EDITION 138 MAY 2024 Distributed through selected stores Australia Wide FREE BI-MONTHLY
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- F e e d i n g p r e g n a n t m a r e s
- F e e d i n g p r e g n a n t m a r e s
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* S h o w p h o t o s
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A I T C R a c i n g I n d u s t r y p r o g r a m * A
T C R a c i n g I n d u s t r y p r o g r a m * A u s t r a l i a n O u t b a c k S p e c t a c u l a r & M a s t e r y o f t h e H o r s e * A u s t r a l i a n O u t b a c k S p e c t a c u l a r & M a s t e r y o f t h e H o r s e Celebrating 24 years in publishing with sales@nettexaustralia.com 0490538383 www.nettexaustralia.com Summer Essentials Available from Made in the UK ith Outshine the Competition TIC National Pony Racing Series winner Emilia Savage from Bangalow riding Aspen View Aylan
The Horse Report
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The Horse Report Pony racing series culminates in inaugural final
Young riders from five states of Australia recently competed at Randwick on All Aged Stakes Day in the final for the inaugural season of Pony Racing.
The day was the culmination of heats held all around the country, dating back to Eagle Farm in Brisbane in August last year.
The two finals at Randwick featured riders from Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia, along with host state NSW.
The Pony Racing series, a joint venture between Thoroughbred Industry Careers (TIC) and Pony Club Australia, has been met with great support at each venue, with vision of the young riders competing at Australia's most famous racetracks beamed around the country on Channel 7, Sky Racing and Racing.com.
The winners and runners-up from each qualifying race were invited to compete in the final and the vacancies left by those who unfortunately could not make it to Randwick, were be filled by reserves coming out of the NSW leg, as the host state for the 2024 finals.
The support of sponsors has been vital in making the inaugural series possible and
riders in each of the two divisions wore the racing colours of each of the main sponsors.
Organisers are also very grateful to the state regulatory bodies in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland who helped cover some of the expenses incurred for riders travelling from interstate and to Inglis for housing the ponies at Riverside for the finals.
This exciting series is a result of a wonderful partnership between PonyClubAustralia and Thoroughbred Industry Careers.
With 12 qualifying races leading up to the finals, PCAmembers have showcased their skills aboard their trusty ponies, height capped at 13.3hh.
This series isn't just about the thrill of racing, and it's not about speed.
It's about:
Members advancing their riding ability, skills, balance and fitness, while promoting the well-being of the rider and pony.
Fostering relationships between equestrian and thoroughbred communities, and promoting career opportunities within the racing industry.
The opportunity for members to learn about thoroughbred welfare and life after racing.
The Large Pony Final of the TIC National Pony Racing Series.
1st Emilia Savage - Aspen - QLD
2nd Robert Scobie - Darcy - VIC
3rd Isabella Sprigg - Harry - WA
Pick Of The Yard - Maddison McConnachyLollie - NSW
The Small Pony Final of the TIC National Pony Racing Series.
1st Stacey Edwards - Napoleon - SA
2nd Aspen Pike - Onyx - WA
3rd Mia-Rose Cornish - Spots - VIC
Pick Of The Yard - Blair Burke - MeggyQLD
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Finalists in the Large Pony Final of the TIC National Pony Racing Series on track at Randwick.
Emilia Savage and Stacey Edwards display their winning trophies.
The Horse Report
Endurance - an adventure and a partnership
In Australia, there is an upsurge of interest in Endurance riding, and you can see why, as the discipline offers so much for riders who enjoy spending time with their horse and many hours in the saddle taking in nature’s pleasures.
Equestrian Australia spoke with Queensland Endurance rider Alexandra Toft and asked her to share with members and friends why she and her family love the sport so much.
“Endurance is a unique sport; a challenge, an adventure and a partnership,”Alexandra said.
“It is a pursuit that requires devotion to the horse, who is the hero and best friend in our expeditions.
“Endurance riding clubs and competitions take place all over Australia, and anyone can share the fun and friendship, no matter where they live.
“Typically, Endurance rides range from 20km through to 160km. There are also multi-day rides with some events starting in the morning and some at night.
“Families, friends, individuals, and teams can participate. Some like to compete, yet, all have the same goal of spending time with their horse and completing their chosen distance successfully.
“Out the gate an adventure awaits.
“Marching along goat trails into the midst of forests and emerging to find the sun rising before you; cantering in large groups conquering vast distances in sandy deserts and trotting along dusty country roads taking in the sun, the wind, and the rain.
“Any terrain is possible, any weather is possible, and a bond that is formed by the hours of
training and care, Endurance is a sport that allows us to realise what is possible, what can be fun, humbling, difficult, and rewarding.”
She said Endurance riders travel beneath moonlight and torchlight getting a head start on the heat of the day.
“Acompetition can start at just about any time, always prioritising the welfare of the horse,” she said.
“Some of the sights at these hours taken in through your horses’ears, include wildlife, so many tree species, creeks, and torchlights scattered up a mountain as a field of 100 horses and riders ascends together to on top of the world.
“Some of the sounds include the reliable rhythm of strong hoof beats, owls hooting, horses neighing, and friendly chatter among riders.
“Presenting a fit and sound horse at every moment is the endeavour.
“Preparation is multi-faceted involving breeding and development, nutrition, shoeing, training, competition and recovery.
Building a connection with a horse and spending years together, can be a rewarding process.”
Alexandra said that training was the most time-consuming part of Endurance.
Many horses in the sport have long and successful careers, enabled by slow and patient training and prioritising rest and recovery.
“Horses undergo vet inspections before the start of competition, after each loop, and after the course,” she said.
“Vets can prevent combinations from progressing or completing at any point.
“The parameters for vet testing include vital signs, metabolic signs and assessment for physical injuries and gait.
“Endurance riders must be prepared for so many possibilities, but adapting to the unexpected is also necessary.
“Every rock, every creek crossing, every shy, every degree rise in temperature, other horses’ behaviours, other riders’behaviours, water intake, food intake, and more, are just some of the
things which present challenges. Remaining at your own pace, according to your own training and plan, is important.”
Alexandra shared information about the recent overseas success of Toft Endurance members and plans for the year ahead.
She explained 2023 was another good year for Toft Endurance with one the team members, Eadie McWilliam, representing Australia at the World Youth Endurance Championships in france.
“We travelled to France to support Eadie and Treasure, and they made Australia and members of Toft Endurance proud,” she said.
“This year our members are preparing for another big season.
“In Queensland, we have many local rides, some FEI qualifiers, and the Australasian FEI Regional Championship at the Queensland Endurafest in Inglewood.
“We will also be continuing our adventures in France, where a few of our horses are currently based in readiness to compete in the upcoming French season.
“Our focus is the World Endurance Championships in September 2024, which will be held in Monpazier, France.
“If you love horses, nature, and a challenge, then Endurance riding might be for you.
“Essentially, you can choose your own adventure.
“Agood way to get a taste for Endurance would be to come along to the Queensland Endurafest in Inglewood, from May 31st to June 2nd, we would love to see you there.
“Clubs from all over will make everyone feel welcome and with experienced members willing to help newcomers.”
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Alexandra Toft riding Calcium Artagnan. Photo by Tomek Sport Photos
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The Horse Report
Gut bacteria, Vitamin B1and behaviour
Gut bacteria, vitamin B1 and behaviour - are thye linked?
The short answer is yes.
Here is how:
Vitamin B1 has been observed to have an influence on behaviour in multiple animal species, including horses. Ahorse will meet its vitamin B1 requirements via the vitamin B1 it eats in its diet and from vitamin B1 produced by the bacteria in its hindgut.
There are two main families of bacteria living in your horse’s hindgut:
1. The fiber fermenting bacteria who love to ferment fibre from the forage your horse eats. These little critters are the ones we consider the ‘good bacteria’; and
2. The starch and sugar fermenting bacteria who prefer to ferment starch and sugars. These we generally consider to be the ‘bad bacteria’.
The good bacteria produce vitamin B1 that your horse can then absorb and use.
On the other hand, the bad bacteria produce a compound called ‘Thiaminase’that actually destroys vitamin B1 (also known as thiamine) that is in the gut, making it useless to your horse.
If your horse has too many bad bacteria and not enough of the good ones your horse may not get enough vitamin B1 and behavioural changes may occur.
How do you avoid this?
Keep your horse’s hindgut healthy with an
abundant population of good bacteria.
The main two things you should do to achieve this are:
1. Feed lots of forage!; and
2. Never feed uncooked grains (with the exception of oats for some horses)
For more tips on caring for your horse’s hindgut, read Keeping the Hindgut Healthy at
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Equine Health
Good behaviour in your horse can be determined by vitamin B1 and gut bacteria.
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The Horse Report
Omeprazole reduces calcium digestibility
Bsc Equine Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist
©Hi Form Australia
Abstract protein pump inhibitors such as Omeprazole reduce nutrtient digestibility in humans.
This study by joe D Pagan, Laurea PetroskiRose, Alana Mann, Ashlee Haus determined the effect of Omeprazole on the digestibility of diets containing limestone or marine derived calcium (BMC) and to assess changes in blood parameters associated with gastric acid production and calcium status in horses.
Throughbreds were used to evaluate the digestibility of diets containing different calcium sources with or without Omeprazole over four 21 day periods.
Equine gastric ulcers are by far one of the most common conditions diagnosed in the equine community.
Usually, it is remedied by a course of ulcer medication, commonly proton pump inhibitors such as Omeprazole. As the incidence of ulcers is on the rise, so is the regular use of Omeprazole.
One recent study published in 2020 outlines the transverse effect Omeprazole has on the digestibility of calcium.
Interestingly the study found no effect on the digestibility of zinc, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron or manganese.
The study used both limestone and marinederived calcium, both of which we never recommend being fed to horses as horses are strict herbivores and cannot digest animal material effectively.
However, for the study they demonstrated two versions of commonly used calcium supplementation.
The study concluded that while on a course of Ompeprazole, calcium absorption was reduced by 40-50%, this is a considerable amount considering the duration of the treatment and the sheer size of the horse. So what does this mean for your horse? Should we steer clear of all proton pump inhibitors? Definitely not.
Medication is needed in a lot of cases, especially with moderate- severe cases, however with the rapid development of science around nutraceuticals we are hoping there will be side effect free alternatives available in the future.
This study is a good example of how commonly used medication can lead to nutritional deficiencies later down the track. We always recommend only using ulcer medication if your vet has assessed the horse and confirmed that ulcers are present. To prevent nutritional deficiencies from occurring, there needs to be more education around prevention of ulcers.
* Always provide roughage
Horses are grazing animals and have no gallbladder, meaning they have a constant release of gastric acid and need 24/7 access to hay or pasture. Otherwise build-up of acid in the stomach can cause damage to the lining, resulting in ulcers.
Feed hay while brushing and tacking up. Providing your horse with hay before riding will ensure they have something in their stomach before working, reducing the effect stomach acid on an empty stomach. Ensure you are not letting your horse become worm burdened or over worming. Astrict worming or faecal egg count schedule is important as both over-worming and worm burden has found to contribute to ulceration.
* Reduce stress
Horses are naturally a free spirited, mindful animal, they are not built for the stressors or environment we place them in. Keeping an eye on your horse's behaviour and building a strong bond can go a long way into understanding when your horse is stressed and how to reduce this.
* Reduce grain
If grain is not essential in your horses diet, then reduce it. Opt for more natural sources of grain such as oats and barley opposed to corn and wheat. Oats and barley are both grasses which are grazed in the wild and are less inflammatory.
* Supplement where necessary
There is a lot of science backing the benefits of slippery elm, aloe vera, zinc, vitamin C and pre and probiotics for the prevention and treatment of ulcers in humans and some preliminary research showing similar in horses. Supplementing horses with a previous history of ulcers or at-risk horses with known nutraceuticals can assist in reducing the chance of reoccurrence.
So, what about the calcium?
Well, this is necessary to address. Calcium deficiency in horses can lead to brittle bones, OCD, bighead syndrome or neurological conditions just to name a few. Ensuring your horse has sufficient calcium in their diet which isn't impacted by high oxalate (oxalate prevents calcium absorption) grasses. Continued page 9
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Equine Health Feature
Horses are grazing animals and need 24/7 access to hay or pasture
The Horse Report
Managing your horse’s diet reduce ulcers
From page 8
The best way to do this is to get professional advice from a trusted and qualified nutritionist, who can evaluate the diet for you. Calcium and phosphorous should ideally be fed together for optimal absorption. When looking into calcium supplements always trust human grade supplies and steer clear of stockfeed grade minerals; limestone, dolomite, or marine sourced calcium, which you would never ingest yourself to correct calcium deficiencies.
