HKBUAS Artist-in-School Residency 2012- Ceramics

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Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012




The Artist-in-school Residency


Artist and participating students


Lesson 0 Dipping Objects


Lesson 1 Impression of My Belongings


Lesson 2 Molding My Book


Lesson 3 Painting My Book


Lesson 4 Graffiti on My Book


Annie’s words


Publication Information


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



To have simple communication without technology, installation artist Mr Lo Chi Kit guided our students to be connected through different colors of ribbon. Ribbons

Making Art, Making Connection

above the atrium were not only an installation in school, but a visible connection to the current issues in Hong Kong. All the connections

Ceramic artist Miss Annie Wan leaded our students

With the popularity of communi-

finally merged into incredible

back to the basic to have touches from their hands to

cation devices, we can easily reach

forms of Arts.

explore different possibility of clay. Clays were con-

people through iPhone, Facebook

nected to their daily stuffs and with their own touches

and What’s app, but can we make

adding on each objects, clays became the container of

it through a simple ribbon? We all

their touching story.

love to touch our advance multitouch screen, but do you still re-

With the fully support from A-school, the artist in resi-

member the touch of clay ?

dence program finally came true. Hope you all can enjoys their artworks and have a connection with Arts ! Akai Law Visual Arts Panel 18.06.2012

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


Artist And Participating Students ARTIST

Annie Wan Lai Kuen


John Li


Yau King Hang Lo Rachel Manuel Ho Queenie Chan Tsz Kwan Poon Tiffany Yip Chung Hin Law Hong Shing Choi Chun Wai Kong Tsz Lam Lau Valerie Lin Wendy Zhou Lo Kwok Ip Sung Yu Kwong Leung Hiu Sum Mok Wong Yin


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Lesson 0: Dipping Objects Throughout the artist-in-school period, clay slip was prepared. Students come to dip their objects, also paint books and papers. Artist, Annie Wan, also mould the books by slip-casting method that students can come to talk & understand the idea and process.

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Lesson 1: Impression of My Belongings STUDENT PREPARATION: Every student has to bring some small favourite objects (e.g. keys, candies, wallets, handkerchiefs, etc) MATERIALS: Clay, Talc powder, Vaseline, A4 paper, colour stains TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Rolling pins, wood strips for slap-making, wire, cutting and sculpting tools, sculpting tools,

heaters or hair driers, smaller containers for slip, newspaper DOING STEP BY STEP: 1/ Make some small clay tiles. 2/ Impressed images from the small personal belongings by clay tails. 3/ Hand-make a three dimensional clay object by directly impressing clay on their personal belongings. 4/ Color the objects with color clay

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


Lesson 2: Painting My Book


STUDENT PREPARATION: Every student has to bring a book of any kind. MATERIALS: Clay (Dave Porcelain), colour stains, Sodium Silicate, CMC gum TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Rolling pins, wood strips for slap-making, wire, cutting and sculpting tools, sculpting tools, heaters or hair driers, smaller containers for slip, newspaper DOING STEP BY STEP: 1/ Use blender to mix the clay and colour stains. 2/ Apply the colour clay slip to every page of a book 3/ Fire it to high temperature

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Lesson 3: Molding My Book

STUDENT PREPARATION: Every group has to bring one thin book or a pile of newspaper. MATERIALS: Cheap clay for making fences for moulding, plaster, Vaseline, Clay (white stoneware), underglazes

TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Cutting and sculpting tools, newspaper, buckets DOING STEP BY STEP: 1/ Make the fences for plaster moulding 2/ Make a two-piece plaster press-mould of one book

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



Clay is an intimate and friendly medium. However, making ceramics involves complicated techniques and processes, such as throwing, glazing and different

Artist words

types of firings. Thus I can see the difficulties of teaching ceramics to a big group of students in the teaching mode of secondary school art lessons with limited space, time and facilities. Correspondingly, I take this

At some other time, they learned

chance to share some of my techniques and ideas, which

how to mould books and trans-

include both traditional and new techniques of making

formed them into ceramic art

ceramic books. Through projects, we explore the na-

objects, which was indeed not

ture of clay and experimented on its physicality.

an easy technique for secondary

I hope it helps to extend students’ notions on possi-

students. But through repeti-

bilities of making art by using clay. At the beginning,

tive manufacturing process of

I found the students have some constraints.


moulding, also failure and retry,

haps they were under pressure of examination, or per-

students were eventually able to

haps they were used to follow step-by-step guideline.

manipulate this technique and

But gradually after they have warmed up, I was happy

most importantly, they enjoyed

In this residency programme, I am interested most in the idea of

to see them become more initiative in expressing their

the process of making. Though

“introducing ceramics art in contemporary approach to Second-

own ideas.

the time for this programme

ary School students”. This objective implies two points: first,

is short, I hope it has brought

ceramics has gone through the process of development from tradi-

some stimulation and inspiration

tional to innovative, which we call contemporary ceramics; second,

to students in making ceramics

contemporary ceramics has hardly been taught in secondary school.

art, through which, they express

Actually, I am not familiar with secondary school art education, but

their personal ideas, intentions or

as interviewer at the Academy of Visual Arts every year for JUPAS,


I can only find very few three dimensional works in applicants’ portfolios. Ceramic works are even less, and furthermore most of them are

Annie Wan

quite naïve works.

Jun, 2012

Acknowledgment Forum Guest Speaker: Luke Ching

Teacher Team Akai Law, Davis Chan, Sam Tang, John Li

Coordinator Vangi Fong

Artist & Students Portfolio of Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012 Editior: Vangi Fong, Akai Law Design: Jim Wong Photography: Work and Workshop Published by: Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School First publish in Jun 2012 in 500 copies All rights reservedŠ by Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

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Address: 6 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T. Telephone: 2637 2277 Website:

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