The Horse Report
Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to announce that Waratah Showjumping Inc has been selected to host the 2023 Australian Jumping Championships (AJC). The event will be held at Sydney International Equestrian Centre (SIEC) from 31 October to 5 November this year.
After 11 years, the AJC moves from Victoria to NSW and it will be the first time the Championships are held at SIEC.
The venue will undertake some major arena improvements in the time leading up to the AJC, including some work on two arenas at the north end of the venue.
Event Director Edwena Mitchell acknowledges the tremendous efforts and great success that Boneo Park have had over the past six COVID interrupted years and hopes to deliver another successful AJC in 2023.
“The 2023 AJC will be slightly different to previous years, as much due to the nature of the venue as anything else" Edwena said.
“There will only be two arenas
and at this early stage of planning, the event will most likely be held over six days to accommodate all the Titles and Series.”
Waratah Showjumping would
like to thank the EAJumping Committee for the opportunity to host the 2023 AJC.
“There are big shoes to fill after 11 years in Victoria at two great venues and we thank the
EAJumping Committee for this opportunity and its support,” Edwena said. For all enquiries contact: Edwena Mitchell
Equestrian Queensland congratulates Mary Seefried AM who has very deservingly been recognised as a Member of the General Division of the Order of Australia in the 2023 Australia Day Honours List for her significant service to equestrian sports.
Mary Seefried AM of Moggill was recognised for her significant service to equestrian sports. particularly in helping the Australian equestrian community.
One of her biggest achievements was instigating a structure for dressage official education in Australia.
"Without my family's tolerance of my passion and allowing me time out to be active on committees and travel for my own education, none of this would have been possible," she said.
Her significant achievements include:
Chair, Dressage Committee, 2013, and Member, 2017-2019.
Chair, Dressage Officials Education Committee, current.
Board Member, circa 2004.
Chair, 2008-2009.
International Dressage Judge, 1986-2022. Member, Australian Dressage Judges Committee, 2011. Judge, since 1980s.
National Dressage Selector, 1994-2005.
Queensland Delegate to Board, 20 years. Nominations Committee, 2020-2021. Dressage Judge Educator, current.
International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI) Member, Dressage Judges Supervisory Panel, since 2013.
Course Director, Dressage Judges, since 2009. Technical Delegate, Dressage, 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.
Technical Delegate Equestrian Asian Games, Jakarta 2018.
Technical Delegate Equestrian South East Asian Games, Malaysia 2017. Member, Judges Supervisory Panel, 2016 Rio de Janero Olympic Games. Reserve Judge, Dressage, 2012 London Olympic Games. Judge, Dressage, 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.
FEI 5* Judge. 1998-2022.
FEI 4* Judge, 1993-1998.
FEI 3* Judge, 1986-1993.
Equestrian Queensland Chair, 2002-2004.
Board Member. 12 years.
Member, Officials Sub-committee, Dressage Queensland, current.
Professional Parliamentary Librarian, Queensland Parliament, 2002-2012.
Awards and Recognition Include:
Inducted into Equestrian Queensland Hall of Fame, 2020.
Official of the Year, Equestrian Australia, 2006. Australian Sports Medal, 2000.
Agood pony club mount is a precious commodity and they often require special care to keep them fit, healthy and active for as many years as possible. Sound nutrition should form the basis of this care.
Pony club mounts are also carrying an even more precious load, your children and in this respect, temperament is everything. This article gives you some tips on how to feed your pony club mount to keep them healthy and calm without costing yourself a fortune.
Diets that are based on good quality hay or pasture have many advantages.
They keep horses calm, healthy and content, they are cost effective and they reduce the risk of major diseases like colic.
As a rule your pony club mount should be fed a minimum of 2 kg/100 kg of bodyweight/day of hay or given free access to pasture (provided excess weight isn’t an issue).
If your pony club mounts are able to hold their condition on pasture or hay alone all you need to do is provide them with a good quality vitamin and mineral supplement and you will
have a diet that keeps them happy, healthy and calm on a shoestring. FeedXLcan help you to work out which supplement to use and what dose rate will work best.
If you find they can’t hold their weight on grass based pasture or hay alone even when they are being fed as much as they can eat, try adding some lucerne/alfalfa hay to the diet.
If this still isn’t enough you will need to add a complete feed suitable for pony club mounts to
their diet.
the work they are doing and their current body condition. Don’t be afraid to adjust the amount you feed on a daily basis according to if and how hard they were ridden that day and what their temperament or body condition is like. For example, you might feed 2 kg of a complete feed on days your mount is ridden for at least an hour with 50% or more of this time being solid trot and canter work.
On days that horse is not ridden, it might only be fed 0.5 kg of feed plus its hay or pasture. Condition score your mounts regularly and assess their temperament and adjust their feed according to whether they are gaining, holding or losing weight or whether they are feeling flat or a little hyperactive.
Some feeds can affect a horse’s temperament, so if you do need to use a complete feed for your mount choose carefully. If you have a mount that tends to get hot when fed higher energy feeds, look for a non-grain complete feed that provides cooler energy from fat and fiber sources (Tip: to make it easy to find these feeds when using FeedXL, tick ‘Grain Intolerant’ when filling in your horse’s details and the unsuitable feeds will be in red in the feeds list). Likewise if your horse or pony is prone to laminitis, select feeds that contain no grain or grain by-product with a sugar and starch (NSC) content of less than 10 – 12% (again by ticking ‘Laminitis’in your horse’s details in FeedXL, unsuitable feeds will be ‘red listed’to help you steer clear of them).
If you have older mounts that are having trouble holding their weight or young horses that need extra energy, look for feeds that contain cooked and easy to digest grains and good quality protein.
Overfeeding will result either in an overweight horse or a hyperactive horse. One isn’t good for the horse, the other is certainly not good for its rider. When feeding your pony club mounts, feed them according to
Making sure all nutrient requirements including those for minerals and vitamins are met will keep your pony club mounts as healthy as possible.
Common deficiencies of minerals like selenium can compromise a horse’s immune function, copper deficiency will lead to bleached coat colour and joint issues while a zinc deficiency will eventually lead to hoof problems.
These nutrients are easily supplied in good quality vitamin and mineral supplements or well formulated complete feeds. Use FeedXLto assess if your mount’s requirements for these important nutrients are being met.
Feeding the pony club mount should focus on keeping them healthy and active, yet calm. Feeding balanced diets based on forage and only using suitable feeds when needed will go a long way to achieving this goal. Adjusting the amount of any high energy feeds fed according to the horse’s workload, temperament and body condition will help to avoid excessive weight gain and hyperactive behaviour, while being sure to meet all vitamin and mineral requirements will keep hooves, skin, coats, muscles and joints healthy for as long as possible.
We often talk about copper deficiency in horses and specifically its role in coat color.
Copper is part of an enzyme called tyrosinase which is essential for the production of melanin.
Melanin is what gives the skin, hair and eyes their color.
So it makes sense that copper deficiency would cause a change in coat color.
If an animal doesn’t have enough copper, they don’t make enough melanin and if they don’t have enough melanin they can’t color their coat.
Hereford cattle are my ‘copper deficiency canaries’… their coat color fades quite quickly when they become copper deficient. So they show me areas around the country that are very low in copper (which is almost everywhere).
Herefords should normally be a rich liver red color, but copper deficient herefords become a burnt orange color.
The ones shown in the photo here are on a farm not far from where I live.
After being stuck out in drought conditions for well over a year they were most likely deficient in almost everything, but most certainly the copper deficiency is showing in their coats!
Copper deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies I see in equine diets.
And sadly copper deficiency affects many things in horses including hoof and joint health, increased susceptibility to mares having uterine artery rupture in foaling and higher incidence of OCD joint lesions in foals and young horses. We recommend using FeedXLto check your
Wendy Jones is an animal communicator and energy healer that lives on a farm near Pittsworth on the Darling Downs in Queensland. She has worked with all sorts of animals all over the world. Animals can give amazing insights into their lives and she is able to pass this information on to their owners.
Energy work can make a profound difference to your horse’s life, behaviour and health.
She is also an Australian Bush Flower Essences Practitioner for animals and uses muscle testing and dowsing to work out the best protocol for your animal.
How do intuitive sessions work?
Intuition works by the transfer of energy between two energetic beings.
“I can’t explain it, I just know it works,” Wendy said.
Does Wendy need to visit your animal in person?
“No, I don’t need to visit. All I need is a photograph of their face and basic details.
“I have worked with animals all over the world from my home office in Queensland, Australia.”
How do you do your sessions?
