ONLINE EDITION 70 SEPTEMBER 2022 I NI N T H I ST H I S I S S U E :I S S U E : * H o r s e S e n s o r y h a i r s G u i d e* H o r s e S e n s o r y h a i r s G u i d e * E q u i n e P r o p e r t y M a i n t e n a n c e* E q u i n e P r o p e r t y M a i n t e n a n c e - A r e n a S u r f a c e s- A r e n a S u r f a c e s - M a n u r e r e m o v a l- M a n u r e r e m o v a l - R u b b e r m a t t i n g- R u b b e r m a t t i n g * S t u d a n d B r e e d i n g f e a t u r e* S t u d a n d B r e e d i n g f e a t u r e - M a g i c B r e e d F o a l i n g A l a r m s- M a g i c B r e e d F o a l i n g A l a r m s - P r e p a r i n g y o u r m a r e f o r b r e e d i n g- P r e p a r i n g y o u r m a r e f o r b r e e d i n g - S t a l l i o n s a t s t u d- S t a l l i o n s a t s t u d * E q u i n e H e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n F e a t u r e* E q u i n e H e a l t h & N u t r i t i o n F e a t u r e - E q u i n e g u t m i c r o b e s- E q u i n e g u t m i c r o b e s - F e e d i n g O l d e r H o r s e s- F e e d i n g O l d e r H o r s e s - J o i n t & B o n e S u p p l e m e n t s- J o i n t & B o n e S u p p l e m e n t s - S k i n C o n d i t i o n s- S k i n C o n d i t i o n s * M a g i c M i l l i o n s S a l e s* M a g i c M i l l i o n s S a l e s * T r a i n i n g T i p s w i t h T a n j a K r a u s* T r a i n i n g T i p s w i t h T a n j a K r a u s Celebrating 22 years in publishing Before AfterFarmalogic REJUVENATE gut health supplementVENATEplement HealthGut SupportJoint RecoveryExercise &VitaminsMinerals Applied scienceApplied science for your horsefor your horse Advanced solutions in... A s k f o r F a r m a l o g i c p r o d u c t s w h e r e v e r g o o d s t o c k f e e d s a r e s o l d !Ask for Farmalogic products wherever good stock feeds are sold! withliveyeastprobiotics forthebestinequinegastrichealthSeparationDiarrhea?Stress?Anxiety?Nervousbehaviour?

The Horse Report

 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@big - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@big Page 3 The Horse Report Brothers-in-law make it a family affair at qualifier
In an rare example of family ‘unity’, brothersin-law Sam Overton and Clem Smith dominated in the North and Northwest Showjumping Club (NNWSJC) Tamworth World Cup Qualifier at Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre The(AELEC).team competed against more than 24 other combinations to finish in first and second on their horses, Oaks Cassanova and Oaks Conjuror (both with the same dam Oaks Alto). Congratulations goes to Overton Showjumping, Team Smith, Queenslandersall and all the following placegetTheters. results were: Class 15: Carmyle Vet _ Tamworth World Cup Qualifier – 1.50m 1st Sam Overton (Qld) Oaks Cassanova 2nd Clem Smith (Qld) Oaks Conjuror 3rd Russell Johnstone 4thDapriceKatrina HopeOaks 5thGunnMattea (Qld)CheckamourDavidson D 6th Amanda Madigan Diamond B Vivienne 7th Phillip Steiner Cassina Dior 8th Mattea MVNZ10thCharmilleElegance9th(Qld)JaybeeDavidsonVigilanteTomMcDermottDeLaBrookDobbinGina N THIS ISSUE Paralympic hopefuls Australian World Cup Nutrition for pregnant mares Equine colour genetics Does my horse need calming supplement?Celebrating 20years E-magazine advertising - Full page $150 - 1/2 page $100 - 1/4 page $60 - Business card $30 Advertising bookings Ph - 0413 733 294 - Email: Free advert design service Report-202678616409634/ magazine advertising - Full page $650 - 1/2 page $470 - 1/4 page $260 - Business card $100 Available Quarterly as a print magazine and Monthly as a digital E-Magazine visit formore information orto view back issues of digital magazine N TH S SSUE: Green Banana supplement Equine Gastric Ulcers Hemp feed for horses Joint TrainingsupplementstipswithTanja KrausC b t g 21 t b thd y 2021 Ekka COVID N THIS ISSUE Equitana opportunities Wandin HealthyCushingseventingHooves C l b ti g 20y Health Support & Minerals Eventer John Twomey Photocredit'PixbyAlex' N TH S SSUEdC S p Sam Overton and Oaks Cassanova. Photo credit Oz Shotz Photography. Right: Sam Overton riding Oaks Cassanova and Clem Smith riding Oaks Conjuror. Photo credit: North and Northwest Showjumping Club

Manure removal will improve your pastures
Have you ever counted how many piles of manure your horse generates each day? Most horses defecate between 814 piles a day, give or take. Consider this quantity spread across your pasture over many months and even years. If your horse doesn’t defecate in one or two specific areas, then you are likely to have more manure littering your pasture than Beinggrass.selective grazers, your horse tends to avoid grazing grass that has been contaminated with manure. This means that not only is your pasture dirty, but your horse has fewer grassy areas to graze. It might seem like a staggering project to consider removing manure from your fields, but there are definite benefits besides providing more grazing opportunities.
And also, when spun around into 'trailer mode' it can also be used to carry bales, bags, buckets and any other heavy items around your property with ease. Everyone loves a clean and green paddock for equines. But no one likes the dreaded job of constantly cleaning them up. So why not make it a fun and easy job instead. Get your Pik-A-Poo paddock cleaner and hook it up behind your quad, tractor, ute, or whatever you have to tow it with. Simply fix the ropes to your towing point and jump back in the around the paddock with the V-shaped scoop skimming over the ground. As you drive the Pik-A-Poo across the manure it picks it up and collects it in its tray. It's that Wheneasy you have a full tray simply tow to the Pik-A-Poo paddock cleaner to where you want to empty it and tip it over emptying the contents, flip it back on its side and away you go. It is made by Ox Equipment Group in Warwick, Queensland and is backed with a lifetime warranty and sold through your local reseller. For a stockist near you contact George on 0439 644 263 or
The Horse Report
Cleaning manure from pastures accomplishes several important things: * It reduces internal parasite *contamination;Iteliminatesbreeding habitats for flies; and, * It minimizes adverse effects on water sources from drainage across a manure-ridden pasture The old-fashion style of using a bucket and a rake is quite effective, but rocks,Itpaddocks.andicallypaddockAustralia'sPik-A-Poolabor-intensive.isquicklybecomingchampiontow-behindcleaner,designedspecif-forcleaninguphorse,cowsheepmanurefromyouralsodoesagreatjobpickingupsticks,andleaves.
Everyone loves a clean & green paddock for equines. The Pick-A-Poo will help achieve this for you. PIK A POO the name says it all Australia’s Champion Horse Paddock Cleaner Saves you time effort and money * V Shaped Scoop * Large 300mm Opening capacity * Quiet 3000 kg Rated rope towing system * 3mm Australian Galvanised Steel Tray * Clean your paddocks in a 1/4 of the time * Cleans and acre in under 10mins * Makes the task fun and easy CONTACT GEORGE 0439 644 263 FOR YOUR NEAREST STOCKIST featureMaintenancePropertyEquine
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Tyre Benefits:Sled
TYRE FEEDER Shelters, livestock processing areas, loading ramps, water point access and egress, bogging areas, feed pads, bedding material, transportation flooring, erosion control, laneways TYRE MAT
Taurus Mats – Repurposed Rubber Matting
Agricultural/Equine Areas of Use - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@b - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@b Page 5
Low energy manufacturing process, carbon negative, permeable, extremely hard wearing, custom made - engineered to suit client requirements, flexible, stainless-steel fastening, multi-purpos transportable, 100% Australian re-purposed tyres/conveyor belt save waste and create a circular economy, Australian made.
Agricultural/Equine Areas of Use: Shelters, livestock processing areas, loading ramps, water point access and egress, bogging areas, feed pads, bedding material, transportation flooring, erosion control, laneways TYRE MAT
Shelters, livestock processing areas, loading ramps, water point access and egress, bogging areas, feed pads, bedding material, transportation flooring, erosion control, laneways
Saves labour and time collecting manure, able to work on all terrain, can be towed with ride on mower, ATV or vehicle, handy for transporting stockpiles of gravel, mulch, rock etc..
The Horse Report
Tyre Water Trough
Tyre Benefits:FeederAble to withstand the toughest horse abuse, stainless fasteners (nut, bolt & washer) to avoid corrosion, heavy conveyor belt base to save cracking, singular or double deck. For more information, visit our website: or contact Owen Henry: 0405 725 762 or email
Benefits: Able to withstand the toughest horse abuse, potable water bladder, float valve, float valve protector, transportable, saves flooded paddocks and emptying tanks.

Page 6 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: The Horse Report Flexi-FibreFlexi-Fibre® Fibre provides root structure, similar to grass roots in turf, to existing or new sand-based riding surfaces. Fibre improves the surface stability, therefore the horse will work ‘on top’ of the surface rather than ‘through’ it. Our Flexi Fibre is a mixture of polypropylene, polyester and nylon Fibres which are the base material to all of our surfaces worldwide and similar to all other top surface suppliers. We Australian conditions and manufacture here in Australia, enabling us to produce at very competitive rates. • Improves preformance • Improves stability of new or existing sand surfaces • Enhances drainage • Long lasting EQUESTRIAN SERVICES PTY LTD. Email Mobile 0475 917 605 ABN 76 602 073 021 ACN 602 073 021 EQUESTRIAN SER ICES Flexi-Fibre®SERVICESQUESTRIANEQEQUENANEQUESTRIASEESSERSESCECQUESTRIANSEEVICESEfeatureMaintenancePropertyEquine

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• Minimal
Arena base not constructed by ECEC. or contact the team on
Arena base not constructed by ECEC.
10+ years experience building
• Improves
• Long
• Improves
Acorrect blend of fibre and sand will create a stable and consistent surface, never too boggy or hard, both equally detrimental to a horse’s performance and Fibresoundness.provides root structure, similar to grass roots in turf, to existing or new sand-based riding Fibresurfaces.improves the surface stamanufacture here in Australia, enabling the company to produce at very competitive rates. performance stability of new or existing sand surfaces drainage lasting Surface movement limitation High degree of impact absorpto alternate going kickback and durable Free from toxic additives and going In dry periods of weather this and Acombinationperformance.of chopped polypropylene fibres, Classic White polyester and polyurethane ,and selected fine high grade multi washed silica sand, which is carefully weighed and blended with the addition of a wax coating. Its benefits rejuvenation. - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@big
Quality sand stabilizers for equestrian arenas
• Resilient
The Horse Report
Sand alone doesn’t have the correct structure to cope with horses in all disciplines. Whilst appropriate for some disciplines where deep sand is required to enable sliding stops and turns, when you are putting a lot of stress through the movements in dressage and jumping, sand surfaces aren’t appropriate.
large commercial scale projects, earthmoving & build works, 20 years as carpenters & architectural builders & a life time of horse knowledge. The team at ECEC can help with any project big orsmall right from design through to Indoor/outdoorarenas, stables, drainage, concrete, arena repairs orentire new complex builds. We offerend to end services with equine expertise. • Design, certification & project management • Indoorand constructionoutdoorarenaSandandfibre • Roads, paving, fencing, irrigation and utilities • Land clearing & earthmoving • Stables, sheds and fit outs • Drainage & Irrigation • Arena and paddock maintenance * ELECTRIC FENCING * PLAIN AND BARBED WIRE * WELDMESH/CHICKEN WIRE * DOG WIRE/HINGE JOINT * STAR PICKETS - ALL SIZES * PIPE - CUT TO ANY LENGTH * STEEL AND ALUMINIUM * ALL TYPES OF GATES * PIPE BENDING AND CUTTING * AUTO SLIDING/SWING GATES * COLOURBOND FENCING * POOL AND GARDEN FENCING * ALUMINIUM SLAT PANELS/GATES * RURAL FENCING * CHAINWIRE FENCING AAURORA FENCING CHAIN WIRE & SECURITY • COLOURBOND & POOL FENCING • DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL With over 30 years experience in the industry FOR ALL YOUR FENC ING NEEDS SUPPLY ONLY OR SUPPLY A ND INSTALL 07 5527 3266 9 Jay Gee Court Nerang Q 4211
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For any of your equine construction needs please contact our specialist Hayley on 0414 815 132 Her experience in the equestrian sector, building and civil construction will ensure your needs are understood and met,

