HKBUAS Artist-in-School Residency 2014- Art & Community

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Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

Artist & Students Portfolio

Arts & Community 社區藝術

Artist in Residence 2013-2014

Curatorial Statement 策展語

Yeung Sau Churk Ricky 楊 秀卓

Second Hand Shop For the young generation today, shopping malls will probably be the first place they visit once they manage to spend time with their mothers. A labyrinth lined with colorful varieties of food, clothing, furniture, medicines, computers, DVDs, books and magazines,etc. anything you name it, the shopping mall is a place where materialistic symbols converge. This is THE world. Growing up in such abundance, the young generation never questions where the products come from, who and how they are made, etc. They do not have the slightest idea of the stories behind these commodities. The main concern for most, if not all, is to consume. The energy we used is generated by coal fire or oil gas. Where do they come from? How do workers mine coal and oil? What is the environment of the mines? Is the excavation process dangerous? Is there any health hazard for workers working underground for long hours in coal dust-filled space? What is the feeling of staying inside dark narrow mining caves for an extended period of time? Do they eat well and have a decent home?,etc. These are all the questions we seldom ask. A simple press on the button will bring us all the convenience for our daily living. I asked my students which one of their many possessions, be their shoes, hair clips, watches, school uniforms, spectacles and stationary, etc. is not a product of workers’ hard labor. We buy and care less who the producers are, nor what relationship we have with them, not to say what price they have paid including health problems and in the worst case scenario their lives. We as consumers and them as producers are cut off from one another, living in different worlds. Capitals devour space. Communities are disappearing. Blocks and blocks of big shopping malls have taken over big novel chain stores and small scale shops reside. People’s consumption behaviours changed. Shopping is now done in big air-conditioned malls rather than in the neighbourhood stores. We are lost, lost in time and space inside these carefully designed modern buildings, and lost in buying, buying and buying. Capitals change our lives. (Commodities not people capture our eyesight). Materialistic symbols have filled our minds. We have adopted a mechanical and excessive consumerism in our life.

Graduated from the department of Fine Arts at the University of HK. Yeung taught visual arts in a secondary school for 18 years and just retired last year. To him, art is not just a subject, he believes learning can be executed outside the classroom so that students will understand more about what life is on the street and in the community.

畢業於香港大學藝術系。教了十八年視藝科,剛於去年退休。 藝術不單祇是一個科目,更是一種生活態度。一直相信學習要 走出班房,到社區和街頭體悟人生。

「二手店」的精神 Capitals plunder resources around the world, resulting in deteriorating environmental destruction obvious to all. Commodities such as cell phones, computers, clothes and accessories, books and magazines, etc, are produced speedily in large quantities today. Things are discarded even before they break down. Some are being thrown away with packaging still remaining intact. Do we have a future with such a logic that emphases solely the so-called GDP growth with massive production and massive consumption? Do we have a choice to live differently?




Some friends are working hard to try change the prevalent consumptive life style in Hong Kong today where the rich-poor disparity is acute. They set up the Second-Hand Shop many years ago to serve impoverished households by recycling things given away by the well-offs. Not only are the grassroots be able to benefit from redistribution of resources as such, wastage in general is also reduced. I hope that students could take the Second-Hand Shop as one of their textbooks. They would have first-hand study of one of Hong Kong’s serious problems on economic development which is leading to the ever widening gap of the rich and poor. They will learn how the shop operates by participating in each and every step of the work process from collecting give-away items to them becoming the daily uses of the deprived. It is by no means a charitable act. Students should be able to reflect on the myth of economic development, the value of consumerism and most importantly their life attitude. This is a learning opportunity that can only be achieved by getting out of the four walls of our schools and be part of the communities.



We will present the entire learning process and the outcomes in various artistic forms. It is full of fun and challenges. Students’ abilities to observe, analyse, articulate, solve problems, innovate and facilitate, etc. have been much strengthened, contributing to the enhancement of their creativity in the future. And, they have learned to be responsible citizens and be committed partners in our concerted efforts to build a better civil society.