“I conduct my sessions remotely via a photograph and basic information about your animal (name, age and sex).
“After intuitively connecting with them, I can hold a conversation, much like I could have with you over the telephone or in person.
“I get words, see images like photographs and sometimes little movies of things that have
“Sometimes I hear sounds, or get smells and tastes.
“Sometimes, I just ‘know’, like I did with our own horses.
“As the session progresses, I take notes and afterwards, I type up a full transcript of what your animal has told or shown me.
“After you have had time to read and think about the results of the session, I am happy to reconnect briefly if you need clarification or more information.
What do I need to do after I book a session?
“After you book your session, you need to send a photograph of your animal’s face and basic details of name, age and sex, plus your questions for them.
“You can do this via my email, Facebook Messenger on my Wendy J Animal Connection page, or if you are in Australia by text to 0427 965 393.”
When will my session be done and when will I receive the transcript?
“I aim to conduct all sessions (except emergency sessions) within a week of them being booked.
“If I know I won’t be able to do that, I will let you know.
“Emergency sessions I aim to do within a few hours of them being booked, if not straight away.
“If I can’t do that, I will tell you to give you the opportunity to find another animal communicator who can fit you in more quickly.
“Transcripts are done immediately after the intuitive connection is finished, and then sent to you via your preferred method –email, Facebook Messenger or text.”
Farriers often recommend hoof supplements when they think your horse might be lacking the nutrients needed to grow good strong hoof wall.
If you are already feeding a well-balanced diet, doubling up on nutrients with a hoof supplement is unlikely to help and could make things worse.
Factors most likely to contribute to poor hooves are mineral deficiency or imbalance, insufficient dietary omega-3s, very wet or dry environmental conditions, genetics and lack of timely, quality farrier care.
If your horse's diet doesn't provide enough of the right nutrients then you do need to use a supplement to correct deficiencies and imbalances.
Awell-formulated multi-vitamin and mineral supplement designed to balance the entire intake is the best option to help grow healthy hooves.
Biotin is a B-group vitamin that is often added to the diet to improve hoof growth. Biotin is naturally sourced in forage and grains, with fresh grass one of the richest sources of biotin.
Horses also obtain biotin from microbial production in a healthy gut.
Although horses are rarely biotin deficient, research demonstrates that adding 15 to 40 mg of biotin per day can improve hoof growth rate and quality, especially for horses under stress, on antibiotics, suffering from laminitis or those without access to fresh green pasture.
Before buying biotin, check to see how much is already included in any complete feeds and supplements being used.
The added bonus of feeding correctly is that not only will hooves flourish, the diet also provides everything needed to keep all other systems in the body health as well, including the immune, musculo-skeletal, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems.
If your horse's feet aren't as healthy as they should be, start by checking the whole diet for correct balance rather than reaching for the band-aid solution of a hoof-food supplement. And remember that it can take up to nine months for the hoof wall to grow from
the coronet band to the weight-bearing surface so taking care of hoof health requires a long-term commitment.
It is easy to see the impact of previous changes in nutrition or health status by looking at the 'growth rings' that occur in the hoof wall.
Hooves, hair and skin are made from a very strong protein called keratin which comes in hard or soft forms depending on the minerals and amino acids it contains.
Keratin production requires the horse to have eaten enough of the right amino acids and to have absorbed adequate vitamins, minerals and fatty acids along with the energy (calories) required to convert these raw ingredients into the proteins that make hooves healthy and strong.
All horses need roughage for gut health, which also provides most of the protein and energy they need to survive. Equine diets need minerals added to top up the levels provided by forage to at least daily required minimum levels as well as to balance critical mineral ratios.
The most commonly deficient minerals are copper, zinc, iodine and selenium all of which are critical for strong hoof formation. Some horses need more energy (calories)
added to the diet to sustain work, growth or maintenance. Some horses need extra protein added, especially for growing horses or those on very poor-quality roughage such as straw or very mature tropical grass hays. Some diets also need supplementation with specific essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine and threonine.
Of these amino acids, methionine is most important for hoof development.
Horses also need small amounts of oils with balanced levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for health skin and hooves.
The diet must supply enough proteins with a good balance of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. For adult horses, the total level of protein necessary is easily provided even by average quality roughage, but driedoff summer pastures with few leaves and tropical pastures which have gone to seed are likely to be low in quality proteins. Adiet analysis is important to check that the levels of the most commonly limiting amino acids (lysine, threonine and methionine) are adequate.
Full fat soybean meal and lucerne contain these frequently limiting amino acids so adding these feeds is often the easiest way to supplement them where required.
Continued page 11
From page 10
Good nutrition supports your horse to grow the best hoof tissue he or she is genetically programmed to have.
Zinc, copper, sulphur and selenium are microminerals or trace elements necessary for your horse to have healthy skin, hair and hooves.
Scientific research has shown that the horn from horses’hooves containing lower zinc concentrations are not as hard and strong as those with higher levels of zinc.
Zinc is used in more than one hundred enzymes in the body responsible for a large number of cell functions including energy metabolism, cell division and keratinization (the growth of hair and hooves).
Copper forms an important part of numerous enzymes in the body, including some responsible for connective tissue formation, pigmentation of coat colour, cell respiration and antioxidant functions.
Selenium also plays a role in keratin synthesis for hoof and hair production.
The concentration of sulphur in keratin is higher than in any other tissue in the body due to the levels of sulphur-rich amino acids such as methionine.
Adequate levels and proportions of copper and zinc are necessary to allow the body to make healthy hooves.
The total diet should provide three times as much zinc as copper.
The levels of copper and zinc in your horse’s diet also need to be balanced in relation to iron and manganese.
Aim for a diet which provides a ratio of around 7 parts iron for each 1 part copper. Since grass and hay are high in iron, if you add any more iron to the diet it becomes much harder to balance the copper and zinc levels so choose a mineral supplement with
Selenium levels must also be carefully balanced between the relatively narrow margins of required daily minimum amounts and below toxic levels. Sulphur deficiency rarely occurs when horses are fed an adequate daily intake of average quality that meets their daily protein requirements.
Continued page 12
From page 11
The B-group vitamins B7 (biotin) and B6 (pyridoxine) work together to produce keratin which is important for hoof and hair health. Horses at pasture and leading a life free from stress, illness or hard work will generally produce enough B-group vitamins in conjunction with their gut microbial population. Hard-working, stressed or ill horses may need supplemental vitamin B to meet needs. Biotin supplementation at levels of 15 - 20 mg/day for a 500 kg horse has been demonstrated to improve hoof hardness when compared to diets low in biotin. In one study, diets with very high levels of biotin supplementation (up to 60 mg/day for a 500 kg horse) increased growth rate by 15% (Reilly et al 1998). But biotin alone doesn't appear to be enough - when horses don't get enough calcium or zinc, supplemental biotin doesn't harden hooves.
Adding omega-3 fatty acids also improve the integrity of the periople (a protective layer around hoof walls) for horses lacking access to green grass. Grass contains about four times the amount of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids than omega-6.
Dried grass (hay and chaff), grains and most other vegetable oils (including canola and sunflower seeds or oil) are much higher in pro-inflammatory omega-6 compared to omega-3. Therefore a horse eating lots of hay
or hard feed needs more omega-3 added to the diet to increase the omega 3 to 6 ratio to a level similar to grass. Choose an omega-3 supplement which has omega-3 levels four to 10 times higher than omega-6 to efficiently correct an inverted fatty acid balance. Vitamin E acts in the body as an antioxidant to protect these fragile fats, so supplementation with extra vitamin E, especially for horses in hard work or who have been stressed or ill, is advised.
There are many benefits to feeding a correctly balanced diet, but one of the first advantages you will notice is a deepening of coat
colour intensity. Over time, a well-balanced diet will lead to growth of the best mane, tail and hoof that your horse is genetically programmed to produce. As an owner you will still need to manage the other environmental factors that impact on hooves to get the best out of the nutrition you provide. These include correct and regular farriery to promote healthy hooves and eliminate cracks, splits and damage, providing appropriate surfaces during weather extremes to manage hoof moisture and avoid disease. As a bonus, many horses fed correctly balanced diets also become more metabolically efficient at using energy, meaning you can save money on the amount and type of hard feeds your horse requires.
Flax Seed Oil provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source ofOmega 3, an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their overall health.
SERVICING BYRON BAY AND THE GOLD COAST BAY AND THE + E VERY WHERE IN BET WEEN INCLUDING: + EVERYWHERE BETWEEN Tweed, Mur willumbah, Mullumbimby, Bangalow & Ballina Tweed, Murwillumbah, Mullumbimby, Bangalow & Ballina
Your horse's dental health is crucial to their overall health and wellbeing.