 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 9
Sourced from SCONE EQUINE HOSPITAL In winter, it is sometimes easier to think about holidays, snow sking and keeping warm rather than getting your mares ready for the breeding season. If you start early, you can get a head start to manage their nutrition, identify any reproductive problems and maximise reproductive efficiency when the time Youcomes.should aim for your mare to be in good but ‘light’in body condition which is increasing as she enters the breeding season. Being overweight for a horse carries many health problems
How can I get my mare cycling Lightearly?therapy Putting mares under lights will help to advance the breeding season by artificially increasing the Advancingdaylength.the breeding season in your mare not only helps to produce early foals but more importantly, allows additional time for breeding management should you encounter any probLightlems. therapy can be achieved by putting the mare under lights or the placement of an Equilume™ mask on the 1st AminimumJuly. of 60 days of 16 hours light therapy is required to advance vernal transition or “spring heat” in the mare. This preparation should have your mare cycling normally in September. Early breeding The first cycle of the season can be quite unpredictable as teasing mares may have follicles which grow and regress without ovuBecauselating. of the unpredictability of this cycle, many breeders may elect to breed on the second, more predictable cycle of the Theseason.mare’s oestrous cycle is 21 days in Therefore,length.ifyou see your mare teasing to a gelding or the stallion every week or every fortnight, chances are that she is still transitioning to a normal breeding Hopefullycycle. with the nutritional aspect taken care of, her transition should be relatively smooth and you can get on to breeding her. Continued page 10 07 5453 4355
The Horse Report
Getting your mare ready for breeding season
There will be increased levels of: - Insulin resistance - Laminitis - Increased bone and joint wear and tear - Lack of mobility; and - Heat stress All of these problems can contribute to poor reproductive perFeedformance.plenty of forage (hay, chaff and pasture) as this provides your mare with many of the calories they will need to maintain weight during winter. Adjust your horse’s diet to control body weight Depending on what you want your mare to be doing, you may need to adjust the diet to keep her at the bodyweight and condition you want. If your mare is gaining unwanted weight, you will need to reduce or remove high energy feeds like grains, pellets, sweetfeeds or oils in the diet. If your mare is losing weight that you don’t want her to lose, you may need to feed more calories in the diet. You can do this more hay and if you’re not already doing so feeding some lucerne hay. 2. Adding high energy feeds to the diet like pellets, sweetfeeds, oil or high energy fibres like lupin hulls, copra meal or sugarbeet pulp. Use the best quality feeds you can afford and if using a sweetfeed look for one that contains either extruded or micronised grains as these are more digestible for horses. Feed a balanced diet An unbalanced diet doesn’t meet your mare’s requirement for one or all of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. Meaning your mare will experience deficiency and won’t be as healthy as she could or should Nutrientbe. deficiencies can lead to: - Weight loss - Delayed cyclicity - Suppressed immune system - Muscle wastage - Increased susceptibility to diseases like greasy heal and respiratory disease, dull, dry coat and skin, brittle and slow growing Whilehooves.traditionally, knowing if what you were feeding was meeting your horse’s requirements was quite hard, using a service like the FeedXL Nutrition Calculator now things are very easy to see if what you're feeding is right for your Oncemare. you have her nutritional requirements taken care of, you can focus on making sure she is breeding fit. Breeding early in the season can be beneficial for several reasons, especially if you encounter a problem along the way.
Plan ahead for the breeding season to ensure the best outcomes.

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From Page 9 Identifying abnormalities at the start of the season may save you a lot of money and heart ache later in the season. If your mare failed to achieve a pregnancy last season, this pre breeding check is a must. Identifying and addressing these problems may be the difference between a live foal and an empty mare.
The Horse Report Take in all factors to ensure breeding success
BREEDING OPTIONS Live Cover Breeds such as Thoroughbreds are restricted to a live cover situUsuallyation. mares are managed intensively and are sent to the stallion when they are ready for a single breed. The advantages of live cover include per cycle pregnancy rates of 60-70% and low maintenance mare reparation. However, mares need to be in standing oestrus, meaning she must be receptive to the stallion. Consequently, this breeding strategy has the potential to injure both the mare and stallion.
frozen Unfortunately,spermatozoa.there are no international standards for frozen spermatozoa so different numbers of spermatozoa and different numbers of straws make up a “dose” and post thaw motility rates can be highly variable. Frozen spermatozoa are also often sold as “doses” or “straws” rather than “pregnancies” so make sure you read your breeding contract carefully. Foal heat is usually avoided and aged mares are often not suitable candidates for various reaPreparationsons. and management is the key to ensure you have a positive result. www magicbreedplus com au Preparation is the key to a successful breeding season.
Artificial Insemination: Cooled semen is available throughout DisadvantagesAustralia.ofcooled semen include unreliable courier services, intensively managed mare preparation and not all stallions are suitable or available for cooled semen insemination. Advantages of cooled semen are that you can expect per cycle pregnancy rates similar to that of live cover (60-70%) provided your mare is managed correctly. Stallion spermatozoa can be cooled for up to 48 hours with adequate fertility. Ideally cooled sperm is inseminated within 24 hours of collection and the mare ovulates within 12 hours of insemination. This requires some intensive management on your veterinarian’s end, occasionally with some long-range forecasts required to get the semen at the insemination centre at the right time. It is important to understand how cooled semen is shipped around Australia and the costs involved before using this Ifmethod.youare in a remote location, frozen semen insemination may be a more reliable method if your mare is a suitable candiThedate.use of frozen spermatozoa opens a number of genetic possibilities for breeders here in SpermatozoaAustralia. can be sourced from local stallions with a busy competition career, deceased stallions and stallions abroad. It is important to ensure that your mare is a suitable candidate for frozen breeding as results can be tionofbetweenwithInternationally,disappointing.pregnancyratesfrozenspermatozoarange30-70%withanaveragearound50%percycleconcep-rateswithgoodquality - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 11 The Horse Report Byron Bay & Gold Coast Equine PracticeVeterinary Absolutely dedicated to the welfare and health of horses Dr Khiani Mortimer – 0413 905 259 Dr Kevin Squire – 0478 838 511 OFFICE: 0413 414 534 EMAIL: Thanks to our lovely Vet Tech – Jen Meehan, help with your horse’s health is now easier than ever. Dr Khiani Mortimer A local equestrian from Bilambil Servicing the entire Gold Coast, Byron & Tweed Shires Equine Veterinary Practice –All Horse Health Care NOW OFFERING: Pulse Wave Treatments and Deep Heat Laser Therapy for optimal orthopaedic performance SERVICING BYRON BAY AND THE GOLD COASTBAY AND THE + E VERY WHERE IN BET WEEN INCLUDING:+ EVERYWHERE BETWEEN Tweed, Mur willumbah, Mullumbimby, Bangalow & BallinaTweed, Murwillumbah, Mullumbimby, Bangalow & Ballina • Chiropractic • Dentistry • Hoof Care • Shoeing Advice • Reproduction • Digital X-ray • Colic • Skin Conditions • Hoof Balancing • Hoof Reconstruction • Ultrasound(highquality)forTissueScans Special Interests: • Chiropractic • MusculoSkeletal • Orthopaedic • Lameness • Laser Deep Heat • Pulse Wave • Thermogram FeatureBreeding&Stud

Page 12 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi The Horse Report 15.2hh QH Stallion Q-71336 $2200 plus vet & agist 15 2hh Stallio Service Fee Standing at TFD Equine Veterinary Services Brent Eastwell 570 Warning Willowvale Rd 0437722441Willowvale 2021 Warwick Gold Cup Reserve Champion Won or placed in over 60 events not including countless cutouts NCHA 2014 Futurity Finalist Progeny kicking goals in multiple disaplines Contact Kara and Jamie Gray 0488 414 891 Email: Maria Jackson and Shez Sum DuckScott McNaughton and Spinning Down Sam Kime and Sonava Duck inc GST g Senorita Playboy (USA) Sire: Playboy Roy (IMP) Genuine Rose (USA) Acres Destiny (IMP) Dam: Blitzem Duck Oaks Fancy DuckingFeatureBreeding&Stud

 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi Page 13 GLENARTHONSITNSPIN Service Fee $1,100 FeatureBreeding&Stud GLENARTHON STOCKHORSE STUD Colleen McQueen 0429 334 041 Email

Page 14 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi The Horse Report Anakins Friesian Sporthorse Boutique Breeding Stud presents SAMPSON VAN GORSUCH Friesian Warmblood Stallion. 16,3 3/4 hh 10 yrs Supreme National Halter Horse - Amazing Temperament & Confirmation Frozen or chilled available Anakins Friesian Sporthorse Boutique Breeding Stud Email - Ph 0423 427 656 FeatureBreeding&Stud - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi Page 15 The Horse Report Photo - Jodie Humble (JEM Photography)Artwork - Ellen Roberts Proudly Owned by Catherine Stewart Contact - 0432 794 528 - - Bracewell Qld 4695 FeatureBreeding&Stud

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ProflamAid is from backed herbal and which support horses' healing, response horse people, where the best will - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi Page 17 The Horse Report The Next Level in Natural TheNextLeveHealthNaturalHeaNaturalH
professionally formulated
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do. FeatureNutrition&HealthEquine

What is the microbiome?
• Sudden change in hard feed (e.g. introducing large amounts of grain too quickly or as a result of a feed-shed break-in).
By LARISSA BILSTON, BAgrSc (Hons 1), Animal Nutritionist, Farmalogic
Beneficial cellulolytic microbes ferment fibre and utilise lactic acid, producing volatile fatty acids (VFAs) that: • Provide energy (calories) for the horse.
FeatureHealthEquine www farmalogicglobal com
• Sudden change in pasture sugar and carbohydrate levels (e.g. spring shoots, frost-stressed •grass).Starch overload (e.g. large, carbohydrate-rich meals or uncooked grains) which overwhelm the foregut and are passed undigested into the hind gut.
Caring for the equine gut microbes
The more acidic environment is less hospitable for cellulolytic bacteria and more suitable for pathogenic species of bacteria. This is when problems may arise.
• Aid in immune function by preventing proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, like E. coli or Interestingly,salmonella. every individual has a unique composition of gut microflora which is influenced by diet, genetics, environment and changes in gut balance. This may explain why some horses are more sensitive to even the smallest change in the diet while others seem able to eat anything without any digestive upset. Adelicate balance exists among the different types of microbes that reside in the gastrointestinal tract.
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The equine microbiome is healthy when it contains high numbers of cellulolytic bacteria and low levels of lactic-acid producers. If the lactic acid-producing bacteria population starts growing, the increased amount of lactic acid they produce significantly reduces the pH of the gut.
Dysbiosis: What happens when things go wrong? Dysbiosis occurs when the normal microbiome becomes unbalanced, disrupting the symbiotic relationship between the host and gut Dysbiosismicrobes. can be caused by sudden changes of diet, especially a sudden introduction of large amounts of high starch or high sugar food, acute or chronic stress, an infection or use of antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as phenylbutazone (bute).
The horse's digestive tract has evolved in synergistic collaboration with a huge population of microbes of many species including various bacteria, protozoa, and fungi/yeasts. These microbes are actually found throughout the entire digestive tract, but because most species favour a pH-neutral environment, nearly all inhabit the cecum and colon (hind gut).
• Arapid rise in the number of pathogenic bacteria which produce poorly absorbed organic acids and may cause colitis (inflammation of the colon). Continued page 19
The Horse Report
During dysbiosis there may be an overgrowth of pathogenic microbes (or opportunistic pathogens); a depletion or absence of beneficial microbes or an overall decrease in microbial Indiversity.humans, where most of the world's microbiome research occurs, doctors know that dysbiosis can lead to inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, Horses are known to develop colitis (inflammation of the colon), ulcers and hindgut acidosis as a result of disturbances to the gut microbiome which can lead to pain, behavioural issues, colic and laminitis. Hind gut acidosis can be caused by:
Bacterial fermentation can produce up to 70 per cent of a horse's available energy. • Are a substrate used to regenerate the gut lining (butyric acid). • Act as messengers in the body (able to affect hormonal signalling).
The number of microbes in the gut is so enormous that just one drop of cecal fluid from a horse could contain as many as one billion bacInteria.general, the GIT contains five types of bacteria - fibre digestion Proteolytic bacteria - break down proteins • Lactic acid bacteria - produce lactic acid to digest starch Protozoa - produce volatile fatty acids • Fungi/yeasts - break down fibre. In addition to relying on microbes for digestion, the horse also needs them for their ability to biosynthesise vitamin K, as well as most of the water-soluble B vitamins such as cobalamin, folates, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamine.
The gut is far a more important organ than just a mechanism for digesting and absorbing food. We now know that it also plays a major role as part of the gut-brain axis which incorporates the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT) and the gut microbiome along with the central nervous system, the neuroendocrine system (hormonal signalling) and the immune system. This article summarises how new scientific understanding is used to nurture the equine GIT and microbiome leading to better horse health and well-being.
Sudden changes in pasture as we move into Spring can disrupt the happy equilibrium of your horse's gut microbes, potentially leading to diarrhea, gut pain and colic. The equine digestive tract is home to a diverse microbiota consisting of bacteria, protozoa, and Everyfungi. day, scientists are learning more about natural microbiomes and the many ways that these symbiotic relationships benefit the host.
As we move into Spring, changes in your pastures can disrupt horse's gut microbes.