There has been plenty of research to suggest calcium has a buffering effect which assists in the prevention and healing of ulcers. This is interesting to note as the side effect of medication is generally the opposite. Lucerne is commonly the feed of choice for horses suffering from ulcers, due to both the high calcium content and the low sugar and starch content.
Due to the reduced absorption of calcium during omeprazole courses it is highly recommended to feed more lucerne as well as a trusted calcium specific supplement such as Hi Form GrowthFix and incorporate BioEquus as a preventative also.
As horses ferment their own feed through their digestive tract, there has been little research on whether feeding pre-fermented feed to horses is safe.
Traditionally hay is used as a horse feed and not silage (a fermented grass product), as horses tend to prefer forage that has a higher sugar content, and the sugar (molasses) in silage is turned to acid during fermentation. There is no doubt that the right type of diet containing a high level of roughage can counteract changes in gastric pH (stomach acid).
This means that a high roughage diet can help to prevent gastric ulcers in horses. The correct terminology for resisting changes in pH is called buffering. Alfalfa or Lucerne hay has been shown to reduce the severity of ulcers as it provides a superior buffering action compared to other types of fibre and increases saliva production, which also acts as a buffering agent.
Supporting a healthy digestive tract and gut
microbiome from the horse's stomach to the large intestine is what you should aim for. It makes sense considering that horses are herbivores, that a good quality, high roughage diet is essential for longevity of the horse's health.
While it is not recommended you feed silage to your horses, horse owners have been increasing the use of Lucerne since the information relating to its effect on gastric ulcers has been made available.
Ulcers are essentially sores on the lining of the horse's stomach, usually the top part of the stomach, which cause pain and discomfort. There are two types of ulcers: gastric and colonic.
Gastric ulcers occur in the stomach (discussed in this article) while colonic ulcers occur in the hindgut, specifically the colon. HOW ULCERS DEVELOP
The horse's stomach is made up of two sections - the upper 'squamous' area and the lower 'glandular' area.
When grains and forage enter the horse's stomach they are partially fermented and during the fermentation process the bacteria produce volatile fatty acids (VFA).
These VFAs are the same as the horse produces in the hindgut during fermentation
there, however in the stomach they get mixed with the hydrochloric acid from the stomach and the gastric acid produced can cause cells of the upper part of the stomach to become inflamed, and swell, and ultimately make the stomach wall lining more prone to ulceration.
Ulcers rarely form in the lower part of the stomach even though it is constantly exposed to the gastric acid, as it produces bicarbonate and mucus for protection. The upper half of the horse's stomach is responsible for mixing the stomach contents and differs from the lower portion of the stomach in that it has a thin lining that is constantly eroded by the gastric acid that is produced, even when the horse is not eating. Saliva production and the buffering action of feed is the only protection this part of the stomach has from gastric acid.
It is quite common for horses to have no clinical signs of ulcers, but there are indicators. These include poor performance, poor appetite, temperament changes, diarrhoea, mild colic and often weight loss. The horse's coat condition will often look quite poor. Your vet can confirm if your horse has ulcers or not by performing a gastric endoscopy, or simply 'stomach scoping', a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a tube with a light and camera into the throat and the stomach.
Grade 1
The stomach lining is in tact but there are areas of yellowing.
Grade 2
There are small single or multiple superficial ulcers present.
Grade 3
There are large single or multiple superficial ulcers present
Grade 4
There are extensive ulcers with areas of deep ulceration present.
For further information on managing horses prone to ulcers or those that have a history please contact HiForm via Facebook or email enq@hiform.com.au
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Equine Health Feature
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Lucerne hay has been shown to reduce the severity of ulcers
The Horse Report
What you should know about Anaerobic Fungi
Anaerobic Fungi
These little critters live in our horses’ hindguts and they are responsible for an estimated 30 to 40% of the fibre fermentation that occurs in there.
So as well as thinking about how diet might affect our horse’s hindgut bacterial populations, we also need to think about how it might affect their anaerobic fungal populations.
Problem is, we know so little about them that we don’t know what is good and what is not so good for them.
Information on what we know so far was presented at EEHNC by the incredibly passionate researcher, Dr Joan Edwards. Joan described the fungi as having potent fibre degrading enzymes, giving them an important role in a horse’s digestion process.
The fungi can survive outside the horse’s gut too, and are seemingly resistant to both oxygen (which kills many anaerobic bacteria that live in the hindgut) and desiccation (drying out).
This makes me wonder if they are part of the reason why my horses will seek out specific dry manure piles and eat them on occasion… maybe?
Anyway, there is some research published https://www.researchgate.net/…/32995479 8_Anaerobic_fungal_c…)
And more research to come (https://www.wur.nl/en/project/EquineAnaerobic-Fungi.htm)
Watch this space as we learn more. In the meantime while we figure out how to look after these fungi, I suspect feeding in the way that will look after the bacteria in a horse’s hindgut will also look after the fungi… so keep your horse’s diet high in low fructan forage, keep grain/starch out of the hindgut by feeding only well-
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Health Feature
The Horse Report Equine
Equine Health Feature
The Horse Report Choosing an oil to include in your horse’s diet
BY LARISSSA BILSTON, BAgrSc (Hons 1) Animal Nutritionist
Oils are essential in the horse diet and they do much more than just store fat.
Fat is a key nutrient that affects early growth and development as well as nutrition-related chronic disease later in life.
Fats (or lipids) function as energy storage, chemical messengers, form the membranes of all the body's cells, help the body absorb fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K), control chemical messengers in the body and regulate inflammatory processes in the immune system.
The difference between fats and oils are simply that fats are solid at room temperature whilst oils are liquid.
There are many situations when an oil supplement can be a useful addition to a horse ration:
All types of oil are dense in calories, containing around three times as many calories as oats. Oil can be used to increase the energy consumption of a horse, especially when it is not safe or possible to add any more grain or concentrates to the diet. Commonly used in working horse feeds, when weight gain is needed, and as an alternative energy source for horses prone to laminitis, gastric ulcers, muscle metabolic conditions (RER, PSSM) or colic.
Any oil can be used to add shine to a coat.
Some oils can be used to help manage horses with dry, itchy skin or inflammatory conditions.
Some oils aid in brain development, eye and heart health and can also boost fertility.
The oil supplement best suited to your horse depends on the current diet, your horse's body condition, workload, stage of life, any medical conditions and the outcome you're aiming for.
What are the different types of oil?
Scientists group oils into various categories depending on their molecular structure. Most dietary fats are triglycerides, including saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
The oils that form a natural part of the horse diet and the most common fat supplements are PUFAs, mainly omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids.
What are omega -3 and omega - 6 oils?
Common omega-6 fats are linoleic acid (LA) and arachidonic acid. Omega-3 fats include alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Linoleic (LA) and alpha-linolenic (ALA) are considered 'essential fatty acids' because they
are essential for life but cannot be manufactured within the body, therefore they must be supplied by the diet.
Horses convert some of the ALAwhich they obtain from green plants into EPAand DHA which are important for brain, eye and heart health, development and function of the nervous system, cell membrane integrity and oxygen transfer.
The roles of omega oils in the body
One of the most important functions of PUFAs in the body is to control the body's system of chemical messengers known as hormones. These regulate much more than reproduction; hormones control many functions including metabolism, blood sugar, electrolyte levels, blood pressure, calcium levels, body temperature and stress responses.
Omega-6 fatty acids produce hormones that increase inflammation as a natural part of normal immune function.
The body needs inflammation to bring white blood cells to a point of injury or infection to protect itself from viruses or bacteria. Omega-6 fats also help with cell growth and blood clotting.
Omega-3 fatty acids work alongside the omega6s to modulate the immune system, with the hormones that omega-3s influence have an antiinflammatory effect.
Since omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids compete for the same enzymes during metabolism, the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats has a significant influence on the general level of inflammation within the body.
Different kinds of omega-3 fatty acids perform different roles in the body and are important for general health, growth and development, cardio and immune function and musculoskeletal recovery from exercise.
Many of the oils used in premixed hard feeds or top-dressed onto feeds to boost caloric intake (such as rice bran, sunflower, canola, soy and other oilseed or 'vegetable' oils) are much higher in omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. If using oils for calories alone, canola oil has one of the lowest omega-6 to 3 ratios, making it easier to correct overall balance.
Horses with access to plentiful green grass may be safely fed these high omega-6 oils, but hayreliant horses and those on large hard feeds will need a marine omega-3 balancer to correct fatty acid ratios.
Linseed, chia or camelina oils are the gold standard in plant-sourced omega-3s, containing more omega-3 than omega-6.
The health benefits of omega-3
Plant-sourced ALAplays an important role in maintaining the health of the heart and circulatory system. DHAand EPAcan be directly supplemented from marine-sources - either algae or fish oils.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid with profound health benefits for horses. DHAplays a crucial role in equine health, influencing various physiological processes and contributing to overall wellbeing.
Health benefits of DHA for horses include:
1. Brain Development and Function: DHAis a vital component of neural tissue, playing a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of the brain and nervous system. In young horses, adequate DHAintake is essential for optimal cognitive development, learning, and behaviour.
2. Vision Support: DHAis concentrated in the photoreceptor cells of the retina, where it contributes to visual function and acuity.
3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: DHAexhibits potent anti-inflammatory effects within the body, modulating the production of pro-inflammatory mediators and promoting a balanced inflammatory response. In horses, chronic inflammation is associated with a myriad of health issues, including joint discomfort, digestive disturbances, and skin conditions such as Queensland Itch.
4. DHA can play a key role: in improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism in horses, making it a healthy supplement for laminitis-prone, insulin resistant and horses with metabolic conditions such as EMS.
Continued page 13
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Equine Health Feature
The Horse Report It’s important to balance omega-3 and omega- 6 oils
From page 12
5. Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health: DHAplays a crucial role in cardiovascular health, exerting cardioprotective effects and supporting optimal heart function.
DHAcan improve membrane phospholipids in horses with recurrent airway obstruction which may reduce pulmonary inflammation.
6. Immune Function: Omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA, are integral to immune function, influencing the activity of immune cells and the production of cytokines and antibodies. DHA's anti-inflammatory properties may mitigate the risk of autoimmune disorders and allergic reactions.
7. Reproductive Health: DHAplays a critical role in reproductive health and fertility in horses. Adequate DHAintake during pregnancy and lactation may enhance neonatal viability, vigour, and cognitive function.
Furthermore, DHAsupplementation may benefit stallions by promoting sperm quality and motility, thereby optimizing fertility and reproductive success.
Does my horse need an omega-3 supplement?
It is important that the equine diet contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for a healthy immune system and nutritionists recommend horse diets be higher in total omega-3 levels than omega-6 to better mimic grass and manage inflammation.
However modern horse diets of hay and hard feeds it difficult to achieve this balance.
Horses with diets predominantly of green pasture consume good levels of omega-3 as ALA but those eating a lot of dried forage and/or large hard feeds become deficient. Grains, hay,
chaff and hard feeds are much higher in omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids.
An omega-6 imbalance can be avoided by choosing the oils you feed carefully and balancing ratios in favour of omega-3 fatty acids.
Horses with no or limited access to green grass will benefit from supplementation with both plant-sourced (ALA) and marine-sourced (EPA and DHA) omega-3 fatty acids.
Horses being fed an omega-6 rich vegetable oil (such as rice bran, canola or sunflower oil) will almost always need additional marine-sourced omega-3 oil to balance the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.
Horses with chronic inflammatory conditions, metabolic disease as well as performance, breeding, growing and aged horses will benefit from supplementation with EPAand DHAeven if they are accessing ALAfrom green grass.
What kind of omega-3 supplement is best?
Of the vegetable oils, flaxseed/linseed oil contains the highest concentration of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. Chia and camelina oils are also omega-3 rich. Plant sourced omega-3 oils are in the form of ALA.
EPAcan be sourced directly from some algal meal and from fish oil.
Algae is the primary producer of DHA, and it moves up the food chain via plankton and fish into carnivores.
Therefore, when horses are supplemented with marine (fish or algae) sourced omega-3 oils, the inefficiencies of conversion within the body become irrelevant.
It is advisable to choose an omega-3 supplement that has been extracted using coldpressed techniques and stabilised with antioxidants to increases shelf life and preserves the omega-3 content under more 'normal' feed shed conditions.
Powdered omega-3 sources have also been developed to enhance the protection of fragile omega-3 molecules and improve shelf life, ease of handling and storage.
Incorporating DHA-rich sources, such as fish oil or algae-derived supplements, into a horse's diet can help ensure adequate intake of this essential fatty acid.
However, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian or equine nutritionist to determine the appropriate dosage and supplementation regimen based on individual horse needs, health status, and dietary considerations.
By prioritizing DHAas part of a comprehensive nutrition plan, equestrians can help their horses thrive with enhanced brain function, vision, inflammation management, joint and cardiovascular support, immune function, recovery from exercise and reproductive health.