Many owners put extensive thought into what they feed, balancing their horse's diet extremely well. We often feed our horses much better than we feed ourselves.
However, no matter how expertly balanced a diet is, if their teeth aren't in good condition, diet won't make much of a difference to their overall health and performance.
The horse's stomach is designed to digest small amounts of roughage constantly throughout the day; roughage that has been ground to very fine fibres.
To give you an idea of how small these fibres need to be to be properly digested, chaff fibres are still too large for a horse's stomach to properly digest.
If the teeth can't do their job, the stomach is unable to properly digest the feed that reaches it. Life threatening problems can arise from this including colic and choke, but even if these problems don't arise, a horse will swallow and pass the poorly masticated feed through their system and gain little-to-no nutritional value.
Hence why I often see a lot of horses that are fed an excellent diet but are still losing weight.
The horse's mouth is designed to grind roughage constantly throughout the day.
An average horse out to pasture will generally make 60,000 jaw sweeps a day while grazing and will consequently form fewer sharp points than those stabled on a high grain diet.
Akilo of hay takes the average 500kg horse 3400 jaw sweeps to consume, while a kilo of oats only takes 850 jaw sweeps (Cubitt, 2010).
Chewing hay or pasture requires a long jaw sweep, whereas chewing grains only requires a short jaw sweep (Cubitt, 2010).
The anatomy of the horse's jaw is ideally designed for long jaw sweeps, which help reduce sharp-
ness and ensure the horse uses its entire dental arcade to masticate. In today's world, however, acres of long fibred, nutritional pasture are often unattainable.
This is why feeding low calorie, rough fibred hay constantly is an excellent alternative and will have a dramatic impact on your horse's dental health.
I usually suggest to clients that if the hay looks unappetising to us (dry and rough, but still fresh) it is great for your horse!
If it looks like a delicious, leafy, lucerne salad then it isn't as great and will require fewer long jaw sweeps.
More regular dental work is necessary to help fill in these gaps due to domestication.
When a horse has sharp points that limit their ability to chew effectively, they will be forced to do short jaw sweeps in an attempt to minimise pain.
This not only adds to the development of sharpness, but also means they aren't chewing their feed effectively enough for the stomach to digest properly.
This will eventually lead to poor condition and weight loss, and in some cases, colic and choke.
Aqualified equine dentist or dental vet is necessary at least once a year to keep these sharp points in check and encourage the horse to effectively self-manage their own mouth.
Agood dentist will be able to tell you after a couple of visits just how often your horse will need treatment.
Often many horses require fewer dental visits over the years once a good diet has been established and any pre-existing issues have been treated.
Molar malocclusions also inhibit a horse's ability to chew. Some common malocclusions include overbites, underbites, wavemouths, stepmouths and excessive transverse ridges. Basically what these terms mean is that the position of the teeth have formed in such a way as to inhibit effective jaw movement. These can be caused by genetics, past care (or lack there of), or high grain, low fibre diets.
If these are diagnosed and treated appropriately from a young age they can be maintained and in some cases eradicated. Some extreme cases, however, aren't able to be fully adjusted and will need to be maintained regularly to ensure the most effective grinding and digestion is possible for the horse.
In this case you may find your dentist wants to visit the horse more often than once a year as the risk of colic and choke is heightened by these conditions.
The horse's mouth isn't ideally designed for the domesticated horses we love and keep today. The teeth are where good nutrition and health begins and if problems arise in the mouth, the domino effect leads to the stomach and the gut, and you'll see the poor result in performance and overall health. By finding a qualified, reliable dentist or dental vet it is very possible to keep your horse comfortable and healthy and to get the most out of the balanced and often expensive diet in to which you've put so much work!
In many parts of Australia in the early parts of the year, we receive serious rain and this can cause a number of problems with horses, paddocks will stay wet for a longer period of time after heavy rains even when there has been a slow down in sunny days. Many soils will retain high levels of water, and this can present a serious risk for the horse's health.
Even if horses are shod, they need to be protected from diseases and problems related to standing in mud.
There are several conditions that can result from consistent wet weather these include seedy toe, Greasy heel and mud fever. Horses standing in water for several days will increase the risk of these conditions. It is very important to try to prevent these conditions from occurring.
It is highly recommended to bring you horse out of the paddock daily and clean the hooves and then apply a good quality dressing on the bottom of the feet and the hoof itself.
I find that Effax is a very good hoof product, but if you are already using something similar that is fine, providing it offers some form of protection from the dampness, in other words a product that can repel the water. Make sure you clean the hoof properly so that there is no dirt left and wipe clean with a towel.
In the wet weather, it is essential that you clean right down to the sole of the hoof that way you can see if there is any damage. Asmall scrubbing brush would be useful also, just remember if you don't clean the hoof every day your horse will possibly end up with seedy toe.
If you locate white line, this can mean the start of an infection, but if you take about
2mm off and protect with a good waterproof hoof dressing, you should reduce the risk of seedy toe.
Seedy toe is the separation of the hoof tissue from the sole of the hoof which is called the white line or laminar.
If an infection did take hold this can reach to the coronet band and that will not be a great outcome, your horse could also become sore. Horses that have white feet tend to be a little more susceptible to greasy heal, however any horse can develop greasy heal in wet weather.
The other problem can be swelling in the legs due to lack of exercise. When there is lack of movement and muscle
contraction, it can affect the venous and lymphtic system leading to a build-up of fluid in the venous system and a decrease in lymphatic drainage resulting in excess fluid in the subcutaneous tissues of the leg. These swellings are generally quite mild and do not appear to cause pain.
Keeping horses moving is the ideal situation, this means taking you horse out for regular walks or exercise under saddle. Light work should be sufficient to reduce the swelling, however there are some excellent natural products that can assist the venous and lymphatic system and reduce swelling.
Continued page 17
1. Prepare a duct tape square. Make a square by overlapping the strips of tape about half way to give some strength to the square. Set the square aside sticky side up.
2. Prepare and clean the foot.
3. Apply poultice following the instructions on the packaging.
4. Use a small sized diaper or cotton wool pad to provide padding, and keep to hoof clean and protect the coronary band from pressure from the next layers of bandage material.
5. Using self-adhesive elastic bandages, like Vetrap™, bandage over the cotton wool pad, securing it in place.
7. Take the duct tape square and place the centre of it over the sole of the foot, Using the roll of duct tape, wrap the foot, paying extra attention to the toe as this area will be the first to wear through when your horse walks.
8. Ensure the bandage is not tight around the coronary band, restricting circulation.
9. Change poultice every two days.
10.If lameness persits contact your vet.
Farmers and horse trainers have been using Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) to improve and then maintain their horses’well-being for years.
It has an alkalizing effect which puts the horse in a slightly alkalized state. The benefits of this are legendary and its use over hundreds of years have proven beneficial.. It is a valuable tonic if taken internally or applied externally.
Top 10 uses forAppleCiderVinegar
1. Natural insect control
When horses are fed ACV daily in their feed, it causes higher levels of thiamine (vitamin B1) to be excreted through their skin, and thus the optimum levels of B vitamins in their system discourages insects including flies and mosquitoes
2. Improves digestion
ACV works to acidify the stomach for better digestion and absorption of minerals and help protect your horse from bacteria, parasites and water-borne diseases, and ulcers. Research has also shown that it can slow the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, which is helpful for those founder-prone ponies/horses that are sensitive to sugar.
5. Helps prevent intestinal enteroliths
An alkaline environment in the horse's digestive tract can cause intentional stones to grow to the point of causing dangerous obstructions. The acidifying effect of ACV helps dissolve and prevent enteroliths.
4. Mane and tail conditioner
Adding one cup of ACV to a bucket of water for the final rinse of your horse's mane and tail will leave it feelingly incredibly smooth and removes any extra soap residue.
5. Disguise water while travelling
If your horse is accustomed to the taste of ACV, bring some along on your next road trip and they'll happily drink unfamiliar water.
6. Wound treatment
Spraying fungus, burns, skin infections and other wounds with diluted ACV is a great way to speed healing time by helping to help keep bacteria and insects away.
7. Ease arthritis symptoms
Both horses and humans alike have benefited from ACV to help control arthritis joint pain and stiffness.
8. Treat hoof problems
Use apple cider vinegar to treat thrush add 1/4 cup of ACV to a bucket of water to soak a hoof or use it undiluted in a spray bottle.
9. Weed killer
If you don't like spraying harmful chemicals then ACV is a great spray alternative.
