The Horse Report
The FEI has confirmed the shortlisted bidders for the FEI World Championships 2026.
The shortlist comprises five organising committees who have applied to host events in various disciplines, as follows:
Aachen (Germany) – Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, Eventing, Driving Four-inHand, Vaulting
Boekelo (Netherland) – Eventing
Burghley (Greaqt Britain) – Eventing
Al Ula (Saudi Arabia) – Endurance
Samorin (Slovakia) – Endurance
The FEI Board will allocate the FEI World Championships 2026 at its in-person board meeting on 18 November 2023 in Mexico City, following a thorough review by the FEI Evaluation Commission and taking into account recommendations by the Technical Committees.
Following three decades of a unique host formula for senior World Championships under the FEI World Equestrian Games™ format, in 2022 the FEI returned to a more flexible approach accepting single and multiple World Championship bids with a focus on catering to the needs and specificities of each discipline.
Herning (Denmark) hosted hugely successful events in Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage, and Vaulting whereas Eventing and Driving Four-in-Hand competitions took place at Pratoni Del Vivaro (Italy), venue of the 1960 Olympic equestrian events.
The FEI Endurance World Championships 2022 were held at Butheeb (UAE) last February.
“We are very pleased with the variety of bids we have received,” FEI President Ingmar De Vos said.
“Following the outstanding FEI World Championships 2022 organised in Denmark, Italy and the UAE, we are confident this flexible approach with single and multiple bids serves not only the sport, but also the fans and the development of equestrian around the world, allowing different nations and venues to bid to host a major FEI event.”
The FEI World Championships 2026 in
Jumping, Dressage, Para Dressage and Eventing will be the first qualifying events for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The FEI World Championships have a long history. Dressage is the FEI discipline with the longest tradition of Championships. AGrand Prix de Dressage, organised in Lucerne (Switzerland) as early as 1927, had hosted 12 riders representing five nations. Official FEI Dressage Championships were organised on all non-Olympic years between 1930 and 1939 in Switzerland, France, Austria, Hungary, Germany, and Great Britain.
The last such event took place in 1939, only days before the outbreak of World War II. The FEI tried to revive the event after the war with limited success. Participation gradually improved and European Championships were organised in 1963, which led to the first FEI Dressage World Championship held in Bern (Switzerland) three years later.
The first Para Dressage Championship, which took place under the FEI leadership was held in July 2007 only a year after Para Equestrian came under the FEI umbrella. The event enjoyed a truly international representation gathering 133 athletes from 35 nations.
Since 2010, FEI Dressage and Para Dressage Championships are being held concurrently. The first FEI Jumping World Championship was organised in June 1953 at the Parc des Princes stadium in the south west of Paris (France).
The event was drastically different from its modern equivalent as only 19 athletes from 11 countries, including Yugoslavia, Cambodia and the USA, competed. No women took part since female riders would not be able to enter Jumping competitions until 1956.
The first FEI Eventing World Championship was organised in 1966, the same year as the first FEI Dressage World Championship, at the beautiful estate of Lord Burghley in Lincolnshire, Great Britain.
The Championship gathered 39 athletes representing five nations: Argentina, Great Britain, Ireland, USA, USSR.
The previous year the FEI had established the configuration according to which World Championships in the Olympic discipline of Jumping were held every four years in the non-Olympic even years and continental championships were organised in the odd years. This pattern is still in use for all the FEI Olympic and Paralympic disciplines.
The first edition of the FEI Driving World Championship for Four-in-Hand was held in 1972 in Münster (Germany) two years after Driving had become an FEI discipline. Since then, the event continues to be organised every two years.
Endurance became an FEI discipline in 1982, one year before Vaulting. The championship histories of these two non-Olympic disciplines have run in parallel from the start with World Championships organised every other year on even years.
FEI Endurance European Championships had been held in 1984 and 1985 until the first FEI Endurance World Championship was organised in September 1986 at Pratoni del Vivaro (Italy).
In 1983, one year after Driving, Vaulting also joined the FEI. In 1984 the first FEI Vaulting European Championship was organised and was followed by another European edition in 1985.
In winter, it is sometimes easier to think about holidays, snow sking and keeping warm rather than getting your mares ready for the breeding season.
If you start early, you can get a head start to manage their nutrition, identify any reproductive problems and maximise reproductive efficiency when the time comes.
You should aim for your mare to be in good but ‘light’in body condition which is increasing as she enters the breeding season. Being overweight for a horse carries many health problems
There will be increased levels of:
- Insulin resistance
- Laminitis
- Increased bone and joint wear and tear
- Lack of mobility; and
- Heat stress
All of these problems can contribute to poor reproductive performance.
Feed plenty of forage (hay, chaff and pasture) as this provides your mare with many of the calories they will need to maintain weight during winter.
Adjust your horse’s diet to control body weight
Depending on what you want your mare to be doing, you may need to adjust the diet to keep her at the bodyweight and condition you want.
If your mare is gaining unwanted weight, you will need to reduce or remove high energy feeds like grains, pellets, sweetfeeds or oils in the diet.
If your mare is losing weight that you don’t want her to lose, you may need to feed more calo-
ries in the diet. You can do this by:
1. Feeding more hay and if you’re not already doing so feeding some lucerne hay.
2. Adding high energy feeds to the diet like pellets, sweetfeeds, oil or high energy fibres like lupin hulls, copra meal or sugarbeet pulp.
Use the best quality feeds you can afford and if using a sweetfeed look for one that contains either extruded or micronised grains as these are more digestible for horses.
Feed a balanced diet
An unbalanced diet doesn’t meet your mare’s requirement for one or all of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
Meaning your mare will experience deficiency and won’t be as healthy as she could or should be.
Nutrient deficiencies can lead to:
- Weight loss
- Delayed cyclicity
- Suppressed immune system
- Muscle wastage
- Increased susceptibility to diseases like greasy heal and respiratory disease, dull, dry coat and skin, brittle and slow growing hooves.
While traditionally, knowing if what you were feeding was meeting your horse’s requirements was quite hard, using a service like the FeedXL Nutrition Calculator now things are very easy to see if what you're feeding is right for your mare.
Once you have her nutritional requirements taken care of, you can focus on making sure she is breeding fit.
Breeding early in the season can be beneficial for several reasons, especially if you encounter a problem along the way.
How can I get my mare cycling early?
Light therapy
Putting mares under lights will help to advance the breeding season by artificially increasing the daylength.
Advancing the breeding season in your mare not only helps to produce early foals but more importantly, allows additional time for breeding management should you encounter any problems.
Light therapy can be achieved by putting the mare under lights or the placement of an Equilume™ mask on the 1st July.
Aminimum of 60 days of 16 hours light therapy is required to advance vernal transition or “spring heat” in the mare. This preparation should have your mare cycling normally in September.
Early breeding
The first cycle of the season can be quite unpredictable as teasing mares may have follicles which grow and regress without ovulating.
Because of the unpredictability of this cycle, many breeders may elect to breed on the second, more predictable cycle of the season.
The mare’s oestrous cycle is 21 days in length.
Therefore, if you see your mare teasing to a gelding or the stallion every week or every fortnight, chances are that she is still transitioning to a normal breeding cycle.
Hopefully with the nutritional aspect taken care of, her transition should be relatively smooth and you can get on to breeding her.
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Identifying abnormalities at the start of the season may save you a lot of money and heart ache later in the season.
If your mare failed to achieve a pregnancy last season, this pre breeding check is a must. Identifying and addressing these problems may be the difference between a live foal and an empty mare.
Live Cover
Breeds such as Thoroughbreds are restricted to a live cover situation.
Usually mares are managed intensively and are sent to the stallion when they are ready for a single breed.
The advantages of live cover include per cycle pregnancy rates of 60-70% and low maintenance mare reparation. However, mares need to be in standing oestrus, meaning she must be receptive to the stallion. Consequently, this breeding strategy has the potential to injure both the mare and stallion.
Artificial Insemination:
Cooled semen is available throughout Australia.
Disadvantages of cooled semen include unreliable courier services, intensively managed mare preparation and not all stallions are suitable or available for cooled semen insemination.
Advantages of cooled semen are that you can expect per cycle pregnancy rates similar to that of live cover (60-70%) provided your mare is managed correctly.
Stallion spermatozoa can be cooled for up to 48 hours with adequate fertility.
Ideally cooled sperm is inseminated within 24 hours of collection and the mare ovulates within 12 hours of insemination.
This requires some intensive management on your veterinarian’s end, occasionally with some long-range forecasts required to get the semen at the insemination centre at the right time. It is important to understand how cooled semen is shipped around Australia and the costs involved before using this method.
If you are in a remote location, frozen semen insemination may
be a more reliable method if your mare is a suitable candidate.
The use of frozen spermatozoa opens a number of genetic possibilities for breeders here in Australia.
Spermatozoa can be sourced from local stallions with a busy competition career, deceased stallions and stallions abroad. It is important to ensure that your mare is a suitable candidate for frozen breeding as results can be disappointing. Internationally, pregnancy rates with frozen spermatozoa range between 30-70% with an average of around 50% per cycle conception rates with good quality
frozen spermatozoa. Unfortunately, there are no international standards for frozen spermatozoa so different numbers of spermatozoa and different numbers of straws make up a “dose” and post thaw motility rates can be highly variable. Frozen spermatozoa are also often sold as “doses” or “straws” rather than “pregnancies” so make sure you read your breeding contract carefully. Foal heat is usually avoided and aged mares are often not suitable candidates for various reasons.
Preparation and management is the key to ensure you have a positive result.
Equine herpes is a widespread and deadly condition in horses caused by the Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) and is found in horse populations worldwide.