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provides the richest
60%) natural source
an essential fatty
so important for
overall health. order online www.flaxseedaustralia.com.au or call 1800 255 288 60% Omega 3 content - Healthy Skin & Incredibly Shiny Coats - Strong Hooves & Joints
Seed Oil
ofOmega 3,
acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is
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Health Feature
The Horse Report Equine
The Horse Report
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency in horses
Provided by RANVET
Magnesium plays an important role in nerve and muscle function of horses; it is an activator of many enzymes and participates in muscle contractions.
It is necessary for the maintenance of electrolyte balance, particularly for Calcium and Potassium. Magnesium works in concert with calcium and is also one of the major minerals found in bone.
When a horse becomes excited, its body will also use magnesium in the process of calming down and relaxing.
The magnesium requirement of a typical horse is around 20 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight per day.
Horses that are growing, lactating, or in heavy work may use more each day.
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency:
Magnesium deficiencies or abnormalities in horses usually present through influencing neuromuscular function and cardiac tissue.
Horses deficient in this vital mineral often show symptoms including:
- History of tying up
- Nervousness, wariness or excitability
- Muscle tremors or trembling not related to environmental temperature
- Does not tolerate work well and works up, not down
- Tight sore backs (not related to saddle fit)
- Incoordination
- Difficulty focusing on work or poor work ethic
- Repetitive movements such as weaving, pacing or head bobbing
Sources of Magnesium:
Magnesium is found in varying quantities in forages and grains.
It often tends to be deficient in spring pasture due to the fast-seasonal growth experienced.
Concentrate feeds may or may not have additional magnesium, depending on the amount contained within the other ingredients.
There are supplements available such as
Ranvet’sSettle’em Plusthat contain sufficient levels of Magnesium.
Supplemental magnesium can be either inorganic (magnesium sulfate or magnesium oxide) or organic (chelatedmagnesium).
Settle’em Plus contains all three supplemental magnesium’s (chelate, sulfate and oxide) and has been developed to help counteract hyperactive behaviour in most horses.
Settle’em Plus also contains:
* Vitamin B1- Known for its calming effect on hyperactive horses.
* Vitamin B2Supplements high grain diets which are naturally low in B2.
* Vitamin B6- Supports protein metabolism and muscle development.
* Zinc- Supports hoof health, coat health and bone health.
* Vitamin E- Supports muscle and nerve function.
If you are concerned that your horses’diet may be lacking in key nutrients, simply complete our diet evaluation form www.ranvet.com.au/nutrition-centre/dietevaluation/ and have your horse’s diet analysed by one of our technical team. The diet evaluation form takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Once you have submitted your diet evaluation form, one of Ranvet’s qualified nutritionists will contact you to confirm all of the details.
Ranvet will then provide you with a comprehensive report on your current feeding regime and tailored recommendations to suit your horse.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to call us Toll-Free on: 1800 727 217
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Equine Health Feature
Amagnesium deficiency maybe the reason your horse is nervous or excitable.
Tips on how to reduce the risk of colic
It’s a word that sends cold shivers up every horse owner’s spine, and for good reason.
Colic is the single biggest killer of horses worldwide.
I lost my beautiful CoaCoa to this horrid condition… with their gastrointestinal tract the way it is, horses are simply prone to developing all sorts of problems with their gut. But there are certain conditions that will increase the risk of colic.
So there are things we can do to reduce the risk of colic.
Research presented at the European Equine Health and Nutrition Congress, March 2017 (by Lindroth et al) found the following:
Change of water source and/or a change of roughage more than twice (though the time period is not specific) doubled the risk of colic.
Horses fed concentrates three times per day had twice the risk of colic compared to horses not fed any concentrates (amounts were not specified though)
Here is the really useful bit:
For every 1 kg increase in
roughage (forage) per 100 kg bodyweight fed per day, the risk of colic dropped by three times.
For every 1 kg increase in muesli feed (composition not specified but would think it contains grains) per 100 kg of bodyweight, the risk of colic increased by three times. This makes a whole lot of sense, given the more forage we feed and the less concentrate, the closer we are to a horse’s natural diet.
And when we can keep them closer to their natural diet, their gut and overall health is almost always much better.
So more hay, less grain, less risk
of colic.
Do you have a question or comment?
Do you need help with feeding?
FeedXLwould love to welcome you to our FeedXLHorse Nutrition Facebook Group. Ask questions and have them answered by PhD and Masters qualified equine nutritionists and spend time with like-minded horse owners.
It’s free.
Use the link below to join the FeedXLHorse Nutrition Facebook Group https://facebook.com/groups/fee dxl
Signs of colic
The signs of colic vary from case to case, but studies have shown that of horses with colic:
- 44% roll
- 43% paw continuously or intermittently
- 29% lie down for long periods
- 21% get up and down
- 14% repeatedly look at their flank
- 13% curl their upper lip
- 10% back into a corner
- 7% kick at their abdomen
- 4% stand in a stretched position as if trying to pass urine
- 1% fail to pass droppings for longer than 24hr
If you suspect your horse has colic contact your local vet.
Supplements benefit digestion, coat and joints
Flax seed supports healthy weight maintenance, coat quality, skin health and exercise performance.
It is an excellent source of essential fatty acids required in the equine diet.
Flax seed is the best source of alpha linolenic acid which is the most prevalent omega-3 fatty acid in plant food.
Supplements with omega-3 fatty acids typically results in a sleek coat, and healthy skin and supports a healthy normal internal inflammatory response.
Omega-3 fatty acids impact each cell membrane by increasing membrane fluidity. This enhances cell to cell communication, cell receptor function and controls the transport of compounds into and out of the cell.
Hair & Coat, Joints & soft tissues, immune system, Circulation & vascular health, normal gastrointestinal function,
normal hoof growth.
Turmeric is a strong antioxidant and has a metabolic effect in the natural inflammation cycle of the body's defence mechanisms. Benefits of turmeric to horses include muscle recovery, joint function, through to insulin sensitivity.
Turmeric components can help optimise efficiency of metabolism and so support general health and wellbeing. It has the ability to regulate the inflammatory pathways, which is particularly important for horses needing joint support.
Skin, arthritis, cancers, immune stimulant, greasy heal, laminitis, bowl issues, liver detox Hemp helps with anxiety, behaviour, helps cardiovascular support, faster recovery for working horses, inflammation, immune system enhancement, mobility and joint function, antiinflammatory regulation, digestive and intestinal matters, colic, improved brain function, skin allergies and irritations, hoof
conditions and increased stamina.
Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, minerals and antioxidants. They can also assist in preventing sand colic. This occurs when horses ingest sand when eating.
Ingestion of sand can result in problems in their GI tract and abdomen. The issues result from
Hoof & Woof Cookie Co 0400 474 996
the accumulation of sand in your horses stomach which can lead to impaction.
Feeding of chia seeds along with access to pasture or hay will ensure the cecum is full and help prevent this from occurring.
Digestion, coat and joint, inflammation, energy levels.
The Horse Report www www .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 17 Equine Health Feature
The Horse Report Front line tool for breeding and health monitoring
Supplied by MAGIC BREED
When it comes to foaling, ontime human intervention - if needed - is crucial to ensure a successful outcome.
This also applies to horses after surgery or for detecting colic.
Magic Breed has earnt the trust of breeders and veterinarians as a crucial frontline tool. This is a non-invasive approach for the animal, the pouch is small and lightweight attaching to the halter which tucks up underneath.
You will be alerted when the animal lays down, which would indicate foaling or a health issue, depending on which scenario you are monitoring.
This product was designed and manufactured here in Australia more than 40 years ago, starting with the original Magic Breed, this system has continued to service breeders for more than 30 years in Australia and New Zealand.
In recent years Magic Breed have moved with technology hence the birth of the Magic Breed Plus system, giving breeders a plethora of enhanced features.
They still support the original Magic Breed system, as there are still many systems going strong out there after 20-30 years of use.
No Wifi or phone service is required so no dropouts.
Magic Breed Plus's operating system works on a 917MHz frequency, providing it with greatly improved immunity to interference and superior range - 500m is no problem and in excess of 1km is possible. All you require is power to plug in the base station (receiver).
While this means that it won't work with the 27MHz antenna from the original Magic Breed system, we guarantee that the performance is so good that the external antenna won't be necessary.
You can also monitor up to eight mares at the same time
on the same system.
If you need more, just add another receiver base.
If you have two locations on your property that you require to be alerted at, at the same time, we can accommodate that as well.
The addition of an LCD display on the Magic Breed Plus receiver provides a wealth of operator feedback.
This includes signal strength and battery level, along with individual identification for up to eight transmitters.
Your Magic Breed Plus foaling alarm kit is supplied in a polypropylene rubber sealed IPX7 water resistant rugged carry case for protection during storage, transportation, employs a UV resistant rubber seal to ensure dirt and moisture stay outside of the case and is shock absorbing.
Outside the case, it includes a built-in pressure release valve to ensure internal pressure to be equalised with ambient external pressure.
This ensures a reliable seal at
all times.
Magic Breed Plus, with its 100% solid state technology does not require regular servicing or adjustments.
It is designed by our in-house experienced engineers on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland.
* Up to eight transmitters can be used per receiver
* Non-invasive - detects when the mare lays down
* Range exceeding 1km possible (easily 500m in built up area's)
* Display shows signal strength, no second guessing
* Long battery life with indicator on display showing level
* Can be used alongside your original Magic Breed System
* No booster aerials required
* 2 year warranty
* 100% solid state technology
* 5-star customer service
For further information visit www.magicbreedplus.com.au Ph 07 5453 4355 or email contact@magicbreedplus.com.au
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07 5453 4355 www.magicbreedplus.com.au
You can also monitor up to eight mares at the same time on the same Magic Breed system.
The Magic Breed pouch is small and lightweight and attaches to the halter
The Horse Report Tips on what to do feeding pregnant mares
Pregnant mares carry your hopes and dreams, be it for the next big champion or just a quiet riding companion. Here are some tips for feeding pregnant mares to keep them healthy and breeding sound, strong and athletic foals:
Mares in their early stages of pregnancy don’t need many, if any additional calories than they needed when they weren’t in foal. All mares are different, so to really know how much feed your pregnant mares need you should condition score regularly.
Pregnant mares should ideally be maintained at a condition score of 6 and should not be allowed to exceed a score of 7. Having mares too fat can:
- Reduce their milk production when they foal.
- Put unnecessary strain on their hooves and joints, making them heavy and uncomfortable.
- Lead to difficulty foaling (though this isn’t necessarily proven to occur).
- Make it difficult to fall pregnant again, particularly if a mare is forced to lose weight just prior to or immediately after foaling. As mares progress through their pregnancy their requirement for energy and protein does increase, so you may find you need to feed additional feed to maintain their body condition score. For more information on Condition Scoring visit www.Feedxl.com
Apregnant mare shouldn’t be allowed to drop below a condition score of 5. Mares that are any lighter will fall away quickly after foaling, reducing the body energy and protein reserves for milk production and also switching off the reproductive cycles, making it difficult or impossible to get in foal again. If you notice their ribs becoming easier to feel or their topline and rump starting to fall away, you will need to increase the amount of feed they are getting. Because so
much room is taken up in the mare’s abdomen late in the pregnancy, you will likely need to feed high energy grains or high energy fibre feeds that use ingredients like sugarbeet pulp or soybean hulls to allow them to increase their energy intake enough to hold their body condition. High fat feeds are also useful for late pregnant mares.
Meeting the mineral and vitamin requirements of pregnant mares during early and late pregnancy is crucial to:
- Promote the sound development of their foals.
- Prevent deficiencies like iodine that can affect the thriftiness and survival of newborn foals.
- Prevent problems in the mares like retained placenta and the associated laminitis.
- Maintain a strong immune system in the mare and foal.
- Maintain the long-term health and soundness of the mare for future reproduction. While pregnant mares can often be maintained on good quality pasture with little additional feed, without supplementation of minerals, a pasture-only diet will almost certainly have quite dramatic deficiencies of copper and zinc and depending on the geographical location may also be very deficient in calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, iodine and selenium.
If the mare doesn’t receive the additional minerals she needs to support herself and
her growing foetus she will draw them from her own body reserves. However if she is required to do this for many consecutive breeding seasons it will eventually have implications for both her and her future foals’long-term health, soundness and athletic ability.
One study has shown that foals born to mares early in her breeding career have less structural problems than foals born later in that mare’s life, which may indicate that over consecutive pregnancies, mares can run out of reserves of minerals that directly impact the sound development of her foals.
FeedXLallows you to quickly and easily determine your mare’s requirements for these critical minerals as well as vitamins and helps you make sure the diet you are feeding is meeting her requirements through all stages of pregnancy.