10. Clean blankets and pads
Add some ACV to the rinse water for your saddle pads, blankets and polo wraps. It will help remove soap residue. Abenefit for thinskinned horses that are prone to irritation.
Recipe for homemade rawAppleCider
Vinegar fly spray
Mix 2 cups of raw apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of water and add 2-3 drops of either lavender or eucalyptus essential oils to make a natural insect repellent spray for horses.
We are proud to announce the release ofour two new patent formulations, BONE GOLDTM and COAT GOLDTM in both the Equine and Canine presentations.
Our Formulas have been granted Innovative Patents as they present as totally unique in the market and are clearly differentiated from all other supplements.
Our new products have been produced with the same attention to detail with the highest quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients manufactured in an Australian GMP approved site.
Unlike most other supplements made in feed barns or pet food factories, this guarantees the quality and quantity of each ingredient in all our products.
VET GOLDTM products are made in the same laboratories as many Veterinary Pharmaceuticals with the highest quality control standards in the Australian Veterinary industry. Our products are developed with specialist bio-engineers focused on ensuring maximising product effectiveness balancing ingredient ratios and particle sizes to optimise physiological uptake, digestibility and stability.
Extensive research and development in conjunction with clinical testing and observation by Veterinary Surgeons on clinical equine and canine cases is conducted on all our products.
Dr Watts has lectured at Equine Veterinary Association meetings, at the University ofQueensland and runs regular remedial Equine podiatry workshops in conjunction with Veterinary colleagues and Farriers in addition to running a busy clinical Equine Practice.
VET GOLDTM is a family owned Australian business that takes pride in all our product range with comprehensive personal support with any questions answered directly by Dr Andrew Watts and his stoic knowledgeable partner Mel Watts. Please feel welcome to contact us anytime, we look forward to personally providing any technical or medical support or information regarding our products.
Contains nutrients which have been found to contribute to the health of Hooves, Hair and Skin
Contains nutrients to support Type I, II, III Collagen formation
Contains the essential Amino Acids and building blocks for the production Keratin
BONE Gold nutritional bone joint and collagen supplement was formulated to provide some of the essential amino acid requirements of collagen type I, II and III (found in bone and connective tissue) in addition to supporting the nitric oxide pathway which has been found to assist in the formation of bone callus postinjury.
Veterinary surgeons have recommended that Bone Gold may assist with sore shins, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, osteoarthritis and post-surgery in horses and polyarthritis, geriatric osteoarthritis, and post-surgery in dogs.
Here is a veterinary radiographic report on a horse with a fracture evident on the medial toe and after treatment and feeding Bone Gold during this period. More information on these products can be found at
XXXXXXX's left and right front feet were radiographed on 26th Aug, 21st Oct (8 weeks) and again on the 17th Nov '21(12 weeks).
XXXXXXX’s left and right front feet were radiographed on 26th Aug, 21st Oct (8 weeks) and again on the 17th Nov ‘21(12 weeks).
26.08.21: Right Front: Large P3 solar margin fracture evident on medial toe 32.6mm x 4.1mm with approximately 1.4mm separation from parent bone as below left image.
26.08.21: Right Front: Large P3 solar margin fracture evident on medial toe 32.6mm x 4.1mm with approximately 1.4mm separation from parent bone as below left image.
21.10.21: Right Front: Fine residual 4.2mm fracture still evident, approximately 90% resolution
21.10.21: Right Front: Fine residual 4.2mm fracture still evident, approximately 90% resolution
17.11.21: Right Front: Fracture fully resolved
17.11.21: Right Front: Fracture fully resolved
26TH AUG 21
21ST OCT 21
Radiographic results as of the 17th Nov '21 show total resolution of the original fracture.
XXXXXXX was reshod today utilising off an alloy shoe with a toe clip - inner circumference seated out to avoid any sole pressure. The horse can return to training.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries
Solar margin Type IV fractures of this magnitude have well-documented internationally published healing rates of 7 - 12 months. Full resolution of these fractures is rare as most often the fracture fragments are resorbed. Full resolution in a 3 month period was not anticipated.
The horse was on Bone Gold 3 x scoops fed once per day for this period.
There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9),
You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special?
Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven anti-
The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity.
Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plant-
Rose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the medication.
Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?
Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.
To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.
Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’
bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain
The more becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle.
protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already exists.
In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.
The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin.
Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab.
The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.
KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways:
Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin.
It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy skin.
These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.
4 Blackall, QLD
5 Waubra, VIC
5 Goulburn, NSW
18-19 Gingin, WA
18-19 Moonbi, NSW
18 Tarcutta, NSW
25 Cooma, NSW
26 Lyndoch Dash 4 Cash, SA
26 Nilma, VIC
1 Gingin, WA
10 Quirindi
15-16Fernvale Queen of Hearts, QLD
17-20 East Coast Arabian Champs @ SIEC
21-23 Qld Arabian Challenge @ QSEC
28 Qld Riding Pony Show @ Park Ridge
3-4 Dirranbandi draft 0455 841 712
4 Boonah Twilight Draft0428 151 904
4 Hamilton Draft 0458 489 231
5 Bell Show Maiden draft
11-12 Cambooya draft 0407 591 788
11-12 Gidgeefield draft0437 921 151
11-12 Rathdowney Memorial Draft
17-19 Proston Golden Spurs
17-19 Tooloombilla 50th Anniversary Rodeo
& draft 07 4623 2626
18-19 Mulgildie draft 0401 914 731
18-19 Brymaroo Novice Draft
18-19 Tara draft 0428 698 887
18-19 Karara draft 0497 675 734
24-26 Eidsvold Golden Bell 0419 783 075
24-26 Hannaford The Gums 07 4665 9289
25-26 Yarraman Wild Horse 0407 914 295
25-26 Fernvale draft 0412 420 002
31-2 Springsure draft 0437 804 401
19 Shoalhaven Dressage
19 Redlands
23-25 2023 Australian Young Horse and Pony Dressage Champs @ Werribee
23- 25 Dressage & Jumping with the Stars
24- 25 QLD Dressage Riders Series
25-26 Maryborough
26 Park Ridge
26 Tweed Valley Equestrian Group
1-2 Atherton Tablelands
2 Gladstone Calliope
1-2 Bowral
1-2 Grafton 0431 796 768
2 NCEC Canberra
1-2 Orana Eq Club
11- 14 April Squad Clinic QSEC
4-16 Young Dressage
15 QLD Dressage Riders Series QSEC
16 Tweed Valley Equestrian Group
16 Redlands
16-17 Tamworth DC@ AELEC
18-21 NSW State Interschools
22-23 Alexander Park
22 Camden
22-23Equestrian Gold Coast
23 Burpengary
30 North Coast Active Riders @ Nambour
27- 30 Sydney CDI
11-12 Gavin Bartlett Clinic @ Karana Downs PC 0423 739 669
25-26 Stony Creek Yowie Trail 0421 329 763
22-23 Drake Dash
4-5 Anne Synnot Cup @ Marrar
11-12 L2 CDE Event @ Longwood
12 Sports Day @ Rossmore
15-19 Annual Ladies Drive @Spring Ridge
31-2 Dawes draft 0428 358 543
31-2 Kragra draft 07 4165 8191
31-2 Adavale draft 0438 452 108
31-2 Pittsworth draft 0477 870 980
3-5 Toowoomba Star Championships
5 Manning Valley
5 Wagga Wagga Dressage
18-19 L3 CDE Joe Hawkins Cup @ Marrar
18-19 VIC CDE Champs @ Greenvale
25-26 Dressage @ Murrami
3-4 Wattlewood - Sassafras
4-5 NSWZone 6 Intro to Endurance
4-5 Oz@Lake Manchester 0419 780 841
11-12 Tumut Endurance 0488473701
11-12 Rangers Newcomers Weekend
11-12 Farrell Flat
11-12 Grenville Training Ride and TPR School
18-19 Glen Innes Autumn Ride
18-19 Toowoomba Hip Pocket Challenge
25-26 Mountain Lagoon Endurance
25-25 Eldorado March Ride
1-2 Killarney 07 4666 1193
8-9 The Darling River Run
7-10 Far-A-Way Easter Endurance Carnival
7-10 Whitsundays Easter Ride
15-16 Tooraweenah Endurance
3-5 Wide Bay Regional Championships @ QSEC
18-21 NSW State Interschools
24-26 Interschool Qld Capricornia Regional Champs @ Mt Larcom
4-5 Ashton Cup@ Goulburn Polo Club
4-5 Killarney Autumn Opener
4-5 Barr-Smith Cup at Adelaide Polo Club
10-19 Ellerston Autumn Tournament
11-12 Windsor Polo Club
11-13 Fultons Lane Polo Invitational
2 PCANSW Jumping Equitation@ Narrabri
3 PCANSW Tetrathlon & Formal Gymkhana @ Narrabri
3-5 SQRHASlide N Spin
18-19 QRHAQualifying Show @ QSEC
25-26 TRHAQualifier Show Scone
2-8 ARBC Derby Show Dalby 28-30 RVR Qualifying Show Tatura
MAY 9-13 Queensland State Show QSEC
4 Dirranbandi Show
4-5 Bell Show
4-5 Millmerran Show
5 EQ cup @ Park Ridge
10-11 Pittsworth Show
10-11 Proston Show
11 Tara Show
17-18 Murgon Show
18 Oakey Show
18 Tamborine Mountain Show
24-25 Goomeri Show
24-26 Warwick Show
25 Jandowae Show
28-1 Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland - RASQ (Toowoomba)
4-8 SHC Grand Nationals
6-17 Sydney Royal
8 Gayndah
14-15 Wandoan
14-15 Dalby
15 NNSW Hack Show @ Murwillumbah
15 Nanango
14-15 Murwillumbah PC Dresage & Showriding Clinic & camp
Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.