Why prebiotics and probiotics lead to better equine health
As the pH level drops in the hind gut, the protective mucosal gut lining is damaged causing 'leaky gut' and and a build-up of endotoxins which are more easily absorbed into the body through the compromised gut wall. Diarrhea occurs because the damaged gut wall is less efficient at water absorption. Horses with mild, chronic acidosis may exhibit signs of discomfort, be prone to diarrhea and become spooky, dangerous or aggressive.
Prebiotics and probiotics are commonly used to help rebalance the gut after antibiotic use, but research also supports their use in horses who are subject to stress - whether it is caused by heavy competition, transport, separation anxiety, moving to a new home, illness, foaling, weaning, surgery….. the list goes on Medical research exploring the human gutbrain axis is identifying strong links between gut microbial populations, stress and disease.
• Enhanced insulin sensitivity in obese and insulin resistant horses.
The key to equine gut health is to prevent dysbiosis through good dietary management, a biosecurity plan to limit the risk of infectious disease, and management strategies that minimize stress caused to the horse through its environment, training, transport and competition schedules.
3. Avoid sudden changes in diet. Make hard feed changes over a 10 - 14 day period. Introduce gradually to spring pasture, or to grass following a drought. - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 19
• Stimulation of the immune system. It is reasonable to speculate that with research into horses with their huge microbiome scientists will eventually identify and quantify more benefits of feeding pre and probiotics.
The Horse Report
7. Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics. 8. Reduce NSAID usage where possible. 9. Use a correct worming program. 10. Seek veterinary assistance early when things go wrong.
Acute, severe hind gut acidosis can lead to potentially lethal metabolic acidosis and laminitis as a result of systemic inflammation and endotoxemia.
How and why do probiotics work ?
Manipulation of microbial populations through management of diet, probiotic therapy and use of prebiotics is leading to exciting breakthroughs for some people suffering depression and irritable bowel disease.
Top 10 practical management tips for equine gut health
From page 18
• Improvements in feed-use efficiency.
• Reduced stress response (studies were done during transport).
• Maintenance of the natural diversity in the
The tips: 1. Feed long stem roughage (grass or grass hay) a minimum of 1% of horse bodyweight per day.
• Reduced numbers of pathogenic bacteria.
2. Minimise the amount of undigested starch reaching the hindgut by: • Avoiding uncooked cereal grains • Control starch intake - understand forage sugar levels, feed small meals, choose low GI hard Nutritionistsfeeds. recommend limiting starch intake to less than 2 g starch/kg bodyweight per meal and preferably less than 1 g starch/kg body•weight.Thestarch intake for insulin resistant, laminitic or horses with other metabolic or health issues should be minimal.
4. Ensure mineral balance - because deficiencies and imbalance can reduce digestive enzyme function. 5. Use prebiotic and probiotic supplements including live yeast during antibiotic use, sudden changes in pasture or during digestive upset. 6. Use buffers (e.g. protected bicarb) when the risk of starch overload is high.
•microbiome.Morestable gut pH levels.
To date, scientist can demonstrate that feeding horses specific prebiotics and probiotics can lead to:
FeatureHealthEquine Before AfterFarmalogic REJUVENATE gut health supplementVENATEplement HealthGut SupportJoint RecoveryExercise &VitaminsMinerals Applied scienceApplied science for your horsefor your horse Advanced solutions in... A s k f o r F a r m a l o g i c p r o d u c t s w h e r e v e r g o o d s t o c k f e e d s a r e s o l d !Ask for Farmalogic products wherever good stock feeds are sold! withliveyeastprobiotics forthebestinequinegastrichealthNervouseparationDiarrhea?Stress?Anxiety?behaviour? Probioticsare “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” Some wellknown examplesof probioticsused in the horse industry include the live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the bacterialspecies Lactobacilli, Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus Prebioticsare defined as“a substrate that is selectively utilized by host microorganisms conferring a health benefit.” Prebiotics include indigestible sugarsand carbohydrates,fermentation products(such asMOS and brewer’syeast)orindigestible plantfibresand carbohydrates (such aslignin and cellulose) thatnourish the existing gut microbialpopulation.

This is a very common condition and in fact presents in three different ways, all caused by the one infectious organism, "Dermatophilus". The most common presentation is "Greasy TrueHeel".rain scald is a scabby type dermatophilus usually occurring over the back and body and associated with exposure to wet conditions. The third form is "Mud Fever" which is usually seen as a scabby exudation on the front of the cannon bones.
It is virtually impossible to completely prevent insects from attacking the horse. In very sensitive horses or those with a definite allergy, any bite, anywhere, will re-activate the Treatmentallergy. has to revolve around preventing the animal from being bitten. Hoods and rugs are usually the first line of defence. Stabling the horse in late afternoon and night and general fly control in the environment all play a part. There are many topical insecticides available but all have limited effect. All work if applied frequently enough but I am not convinced any have any real long term effects and so frequency of application is a major factor. Many owners fervently believe that apple cider vinegar will help control the itch. There is no real scientific reason that it should prevail but possibly there is some mechanism whereby it can alter the odour or local environment of the skin and act as some form of repelCertainlylant. it is commonly used and it probably does no harm to try one cupful a day in the Oncefeed. the insects are controlled, medications such as shampoos and topical ointments can settle down the existing lesions and systemic cortisone will stop the immune reaction but if the insects are still accessing the horse, nothing will prevail.
The lice are relatively easy to kill with insecticide Similarlysprays.ticks can be very irritating to the horse. They live in the pasture and attach to the horse in the paddock. Commonly we see a very acute local swelling.
There are four common diseases that affect horses - Queensland Itch, Rain Scald, Ringworm, Lice, Ticks and Mange
LICE, TICKS & MANGE Mange is common condition affecting heavy horses, mainly because of the thick hair growth and feather on the lower limbs. The disease is caused by a microscopic mite that lives in the skin and loves to hide in the thick hair of the pastern. It causes the horses an intense irritation and horses are frequently stamping their feet and biting at their legs. The condition is difficult to treat and usually requires some combination of clipping the hair and local application of insecticides that will kill the mite. In recent years, considerable success has been obtained with topical application of a flea control product used in dogs but this is an "off label" use of the product and care must be exerLicecised.are more common in winter as the hair coat grows longer. They are very irritating and the horse is intensely itchy. The condition is very contagious.
All are caused by the same organism that lives everywhere but needs damp moist conditions to survive and so if the skin is wet, becomes irritated and inflamed and this allows the organism to colonize.
This is widely used colloquial name for a condition that occurs world wide and is easily the most common problem of the skin of horses. True Queensland Itch is a very specific condition that only affects a relatively small number of horses. It is an allergy to a particular type of sand-fly and so the horse has to be in an area where the sand-fly lives and also the horse has to be allergic to the insect. The condition is devastating if a horse suffers from the problem. What is far more common and generalized is insect bite hypersensitivity. The difference here is that any insect can cause the problem and more often it is a local irritation and sensitivity to the actual bite rather than a true Nevertheless,allergy.theproblem is still very frustrating to deal with and stressful to the horse, it simply is just not true Queensland Itch. Obviously, because the problem is related to the presence of insects, it is more common in summer and will vary with seasonal conditions. By day, flies are the most common cause and they will land on the horse and bite them all over but very frequently bother the legs, head, and neck region and by night mosquitoes are the number one culprit. Here-in lies the problem, insects are ubiquitous and often in plague proportions. If the insects continue to bite the horses, then all forms of therapy are useless
Judicious shampoos and soaking the horse in medication for some time is the best approach. Once the organism has been killed, it can still take several weeks for new hair to grow and so the owner may not believe a result has been obtained. Some forms of ringworm are quite contagious and can spread from horse to horse so care is required.
An Itchy horse can be caused by allergy, Sandfly bites, Mites and other insects
The Horse Report Treating common skin conditions in horses
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RINGWORM The third common condition is ringworm. In the horse, this rarely presents as a true "ring lesion" but rather is a generalized patchy spreading condition that is dry and has tufts of hair falling out. Some forms can be itchy. Treatment can be very Oncedifficult.again, it is easy enough to kill the fungi if medication can be applied but the infection often lives deep in the roots of the hair follicles and the medication cannot get to the organism.
The germ itself is relatively easy to kill with antibiotics or anti-infective agents. The problem is usually getting the anti-bacterial into contact with the organism sneakily living in the depths of the scab and exudates and protected from the antibiotic. Success depends on softening, cleaning, and getting rid of the scab so the agents can contact the Greasybacteria.heel presents a special problem when it occurs on white feet. The dermatophilus organism has the ability to sensitize the skin to ultra violet light and exposure can result in a severe vasculitis and very refractory condition that is very difficult to control. Usually cortisone has to be utilized. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 21 The Horse ReportFeatureHealthEquine

COMMENTS: Fractures of this nature usually require surgical removal. Resolution of cortical fractures of this size without surgical intervention is not expected. WAS ON APRIL 21 Dr Andrew Watts B.V.Sc
if you have any further queries COAT GOLD SUPPORTS COAT HOOF & HAIR HEALTH Contains the essential Amino Acids and building blocks for the production Keratin HOOF GOLD NUTRITIONAL HOOF SUPPLEMENT Contains nutrients which have been found to contribute to the health of Hooves, Hair and Skin BONE GOLD SUPPORTS BONE JOINT HOOF & COLLAGEN HEALTH Contains nutrients to support Type I, II, III Collagen formation Equine & Canine Patent Formulas
ReportFeatureHealthEquine Bone
Initially taken on 14th April 2021. Initial radiographs showed a 32mm longitudinal non displaced left mid cannon saucer fracture extending 6mm into the dorsal cortex and a 44mm longitudinal displaced fracture right mid cannon 5.5mm in depth mid dorsal cortex associated proximally with a 27mm x 6.5mm secondary fracture as below. Initially, surgical removal was recommended of the RH fracture fragment. Asecond series was taken on 17th May and third series on 14th June as above. Both fractures have attached and integrated with the parent bone with minor surface enthesophyte formation and periosteal activity evident.
14TH PLACE:JUNEXXXX CANUNGRA BONE Gold is a nutritional bone, joint, hoof and collagen supplement. Bone Gold was formulated to provide essential amino acids to help support collagen typeS I, II and III (found in bone and connective Veterinarytissue).surgeons have recommended Bone Gold in horses for cases such as sore shins, tendon injuries,ligament injuries, laminitis, pedal osteitis, joint disease, osteoarthritis, fractures and postsurgery/arthroscopy. Veterinary Surgeons also recommend for dogs with polyarthritis, geriatric osteoarthritis, and post-surgery. Here is a Veterinary radiographic report on a horse with a fracture to its left hind Cannon bone. Results are shown after treatment and feeding Bone Gold. More information on these products can be found at R H 14.04.21 R H 17.05.21R H 14.06.21
By Dr
AT 3 X SCOOPS/DAY AND SHOULD BE CONTINUED. Please do not hesitate to contact
RECOMMENDATIONS: Surgery is no longer recommended; however, the colt should be monitored carefully for any swelling on either Prognosiscannon.forfull return to racing is good.
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The Horse Report
Extensive research and development in conjunction with clinical testing and observation by Veterinary Surgeons on clinical equine and canine cases is conducted on all our products. Dr Watts has lectured at Equine Veterinary Association meetings, at the University ofQueensland and runs regular remedial Equine podiatry workshops in conjunction with Veterinary colleagues and Farriers in addition to running a busy clinical Equine Practice.
Following the success ofHOOF GOLDTM and increasing demand from veterinarians, Farriers and clients we embarked on producing our next generation offormulas. HOOF Contains nutrients which have been found to contribute to the health of Hooves, Hair and Skin BONE JOINT & COLLAGEN Contains nutrients to support Type I, II, III Collagen formation COAT HAIR HEALTH Contains the essential Amino Acids and building blocks for the production Keratin EMAIL: WEB: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: 23
We are proud to announce the release ofour two new patent formulations, BONE GOLDTM and COAT GOLDTM in both the Equine and Canine presentations. Our Formulas have been granted Innovative Patents as they present as totally unique in the market and are clearly differentiated from all other supplements. Our new products have been produced with the same attention to detail with the highest quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients manufactured in an Australian GMP approved site. Unlike most other supplements made in feed barns or pet food factories, this guarantees the quality and quantity of each ingredient in all our products.
VET GOLDTM is a family owned Australian business that takes pride in all our product range with comprehensive personal support with any questions answered directly by Dr Andrew Watts and his stoic knowledgeable partner Mel Watts. Please feel welcome to contact us anytime, we look forward to personally providing any technical or medical support or information regarding our products.
VET GOLDTM products are made in the same laboratories as many Veterinary Pharmaceuticals with the highest quality control standards in the Australian Veterinary industry. Our products are developed with specialist bio-engineers focused on ensuring maximising product effectiveness balancing ingredient ratios and particle sizes to optimise physiological uptake, digestibility and stability.

