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Why Do The Pure-Bloods Hate The Muggles In The First Place?

Well, the tussle between the muggles (no-majs for the Americans) and the Wizarding community has been on for centuries. However, it was dealt with exceptionally violently in the past with the rise of Voldemort and the notorious Grindelwald. People were killed left, right and centre, fuelled by the hatred they and their followers carried. But how did this hatred ignite in the first place?


The pure-blood witches and wizards feared that their lineages would wipe out. Like in the muggle world, when people from Europe came to the Americas and wiped out millions of the natives, the pure-bloods feared their demise. However, is this the only reason?

As we all have seen and know, an average magic practiser is much more potent than an average no-Maj. It meant that the main reason for the hatred couldn’t have been fear of their demise. The main reason, as seen everywhere, is the human nature of exclusivity. People form communities to feel the same and very hesitantly want to include the people from outside. It leads to people thinking that they are better than others. But when this bubble is broken by an outsider doing the community’s job better than the people in it, the people in the community get very jealous and angry. It leads to the people being motivated to remove all the other people from existence to thrive.

This is a very non-feasible and dangerous attitude towards anything. So, in the current era where all people co-exist peacefully, is it essential to try and be exclusive? Or is it the only peaceful way to live and prosper? Well, times will say for themselves, until then, who knows?


People Again

Life is opening back up once more as the world awakens and warm summer days blossom for some of us. It’s time to get back out there and return to normal. Y’know, the old normal. Outside our houses. Where other people are. You are going to need to be around other people: old friends, co-workers, strangers. But fear not! They are also readjusting to this transition, so you are all in the same boat! And if you follow these simple instructions, soon you’ll be the captain of that socially awkward boat or something. Also, being vaccinated is an essential part of this, I probably should have led with that. To begin:

First Impressions

When coming face-to-face with someone else, it’s important to greet them like a human being. Adopt a friendly tone, and also a friendly volume. Don’t yell as though there’s a piece of fabric covering your mouth. But don’t whisper or trail off either. Practice your greetings in the mirror before going out. But not the mirror in the bathroom; the acoustics are terrible in there and won’t give you a good sense of how you should speak, conversations won’t be so loud and echo-y when you’re outside or in an office or wherever. And be sure to do that thing . . . with your face? Where you happily show your teeth. Y’know the thing I mean? It’s a good opener.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Have you noticed the tension out there? The frustration and the entitlement? And is any of that bad energy swelling up inside of you? Things have gotten a bit warped in 2020. It’s as though everyone’s sphere of focus has shrunk over the last 15 months to hover just a quarter-inch above our skin. After all, we’ve only had to deal with our wants and needs while we’ve been removed from society. Everything else has been a distraction, background noise by background players, nothing we had to get involved with. But you’re involved with it now and you have to try to get used to saving some of your emotional bandwidth for things that aren’t part of your immediate concerns. You know the universe doesn’t revolve around you. You now need to reckon with the fact that your day doesn’t revolve around you either, not every part of it. Because you’ll be spending your days with other people and people are living creatures with an agency, not actors following your script for them. So bear with the connections and collisions in your expanding life patiently. And joyfully! These interactions with others will be new and unexpected compared to the boredom that was dogging your internment. Your script pales in comparison to real life. Embrace the chaos of collaboration!

And Then . . . Any Other Suggestions?

Like, I’m all ears, do you have any other tips for how to be around people again? Just, in line for a bagel or at a birthday party, etc. and not want to go back to bed after it’s all over? ‘Cause I’d love to hear them, I’ll try anything at this point. I’m tired of napping and I dunno what to do. It turns out I can only come up with so many ideas (only so many interests, only so many activities . . .) on my own before I run empty, and need to be refilled and refreshed by other perspectives, by other people. It’s as though we can’t be alone and be complete. As though we need each other. Perhaps not to survive, but to strive towards being our best selves. It’s good to be back, we’ve missed you.

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