NSW DPI Biosecurity -
* Select Factsheets link at the bottom of page for Information on NSW cattle tick entry requirements
* Select blue button [Record of Movement form] to complete the required ROM
Ph. 07 5536 4714 - For on-duty Compliance Officer contact details, or to leave a message - For accredited certifiers
QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999
25 Whitsunday Showjumping
25 Sunshine Coast Showjumping
30-1 Toowoomba Royal
7-10 Darling Downs Easter Showjumping
Championships @ Pittsworth
8 Tamborine EG Jumping
15 North Queensland Showjumping Club
15 Scenic Rim Showjumping
21 Sunshine Coast Showjumping
26-29 Qld World Cup Show - Larapinta
Fibre provides root structure, similar to grass roots in turf, to existing or new sand-based riding surfaces. Fibre improves the surface stability, therefore the horse will work ‘on top’ of the surface rather than ‘through’ it.
Our Flexi Fibre is a mixture of polypropylene, polyester and nylon Fibres which are the base material to all of our surfaces worldwide and similar to all other top surface suppliers. We
Australian conditions and manufacture here in Australia, enabling us to produce at very competitive rates.
• Improves preformance
• Improves stability of new or existing sand surfaces
• Enhances drainage
• Long lasting
Equestrian Australia has announced the teams for the CDIO3*and the CSIO4* Nations Cup Competition to be held in Wellington – Florida, USAin March this year.
CDIO3* Nations Cup Team:
Hope Beerling and Uno Elando (Small Tour)
Jemma Heran and Total Recall (Big Tour)
Sally Lofting and Quinlan CF (Small Tour)
Chef d'Equipe: Catherine Haddad
CSIO4* Nations Cup Team:
Lauren Balcomb and Verdini
D’Houtveld Z
David Cameron and Oaks Come by Chance
Thaisa Erwin and Vanturo
Matt Williams and Meadowvale
Scott Keach and Noble de la Chapelle (CSIO4* Team Reserve)
Michelle Lang McMahon and KS
Australia will be represented by four combinations in the Nations Cup competition, with a further two riders jumping as individuals at the event.
EAHigh Performance Jumping Manager, Todd Hinde, said the Australians have a big year ahead with the Olympic Games Qualification Event in July.
“It’s great to be starting off the year back in Wellington for our first Nations Cup of the year,” he said.
“I am looking forward to the year ahead with our riders.” Further event information visit or
From the moment he began his bid to win a record 10th World Cup title in Lyon (France) last October, Australian Boyd Exell was ultimately focussed on the final in Bordeaux. It was that singular, steely vision that served him so well and saw him crowned champion once again.
As the only driver to have three clear rounds over the two competitions, Boyd finished on his times and a total of 239.37.
The determination on his face was clear to see as he entered the buzzing arena.
As last to go of the seven drivers who came forward in reverse order of their results, after competition one the night before, the weight of expectation to produce another show of supremacy was on his shoulders.
But pressure is fuel to Boyd and true to form, when he most needed to, he delivered another accurate and fast round.
This meant he was the last to go in the allimportant drive-off, while aware that his challengers, father and son legends Ijsbrand and Bram Chardon from the Netherlands, would show him no mercy.
“It’s a relief! When you have a fantastic team of horses and they manage to have a very good season, it means that you are able to deliver again in the final,” Boyd said. “In indoor driving, it’s high risk and high reward, or high risk and big loss. I don’t always expect to win although I always expect to be in the top three so I’m really pleased with my horses.”
As the defending champion, Bram was his nearest rival and admitted afterwards that in recent years he and Boyd seem to be trading titles.
Although Bram and his four experienced Lipizzaners were consistently faster on time, they had costly four penalties to add after each round and it was those rolling balls which were the difference between retaining a title or watching a close rival win. On the cumulative scores, Bram finished in silver, 4.04 behind on 243.41.
“At the start I knew Boyd was very strong this year,” Bram said.
“I went back to one of my old leaders for this event and I had three very, very fast rounds but there were too many knock downs. I was able to put the pressure on Boyd but he was
very clever in his performance and was consistent, as he has been, and so he is the deserving winner of the final. I won it last time and we seem to keep switching now – so next year it will be my turn!”
It was a pleasure to see the sheer joy on the face of Ijsbrand as he and his horses entered the arena for the drive-off.
He seemed delighted to have sealed his place in final running, although was undoubtedly aware that he was unlikely to win a fourth title.
As he visibly relaxed and enjoyed the moment, his horses embraced the course and although he too had a ball to add, by then he was assured of a podium place and finished in bronze on 253.39.
Swiss Jérôme Voutaz had a great first round, but with 10.25 seconds to carry over from the previous night, had left himself a big gap to fill.
Producing a clear round, he ended in a respectable fourth position, leapfrogging Belgium’s Dries Degrieck who gave an impressive drive against the clock, but wasn’t quite quick enough to maintain his overnight placing – despite going clear.
ence between their scores and Boyd’s, meant that those further down the running order had progressively even bigger mountains to climb than those towards the top. It was not Netherlands’Koos de Ronde’s event and although he put in the sort of drive we expect from him, confirming why he has been at the upper end of the sport for so many years, it wasn’t enough to raise him from sixth place.
In seventh was French Wild Card Benjamin Aillaud, who rounded off a constructive first season with his Lusitanos horses. Boyd dedicated his win to his long-term supporter Sarah Garnett, who couldn’t be at the final.
He stated that for the last 30 years she has been at every international competition with him – and he missed her this time.
He also dedicated a special thank you to Eric Bouwman, the owner of his new right lead horse Maestoso Jupiter, who has added to the speed of the combination.
Previously driven by Benjamin Aillaud, Jupiter has been an important part of a grouping which has produced consistently winning results and Boyd confessed to being too afraid to change a formula which has served him so well.
The increasing tally of penalties which the drivers had to start with, 50% of the differ-
I’ve been watching a reality tv show about people making it onto the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleading (DCC) team.
The DCC are the elite team known as 'the best in the business' and every year the existing team have to re-audition alongside newcomers.
Often the 'make or break' moment came down to a lack of preparation. For example some of the returning girls were unfit. Another example was that a lot of the new girls couldn't do high kicks, or struggled to learn the choreography of the 'signature dance'.
Now as a returning team member you know how fit you need to be.
As a newcomer, a simple Google search would show you that the requirements are the 'high kick' or the 'signature dance'. It got me to thinking about how it relates to us and our horses.
Often we are working towards a goal, like a show or competition, a clinic or even an outing on a new, or young horse. How much can we prepare before we head out to do something, and more importantly, what preparation can we do away from our horse - just on ourselves?
When it comes to a competition, it could be simple things like knowing the rules, practicing our test or pattern on a piece of paper,
making a packing checklist so we don't forget anything on the big day. Maybe it looks like watching high level competitors on YouTube, or finding articles or video about the competition.
Physically we can improve our balance, flexibility and core strength.
Skills that can be developed away from the horse are rope handling skills, holding the reins and applying rein cues, how to tie knots, the list in endless.
At the very least, we could read a training
book or watch a training video. There is so much we can do away from the horse, and yet if it starts raining and we can't ride we head off and do something unrelated to horses at all.
We let ourselves, and our horse down by being Ill prepared. Masters have said for every hour we spend in the saddle, we should spend in a book and I couldn't agree more.