It can cause respiratory diseases, especially in young horses, neurological diseases, and abortion in some pregnant mares.
The virus targets the respiratory, reproductive and central nervous systems and gradually spreads throughout the body. This can lead to incontinence, an inability to stand and stillbirth in pregnant mares.
If your horse is infected, you may notice the following signs:
•Fever, and may be missed if the horse’s temperature is not measured
•Nasal discharge
•Abortion, which usually occurs without warning, late in the pregnancy.
The respiratory disease caused by EHV most commonly affects young horses.
Shedding via respiratory secretions typically lasts 7-10 days but may be longer, with aerosol being the primary means of transmission, either directly or indirectly through poor hygiene.
Mares that have aborted also shed virus in respiratory secretions with virus also being present in the foetus, placenta, foetal membranes and foetal fluids.
Affected foals that are born alive typically die within days.
The neurologic disease caused by EHV-1 infection is known as Equine Herpes Virus myeloencephalopathy (EHM), and is due to damaged blood vessels, including damage to the blood-brain barrier.
EHM may occur without any signs of respiratory disease and commonly affects the hind limbs and the urinary system.
Signs include:
•Lack of co-ordination
•Urine retention incontinence
•Inability to stand up, if severely affected. If your horse is only mildly affected, there’s a good chance of recovery, but there’s a poor outlook for those that have been severely affected. It may take several weeks or
EHV is spread in the most part by direct contact (ie nose to nose) or indirect contact (via shared water troughs, on people etc). It can be spread through the air although only at relatively close distances (unlike equine flu which can travel much longer distances) so by keeping you and your horse to yourselves you are significantly reducing the risk of infection.
Out and about:
•Do not share water buckets or troughs.
•Do not graze your horse at shows (your horse could come into contact with a contaminated area of grass where another horse has been grazing)
months to recover from neurologic problems, and some horses are affected for the rest of their lives.
The Equine Herpes Virus is transmitted in various ways.
1.Horses breathe in the virus from infected horses – shedding via the respiratory system can last for 7 to 10 days
2.The virus can be spread indirectly when secretions from an infected horse (either from their nose or due to an abortion, which results in infected tissue and fluids) are transmitted by people or by sharing equipment.
You can vaccinate your horse against Equine Herpes Virus with a vaccine available from your vet.
Vaccination reduces the clinical signs of respiratory diseases caused by both strains of the virus, EHV-1 and EHV-4.
It also helps to control EHV-1 abortion when used in conjunction with appropriate management practices, as advised by your vet. Your horse can get this vaccination from five months of age, or from three months if at high risk of infection. Your horse will need a second dose four–six weeks after the first dose, followed by a booster every six months. Breeding mares should receive doses at five, seven and nine months of pregnancy. Fortunately, this virus is very species-specific, meaning that humans do not catch equine herpes virus, and vise versa.
•Avoid your horse having nose to nose contact with other horses.
•EHV can be spread indirectly on humans’ hands or clothes so avoid touching other horses and use appropriate hand hygiene measures.
•Do not share any tack, rugs or equipment.
At Home:
•Take your horse's temperature daily. Above 38.5 degrees C is considered a higher than normal temperature If your horse has a temperature you should isolate your horse and have your vet take a look. Note - there are other infections that can also cause pyrexia so this doesn't necessarily mean your horse has EHV but your vet will be able to send off samples to help determine the cause.
•Monitor your horse for clinical signs of EHV: cough, nasal discharge, reduced appetite, swellings, incoordination or ataxia (wobbliness).
•Do not move seemingly healthy horses off premises where EHV has been diagnosed. They could be carrying or incubating the infection.
•Avoid sharing water or feed buckets, tack, rugs or other equipment between horses.
•Separate pregnant mares from the other horses. EHV can also cause abortion
If you have any concerns or for further information contact your local vet.
Acomprehensive guide to successful horse breeding, by Jeanette Gower
DR GREG BALDWIN BSc BVSc MPhilPh: Ph: 02 6672 3898
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When preparing for the arrival of a new foal one important factors to remember is are my fences suitable and in good order to keep your mare and foal safe.
Foal fencing should reach right to the ground, be strong with no gaps or anything protruding that a foal can be injured on. Repair or replace any areas that a head or hoof can fit through, pay special attention to gateways in particular the space between the gate and the post.
WoodShield fencing posts and rails are perfectly suited to horse studs, training facilities, equestrian centres or the hobby farm as the coated timber posts are a strong, safe, chemical free fence post and are virtually maintenance-free.
Available in black or white colour options, WoodShield are the most practical, versatile and aesthetically pleasing fencing posts and rail solution on the market today, not to mention they will never require painting. With UV protected polyethylene which is completely inert the plastic coated post provides superior performance in extreme climates.
Fencing for mares and foals needs to be secure, safe with nothing they can stuck in or injured on.
No sagging from heat or brittleness from cold, WoodShield posts will perform on your farm or ranch for decades.
WoodShield maximizes the latest polymer technology to eliminate splintering, the danger of wood breaks and in most cases cribbing or chewing.
They combine the strength and rigidity of timber with a polymer exterior coating that eliminates the shortcomings of tradi-
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tional wood fencing product. When these posts are installed they provide a chemical free and extremely safe fencing system Smooth, “easy to handle”, exterior polymer coating makes WoodShield timber posts an extremely low-maintenance product.
though as newborns do not have the agility to avoid electric fencing and can become entangled. Introducing a foal to electric fencing should be done under close supervision. Solid fencing lined with strong mesh or shadecloth is ideal. Have the paddock prepared in plenty of time before the mare’s due date as not all mares go full term. For details go to
Breeding a horse is an endeavor where the owner, particularly of the mare, will usually need to invest considerable time and money. For this reason, a horse owner needs to consider several factors, including:
* Does the proposed breeding animal have valuable genetic qualities to pass on?
* Is the proposed breeding animal in good physical health, fertile, and able to withstand the rigors of reproduction?
* For what purpose will the foal be used?
* Is there a market for the foal if the owner does not wish to keep the foal for its entire life?
* What is the anticipated economic benefit, if any, to the owner of the ensuing foal?
* What is the anticipated economic benefit, if any, to the owner(s) of the sire and dam or the foal?
* Does the owner of the mare have the expertise to properly manage the mare through gestation and parturition?
* Does the owner of the potential foal have the expertise to properly manage and train a young animal once it is born?
There are value judgements involved in considering whether an animal is suitable breeding stock, hotly debated by breeders. Additional personal beliefs may come into play when considering a suitable level of care for the mare and ensuing foal, the potential market or use for the foal, and other tangible and intangible benefits to the owner.
If the breeding endeavor is intended to make a profit, there are additional market factors to
consider, which may vary considerably from year to year, from breed to breed, and by region of the world.
In many cases, the low end of the market is saturated with horses, and the law of supply and demand thus allows little or no profit to be made from breeding unregistered animals or animals of poor quality, even if registered. The minimum cost of breeding for a mare owner includes the stud fee, and the cost of proper nutrition, management and veterinary care of the mare throughout gestation, parturition, and care of both mare and foal up to the time of weaning.
Veterinary expenses may be higher if specialized reproductive technologies are used or health complications occur.
Making a profit in horse breeding is often difficult. While some owners of only a few horses may keep a foal for purely personal enjoyment, many individuals breed horses in
hopes of making some money in the process. Arule of thumb is that a foal intended for sale should be worth three times the cost of the stud fee if it were sold at the moment of birth.
From birth forward, the costs of care and training are added to the value of the foal, with a sale price going up accordingly. If the foal wins awards in some form of competition, that may also enhance the price.
On the other hand, without careful thought, foals bred without a potential market for them may wind up being sold at a loss, and in a worst-case scenario, sold for "salvage" value—a euphemism for sale to slaughter as horsemeat.
Therefore, a mare owner must consider their reasons for breeding, asking hard questions of themselves as to whether their motivations are based on either emotion or profit and how realistic those motivations may be.
There are a myriad of horse feed ingredients and additives on the market and being discussed in social media chat groups.
Rumour has it that many of these can produce miracle cures.
But how many have been examined scientifically, and how can science explain the benefits of these products?
Do some have negative side-effects?
Sometimes an additive can be contributing a nutrient deficient in the diet and when this is the case, the horse may show an improvement through obtaining a better diet. In other cases, the additive (such as certain herbs) can be acting through the influence of naturally occurring drugs (e.g. valerian).
Sometimes the effects of feeding therapeutically high doses of certain nutrients can be used to have a 'nutraceutical' effect (e.g. certain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals).
Garlic is highly valued by herbalists for assisting with human health. In humans it is used to prevent and reduce the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold, improve blood pressure of those with known high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It is high in manganese and vitamins C and B6.
Many horse owners feed garlic to repel insects but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
Garlic contains allicin, a compound scientifically proven to be poisonous to horses. It can cause Heinz body anemia therefore garlic should be avoided in equine diets (Getty 2009).
Apple Cider Vinegar
There are many anecdotal references but very little in the scientific literature to support the value of apple cider vinegar in the diet.
It may be worth trying if you have a horse very susceptible to insect bites (Getty 2009). Horses love the flavor, and ACV can be used to tempt a fussy eater or encourage a horse to drink at a competition when the water smells and tastes different to the water at home.
ACV, like all vinegar, is mildly acidic, so some nutritionists suggest that adding a cup per day to your horse's feed can help acidify the hindgut which may reduce the risk of enteroliths, particularly for horses on high lucerne diets.
Brewer's Yeast
Brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is the yeast used in the brewing industry, although it can be grown specifically to make a nutritional supplement.
It is a source of microminerals such as chromium, selenium and the B group vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid and biotin.
