HKBUAS Artist-in-School Residency 2014- Discarded Wood Sculpture

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the income is not stable as I was creative director, but my schedule is relatively free and I can practice more on my plan. I really want to do workshop or be an residency artist at school before, so that I am glad that having the invitation by A-school this year. I taught the students from Arts Club, I can see they never used the junk wood and tools in the first lesson, however I found their smiling face with satisfied and passion at the end of lessons. This is what an invaluable harvest for me.

8A Leo, Yung Chun Hin / 8A Justin, Lee Ka Ki


I started to be a full-time artist 2-year-ago, although

To talk about art education, the most important thing is not making every students to be an artist, but broaden their thinking and value, as well as improving their imagination and ability to accept new things. Through my works and workshop, I hope people could rethink the value of everything Wong Tin Yan 王天仁

and pick up the abilities to create and practice by our hands!

當全職藝術家,是兩年前開始的事,收入雖沒有以前當創作總監般穩 定,但時間安排相對比較自由,能夠實踐的計劃也較多,到學校任教 工作坊或參與駐校藝術活動,更是以前從來沒時間但其實很想參與的 活動。這次,榮幸得到香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學的邀請, 參與他們的駐校藝術計劃,能教導藝術學會的同學創作出一隻隻獨一 無異的卡板動物,看著他們由沒接觸過木頭和和各種工具,到一副不 願下課的樣子,當然還有他們滿足的笑容;於我而言,全都是無價的

Wooden Cat

This is a cat made of junk wood. The junk wood is from rubbish, which has been thrown away in markets, fruit stores, wine boxes. We used 3 lessons in total to finish this artwork. Each lesson is about 2 hours.


This cartoon cat has black ears, which can turn around. On this cat only its tail is not wooden, it is a rope and we used glue to stick it onto the cat.


The wood used on this cat has many different colors, some of them are darker, and some of them are lighter.

價值觀上的拓闊,提高對事物的想像和接受能力,而透過我的作品和 工作坊,希望大家對任何事物都能重新思考其價值,並重拾雙手創作 和實踐的能力。

We wanted the cat to keep its wooden old style, so we painted it with black and white paints and we didn’t paint all the parts in order to keep the wooden color.

“Oink! Hello! It’s me! Am I Cute? My scar and my nostrils make me unique!” 7A Cindy, Lin Ka Ching / 7B Cheng Ching Hei

The above sentence is uttered by our little wooden pig. We used wood to create life and a unique personality for our pig. We also wanted to change people’s impression that pigs are stupid, instead pigs rock! They are cute and funny! Hope you like our sexy little pig!

8B Chan Shin Wai / 8D Lau Katrina Hiu Yin


The Owl Family

This artwork is about an owl mother and her babies. We made the owl mother into the shape of a box because we think that owls represent wisdom and we want to know what is inside the mother’s head. So, we put some blocks in it to represent wisdom. As for the babies, we know the mother will live with her babies until they grow up and this represents motherly love.

11B Tiffany, Cheung Tze Ching

11D Janet, Li Jialin / 11D Linda, Li Hei Wan/ 11D Elke, Choi Hoi Wan

This artwork was made of junk wood. Giraffe is a kind of animal that lives in rainforest. Nowadays, people exploit forests for their own need, but neglect the habitat of the animals. Do they treat animals as if they are junk wood kind of trash (Giraffe is animal can gaze into the distance) I think human should have a long-term of development plan to keep our earth alive such as by reusing materials. Just like we use junk wood and our creativity to produce an outstanding artwork.


It is a lizard made of wood. We put some patterns to connect with its original wooden patterns and it also represents the characteristics of lizard.

Intelligent giraffe

Tiffany Cheung


Wong Tin Yan

9C Anson, Poon Siu Wai / 9D Dash, Chow Wai Ting

White Bull

Wong tin yan was born in Hong Kong. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. He likes to collect discarded wood pellet to create cartoon animal sculptures. His work was collected by Hong Kong Museum of Art, local and overseas private collectors. Besides, he had cross-over with world-famous brands before, such as LOUIS VUITTON, SPORTMAX, Muji, Lee and izzue respectively. He had awarded by Perspective magazine as “40 under 40” and win an entry prize in GDC11 (commercial interior design). He also finished different public art projects at Hong Kong Times Square, Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Shanghai.