Nutritional supplements
specifically dedicated to questions and answers Equine Nutrition, Herbal your
The average life expectancy of a horse is around 25-30 years although this is far from an indication of their overall health.
Horses may or may not develop health conditions as they age, depending on genetics, nutritional status, history and fitness. - Ph 1300HIFORM T:03 9775 6422
Aging is a complex phenomenon which is a natural part of life, but chronic disease and illness doesn’t always need to be.
Like people, horses may or may not develop health conditions as they age, depending on genetics, nutritional status, history and fitness. As horses get older it is common for things to start slowing down and for them to be not as strong as their younger days. Their digestive system may reduce in function and absorption rates can drop which can reduce their immunity. There may be increased breakdown of their joints and muscles, depending on what they have done throughout their life.
By ANTOINETTE FOSTERBSc Nutrition, Equine Nutritional Therapist and Medical Herbalist ©Hi Form Australia PL 2022
Medicine, Genetics, Common Diseases etc. INDIVIDUALISED EQUINE NUTRITION PROGRAM S customising a diet plan to suit the individuality of
There is approximately 2-3 inches of replacement tooth under the gumline. However, when the horse reaches its mid20s, the reserve is often depleted, leaving them at risk of tooth loss. Tooth loss compromises digestion and their chewing ability, this is the only time where dampening their feed may come in handy as well as choosing softer hays and smaller chopped chaff, so they are able eat combination with regular dentist check-ups should keep your horses happy.
Although we have domesticated horses over time, their digestive system remains in its original format of requiring a high roughage content. For most of the horses’life, their teeth continuously emerge through the gums to replace what is worn away by chewing.
Nutritional supplements can play a role in improving health and wellbeing of the Ashorse.the horse ages their ability to absorb nutrients declines, therefore supplementation with good quality nutrients can be beneficial in maintaining appropriate levOmegaels. 3 fatty acids can play an important role in reducing chronic inflammation. Although the horse’s natural diet has a higher omega 6 (pro-inflammatory) to omega 3 ratio, it is important to note that we have domesticated horses to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do in the wild, that may increase their levels of stress and therefore inflammation. This is where supplementing with omega 3s may be beneficial in reducing systemic Flaxseed/linseedinflammation. oil and chia seed oil are the best plant-based sources for horses, it is best to get a nutritionist or veterinarian opinion to see if this may be suitable for your horse. Just be sure to steer clear of any marine based oils as horses are herbivores and not fishermen. Continued page 25
Chronic systemic inflammation is a significant part of aging which is commonly accepted in people but not usually discussed in horses. Chronic low-level inflammation throughout the lifespan can occur from a myriad of environmental, genetic and nutritional causes and can contribute to the onset of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, Cushing’s Disease, gastric ulcers and laminitis, just to name a few. So what can we do about it? We can look at the areas which we can change, nutrition being the easiest to Ifmanipulate.westartto look at the horse’s diet and assess what may cause inflammation, this can be anything that is unnatural for a horse to eat; from bi-products/waste-products, to animal products such as whey and fish Significantproteins.reduction of inflammation can also be achieved through feeding the horse a natural diet and increasing the levels of beneficial nutrients and vitamins which are involved in these processes. By feeding your horse a high roughage diet (quality hay, long-stem chaffs and pasture) including what they would naturally consume, you will be significantly reducing the levels of inflammation.
Feeding the golden oldie equine
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Exercise like nutrition is one of the easiest ways we can improve our horses’health
Studies have found consistent low exertion exercise to be the most beneficial for older horses due to the changes in the type of muscle fibre away from the type that assists with endurance exercise.
Many horses at competitions appear to have soreness issues ranging from mild to chronic, some horses can manage pain better than others.
which is
Whenon. at an event we always watch the horses, as there is so much you can learn from their body language, which can be very strong or very subtle.
Exercise like nutrition is one of the easiest ways we can improve our horses’health. Not only does exercise keep our horses (and ourselves!) fit, there are also many other benefits it provides.
There have been findings of improved insulin sensitivity; this is extremely important to note if your horse has insulin resistance or diabetes. Both diet and exercise can play a pivotal role in your horse’s health and longevity.
From page 24 Increasing antioxidants; vitamins A, C and E as well as selenium can assist in decreasing inflammation by improving the rate of detoxification and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. Although horses’manufacture their own vitamin C, studies have found that as they age their natural levels of vitamin C Althoughdecline. more research needs to be completed to investigate why this occurs, it gives us more insight into the importance of supplementation. Exercise Horses over the age of 12 are more likely to experience pain at a higher level. As horses age, there is a higher risk of injury and pain related conditions, including degenerative joint disease, hamstring injuries, tendon ligament damage, back pain and muscles soreness, to name a few. Managing these pain-related issues is essential to avoid the escalation of other should be given assistance to prevent and manage pain. This can be achieved by regular massage, Bowen, acupuncture, equine tension relief and natural products which may include some herb and plant extracts. Always look for products that have science behind them and are produced in a HCCAP, Feed Safe facility to ensure quality control and GMP. Products such as the ProflamAid Plus and EquiGesic Plus are a safe and effective way to manage pain. One part of the ageing process may involve an enlargement of a part of the pituitary gland, termed pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, also known as equine Cushing’s disease), this can cause great concerns for horse owners and horses alike. It appears that equine Cushing’s disease occurs in approximately 15 to 30% of horses and ponies mostly older than 20. There are particular breeds that tend to be more prone than others such as Morgans. It is a slow progressive disease and can take a number of years before symptoms Theseoccur. symptoms may even begin as early as midlife or in the teenage years of the horse but may go unnoticed or possibly be confused with something else going
Exercise can play a key role in a horse’s health
Although the musculoskeletal system of the horse loses strength as they age, if your horse isn’t showing signs of slowing down, then there is no reason to send them into early retirement.
cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their
Flax Seed Oil provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source 3, acid (EFA) not generally Like all animals, horses overall
FeatureHealthEquine - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 25
The Horse Report
present in equine foods.
health. Order 60% Omega 3 content - Healthy Skin & Incredibly Shiny Coats - Strong Hooves & Joints
Just remind yourself that pain is common, and it should be treated seriously.
an essential fatty

Page 26 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: BARREL RACING 3SEPTEMBERRawsonville Arena, Dubbo 3 Berrimah, NT 10 Tarcutta, NSW 12 - 18 ABHANational Finals @ Tamworth 24 Moranbah Rodeo Grounds QLD 24 Berrimah, NT 1OCTOBER-2Jundah, QLD 8 - 9 Adelaide Plains EqClub 15 Rawsonville Arena, Dubbo 22 - 23Tarcutta, NSW BREEDS 10SEPTEMMBERPacificCoast Arabian Show @ 24MaryboroughNNSWSpring Show @ Maclean 0413 733 9OCTOBER294NNSWAllbreeds SHow @ Alstonville 0413 733 294 22-23 Qld Arabian HOTY@ Toowoomba /TEAMCAMPDRAFTING/CUTTINGPENNING 8-11SEPTEMPERMuttaburra draft 0476143499 9-11 Injune Golden Bit draft 0427230221 9-11CQ draft 9-11Theodore0409568378Spindlesand Spurs 10-110437189411Killarney draft 0429 836 676 10-11 Dulacca Hoof Pick draft 0427 076 074 10-11 Cambooya draft0407591788 10-11 Nindigully draft 0422765522 15-18 Comet River Windmill draft 16-18 St George draft 0427343745 16-18 Kragra draft 07 4165 8191 16-18 Campdraft 4 ACause 0427585638 16-18 Hinchinbrook 0498498765 17-18 Ashford Show draft 0437299230 17-18 Yaraka End of the Line Draft 17-180427588113Bauhinia draft 0428444067 22-25 Brunette Downs draft 0439217090 23-25 50th Anniversary Augathella Diggers draft 23-250428511713JuliaCreek draft0428199494 23-25 Surat draft 0437675656 23-25 Mundubbera Golden Stirrup draft 23-250408705566TwinHills Bronze Quartpot draft 24-25 Hebel draft 0447758650 24-25 Boonah draft 0428151904 24-24 Nanango draft 0437 642 385 24-25 North Star Bushman's Carnival 29-20428148420Cooyar draft 0429926111 29-2 Barkly Gold Rush0889 644 503 30-2 Monto Silver Buckle 0428204033 DRESSAGE. 1-SEPTEMBER4-NSWDressage Champs @ SIEC 4 Park Ridge 4 Noosa Eumundi Club Champs 10- 11 Far North Eq Group 11 Caboolture 11 Armidale Riding Club 0412 871 426 11 Young Dressage Club0429 831 427 11 Tweed Valley 11 17-18CooloolaBoneo Spring Champs 17-18 Bowral 0405 384 201 14-19 QLD State Champs @ QSEC 24 Toowoomba 25 Gladstone Calliope 1-2OCTOBERAlexander Park 0419 873 321 1-2 Orana Eq Club 2 Toowoomba AAOR & Pony Spectacular 8-9 Tweed Valley Power of Pink 8-9 Armidale 0412 871 426 8-9 Jindera Eq Club 0407 207 392 9 Albion Park 9 Caboolture 9 Summerland Dressage 8- 9 Atherton Tablelands 13 - 16 Australian National Dressage Championships @ Boneo Park 16 Monaro Eq Club 0418 649 869 16 Sugarloaf Cobbitty 0427 114 195 16 Upper Hunter Dressage 0417 409 395 21- 22 QLD Dressage Riders Series QSEC 22 Goulburn 0459 622 505 23 Leeton 0419 873 321 23 NCEC Canberra 0418 303 868 23 Burpengary 28- 30 Australian AOR DressageChamps @ SIEC DISTANCE RIDING 24-25SEPTEMBERwww.tadra.asn.auWanderers, Yarraman, 0428 840 176 DRIVING\ 10SEPTEMBER-11Level4 CDE @Murrumbidgee, 18NSWNo Plait Gymkhana @ Huntly Equine 0419Reserve104 1OCTOBER583-2Harness Classes @ Melbourne Royal 2 - 3 SACarriage Driving Champs 8 - 9 L3 CDE Marrar, NSW 29 Victorian Show Driving Champs @ Elmhurst ENDURANCE / 3-4SEPTEMBERScenicCity Spring 0401 999 473 3-4 Winton Endurance Ride 07 4658 9589l 9- 11 Quilty test event 9-11 VIC state champs 0431 840 721 10-11 Mt Larcom Qld Off The Track Challenge 0448 516 318 17-18 Central Ranges 02 6373 8116 17-18 Rappville 0447 442 662 23-25 Junior Boot Camp 0418 982 174 THE CALENDAR OF EVENTS IS AFREE SERVICE - PLAN AHEAD CONTACT PAULA0413 733 294 O C A L E N D A CR A L E N D A R SHOWJUMP TIMING CONTACT PACKAGE 3 WEB