These vitamins are necessary for horses to utilize the energy supplied by the carbohydrates and fats in the diet as well as for protein synthesis, the bodily function where the amino acids provided by proteins in the diet are reformed to maintain and repair cells and tissue for all bodily systems from blood and muscle to the immune system, hormones and vital organs.
B6 is critical for pregnant and growing hors-
es and those with wounds, joint injuries or those fighting infection.
Biotin works in conjunction with B6 to produce keratin which is important for hoof and hair health.
These vitamins are often produced and used by bacteria in the hindgut but often a dietary source is required as well.
Horses who have been stressed (e.g. by hard exercise, transport, illness, anxiety including separation anxiety and being left without food) are especially in need of supplements to support and rehabilitate their gut bacteria. Vitamin B1 helps to support and maintain the nervous system, which is why horse owners use brewer's yeast to help with nervous or anxious horses.
However brewer's yeast would need to be fed at very high rates to provide the same amount of thiamin as is typically included in a holistic vitamin and mineral supplement or a calming paste.
One brand of brewer's yeast listed on contained 40 mg of thiamin per kg compared to 700 mg/kg in a good quality horse vitamin and mineral supplement and 33,000 mg/kg in a calming supplement.
Is there an easy way to add topline to a horse?
Do muscles come out of a bucket?
Ahorse's body requires energy for growth, maintenance and work and any excess dietary energy (calories) are stored as fat. Horses also require protein for growth, repair and maintenance but adult horses require a relatively small amount of protein and usually get all the amino acids and protein they need from the forage they consume.
However, some amino acids (the building blocks of protein) are available in lower quantities than others in a typical roughage diet. Proteins are built to a very exact recipe and if a horse is deficient in one amino acid, the production of that protein will stop. It would be like a gourmet chef cooking a particular dessert and if the kitchen runs out of eggs, the chef cannot substitute another ingredient, so no more of that dessert will be made.
Continued page 11
From page 10
The most commonly limiting amino acids are lysine, threonine and methionine and breeding and growing horses often need these supplemented to meet the needs of growing bodies.
Lucerne and full fat soybean meal are two relatively cheap and common feed sources used to provide limiting amino acids.
Synthetic forms of these amino acids can also be added via a protein or mineral supplement.
These supplements won't directly contribute to topline or muscle condition without work - despite their marketing claims.
Provision of all basic daily nutritional requirements combined with correct, consistent exercise is the only way to improve topline, and scientific research does not support the use of any amino acid or 'topline' supplements in the horse's diet (Urschel 2013).
Paprika is gaining in popularity as a coat enhancer. Hygain states on its website that, "The lighter Hungarian variety of paprika contains high concentrations of copper flavonoids. As copper is required for the manufacture of melanocytes that give bays, blacks and chestnuts their colour this is possibly why paprika maybe beneficial."
Widely respected USA-based equine nutritionist, Dr Juliet Getty, says that whilst the data on using paprika is mostly anecdotal, it
does seem to be effective (pers. com). Correcting copper and zinc deficiencies and balancing the ratios between these two minerals is known to improve a horse's hair or coat.
According to, paprika contains 41mg/kg of zinc and 6mg/kg of copper - very low in comparison to a comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplement. For example a 500 kg horse in light work requires 400 mg of zinc and 100mg of copper per day (NRC 2007).
You would need to be feeding 8 kg of paprika per day to supply half the daily copper requirement.
Paprika also naturally contains a compound called capsaicin, which is a banned substance in horse sports and will result in positive drug tests at a competition. Capsaicin is banned because it has painrelieving properties (it gives the 'hot' feeling in many topical muscle relieving lotions) and may cause hypersensitivity to touch in horses.
The FEI classifies it as a doping prohibited substance because it can also be used as a "hypersensitizing agent" to artificially increase a jumper's caution about hitting a jump or as a class-Amedication administered for pain relief.
Flax Seed Oil provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source ofOmega 3, an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their overall health.
BONE Gold nutritional bone joint and collagen supplement was formulated to provide some of the essential amino acid requirements of collagen type I, II and III (found in bone and connective tissue) in addition to supporting the nitric oxide pathway which has been found to assist in the formation of bone callus postinjury.
Veterinary surgeons have recommended that Bone Gold may assist with sore shins, tendon injuries, ligament injuries, osteoarthritis and post-surgery in horses and polyarthritis, geriatric osteoarthritis, and post-surgery in dogs.
Here is a veterinary radiographic report on a horse with a fracture evident on the medial toe and after treatment and feeding Bone Gold during this period. More information on these products can be found at
XXXXXXX's left and right front feet were radiographed on 26th Aug, 21st Oct (8 weeks) and again on the 17th Nov '21(12 weeks).
XXXXXXX’s left and right front feet were radiographed on 26th Aug, 21st Oct (8 weeks) and again on the 17th Nov ‘21(12 weeks).
26.08.21: Right Front: Large P3 solar margin fracture evident on medial toe 32.6mm x 4.1mm with approximately 1.4mm separation from parent bone as below left image.
26.08.21: Right Front: Large P3 solar margin fracture evident on medial toe 32.6mm x 4.1mm with approximately 1.4mm separation from parent bone as below left image.
21.10.21: Right Front: Fine residual 4.2mm fracture still evident, approximately 90% resolution
21.10.21: Right Front: Fine residual 4.2mm fracture still evident, approximately 90% resolution
17.11.21: Right Front: Fracture fully resolved
17.11.21: Right Front: Fracture fully resolved
26TH AUG 21
21ST OCT 21
Radiographic results as of the 17th Nov '21 show total resolution of the original fracture.
XXXXXXX was reshod today utilising off an alloy shoe with a toe clip - inner circumference seated out to avoid any sole pressure. The horse can return to training.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further queries
Solar margin Type IV fractures of this magnitude have well-documented internationally published healing rates of 7 - 12 months. Full resolution of these fractures is rare as most often the fracture fragments are resorbed. Full resolution in a 3 month period was not anticipated.
The horse was on Bone Gold 3 x scoops fed once per day for this period.
Over the past 20 plus years, the equine nutrition supplement market has grown enormously, creating competition on the shelves but also great confusion.
So which supplements appear to be the most popular in the market?
It seems that one of the most popular products are antioxidants, supplements for coat condition, gastrointestinal supplements such as pre-and probiotics and products to assist with hindgut health and ulcers.
Other formulas that are very popular are supplements that help to calm the nervous system and products that can build muscle tone and top line. Alongside of these are products for respiratory issues, allergies, coughs etc.
Research has provided us with information suggesting that the most popular supplements are ones for joint health.
There is quite a variation with the types of supplements being used based on the type of discipline.
For example, high performance horses such as eventing horses, endurance horses and racing horses tend to look for products such as electrolytes and pain relief as being the priority.
We all know that pain is very common in both the human and animal world so it stands to reason that this is something that horse owners will be seeking.
Nutritional supplements have become quite popular, and their use can be varied as can the results achieved.
It’s important to make sure that the supplements you are using with your horse do at least have a good track record but preferably
solid science behind them.
We should also appreciate that there is not a tremendous amount of study or even funding available for research in the equine industry apart from obviously drugs. Therefore, we are more reliant on a lot of anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence for the ingredients being used in these supplements rather than the actual supplement combination themselves.
Horses unlike humans and dogs do not break down supplements in their gastrointestinal system. Human studies may suggest that vitamins and minerals breakdown in the human body, however this may not be the case with horses.
Therefore, some products may work in other species but simply do not work in horses.
We do know that horses are strict herbivores which means that plant matter will be much more readily digested and utilised by the horse than possibly other types of ingredients being administered. In it is for this reason that herb extracts and herbs can be quite beneficial in certain situations.
Joint Supplements
There are many different types of joint supplements available in the market today, some are effective others appear to just have a placebo effect, whereby horse owners believe that it is working. It is very important to ensure that you do have good scientific evidence behind the ingredients used in a formulation for joints and muscles.
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The most commonly used ingredients are glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and rosehip, another very popular one is curcuma longa. Pain is very common in horses just as it is in humans, sometimes we forget that the anatomy and physiology of the horse is not really suited to the job we asked them to do.
On top of all that we put ourselves the rider, saddle, bridle and then ask them to perform sometimes quite difficult movements. For us to imagine that horses don’t suffer pain doesn’t make any sense at all.
I believe it is very important to put preventative measures in place for horses that are working. We know that pain can develop into something more sinister and can also be shown in behavioural issues in horses and tenseness.
Sometimes this tenseness can be confused with nervousness but instead it is in pain. Think about a management program for your horse that is specific to the horse’s needs. As a practitioner and product formulator, I believe that it is very important to choose ingredients that are compatible with each other.
This then increases the bioavailability of each ingredient used and can have quite an amazing effect and benefit in reducing pain and inflammation in horses who are suffering from joint complaints such as arthritis.
My go to is always the ProflamAidPlus which has been used in horses for well over 30 years. It is an Australian-made product and one I’m very proud of.
It uses natural therapy which means the use of one or more of the five nutrient groups working together to cause and effect. These include mineral tissue salts, organic Herb extracts, specific amino acids, specific vitamins and trace elements.
The ingredients used in this formulation have the most amazing science behind them. For further information check out the following link.
You will find a wealth of information about how the product works, the ingredients used and the science.
The other product that is my go-to for pain relief is the EquiGesic Plus. This product is primarily an isolated extract of curcuma longa which means that its potency is exceptional and once again has remarkable science behind it.