How are you going to start investing in your preparation?
The RPSBS Queensland Committee will run the annual State Show on 28th May at Park Ridge Pony Club Grounds, 117 Judith St, Crestmead starting at 8am.
The Riding Pony breed classes in Rings
1 and 2 feature RPSBS-registered led youngstock, senior ponies and overheight horses, ridden Show and Show Hunter Ponies and Show/ Show Hunter Hacks exc. 14.2hh, Newcomer and Home Produced Riding Ponies and Overheights and Double Registered classes.
Young members 17 yrs and under, can also enter age restricted Young Judges, Handlers, Children's Ridden Ponies and Overheights exc. 14.2hh and Double Registered ponies.
The Newcomer Sweepstakes finals will be held for Show, Show Hunter and Overheights that hold 2022/23 Newcomer Cards . The program is now is available at and entries will be via - login
For further inquiries or if you encounter a problem entering the show contact: RPSBSQ Secretary - Emily Hyland - 0421 776 908 Email:
2023 Queensland RIDING PONY SHOW
Looking for businesses to come on board and sponsor our annual show
Contact RPSBSQ Secretary - Emily Hyland - 0421 776 908
Enquiries to Qld RPSBS Secretary Emily Hyland - 0421 776 908 or
Entries via - login
Entries close 15 MAY2023 Midnight
Sunday May 28th 8:00 am start
Park Ridge Pony Club Grounds 117 Judith St, Crestmead QLD 4132
Featuring RPSBS Youngstock and Including Riding Pony Show and Show Hunter Overheight Show and Show Hunter Youth Classes & Handler Classes
Double Registered Riding Pony classes Leading Rein & First Ridden Ridden Home Produced classes Rider Classes
As equestrians, we all want to make sure that for our horses, or our client’s horses, comfort is the very top priority.
Bit Bank Australia offers advice on how to achieve this. However, if you’re ready to increase your knowledge base, then the Bit Bank Australia Accredited Coach Course is perfect for you. Their BBAAccredited Coach Course is perfect for coaches and instructors from Pony Club level up to EA, gear checkers and stewards. It provides a better understanding of the different types of bits available and what they do, the correct way to fit them, and with an interest in ensuring that both horse and rider are comfortable.
Learn from the best in the bitting industry and leverage off Bit Bank’s solid reputation in the equestrian world both here and overseas – you will be instantly recognised as an ethical, knowledgeable and trusted person in your field.
For further information visit
How can Bit Bank Australia help you?
Bit Bank Australia sells only horse bits, books on horse bits, and bitting accessories. They live and breathe horse bits, they research and study them, lecture, present, blog and write about horse bits.
If you call us about a specific type of bit and ask, "How does it work?" or even "Why does it work?" you will get an answer you can understand. There are literally 1,000's of bits available on the market today, and our superior product knowledge helps take away any confusion you may feel when considering your options.
Bit Bank Australia is a well-established online business and we have developed and grown, studied and learned how to improve as a business and to better your experience.
BBAmay be an online retailer, but we carry a huge amount of shelf stock - more than most brick and mortar stores do - meaning in 90% of sales we ship your order to you within 48 hours. Speed of delivery and clarity of our communication are top business values.
Unique 30 day trial option
Areas serviced: Northern NSW, further travel can be arranged for groups
Ph 0432 144 157 - Email:
Facebook: Elysium Equestrian
Still not convinced if the bit you are looking at is going to help solve your problem or suit your horse? Bit Bank Australia offers our unique 30 Day Trial Option on most of our range. After a one on one consult with one of our Bitting Experts, you can choose to buy the bit on a trial to be sure if it is the right one for you. Call BBAon (08) 8388 8472 for personalised advice and assistance.
The Murwillumbah Pony Club & Zone 15 Pony Club will be holding a two day camp on Thursday and Friday 13 & 14 April 2023 focussing on flat riding and dressage.
Following the camp, there will be two days of competition giving riders the opportunity to show off what they have learnt at camp.
There will be a Hack Show run by NNSW Show Horse Council on Saturday, April 15 and then on Sunday, April 16, the Tweed Valley Equestrian Group will run a Dressage day.
Day membership is available both days. This will give riders an awesome opportunity to have two days of instruction followed by two days of competition.
The Murwillumbah Showgrounds offer great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members. New members are welcome to join the club and join in the fun but riders from any club are welcome to come along.
Nominations are essential to attend both the camp and competitions
For further information contact Paula on 0413 733 294
The NNSW Show Horse Association will be holding a Hack Show at Murwillumbah showgrounds on Saturday April 15.
Competitors must be members of SHCAand to show proof of membership or a day membership will be available
There will be led classes - Rising Star classes - Novice Riders - Novice Open and Hunter Pony Galloway and Hack classes - Second Chance ring to give competitors extra classes to compete in. The program also includes Off the Track classes .
There will be garlands and prizes for Supreme Rider, Supreme Hack, Supreme Hunter and Supreme Led.
There will also be a separate enclosed ring for young riders new to showing that includes leadline and independent events to include Led classes hack and rider games and fancy dress. For further information Email:
The Australian Show Hunter and Show Horse Association will be running a the Queensland state title show along with a beginner horse and rider show in Caloundra on Saturday March 11, 2023. They are offering a great program that include Breed classes Leds and Ridden, Open Show Hack, Show Hunter, Hunter, AHSHAMember’s Classes, Rider Classes, OTT classesThere will be great prizemoney offered for the OTTclasses thanks to Queensland Racing that includes $400 for the Champion Led OTT, Champion Ridden OTT and $100 for the Reserve Champion Led OTT, Reserve Champion Ridden OTT in both the Open rings as well as the Beginner rings.
Pre nominate via
Day Membership for non-members of AHSHAwill be available for $15 Show contact Suellen Mob. 0427072186
Membership/ Horse Registration/ Other AHSHAEnquiries: Email:
The Australian Miniature Horse Association will be running a Miniature Horse and Pony Extravaganza at Southport Pony Club grounds on May 13. They are offering an awesome program with 22 Supreme awards.
All Supreme Champions, Champions and Reserve Champions will all receive sashes and prizes.
Two major awards on offer at this years show is the Ultimate Supreme Exhibit of the Show and The Supreme Veteran Award. The Southport grounds offer great facilities that include a covered arena with lights, stables, yards and camping and catering is also available. For further information contact:
Liana Wynne, Gold Coast Representative Ph 0412 450 767 or Email:
Entries close: Midnight Tuesday 2nd May
Saturday 13th May 2023 commencing 8 30am
Covered arena with lights
Stable, yards and camping
Catering available
Contact: Liana Wynne, Gold Coast Representative
Ph 0412 450 767 or Email:
Entries close: Midnight Tuesday 2nd May
22' x Supreme Awards all receive sashes and prizes
Prizes for all Champion and Reserve Champions
Australian Hunter and Show Horse Assoc
Proudly present
Saturday 11th March 2023
99 Pierce Ave Caloundra, Qld
Major Sponsor: Queensland OffThe Track: Queensland Racing OPEN TO MEMBERS & NON MEMBERS
Open OTT Led Champion: $400
Reserve Champion $100
Open OTT Ridden Champion: $400
prize money: Reserve Champ $100
Beginner OTT Led Champion : $100
Beginner OTT Ridden Champion:$100
Kindly sponsored by Queensland Off the Track Program
Show Program out soon via AHSHA FB page and on nominate Nominations available soon via
Show Contact: Suellen Brook 0427 072 186
Entries for the Southern Hemisphere's leading breeding stock sale, the 2023 Magic Millions Gold Coast National, are now open.
Attracting the biggest and best buying bench, the National Sale from May 18 to 31 is the number one place to offer world class bloodlines at an auction which has a proven record of producing the highest returns.
"The sale is positioned to provide opportunity for breeders to trade bloodstock at all levels with complete confidence,"
Magic Millions Managing Director Barry Bowditch said.
"The Gold Coast National Sale is the established must-attend sale and one that provides more buyers and more returns each and every year."
"From weanlings and yearlings to racefillies and broodmares, the National Sale is the most trusted and transparent structure for selling stock."
"The Gold Coast is the best place to be in May featuring a world class thoroughbred auction
accompanied by a Group One racing carnival in Australia's holiday playground - it is the perfect combination - the finest thoroughbreds with one of the globe's finest destinations," Bowditch said.