During pregnancy a mare requires high quality protein to meet her own requirements and those of her growing foetus. If the pasture your mare is on is of low quality (for example sub-tropical C4 Type pastures, or pasture that has matured, gone to seed or browned off), add some high quality alfalfa/lucerne hay to raise the quality of protein in the forage component of her diet.
Pasture is an excellent source of energy and protein. Feeding a diet that relies largely on pasture has two main positive effects. The first is it will make for an economical diet, with pasture being one of your cheapest feeds available. Secondly, a high fibre diet will keep your mare’s gastrointestinal tract healthy, reducing the risk of problems like colic (something to be avoided in a pregnant mare).
To really know what is in your pasture and what your mare needs in her diet have your pasture tested and enter the results into your FeedXLaccount.
For more information visit www.feedxl.com
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www magicbreedplus com au
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Horse Report Equine Health Feature
The Horse Report
What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand
There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9),
You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a
improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special?
Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven anti-
The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint
antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing
improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity.
Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plant-
Rose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the medication.
Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?
Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.
To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent
research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.
Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’
bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain
The more becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle.
protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already exists.
In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.
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out in a cluttered market? $199.95 NOW $99.95 FREESHIPPING
Equine Health Feature
The Horse Report
Radiographic proof in clinical results
By Dr ANDREWWATTSBVSc Equine Veterinarian
BONE Gold nutritional bone joint and collagen supplement was formulated to provide some of the essential amino acid requirements of collagen type I, II and III (found in bone and connective tissue) in addition to supporting the nitric oxide pathway which has been found to assist in the formation of bone callus postinjury.
Veterinary surgeons have recommended that Bone Gold may assist with sore shins, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, osteoarthritis and post-surgery in horses and polyarthritis, geriatric osteoarthritis, and post-surgery in dogs.
Here is a veterinary radiographic report on a horse with a fracture evident on the medial toe and after treatment and feeding Bone Gold during this period. More information on these products can be found at www.vetgold.com.au
XXXXXXX's left and right front feet were radiographed on 26th Aug, 21st Oct (8 weeks) and again on the 17th Nov '21(12 weeks).
26.08.21: Right Front: Large P3 solar margin fracture evident on medial toe 32.6mm x 4.1mm with approximately 1.4mm separation from parent bone as below left image.
21.10.21: Right Front: Fine residual 4.2mm fracture still evident, approximately 90% resolution
17.11.21: Right Front: Fracture fully resolved
Radiographic results as of the 17th Nov '21 show total resolution of the original fracture.
XXXXXXX was reshod today utilising off an alloy shoe with a toe clip - inner circumference seated out to avoid any sole pressure.
The horse can return to training. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries
Solar margin Type IV fractures of this magnitude have well-documented internationally published healing rates of 7 - 12 months. Full resolution of these fractures is rare as most often the fracture fragments are resorbed.
Full resolution in a 3 month period was not anticipated.
The horse was on Bone Gold 3 x scoops fed once per day for this period.
"Go to our webpage or scan the QR Code to see more Bone Gold Radiographic results"
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Equine Health Feature
26th August 2021 21st October 2021 17th November 2021
www.vetgold.com.au Nutritional Hoof Supplement Contains nutrients which have been found to contribute to the health of Hooves, Hair & Skin "The only Hoof Supplement with proven radiographic results" Supports Coat, Hoof and Hair Health Contains the essential Amino Acids & building blocks for the production of Keratin Supports Bone, Joint, Hoof & Collagen Health Contains nutrients to support Type 1, 2, 3 Collagen formation "The only Bone Supplement with proven radiographic results" Ask your Vet, Farrier or Produce Store for availability or visit our online store
The Horse Report
ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world.
The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin.
Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab.
The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.
KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways:
Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.
It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy skin.
These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
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nd es so nd n’t an s, lp cin nen ve nd ns nt, so er w ng ur m re
Equine Health Feature
Murwillumbah Pony Club
11 Tarcutta NSW
12 Charters Towers Indoor Rodeo
12 Lyndoch, SA
. They offergreat facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors, friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Showgrounds, Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah contact
SeniorInstructor- Paula Anthony 0413 733 294 email : cobakibob@bigpond.com
18 Rupertswood Horse Club, QLD
18 Berrimah, NT
19 Waubra, VIC
19 Moonbi, NSW
25-26 Gracemere, Qld
25-26 Geurie, NSW
1 - 2 Biloela, QLD
1 - 2 Bundara Showgrounds NSW
1 - 2 Birdwoodton Equestrian Centre, VIC
2 Waubra, VIC
2 Bartlett Park
2 Blackall, QLD
7 - 9 Gracemere, Qld CQLX BREEDS
26 Qld Allbreeds Youngstock show @ Laidley
7-9 Qld Andalusian Champs @Gatton
15 Scenic Rim Clydesdale Spectacular
30 Northern Districts Allbreeds @ Burpengary
4-5 Tenterfield Campdraft
10-12 Gidgeefield Campdraft
10 Blackall Local Show Draft 10-12 Gatton Campdraft 11-12 Urbenville Campdraft 14-19 Greenvale Campdraft and Challenge 16-19 Paradise Lagoons Campdraft 17-19 Boulia Campdraft & Rodeo 17-19 Palmgrove Pintpot Campdraft 18-19 Mulgildie Campdraft
18 Pittsworth Charity Campdraft 23-26 Burke and Wills Campdraft 24-26 Retreat Creek Campdraft
31-2 Australian Stockmans Hall of Fame draft
31-2 Camooweal draft
31-2 Gold City draft
6-9 Bowen River Rodeo draft
Calliope 2 Maryborough
2 (NAGS) Nambour 8-9 Atherton Tablelands 9 Armidale 9 Mudgee 9 Singleton 10 Bemboka 14-16 Caboolture 22-23rd Far North Eq 23 Samford
30 Park Ridge Lex Willis Memorial Star
18-19 Pechey State Forest
15-16 Hardings Paddock Mtn Adventure
24-26 Southern Cross Scramble Mini Enduro & Pleasure Drive
JUNE 8-10 Enduro & Pleasure Drive @Temora
www.aera.asn.au / www.tadra.asn.au
MAY 10-11 TQ25 Test Event 11-12 Mountain Lagoon 11-12 GERZ Toongabbie 18-19 Tenterfield
18-19 WRERAWinter Ride 25-26 Watagans at Werakata
7-9 Adelaide River draft 7-9 Pentland draft 13-16 Clermont Gold Cup draft 14-16 Yelvertoft draft DRESSAGE. www.qld.equestrian.org.au www.nsw.equestrian.org.au www.vic.equestrian.org.au www.sa.equestrian.org.au www.wa.equestrian.org.au www.nt.equestrian.org.au www.tas.equestrian.org.au
12 Cooloola
10-12 Brenda Wittmann Classic 11-12 Hunter Valley
11-12 Wagga Wagga Dressage
12 Armidale
17-19 DQRSC @ QSEC
18 Hawkesbury Riding Club 18-19 Far North Equestrian Group 18-19 Tweed
1-2 Endurafest-Aus Endurance Champs 1-2 Mt Baldy 8-10 NSW State Championships 8-9 Denison Creek 8-10 SAState Campionships 15-16 Biggenden 22-23 New Italy INTER SCHOOL
10-12 Interschool Qld Darling Downs & SWQ Regional Championships 11-12 Sapphire Coast Anglican College Interschools @ Bega 26 IQ Show Horse @ Caloundra
27 -2 2024 Interschool Qld State Championships @ Toowoomba POLO/ POLOCROSSE www.polocrosse.com.au
JUNE 24-30 Australian Polocrosse Nationals @ Chinchilla
15-28 South Africa to Host 2024 Polocrosse World Cup in Durban PONY CLUB
www.ponyclubqld.com.au www.ponyclubvic.org.au www.ponyclub.asn.au
18-19 Murwillumbah PC camp 19-21 PCANSW Showjumping Champs
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Valley 19 Quirindi DC 25 Hastings Valley 26 Camden 26 Shoalhaven 26 Upper Hunter
Toowoomba 25 North Queensland Equ 26Samford
25-26 Mudgee 25-26
26 Fig Tree Pocket JUNE 1-2 Grafton 2 Jindera Equestrian Club 2 Gladstone
Show Riding, Dressage, Jumping, Sporting, Games, lots of fun *** 2 DAY MIINII CAMP *** 18-19 July 2024 followed by Murwillumbah Gymkhana 20 July Nominations via www.pcajustgo.com Advertising bookings Ph - 0413 733 294Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Free advert design Print magazine advertising - Full page $650 - 1/2 page $470 - 1/4 page $260 - Business card $100 E-magazine advertising - Full page $150 - 1/2 page $100 - 1/4 page $60 - Business card $40 Available Quarterly as a print magazine and Monthly as a digital E-MMagazine visit www.thehorsereport.com formore information orto view back issues of digital magazine IN TH S ISSUE * Magic Millions * Equine Health Feature * Cushings * Healthy Hooves * HoofCare * Greasy Heel & Rain Scald Equine diets C b ti g 20y Omega-3 b EDITION122JULY2020 FREEBI-MONTHLY N THIS SSUE: g g g q
6-11 Qld State Champs QSEC
8-9 Yeppoon
12-14 Rockhampton
14-15 Lowood
14-16 Cloncurry
14-16 Sunshine Coast
25-26 Reining on the Downs @ Dalby RODEO
11 - Mount Isa
17-18 Nebo Rodeo
25 - Collinsville Rodeo
1 Blackall Xtreme Broncs
1 Clermont Rodeo
6 -9 Bowen River Xtreme Broncs & Breakaway
15 Yelvertoft Xtreme Bulls & Rodeo
15 Biloela Rodeo
21-22 Junior National Rodeo Finals @ Emerald SHOWJUMPING /EVENTING
12 Queensland Show Jumping Club
23-26 Stonewall Equestrian TSHA Nationals | Thoroughbreds only
8 Warwick Horse Trials
8-9 Whitsunday Showjumping Classic
8-10 Camden Winter Festival
22 Queensland Show Jumping Club
22 Toowoomba Jump Club SHOWHORSE
www.agsshowsnsw.org.au www.qcas.net.au www.vicagshows.com.au www.sacountryshows.com
10-11 Mundubbera
10-11 Marburg
11 Logan Village Hack Show
10-12 Dubbo Show
16-18 Gympie
17-19 Brookfield
17-19 Ipswich
18 Blackbutt
18 Isisford
18 Biggenden
19 Comet River
23-24 Fraser Coast
24-25 Longreach
24-25 Chinchilla
24-25 Esk
24 Capella
25 Isis District (Childers)
26 NNSW Autum Show @ Murwillumbah
28-29 Clermont
29-31 Bundaberg
31-1 Boonah
31-1 Maleny
31- Hughenden
1 SHCQ Rising Star & Childs @ Park Ridge
1 Muttaburra (Landsborough
1 Ridgelands
1 Gin Gin
4-5 Emerald
5 Gladstone
7-8 Toogoolawah
7-9 Winton
7-9 Caboolture
15 Barcaldine
16 Pioneer Valley (Finch Hatton)
18-20 Mackay
21-22 Kalbar
21-22 Mount Isa
21-22 Proserpine
21-22 Woodford
22-23 Mt Larcom
22-23 SHCQ Mackay Hack Champs
25 Bowen
28-29 Rosewood
28-30 Redcliffe
29-30 Mudgeeraba
30 Northern Districts Allbreeds @ Burpengary
18-19 Kim Daley Clinic Singleton, NSW 25-26 Kim Daley Clinic RDARaymond Terrace, NSW
8-9 Kim Daley Clinic Roylance Acres, Elimbah QLD
14-16 Mastery of the Horse @ Australian Outback Spectacular Gold Coast
6-7 Kim Daley Clinic Slattery Lane Indoor Arena, East Greenmount QLD
Australian Trail Horse Riders Association0418 438 807 www.athra.com.au
Alligator Creek 0407 117 998
Beaudesert Shire 0429 443 237
Beechmont & District 0419 737 253
Bouldercombe 0418 715 837
Breakaway 0408 712 851
Brisbane Valley 0428 750 145
Border Country Trail Riders 0409 224 605
Cairns Trail Horse Club 0408 727 616
Calen Trail & Sports Club 0412 804 974
Cooloola Trail riders Ph 07 5482 8436
CTHC-Caboolture ph 07 5498 6068
Curtis & District 0438 111 091
Dayboro Trail Riders to 0432 186 200
Email - dayboro.trailriders@gmail.com
Ipswich & District 0457 881 012
Logan River Redlands 0418 715 786
Mudgeeraba & Hinterland 0407 902 754
Nth West Qld Trail Riders 0429 309 280
Rathdowney Trail Riding 07 5544 1177
Richmond River Trail Horse Riders Club 0447 668 953 / rrthrc@gmail.com
Saturday Horse Activities 0408 361 215
SCATER www.scater.com.au
Ph: 07 5478 8676 or 0417 612 061
Somerset Trail Riding Club - 0418 438 807
Sunny Coast Trail Club - 0428 176 557
Tweed-Byron Trail Riders 0418 400 047
Toowoomba Trail Riders 0419 614 426
Toowoomba's Cumburrie 0429 663 397
Trail Riding Australia 0458 342 067
Wide Bay Trail Riders 07 4126 3456
11 Burpengary Versatility Ranch Show
19 Southside WPC - Multi Judged AShow
15-19 NPHACelebration Multi Judged Show
25-26 Gatton QH & PA
25 CQHPC Nambour Showgrounds
JUNE 8-9 Bundaberg & Dist WPC - Multi-Judged Show
27-29 Tropicana Classic 2024 @ Caboolture
A record of movement (ROM) must be submitted prior to entry into NSW - https://appcattletick.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au
NSW DPI Biosecurity https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/managing-biosecurity/forms
NSW DPI cattle tick record of movement https://app-cattletick.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au
NSW legislation www.legislation.nsw.gov.au
QLD cattle tick zones & accredited certifiers for cattle tick https://www.business.qld.gov.au/
We recommend speaking with one of our authorised officers on 0429 185 136 or email cattletick@dpi.nsw.gov.ua prior to bringing animals into NSW.