In fact, this particular extract has more science behind it than any other curcuma longa product in the market whether it be in the human or animal health industry. It also contains Boswellia serrata extract, BioPerine, which is a black pepper extract and essential
fatty acids. It is interesting to note that when you use the patented BioPerine it enhances and increases the absorption and utilisation rate of the ingredients used in the formula. EquiGesic plus has high pain relief properties and like all Hi Form products are extraordinarily safe to use and highly effective. Here is the link to EquiGesic plus Calming products for horses)
As horse owners, we very often look at safe and reliable options to use to calm our horses. They can be used for competition; for a young horse being floated for the first time or being seen by a farrier.
It seems often when it comes down to supplement use, that horse owners may or may not investigate the ingredients being used but rather use a product because someone has recommended it to them.
I believe it is very important to research the products you are going to use. I’m sure when you look at purchasing a supplement for yourself, you weigh up your options and hopefully make an informed decision at the end to choose one that is more suited to you. Very often when asked the question horse owners don’t even know why the product worked or how it worked, just that it worked.
There are a lot of ingredients that will contribute to assisting with reducing stress in horses:
•Thiamine, also called vitamin B1, plays an important role in the breakdown and processing of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. High-grain diets result in a greater thiamine requirement in horses, and thiamine-deficient animals might exhibit hyperirritability.
•Magnesium, widely referred to as the “antistress mineral,” helps relax nerves,relieve tension, aid digestion, activate enzymes important for protein and carbohydrate metabolism, and modulate the electrical
potential across all cell membranes. Magnesium also helps nerve conduction, induces restful sleep, and purifies body tissues by combating acids, toxins, gases, and impurities and neutralizing poisons.
•Tryptophan and other B vitamins are also proposed to calm nervous horses,reportedly via their neurotransmitter and nerve-conducting capabilities.
•There are also several exceptionally effective herb extracts such as Passiflora incarnata that are not only safe to use but are also safe in competition
Reliable information
The most important aspect of choosing a supplement to use with your horse is accessing the correct advice.
You could ask your veterinarian, but in most cases your equine nutritionist will be the best option. This is because their training is clearly in nutrition so that’s an area of expertise that you can rely on.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, by asking questions you will get an educated answer. You can be provided information on how the ingredients work in the horse’s body and what is the best option for your individual case. It is also important to be aware that using too many supplements can counter act each other.
I see many situations where horse owners are doubling up on several ingredients unnecessarily, it is also not cost-effective to do this. If you would like further advice or information on equine nutrition in general or how to use supplements in the correct way, please contact us on or pm us on Facebook.
We have an exceptional team of highly qualified practitioners on staff ready to assist you, our practitioner’s modalities include clinical nutrition, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, herbal medicine, and equine science. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your horses.
The Reiki technique was developed in Japan
by Mikao Usui.This is a healing energy technique that utilizes life energy force that is transmitted from the practitioner’s hands. This technique was originally developed for people, but has been used frequently on animals as well.
Dr Angel is a trained Reiki Master - she developed an animal healing symbol that she believes helps intensify the Reiki energy when working on animals.
Reiki energy can help an animal decrease pain, provide them emotion relief and allow their bodies to naturally heal themselves. While Reiki treatments do not replace veterinary medicine or other forms of animal bodywork, it can be very beneficial in working with all types of animals including those who do not want to be touched or are afraid of human contact.
Those who practice Levels II and III Reiki are able to send Reiki energy over distances, allowing them to work on animals who are not immediately in front of them.
In Dr Angel's online course, she teaches students how to perform Reiki healing on animals and provides them with the necessary attunements so that life energy can begin flowing freely through them.
Only those students who have undergone Reiki attunements are able to perform Reiki
energy healing sessions.
How does this course differ from traditional Reiki courses?
While traditional Reiki courses are focused on human healing, this course is specifically designed for animal healing.
The course covers equine, feline and canine behavior and handling, to better help our
practitioners read an animal's body language.
It also teaches our students an Animal Reiki symbol that enhances the healing energy when working on animals.
Those who are human Reiki practitioners can benefit from taking this course as well as those who have never completed a Reiki course.
To learn more about Dr. Angel's course, click here.
Animal Reiki Certification Online Course
Become an Animal Reiki Master with this comprehensive online course.
This course covers Reiki Level One, Level Two and Level Three (Master Level).
Included in course:
Reiki Level I (course and distance attunement)
Reiki Level II (course and distance attunement)
Reiki Level III (course and distance attunement)
Equine, Canine and Feline Behavior and Handling
Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Forgiveness
Taught by Master Reiki practitioner, Dr Angelique Barbara (Dr Angel)
This course is available to everyone and can be completed from any location. No prior experience is needed.
and EQUINE ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world.
The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin.
Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab.
The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.
KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways:
Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin.
It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy skin.
These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.
We are proud to announce the release ofour two new patent formulations, BONE GOLDTM and COAT GOLDTM in both the Equine and Canine presentations.
Our Formulas have been granted Innovative Patents as they present as totally unique in the market and are clearly differentiated from all other supplements.
Our new products have been produced with the same attention to detail with the highest quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients manufactured in an Australian GMP approved site.
Unlike most other supplements made in feed barns or pet food factories, this guarantees the quality and quantity of each ingredient in all our products.
VET GOLDTM products are made in the same laboratories as many Veterinary Pharmaceuticals with the highest quality control standards in the Australian Veterinary industry. Our products are developed with specialist bio-engineers focused on ensuring maximising product effectiveness balancing ingredient ratios and particle sizes to optimise physiological uptake, digestibility and stability.
Extensive research and development in conjunction with clinical testing and observation by Veterinary Surgeons on clinical equine and canine cases is conducted on all our products.
Dr Watts has lectured at Equine Veterinary Association meetings, at the University ofQueensland and runs regular remedial Equine podiatry workshops in conjunction with Veterinary colleagues and Farriers in addition to running a busy clinical Equine Practice.
VET GOLDTM is a family owned Australian business that takes pride in all our product range with comprehensive personal support with any questions answered directly by Dr Andrew Watts and his stoic knowledgeable partner Mel Watts. Please feel welcome to contact us anytime, we look forward to personally providing any technical or medical support or information regarding our products.
Contains nutrients which have been found to contribute to the health of Hooves, Hair and Skin
Contains nutrients to support Type I, II, III Collagen formation
Contains the essential Amino Acids and building blocks for the production Keratin
There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9),
You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special?
Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven anti-
The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity.
Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plant-
Rose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the medication.
Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?
Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.
To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.
Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’
bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain
The more becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle.
protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already exists.
In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.
17 Redlands
17 Bowral
17 Central West Dressage
17 Eurobodalla
17 Sutherland Shire
23 Boneo Spring CDI
23-24 Central Coast Dressage
23-24 Far South Coast
24 Galston
23-24 NAGs 2023 Champs @ Nambour
24 Gladstone Calliope
30 Cooloola Dressage
30-1 Toowoomba
30 - 1ACTdressages Assoc
30- 1 Alexander Park
1 Equestrian Gold Coast
15 Bundaberg
15 Fig Tree Pocket
15 Caboolture
SEPTEMBER 16-17 TADRAChamps @ Southbrook
2-3 Johns River
9-10 Bush 2 Beach Endurance
9 Warwick Spocial Club Ride 07 4666 1193
9-10 Bush 2 Beach Ride 07 4778 0130
9 Highbury Ride
10 Woodstock Zone 3 Champs
15-16 Bakers Scenic Challenge
16-17 Biggenden
22-26 Cordillera Trail Endurance Ride
23-24 Watagan Mountains Endurance
24 Collie Ride
29-1 Legendary Victorian State Champs
30-2 Kuitpo 0424 370 169
1 Wiangaree 0447 442 662
7 Denmark Ride
14-15 National Capital Ride
9-10 Show Jumping @ Yepoon
23-24 Show Jumping @ Mt Larcom
28-2 Australian Interschool Champs @ Werribee
2-3 Cunningham QLD State Champs
16 Macksville Masters @ Coffs Harbour
1-3 TRHAShow White Park Scone
9-10 SQRHABeginner Show Allora
30 SQRHARibbon Show Gatton
14 QRHASouthern Cross Series Ribbon
Show and Clinic
14-15 WARHA& West Coast Reiners Two Can Play @ This Game Show
21-23 Gold Buckle Super Clinic Dalby
2 STBrendanns Rodeo, QLD
9 Collinsville Rodeo
8 Quilpie Bull Ride
8 Beaudesert Show Rodeo
9 Charleville
9 Noosa Show
15 Mulga Bull Ride
15-16 - Marrar Xtreme Broncs
16 Kenilworth Show
23 Beenleigh Show Bull Ride
29-30 Calliope
30 Imbil Bull, Bronc & Barrels
30 Mullumbimby Bull Ride
30 Tibooburra Xtreme Broncs
6 Kyogle Show Bull Ride
7 The Gem Hotel Bull Ride
7 Malanda Bull Ride
14 Rockhampton
14 Casino Show Bull Ride
14 Eatons Hill
30 Eumundi
23-24 Nimbin Show
Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.
NSW DPI Biosecurity -
* Select Factsheets link at the bottom of page for Information on NSW cattle tick entry requirements
* Select blue button [Record of Movement form] to complete the required ROM
Ph. 07 5536 4714 - For on-duty Compliance Officer contact details, or to leave a message - For accredited certifiers
QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999
16 Tweed District Showjumping Festival
The greatest gift for a rider is a good position and set of aids, using body awareness, centering and imagery. These classical principles of riding make it more enjoyable for the horse and rider partnership.
It's so easy to forget that the only way we can truly improve the horse is through the correct riding position and aids.
For example, in order to achieve straightness in the horse, you first have to straighten yourself, starting by becoming aware of your own ‘crookedness’before you can even tell in what way the horse is crooked.
The Trainer T was developed for my students to smooth this pathway and feel the right response in the horse.
This simple visual tool helps riders to understand and correct upper body alignment and has been most effective for all riders from beginners to advanced riders.