生於香港,畢業於香 港中文大學藝術系,擅於將檢拾得來的廢棄 木材,拼砌出一系列卡通動物造型的木雕作品,作品為香港藝術 館、本地和海外的私人購藏;並曾分別與世界知名品牌如 Louis Vuitton、SPORTMAX、無印良品、Lee 及 izzue 進行跨界合作, This sculpture is made of junk wood with some simple steps. The sculpture shaped like a cow, so we named it white bull. There are only two colors painted. We left some empty space to show the original color and pattern of the wood.

曾獲透視雜誌 2010「四十驕子」及 GDC 11 的空間設計入圍獎, 此外亦曾於香港時代廣場、香港文化博物館及於上海完成大型公 共藝術頂目。

11B Jade Lau

8C Jeff, Choy Fu Chee / 8D Frances, Chan Hoi Ching

The pig is traveling around the whole world, and he is taking his luggage with him. His luggage is like Doramon’s

Unicorn Smelly inch pig

In this workshop, I used some wood to make a unicorn. Although this workshop was only for a month, I learnt the skills to make woodwork. It helped me learn different skills for doing my artwork in the future. I am glad that Hong Kong’s famous artist, Wong Tin Yan, could come to our school and teach us his woodwork skills. It was a valuable experience for me.

10B Cheung King Ting, Adrianna /

Our art work is a cat whose tail got stepped on, so the cat looks alarmed with its wide eyes, big tail with its fur rising and curled whiskers. The white tip of the tail and ears are to imitate the fur color of a c at. T he tail of the c at is w ide and has sharp edges that curl slightly, it is to imitate the way a cat’s tail look when they got stepped on, with fur rising and looked alarmed.

10C Tjota Johnson / 10D Celine, Lau Ka Wing

8B Lam Nadia / 8D Geraldine, Cheung Tin Lai

F. T Cat


Flies are low grade living creatures. Ever yone hates it; ever ybody thinks they are useless. But flies’ ability to stay alive is as strong as wood and that’s why we use wood to make this artwork. These woods are junk woods, similar to flies, they are both useless in people’s impression. We want to show that junk wood is not a waste and there is a reason for their existence., so we combine the fly and the wood together to symbolize that they are both not useless.

11B Elma, Fong Hoi Tung / 11D Wesley, Tsang Haolin

In this A r tist in Residence project, we met an ar tist c a l l e d W o n g T i n Ya n . H e uses junk wood to make his own ar t works. It is a great opportunity for us to learn some skills from him. In these few lessons, we learnt how to use wood crafting tools and different kinds of nails. Also we learnt that there aren’t just single kind of wood, there are various choices. We made a wolf in this workshop and its position is ready to roar. We made good use of the shape of the wood to make its feet, body and mouth. Furthermore, we love the concept of this project as it’s environmentally friendly. We won’t waste a ny p re c i o u s w o o d! Let’s treasure them!

7D Sassy, Bau Lau Hun / 7D Athena, Wong Yeuk Lam



This is a fox bear. Making a fox bear wasn’t our very first idea. Then we slowly realize that it is very hard. The hands of the fox bear are movable and there is only one eye.

Participating Artist

Wong Tin Yan

VA Panel Head

Law Sing Kai Akai

Teacher Team

Chan Wai Lun Davis, Fok Sui Tong ahtong, Tang Siu Nam Sam


The Hill Workshop

Artist & Students Portfolio of Artist in Residence 2013-2014- Junk Wood Sculpture Editorial Team

Vangi Fong, Fok Sui Tong ahtong

English Editing

Sarah Li

Graphic Design

Good Morning


Work and Workshop

Published by

Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

First publish in May 2014 in 1000 copies All rights reservedŠ by Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School Presented by

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