Department of Regional NSW
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Design by Sandy Morphett Disclaimer: The information provided in this ad is for educational purpose only and is not meant to replace veterinary advice or treatment. Equine Health Feature www.countrypark.com.au
The Horse Report
The Horse Report
Leah takes third place in Greatest Horsewomen
Leah Van Ewijk defied all odds and secured an outstanding third place in the highly competitive Australian's Greatest Horsewoman competition, despite not having access to an arena.
It was a remarkable accomplishment that showcased Leah's exceptional skills and determination.
The competition was fierce, with 25 accomplished horsewomen vying for the coveted title.
Despite the challenges she faced, Leah's talent and perseverance shone through, earning her a well-deserved spot among the top contenders.
Overcoming obstacles without an arena, Leah's journey to success was nothing short of incredible.
Without the facilities to train her horse and lacking cattle for practice, Leah had to think outside the box to prepare for the competition.
Leah transported her horses daily to different areas, seeking borrowed and hired arenas, local showgrounds, and even training on the beach.
These unconventional training methods showcased her resourcefulness and dedication to her craft.
Training performance horses typically requires carefully curated surfaces to ensure optimal performance and safety.
Yet, Leah had to adapt and carefully select which maneuvers she could practice in specific conditions, sacrificing certain elements due to the limitations she faced.
Despite these challenges, Leah's
fundamental training and the strong bond between her and her horse, Oakie, laid the foundation for their success.
Their versatility, resilience, and heart propelled them forward, enabling them to tackle any obstacle that came their way.
Leah's exceptional performance throughout the competition was a testament to her talent and hard work.
She came fourth leading into the finals, and with sheer determination, secured an impressive third place overall.
Leah's achievement has inspired both fellow competitors and the general public.
Her success serves as a reminder that with unwavering dedication and a positive mindset, one can triumph even when the odds are stacked against them.
Leah's incredible journey in Australia's Greatest Horsewoman competition is just the beginning.
She will continue to showcase her skills and compete in future events, including the Tropicana Classic competition at Caboolture Equestrian Centre in July and the Australian Reined Cow Horse Association National Finals 2024 at White Park, Scone. For more information about Australia's Greatest Horsewoman competition, please visit their website at www.theaustraliancowgirl.com.au
Leah's remarkable accomplishment in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to all.
Her story reminds us that passion, perseverance, and a strong bond with our equine partners can help us overcome any challenge.
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Northern Rivers equestrian Lean Van Ewijk takes third place in Australia’s Greatest Horse Women competition.
The Horse Report
The Rannock legacy - a remarkable horse
Rannock was an Australian Stock Horse born in 1967.
His name has been under the radar for a long time.
Yet this blind-eyed stallion's influence has been incredible, considering the lack of opportunity.
His story is equally compelling.
About the book
It is the story of the families involved; families who knew the lines well and wanted to keep them into perpetuity.
Perhaps not surprisingly then, the line is gaining new attention, due to its long-standing record of producing smart, good looking trainable and reliable, traditional stock horses which are a true heritage outcross to most Australian Stock Horse lines today.
In October 2023, Rannock was inducted to the ASH Society's Hall of Fame for his contribution to the breed as a foundation sire.
From the author
The story of Rannock is a personal one, of a wonderful horse which became the foundation sire for his own stud, a one in a million horse.
How does one evaluate the legacy of such a horse, especially that of a sire? I let the reader decide. At the heart of a great breeder, is the need to preserve those qualities they find necessary in a good horse, using the best of their lines by testing and performing them, before putting them into the breeding band.
The story of Rannock cannot be told without the inclusion of the families who owned, rode, and bred good horses.
Throughout this story, the fondness of the owners for their horses is evident. This then is my tribute to them and their remarkable horses.
Editorial reviews
- Thank you for the opportunity to read The Rannock Legacy - The Story of a Remarkable Horse. This was an insightful experience on a history and lasting legacy of a less well known, yet significant sire.
The book details insight into Rannock's origin, life, and future impacts on the Australian Stock Horse. However, the book offers more than the tale of one horse and his legacy. It reinforces the importance of breeding from proven lines, which offer diversity to the gene pool, guaranteeing an outcross as more fashionable lines dominate, creating potential for a bottleneck. The book reinforces the mindfulness of breeding from good bloodlines, and the fragility of lines. I would highly recommend the book, not only for its history content, but as a lesson for current and future breeders of horses.
Avery enjoyable read. Thank you.
David Ricketts - Australian Stock Horse Society Board Member.
The Rannock Legacy is a must read, not only for those interested in the heritage of Australian Stock Horses or horses in general, rather all Australians as it takes us upon the journey of the building of our Nation.
The evocative personal stories and stunning photographs capture the moment so intrinsically that the reader is quite simply transported back to the time and place to feels the emotion 'first hand'.
The book is superbly written, meticulously researched and flows beautifully. Jeanette Gower is already an
accomplished author, and you can truly feel the passion and admiration in her writing.
This is a book you will read over and over again and is an invaluable reference for future generations of equine enthusiasts and breeders alike.
Darren de Jong Ophir Australian Stock Horse Stud
Former Senior Vice Chairman of the Australian Stock Horse Society.
From the inside flap
Within the pages of this wonderful book unfolds the saga of Jeanette Gower's unwavering dedication, meticulous planning, and triumphant collaboration with Rannock.
Together they have etched an indelible chapter in the annuls of the Australian Stock Horse heritage, leaving an enduring legacy that resonates particularly in South Australia.
In the book, you’ll embark on a journey suffused with reverence for the noble steed and admiration for the extraordinary part-
nerships that have enriched the tapestry of a world with horses.
Ian Pickett - former Educational Manager, School of Veterinary and Applied Science, TAFESA.
About the Author
Jeanette Gower has been breeding Australian Stock Horses for over 50 years in South Australia under the Chalani prefix.
Jeanette taught adult Equine Studies for 19 years and wrote numerous articles for equine magazines.
In 1999 she wrote the widely acclaimed book Horse Colour Explained.
In 2023, she published her second book, The Thinking Horse Breeder - a comprehensive guide to successful horse breeding, which has received outstanding reviews, now selling in multiple countries.
Based on her years of experience breeding horses, she challenges the reader to think seriously about goals, methods and responsibilities of horse breeding, and to make the best decisions possible to succeed in the industry.
Jeanette Gower writes passionately about her topics in an easy to read, 'hard to put down' style. Horse enthusiasts will gain a lot from her books.
The content is well researched, always interesting to read, with life lessons for serious readers.
Contact the author jeanette.gower@gmail.com or 0400 591 951
The book is available from Amazon from April 30th (overseas orders) or in Australia direct from the author at https://thinkinghorsebreeder.chalani.net/
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The Horse Report Vibrant Sun wins in Australasian Oaks
The progeny of Arrowfield Stud's hot young sire, The Autumn Sun filled the trifecta in the recent $1 million Group One Australasian Oaks (2000m) at Morphettville with a pair of fillies sold on the Gold Coast leading the way.
Vibrant Sun showed great fight to hold out all challenges in a driving finish - edging out a charging Private Legacy and a gallant Coco Sun.
The winner, a $260,000 buy for connections from the 2022 Magic Millions Gold Coast Yearling Sale, was able to make it back-to-back group wins with her latest victory.
At her previous run the rising star beat a quality field to capture the Group Three Alexandra Stakes at Moonee Valley.
The filly, purchased by leading bloodstock agent Sheamus Mills in conjunction with her stable, is prepared by Mick Price and Michael Kent Jnr.
"We always liked her," Kent Jnr said.
"She won her maiden by seven lengths and went to the Thousand Guineas."
Kent Jnr said everything didn't go plan but the filly's class did the talking.
"Third-up, 2000 metres, straight to the front, it was a huge win,” he said.
“She missed a run in the Auraria when she had a little setback, so it's a massive job by the whole team at home.
"She was there to be beaten.
“It was a huge effort. Awesome result for everybody."
Co-trainer Kent Jnr said there was no rush to decide whether the filly could head to Brisbane for the Queensland Winter Carnival.
"We'll take stock and talk to everybody. She doesn't have to go anywhere now, she's a Group One winner. We'll work that out," Kent Jnr said.
Vibrant Sun's win was the 30th at the elite level for proven big race rider Mark Zahra and while he struggled to regain a dropped rein, his mount did him proud.
"I couldn't have her much slower in the run. I took my time getting there, but that's as steady as I could go, but she's got a high cruising speed," Zahra said.
"I dropped my rein halfway down the straight and I couldn't pick it up, it was too long.
"I just kept riding her along. It was a good gutsy win.
"I've won a Caulfield Cup dropping the reins, so it still counts. It's not ideal, but I'm riding light and a win is a win."
Vibrant Sun was bred in Queensland at Canning Downs, the property owned by John Barnes and his wife Joy Mackay.
"They're very rare and of course it's so very exciting," Mackay said.
"We are in France and it's the best possible result at 8am in the morning!"
"We had two beautiful fillies in that year (at the Gold Coast) and I know Sheamus Mills was very keen to have her."
"He teamed up with Mick and Michael
and purchased her and we were keen to keep a share, but he said the stable and his clients were all keen and we missed out - but that's ok we are so thrilled for everyone.
"She (Vibrant Sun) was a lovely filly right from Day One. She never took a backward step.
"We still have the mother at home. She was a very tough racemare and we are hoping she will present us a lovely Jonker foal this spring.
"Hopefully we will be able to send (dam) Vibrant Rouge back to The Autumn Sun."
Vibrant Rouge, an eight time winner by Written Tycoon, retired to stud after earning over $450,000.
Her feature success came in a Group Three Vamos Stakes in Tasmania.
Her two named foals to date are both winners - Vibrant Sun and the twice winning and Sydney placed Yangarra Rose (Zoustar).
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Vibrant Sun takes the win in the Australian Oaks.
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Trainers feature
The Horse Report
Learn how to communicate with your horse
I'm privileged to have the opportunity to ride many different horses.
Sometimes this has been to feel what the owner is feeling, or to demonstrate a technique, sometimes to facilitate relaxation.
Three things that I do when I ride a horse are to show him:
- I work within communication, not domination.
- I am there to listen.
- I can help.
These elements begin on the ground of course and transfer to under saddle.
In the accompanying photo, here is Duque, a gorgeous boy I met and rode in California.
He is a young, but 'trained,' dressage horse, imported from the Netherlands.
His world had been training to get ready for sale, plus the trauma of being imported (transport, quarantine etc), so he had some pretty firm ideas about not trusting humans, and what was expected of him under saddle. So once we made friends (this
Learn to communicate, not dominate your horse, to build a solid working relationship.
started in the paddock at liberty), and then built some trust on the ground, he let me know he was ok for me to ride.
I began with the snaffle.
I showed him that the snaffle was not to pull his head in, or to inflict pain on the bars of his mouth, or to be held solid - all of which he was accustomed to.
I showed him in my world the snaffle bit is for communication, and that I felt his tongue, and his jaw through it.
Email: admin@horseshelpinghumansaustralia.com Ph 0438 159 491 www.horseshelpinghumansaustralia.com
I showed him that I could communicate via the hand to mouth connection, and it could be soft. When I do this with a horse they are surprised, but move into a suppleness that begins in the mouth, through the body and into their movement.
I often find that significant braced areas in the body disappear as the horse finds the freedom and relaxation that comes from relaxing their mouth, instead of protecting it.
Horses learn to clamp down on the bit to control its action - this is a defence mechanism to avoid pain.