I understand the upper body position is only part of the package, but it is an essential ingredient for success.
The results and feedback are exciting and worth sharing.
Feedback from riders using th Trainer T includes:
* I love this T because mum and dad can easily see and help me correct my position
* I started riding taller as soon as I put it on!
The Trainer T is the perfect tool to improve posture, balance and seat.
* I'm consistently getting the correct canter lead.
* It's so much easier to control my horses shoulders now my position has improved.
* I am able to keep the correct bend on both reins.
* I've already improved from a 6 - 8 in my collective mark for position.
Many of my students have won major events throughout Australia and the Trainer T has been instrumental in enabling their successful partnership.
For further information Ph Kate 0400 921 104 or email: or
Kate Dolan is a passionate coach and rider always looking to achieve quality riding and training results for the success and benefit of both horse and rider.
Based on the Gold Coast, Qld, Kate offers a boutique training and coaching facility where she designed the 'Trainer T' for her students.
When you ride, do you find yourself (and perhaps yourinstructortoo!) spending most of the time focusing on what the horse is doing, instead of being aware of and correcting yourown body?
* Gives instant feedback to optimise good posture and balance.
Email: Ph 0408 251 968
* Ideal forvideo training sessions ormirrorwork.
* Solves the mystery of centred riding (almost instantly!)
Orderyours today.
$85.00 Plus postage
Available in sizes: Child 6, 8, 10, 12 +14
Adults: 8, 10, 12 + 14
Phone Kate Dolan
0400 921 104 email: or
Fibre provides root structure, similar to grass roots in turf, to existing or new sand-based riding surfaces. Fibre improves the surface stability, therefore the horse will work ‘on top’ of the surface rather than ‘through’ it.
Our Flexi Fibre is a mixture of polypropylene, polyester and nylon Fibres which are the base material to all of our surfaces worldwide and similar to all other top surface suppliers. We
Australian conditions and manufacture here in Australia, enabling us to produce at very competitive rates.
• Improves preformance
• Improves stability of new or existing sand surfaces
• Enhances drainage
• Long lasting
The Australian Industry Trade College (AITC) came into being to meet the needs of young people.
So they got started on rethinking how to educate, equip and empower.
The AITC started helping young people to find their purpose and proudly pursue a pathway in industry, at school. Some might call it a trade but for the AITC, it is a profession. It’s about finding what fits; about loving what you do. Before opening its doors in 2006, thought was focused on who the AITC needed to be and the role it could play in the education and employment landscape.
The College spoke to educators and to industry, and saw the options available to technically talented, bright minded young people diminish as thinking narrowed around what constitutes ‘clever’and the ‘best’path to success. That was more than 15 years ago and it’s come a long way since then.
Like our young people, the College has evolved, navigated challenges, experienced setbacks and enjoyed great successes.
The College provides a unique two to threeyear program for young people in Years 10 to 12 that focuses on:
developing character and values
academic and enterprise skills
employability skills
industry readiness
It is the only school in Queensland where students spend half the term in the classroom and half the term in work experience, work placement, training or a school-based apprenticeship
or traineeship.
The program is designed to progressively develop employability skills and achieve individualised learning goals, whilst also meeting the requirements of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
They offer a huge variety of traineeships, apprenticeships and pathways to almost any career.
One of these is the Equine Academy. The racing industry provides a breadth of career opportunities for young people and can take you close to home or as far away abroad as you wish.
The AITC has developed a bespoke Equine Academy designed to educate young people to become apprentices and trainees of the highest calibre, specifically for the equine industry.
In fact, several Equine Academy students have already started their school-based apprenticeship.
You don't have to choose between finishing school and starting your career.
The College is currently enrolling Year 10 and 11 students who are interested in gaining a head start in the racing industry, while completing senior school.
Whether your interests lie with horses, working outdoors, pursuing a trade or administration; with an industry-driven education, the right training and unmatched immersion, the Equine program is sure to deliver a head start.
Finish Year 12 and gain your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
Complete a Certificate II in Racing Industry.
Rotate through various industry roles.
Commence your school-based apprenticeship or traineeship in the equine industry before you graduate.
Grow your character and mindset to be a valuable contributor to the industry and your community.
Equine Academy participants will immerse themselves in the many facets of the equine racing industry through site visits, incursions, excursions and work experience.
The industry-driven program will connect young people with employers and race clubs for managed work experience, placements and ultimately a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship in your chosen field, all whilst completing high school.
Horse training is a lot about figuring out what comes before what, and then what comes before that.
For example, often at clinics we will do a warm up exercise where we walk, trot and canter the horse 'on the buckle' -- essentially, without reins. If we have people that cannot do this, this is often the place where we begin -- if you don't have balance in your seat, and if your horse relies on you for speed control, then you don't have much.
We have helped people with flying changes, canter departs, collected work -- all by making sure that this is in place first.
Can you walk, trot and canter "no hands" ?
If not, this is something you can work on that will help the rest of your training -- I promise!
If you earn an income for officiating or officiate at non EAaffiliated events or events not insured through the EAInsurance program, then you should consider Officials Top-up Insurance.
This benefit to your Equestrian Australia Official affiliation, allows you to take out additional insurance which will cover you for:
* Personal Accident;
* Public & Products Liability; and
* Professional Indemnity whilst undertaking duties as an equestrian Official under your EA accreditation whilst you are earning an income or at non-affiliated events. Simply put, earning an income means you receive a payment for your services as an Official (Judge or Course Designer). This is in addition to the cover which you hold through your EAMembership, and covers you 24/7 for any non-income earning (receiving no payment) for your equestrian activities.
Officials are currently covered for:
* Personal Accident;
* Public & Products Liability; and
* Professional Indemnity to officiate at club events provided the club has EA insurance. This Top-up policy will cover you up to the level of your accreditation with Equestrian Australia.
To be eligible for this insurance you will need to be a current EAmember and hold a current EAOfficial accreditation.
When is the EA Officials Insurance Top-Up required?
The question is best answered by looking at the two key criteria:
* What is considered officiating on behalf of an “EA Insured Club”
* What is considered a “Non-Income Earning Equestrian Activity” for the purposes of the insurance policy?
By understanding these two criteria, it is easier to understand when and where the Officials Top-Up is required.
EA Club Insurance
If an official is officiating at an EAAffiliated Club that holds the EAClub Insurance, the EAClub Insurance extends automatically to provide coverage to officials. These officials do not necessarily need to be EAmembers, they simply need to be appointed in line with EA’s requirements. There is no requirement regarding income/non-income earning activity where cover is provided by the EAClub Insurance
The EAClub Insurance applies to all activities run by the relevant clubs for their competitions as well as any other organised club events (such as training days) which are run by the club.
Where an official is not able to rely on the cover provided automatically from the EA Club Insurance (i.e. if the club does not hold cover through EA– such as ag shows), there can be additional coverage available from their insurance as an EAmember.
The policies provided to EAmembers (via State Branch Membership) provide cover whilst the member is engaged in “NonIncome Earning Equestrian Activities”. With regards to officials, it has been agreed between Marsh Australia, EAand Underwriters that reimbursement of incurred expenses is not income however if additional payments are made, this is considered income.
As such, if an official is actually reimbursed for expenses such as travel, accommodation, meals etc as an official, this is not considered an income earning. However if a per-diem or honorarium is paid on top of the reimbursement of actual expenses, this would be considered income earning.
Remember, if this is an EAclub activity, then the fact that it may be income earning is not relevant as the club insurance does not require the officiating to be Non-Income Earning.
The Officials Top Up is required where someone is engaged in Income Earning Officiating and the EAClub insurance does not apply: For more info contact
The Remi Stud Young Rider Scholarship is an annual Scholarship and is awarded to a very deserving Young Rider who has the talent and dedication in either dressage, showing, or eventing, but needs financial assistance to purchase a horse of their dreams.
Cheryl O’Brien from Remi Stud has put together a great team of supporters to help make this dream come true for one lucky young rider.
This scholarship is an amazing opportunity for a young rider to have entry into the equestrian industry with support from a variety of supporters.
The scholarship includes the ownership of a purpose bred Hanoverian weanling by Remi Vigneron (Australian Medium Champion 2022 and now a multiple dressage champion at Small Tour dressage), plus a support package which includes feed from Prydes Easifeed, registration with Equestrian Queensland, marketing from Equestrian Australia and the Brisbane CDI, a saddle, bridle and saddlecloth from Edwards Saddleworld, 10 weeks training by Lord Dressage, show product from Dr Show, riding attire from Horse & Co, Veterinary care from Westvets, rugs from Gala Equine; registration and merchandise from the Hanoverian Horse Society of Australia, hoof care from Meaker Farrier Services, $1500 product from Kelato Animal Health, and transport by Manuel Equine Transport - a total package valued at more than $35,000.
There are some exciting changes to the scholarship for 2024, with the first change already being made this year.
The age for the applicants will now be from the beginning of the year in which they turn 15 to the end of the year in which they turn 25.
These changes will allow riders already in the equestrian industry to enter a more talent-based scholarship. Full details of these changes will be
announced at the Brisbane CDI during the scholarship presentation this year on 16th September.
Previous scholarship winners are:
2013: ISABELLAWILKINSONMcINTYRE from Brisbane was the inaugural winner, and was awarded the black gelding, REMI LIVINGSTONE S by Lauries As (imp) / Lanthan (Ger).
2014: ALEXANDRABARLOW from Yeppoon, was given the brown filly REMI LIBERTYBELLE S by Lauries As (imp) / Fishermans Friend (imp).