 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 27 INTER SCHOOL 26-30SEPTEMBERAustralian Interschool Championships @ SIEC POLO/ POLOCROSSE PONY CLUB & Mounted Games Champs Bungendore, Zone 16 30-2 NSW State Dressage Champs 4-6NOVEMBERNSWState Jumping Equetation Champs @ Kootingal 12 PCQ Masters Championships 9-11DECEMBERNSWState Show Riding Champs @ Glen Innes REINING 30SEPTEMBER-3rdSQRHAPacific Coast Reining Spectacular @Gatton 10-11 Tamworth Jackpot Show Scone 30OCTOBER-2SQRHARibbon Show Gatton 1-2 West Coast Reiners Open Show 15 QRHAClinic/High Point Awards QSEC 15 WARHAShow RODEO 3SEPTEMBER-StBrendans Rodeo Qld 10 - Xtreme Broncs Marrar NSW 10 Kingaroy - SUPER ALLROUND 10 Beenleigh Show 10 Noosa Show Bull & Bronc 15 Cherbourg 16 Mulga Bull Ride 17 Kenilworth Show 17 Dust on the Downs 17 - Griffith pro Rodeo 17 - Moree Rodeo 23-24 Calliope 24 - Mitchell Rodeo QLD 24 Cooyar Hotel Bulls & Broncs SHOWJUMPING /EVENTING 10SEPTEMBERToowoomba Jump Club 10 Waterford Equestrian & Pony Club Showjumping Spectacular 11 Sunshine Coast Showjumping 18 Scenic Rim 23-25 September QLD Classic @ QSEC 1OCTOBEROTTSpectacular & Tropical North Jumping Championships 1-3 Larapinta Jumping Event SHOWHORSE 24NNSW2423-251710109-109-109-109-106-7444332-42-32-3SEPTEMBERwww.sacountryshows.comBeaudesertWoodenbongTamworthLakeCargelligoShowNarranderaShowFinleyShowMenangleParkShowWoodstockMemorialShowWestWyalongShowHayShowForbesShowWaggaWaggaShowNoosaBeenleighGiruAH&ISocietyKenilworthShowSingletonShowEumundiWinterSpringHack Show @ Maclean Showgrounds 29-3 SHCQ HOTY@ QSEC 7-8OCTOBERKyogle Show 9 NNSW Allbreeds Show @ Alstonville 8-9 Picton Show 8-9 Taree Show 14-15 Casino Show 20-22 Lismore Show TRAIL RIDING & CTR Australian Trail Horse Riders Association0418 438 807 Alligator Creek 0407 117 998 Beaudesert Shire 0429 443 237 Beechmont & District 0419 737 253 Bouldercombe 0418 715 837 Breakaway 0408 712 851 Brisbane Valley 0428 750 145 Border Country Trail Riders 0409 224 605 Cairns Trail Horse Club 0408 727 616 Calen Trail & Sports Club 0412 804 974 Cooloola Trail riders Ph 07 5482 8436 CTHC-Caboolture ph 07 5498 6068 Curtis & District 0438 111 091 Dayboro Trail Riders to 0432 186 200 Email - Ipswich & District 0457 881 012 Logan River Redlands 0418 715 786 Mudgeeraba & Hinterland 0407 902 754 Nth West Qld Trail Riders 0429 309 280 Rathdowney Trail Riding 07 5544 1177 Richmond River Trail Horse Riders Club 0447 668 953 / Saturday Horse Activities 0408 361 215 SCATER Ph: 07 5478 8676 or 0417 612 061 Somerset Trail Riding Club - 0418 438 807 Sunny Coast Trail Club - 0428 176 557 Tweed-Byron Trail Riders 0418 400 047 Toowoomba Trail Riders 0419 614 426 Toowoomba's Cumburrie 0429 663 397 Trail Riding Australia 0458 342 067 Wide Bay Trail Riders 07 4126 3456 WESTERN QHA AND LIST YOUR EVENT HERE DON’T LET YOUR EVENT BE MISSED R Email: O F E V E N T OS F E V E N T S HOLIDAY CAMP . They offergreat facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors, friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Showgrounds, Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah contact SeniorInstructor- Paula Anthony 0413 733 294 email : MurwillumbahPonyClub Show Riding, Dressage, Jumping, Sporting, Games, lots of fun * * ** * * 2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * *2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * * T h u r s d a y 6 t h & F r i d a y 7 t h O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2

Don’t over complicate things when it comes to training your horse - look for body language signs and understand what your horse is ‘telling’you.
Sometimes we face challenges when it comes to our horses, and often we overcomplicate these challenges by getting in our own road, instead of focusing on the simple stuff. Some common ways we over complicate things We think that what we know or what we are doing is 'too simple' and so we start looking for 'the next best thing' or some magic training techniques. The truth is - horses are pretty straightforward, with basic needs and if we stick to those philosophies, we will be doing right by our horse. Our timing sucks. We know what to do and how to do it but it doesn't work because our timing in the release, or our body language reading skills aren't that great - if your timing is out, no technique is going to work as well as it could. We fall into the 'my horse is different/special' trap. No it’s not - it has simple basic needs that you haven't been fulfilling - either by not understanding them, or by overwhelming your horse with too much, too early. We don't do it long enough.
Read the signs which your horse is ‘telling’you, don’t take for granted that he or she understanding what yo are telling them.
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The Horse Report
We do what the coach said, but we do it for 10 repetitions and two days. It doesn't work, so we think it’s not Headworking.tothegym and show me your results after two days. This stuff takes time. Physical, mental and emotional work takes consistency and time. Horses don’t get 'fixed' overnight, so stop trying to make it happen. The 'quickest' way to help your horse, is to observe his body language, understand what he is trying to tell you and give him what he needs - not what you Thewant.greatest example of this is the anxious or nervous horse. Your anxious and nervous horse wants to move his feet, and feel unrestricted and yet when we see a horse that is nervous or anxious, we want to either stop him, or we want to collect the reins to prevent him from boltBothing. stopping and collecting him add to his nervous and anxious state but make us feel better (like we have 'control'). The best course of action is to walk on a loose rein to allow him relaxation. We must still control the direction and speed, it’s not a case of letting him go where he likes but a matter of understanding his mental and physical needs (movement and freedom) and facilitating that to help him Eitherrelax. leading him, or riding him at the walk on a loose rein will fast track relaxation, and yet it sounds just too simple.
Keep it simple don’t over complicate it

The Horse Report
Seven broadcasts world equestrian events
In a major win for equestrian members, fans and athletes, the Seven Network is picking up broadcast rights to the world’s best equestrian events, including the FEI World Championships 2022, featuring up to 100 hours of event coverage to be streamed live, free and in HD* on 7plus. With coverage from Herning now available on-demand from the vast library, viewers can recap equestrian and paraequestrian events from Herning, and get ready to watch Pratoni, live as the action unfolds, or catch up following the event, with on-demand content available for streaming on 7plus. An all-encompassing equestrian showcase, Seven’s coverage of the Championships will highlight all disciplines across the event including, jumping, dressage, para-dressage, vaulting, eventing, driving and endurance across its live, on-demand and highlights coverage shows on 7two and 7plus. In a highlight for Australian equestrian fans, eight-time Olympian Andrew Hoy will take centre stage with his silver and bronze-medal winning mount from last year’s Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, Vassily de AndrewLassos. has won three Olympic gold medals, two silvers and a bronze, and will compete for Australia in the eventing competition at the FEI World Championships 2022 at Pratoni, which starts on 15 September. Then equestrian fans can all look forward to watching nine-time World Champion Boyd Exell compete in the Driving as he looks to defend his World Championship title. “This is terrific news for equestrian, enabling the sport to reach a new audience of fans, as well as loyal and enthusiastic members and supporters of our team. This level of coverage for equestrian is unprecedented and we are pleased with the on-going support provided by the Seven Network,” Equestrian Australia CEO, Darren Gocher said. The schedule of upcoming live squestrian events and documentaries on 7Plus has been announced and here's what fans can expect to watch in the coming months: Sep 3 - Sat 00:15am EST | GCL Round 1, Rome Sep 3 - Sat 9:35pm EST | GCL Round 2, Rome Sep 4 - Sun 1:00am EST | LGCT Grand Prix, Rome Sep 14-15 - Wed 14 - Thus 15 TIME TBC | FEI Eventing World Championships, Italy Sep 21-25 - TIME TBC | FEI Eventing World Championships, SepItaly24 - Sat 05:30am EST | GCL Round 1, New York Sep 25 - Sun 02:30am EST | GCL Round 2, New York Sep 25 - Sun 06:00am EST | LGCT Grand Prix, New York Oct 20 - Thur TIME TBC | GCL Round 1, Riyadh Oct 22 - Sat TIME TBC | GCL Round 2, Riyadh Oct 22 - Sat TIME TBC | LGCT Grand Prix, Riyadh Oct 22-Sat TIME TBC | FEI Endurance NovChampionships,WorldItaly18-Fri04:10amEST | GCL Quarterfinal, Prague Nov 19 - Sat 04:10am EST | GCL Semifinal, Prague Nov 20 - Sun 4:10am EST | LGCT Super Grand Prix, Prague Nov 20 - Sun 23:40pm EST | GCLFinal, Prague If that’s not enough equestrian footage, you can also check out the equestrian hub and equestrian channel. 7plus EQUESTRIAN HUB newpagesPlus’tmisstheseshow–wherethefollowingarethisyear:
FEI World Championships Replays championships | FEI DocumentaryOriginal champions The Insider | GCTV Magazine Show insider of Greatness greatness EQUESTRIAN CHANNEL Equestrian Channel – sharing the best of the FEI World Championships and Longines Global Champions Australian equestrian fans can now keep up to date with international events thanks to the Seven Network picking up broadcast rights to world leading equestrian events. - Ph 0413 733 294 - Email - Ph 0413 733 294 - Email Page 29

"The majority of horses in the upcoming sale have not raced since being gelded, so the buyers are going to reap the full benefit of the improvement to come," Sally said. "We are selling all lots with vet reports and full disclosure and encourage as many prospective buyers as possible to come and inspect them at the Magic Millions Complex on the Gold Coast, they will not be disapThepointed."geldings will be available for inspection at Magic Millions from 1pm on September 7 until the close of the sale. For inspections queries please contact Ben Culham on 0419 646 860. For more information contact a member of Magic Millions' Bloodstock team or visit
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All of the geldings entered are just turned three or four-year-olds and include black type juveniles Flashing Steel and Nobel, exciting galloper Merchant Prince (beaten 2.4Lin the G1 Blue Diamond Stakes) last start winners Lammer, Rekero and Shirvo and unraced trial winners Barnes and "There'sDiscotheque.aselection of unraced and lightly raced geldings with an abundance of racing upside," Sally said. Over recent years tried racehorses such as Lombardo, Garibaldi, Persan, Young Werther, Star Patrol, Ellsberg, Holyfield, Osamu, Igniting, Phillipsburg and Tramonto have gone on to race with great distinction, showing there is always plenty of upside for astute trainers away from the TFI system.
The September Magic Millions online sale will offer buyers a chance to pick up quality horses at competitive prices.
The upcoming Magic Millions Online Sale to be held from 5th to 9th of September has been boosted with the announcement of the TFI Gelding Unreserved Reduction Sale
The Horse Report
"The TFI business model is primarily making stallions," TFI's Racing and Breeding Manager Sally Williams said. "Obviously once horses are gelded, they no longer fit that mould. "For this reason only, TFI are presenting an outstanding group of good looking and well educated geldings with world class pedigrees through Magic Millions Online."
September Magic Millions online sale
The 21 lot draft will present prospective buyers with a wonderful opportunity to purchase lightly raced gallopers with world class pedigrees and bright racing futures. Featuring black type performers, international winners, proven metropolitan performers and unraced trial winners, the TFI draft is sure to appeal to buyers looking for a ready-made racehorse at any level of the Inmarket.amajor boost for buyers, all lots offered will be sold without reserve.

QUEENSLAND ITCH, SWEET ITCH, SUMMER ECZEMA and EQUINE ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world. The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
Page 31 The Horse Report featureTrainers KURITCH – REPELS
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab. The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable. KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways: Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin. It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy Theseskin.significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects. Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects. As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse. Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies. Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies. Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites. Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: NUISANCE INSECTS
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin. Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).

