HKBUAS Artist-in-School Residency 2012- Installation

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/ Installation


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Contents 目錄



/ Installation

在學校的藝術家駐場計劃 ― 計劃簡介










結語: 程展緯:為什麼要在公共空間 「搞」藝術?




Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Introduction of the Program 計劃簡介


/ Installation

「在 4 月 27 日上午,學 校 忽 然出現 了一條莫名其妙的線,對角的連接 在六樓至一樓的中庭位置,劃破了 平靜規律的校園空間。」 由拉出第一條螢光黃色繩的那刻開始,是次裝置 裝 置藝 術是 甚麼?關係美學聽 起 來莫名其 妙?藝 術家透 過 這次駐 校計劃跟同學們一起經驗這些略 帶神秘的藝術形式。整個創作的思 考過程由直觀感受開始,到空間觀 察和分享討論,以至最後物料選取 及 裝 置 方法 的 共 識。作品的建 構 受著同學們直 接或間接的介入而 影響,空間內的每個人也可能參與 其中,由零開始,慢慢推進和發酵, 集體做一次重視意 念發展和空間 關係的實驗。

藝術活動正式揭開序幕。為期一個多月,核心參 與的十多位組員各自選用特定顏色的繩,邀請不 同樓層的人幫忙一拋一接地「拉條繩打個結」。當 中受 邀的有不同級 別的學生,也有師長和工 友。 組員除了於每個接點做記錄,還會跟參與者交流 和對話,或邀約對方加入自己進行中的議題創作 (包括:海洋污染、家庭暴力、瀕臨絶種動物、毒奶 粉等等),相互影響。裝置的過程隨著校內不同的 個體接觸增多而續漸演變,空中懸繫的線亦越見 縱橫交錯,共同編織出一個「可見的」人際網絡。


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Artist And Participating Students


/ Installation


羅至傑 Lo Chi Kit


羅醒楷 Akai Law

參與學生 /

陳凱祺 Chan Hoi Ki, Stella


張子恬 Cheung Tsz Tim, Cha 招文懿 Chiu Man Yi, Edith 李愷琪 Lee Hoi Ki, Gladys 梁曉鈿 Leung Hiu Tin, Hiutin 萬海慧 Man Hoi Wai, 萬姐 文采司 Man Tsoi Sze, Choice 杜以棉 Tu Yi Mien, Bonnie 葉綺婷 Yip Yee Ting, 阿扁 林浩銘 Lam Ho Ming, Jason 莫枃澔 Mok Tsun Ho Manus 戴紫婷 Tai Tsz Ting, Cherrie

藝 術家 及參與學生 參與學生 /

劉卓然 Lau Cheuk Yin


曾浩霖 Tsang Haolin Wesley 陳樹熙 Chan Shu Hei 梁睿雋 Leung Yui Chun


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


Artist Statement 藝 術家自白

/ Installation


起 初抱 著不 預 設 成 果的態度,跟 參與活動的十多位同學一起交談 和 討 論,嘗 試 構 想不同 的 創 作 方 案。過 程中雖 有 不少跟 創 作完全 無關的話題,但這也有助我對這學


校 和 學 生 的了解。當中提 到兩 點





作上有較多「參與式藝術」(participatory art)的實



隔膜。希望 籍 著 一 起 參與作品的



構思過程,讓同學們進一步體會到 (site-specific)和一次性的,所以很怕在一個展覽或















關係上的幾個面向。以一連串的行為取代單一 物件





羅至傑 2012年6月

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Documentation 駐校 過程 紀錄


/ Installation


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Critical Crunch

CHAN Hoi Ki, Stella

I focus “the end of the world” to present on my art piece. I feel this topic is relatively challenging, interesting around our live. Some hazard and different ‘horrible’ things are happening in our earth such as some animal’s life are threatened by human development and a nature disaster . Our temperature is raised up, some environment is polluted and some resources are over used. I shared the process with other students by questioning them their views on the end of the word. To be or not to be, this is a question to our earth!!!


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Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


/ Installation

Ambiguous Contact

CHEUNG Tsz Tim, Teatea

In this project, students need to use 10 pieces of string to link up the campus. Then we have to invite 10 students to help finishing the project, which is an artwork about the current issue. Schoolmates help to link up those strings and give us several ideas for inspire us. I would like to show something interesting between them, especially the cultural differences in the topic “the relationship between Hong Kong and Taiwan”.