2015: JORDYN FAINT an eventer from Londonderry in NSW, received the brown gelding REMI FALLGUYS, who was donated as a tribute to the outstanding stallion Fishermans Friend (imp)
2016: GEORGE GROVER, also an eventer from Tasmania, was awarded the dark brown gelding, REMI LORD OF THE VALE S by Lauries As (imp) / Court Musician xx
2017: OLIVIARUZSICSKAfrom Humpty Doo in the Northern Territory received the black colt REMI LAZZARINI S by Lauries As (imp) / EM Remi Burlesque by Belissimo M.
2018: SASKIASMITH from Orange in NSW received the dark chestnut filly REMI LAURIES DREAM S by Lauries As (imp) / Remi Dreamcatcher by Desperados.
2019: CHARLOTTE STEPHENS from Samford, Qld, was the deserving winner in 2019, and was given the beautiful dark brown colt, Remi Lauristinus S by Lauries As (imp)/Fishermans Friend (imp),
2020: ELISE PAYNE from Ourimbah, NSW, was the winner in 2020. She was awarded the beautiful filly, Remi Laurentia S by Lauries As (imp) from Remi Veuve Clicquot by Viscount. Because of the logistical challenge of Covid, we had a virtual presentation to Elise.
These 8 youngsters have already been put under saddle by Matthew Lord and Team Van Den Berge, and are well on their way to represent all the sponsors in their respective disciplines.
2021: AMELIADART from NSW, received the first foal to be donated by our young Hanoverian stallion, Remi Vigneron, the chestnut gelding Remi Virtual Star S. He is the last of 11 foals from our wonderful Premium & Elite Mare Remi Wolkenstar by Wolkenstein II.
2022: GEORGIACREED the “Bush Kid” from Biloela, Qld, was the winner in 2022. She was awarded the lovely gelding, Remi Valdemar S by Remi Vigneron from Remi Viscountess.
For futher information contact Cheryl O'Brien at
There are in fact many reasons. It all starts with the humble Rosehip, the berry-like fruit of the wild rose bush species Rosa Canina. A wholefood known to be one of nature’s richest sources of natural vitamin C. A superfood containing 8 naturally occurring vitamins (including C, E, B1 and B6) and 23 minerals (including iron, copper, zinc and magnesium), essential fatty acids (omegas 3, 6 and 9),
You may already know rosehips are often fed to horses for immune system support and a improved circulation and improved digestive function. So you’re probably wondering what makes Rose-Hip Vital® so special?
Rose-Hip Vital® is made from Rosehips manufactured with patented extraction and drying processes which isolate and activate a galactolipid (fatty acid) called GOPO®. GOPO® has clinically proven anti-
The patented processes also concentrate and preserve the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, transforming Rose-Hip Vital® into a product that is both in a category all on its own, and across many; It’s a joint antioxidant and a nutritional supplement. It delivers noticeable improvements to mobility, mood, condition, willingness to move forward, performance and recovery while reducing improving general health and wellbeing, and boosting immunity.
Rose-Hip Vital® is a clinically proven plantand rich source of natural vitamin C. There is no product like it. Unlike other joint supplements, Rose-Hip Vital® is 100% plant-
Rose-Hip Vital® is safe for long term use and it does not swab. It can be used alongside conventional treatments and supplements as well as potentially replacing or reducing the medication.
Horses like it so much, even the fussiest of eaters become more enthusiastic about their feed once Rose-Hip Vital is added. So while Rose-Hip Vital Equine has become a highly use, it also has become highly recommended for improving general health and wellbeing, improving performance and maintaining healthy joints.
How does Rose-Hip Vital® Equine lengthen the lifetime of a working horse?
Vital is comprehensive. There are in excess of placebo controlled clinical trials on people, dogs and horses mainly focusing on antithe unique compound GOPO.
To many people, antioxidants and anti-aging go hand-in-hand. Antioxidants are talked about as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals. Exercise and the associated stress and increase in oxygen consumption are linked to an increased production of free radicals. When the production of free radicals overwhelms the body’s antioxidant defences, oxidative stress can occur with subsequent research shows horses need natural vitamin C to help block toxic free radical activity, which causes damage throughout the body including joints and cartilage.
Some white blood cells in the body contain granulocytes which enable them to ‘clean’
bacteria in it. Too many of these white blood cells wear down tissue cartilage. In large numbers they can also produce chemical enzymes and toxic freeradicals which cause even more tissue damage. Excess accumulation of white blood cells combined with the release of chemical substances cause’s joint pain
The more becomes, the more the white blood cells are attracted to it –a painful cycle.
protects cartilage. This means it helps to delay the onset of arthritic changes or slow down further cartilage degeneration if it already exists.
In short, if you want to extend the lifetime of your working horse, feed it a natural antirich source of natural vitamin C. Rose-Hip Vital® Equine is your only option, and the results speak for themselves.
The NNSW all breeds show will be held at Alstonville Showgrounds starting at 8am on Sunday, October 8, 2023.
There is an awesome program with Led and Ridden Classes for All breeds plus Beginners Ring & Fancy Dress for those just starting out in the show ring.
There is a two ring format for Ponies, Galloways & Hacks, Off the Track classes, loads of sashes trophies and prizes on offer - major awards include the Supreme Champion Led Stallion of the Show, Supreme Champion Led Mare of the Show, Supreme, Champion Led Gelding of the Show, Supreme overall led (Marjorie Clark Memorial), Supreme, Champion Rider of the Show (Greg Potts Memorial), Supreme, Champion Hack of the Show (Ward Rippon Memorial), Supreme Champion Hunter Hack of Show.
Entry fee is $40 per horse via (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes).
Entries to be completed before October 5.
For show Enquiries: Email.
The NNSW Show Horse Association will be holding a Spring Hack Show at Maclean Showgrounds on Sunday, September 3, 2023.
Competitors must be members of SHCAand to show proof of membership or pay a day membership fee of $20.
Entry fee is $30 per horse via (includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes).
Entries to be completed before September 1.
Organisers have secured some great sponsorship and will have loads of prizes on offer for over 30 champions and 6 supremes.
There will be led classes for Breeds - First Season classes - Novice Riders - Novice open and hunter pony galloway and hack classesSecond Chance ring - ASH feature ring. Separate enclosed ring for young riders new to showing that includes leadline and independent events to include Led classes hack and rider games and fancy dress. For further information Email: or Email:
The Nimbin Country Show had its beginnings in 1919 and is the first show in the North Coast show circuit.
The 2023 show will be held on September 23-24 and is a traditional style agricultural show with horses, cattle, poultry, dog trials, arts, crafts, fruits, vegetables, and horticulture.
Saturday ring events will feature Led and ridden breed classes , Novice and open Hacks and Hunters and Rider classes a Supreme Led and Supreme Hack and Sunday will have classes for Shetlands, Miniatures, Heavy Horses, Showjumping, Junior Senior and Assoc hack and rider classes novelty and sporting events.
For more information:
Email: or phone 0428 327 560 or 0428 341 992
23-24 September
Celebrating their 101st show
Saturday - Led and ridden breed classes
Novice and Open Hacks and Hunters, Rider classes
Supreme Led and Supreme Hack
Sunday - Shetlands, Miniatures, Heavy Horses, Showjumping, Junior Senior and Assoc hack and rider classes novelty and sporting events
For more information:
Email: 0428 327 560 - 0428 341 992
Sunday - 3 September 2023
8:30 at Maclean Show Grounds, Cameron St Maclean NSW
Pre nominate by Friday 1st September via www manehub com
Entry fee - $30 per horse
(includes ground fee, gate admission and entry into unlimited classes)
Champ & Res Champ Led Thoroughbred, Warmblood, ANSA, Riding Pony, Welsh, Arabian, Quarterhorse, Baroque, Colourama, Saddle Pony, Shetland ASH and other breed classes
Champ & Res Champ Novice Pony, Galloway & Hack
Champ & Res Champ Open Pony, Galloway & Hack
Champ & Res Champ Show Hunter Pony, Galloway & Hack
Rising Star classes - Novice Riders - Second Chance ring
Separate enclosed ring for young riders new to showing that includes leadline & independent events Led classes hack and rider games & Fancy Dress
For further information
The Tweed River Agricultural Society will hold its 121st Murwillumbah Show on 3 & 4 November 2023 at the Murwillumbah Showground, 37 Queensland Road, Murwillumbah. The Show will commence with a huge evening of entertainment on Friday 3 November, including a rodeo, bar, food, live music & sideshow alley. All horse events and other traditional show events and exhibits, together with terrific entertainment line-up, are jam-packed into Saturday 4 November. Gate 8 will open at 5.30 am for horses, and Centre Ring commences at 7.30 am. The popular All Breeds Classic classes start at 7.30 am sharp, with great prizemoney on offer to winners of the Yearling, 2yr Old and 3-Year- Old classes. There are breed specific classes for many breeds, from miniatures to heavy horses and everything in between. Winners from the various breed classes will vie for Supreme Colt or Stallion, Supreme Mare or Filly and Supreme Gelding garlands, with those three Supreme winners competing for the coveted Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Trophy. Champions from the Ponies, Galloways and Hacks will line-up for Supreme Hack of the Show while Show Hunters and Working Hunters will strive for Supreme Hunter of the Show. Showjumping will be on throughout the day, and Sporting Events will occur after the hack classes conclude. Entries, stables and camping online via Horse competitors must pay to enter the showground, tickets available via . Horse schedules available on Nominate, the TRAS website: or the TRAS Secretary E| P| 02 6672 5507 M| 0427 725 507
The Murwillumbah Pony Club will be holding a two day camp on Wednesday & Thursday 4 & 5 October 2023.