141 - Protection of Horses Sport Rules and Special Regulations must be read in conjunction with the GRs. In cases of conflict of interpretation between the provisions of the Sport Rules or Special Regulations, the principles of the GRs will take Inprecedence.casesofdoubt about the interpretation of Articles or their application to particular circumstances, OCs should obtain a ruling from the EA National Office. Per Article 99 of the General Regulations:
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A phase in period of six months is being introduced to ensure horses are competing with sensory hairs. From 1st July 2022, horses found competing with modifiedclipped/shaven/otherwisesensoryhairswillbeissued a recorded warning From 1st January 2023, horses found competing with clipped/shaven/otherwise modified sensory hairs will be eliminated from the event.
In cases of a Horse’s illness or injury during an Event the Ground Jury will decide, after consulting the Veterinary Delegate or Commission, whether the Horse may continue in that or subsequent Competitions. A Horse’s sensory hairs may not be clipped and/or shaven or otherwise modified in any way under penalty of elimination from the event. Individual sensory hairs may be removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the Horse. Areas of hair that must be clipped, shaven or removed to allow veterinary treatment are exempt from this rule.
E ffective 1st of July 2022, the following addition has been included in the Equestrian Australia General Regulations (GRs): Chapter VI Protection of Athletes and ArticleHorses

Sensory Hairs are a coarse hair-like structure found around the horse’s eyes and muzzle. The purpose of sensory hairs, both around the eyes and muzzle, is to provide sensory feedback on the horse’s environment and surroundings. The length of the sensory hairs determines the safe distance from unfamiliar objects, compensating for the blind spots a horse has in front of its face and underneath its nose. In fact, many times the only information a horse receives about what is happening in these areas is provided through its sensory hairs. As well as this, they also enable the horse to understand unfamiliar characteristics of food or detect small inedible Theobjects.sensory hairs present on both upper and lower eyelids provide an automatic blink response when they encounter something like a fly or contact with an object which helps protect the eye Equestrianitself.Australia
What is a Recorded Warning Card and how do I issue one? - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 33
What can a Veterinary Exemption
Who must abide by this rule?
What are Sensory Hairs?
Location and purpose of Sensory Hairs
Dressage, Eventing and Show Horse have a Recorded Warning Card template annexed in the corresponding Sport Rules which outlines the offences that a Recorded Warning Card can be issued for in each discipline and the process that an Official will need to follow when issuing one. Who can eliminate a horse or issue a recorded warning? Officials recognised by EA are responsible for the implementation of all GRs and Rules. Different disciplines have different Officials that hold this responsibility. Refer to the National Sport Rules for further information on which Officials are recognised by EA for the implementation of GRs and Rules which includes the elimination or issuing of a Recorded Warning Card to Athletes.
advises that sensory hairs located around the mouth, nose and eyes are an important sensory organ for the horse and should not be removed for cosmetic purposes. The hair inside the horses ears are not considered Sensory Hairs and may be trimmed.
The EA GRs, Sport Rules and Special Regulations apply to equestrian Events and/or Competitions organised by persons or bodies affiliated to EA, or otherwise under the jurisdiction of EA. By entering in a competition that is governed under EA rules, the participant is accepting to abide by these rules regardless of whether they are an EA member or not.
As per the EA GRs Article 141, individual sensory hairs may be removed by a veterinarian to prevent pain or discomfort for the Horse. Areas of hair that must be clipped, shaven or removed to allow veterinary treatment are exempt from this rule. Horses that have a veterinary exemption must provide proof in the form of a Veterinary Certificate to the Organising Committee and Event Officials on request. Is there a certain length or number of Sensory Hairs that must remain on the horse? No, there is no specified length or number of hairs that must remain on the horse. The spirit of the rule is that the Sensory Hairs of the horse are not purposely altered or modified in any way.
Horses have special tactile sensory hairs, known as their whiskers. The whiskers on a horse play an important role in their sensory awareness system. These amazing sensory hairs have their own nerve and blood supply and help horses navigate their surroundings.

The Horse Report
The trotting displays will only run during the morning tea break from 10.30 till approx 11.15am then not recommence until the other events in the main ring have been completed on Saturday afternoon.
The Far North Coast Branch of the Australian Stock Horse Society are providing prizes for our Australian Stock Horse Feature ring which has handler, hack and working classes for junior and senior registered Stock Horses. Our ever-popular Show jumping program will be run on Saturday with great cash prizes from our generous sponsors for the great selection of events. Trotting displays are again generously sponsored by Garrards Horse and Hound. One lucky driver will go home with a new RIO gig donated by Garrards. To help with new timetables within the Main Arena we ask for all trotting drivers to pre-nominate their entries - contact number for the trotting is John Ward 0418 254 695. To avoid delays on competition day waivers can be downloaded at to have ready to hand in on the day. Gate entry for all competitors is just $10 per adult and $5 for under 16yo (kids under 6yo FREE) Membership at just $15- per year for adults and $7.50 for under 16yo allows unlimited entry over both days of the show. Queensland Competitors are reminded that all stock must meet DPI border crossing spaying requirements. Programs and further information about all sections of the 2022 Mullumbimby Agricultural show can be found on our Facebook page orvia email to
The hack, breed and show jumping events, will leave the arena during all trotting displays. The Mullumbimby Show committee and volunteers appreciate our horse competitor's assistance with ensuring these changes are implemented easily. The Main Ring will have hack, hunter and breed classes on Saturday including Youngstock feature classes. Get your creative ideas ready for the fun of the Fancy Dress class, anything goes class for horse and rider/handler.
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HackNorthern2022NSWChampionships 25th - 27th November 2022 Hawthorne Park Grafton NSW Danni Milligan Photography 2023 Grand National Qualifer Proudly presented by the Northern NSW Show Horse Assoc Enquiries Show Secretary - EleanorGerry 0409 710 953 Email: Please note: All horses from QLD will need to be sprayed by a Qld accredted certifier or vet as venue holds cattle events on their grounds Follow us on facebook Northern NSW Show Horse Association JUDGES Simon De Leeuw Miranda Kerr Tony Bailey Ashley Cooper Entries close 27 October 2022 www mullumbimbyshow org au
The 2022 Mullumbimby Show will be held over the weekend of 12th and 13th of November. Exciting changes for the always beautiful main arena of the Mullumbimby show have been made for our Horse section entrants. New timetables will be trialled to alleviate disruptions. - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 35
The 120th Murwillumbah show wil be held, 4 & 5 November 2022 Gates open at 5.00 pm on 4/11 with the Friday Night Rodeo, food vendors, bars, live music with The Fat Albert Band & Sideshow Alley providing entertainment for all. Horse Events commence early 5/11, beginning with the All-Breeds Classic classes at 8.00am, followed by a full program of Breed Classes, Off The Track Classes, Rider, Hack & Hunter Classes & Sporting Events. Champions of Led Breed classes will compete for Supreme Led Stallion, Supreme Led Mare & Supreme Led Gelding, with those Supreme winners competing for the prestigious QEII Silver Jubilee Trophy. Champion Show Hunters and Working Hunters will compete for Supreme Hunter. Champion Pony, Champion Galloway & Champion Hack will compete for Supreme Hack. Showjumping program runs all day. Saturday entertainment includes Aussie FMX, Guy McLean plus a huge fireworks & pyrotechnic display. Sideshow Alley, food & bar outlets open till late, with The Jacks rocking the Bushman's Stage from 8.30pm. Horse Schedules & Show Information available on the website or contact the TRAS Secretary P02 6672 5507 M 0427 725 507 or Email
Queensland Rd, Murwillumbah contact SeniorInstructor- Paula Anthony 0413 733 294 email : MurwillumbahPonyClub Show Riding, Dressage, Jumping, Sporting, Games, lots of fun * * ** * * 2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * *2 D A Y M I N I C A M P * * * T h u r s d a y 6 t h & F r i d a y 7 t h O c t o b e r 2 0 2 2 Show Horse SeptemberQueensland17-18 EQ HOTY - Toowoomba Entries Via Nominate Closing date: 23/8/2022 October 8 Rider Clinic - Park Ridge Contact Toni Harper Purcell - Ph 0439 732 645 October 9 Champions of Champions Hack Show - Park Ridge Contact EQ Office - Ph 07 3891 6611
The Murwillumbah Pony Club will be holding School Holiday Mini Camp on 6 and 7 October, 2022. Instruction will be provided in show jumping, sporting, showriding, dressage, games and obstacles. This camp will be BYO food but the Thursday night there will be a pizza night. The club operates out of the Murwillumbah Showgrounds and offers great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members. New members are welcome to join the club and join in the fun but riders from any club are welcome to come along. For further information or to received a Mini Camp nomination form contact Paula on 0413 733 294 or email offergreat facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors, friendly helpful members. Murwillumbah Showgrounds,
The Horse Report

The Northern NSW Hack Championships will be held at the Hawthorne Park South Grafton from November 25 to 27 and is a qualifying event for the 2023 Show Horse Council Australasia Grand Nationals. Events include riders, Open and Show Hunter classes including Newcomer, Preliminary and Amateur Owner classes, Children’s Day, Home produced and Off The Track Classes. The Open classes will include a Home Produced award and the Childen’s class will include an Owner rider award. All entries are via the SHC Data base, visit
Entries to be completed before September 22 Organisers have secured some great sponsorship and will have loads of prizes on offer for 28 champions and three supremes. There will be led classes - Rising Star classes - Novice Riders - Novice open and hunter pony galloway and hack classes - Second Chance ringOff the Track classes. Separate enclosed ring for young riders new to showing that includes leadline and independent events to include Led classes hack and rider games and fancy dress. For further information Email: or Email:
Pre nominate by Thursday 22nd September via www manehub com Entry fee - $30 per horse (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes)
For further information contact theShow Secretary - Eleanor Gerry 0409 710 953 Email:
The NNSW all breeds show will be held at Alstonville Showgrounds starting at 8am on Sunday, 9th October 2022. There is an awesome program with Led and Ridden Classes for All breeds plus Beginners Ring for those just starting out in the show ring There is a two ring format for Ponies, Galloways & Hacks, Off the Track classes loads of sashes trophies and prizes o offer major awards include the Supreme Champion Led Stallion of the Show, Supreme Champion Led Mare of the Show, Supreme, Champion Led Gelding of the Show, Supreme overall led (Marjorie Clark Memorial), Supreme Champion Rider of the Show (Greg Potts Memorial), Supreme Champion Hack of the Show (Ward Rippon Memorial), Supreme Champion Hunter Hack of Show. Entry fee is $40 per horse via (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes) Entries to be completed before October 6 For show Enquiries: Email.
Page 36 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: The Horse Report Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW. Contact: NSW DPI at Kirra Ph. 0755364714 Fax 0755361290 - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999 CaCa ttle ticttle tic ks arks ar e notife notif iaiabb le in NSWle in NSW NORTHERN NSW SHOW HORSE ASSOC SaturdayHACKSPRINGSHOW-24September 2022 8:30 at Maclean Show Grounds, Cameron St Maclean NSW Champ & Res Champ Led Pony, Galloway & Hack Champ & Res Champ Led Show Hunter Pony, Galloway & Hack Champ & Res Champ Novice Pony, Galloway & Hack Champ & Res Champ Open Pony, Galloway & Hack Champ & Res Champ Show Hunter Pony, Galloway & Hack Rising Star classes - Novice Riders - Second Chance ring TRACK TO HACK CLASSES SUPREME RIDER - SUPREME HACK - SUPREME HUNTER - SUPREMELED Separate enclosed ring for young riders new to showing that includes leadline & independent events to include Led classes hack and rider games & Fancy Dress For further information Email: F o l l o w u s o n f a c e b o o k N o r t h e r n N S W S h o w H o r s e A s s o c i a t i o n The Northern NSW Show Horse Association. Proudly presents T h e 2 0 2 2 N N S WT h e 2 0 2 2 N N S W A l l B r e e d s S h o wA l l B r e e d s S h o w Alstonville Showgrounds - 8:30am Sunday 9th October 2022 Led and Ridden Classes for All breeds & Beginners Ring 2 Ring format for Ponies, Galloways & Hacks, Off the Track classes Supreme Champion Led Stallion of the Show Supreme Champion Led Mare of the Show Supreme Champion Led Gelding of the Show Supreme overall led (Marjorie Clark Memorial) Supreme Champion Rider of the Show (Greg Potts Memorial) Supreme Champion Hack of the Show (Ward Rippon Memorial) Supreme Champion Hunter Hack of Show For show Enquiries: Email. Pre nominate by Thursday 6th October via Entry fee - $40 per horse $20 for horses 3yrs and under not shown under saddle (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes) F o l l o w u s o n f a c e b o o k N o r t h e r n N S W S h o w H o r s e A s s o c i a t i o n
The NNSW Show Horse Association will be holding a Spring Hack Show at Maclean Showgrounds on Saturday September 24 Competitors must be members of SHCAand to show proof of membership or pay a day membership fee of $20 Entry fee is $30 per horse via (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes)

 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 37 The Horse Report Keep cattle ticks out of NSW Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW. Enquiries: NSW DPI Biosecurity - * Select Factsheets link at the bottom of page for Information on NSW cattle tick entry requirements * Select blue button [Record of Movement form] to complete the required ROM Ph. 07 5536 4714 - For on-duty Compliance Officer contact details, or to leave a message - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999 CaCa ttle ticttle tic ks ar ar e notife iaiabb le in NSWin NSW GLENARTHON STOCKMANS CHALLENGES Want a great affordable weekend out as a whole family???? The 2022 Genarthon Stockmans challenges will be held at Mallanganee Showgrounds October 1 & 2. Come along and have some fun There is a lot on offer this year not only for the Open rider but for everyone . There are Mini, Junior and Youth Challenges, encouragement and Rookie Challenges and Challenges for 2, 3 and 4 year old horses. There will be a dinner and auction on saturday night at The West of The Range Pony Club Bar and the canteen will be open all Entriesweekend.are now open For further information contact the Event Co Ordinator: Colleen McQueen 0429 334 041 Email