When they realise that there is no pain, they relax the mouth. Don't believe anyone who says a horse is hard in the mouth.
I've ridden 'hard mouthed' eventing horses, camp drafters, you name it, and once they realise the bit is for communication, they will pretty quickly soften.
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Trainers feature
The Horse Report
Find a Place of Peace for your horse
Finding peace for your horse with your day-to-day interactions, competitions, general riding, floating, tying up or training is essential and makes life a lot easier.
Aplace of peace (POP) is learning how to focus and relax with stillness and is essential for emotional regulation for your horse to be able to cope in domesticated life.
Just like meditation has proven to be one of the most effective ways to help humans with anxiety and emotional regulation, applying POPis a great way to help with your horse's anxiety and self-regulation.
When I'm helping a horse to find their POPit essentially means asking your horse for stillness and focus.
It starts on the ground in a halter in a calm environment. I don't use a discipline approach with this but more of an approach that helps guide a horse into stillness.
When I achieve some sort of stillness, I want to see my
horse's nervous system change e.g. blinking, top line lowering, muscles softening, breath rate change, lick and chew or even yawning.
In this moment it's also important to check in on your own emotional state and soften your muscles, draw focus to your breath and be still within your own body language.
Be aware stillness in some hors-
AITC offers hands-on experience
The Australian Industry Trade College (AITC) and Racing Queensland (RQ) collaborated to introduce the Residential Industry Training - Equine (RITE) program, aimed at unearthing the next generation of workers in the racing industry.
The two-week immersive experience, part of the unique AITC Equine Academy, covered various aspects of horse care and industry operations, including grooming, saddling, feeding, and trackwork. Ten students participated in the inaugural RITE program, gaining hands-on experience at Eagle Farm and Deagon under the guidance of RQ Industry Educator Jeff McKay.
Mr McKay said the experience gave students the opportunity to get a taste for all avenues of racing.
The program provides practical training and contributes to the completion of the Cert II in Racing (Stablehand) for the AITC Equine Academy students, blending classroom learning with practical experience over 12 weeks.
The AITC Industry Engagement Officer - Equine, Divina Jenks, said the program was already showing signs of success for students.
"We've had young people working for trainers on the Gold Coast like Adam Campton, as well as Chris Waller Racing,”Jenks said.
"We think it's important for young people to come into the industry and not just any young person but those with an education as well.”
The success of the Equine Academy has led to its expansion across multiple locations in Queensland. Students like Caity Bridges and Sienna Simpson have found the experience invaluable, gaining insights into various career paths within the equine industry and building connections with professionals.
Caity and Sienna aspire to pursue careers in breeding and equinerelated professions, highlighting the program's effectiveness in providing a head start in their chosen careers.
To learn more about the AITC and their Equine Academy, please visit www.deliberatelydifferent.com.au
es can be deceiving - they can be still but emotionally withdrawn and look sleepy, which is ok
sometimes, but it can be a form of dissociation which is a coping mechanism if your horse isn't comfortable in certain situations. Making sure your horse is not only still but totally aware of their environment, allowing the nervous system to change which in turn makes a chemical change within the horse's body is key to finding POP.
It’s sort of like when you get home at the end of the day, and you've got a certain spot that makes you feel safe and relaxed with a sense of relief.
I've seen horses get addicted to POPand search it out whenever possible.
The POPmakes life easier when training it gives an energetic base line or starting point before starting and during training, especially when things may not be progressing or in a desired direction you can always go back to a POP, regroup and start again.
You can find more on POPon my social media or if you want more details and information go and check out my website www.kimdaleyhorsemanship.com.au
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Visit www.kimdaleyhorsemanship.com.au orcall 0400 616 751 forinquiries
Place of Peace is like the feeling you get relaxing on the lounge.
The Horse Report
Fibre provides root structure, similar to grass roots in turf, to existing or new sand-based riding surfaces. Fibre improves the surface stability, therefore the horse will work ‘on top’ of the surface rather than ‘through’ it.
Our Flexi Fibre is a mixture of polypropylene, polyester and nylon Fibres which are the base material to all of our surfaces worldwide and similar to all other top surface suppliers. We
Australian conditions and manufacture here in Australia, enabling us to produce at very competitive rates.
• Improves preformance
• Improves stability of new or existing sand surfaces
• Enhances drainage
• Long lasting
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EQUESTRIAN SERVICES PTY LTD. Email tim@equestrianservices.com.au Mobile 0475 917 605 www.equestrianservices.com.au ABN 76 602 073 021 ACN 602 073 021 EQUESTRIAN SER ICES SERVICES EQU E N SE S CEES C QUESTRIAN E VICES E
www.thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 35
The Horse Report
Page 36 www www .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com The Horse Report TOOWOOMBA ROYAL SHOW 2024
Photos by Hoofprintz photography
Champion Led ASH Mare Sheady Montana exhibited by Kayleen Sutton
HOOFPRINTZ PHOT HOOFPRINTZ PHOT OGRAPHY OGRAPHY Available for shows events and private photography shoots 0476 128 212
Supreme Champion Led Thoroughbred ITZ Fifth Avenue exhibited by Leanne Jones
Supreme led Miniature exhibit Tapika Jess Good Magic exhibited by Liana Wynne with judge Lorelei Payne
Supreme Champion Overheight Riding Pony exhibit Aria Pop Culture exhibited Kristen Bates Taunton, Vicki Kearney and Jan Lyons
Grandchester RM & Leanda Scott Champion Ridden ANSA
Supreme Champion Led Riding Pony Hamlot Park Soprano owned by Ashley Harris and Bobby Hammet
Champion led Shetland exhibit with Stewie Robinson and Judge Jo Uppington
www.thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 37 The Horse Report TOOWOOMBA
Photos by Hoofprintz photography
Dakota Phillips and Leanda Scott with Dalpura Barristar 4th in the Leading Rein
HOOFPRINTZ PHOT HOOFPRINTZ PHOT OGRAPHY OGRAPHY Available for shows events and private photography shoots 0476 128 212
Champion Large Hack & winner of the Hedger Cup Royal Blu exhibited by Kaitlin Labahn
Supreme Champion Show Hunter Exhibit Armanii Park Rocket Man exhibited by Isabella Cross Winston
Prada Rines Temptation & Penny Sivell led by Hollie Shiels
Champion Open Large Pony Grandchester Victoria Secret Owned by Humphreys Family
Champion Large Open Gallaway Aria Pop Culture exhibited by Vicki Kearney and Jan Lyons
Champion Led Riding Pony Youngstock exhibit McArthurparc Pure Blonde exhibited by Sarah Young
Page 38 www www .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com The Horse Report QUEENSLAND ALL WELSH SHOW
HOOFPRINTZ PHOT HOOFPRINTZ PHOT OGRAPHY OGRAPHY Available for shows events and private photography shoots 0476 128 212
Photos by Hoofprintz photography
www www .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 39 The Horse Report 2024 KEMPSEY AGRICULTURAL SHOW Leather Leather & Lens Photography - & Lens PhotographyChelsea Fitzsimmons Chelsea Fitzsimmons Available for shows events and private photography shoots 0434 564 782
The Horse Report
The RPSBS Queensland Committee will hold two shows this year. The first being The 2024 Queensland Riding Pony of the Year show to be held at Park Ridge Pony Club Grounds on Sunday, 1st September.
This show offers a great program that includes classes for led and ridden Show Pony, Show Hunter and Overheight exhibits, handler, rider, leading rein, first ridden, home produced and double registered exhibits. The 2023-24 season Newcomer Series Sweepstakes Final will also be held at this show awarding the cash prize pool to the winners.
Trophies rugs and garlands will be awarded for all supremes along with awards for most Successful Exhibitor and Breeder.
The second show is the 2024 Queensland Riding Pony Pageant to be held in October offering another great program that includes Yearling, twoyear-old and three-year-old Sweepstakes Futurities with cash prize pools.
Senior led and ridden program for Show Pony, Show Hunter and Overheight exhibits. Progeny and exhibitor group classes and dual-registration led and ridden classes. Programs are available at www.rpsbs.com.au/qld/qld-events/ and entries will be via www.rpsbs.com.au - login
For enquiries contact Susan Poultney Email: suz.p@icloud.com
The 67th Dayboro Show will be held on the 6th and 7th July 2024 at the Memorial Showgrounds, 3512 Mt Mee Road, Dayboro. For schedule, events etc visit - www.showday.online/show/dayboro Saturday - Hack classes, Rider classes, showjumping, and Stockman's Challenge, V8 utes display, Ute Show, mullet comp, fireworks at 7pm. Sunday - ASH Feature Show, showjumping and Breed classes, dog jump, poultry. All weekend - pavilion displays, trade displays, food trucks, sideshow alley, woodchopping and lots of family fun for all. All enquiries: secretarydayboroshow@gmail.com or phone 0477 766 841 or visit www.dayboroshowsociety.com
The Mudgeeraba show will be held on the 29-30 June. The led and ridden breed classes along with the Hack, Hunter and rider classes will all be held on Saturday. Saturday’s program also includes a ranch show, beginner ring and sporting events with the grand pararde being held at 12:30pm. Sunday has a 14 event show jumping program with walk the course from 7:30am. For further information visit www.mudgeerabashow.org.au and for inquiries and forms, email: ring.mudgeerabashow@gmail.com
Riding Pony Stud Book Society Ltd. QLD Committee
* * * Presents 2 shows for you in 2024 * * * * * Presents 2 shows for you in 2024 * * * * 2024 QLD RIDING PONYOFTHE YEAR
SUNDAY1 SEPTEMBER Park Ridge Pony Club Grounds
Judges - Alison Doyle (NSW) Rebecca Gerber
Great program that includes led and ridden Show Pony, Show Hunterand Overheight exhibits, handler, rider, leading rein, first ridden, home produced & double registered classes 2023-24 season NewcomerSeries Sweepstakes Final TROPHIES RUGS AND GARLANDS FOR ALL SUPREMES AWARDS FOR MOST SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITOR & BREEDER
MID TO LATE OCTOBER venue to be confirmed
Yearling, 2 year old and 3 year old Sweepstakes Futurities with cash prize pools
Senior led and ridden program for Show Pony, Show Hunter and Overheight exhibits
Enquiries to Qld RPSBS Secretary Emily Hyland - 0421 776 908 email: rpsbsqld@outlook.com
Entries via www.rpsbs.com.au - login Show entry queries to Susan Poultney Email:suz.p@icloud.com
Page 40 www www .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com
Forschedule, events etc visit - www.showday.online/show/dayboro Please entervia Showday Online (Preferred Method) Saturday - Hack & Riderclasses, showjumping - entries at office Stockman's Challenge - on line entries only. Sunday - ASH Feature Show, showjumping, Breed Classes All enquiriesEmail: secretarydayboroshow@gmail.com www.dayboroshowsociety.com 67TH ANNUAL Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th July 2024
29 - 30 JUNE 2024 www.mudgeerabashow.org.au
The Horse Report
The NNSW Show Horse Association will be holding quite a few events for their members in 2024.
The annual Autumn Hack Show will again be held at Murwillumbah Showgrounds on May 26 and this year will include Off The Track and Riding Pony Newcommer qualifier classes.
The annual Grand National Qualifer event the Northern NSW Show Horse champs will be held on September 20-21-22 this year at venue yet to be confirmed.
Planning is continuing for the Allbreeds Show in September at Alstonville.
Programs and entry information will be posted on the Northern NSW Show Horse Association Facebook page. For further information Email: nnswshowhorse@gmail.com
The Murwillumbah Pony Club will be holding a two day camp on 18-19 July 2024 followed by Murwillumbah Gymkhana on 20 July. Instruction will be provided in show jumping, sporting, showriding, dressage, mounted games, theory, Horsemanship, and scary obstacles and lots more.
The program offers something for riders of all ages and interests from the lead line under eight riders up to associates rider 17 yrs and under 26 yrs, plus a special section for adult riders of any age.
Disciplines will include dressage, flat riding, pleasure and bareback showjumping, grid work games, sporting events and much more.
The club operates out of the Murwillumbah Showgrounds and offers great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members.