National Weanling Sale
- 18-19 May
With a top price of $750,000 in 2022, the National Weanling Sale is the runaway industry leader with an average price of almost $90,000 - almost double the nearest comparable auction. It's the sale that attracts a first
class line up of pin-hook buyers but importantly now it's the end users making their mark - and with graduates like Stay Inside, Ellsberg, Pierro, Zoustar and Quick Thinker, it's little wonder why the 2022 sale boasted a gross of $22.3 million at a clearance rate of 81%.
National Broodmare Sale
- 23-25 May
In 2022 some 80% of Australia's $1 million plus selling mares were sold at the Gold Coast. Racefillies led the way with a gross of over $43 million on a
day that boasted 100 individual buyers of 185 lots.
The top price was $4 million and the Top 20 average was $1.12 million - over double the nearest competitor. The broodmare section in 2022 saw an average price of over $500,000 for 104 lots and there were 300% more seven figure sellers than the closest like sale.
National Yearling Sale
- 30 May-31 May
Last year's sale saw 326 lots sell to a large buying bench of 203 individual buyers with no fewer than 21 lots traded for $150,000 or more. The top 50 lots of the sale averaged an impressive $158,000.
It's the sale that presents buyers with the last major opportunity to purchase youngsters eligible for the rich Magic Millions Race Series - a series that increases to more than $18 million next racing season and then over $20 million the season after. It's that incredible carrot that leads the buyers to the Gold Coast.
Entries for the 2023 Magic Millions National Sale close on Friday 17 March.
Animal Itch & Skin Remedies -
Country Scene Saddlery -
County Saddlery Qld -
Country Park Animal
DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch
Embroidered saddlecloths -
Eq Land Developments
Equine on the web ...
Equilibrium Mineral Mix...
Equestrian On line ...
Feed XL...
Fordsdale Farm Stay …….
Gallagher Electric fencing ...
Gold Coast Horse....
GG’s Horse Transport .....
Greystone Manure Vacuums ...
GEOHEX Ground Stabilisation .....
Have Horse … Will Travel
Healing for Horses
Horse Transport …
Horse Transport …
Horse Floats …
Kentucky Equine
Kulavale Equestrian...
Lisa McCann Herbs .......
Mitavite ...
Mobile Livestock
Nathan Trailers at Nerang...
National Equestrian Wholesalers ....
Natural Hoof care .....
Natural equipment
Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel.....
New England Girls School .
Omega Feeds
Pharmachem ...
Redlands Vet Clinic ...
Replay Classifieds...
Riding for the Disabled............
Stance Equine Feeds..........
StockGuard Electric
Southwood Saddlery...
The Horse Report ...
Robyn Winton Mobile: 0428- 941-524
Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding
07 3404 6999
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Flax Seed Oil provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source ofOmega 3, an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their overall health.
Ph: 0400 558 218
PPrice: $ 11,000.
12.3 hh
Reg: APSB & Welsh Dappled Bay
YOB: 2019
Sire: Naru Park Classni
Dam: Roseraie Jessika
Beautiful stud book pony filly, very successful in the show ring, easy to wash, clip, float and trim hooves.
Ready to be broken in already mouthed and long reined.
Would make a lovely lead rein pony, beautiful pony to handle.
Contact: Karen OReilly
Ph: 0413 764 032
Location: Esk QLD - 4312
Price: $ 15,000.
10.1 hh
Reg: APSB, SHC & EAREGISTERED Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Lentara Media
Dam: Lentara Abba
Freddie is everyone’s favourite when you meet him, he is the ultimate kids pony, and he is always handled by my 2 and 4 year old.
Freddie is the one in the stable that is used for the kids pony rides, or road rides, for the kids to get out and brush and wash. He can be on his own or with others.
He is a top quality Shetland, qualified for grand nationals 2023 and Southern Cross 2023. He has so many winnings, from when first started out as a newcomer, and now this year competing at two Grand National qualification shows and qualifying at both shows.
Freddie is the ultimate Lead rein Shetland, he is also an amazing ridden Shetland. He sits in a frame and does his job for the kids. He goes from the float to the ring no work down. He is now ready to take a little kid to the top. Freddie is a Grand National winning Shetland. He has the best work ethic, but also so well educated. He has no vices, no health issues, good to tie, float and clip. This is a very hard sale.
Please contact me for further info. Lots and lots of videos with the kids
Contact: Naomi Karutz Ph: 0425 198 277
Price: $ 17,000. neg
13.3 hh
Reg: SHC | EA| Riding Pony | Part Welsh Bay
YOB: 2013
Sire: Fernleigh Fine Print
Dam: Helden Park CalenderGirl
ARoyal Winning Mare with Untapped Potential
Ready to reach herfull potential, 'Ellie', as she is known around the stables, has been shown only lightly (due to covid) yet with great successes, the most recent being winning the child's large pony at Melbourne Royal.
Ellie possesses a fantastic temperament and is a pleasure to handle and work with on a day to day basis. This is an incredibly difficult sale forourfamily given how greatly we love her. it goes without saying that only the best homes will be considered. Video footage is available on request.
Contact: Mel Marin Ph: 0407 831 163
Price: $ 10,000.
11.2 hh
Riding Pony x Arabian Riding Pony | SHC Bay Gelding
YOB: 2017
Chewy has been shown successfully in-hand and under saddle including Currently in light work, ridden by 2 children aged 7 - 15 and going well under saddle. Chewy has a fantastic work ethic taking everything in his stride including new places, showing, jumping, trails, pony club, games. Good breaks however still a semi forward moving pony so suits a capable beginner or novice child.
Chewie is totally handled by children and isn’t fussed by cars, bikes, dogs. Chewy is a definite stand out in the show ring and is expected to continue to do well at the highest level in Leading Rein and/or First Ridden classes. Perfect for a show home to continue his education and reach his maximum potential, suitable for pony club and just for a little rider to love and enjoy.
Great for the farrier, float and able to clip with no sedation. Chewy is of the highest breeding and was started/ previously owned by Andrew Buckley, has correct conformation with three stunning paces.
* Videos available upon request 10k includes his custom made Shelley Cole Bridle, chest number holder, show browband from KBB Brow-bands and several rugs plus raincoat. Barefoot, never suffered laminitis great doer. Vet checks most welcome. Located Gold Coast. Tallebudgera
Contact: Sheridan Ph: 0404 535 444
Price: $ POA
14.3 hh
Bay Gelding
Sire: Turberry Tom Kitten
Dam: Helden Park Embroidery
This is a heartbreaking sale of our lovely boy Finn, 14.3hh 5 year old gelding. He has the most beautiful temperament and looks to match. Super easy to do anything with, requiring very little to no working down at shows. Although Finn hasn't been competed by a child, he would be suitable for a child.
Some of Finn's wins include:
2022 Northern NSWHack Champs
Top 5 small Galloway/Champ Home Produced
2022 NSWHorse of the Year Champion Newcomer Galloway
2022 Toowoomba Royal Reserve Champ Novice small Galloway
2022 NSWSummer Show Horse Champs Champion Newcomer Galloway
Many Ag Show wins and qualified all Royals 2023
Genuine reason for sale and will only be sold to the best of homes. Serious enquiries only as this is a very hard sale.
Contact: Fiona Tredinnick Ph: 0422 151 616
Price: $ 15,000.
14.1 ¾ hh
Reg: Riding Pony
Bay Gelding
YOB: 2014
Sire: Beckworth Rising Magic
Dam: Beckworth Commanding Romance
Been successfully shown, at local Ag shows with many wins. Started his career at show horse council HOTYfinishing in the top 10. Well educated with flying changes and push button walk to canter.
Been to pony club, competed grade 3 dressage, and can jump small jumps.
Great to take to the beach and on trail rides. Would be very successful in pony dressage.
Ready to show his next rider the ropes in showing or dressage ring. Please call for more information and videos.
Contact: Megan Joyce
Ph: 0408 561 041
Price: $ 35,000.
14.3 hh
Reg: Riding Pony
Brown Gelding
YOB: 2016
Sire: Royalwood Boy Soprano
Dam: KTFine Fashion
KTFine Style is a 6yo with his best yet to come!
Superb quality horse that is getting better with age.
Currently qualified/entered Canberra, Sydney Royals, Grand National and Southern Cross. Suit capable teen/adult rider.
Doesn’t require hours of work. Can leave for weeks and just climb on- no dramas.
Top 10 GN 2022 in his first year.
Newcomer Champions at HOTY’s.
Genuine enquiries only.
Must go to knowledgeable top show home.
Contact: Melanie Skinner
Ph: 0437 843 900
Price: $ 2,000.