Page 38 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: The Horse Report 2022 SHCQ TEESE FEEDS SPRING CLASSIC 0408 724 935 - Reserve Champion Large Galloway Langtree Acushla exhibited by Adam Oliver Champion Small Show Hunter Galloway Courtalia Park Royalty exhibited by Mia ChampionPlucknettSmall Show Hunter Hack Oceans LeVu exhibited by Aolani Ware Champion Rider 21-30 yrs was awarded to Riley Kent riding Bailee Richdale’s First Impressions - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 39 The Horse Report 2022 SHCQ TEESE FEEDS SPRING CLASSIC 0408 724 935 - Champion large Pony Bordershow Florentine ridden by Mikayla Vankampen Reserve Champion Large Pony Tremayne Royal Occasion ridden by Melissa Sambrooks Dakota Phillips riding Thorwood Fairy Floss with mum Leannda Scott was the winner of the rider under 6 Champion Small Galloway Vanity Rose exhibited by Kirsty ChampionHarper-PurcellSmallHack La Dolce Vita exhibited by Riley Kent for Teena Johnstone

Page 40 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: The Horse Report COFFS HARBOUR HINTERLAND REGIONAL Ben Hudson and Musician Beautiful rosettes garland and amazing products on display on the prize table Jade Pollard Wallis and Beltana Power N Time SUPREME CHAMPION RIDDEN EXHIBIT Led Hunter GallowaySupreme led exhibit Westlake Rock Star and Carolyn Halliday Tanya Daley and M-J Early Oak Champion Hunter Galloway Champion and Reservechampion Open Pony Champion OTTJust Another Bill exhibited by Jahla Graham Champion Led OTTexhibited by Carolyn Halliday Reserve Champion OTTO'driscoll exhibited by Jessica Mccusker

The Horse Report
Contact: Luke Millington Ph: 0478 119 410
Video Footage Link - Contact: Kathryn Mitchell Ph: 0407 979 982 Contact:
Dalbrae Diamond t Price: $ 5,000. 11.2 Sire:YOB:GreyReg:hhWelshMare2018Ripple
Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 Price: $ 30,000. 11.2 hh Reg:
CarnivalSpringWhitmere Price:
Exceptional yearling riding pony colt. Bred in the purple. Outstanding mover and delightful temperament. Expected to mature under 12.2hh. Currently stabled. For sale through no fault of his own. Genuine enquiries only. Pony is currently located in Victoria.
FSwanreachlirtatious Price: $ 25,000. 11.3 hh Brown Mare Reg: ARP| SHC | EA Sire: Rotherwood Spring Parade Dam: Swanreach Baby Doll If you looking for a top winning lead rein pony this is it. Evie has won many major titles in the last 2 years as well as open pony classes at Royals. She is a Quality lead Rein pony quiet well educated and leads to perfection. She does need a bigger rider atm for Royal shows and Qualifiers but can carry Mila at an AG Show all day. Performances as follows. Northern NSW2020 Hack Champs/ Runner up small pony. Grand Nationals 2021 Top 5 Open lead rein pony. Northern NSW2021Runner up Lead rein pony. ENSWHOTY2021 Champion open Lead rein pony. Country NSW2021 Champion Open lead rein pony.Champion Open pony u 12.2.Runner up child’s pony u 12.2 Canberra Royal Show 2022 1st child’s pony u12 EASouthern cross 2022 Champion open lead rein pony. Sydney Royal 1st open pony u12. This pony is one in a million huge future ahead only just getting started. Easy nice person to have around we love her, only for sale as Mila is now 8 and out of lead rein and has several bigger ponies. Evie has all made to measure bridles Shelley Cole, number holders etc. can be purchased. Vet check welcomed. Contact: Chantelle Allaries Ph: 0438 682 404
Brook Cupid Dam: Dalbrae Treasure Dalbrae Diamond, 11.2 hh, 4 yo, registered Section AWelsh mountain pony mare is offered for sale by breeder. DD has been shown successfully in-hand as a youngster and was backed by vendor early in 2022. She is currently in work adding to her education with a family of 4 children aged from 16 to 9 who ride and work her daily. Going well under saddle with a good work ethic. DD is taking everything in her stride and even as a young pony rarely puts a foot wrong and just needs further schooling and education. DD is easily handled by children and isn’t fussed by cars, bikes, exuberant children, dogs or sideshows. DD is not a beginner or learner’s pony. She is well suited to the saddle show career and is expected to do well at the highest level in Leading Rein and/or First Ridden classes and needs a knowledgeable home to take her to the next stage of her showing career. DD is of the highest quality. Correct conformation with three lovely paces. Would suit competitive show home. Vet check welcome. Suzie EA| SHC | Buckskin | Part Welsh Buckskin Mare Sire: Bradmore Toy Soldier Dam: Weston Park Pearl Little candy is an absolute superstar lead rein and open show pony. She has just excelled in her first season. In her first season she has won her Newcomers through to royals and competing SomeNationally.ofher performances include: - Champion Open small pony ESAHOTY - Champion lead rein pony ESAHOTY - Runner up Child's small pony ESAHOTY - (Tying for Champion) Runner up Lead rein open pony EANationals - Winner novice & Open small pony Canberra royal - took a 7 yr. old to Champion rider 6-9 and qualifying for Grand Nationals - qualified Grand Nationals 2023 for Lead rein, first ridden, open & child's Candy has handled every atmosphere thrown at her and been ridden by many different children at different ages but would love to see her go to a home that can continue her education as she is only young and has the world at her feet. She is very educated for her age, she has a wonderful mouth and just sits in the bridle. Melissa Harding Ph: 0402 660 884 $ 4,000. Price Updated!! 12.0 hh Reg: Sire:YOB:YearlingBay/BrownRPSBColt2021Whitmere Secret Agent Dam: Holly's Spring Show - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 41

The Horse Report
Page 42 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi
Koorana Summer Love Price:
Reg: Part
Tamarie PerfectionistPark Price: $ 8,000. 13.2 hh Reg: EA& SHC Sire:YOB:MareChestnut2014Tamrie Park Xcels Refections Dam: Torrensway Perdita Pixie is a Beautiful Hunter pony on the rise she just gets better and better. Professionally educated and had the best start possible. - Top 10 all NSWQualifiers. - Winner Lismore Newcomer 2020/21 - 5 th Novice SYD 22 - Canberra Royal 22 3rd open /3rd Novice Great little Jumper good for working Hunter classes. Loves to jump great little interschool all round pony Trail rides good to do all on the ground. Easy traveller eats well etc. away from home. For sale due to rider going onto a galloway exceptional pony for competent child or small adult, no beginners please. This mare has a huge future Contact:ahead. Chantelle Allaries Ph: 0438 682 404 Yartala MomentoPark Price: $ 12,000. 13.2 hh Reg: Riding Pony Sire:YOB:GeldingBay/Brown2010Yartala Park Chipmonk Dam: Langtree Memories Darcy is a sweet natured boy who has given me my confidence back after 25yrs out of the saddle. He is a fabulous all-rounder pony. He is well educated with 3 lovely paces and is a very honest pony. Unfortunately due to surgery and a lot more time off than expected, I offer him for sale. It saddens me, but I don’t want to see him go to waste. Free of any vices, good to float, shoe etc. Comes with many rugs and bridle. Genuine inquiries only. Contact: Naomi Ph: 0439 948 514 Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy done everything from pony club to dressage, shows, jumping, and loves going for a swim in the dam. He is well schooled and is completely handled by children. Austin is a true childs pony that requires no work or ear plugs He is easy to wash, clip, float, shoe. Contact: Cherie Baines Ph: 0481 292 774 $ 25,000. 13.3 hh Welsh, Partbred APSB, Saddle Pony, SHC Bay Koorana Royal Imprint Summer as she is affectionately known is well beyond her years. She has the world at her feet and a huge future ahead of her, with super solid foundations and a correct and calm start she’s ready to take a little rider all the way to the top. Summer has no quirks or bad habits and makes for a very uncomplicated Softride. snaffle mouth and sits in a consistent frame very kindly. 3 balanced paces and very consistent way of going. Established shoulder in and leg yield through all 3 paces. Established counter canter. More whoa than go. Newcomer 2022. Been to Canberra and Bathurst Royal, NPOTY, Pacific Coast, Numerous Ag Shows and always brings home a ribbon. She has been to Pony Club, Trail rides, Jumped and Sported, ridden bareback or while eating. Easy to take out and about alone or in company and a dream to prep. Ridden by children of all ages in the open with no fuss. Easy to do everything with, beautiful ground manners, will be your best friend. In full show condition and work- ready to go Easy to catch, float, clip, trim, prep etc. Clean legs, blemish free and sound (vet check welcomed).
Sire:MareKoorana Royal Showcase Dam:
Contact: Sarah Pernice Ph: 0477 771 672
Email - Ph: 0400 558 Price: $ 18,000. neg 13.3 hh Reg: EA| SHC | Riding Pony Bay Sire:YOB:Gelding2014Whitmere Secret Agent Dam: Rothwell Make Me Famous Fully qualified for all royals . He has

Contact: Deb McClelland Ph: 0407 783 298
Contact: Brittany Ph: 0427 454 743
Contact: Lynda Ph: 0408 411 191 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 43
The Horse Report
Contact: Melanie McGuire Ph: 0427 445 503
Fontain Park Tri Dozen t Price: $ 15,000. 13.0 hh Reg: APSB | Part Welsh Brown Sire:GeldingBuckskinFairlightAcres Aristocrat Dam: Bronzer Park Rhapsody Panda is an outstanding medium hunter pony with a huge future ahead of him, he just finished his first show season with huge success including EAHOTYmedium show hunter pony & child's medium Show hunter pony, taking him to nationals in his newcomer years and multiple championships. Panda would be an asset to any professional show home wanting a pony that ticks all the boxes. Panda is ridden by a 10yo at home, he loves to jump and pony club, trail rides etc. he takes everything I'm his stride. No work down required at shows. Easy to travel, eats all his food and never runs out of fuel! Panda would suit a confident and capable child or small teen wanting to go to the very top. Since Panda is still green in his work but is completely safe he requires a capable rider to continue his education, home is very important and will be of most importance as we love him dearly and he is still learning. Comes with show bridle and rugs. Price dropped as I don't have time to keep him in work anymore.
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558
CBordershowastiel Price: $ 15,000 12.3 hh Reg: SHC, EA, Riding Pony, Arabian Derivative, ASP, Part Welsh Bay Boy Blue Dam: Weston Prunella Registered Riding Pony, Part Welsh, Arabian Derivative, SHC , EA, Saddle Pony. Cass loves strutting his stuff in the show ring. He is handled by children catch, wash, rug, saddle, feed etc. Cass loves being pampered and he really deserves his next little rider who will spoil and love him. Cass has competed successfully under saddle at Ag shows, Royal Shows, pony club, camp, and gymkhanas. Easily qualifies for royals Always in the supreme line up led & ridden (with his 12yr old jockey) Cass is a forward moving pony so he is more suited as a 2nd pony. Cass is easy to get going and he has a nice soft mouth and he sits in a nice frame with 3 even paces. Sad sale of a much loved pony, but sadly outgrown. We are in no rush to sell and we will wait for the perfect home.
HiOwendaleBob Price: $ 16,000. 12.3 7/8 hh Reg: EA| Riding Pony | ASP| Part ChestnutWelsh Gelding Sire: Owendale Black Forest Dam: Willowcroft Cameo Multi champion over multiple states in multiple disciplines. The hard decision has been made for Bob to find his next loving home. In full show condition. Always ridden by children possessing looks, movement presence and education. Agreat traveller clip shoe prep. Bob is best suited to an experienced child because of his upfront movement and stride which makes him a super rider class mount.
Bob comes with everything you need to start your journey, flydes made to measure saddle bridle bits false tail, number holder, headstall with name plate. Some rugs. If this is not what you need negotiation can be made just for Bob. Lots of video and photos upon request.
Ascot Tru La La Price: $ POA 12.2 hh Reg: Riding Pony, Arabian API, Part Welsh, APSB Riding Pony Grey Filly Sire: Mirinda Field Of Dreams (AI) (UK) Dam: Ascot True Love This pony is true quality in every way, she is by Field of Dreams being the sire of HOTY/GN winners such as Mirinda Alabaster, Mirinda Fortitude, DPLondon etc. and she will be no exception with a saddle on Her dam, Ascot True Love, (bay, also pictured) a Royal Supreme in hand and HOTYNewcomer winner under saddle and also dam of Ascot Jadore (Royal & HOTYwinner in (SA) "Layla" is professionally trained in hand, mouthed and recently taught to lunge through the paces. Big ground covering stride along with the glorious temperament Shown lightly in hand this season for wins at state level: - 1st Yearling to mature under 12.2hds 2022 Welsh National Show - Supreme Champion Part Welsh Exhibit Euroa Ag Show - 2022 Junior APSB Riding Pony of the Year - 2022 WP&CS Youngstock Show - Supreme Champion Part Welsh Exhibit - ABSS Youngstock Spectacular - Supreme Champion Part Welsh Youngstock, Supreme Champion Riding Pony Exhibit She will make a superb addition to a competitive show team and will stand out in any crowd. Genuine enquiries please, a great home a must!

