The Healing School Magazine - March 2017

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“For the scripture says, “The first man, Adam, was created a living being”; but the last Adam is the life-giving Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 15:45 GNB)


n John 10:10 the Lord Jesus declared, “…I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” He left no one in doubt as to His purpose; He came to give eternal life to those who would believe in Him. He gave further confirmation to this truth when He said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life…” (John 10:27-28). No wonder He's described in our opening scripture as the lifegiving Spirit.

called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” This means that you have been called and sent by God to manifest and administer the will, purpose and character of God to your world; you have become a dispenser of His life and of His goodness.

Furthermore, Jesus said in John 20:21, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” He has appointed you as His representative on earth, to manifest the God-life to the nations of the world. He has sent you as a bearer of His Gospel to bring Having been born again, you're one with Christ. 1 the lost into the liberty of the sons of God, and into Corinthians 6:17 says, “…he that is joined unto the glorious life in Christ. the Lord is one spirit.” You have become one spirit with the Lord; as He is so are you (1 John Eternal life is unveiled through the preaching of 4:17). Therefore, you're a life-giving spirit. Not the Gospel. As people listen to you preach, eternal only has He made you a partaker of His life, you're life (i.e. salvation, divine health, prosperity and the also the dispenser or distributor of divine life. This righteousness of God) are unveiled to them. You is your purpose on earth – to bring the lost into the are a vent for His expression; you are the life of righteousness through the Gospel. This is expression of His glory, love, and grace. Become your job; this is your ministry; this is your life. conscious of this truth, and you will never walk in confusion or despondency ever again! Rather, 1 Peter 2:9 (AMP) says, “But you are a chosen your life will be an unending stream of the race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, supernatural as you live out God's purpose – [God's] own purchased, special people, that dispensing life to everything and everyone in your you may set forth the wonderful deeds and world. display the virtues and perfections of Him Who

This magazine is a publication of the Healing School. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ISSN 1597 - 0833


aren Delangre, 29, had great aspirations for the future. As a wife and mother, she had looked forward to building a home full of life, laughter and love. When she noticed that she was bleeding from her mouth and nose, she became concerned and immediately consulted a doctor. Nothing could have prepared her for what followed. Fighting for her life after being diagnosed with acute anemia and leukemia, little did she realize that the effects would extend as far as breaking up her marriage. Broken and disheartened, the Healing School was her last resort, so she came with expectations for a lasting solution. “I came to the Healing School because I had been diagnosed with acute anemia and first stage leukemia,” Karen begins. “In 2014, I started experiencing loss of consciousness and vomiting

from time to time. There was blood coming out from my mouth and nose, and I couldn't sleep because I had respiratory problems. So, I went to the hospital in January 2015 and after they did multiple tests, I received a diagnosis of acute anemia and first stage leukemia. The doctor recommended chemotherapy and I agreed.” However, the treatment proved to be ineffective. After two chemotherapy sessions, Karen called it off, as the pain was too severe and the treatments made her weaker each time. “I was told that there is no cure for leukemia. I would keep on doing the treatment until my last days. That's when I decided to stop,” she narrates. Her condition worsened with each passing day and symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite and sleep apnea made life difficult. She found herself unable to walk long distances or lift heavy objects. She also couldn't take care of herself or her baby. “It was really a hard time for me because the disease started to break me from the inside,” Karen pointed out. From there, things continued on a downward turn as the illness took its toll on Karen in different ways. “In Mauritius, you need a medical certificate to work, and the certificate I had wouldn't get me work anywhere. Financially, things were very hard because I needed to buy medication and do things for my baby. “When my husband found out that I had acute anemia, he left me with our child and went away. I was sad that he left because of sickness, when he should have been the first to support me. I felt emotionally broken and this affected me even more,” she laments. “I wanted to be healed so that I could take my life in my hands again.”

Karen's prayers were about to be answered and her life would change for good. Just as she began to despair, she received an invitation to the Healing School. “I was in very bad condition and I didn't know anything about the Healing School until one day. A friend told me to come to the Healing School, that I would receive my healing here. By a miracle, God provided for my travel and accommodation to come here, even though I wasn't working,” she explains. At the Healing School, when Karen saw the diverse conditions others were suffering from, she was overwhelmed by God's love. Her faith had grown so much and she was ready to receive. “As I entered the Healing School, oh, my God! I immediately knew that I would never be the same again. I said to myself, 'You will be completely healed when you leave here.' I was filled with great expectations when I saw testimonies of people who had suffered even worse.” She relates her profound encounter with the anointing. “Before Pastor Chris came, I could feel the presence of God. I saw him coming towards me and he was in a circle of life. When he ministered to me, I felt light and free. I could run and jump, things that I couldn't do before. I can now dance, sing, lift heavy weights and walk far distances. I can do all things – anything and everything,” Karen proclaims joyfully.