The Murwillumbah Showgrounds offer great facilities, stables, camping, canteen, new dressage arenas, jumping and sporting equipment, qualified instructors and friendly helpful members. New members are welcome to join the club and join in the fun but riders from any club are welcome to come along. All nominations will be via For further information contact Paula on 0413 733 294 or email
19 - 20 - 21 October 2023
Thursday - Breed classes including Thoroughbreds, Standardbred, ANSA, Arabian, Australian Saddle Ponies, Unregistered Ponies, Riding Pony, Stud Book, Australian, Dartmoor, Shetland, Welsh, Palominos, Appaloosa, Paints, Pintos, Buckskins, Quarter Horses, Baroque, Waler and Warmbloods.
Friday - Maiden, Novice, lntermediate & District Hack Classes & ASH Feature show, plus Northern NSW Champion of Champions Prize Money $250.00
Saturday - Open Hack, Hunter and rider classes, plus Off the Track Classes, plus Miniature, Heavy Horse, Gypsy Cobb and Harness
Showjumping all 3 days - with S1,000 for the Grand Prix Showjumping Event
The 2023 Casino Show will be held on Saturday 14th October at the Casino Showgrounds , Summerland Way, Casino and offers a great program for Led and ridden Breed Classes, Western and Australian Stock horse classes maiden, novice and open Pony, Galloway, Hack, Show and Show Hunter classes, Rider Classes and Showjumping. The organisers have secured some awesome sponsorship this year offering rugs garland trophies prizemoney and vouchers for many of the classes.
Show horse competition entry fee is $10 for each horse competing. No individual class entry fee is required. Ribbons only to be awarded to third place. Gate entry fee is $10.00 adult, $5.00 child/pensioner and under 12 free.
For further information Ph: 02 6662 1076 email: or visit
The Kyogle SHow Society would like to warmly welcome contestants to their annual show this year kicking off Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October. This year the show organisers are partnering with Far North Coast Australian Stockhorse Branch NSW who are generously supplying the show with over 50 classes to choose from. They will have an Accredited Stock Horse Judge across all ASH classes with some amazing prizes for winners. Classes will be open to registered Australian stockhorses and financial Australian stockhorse members. They have their long standing Campdraft event running all day Friday along with the forever growing Stockman's Challenge event in their brand-new sand arena.
They are introducing all breed classes and showcasing the muchloved familiar favourites Miniatures, Hacks, Galloways, Ponies, Quarterhorses, Paints, Roans, Palominos and Heavy Horses! Stick around Friday night for a big night of bull riding action and Saturday night will present their highly rated Demolition Derby and fireworks display.
Full canteen and bar all weekend. For further information visit or FaceBook @kyogleshowsociety
The North Coast National Lismore Show will be held over 3 days 1920-21 October 2023 at the beautiful Lismore Showground. Thursday centre ring- Breed classes including Thoroughbreds, Standardbred, ANSA,Arabian, Australian Saddle Ponies, Unregistered Ponies, Riding Pony,Stud Book, Australian, Dartmoor, Shetland, Welsh, Palominos, Appaloosa,Paints, Pintos, Buckskins, Quarter Horses, Baroque, Waler and Warmbloods.
Friday - Maiden, Novice, Intermediate & District Hack Classes & ASH Feature show, plus Northern NSW Champion of Champions prize money $250.
Saturday - Open Hack, Hunter and rider classes, plus Off the Track Classes, plus Miniature, Heavy Horse, Gypsy Cobb and Harness there will be Showjumping all 3 days - with S1,000 for the Grand Prix Showjumping Event.
Champion Hack will receive the Verdun Smith Memorial Trophy and $100.
Supreme Champion Rider will receive the Peggy Fryer Memorial trophy and $100 and Supreme Champion Hack will receive the Noel Chittick Memorial trophy and $200.
For further information Email: or visit www.
Saturday 14th October 2023
Casino Showground
10095 Summerland Way, Casino
Led and ridden Breed Classes
Pony, Galloway, Hack, Show and Show Hunter classes
Rider Classes and Showjumping
Rug donated by HORSELAND Lismore; Garland donated by CHAMPIONS
Garland, Rug & $50 cash donated by Equissage NSW - Amanda Warren
Garland, Rug & $50 cash donated by Equissage NSW - Amanda Warren SUPREME RIDER
Arm Garland & Jacket sponsored by BRAD DAVIDSON AUTO ELECTRICAL & $50 gift voucher donated by PETStock Lismore
Rug & Garland Sponsored by Walshy's Earthworks & $50 Voucher Sponsored by PETStock Lismore
class winners receive $50 donated by International thoroughbred Retirement Champion to receive trophy donated by Casino Racing Club, Rug & Garland donated by Merlandi’s Farrier Service
Ph: 02 6662 1076
The 2023 Mullumbimby Show will be held over 3 days from 10th till 12th of November. Exciting changes for the always beautiful main arena of the Mullumbimby show have been made for our Horse section entrants. New timetables will be trialled to alleviate disruptions.
The Main Ring will have hack, hunter and breed classes including Youngstock feature classes.
Get your creative ideas ready for the fun of the Fancy Dress class, anything goes class for horse and rider/handler.
The Far North Coast Branch of the Australian Stock Horse Society are providing prizes for our Australian Stock Horse Feature ring which has handler, hack and working classes for junior and senior registered Stock Horses.
Our ever-popular Show jumping program will be run on Saturday & Sunday with great cash prizes from our generous sponsors for the great selection of events.
Trotting displays are again generously sponsored by Garrards Horse and Hound. One lucky driver will go home with a new RIO gig donated by Garrards.
To help with new timetables within the Main Arena we ask for all trotting drivers to pre-nominate their entries - contact number for the trotting is John Ward 0418 254 695.
To avoid delays on competition day waivers can be downloaded at to have ready to hand in on the day.
Tickets for will be available for purchase on-line shortly.
Tickets purchased on-line are $12 per day for Adults and $5.00 per day for children (5-16 years). Children under 5 have free entry.
We are introducing a 2 day pass available for purchase on-line. The 2 day pass for the 2023 Show is $20.00 for Adults and $10.00 for Children (5-16 years). Children under 5 have free entry.
Gate prices on the day for the 2023 Show are $15.00 per day for Adults and $5.00 per day for Children (5-16 years). Children under 5 have free entry.
Programs and further information about all sections of the 2023 Mullumbimby Agricultural show can be found on our website from early September 2023 or via email to
Animal Itch & Skin Remedies -
Country Scene Saddlery -
County Saddlery Qld -
Country Park Animal
DeMeulenkamp (QLD) Itch
Embroidered saddlecloths -
Eq Land Developments
Equine on the web ...
Equilibrium Mineral Mix...
Equestrian On line ...
Feed XL...
Fordsdale Farm Stay …….
Gallagher Electric fencing ...
Gold Coast Horse....
GG’s Horse Transport .....
Greystone Manure Vacuums ...
GEOHEX Ground Stabilisation .....
Have Horse … Will Travel
Healing for Horses
Horse Transport …
Horse Transport …
Horse Floats …
Kentucky Equine
Kulavale Equestrian...
Lisa McCann Herbs .......
Mitavite ...
Mobile Livestock
Nathan Trailers at Nerang...
National Equestrian Wholesalers ....
Natural Hoof care .....
Natural equipment
Neds Bed Horse & Dog O’Tel.....
New England Girls School .
Omega Feeds
Pharmachem ...
Redlands Vet Clinic ...
Replay Classifieds...
Riding for the Disabled............
Stance Equine Feeds..........
StockGuard Electric
Southwood Saddlery...
The Horse Report ...
Horses and other grazing livestock entering NSW from the cattle tick infested zone of Qld MUST comply with the Mandatory Measures of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017 regarding examination and treatment of livestock prior to entry into NSW.
NSW DPI Biosecurity -
* Select Factsheets link at the bottom of page for Information on NSW cattle tick entry requirements
* Select blue button [Record of Movement form] to complete the required ROM Ph. 07 5536 4714 - For on-duty Compliance Officer contact details, or to leave a message - For accredited certifiers QLD DAF call centre 07 3404 6999
Ca Ca ttle tic ttle tic ks ar ks ar e notif e notif ia ia b b le in NSW le in NSW
10 Pagan Street JERRYS PLAINS NSW 2330 Ph: 02 6576 4162 -
Ph: Ph: 02 6672 3898
E: E:
W W ::
provides the richest (almost 60%) natural source ofOmega 3, an essential fatty acid (EFA) which is not generally present in equine foods. Like all animals, horses cannot manufacture this essential fatty acid which is so important for their overall health.
Price: Price: $ 15,000.
11.3 7/8 hh
Reg: WPCS, Pure Welsh A, EVand SHC Palomino Mare
She has the most amazing temperament with a strong work ethic - She strives to please She has attended many Ag shows and always a broad ribbon Winner. She has beautiful soft snaffle mouth and just sits up and goes Placed Top 5 in a huge class of quality ponies at the SHC BOB / Gala show prior Xmas. Barastoc HOYReserve Champion Small Show Hunter Childs Pony and 3rd Open Small. Show Hunter Pony out of a very large class of quality ponies.
Qualified for The Nationals to represent Victoria in 2023. This little girl definitely has the goods and will have a huge future in the right home. She is ready for lead rein and children as young as 9 & 10 have easily ridden her Sadly my granddaughters are just not riding her enough and interest has been lost. She is just too good to sit in our paddock Easy to clip, trim, prep, farrier and float and copes well with or without company. Will be sold with her made to measure David Quayle double bridle and matching number holder and made to match false tail made by false tails by Simone
Other pics and Videos available
Contact: Chris Ph: 0499 498 866
Price: $ 15,000.
10.1 hh
Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Lentara Media
Dam: Lentara Abba
Freddie is everyone’s favourite when you meet him, he is the ultimate kids pony, and he is always handled by my 2 and 4 year old.
