings with him, they received insight as the man of God gave them the opportunity to ask questions that had hitherto burned in their hearts. He answered each one with truths from the Bible, thus encouraging them to give attention to God's Word. Pastor Chris exhorted the youth on the importance of true worship. “Worshiping God with songs of praise and thanksgiving is very important to Him. So look for, and create, opportunities to worship. Take it seriously when you do, because big things happen when you worship.” The man of God also enlightened the campers on the truth about spiritual activities in this world and in present times. Emphasizing the import of this knowledge, he told the youths that, “We've got to preach the Gospel now, more than ever. We can't be quiet, because there's no other name by which men can be saved.” Charging the


youth to remember who they are, Pastor Chris said, “Preach the Gospel fearlessly. Like David and Goliath, it doesn't matter how small you are or how big the enemy is, you will always win. Believe in who you are, believe in who God has made you. Be the David to your generation.” Reacting to the message, Barbara from Switzerland said, “This Youth Camp has been great and full of glory. The teachings have been amazing, my heart has been touched. Thank you, Pastor Chris, for putting the Word in us.” The concluding session of the Camp was a glorious and remarkable encounter. It was earmarked by the impartation of the Word and the power of God’s Spirit. Pastor Chris ministered specially to the delegates, imparting to them a special grace and equipping them for this new level of their walk as ministers of the Gospel. Speaking of the impact this experience will have, Tyra from Italy said, "As much as I've loved it here, I can't wait to go back and start doing what God has created us to do. I look forward to the testimonies as I affect my world with what I've received here." The 2017 International Easter Youth Camp officially came to a close as Pastor Chris pronounced blessings upon the delegates, prophesying that each of them will make great impact for the Gospel in their nations, and that they will shake the world for Jesus. What a beautiful time of fellowship! Surely, these youth campers will never be the same again. They are afire and are full of divine energy to preach the Gospel like never before. Glory to God! Visit for more information about the International Easter Youth Camp with Pastor Chris.



ne of the ways to improve your health is making sure your body gets enough rest. Good sleep goes a long way to help in this wise. It's recommended that you sleep for a certain number of hours every day. You're not supposed to go on for several days without sleep. Over time, chronic insomnia could drastically affect your health. Many get sick because they ignore simple routines like proper rest and physical exercise. Night has a cooling effect on the natural body. The biological effect of night is to cause you to sleep, to create the instincts of sleep, yet some people don't give in to sleep. Some say, “There're days that I sleep throughout; and then other days, I just stay awake.” Such a lifestyle is abnormal and isn't good for your health. Proper sleep is vital and the advantages range from a healthy heart and maintaining an ideal weight to wellness of mind and much more. Below are some benefits of a good night's sleep. Improved Mental Wellness Several studies show that regular sleep boosts memory and improves learning. When your body is resting in sleep, your mind busies itself strengthening your memories, 'practicing' skills you learned during the day and preparing you for the next day. This helps you stay motivated, and you wake up in the morning ready to take on the work and activity slated for the day. Sleep helps your brain work properly. Sleep deficiency may affect decision making and problem solving skills, self-control and one's ability to cope with change. In extreme cases, it can lead to depression or suicide. In children, lack of sleep may induce attention problems, mood swings, lack of drive/energy, etc. Improved Physical Health A good dose of sleep gives your body the opportunity to repair or replace cells and tissues. Prolonged sleep deprivation escalates the risk of arthritis, heart and kidney diseases, hypertension, diabetes and stroke. The amount of sleep you get each night will determine the state of your body's immune system. Your plans for shedding that extra ten pounds should include quality sleeping time, as well as a healthy diet and regular exercise. A research across people of various age groups showed that those who get less or irregular sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese. Sleep is also important for maintaining hormonal balance. Lack of sleep may cause hunger due to increase in the release of ghrelin – the 'hunger' hormone, thus leading to unnecessary breaks in your diet. Insufficient sleep will also affect production of cortisol which, among other functions, controls stress levels. Another example is how sleep influences your body's reaction to insulin and thus your blood sugar levels. It's important that you learn to keep your body healthy and strong; don't wear out your body from excessive labour. In our next edition, we will bring you more information on the benefits of good sleep, how much sleep you should be getting, and tips for setting and keeping up healthy sleep patterns. Stay connected.


“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23). Proverbs 6:2 says, “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” This Scripture underscores the precarious situation many have found themselves in today. They've been taken captive by their negative confessions; bound by their words. However, if you've been taught right, you'll think right, and the result of this is, you'll talk right. When you talk and act right, your life will turn out right. Our confessions rule us. When it comes to words, there's no such things as “I didn't quite mean what I said.” Jesus said you shall have what you say; so don't say it, if you don't mean it. Consciously speak the Word always – over your life, finances, business, health, etc. Proverbs 18:20 says, “A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.” Here, this Scripture isn't talking about the size of your lips, but the words of wisdom pouring out of your mouth. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” This means you can speak life and reap a harvest of good things. Whatever you believe and voice out with your mouth is what's going to happen in your life. This is a law of the Spirit, and it works, whether or not you believe it. CONFESSIONS I'm triumphant by the Word, today, always, and forever. I'll never be discouraged nor subject to the crippling principles of this world, because I live in and by the Word. I reign victoriously over circumstances, by my faith-filled confessions. Amen. The Word of God has creative power to transform my life; it brings health and life to my body, and transforms the circumstances of my life. I have put away all filthy communication from my mouth. All that proceeds from my mouth edifies; it ministers grace to the hearer and brings glory to God. I am blessed; that means I am empowered to prosper. The seed of blessing has been passed to me; the blessings of Abraham are for me and my family. I have the ability to enjoy my spiritual blessings because God's divine nature is manifested in me. My God has made me flourish like a palm tree; I am like a tree planted by the rivers and my leaves are evergreen. I cannot be sick, because where I live is glorious; I am an inhabitant of Zion and divine health is my present-hour reality. Above all things, I prosper in health, even as my soul prospers. My health is dependent on God's Word. I refuse to be sick and I cannot be sick. Sickness cannot stay in my body because my body is the temple of the living God.


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