5 minute read
R&B/Soul Singer
Interview by David R. Navarro
David R. Navarro: Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Britney Jane: My name is Britney Jane. I’m a singer/songwriter who is originally from Virginia and I embarked on my journey to Colorado in October of 2014 and I’ve been in Denver ever since. I started out as a background singer and I’m slowly working my way into stepping into my own lane as an R&B/Soul singer.
DN: How long have you been writing music?
Britney Jane: I’ve been writing for a while now, I started writing professionally to build out my music career six years ago.
DN: What made you decide to be serious about music?
Britney Jane: Music has been something that I have always loved. From the time that I was a child up until being an adult, I knew I wanted to be a singer. Of course throughout my life I had a lot of distractions and I got to a place where the idea of ever pursuing music seemed like an idea that would never become my reality. It wasn’t until I got out of an extremely toxic relationship that I decided that I wanted to truly pursue what I had always loved and I was not going to allow anything to hold me back. At the time I had no direction as to how to even pursue my music or anything but I had to step out of my comfort zone and just network with local musicians.
DN: Tell us about your latest single.
Britney Jane: My latest single ‘What if” is my favorite. I originally wrote the song playing my guitar and I felt like everyone could relate to it. We all have had that person in our life that we have wanted more with, but due to paths not connecting, it doesn’t work out, and you’re left wondering what if we had of been real with each other about how we truly felt or put in the time and made the sacrifices to have a relationship instead of playing these stupid games.
DN: Which people or books have had the most influence on your music career and why?
Britney Jane: Should be an easy question to answer but I feel like I have multiple influences. Down to my parents and the music they raised me on to watching Whitney Houston on TV performing. Also, I would say my manager Mawule has had an influence on me as well. He knows so much about the music industry and it inspires me to learn more and soak up his knowledge.
DN: What would you say is the #1 key to success in the music industry?
Britney Jane: I would say remembering that though you’re an artist, you need to treat yourself as a business. A business can’t run if you don’t have all your products together!

Photo by Erin Dvorak
DN: Can you give us some examples of things you are doing or have done to expand your fanbase?
Britney Jane: I mean nowadays social media is really where it’s at. It has been such an adjustment for me but I understand the importance of posting. People want to know who you are, what you’re about, and what you do. So for me, I have to post on a regular basis. I share more things about myself aside from just my music. And I did have to jump on the TikTok train and I try to show more of who I am on there as well.
DN: Talk about the biggest failure you’ve had. What did you learn from it?
Britney Jane: I would say one of my biggest failures has been living my life according to how others want it. For a long time I felt like I could never make my own decisions. I would have an idea or interest in something that I would want to do, but I would never do it because of the negative mindset that I had, and I let opinions of others block my blessings. I believe the biggest thing I learned is that I have my own life, and I can only live for myself. Not everyone will be supportive of what I do, but me being supportive of myself can get me to where I need to be mentally.
DN: What advice can you give other individuals who want to follow in your footsteps?
Britney Jane: I would say to take the advice but then put something in motion. Too many times we get advice and that’s all that it is. We do nothing with it! So that idea of wanting to sing, act, build a business, or etc just sits in your head while time passes by. Also, that negative thought in your head or those people who aren’t supportive don’t even matter. If you want to pursue something that makes you happy, DO IT!
DN: What does a typical day in your week look like?
Britney Jane: Well right now I do still work a 9-5 so that takes up most of my day. However, after work I put time to work on music. So if it’s working on a beat, writing to a new song, or recording material to post for the week, I spend that time daily to do that.
DN: What keeps you going when things get tough in the business?
Britney Jane: Honestly, my mom and family. I lost my dad when I was 19 year old and I never got to take care of him or give back to him for all of the sacrifices he made. Thankfully, I still have my beautiful mother and an amazing Stepdad and I don’t want to get to a place where it’s a repeat of not being able to give to them. So when those times come I remember first I’m doing this because I truly love it, but also because I have an amazing support system that I need to provide for.

DN: Please list your website and/or your social media platforms.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britneyjanemusic/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iambritneyjane Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BritneyJaneMusic Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSqiO8cmcbn38qbcY_ c02ng Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/artist/10057863
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5elN85BCMhXlqAPgHO9XRG
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/britney-jane/1408832004
DN: Is there anything else you’d like us to know about you?
Britney Jane: I’m so thankful for this opportunity and I’m excited for everyone to be with me along this ride. I have some amazing music coming out soon and I can’t wait to share it. Also, I do an IG Live every Tuesday & Thursday at 6:45PM MTN/8:45PM EST where me and my lovely co-host talk about various topics. Make sure you all check it out!