Lord every day of my life. I just wanted to express my love for Him, so I started talking to people about Jesus and inviting them to church. God has given me the most precious gift – the gift of life – and Satan will never be able to take it away. I'm full of glory and I'm shining.” Eight months after her time at the Healing School, Karen decided to visit the hospital and get tested for medical certification. Amazed at the results, the doctor re-tested twice just to be sure. Karen had been off medications for eight months, but there was no trace of anemia or leukemia in her blood. “When the doctor asked what treatment I received, I told him it was God's Word,” she states. A part of her new medical report from the doctor reads thus: “The patient says God, not science, has healed her. I can approve that this is a miracle.” “Every tissue, every cell in my body was completely restored. God's Word works in me now,” Karen attests. For someone in need of a miracle right now, Karen concludes her story saying, “I know your expectation, and I know what you're waiting for. Come here and learn how to make your faith produce results, and receive your healing.”

The 2017 Healing School Autumn Session in Johannesburg, South Africa, holds in March and Karen reports that she was totally transformed when April. It will be a life-changing experience for all who she returned to Mauritius, and her testimonies attend. continued: “When I got back home from the Healing School, I felt different. I didn't only receive healing, I F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e : was also anointed and blessed. There was a fire or download the burning deep inside me, a passion for serving the Healing School Mobile App.


“The Ministers' Visitation Program is an extraordinary experience, one that has moved me to a new level of ministry,” says Dr Bianca Giron of Iglesia de Dios in Corona, Guatemala. The Word and Spirit of God always impact ministers of the Gospel who attend the Healing School Ministers' Visitation Program in profound ways. Pastor Samuel Ahsan of Save and Serve Ministries, Pakistan, shares his testimony, “At the Healing School, I learnt so many things from the man of God, Pastor Chris. I just knew that I couldn't hold back all I received. So strong was the passion in my heart that, before I left South Africa, I started organizing an outreach program in Pakistan. The outreach held with hundreds of people in attendance, and I told them of my life-transforming experience at the Healing School. It was such a glorious meeting and I know that the Gospel is spreading faster and faster in Pakistan. Glory to God!” Preparations are in full swing for the 2017 Ministers’ Visitation Program, taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa from the 17th of March. Through special times of teaching and impartation with Pastor Chris, more ministers will receive the inspiration and enablement to make global impact with the Gospel of Christ. For so many men and women of God, this will be a time for phenomenal growth and increase. “I am eager to listen to the teaching of Pastor Chris and to receive the anointing for my life and ministry,” says Trond Hansen from International Christian Fellowship in Switzerland. Christa Luthi, from Passion for Christ Church in Germany, also shares her expectations, “I need a deep revelation about 'Christ in me'. I want to get everything that God has prepared for me. I want to start loving the Word of God more. I want to become a 'friend of people', full of love for them.” Each minister of the Gospel in attendance at this Program will be touched in a most special way, and they will return to their countries with renewed fervor to reach the world for the Lord Jesus like never before. For more information on how to participate in the Ministers' Visitation Program, please log on to or download the Healing School mobile app.



he Healing School is a remarkable place where God's lovingkindness and grace overflow. It is an oasis of hope for the hopeless, and a place of answers to those with burning questions. Many across the globe have had their lives turned around; many others received salvation; many more, by extension, have taken the message of divine health to their world and spread the light of the Gospel – all from the anointing they received at the Healing School. This March, the 2017 Healing School Autumn Session with Pastor Chris is another opportunity for men, women and children who are afflicted with diverse health conditions to receive an awesome touch of the Holy Spirit in a special way, with extraordinary miracles! Be a part of the miracles that will take place at this epochal session. Registration for the Healing School Autumn Session is still ongoing and you can participate in the following ways: -

by inviting someone for the session by giving towards the session by praying for the session

For more information, visit or download the Healing School mobile app.


I was diagnosed with hearing loss in the right ear, gastroesophageal reflux disease, varicose veins, hypertension, and heart failure. For 15 years, I lived on medication constantly and had to resort to the use of hearing aids. It was in this condition that I found out about the Healing School and I decided to attend a session in 2014. During the healing service, Pastor Chris touched me and transferred the anointing into my body. Now, I'm completely healed! I'm doing well, I can hear properly from both ears and I no longer need any medication. Hallelujah! – Andrew Hachey After I got married, I had expectations for motherhood, but my dreams were shattered when I was diagnosed with placental abruption, a condition that induced miscarriages in the seventh month of 2 pregnancies. My life was a mess and it seemed there was no solution. I sought after God for a final solution and my search brought me to the Healing School. Pastor Chris prayed for me and after that, I conceived again. For the first time, I carried my baby full term for 9 months. Now, I have 2 kids and it's all to the glory of God. – Mukunta Chitimwango For 5 years, I went through a lot of pain due to spinal canal stenosis, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. I regularly experienced blurry vision, severe pain in the lower back and right legs, and numbness in the hands and legs. When I heard about the Healing School, I decided to attend, certain that God would answer my prayers through the man of God, Pastor Chris. All the years of pain and suffering melted away when I encountered the anointing of the Holy Spirit. My life is better now than it ever was before and I can now do all the things I couldn't do before. - Jocelyn Patterson


