The Educator Magazine - Vol 2 - 2022

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Regina Boney-A phenomenal woman filled with wisdom and grace. Interview by The Educator

I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Regina Boney 16 years ago in Durham, NC. She was invited to my church that I attended at the time to speak one Sunday evening. I was in awe of her presence. When she walked in it was as if the floor glided with her. The first few minutes of speaking I said to myself, “Now she got it going on!” She kept my attention throughout the entire service. Years later she invited me to her women’s book club at her church to celebrate my first book “That Church Life”. I cried when I left feeling so grateful that someone within the church took time out to discuss my book. She doesn’t know this but she and her congregation was the very first church book club that extended the invitation. It was a very special moment for me because at that time I didn’t have the confidence to push the book past friends and family. She inspired me to continue on and she prayed for my success. Women like Regina

Boney are rare and I will forever be grateful of her kind and genuine heart. Ironically, we discovered years later that we had the same passion, working with children that were underprivileged, disadvantaged with learning challenges. If you ever get a chance to meet Regina Boney, you will never forget your encounter. She is a true educator and a dynamic woman of God. The Educator: You wear a plethora of hats in and outside the classroom. Tell us how you got started in the educational field? Regina Boney: True, I do wear many hats. They all define who I am. I chose a career in education because of my love for children. As a young child, I would always want to play “school.” I loved playing the teacher. I also have three wonderful older sisters who were educators as well. They are retired but they inspired me. The Educator: What is your current role in education? Regina Boney: Presently, I am a first-grade teacher. The Educator: Have you worked outside of the classroom helping children? Regina Boney: Oh, absolutely! Educating children is a very prevalent part of my life both inside and outside of the classroom. I have the pleasure of pastoring alongside my husband. At my church, one of my roles is the interim Youth Coordinator wherein my duties include coordinating summer camps as well as after-school tutoring programs for my church and the surrounding community.


The Educator: You have some extraordinary talents. Please tell us your experience pertaining to Ministry. Regina Boney: Well thank you! My experience pertaining to ministry…I must go back to when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. I was eighteen, in my senior year of high school, and I was preparing to attend college at the illustrious North Carolina Central University. Many people thought I was being ridiculous to make such a “serious” decision at such a seemingly fun time in my life. While growing up, the thought of turning 18 was exciting because you were expecting to experience a new found freedom as a young adult, especially if you planned to leave home for college! Well, while attending college, I was able to meet and become friends with other born-again believers. which really helped me stay rooted in my religious beliefs while being a college student who lived on campus. It was also in college when I accepted the call to preach God’s word. I love reminiscing about my days at NCCU because those were some of the best days of my life! I was young and I really enjoyed worshiping God. I married

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