Quality Large Galloway
14.3 hh
YOB: 2013
Sire: Rothwell Toytown
Dam: Bayview Baby Doll
Contact: Mikayla Vankampen
Ph: 0490 052 506
Location: Gold Coast QLD - 4228
Price: $ 12,000.
16.0 hh
Reg: Riding Pony x Thoroughbred Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Fernleigh Fine Print
Dam: Heroic Salute
Elmdale Park Imprint is an eye catching 12 year old 16hh RPx TB gelding
Lorry is now looking for his new home as his rider is no longer riding and he is missing out on the work and attention he craves. Lorry has a very loving personality, always first to the gate for cuddles, loves anyone he meets and can be paddocked happily with or without other horses.
Easy to catch, float, worm, clip and shoe. Lorry is best suited to a dressage or show horse home where he shows most potential to excel.
Lorry has previously competed in the show ring as a show hunter, where he managed to place in many competitions with his previous owners. He features in the 2015 Mitavite SAHorse of The Year gallery, after taking out the win in the Graduate Garland Show/Show Hunter Hack class.
Although Lorry is pretty easy going in most situations, he does need a knowledgeable home with either a competent teen or adult to get the best out of him as he can get anxious at times.
2 fitted saddles and a false tail as an option to buy along with the horse.
Contact: Jorja Ph: 0447 331 134
Price: $ 40,000.
16.3 ½ hh
Reg: WB/TB
Bay Gelding
YOB: 2009
Sire: Regal Poetry In Motion
Dam: Spring Creek Elysium
PPis a well-performed show hunter hack with countless success across Australia. Most recently winning 1st ladies SH and 1st child's SH at Royal Melbourne Show 2022.
Aprevious Royal Show Champion in both child's and open classes and winner of the Childs Hunter Hack EANationals in 2019 and Reserve Champion Open Hunter Hack at the Grand Nationals. Not only is PPconsistently successful, he is a delight to do anything with. Ridden at home with cows, dogs, peacocks and chickens - his temperament is unflappable.
Has also been to the beach and loves a trail ride. He is an absolute delight to own and show and is ready to be someone else's best friend.
Heartbreaking sale, genuine enquiries only.
Contact: Tildy Longbottom
Ph: 0499 781 624
Price: $28,000. 15.1 hh
Reg: EA Bay Gelding YOB: 2010
Sire: Finch Farm Style
Dam: Zafirah Maya
Lego is a 12year old 15.1 warmblood x Arabian Lego is a pleasure to have around and is easy to rug, float, truck, shoe and catch. He has been ridden by a 14yr old the past few years. She does everything for him, catches rugs, puts him on the float and gets him ready.
He has taken his rider from 60cm to jumping confidently at 1Mt. He knows his job and aims to please his little rider. He will be missed in our stables and is only for sale due to moving to higher heights
It is now time for him to build the confidence of a new little person.
Contact: Naomi Oudshoorn
Ph: 0400 123 842
Price: $ 18,500. Currently 15.2 hh
Reg: Warmblood Brown Mare YOB: 2021
Sire: Mirage W
Dam: Danson Chocolate
Kiki is truly something special. She is going to be a big girl. Only turning one in Nov and is already about 15.2hh. She has the prettiest face and so well put together for how big she will be. She is going through her gangly yearling stage so isn't probably the best time to advertise but even now she is exquisite.
Beautiful across the ground and has so much presence. I truly believe this mare will reach the top. Only selling as I have a colt born this year which is our 1st home bred so would really like to keep him. He is also going to be huge.
Contact: Melissa Harding
Ph: 0402 660 884
Price: $ 20,000.
15.1 ¾ hh
Reg: Thoroughbred Bay Mare
YOB: 2016
Sire: Shooting to Win
Dam: Friendly Donna
Miss Tas she is affectionately known around the stables is looking for her forever home. Tis qualified and entered for Grand Nationals 2023 in both her open and child’s classes and is also entered for Sydney Royal 2023. Her flashy movement and beautiful nature makes her the ultimate hack for a confident teen or lady who wants a horse with potential to go to the top. Tis easy to do everything with and will happily do whatever you ask of her whether it be a trail ride, a dressage test or popping around a jump course plus everything in between. She will only be sold to the best of homes.
Contact: Aolani Ware
Ph: 0438 918 599
Price: $ POA
15.2 hh
Reg: Anglo Arabian, Part Thoroughbred Chestnut Mare
Sire: Andaman Dam: Turbo
Aria is an exceptional, Grand National quality young mare. With incredible movement and extreme wow factor, alongside temperament you can’t buy, this horse will make anyone’s dreams come true.
Aria has been to many in-hand shows including the royal show, Arabian state championships and more coming home with champions, supremes and supreme of supremes every time.
Aria is now broken in and ready to hit the show ring this year and eligible for newcomers 2022. She has done her first ridden show last weekend coming home with two champions already.
It is with the most heaviest heart that this horse has become for sale and is only due to being a young single mother and I can no longer afford to keep her so I am finishing up showing. Being my heart horse she will only be sold to the absolute very best of homes. No time wasters will be accepted please as this is already such a hard decision.
Contact: Sophie
Ph: 0499 168 600
Price: $ 8,000. 15.1 hh
Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Anglia
Dam: Ash Friday
Finch is looking for his next home. He's a beautiful gentleman with 3 amazing paces He's not a first horse and is available to an experienced home who are looking for a competitive horse for an experienced teenager Finch has never been unplaced at Royal Sydney Eka Canberra and Bathurst in Hunter and ANSAclasses Home is most important He's in work and ready for the 2023 show season.
Price: $ 7,000.
13.2 hh
Reg: WPCS Grey Gelding
Sire: Alpha Limerick
Dam: Imperial Picture Book
Spider is a lovely Welsh gelding with big, ground covering movement, a soft mouth and oozes presence under saddle.
He is a super fun pony to have around, has a playful pony personality and wants to be your friend. Spider is an uncomplicated ride, straight forward and not quirky. He is well educated with beautiful even paces and is training walk to canters and leg yields. He has been shown successfully in hunter and welsh rings.
Spider has also competed in dressage in prelim and novice with scores in the low 70's, he is training elementary at home. Spider has a nice jump on him with wins and championships in combined training. Spider has proven to be a competitive mount in all disciplines he has tried. Spider is easy going and also enjoys a trail ride or riding around the paddock bareback.
Spider is best suited to a capable/confident rider with an independent seat. He is ready to move onto a child rider or small adult wanting a fun, competitive mount - be it pony dressage, interschool’s or showing.
Contact: SarahPh: 0437 210 789
Sire: Kensington Diamond
Dam: Royalwood Boy
Soprano Mare
Simon is a beautiful hunter galloway prospect. He is very balanced in his paces, with correct uphill movement. Simon is a genuinely quiet, easy going gelding that is easy to do anything with. Ready to break in now.
See Ulah Performance Horses Fb page for video.
Contact: Arabella Fleming
Ph: 0417 770 608
Price: $ 15,000.
Reg: Welsh | SHC | EV
Grey Gelding
Sire: Llangollen Top Notch
Dam: Bamborough Kit Kat
Archie has successfully competed 2 seasons under-saddle and is qualified for GN 2023 in the first ridden show hunter pony.
Qualifying for Grand nationals at his first ever show under-saddle in 2021 and successfully competed at Grand nationals in 2022 receiving top 10 in both the open and child’s and producing flawless workouts.
Archie is not a spooky horse and is super easy to have around. He would happily stand tied up to the float all day. He is happy to pop over small jumps and go on trail rides. He is awesome to clip, shoe, wash etc.
We have owned Archie since a yearling and have done it all with him, it’s a super heartbreaking sale of a much loved member of our family but due to other young horses coming up we have realised it is time to sell Him.
Entered for SHC battle of the borders 2022 is fully qualified for Canberra and Sydney royals 2023.
Archie is not suited to a beginner rider and I feel he would really excel with a top little junior rider that wanted a competitive first ridden and rider mount that is also good enough for the open.
Contact: Taylah Ph: 0421 071 095
Price: $ 10,000.
12.1 ½ hh
Bay Mare
Sire: Turberry Tom Kitten
Dam: Marconi Gold Sovereign
With her impeccable blood lines, huge movement, stunning looks and beautiful personality she has what it takes to take her next aspiring rider to the top. Belle is ready to continue on with her career and education. Would best be suited to a knowledgeable show home where she can continue her education. Very quiet & sensible, ridden by children & easy to do everything with. Has been successfully shown as a youngster.
Video Footage Link -
Contact: Samantha Crouch
Ph: 0412 211 469
ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world.
The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin.
Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab.
The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.
KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways:
Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin.
It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy skin.
These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.