New members are welcome to join the club and join in the fun but riders from any club are welcome to come along. Nominations are essential to attend the camp. For further information contact Paula on 0413 733 294 or email cobakibob@bigpond.com
CAMP . They offergreat facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors, friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Showgrounds, Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah
www www .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 41
contact SeniorInstructor- Paula Anthony 0413 733 294 email : cobakibob@bigpond.com Murwillumbah Pony Club Show Riding, Dressage, Jumping, Sporting, Games, lots of fun * * * * * * 2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * * 2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * * 1 8 -1 1 9 J u l y 2 0 2 4 followed by Murwillumbah Gymkhana 20 July N o m i n a t i o n s v i a w w w . p c a j u s t g o . c o m NORTHERN NSW SHOW HORSE ASSOC DATES FOR 2024 For further information Email: nnswshowhorse@gmail.com F o l l o w u s o n F a c e b o o k N o r t h e r n N S W S h o w H o r s e A s s o c i a t i o n www.qld.equestrian.org.au June 2 Newcomer and Childs HOTY - Park Ridge July 7 T-Shirt Hack Show - Park Ridge September 7-8 EQ HOTY - QSEC October 12 Youth Clinic October 13 Youth - Spring Show For Show enquiries Ph Rebecca Fedrick 0437 440 024 For measuring enquiries Ph Gail Iskra 0407 748 763 email gailiskra@bigpond.com Show Horse Queensland 2024 CALENDAR OF EVENTS AUTUMN HACK SHOW 26 May - Murwillumbah Showgrounds Off the Track and Riding Pony Newcomer qualifier classes SUPREME LED, SUPREME HACK, SUPREME HUNTER SUPREME RIDER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -NNSW HACK CHAMPIONSHIPS 20-21-22 September - venue to be confirmed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -NNSW ALLBREEDS SHOW 29 September- Alstonville Showgrounds. TBC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Horse Report
The Terranora Lakes Equestrian club will hold the annual Barbara Bridges Winter Hack and Dressage Day on July 14 they at the club grounds 316 Bilambil Road, Bilambil. Catering for dressage riders Prep to Elementary plus Junior Senior Masters divisions .Plus a great program of events for show riders and beginners with loads of prizes, champion led, novice and open classes for both show and show hunter exhibits, Supreme Led , Supreme Hack, Supreme Hunter and Supreme Rider. Nominations will be via www.nominate.com.au and programs will be available on their facebook. For more information contact Paula 0413 733 294 or email cobakibob@bigpond.com
The friendly Maleny Show will be held this year on Friday, 31st May and Saturday, 1st June 2024. This year competitors have the option to nominate online through www.nominate.com.au as well as on the day, at the Horse Nominations Ring Office. Friday is Breed day (including new Brumby classes) Ridden as well as Local and District Classes. Saturday is Show Horse Classes along with Rider, Harness and a full Miniature Horse Program. Show Jumping will be held across both days. The Official Ring has increased prize money and the Unofficial Ring with height classes. Camping and yards are available on the grounds. Visit www.malenyshowsociety.org.au to download health declarations and waivers or email: horses@malenyshowsociety.org.au for other horse related enquiries. There will be great entertainment throughout the Show, along with Beef, Dairy, Poultry Sections and the Woodchop. Bluey and Bingo will be also be back again this year to meet and greet their little (and big) fans as well as performing live shows on Saturday from 10 am. Other free attractions on both days include the Dinosaur Adventure Park, lifelike animatronic dinosaur costumes, the robotic dinosaur enclosure and a free fossil dig zone. Awildlife enclosure with native wildlife and cuddle a koala, reptile shows, Big Bang Science experiments, train rides, whipcracking, gem fossicking and much more. For further information contact (07) 5229 7008 email: malenyshowsociety@bigpond.com
31st May & 1st JUNE
Sunday 14th July 9:00am
www.malenyshowsociety.org.au Contact: (07) 5229 7008
($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months
Animal Itch & Skin Remedies - www.animalitch.com.au
Country Scene Saddlery - www.countryscenesaddlery.net
County Saddlery Qld - www.countysaddlery.com
Country Park Animal Herbs...www.countrypark.com.au
DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch Rugs..www.premiumequine.com.au
EFAQueensland... www.qld.equestrian.org.au
Embroidered saddlecloths - www.clubcoloursdirect.com.au
Eq Land Developments .....www.equestrianlanddevelopments.com
Equine on the web ... www.equineontheweb.com
Equilibrium Mineral Mix... www.equiaustralia.com.au
Equestrian On line ... www.equestrianonline.com.au
Feed XL... www.FeedXL.com
Fordsdale Farm Stay ……. www.fordsdalefarmstay.com
Gallagher Electric fencing ... www.gallagher.com.au
Gold Coast Horse.... www.goldcoasthorse.com.au
GG’s Horse Transport ..... www.ggshorsetransport.com.au
Greystone Manure Vacuums ... www.greystonevacuums.com
GEOHEX Ground Stabilisation ..... www.geohex.com.au
Have Horse … Will Travel www.havehorsewilltravel.com.au
Healing for Horses ...www.healingforhorses.com.au
Horse Transport … www.manuelequinetransport.com.au
Horse Transport … www.goldcoasthorsetransport.com.au
Horse Floats … www.mcneilltrailers.com
Horseland..... www.horseland.com.au
Kentucky Equine Research...www.ker.com
Kulavale Equestrian... www.jennykunde.com
Lisa McCann Herbs ....... www.lisamccannherbs.com.au
Mitavite ... www.mitavite.com.au
Mobile Livestock Inspector...www.tickmanagement.com.au
Nathan Trailers at Nerang... www.nathantrailers.com
National Equestrian Wholesalers .... www.natequest.com.au
Natural Hoof care ..... www.hoofworksaustralia.com
Natural equipment ...www.naturalequipment.com.au
Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel..... www.nedsbed.com.au
New England Girls School . www.negs.nsw.edu.au
Norco..... www.norcorural.com.au
Omega Feeds .....www.omegafeeds.com.au
Pharmachem ... www.pharmachem.com.au
Redlands Vet Clinic ... www.redlandsvetclinic.com.au
Replay Classifieds... www.replayclassifieds.com.au
Riding for the Disabled............ www.sunshinecoastrda.com
Stance Equine Feeds.......... www.stanceglobal.com
StockGuard Electric Fencing.....www.stockguard.com.au
Southwood Saddlery... www.southwoodsaddlery.com.au
The Horse Report ... www.thehorsereport.com
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) or receive a free listing with display adverts booked for 12 months
TRADES & SERVICES LINE LISTINGS ($44 for 6 months or $77 for 12 months) Horse Transport www.manuelequinetransport.com.au Ph 0408 537 904 The Horse Report .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5590 9721 Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel . . . .Clybucca . . . . . Ph 0459 427 939
The Saddlefitter - Kathryn Sullivan - Butt . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 0413 371 802 Country Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 5596 4387 Aitkins Saddlery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ph 07 3209 7506 Terranora Lakes Equestrian Club E n q u i r i e s t l e c . s e c r e t a r y @ g m a i l . c o m Bilambil Sports Grounds, Bilambil Rd, Bilambil SUPREME LED, SUPREME RIDER, SUPREME HACK AND SUPREME HUNTER PRIZES FOR ALL CHAMPIONS
www www .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi gpond.com .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi gpond.com Page 43 GIFTS GIFTS PRODUCE/HAY/STOCKFEED HERBS HERBS PRODUCE/STOCKFEED CHIROPRACTIC VET ADVERTISING HORSE TRANSPORT CLINICS & LESSONS T R A D E S & S E R V I C E S T R A D E S & S E R V I C E S VET & GROOMING PRODUCTS Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759 Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email: burleighpetandstockfeed@gmail.com RHONDA’S REFITS 100 TaylorStreet, Toowoomba. 4350 GREAT GIFTS Buckles, Belts, Montana Jewellery & Flags www.rhondasrefits.com Aussie books from www.outbackbooks.info Brigalow - Akubra Outback - Pocket Knives - Ariat Ph/Fax 07 4637 8933 Email: closeandmoller@gmail.com TM * AIR B * AIR B AA G SUSPENSION G SUSPENSION * ANGLE L * ANGLE L O AD * QU * QU ALITY O O VERNIGHT ST ST ABLING Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne * CREDIT CARD AND EFTPOS F * CREDIT CARD AND EFTPOS F A A CILITY CILITY * F AMIL AMIL Y OWNED B Y USINESS USINESS * SAFE AND RELIABLE SER AND SER VICE Ph: Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: E: admin@baldwinequinevet.com.au DR GREG BALDWIN BSc BVSc MPh Dressage Show Horse Pony Club RiderClass Clinics Show Prep Ph 0413 733 294 R I D I N G I N S T R U C T O R Paula Anthony PCANSWCoach /Examiner Gold Coast - Tweed - Ballina LISAMcCANN HERBS www.lisamcannherbs.com.au - Ph: 07 5447 7644 C U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D S C U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D S Ph 07 5559 5984 NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply A D V E R T I S E I N T H I S A D V E R T I S E I N T H I S S P A C E N O W S P A C E N O W $20 per month (when booked for 12 months) one off advert $60 per issue Ph Paula 0413 733 294 or email cobakibob@bigpond.com M.B.EQUINE CH S e r v i c i n g C o f f s H a r b o u Matt Butler Matt Butler 0410 619 037 0410 619 037 SUPPLEMENTS DIET ANALYSIS NUTRITION www.farmalogicglobal.com with sales@nettexaustralia.com 0490538383 www.nettexaustralia.com Summer Essentials Available from Made in the UK ith Outshine the Competition www.countrypark.com.au
Page 44 www www .thehorsereport.com - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G S B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G S * AIR BB A A G SUSPENSION G SUSPENSION * ANGLE LL O O AD AD * QU * QU ALITY O ALITY O VERNIGHT ST VERNIGHT ST ABLING ABLING Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne * CREDIT CARD AND EFTPOS F * CREDIT CARD AND EFTPOS F AA CILITY CILITY * F * AMIL Y OWNED B Y OWNED B USINESS USINESS * SAFE AND RELIABLE SER * SAFE AND RELIABLE SER VICE VICE B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G $34 per month (when booked for 12 months) one off advert $100 per issue Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers *** C O U N T Y SADDLERY AUSTRALIA Mel Waller MSA Qualified Saddle Fitter 0 0417 711 445 mel.waller@countysaddlery.com Find us on Facebook @ COUNTY SADDLERY AUSTRALIA www.countysaddlery.com.au M.B.EQUINE CHIROPRACTIC S e r v i c i n g C o f f s H a r b o u r t o t h e G o l d C o a s t Matt Butler Matt Butler 0410 619 037 0410 619 037 www.equinepassion.com.au Your online store for ALL things equine & canine Vitamins & Minerals Insecticides & Lotions Shampoo & Grooming Worming + First Aid AND loads more AFFORDABLE QUALITY HORSE RUGS www.neddywear.com.au www.countrypark.com.au MPulse PEMF Therapy Improves performance, range of motion, speed & strength. Reduces inflammation & relieves pain Certified therapist Megan Perrin 0412 123 918 Servicing all areas Grafton to Tweed dicounts for group bookings of LISAMc CANN HERBS Supplierof quality herbs & supplements forhorses & dogs www.lisamccannherbs.com.au - Ph: 07 5447 7644 MAY SPECIALS Mobility Plus 1kg $119 NOW $110 Green Lipped Mussel, Glucosamine, Shark Cartilage, MSM & Rosehips. Helps to reduce joint inflammation/pain, cartilage breakdown, the onset of navicular disease and acute laminitis. Comfort Plus 1.5kg $105 NOW $97 Horses gain quick acting comfort but also maintain body support and prevent further soundness issues. MSM, White Willow, Rosehip granules, Turmeric & Linseed Meal * all human grade. * Not for pregnant mares. $10 OFF $10 OFF if you mention if you mention The Horse Repor The Horse Repor t when booking when booking Available in 240g bags, 2kg or 5kg buckets Hoof & Woof Cookie Co 0400 474 996
NSW legislation www.legislation.nsw.gov.au
QLD cattle tick zones & accredited certifiers for cattle tick https://www.business.qld.gov.au/
We recommend speaking with one of our authorised officers on 0429 185 136 or email cattletick@dpi.nsw.gov.ua prior to bringing animals into NSW.