I’ve asked my schoolmates to take a photo in different topics. Besides, I also invited my friend from Taiwan to take a photo as well. I would like to show something interesting between them, for example, Hongkong citizen would like to have egg cake(ball waffle) as refreshment, and Taiwanese would like to have pork stew as refreshment; like to have vehicle as transportation, and Taiwanese would like to have motorbike as transportation.

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

The Next Station is…

CHIU Man Yi, Edith

My work is about the public transport nowadays in Hong Kong – MTR. There’s a very close relationship between MTR and our daily life. Every day when we go to school, to work, most of the Hong Kong people will take travel by MTR. But why it can develop form only 9 stations to 83 stations? Since there are MTR everywhere, we can find them easily and it brings convenient to our life. When we step out from home, it must be one MTR station near us. And my work is talking about this issue.


/ Installation


I try to find 10 people in A-school, asking them for their nearest MTR station from home, and how long do they need to spend on going home from the MTR station, showing that MTR is already a part of our life. I would like to print it out on a T-shirt, and after that, I will invite the 10 people that I’ve interviewed, wearing the clothes to take a photo. And that’s what my work is talking about.

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


/ Installation


LEE Hoi Ki, Gladys

Artist in residence, it gave us a lot of chance to represent our artwork by the form of installation. This time we need to use the rope to present our relationship between different grades, and we also combine our second portfolio in this artwork. And my topic is about Weiquan movement, because China is our motherland and “Weiquan” this word is being concerned by the foreign countries, therefore I choose this topic for my main theme of the second portfolio. And I hope my artwork can convey the message about the importance of human right. This time I choose plaster cloth for making my artwork, because I can mold plaster cloth into fists, and this action can convey the meaning of “Weiquan”. The final work of my portfolio is that there are five molded fists, and I expect my artwork can inspire all of you to have a new idea about “Weiquan”.


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Relationship of Hong Kong and China

LEUNG Hiu Tin, Hiutin

The theme of the work is talking about the current issue-the relationship of China and Hong Kong. Firstly, I contact some students and teachers and ask their feelings and personal view on nowadays China. Most of them mentioned the words are sensitive in China, however, those of them are very common in Hong Kong. We can easily to find all these words everywhere in our daily life. Therefore, I started found these words on streets and shoot it down.


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Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


/ Installation


Head-to-tail Service

MAN Hoi Wai, Hannah

My work is about the hot issue “Mainland Mothers”. As there are full of fake stuff in Mainland China nowadays, lot of “Mainland Mothers” prefer to birth and buy baby’s stuff in Hong Kong. I what to show that the Milk powder produce in Mainland China are ‘toxic’, ‘dangerous’, ‘not suitable for baby and humanity’ …… So that I try to make a milk powder can with a crying-babyface instead of a laughingbaby-face. To warn that the milk powder’s harmful to human body and that’s what will happen after your baby drink it. Just similar to the packing of cigarettes. And I also draw the body of the can as a columbarium. For the convenience of the customers, they may put their baby’s ashes into the can directly.

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

MAN Tsoi Sze, Choice

Obsessed with Being Perfect

All surgeries cause pain, take long time to recover. Why make yourself so painful and being fake? In recent years, plastic surgeries are become very usual in different countries, especially in Korea. Some people argue that this kind of surgery can improve one’s appearance and could make them happier. However, others hold a different opinion, they consider plastic surgery as a waste of money. Personally, plastic surgeries offend nature .Beauty is only skin-deep and virtue is more important than appearance, It cannot improve one’s character. I believed keeping natural is the healthiest way of living. Therefore, I would like to show how awful plastic surgeries are, through this artwork.


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Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


TU Yi Mien, Bonnie

18 mL

Water is one of the most important things to human, we can’t live without it, the earth gives us very fertile resources, river, rain, underground water and the sea. I want to raise the awareness of people who surrounds me to the usage and pollution to water. Each one of them will receive a little bottle, and then i request them to fill in that bottle in their home and take a picture of it when they are filling it. After that, I can get water from different buildings and area. Using a very fine presentation to show it to others, and bring the question to them - what’s water to you?