商場。商場是個物質符號匯聚的地方,那裡展示了食物、 今日工廠以高速大量生產各類貨品,諸如手機、電腦、服 衣服、傢俱、藥物、影碟、電腦、書刊等產品,色彩 繽紛, 飾、書刊 ..... 等等。我們根本還未用壞一件產 品就輕易將 應有盡有。幾歲大的孩子在這種環境長大,試問怎不會以


為世界就是這樣的。年輕一代見到各類型產品呈現眼前, 角。這種生活態度恐佈嗎?大量生產,大量浪費,強調所 從不問它們從那裡來?誰人製造?如何製造?這些,他們通

謂 GDP 的增長,在這一種發展下,地球可有明天?我們必




前成立了「二手店」,服務貧困家庭,藉著從富裕家 庭回收 我們日常生活所耗用的電,大家都知道是由燒煤或石油而




礦場的環境是怎樣的呢?過程危險嗎?長期在煤灰 飄浮的








們生活上的方便,輕鬆方便得不再追問因由。我問學生, 體驗一件貨品如何由被棄置輾轉傳到有需要的人的手中,讓 你們身上的物品,由皮鞋、髮夾、手錶、校服、眼鏡以至


筆袋裡的文具,有那一種不是工人生 產出來的呢?我們消

不涉及施捨,學生 從行動中會有所體悟,反省經濟發展的





質文明的豐盛,卻從不過問生 產者與我們的關係,以及他


們在生產過程中所付出的代價——健康、工殤、以至寶貴 的生命。

以藝術形式整理這次學習經歷,用不同表現手法展示學習成 果,過程有趣而富挑戰性。其中更強化了同學們的觀察能







氣盡放的大型商場,再加上悉心設計的後現代建築,教我 們在裡面兜兜轉轉如闖入迷宮,迷失在這空間裡,不見天 日,沒有時間,剩下的就祇有購物,購物,再購物。資本 徹底改變了我們的生活型態,祇見商品,不見人鄰。物質 符號進佔了我們的思考空間,人人過著機械式的消費人生。

This is art education. I so believe.


我想,這就是藝術教育 。

Community Recycling Coop 社 區 二手店


Community Recycling Coop located in Shum Shui Po is hosted by

Most of the members engaged in the garment industry, but they was

Industrial Relations Institute from 2002. Aimed at "Caring Environment

About Women Cooperative


& Relocating Resource", the Women Cooperative collect reusable stuffs


been learning chinese computer at Industrial Relations Institute

forced to change jobs because of economic transition. They have

from middle-class and sell it after cleaned and categorized. They not only

and provided type setting & data entry services. However, the

lessen financial burden of low incomes families, but also help to provide

business transited to mainland again. In 2001 they began to collect

work for grass-root workers as well as relocating useful recourse.

community recycling stuffs and selling second-hand goods, and then they open Community Recycling Coop in September of 2002.

Lau Yau 漏油 Staff 工作人員

The income of the Coop cover the operating expenses, and the rest

They involve in the Coop actively, they participant, manage, plan

will be spend for supporting grass-root and community project.

and develop together. They learn a lots through cooperation, they work together and fight for the social policy for grassroots. They Sau Kwan 秀群 Woman Worker 女工

「社區二手店」是勞資關係協進會(勞協)於 2002 年在深水埗開設

even create the culture of labor, emphasis on the history of underlying workers and confirm their social value.

的非牟利社會企業,本著「惜物環保、資源再分配」的理念,從中 女工合作社的成員以前大多從事製衣業,因為經濟轉型而被迫轉



庭負擔,亦能促進資源再分配和創造基層就業機會。 社會企業收入所得除用於支付二手店營運開支外,盈餘將用於基層

Ah Yan 阿昕 Staff 工作人員

輸入業務,後來電腦的普及令她們再次遇到被淘汰,2001 年起開 始在社區回收和售賣二手物,並於 2002 年 9 月開設社區二手店, 她們積極投入「社區二手店」,共同參與有關計劃的勞動、管理和


規劃、發展;亦在組織生活中學習,協力爭取改善基層的社會政 策。她們更參與創造勞動文化,重視底層工人的歷史,肯定自己的 社會價值。




"Fa", Community Currency

"Fa" launch by Industrial Relations Institute on International Labor


by community stakeholders, for exchanging goods or services. In

( 長沙灣地鐵站 C1 出口 )

some poor communities, residents can exchange services or goods

Blk B, 1/F Cheong Fat Fty Bldg, 267 Un Chau St,

via community currency. Aimed at improving their lives and make

Cheungshawan. (Exit C1, Cheung Sha Wan MTR)

currency to be a humane tool.