Department of Regional NSW
.thehorsereport.com mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 45 B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G S B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G S Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759 Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email: burleighpetandstockfeed@gmail.com C U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D S C U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D S Ph 07 5559 5984 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply NORTH COAST Saddlery & Pet Supplies BALLINA Shop 37 De-HHavilland Cres Ballina NSW Email: northcoaststockfeed@bigpond.com www.northcoaststockfeed.com.au 02 6686 2361 QUALITY STOCKFEEDS HAY & CHAFF SADDLERY PET SUPPLIES VETERINARY SUPPLIES B U S I N E S S C A R D A D V E R T S B U S I N E S S C A R D A D V E R T S $400 for 12 months 4 print editions 12 digitial online editions Ph Paula 07 5590 9721 - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers *** Ph: Ph: 02 6672 3898 E: E: admin@theriversequinevets.com.au P: P: PO BOX 355 MURWILLUMBAH 2484 W W :: www.theriversequinevets.com.au DR GREG BALDWIN BSc BVSc MPhil Byron Bay & Gold Coast Equine Veterinary Practice Dr Khiani Mortimer – 0413 905 259 Dr Kevin Squire – 0478 838 511 OFFICE: 0413 414 534 EMAIL: byronbayhorsevet@gmail.com Servicing the entire Gold Coast Equine Veterinary Practice –All Horse Health Care SE + E Tw , , y, g & Ballina • Chiropractic • Dentistry • Hoof Care • Shoeing Advice • Reproduction • Digital X-ray • Colic • Skin Conditions • Hoof Balancing • Hoof Reconstruction • Ultrasound (high quality) for Tissue Scans SERVICING + EVERY W Tweed, Mur w BAY BET WEEN INCLUDING: Mullumbimby, Bangalow & Ballina 0407 149 637 info@equestrianlanddevelopments.com. www.equestrianlanddevelopments.com TODD CUNNINGHAM Arena Construction & Restoration Surface Solutions & Maintenance Equestrian Property Development Flower's Gold Hair in a Bucket QI Ease QI Gold Serum Gut Centric Mindfulness for Horses MSD - Musculoskeletal Defence Prestigious Equine & Canine Vitamin & Mineral Feed Supplements www.wattlelanestables.com.au Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Cattle tick is notifiable in NSW under the Biosecurity Act 2015 (the Act) and animals that carry cattle tick can only enter NSW if they meet certain inspection and/or treatment requirements before entering NSW. Cattle tick carriers are cattle, buffalo, bison, deer, equine, sheep, goats, camelids. There are legal controls on the entry of cattle tick carriers to NSW. These entry requirements are called ‘risk minimisation requirements’ and are prescribed under Division 2 Subdivision 1 Cattle tick—carriers in the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2019 (BOPA), available at www.legislation.nsw.gov.au
record of movement (ROM) must be submitted prior to entry into NSW - https://appcattletick.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au
DPI Biosecurity https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/managing-biosecurity/forms
cattle tick
record of movement https://app-cattletick.bfs.dpi.nsw.gov.au
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The Horse Report
Karma Park Kingsman
Price: $ POA
15.1 hh Reg: Registered Arabian Riding Pony and EV Black/Brown Gelding
Sire: Wesswoods Raven Caste
Dam: Karma Park English Rose
Eggsy is a well bred gelding with the looks and movement to be a fantastic child’s hack in the future at royal level and beyond with the right rider. He is easily handled by young teenagers and at his first show was prepped and ridden by a 14yo.
Eggsy has spent a limited amount of time in professional training and, while he is quiet, he is still green. He has three comfortable paces and a lovely sitting trot which will make him an excellent rider mount.
When in a no-pressure environment Eggsy will happily carry riders of any confidence level but for him to excel in an arena or the show ring he will need a competent set of hands to further his education.
He is a real dude and enjoys nothing more than being up at the farm, riding trails, going bareback and rounding up the cattle.
He is not matey with other horses and fits into a small herd well or happy to be paddocked by himself. Not fazed by much and super chill Eggsy has a laid-back personality and ready for someone to take him to the next level.
Contact: Sarah Pihan Ph: 0403 138 887
Game Maker FF
Price: $ 17,000.
15.2 hh
Reg: AHSA& WPCS Bay Gelding
YOB: 2013
Sire: Sir Real FF
Dam: Geisha Girl FF
Oscar is a lovable character with super star looks and 3 lovely paces, soft in the contact and is well educated with established walk to canter & rein back. He comes from top bloodlines and has had a successful show career to date.
Looking for his next confident ambitious teen or competitive rider to continue his success in showing or dressage. He is easy to shoe, trim, float etc. Oscar comes with his wardrobe, bridle, saddle & false tail at this price. Plenty of videos on request.
Contact: Kaylene Ph: 0437 240 375
Regal Type
Price: $25,000.
15.1 ¾ hh
Reg: Riding Pony / T'Bred EA&
Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Urubula Regal Promise
Dam: Type to Type
Champion Child Hack - Geelong Royal 2023 Reserve Champion - SHCV
Jan 23 National Interschool Show Team - Vic Runner Up SupremeLilydale Show 2022.
Baxter is the ultimate Childs small hack, taking his nervous rider to many championships and building her confidence over the past 12 months.
Gentle and kind, he is an absolute pleasure to handle on the ground.
No work down or lunging required, Baxter will happily stand and be prepped all day long, going straight from the float into the ring and can be ridden in both a snaffle and double with no fuss. No kicking / bucking/ rearing and loads onto the float or truck easily.
Currently happily enjoying the paddock most the time and is a great paddock friend. Stabled only leading up to big comps.
Sadly his current rider has moved onto a dressage warm blood recently and won’t be competing at GN so we are searching for a new home for Baxter.
Contact: Allysse Smith Ph: 0430 089 42187
Yarramie Park Magician
Price: $ POA.
15.1 ¼ hh
Reg: SHC & EA
Brown Gelding
YOB: 2014
Sire: Fernleigh Front Page
Dam: Coverpoint
Ph: 0408 504 590 Contact:
Beautiful Small Show Hack, always ridden/handled/prepared by child. Lovely to ride, very easy in every way.
Been to royal, qualified for Grand Nationals in Child's numerous times. Still relatively undiscovered as we haven't taken him far. Potential to win at Grand National level.
Extremely sad sale, we bred this horse & will be devastated to see him go. End of an era for our 3 daughters have grown up & moved on & this horse is far too good to waste in the paddock.
Entered & can be viewed at this year's Adelaide Royal Suit capable child or adult for showing at a high level, is also happy to pop around a jump course. Genuine sale of a lovely horse, vet check welcome.
Contact: Danielle Crosby
www www .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 47
Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - info@showringclassifieds.com.au Ph: 0400 558 218 www.showringclassifieds.com.au www.showringclassifieds.com.au
The Horse Report
Bordershow Tango
Price: $POA.
12.3 3/8 hh
Reg: Part Welsh, RP, SHC, EA, ASP Liver Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Bordershow Excalibur
Dam: Bordershow Breaking Loose
Larry as he is affectionately known has been a part of our family since he was an unbroken 2 year old.
He has been broken in and beautifully educated by his now 15 year old rider.
Larry is only for sale as her legs keep growing, he will only be sold to the most perfect home that, will treasure him as much as we do.
Larry with his exceptional temperament is a true show hunter pony. He loves his job and he is consistently winning at the top at high level competitions. Larry has been exclusively ridden & Handled by my daughter.
Larry has just completed his 2nd season under saddle with continued success and has again qualified for SHC GRAND NATIONALS in both his child’s and open hunter pony classes.
Larry has just finished competing at the EANATIONALS where he was awarded reserve champion child’s & open medium hunter pony.
Larry likes to jump 90cm in comps & 100cm at home.
Larry has been to many pony club gymkhanas & camps Larry has also placed in dressage comps.
This is a very sad sale and Larry will only go to the best of homes.
Apony of this quality is priced accordingly.
Contact: Lynda Ph: 0408 411 191
Hallmark Aries
Price: $20,000.
13.2 hh
Reg: Riding Pony, SHC & EA Chestnut Gelding
YOB: 2017
Sire: Tuscany Royal Jubilee (IMP)
Dam: Halcyon Minuette
With my girls changing direction in their riding, Hallmark Aries is ready to find his next little rider. Acompetent child rider has taken him out and successfully started his show career; he is now ready for his next family.
He has previously qualified for grand nationals and royals easily. Aries is a straightforward, stunning pony with a presence in the show ring
Agenuinely quiet and sweet-tempered pony that is easy to have in the stables with children. Price is slightly negotiable to the perfect home. Plenty of footage is available.
Contact: Kristen Ph: 0417 425 881
Wyatt Park Quantum
Price: $ 20,000.
12.1 ½ hh
Reg: EA, RP, ARP, PW, SP Palomino Gelding
Sire: Wyatt Park Quontreau
Dam: Rathowen Quarrel
Charlie is a lovely educated pony that has been ridden and handled by my daughter since she was 7 years old, he was her first off lead pony and lead-line with my youngest daughter. Having weekly lesson in Dressage, Showjumping and ground work; Clicker Training
Responds well to all aids, Jumping: 70cm-80cm at home and PC Rallys
Dressage: Prelim Level, accomplished walk, canter, canter walk transitions Teeth Done- 28-09-23, Vaccines: due 07/11/23 No sickness or vet visits since we have had him No Laminitis, No Nasties
In that time we have done everything with him from Clicker Training, Pony Club, Camps, Gymkhanas, Dressage, Showjumping, Training days for Cross Country and Trail Rides
Previous Owners: Competing with success at open shows, multi- supreme halter in both breed and colour classes, placing in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide Royals, also had many wins in Harness Classes. Vet check welcomed - Charlie is in full work
Contact: Kahlia Evans Ph: 0413 188 843
Crestwood Jantz
Price: $ 18,000.
12.2 hh
Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Mirinda Spycatcher
Dam: Imperial High Regard
Dylan is the ultimate kids pony been ridden by children as young as 4yo, Dylan has recently been gelded, Dylan will make an exceptional lead rein/ 1st Ridden pony, he is already a multi supreme winner in hand and under saddle he is easy to do anything with & has the most amazing temperaments.
This is an extremely hard decision as we have owned him since he was 6 months old.
Contact: Kim Simpson Ph: 0413 307 811
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Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - info@showringclassifieds.com.au Ph: 0400 558 218 www.showringclassifieds.com.au www.showringclassifieds.com.au
The Horse Report
Alpine Park Awesome
Price: $20,000.
15.0 hh
Reg: Riding Pony x Thoroughbred Grey Gelding
Sire: Willowcroft First Glance
Dam: Snowdrop
Up to height large hunter galloway. Beautiful natured, no nasties. Easy to prepare. Awesy is the most genuine little horse that is a pleasure to have around. He is only offered for sale as his owner/rider has work and other sporting commitments and made the decision to get out of horses. Awesy is far too special to have sitting in a paddock.
Awesy has been shown very successfully. His newcomer year 2018, 2019 winning all 3 GN qualifiers in SA. Also qualifying for child’s at ESA nationals. Champion newcomer at every show, including ESAnewcomer hunter galloway. Top 10 at Grand Nationals 2019.
Awesy would suit a junior rider going onto their first galloway or anyone wanting an uncomplicated enjoyable horse. Currently in work with Lesley Burrows at LB Equestrian due to his owner not having the time to keep him in constant work, however no lunging required, can be pulled straight from paddock even after weeks off and hop straight on. Hasn’t been shown since 2022 due to other commitments. Priced to meet current market
Contact: Tara Smith Ph: 0421 839 686 Contact: Suzie
Contact: Mandy Harrison Ph: 0412 444 350
Hibrie Night Out
Price: $30,000.
14.3 hh
Reg: SHC, EA, ANSA Bay Gelding
YOB: 2014
Sire: Hibrie Flying Free
Dam: Hibrie Westend
Hibre Night Out Large show hunter Galloway Sparky is ready to give another family the enjoyment he has given to his current rider, he has proven to be a reliable child’s galloway, ridden and handled by 14 year old.
He has previously qualified for grand nationals and EAnationals & was best novice hunter Galloway Melb Royal 2023, winner child’s hunter Galloway at the SHCVRoyal Gala 2023, 2nd child’s large hunter Galloway 2023 Adelaide Royal qualified for Adelaide and Melb Royal 2024.
Contact: Stacey Ph: 0439 749 101
Checkmate of Sefton
Price: $40,000.
13.3 7/8 hh
Reg: EA& SHC
Black Gelding
Sire: Dresden Ace of Spades
Dam: Rathowen XS
Top quality show Hunter pony. Checkers is a beautifully educated with a soft mouth and comfy to ride he is wonderful to do anything with small jumps dressage beach rides trial rides.
Checkers has the potential to take anyone to the top in the right hands Checkers has been handled and ridden by children but does need confident rider as he is not for a beginner he has beautiful confirmation he has no buck or bolt etc. easy to c.s.f
Checkers has qualified for Grand Nationals in the large hunter pony and child’s large hunter pony 2024 Checkers has previously qualified for Grand Nationals 2023 large hunter. Qualified for all Royals 2024.
Ridgeview Park Royal Gossip
Price: $8,500.
13.2 hh
Reg: EA| SHC Bay Gelding
YOB: 2015
Sire: Braefoot Park Royal Occasion
Dam: Sanlirra Just Glitter
National Quality Large Open Show Pony
Archie has previously competed at EANationals and Grand nationals Qualified for grand nationals for the child's large show pony 2024.
Archie is well educated and has been handled, trained and campaigned completely by children but does require a confident rider as he is very forward and big moving.
Great to handle and take out.
Awonderful opportunity for someone to purchase a national quality pony without the huge price tag. For sale as rider moving on to a Galloway and quick sale needed which is reflected in price.
Contact: Melissa Harding
Ph: 0402 660 884
www www .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com .thehorsereport.com - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bigpond.com Page 49
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