/ Installation


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



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I Will Get Your Home

Yip Yee Ting, Vicky

Where are you living in? Have you think about your dream house? In Hong Kong, there is an extreme disparity between the rich and the poor. Have you ever think about it? Through this art project with an artist, I found out that Hong Kong people want to live in a centralize area. Most of their dream house is in the New Territories East. Therefore, the gap appeared. You may not have thought about it as you are living in good environment. However, this problem becomes more serious. Moreover, through the floor plan of these dream houses in this project, most of them designed it with suites, garden, or living in luxury. But have you ever think about the low-income? They are just living in an area which is like your toilet size of department. In addition, the hegemony of the land have becomes more serious. If we don’t attach importance to this problem now, the problem will be graver. Then, where do you want to live now?

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012

Old McDonald Had A Farm

LAM Ho Ming, Jason

We always emphasize that animals are our friends but somehow our living styles are not accompany together. We rule them. What we eat and what we use are related to our nature. Due to the equality of our food chain is not balance. Animal extinction becomes the world’s concern. We always have our meals in McDonald or KFC, this actions enhance the extent of animal extinction. And this is trying to interpret the convention from fast foods back to the animals which is the inverse way of the normal procedure. I used different kinds of paper or cards that can be taken in McDonald to make these figures.


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Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


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The Height of Power

MOK Tsun Ho Manus

In our society, we have many kinds of leaders such as team leaders, the boss of a company, the chief executive of Hong Kong government. Besides, leader can be a sign of ‘Power’. Height of an object also can present about ‘Power’. Buildings are easy to compare, for example, housing buildings and commercial buildings. The commercial buildings are almost taller than living buildings. It is also a sign of ‘Power’. My artwork ,‘The height of power’, is mainly to show some powerful people who are really taller than others?


Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012



/ Installation

One of Nature’s Masterpieces

TAI Tsz Ting, Cherrie

“When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses” by Joyce Brothers. I come from a family of four, my Father, Mather, me and my brother. They mean the world to me, especially my father was a big man, one of the best athletes around. He is a boss, everybody respected him. He was a handsome, intelligent, and personable man, good at everything he did and he had an intelligent and pretty wife.

Families are unique: they can be prodigious or meager. Some families have characteristics that make them irregular, while some that make them typical. Many families can be traced back to their inception, the place that it all began. Though this artwork, I went to other classmates’ place for taking photos and I know more others people family. This is a great experience :)

Artist-in-School Residency 2011-2012


Conclusion 結語

/ Installation


參 與 :社 會 很 多 問 題 不 是 來 自資 源 不足,而是 來自社會冷 漠 ,在 車 廂 內 無 論 我 們 坐 得 多近,也 不會引起 我們交流 對


話,傳統的藝 術形式叫我們習





性 又往往流 於形式 表面,如何






提問:在這個時代,日常生活是一種奴役,用時間 表,用指示牌,用功利主義 邏 輯把每 一 個人都磨



責把其他個體靈魂扣連起來,以更謙卑的心去營 聚我們的記憶,我想起烏溪沙海灘的那個心…

藝術本應是一種在日常生活中拒絶彊化,渴求想 像 的 活 動。他 對 社 會 擁 有一 種 提 問 的 角 色 和 責



2012 年 6月

能是對秩序與效率的價值質疑,好的公共藝術就 是 好的提問,讓 人 對生活的慣性 進行反思,容許 想像。

出版 資料 鳴謝 嘉賓講者:程展緯 教師團隊 羅醒楷、陳偉倫、鄧紹南、李錦華 統籌 方韻芝 駐校藝術家計劃 2011-2012 藝術家及學生作品集 (裝置) 編緝:方韻芝、羅醒楷 設計:Jim Wong 攝影:工作再工作室 出版:香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 印刷:500 本刊物於 2012 年 6 月由香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 首次發行,發行量為 500 本 版權屬香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學所有。 未經出版者及版權人書面同意,本刊物之任何內容不得翻印、 儲存、影印、錄音或經電子、傳訊機器傳播。 ©香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學 主辦

地址:新界沙田石門安睦里 6 號 電話:2637 2277 網址

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