Tel. 電話 | 2729 0373

Day 2004, which is a kind of community currency. It voluntary use

Visit & Contact 到訪及聯絡

Main Shop 總店 , Union Mart 互惠市場 Address 地址 | 長沙灣元州街 267 號 昌發工業大廈 1 字樓

Opening Hours 營業時間 | 星期一至日上午 11 時至晚上 7 時半 CRC's resources came from communities. We reserve 20% of our

Siu Pak 小白 Woman Worker 女工

income for members who participate in consumption and donation.

Branch 分店

Member who buys second hand goods at CRC shops or donates

Address 地址 | 深水埗荔枝角道 323 號地下

items and the item is sold, the computer system will automatically

( 深水埗地鐵站 C2 出口 )

calculate redemption.One "Fa" is equal to One Dollar.

Yeung Sir 大家姐

G/f, 323 Laichikok Rd (Exit C2, Shamshuipo MTR) Tel. 電話 | 2729 7133 Opening Hours 營業時間 | 星期一至日上午 11 時至晚上7時半

「花」是勞資關係協進會在 2004 年五一勞動節發行,是法定貨幣以

Collection Department 回收部


Tel. 電話 | 2729 7023


Email 電郵 |

活目的,令貨幣成為有人情味的工具。 「社區二手店」的二手物品全部來自社區,所以預留兩成收入,分別 回饋給有貢獻的社員――社員在「社區二手店」購買二手物品或捐 贈給二手店的物品賣出後,均可獲得「花」,並自動記錄在電子戶口 中,一花相當於一元。

Yuk Yee 玉儀 Siu Hak 小黑 Woman Worker 女工

Opening Hours 辦公時間 | 星期一至日上午 11 時至晚上7時半

Students’ Works


11B Cheung Tze Ching 張芷晴

Xie3 han4 Gong1 chang3 Our artwork is about Factory Workers. In real life the workers may hurt or lost their body parts while working. In these comics, they are showing how much blood and efforts are put forward to make a product for us. If we don’t acknowledge their suffering, how can we possess the things we have and most importantly how should we treat them?

11B Lau Jade 劉藹樺

Hidden Voice

11B Chan Tsz Him 陳子謙

11B Lai Henry Hoi Sang 黎海笙

11D Tsang Haolin Wesley 曾浩霖

Our tutor took us to Sham Shui Po to observe the people who live there, we also went to visit the helpers and staff who work in a second-hand shop. We have a little talk with the staff, find that many people threw many things away even though they are still relatively new. It is very wasteful considering our resources on earth is depleting. This is not a coincidence that we chose this topic and we used the things that people donated to make an artwork to represent our idea. We are inspired from the second-hand shop visit. This artwork was made from the T-shirt with prints, the word on the T-shirt tells people what they want to say. It is a good chance to raise people’s awareness in order to save our world— Don’t waste resources that the world gives us.

We found that most of them just bought goods as they desire but not as they need! It is very noteworthy for all of us, we picked out some main points from the interview and we hope that all visitors will have some reflections .

11B Wan Pik Ying 溫碧瑩 11A Cheung Tsz Ching Christa 張子晴

11E Tang Hiu Ki 鄧曉琪

11E Mak Hiu Lam 麥曉琳

In Week 3, Yeung sir ask students to show their stationary inside their pencil

In Week 2, Yeung sir arrange students participated in recycling household items in a Tsang Kwan O estate .

HAPPINESS Law Sing Kai Akai

Although this worker loses one hand, he is glad of what he did. It is because he put his efford into the city, to the things he made… buildings, clothing, computers or toys… Actually there are a lot of big stories behind every thing. THINGS don’t just come on its own. OUR HAPPINESS is built on the expenses of PEOPLE’’S SUFFERING

Fok Sui Tong Ah-tong

The Patchworks Patchwork is a kind of cloth that involves sewing different texture, colour, pattern of cloths together. It is a kind of tradition in Japan that represents different blessings from different people for a new born baby. We collected the cloths that are recycled by the second-hand shop. Since they are too dirty to sell so we cut parts of them and sew them together. Apart from that, we change them into different color and texture. We want to tell everyone that even the cloths seem useless , we can still put them all together and make one big thing that are practical and artistic. If every one of us is willing to pay just a little bit of effort, we can still make the impossible possible. Do not ignore any small things in life, you never know what they could turn into and we need to treasure them all.