I’ve had kids in him on the lead and was great. No nasties does mildly wind suck but doesn’t affect his weigh or appetite, doesn’t do it in the paddock and doesn’t try with a collar on. Other than that he’s a great little dude and tries his heart out.
The Horse Report
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558
Contact: Leia Ph: 0400 761 589
MagicBeauparcMike Price: $ 18,000. 14.3 1/3 hh Reg: SHC | EA| Part Welsh Sire:YOB:GeldingChestnut2015Cherrington Damascus Dam: Grace’s Magic National Quality Large Hunter Galloway Mike is an easy, fun and stunning horse. All the hard work has been done and is now ready to kick off his show ring career. Qualified for open large hunter GN 23 and easily qualifies for all the royals. Would also suit PC, interschool’s, dressage and working hunter classes. Perfect first Galloway, adult or child’s rider class float, wash, clip. Footage available on request. Contact: Ciel Letts Ph: 0407 711 339 SundanceBayview Price: $ POA 14.1 hh Reg: Riding Pony | Part Welsh Chestnut Gelding YOB: 2014 Sire: Royalwood Boy Soprano Dam: Bayview French Kiss Prior to being broken in, Sundance was successfully shown in hand including champions at Royals and breed shows. He stepped out under saddle for numerous wins including Newcomer Galloway HOTYand qualifying for GN in his first season. Multiple Owner Rider Championships at SHC and ENSWShows and Top 10 Childs Galloway at HOTY. Entered Sydney 2022 and EASouthern Cross. Video available. Vet check welcome Genuine enquiries Contact: Cherie Ph: 0418 202 527
Page 44 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi
Contact: Melissa Harding Ph: 0402 660 884 Rivers Taj Price: $ 10,000. 14.2 hh Reg: Riding Pony | EA| SHC Sire:YOB:GeldingBay2014Millawarrah Magnitude Dam: El Jackie In his newcomer year pulling champions at every show he’s been to, in both open and led classes, eligible part welsh Arabian derivative. Easy to do everything with, travels beautifully.
Aria le belle Price: $ 18,000. 14.2 hh Reg: EA| SHC Sire:YOB:MareChestnut2013Royalwood Boy Soprano Dam: PoppyFalsifyisasuper competitive child's Galloway that has been campaigned over the last couple of years by a young teenager and taken her rider to the top. Qualifying for both rider class and child's classes at Grand Nationals and EASouthern Cross the last 2 years. Was Top 10 Grand National child's Galloway 2022 and already qualified for 2023 Grand Nationals child's Galloway. Poppy is a very non fuss mare. Beautiful natured and easy to do everything with. Only for sale as rider is concentrating on studies for next year and won't have time to ride. $18,000 comes with work bridle and some rugs. For extra can have all gear- saddle, numnah, show bridle, show rugs, false tail etc. Have everything ready to go to a show.
Can take out alone or in company, loves to go for a trail ride. Straight from float to ring no warm down needed. Great to lunge, soft snaffle mouth more whoa than go. Would suit a confident teen/ adult.

please. Video available upon request. Currently with
· Finalist - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: Page 45 The Horse Report Lamor Park Bedazzled Price: $ 16,000. 17.0 hh Reg: Dam:Sire:YOB:ColtChestnutWarmblood2021ByaleeBriarBlenheimPark Regardette Super flashy, expressive movement andvery athletic. Quiet and easy to hanVideodle. Footage Link - Contact: Sophia Palmer Ph: 0437 073 792 LP Wizard Price: $ 8,500. ono 14.1 hh Reg: Riding Pony | Part Welsh | Arabian Brown/BayPony Gelding YOB: 2014 Sire: Willowcroft Phoenix Dam: Naringa Touch of Shiraz Merlin is very nice quality forward moving Galloway with 3 beautiful gates he’s currently in full time work with trainer great to wash clip etc. Merlin has competed at local ag shows with great success always coming home with ribbons first show back for the year coming home with R/Champion hunter Galloway. Only offered for sale as I feel like he’s been wasted with me as I have to many horses. Level rider (experienced teen or adult. Video available on request. No time waster as this hard sale. Contact: Cassandra Simonds Ph: 0432 557 826
· Top
Contact: Suzie Bloxsidge-Kennedy Email - Ph: 0400 558 Now Or Never (Henrys Affair) Price: $ POA 16.1 ½ hh Bay Gelding Reg: EA| ASB | ANSA Sire: HenryDam:HenrythenavigatorAdmiral'sAffaircompletednewcomer year in 2019 and is going into his second season of showing (due to missing 2020 because of COVID). Recently been started as a hunter and has a “look at me presence” with lovely length of rein. He is the ideal rider class mount and with further experience he is going to be the ultimate child’s mount. Atrue Gentleman. Can ride bareback and stand up on him. Has been over a few small jumps and believe he would also suit interschool’s or dressage. Henry has been back to the track as a lead pony, leading race horses around the track and taken out to the lake to swim bareback. Ridden out along roads alone and in company, he is just happy to do whatever is asked of him.Easy to handle and loves attention, he is up to date with farrier, dentist and worming. Great to float, shoe, clip etc. Results: Led OTT, and Up Ridden OTT-Vic Saddlehorse champs 2022 Ridden Hunter and supreme rider -Mildura Horse complex 2021 - Barastoc 5th Led Hunter OTT2021 10 Show only David Warde. Ph 0439 918 341 or Ph: 0439 918 341
· Supreme
RedlineVictoria’s Price: $ POA 15.2 hh Reg: Anglo Arabian, Part Thoroughbred Chestnut Mare Sire: AriaDam:AndamanTurboisanexceptional, Grand National quality young mare. With incredible movement and extreme wow factor, alongside temperament you can’t buy, this horse will make anyone’s dreams come true. Aria has been to many in-hand shows including the royal show, Arabian state championships and more coming home with champions, supremes and supreme of supremes every time. Aria is now broken in and ready to hit the show ring this year and eligible for newcomers 2022. She has done her first ridden show last weekend coming home with two champions already. It is with the most heaviest heart that this horse has become for sale and is only due to being a young single mother and I can no longer afford to keep her so I am finishing up showing. Being my heart horse she will only be sold to the absolute very best of homes. No time wasters will be accepted please as this is already such a hard decision. Contact: Sophie Ph: 0499 168 600 or Vienna Smith Ph: 0438 121 438
Hunter Hack SHCVHOTY2021 · 3rd in both led and ridden Hunter OTTB SHCVHOTY Genuine enquires

‘Horse whispering’meets ‘people whispering’within Sue's innovative equine-assisted life coaching program that integrates extensive knowledge-bases in interpersonal communication skills, body language, emotional intelligence and personality types
We would like to congratulate Sue Spence for her two 2021 Gold Coast Women in Business Awards. This Award is just another that has been presented to Sue and Horses Helping Humans over the Thisyears.shows the consistency and ongoing recognition of Sue's dedication and hard work. Sue was a FINALIST (chosen in the top 3) and received this prestigious award for Business Adaption and Ingenuity. The Horses Helping Humans Team are very proud of Sue for this Award. Sue has a big vision for Humans Helping Humans and is adapting her business ready for future growth in Australia and overseas. Sue also received a "Merit Achievement in the 2021 Gold Coast Women in Business Awards". To be chosen in the top three is an incredible achievement and Sue stood along side two other women who are leaders in their fields, Weglobally.would like to see Horses Helping Humans in many more Communities. We are dedicated to training and helping Certified Facilitators share this incredible program. If you would like to become part of the Horses Helping Humans Team and make a difference in your Community, please contact us or call 0408 251 968 or visit
Coast Women in Business awards
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Congratulations to SUE SPENCE - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: cobakibob@bi GIFTS GIFTS PRODUCE/HAY/STOCKFEED HORSE CLIPPING HERBS PRODUCE/STOCKFEED CHIROPRACTICADVERTISING T R A D E S & S E R V I C E TS R A D E S & S E R V I C E S Ph 07 5520 6662 Fax 07 5522 6092 Mob 0400 712 759 Justin Wain Unit 1/9 Kortum Dr West Burleigh 4219 Email: Horse Clipping Heather Crack Ph 5546 3276 - 0408 193 131 Toowoomba.100RHONDA’SREFITSTaylorStreet,4350 GREAT GIFTS Buckles, Belts, Montana Jewellery & Flags Aussie books from TM * AIR B* AIR B * ANGLE L* ANGLE L * QU* QU Servicing the Gold Coast, Mid North Coast, Northern Rivers and regularly to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne LISAMcCANN HERBS - Ph: 07 5447 7644 C U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D SC U R R U M B I N C R E E K S T O C K F E E D S Ph 07 5559 5984 NEW LOCATION 68 Currumbin Creek Rd Currumbin Free Delivery Gold Coast - Pottsville Conditions Apply A D V E R T I S E I N T H I AS D V E R T I S E I N T H I S S P A C E N O SW P A C E N O W $20 per month (when booked for 12 months) one off advert $60 per issue Ph Paula 0413 733 294 or cobakibob@bigpond.comemail M.B.EQUINE CHIROPRACTIC S e r v i c i n g C o f f s H a r b o u r t o t h e G o l d C o a s t Matt ButlerMatt Butler 0410 619 0370410 619 037 EQUINE & GENERAL PRACTICE James A B.V.M.S.,M.R.C.V.S,F.A.N.Z.C.V.SRodger CONSULTANT & REGISTERED SPECIALIST IN EQUINE REPRODUCTION 10 Pagan Street JERRYS PLAINS NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6576 4162 - L A N G P A R K C O T T A G E S Anew rural tourist facility with 1 Bedroom cottages on our private 25 acre horse property 10 mins from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby & Bangalow 02 6684 7241 HOLIDAY ACCOMODATION TOURIST FACILITY

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Page 50 - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: - Ph 07 55909721 - mob 0413 733 294 - Email: B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G BS U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G S B U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N BG U S I N E S S C A R D L I S T I N G $30 for 2 months in the digitial online magazine Ph Paula - 0413 733 294 *** Now reaching over 50,000 readers *** Equine & Canine Patent Formulas TTM DAVID BRUSH-ON HOOF HEALER Disinfects, Conditions, Prevents Thrush and Promotes Healthy Hoof Growth HOOF-AID™ aids in the prevention of common conditions of dryness which results in brittle, shelly hoofs, hard frogs, quarter cracks, contracted and split heels. HOOF-AID™ arrests fungicidal and bacterial infection, prevents thrush and speeds normal hoof development by stimulation through the coronet band. HOOF-AID™ gets results without using harmful mineral oils, acids or pine tar. It retains the natural oils in the hoof, and supplements them. HOOF-AID™ doesn’t seal pores. Instead, it lets the hoof breathe, disinfects it, conditions it, and stimulates rapid healthy growth. Unit 6, 70 Fison Ave West, Eagle Farm QLD 4009 ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: OIL OF TURPENTINE, PINE OIL, LANOLIN, IODINE AVAILABLE IN HANDY 500mL CANS FROM ALL GOOD PRODUCE STORES AND SADDLERIES. Flax Seed Oil provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source ofOmega 3, an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their overall health. order

To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.
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SHOP NOW FeatureHealthEquine
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Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’ bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of cause’ssubstanceschemicaljoint pain The becomes,more the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle. protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already Inexists.short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.
What makes Rose-Hip Vital Equine stand out in a cluttered market?
There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9), You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special? Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven antiThe patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity. Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plantRose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the Horsesmedication.likeit so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?
Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.

ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world. The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges). While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin. Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies. Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites. Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.
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KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways: Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin. It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy Theseskin.significant
benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects. Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse. Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab. The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.