Bananas are wonderfully sweet fruits with firm, soft and creamy flesh and is usually elongated and curved. They are covered with a coat, which may be green, yellow, red, purple or brown when ripe. Bananas are one of nature's great foods and are packed with lots of health benefits, some of which are outlined below. 1. Regulates Blood Pressure Bananas are rich in potassium, which usually counterbalances the effect of sodium (salt) in raising your blood pressure. Potassium is an essential mineral for maintaining proper heart functions and regulating blood pressure. 2. Builds Immune Response Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Pyridoxine is involved in producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body. It is also important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood. Just one banana contains one fifth of your recommended daily intake of vitamin B6, and it tastes much better than vitamin pills too. 3. Increases Energy Sports drinks, energy bars and electrolyte gels are extremely popular nowadays. However, recent studies show that eating bananas at 15 minutes intervals during exercises may be more effective, as bananas can help boost and sustain athletes' performance during and after workouts and competitions. Not only will your body thank you for the vitamin and mineral boost when you eat bananas, the energy release will be much more consistent. 4. Improves Digestion Bananas are a great source of dietary fiber. Most people don't get nearly enough fiber in their diets, which is necessary for food to travel smoothly through the digestive system and also for improving bowel movements. A couple of bananas would be a better option for treating occasional constipation, rather than taking a laxative. Bananas are also rich in fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), which feed the important 'friendly' bacteria in your digestive tract that help absorb nutrients more efficiently. 5. Provides Cure for Skin Conditions Even the banana's skin has its uses. It is great for treating skin conditions like psoriasis and acne. The fatty acid content of the banana skin helps relieve a variety of skin conditions, as well as having a strong moisturizing effect. Rub the freshly peeled inside of the banana skin gently over the affected area and leave the residue to be absorbed. So there you have it, great reasons to pick up a bunch of bananas the next time you're out getting groceries. You can eat your banana alone or mixed with other foods or blended up in a smoothie.


“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17). The scripture above is one of the most profound scriptures that unveils the true identity of a Christian. God created man in His very image; He gave man His breath, which is His own Spirit. He also put in man His abilities – to love, think, envision, create, tame and take control – and He deposited all these in the human spirit! Oh! That men would know how much divinity is resident in their spirits; only then will they live the God-life in its fullness, for this is what they were fashioned for. As a Christian, you have to consciously and continually learn about and express the “God in you” identity, because as He is, so are you (1 John 4:17). CONFESSION Glory be to God, for He has called and separated me to show forth His glory. I live the God-life in its fullness, and this life is manifested in and through me daily – showing the many-sided beauty of God to all in my sphere of contact. I'm a love child of a loving God, and I walk in love towards all men. The undeniable love of God is evidently seen and demonstrated by me to all in my world, and my light is shining brighter to the glory of God, hallelujah! My heart is open daily to expressions of the supernatural, for God's nature and life are domiciled in my spirit. His nature takes absolute pre-eminence over my spirit, soul and body, and I refuse to let any contrary condition that's not in sync with His nature and purpose take root in me or in anything that concerns me. I declare that divinity is perpetually at work in me, propelling me to excellence and a life beyond the ordinary! The light of God is in my spirit – bringing me into full awareness of my rights and inheritance in Christ Jesus! I fear no adversary, for Christ has already obtained the victory over every adversary, and my faith in the Word of God is the victory that overcomes the world. I dwell in the victory Christ wrought for me; thus, I'm no longer subject to any form of fear, limitation or bondage – for Christ has set me free from the bondage of the fear of death. I'm more than a conqueror! I continually walk in divine health at all times because the life of God – zoë – is at work in me. Zoë is the overcoming life, which makes me impregnable to any form of sickness. I'm alive to God and His infallible Word, and I take advantage of His grace to function in the superabundant and supernatural life, which He predestined for me in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!


IF UNDELIVERED, PLEASE RETURN TO THE NEAREST ADDRESS: SOUTH AFRICA Christ Embassy Healing School 303 Pretoria Avenue Cnr. Harley and Bram Fischer, Randburg, Gauteng P. O. Box 323, Randburg 2125 Tel: +27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350, +27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853 NIGERIA Christ Embassy Healing School 21/23 Ize Iyamu Road, Ikeja, Lagos P. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, Lagos Tel: +234 808 684 4104, +234 808 027 2295, +234 808 678 3344

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