In this art work, we had interviewed many students during the used goods collection event. We asked them the reasons why they didn’t want these goods anymore.

11D Elke, Choi Hoi Wan 蔡海韻

They gave us “happiness”, a carefree life.

People stay away from the truth of great importance

11D Janet, Li Jialin 李嘉琳 11E Leung Yui Chun 梁睿雋

Thank you, workers.

Given that nowadays people never think before purchasing a product just for their happiness, Iwould like to remind people that we should not take our fortune for granted. (By putting the phone with the things we hated to see), I hope people can reflect on how products are manufactured which involved many stakeholders before coming to our hands. Please make an in-depth consideration before you buy.

As Mr. Yeung said that as an artist, we cannot be ignorant to the society and the world. 11B Elma, Fong Hoi Tung 方凱彤

Maybe our mistakes were caused by our ignorance, not malice ...

11D Linda, Li Hei Wan 李希韞


Week 1

A walk in Sham Shui Po and an introduction from economy, architecture

Week 4

Visit Community Recycling Coop, with introduction of its formation history and ideals by their staff.


weeks, workers will lead students to review and help reflect on their

Analyze the relationship between today’s wealth gap and the Coop.


experiences and thoughts.

Understand the phenomenon of the excess of a consumer society.


Coop and assist workers to sort out donated items. To understand how students were inspired and what they saw in the past few

Week 6

A screening of an episode on Copenhagen from <Design Cities > series (RTHK Production) Know your needs and learn city designs initiated for citizens, so to broaden

由女工帶領同學回顧及反思過去幾星期的 經歷和感受,了解學生看到了什麼及有何 啟發

students’ horizon and their imagination of a community. By comparing today’s city gate to understand today’s HK, and affirm the

To start collecting recycling items from school


播紀錄片《設計城市》( 香港電台製作 ) 之哥 本哈根單元 開闊學生的眼界,認識「以人為本的城市設 計」,繼而對生活多一點要求,對社區多一點 想像 對比今日香港的城市面貌有進一步認知,從 而肯定二手店的工作對社區的積極貢獻

Week 9

Further discuss ideas developed at home.


A discussion with the whole class to allow exchanging opinion with a

由全體同學一同討論,彼此互給意見, 焦點放在作品是否能反映計劃的學習目標

focus on the learning’ s goal of the project.

Week 10

Split in groups to deepen discussions like development’ s maturity, if materials and expressions are interesting.

分組深入討論每個意念的發展是否達致成 熟程度,所用物料及表達形式是否有趣

artistic action.

意念清晰後,商討執行步驟和時間安排, 務求逐步落實整個創作行動

A screening of episode on Barcelona from <Design Cities> series.


Introduce a city that is respectful of spaces for people’ s activities, so

開闊學生認識一個尊重人民活動空間的城 市設計模樣,反思生活的多元性,並批判 消費式的生活如何浪費資源和製造垃圾, 從中更欣賞二手店工友們的貢獻

After a clearer idea, deliberate steps and arrange time so to execute the

Visit a Tsang Kwan O estate and participate in recycling household items.


A documentary screening of <Manufactured Landscapes> (Directed by

Get involved with the process of recycling, and interview the donors to

經歷回收過程並接觸捐贈者,了解捐贈者對 物件的態度,進一步認清今日消費社會的浪費

Jennifer Baichwal)

放紀錄片《人造風景》( 導演 : Jennifer Baichwal)

Learn what China’s reputation as World’s Factory implies to.



Understand the process of production and the prices that workers paid

Further discuss the spirits and ideals brought by the project.

during it.

看清楚物件的生產過程,了解工人付出的 代價

Learn the impacts of environmental pollution.


possibilities in different kinds of artistic methods and expressions.

了解學習內容和深入反思後,導師先引領大 家構思各種藝術表達手法的可能性

Learn the inhumane living conditions and the costs of environmental

明白物質文明背後的非人性生活和環境破 壞的成本

Split into groups and discuss for a few ideas.


that we appreciate workers’ contribution from the Coop again.

Each group will have to present a few ideas for everybody to discuss, analyze its feasibility and that if it meets the goal.

各組講出幾個意念,大家共同討論,分析其 可行性以及內容是否符合學習目標

With the aids of tutors and their guidance, students will have to finish

Ask students to further develop more ideas


their artwork on time.

A screening of an episode on Berlin from <Design Cities> series.


Week 12,

Tutors will watch and guide students throughout their working

Learn what social conditions that are required for a creative industry:

令學生明白發展創意工業的社會條件 : 租金 低及創作空間。再看本土實際情況,反省一 個合乎人性的社會,空間如何影響人的生活 與前途。再拉近二手店的運作情況,它在社 區起了什麼作用,希望藉此刺激同學,在構 思作品時有多些想像



導師在旁觀察學生創作,必要時作出提 點

Week 14

Tutors and students will discuss how to exhibit their work together.


understand their attitude towards the items in order to learn today’s wasteful consumer society. Learn the stories behind the donated items, and reflect yourself from the

知多一點捐贈物件背後的故事,從中反省自己 的消費態度

process and consumerism

Week 3

返回二手店,協助工友將回收的物件分 類,學生全然認識整個回收過程

Coop’s contribution to the community.

Week 5 Week 2

To let students fully understand the process of recycling, we are back to the

到深水埗舊區行街,由經濟面貌、老建築到 社群生活點滴介紹其社區特色,讓學生對舊 區有初步印象

and community, allowing students an impression of an old community.

A documentary screening of <Remote Mountain> (Directed by Jie Hu), letting students to learn coal’s origin.

播紀錄片《遠山》( 導演 : 胡傑 ),讓學生明 白煤炭的由來

By watching the mining process to allow more understanding in the


difficult life faced by miners.

知道日常生活所耗用「物件」的源頭,並扣連 消費者 ( 自己 ) 與生產者的關係

Understand the relation between consumers and workers by learning where and how daily objects come from.

pollution behind material civilization.

Week 6

A screening of an episode on Copenhagen from <Design Cities > series (RTHK Production) Know your needs and learn city designs initiated for citizens, so to broaden students’ horizon and their imagination of a community. By comparing today’s city gate to understand today’s HK, and affirm the Coop’s contribution to the community.

Week 7

After the sharing and reflection, tutors will lead and inspire students

播紀錄片《設計城市》( 香港電台製作 ) 之哥本哈根單元 開闊學生的眼界,認識「以人為本的城市 設計」,繼而對生活多一點要求,對社區 多一點想像

Organize thoughts and feelings from the project and share their

Week 8

spaces and lower rent. Understand a more humane society and how spaces affect our lives and futures by referring it to local’s situation. And to stimulate students into more thinking and developing ideas, we relate it again with the Coop’s operation and what it does to the community.

再次整理這個學習計劃的經驗,學生發表個 人的得著和感受,並詳細討論計劃所帶出的 精神及理念

Week 11

to learn the diversity in daily lives and criticize consumerist way of living and how it wastes resources and create more wastes – and from Each group will report their progress and the difficulties they face.

各組報告創作的進展,過程中所遇到的困 難,由導師提出意見作參考,並催逼同學 加緊依計劃完成藝術品

Publication Information

Participating Artist

VA Panel Head

Yeung Sau Churk Ricky

Law Sing Kai Akai

Teacher Team

Chan Wai Lun Davis, Fok Sui Tong, Tang Siu Nam Sam


Artist & Students Portfolio of Artist in Residence 2013-2014Arts and Community Editorial Team | Vangi Fong, Law Sing Kai Akai English Editing | Sarah Li Graphic Design | Good Morning

Vangi Fong, The Hill Workshop

Photographer | Work and Workshop

Characters Illustrated by

Published by

Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School First publish in May 2014 in 1000 copies All rights reservedŠ by Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School

Leung Yiu Wah Fato Presented by

Address | 6 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T. Telephone | 2637 2277 Website |

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