Freddie is the one in the stable that is used for the kids pony rides, or road rides, for the kids to get out and brush and wash. He can be on his own or with others.
He is a top quality Shetland, qualified for grand nationals 2023 and Southern Cross 2023. He has so many winnings, from when first started out as a newcomer, and now this year competing at two Grand National qualification shows and qualifying at both shows.
Freddie is the ultimate Lead rein Shetland, he is also an amazing ridden Shetland. He sits in a frame and does his job for the kids. He goes from the float to the ring no work down. He is now ready to take a little kid to the top. Freddie is a Grand National winning Shetland. He has the best work ethic, but also so well educated. He has no vices, no health issues, good to tie, float and clip.
This is a very hard sale.
Please contact me for further info. Lots and lots of videos with the kids
Contact: Naomi Karutz Ph: 0425 198 277
Price: $ 15,000. 10.1 ½ hh
Pinto Gelding
Sire: Cranielle Jasper
Dam: Colvadale Reality
One of Australia’s most successful and versatile Shetlands This is one of those type, delete, retype kind of adds. Ronnie is 10.1 1/2 8 year old Shetland who is very much a loved member of our family. We have done everything ourselves with Ronnie right from the very beginning. Ronnie is very happy and is not your typical lazy Shetland. He loves to jump, go down the beach, trail rides, steeplechases (his favourite thing to do) and will give anything a go.
Some of his recent results include
SHCVroyal gala 2021 R/u child’s Shetland (GN QUALIFIED)
Vasa saddle horse champs 2022 WR/u open Shetland R/u child’s Shetland
APSB stud show 2022 Winner of the first ridden Shetland
Champion child’s exhibit all heights (2nd year in a row)
SHCVHOTY2022 Champion preliminary pony under 14hh
SHCAGRAND NATIONALS 2022 3rd in the child’s Shetland
Melbourne royal 2022 2nd child’s Shetland (GN qualified)
SHCVclassic show 2022 Champion leading rein Shetland
APSB pony of the year 2023 Winner of the ridden Shetland pony of the year
Contact: Taylah Ph: 0421 071 095
Price: $ 10,000.
11.2 hh
Riding Pony x Arabian Riding Pony | SHC Bay Gelding YOB: 2017
Chewy has been shown successfully in-hand and under saddle including Currently in light work, ridden by 2 children aged 7 - 15 and going well under saddle. Chewy has a fantastic work ethic taking everything in his stride including new places, showing, jumping, trails, pony club, games. Good breaks however still a semi forward moving pony so suits a capable beginner or novice child.
Chewie is totally handled by children and isn’t fussed by cars, bikes, dogs. Chewy is a definite stand out in the show ring and is expected to continue to do well at the highest level in Leading Rein and/or First Ridden classes. Perfect for a show home to continue his education and reach his maximum potential, suitable for pony club and just for a little rider to love and enjoy. Great for the farrier, float and able to clip with no sedation. Chewy is of the highest breeding and was started/ previously owned by Andrew Buckley, has correct conformation with three stunning paces.
* Videos available upon request 10k includes his custom made Shelley Cole Bridle, chest number holder, show browband from KBB Brow-bands and several rugs plus raincoat. Barefoot, never suffered laminitis great doer. Vet checks most welcome. Located Gold Coast. Tallebudgera
Contact: Sheridan Ph: 0404 535 444
Price: $ 25,000.
14.3 ½ hh
Reg: SHC | EA
Bay Gelding
YOB: 2017
Sire: Rosedale Lords
Dam: Tofu
“Oliver” is registered RP/SHC/EAand is in his first season of showing. He is being professionally trained and shown by Tamara Lee. He has shown great promise in his first season and has settled to life as a show horse easily.
I feel he was suit a teenager or adult rider and will go a lot further in his career in the right hands. He does not need a lot of working down and is a lovely horse to handle. Lovely soft paces and a good mouth.
Has jumped small jumps 45-60cm and ridden by 12yos Oliver will make a top child’s galloway.
He is qualified for Royals 2023
Champions at Ag shows
Champion Newcomer SH Galloway final at SHCVSummer Spectacular 2023
Champion Newcomer SH Galloway VASLtd. 2023
Top 10 SH Large Galloway HOTY2023
Top 5 SH Large Galloway International Showdown 2023
6th Canberra royal novice SH galloway 14.2-15hh2023
Horse can be viewed at Lee’s property Whittlesea.
Contact: Tamara Lee Ph: 0409 182 938
Price: $ 16,000.
14.3 hh
Reg: Purebred Arabian Grey
YOB: 2017
Sire: Justin MI x (WH Justice (US) x Mulawa Alexa
Dam: Mahdiaa x Sk Shakla Khan (US) x Maazina
Purebred Arabian Mare Just turned 5 years Currently 14.3 hh professionally halter trained and lightly shown at halter. Holly as she is called at home was bred to be a saddle show horse. She has just been broken in by the talented and very successful Summa Crockett and is going kindly under saddle.
She holds her own frame and covers ground in her movements. Try’s her hardest to please. This mare will go to the top with a capable experienced rider to continue her training. Basics are already there.
Lovely bloodlines for future breeding.
Holly is only offered for sale as family commitments are unable to continue with her training. Serious show home only.
Contact: Denise Niass
Ph: 0409 314 186
Price: $ 35,000.
14.1 ½ hh
Reg: Riding Pony, Saddle Pony, API ANSASHC EA
Grey Gelding
YOB: 2014
Sire: RHYLRedwood
Dam: PYX Copper
Courtalia Park Royalty 8yo small show hunter galloway gelding. Reggie is a legend, he is registered ANSA, API, Saddle Pony Riding Pony EAand SHC. A favourite amongst all who meet him. Charming personality with eyes that melt your heart.
Hugely successful from his very first show. Qualified and entered for Grand Nationals, Toowoomba and Sydney Royals. All enquires to Paul Austin. Available for viewing in Tambourine, SE QLD Videos available, vet check welcomed. A much loved family member ready for his next chapter.
Contact: Paul Austin Ph: 0401 660 189
Price: $ POA 15.0 hh
Bay Mare
Sire: Sadiks Psyche
Dam: Dynasty Park Regina
Beautiful 15hh 7 year old Arabian Warmblood mare by Australian National Arabian Champion stallion Sadiks Psyche out of the well performed warmblood mare Dynasty Park Regina (SOD Richmeed Medallion). Registered EA, SHC, AHSAand AWHA.
Lucy has been successfully shown under saddle and in hand. Lucy is a comfortable ride and has a look at me presence in the show ring. Lucy would suit a confident teenager or adult wanting a highly competitive galloway. Lucy is easy to handle on the ground, catch, shoe, float etc. but is a sensitive mare that requires confidence from her rider.
Lucy has not been consistently shown over the last 12 months due to her rider experiencing serious health issues. Lucy is sadly offered for sale to only the best of homes.
Contact: Ashleigh and Susanne Shearer Ph: 0427 902 800
Price: $ 12,000.
16.0 hh
Reg: Riding Pony x Thoroughbred Chestnut Gelding
Sire: Fernleigh Fine Print
Dam: Heroic Salute
Elmdale Park Imprint is an eye catching 12 year old 16hh RPx TB gelding
Lorry is now looking for his new home as his rider is no longer riding and he is missing out on the work and attention he craves. Lorry has a very loving personality, always first to the gate for cuddles, loves anyone he meets and can be paddocked happily with or without other horses.
Easy to catch, float, worm, clip and shoe. Lorry is best suited to a dressage or show horse home where he shows most potential to excel.
Lorry has previously competed in the show ring as a show hunter, where he managed to place in many competitions with his previous owners. He features in the 2015 Mitavite SAHorse of The Year gallery, after taking out the win in the Graduate Garland Show/Show Hunter Hack class.
Although Lorry is pretty easy going in most situations, he does need a knowledgeable home with either a competent teen or adult to get the best out of him as he can get anxious at times.
2 fitted saddles and a false tail as an option to buy along with the horse.
Contact: Jorja Ph: 0447 331 134
Price: $ 10,000.
15.1 hh
Reg: Arabian Warmblood
Black/Brown Filly
Sire: SF Sir Real
Dam: Acacia Park So Charmed
Stunning rising 2yo Arabian Warmblood filly to mature small hack
Her dam Acacia Park So Charmed is by So Sandro who's Dam is the black Hanoverian mare Sandro D imported from Germany.
At her first show she was Champion Open Breed Youngstock Filly, Champion Arabian Derivative Youngstock and overall Supreme Arabian Derivative Tilly will be well suited to a show or performance home as an open hack or future dressage prospect
As I'm no longer breeding Arabian Derivatives, I reluctantly offer this beautiful Filly for sale.
Her Dam Acacia Park So Charmed is also available
Contact: Nikki Ph: 0410 805 435
Price: $28,000. 15.1 hh
Reg: EA Bay Gelding YOB: 2010
Sire: Finch Farm Style
Dam: Zafirah Maya
Lego is a 12year old 15.1 warmblood x Arabian Lego is a pleasure to have around and is easy to rug, float, truck, shoe and catch. He has been ridden by a 14yr old the past few years. She does everything for him, catches rugs, puts him on the float and gets him ready.
He has taken his rider from 60cm to jumping confidently at 1Mt. He knows his job and aims to please his little rider. He will be missed in our stables and is only for sale due to moving to higher heights
It is now time for him to build the confidence of a new little person.
Contact: Naomi Oudshoorn
Ph: 0400 123 842
Price: $ 18,500. Currently 15.2 hh
Reg: Warmblood Brown Mare YOB: 2021
Sire: Mirage W
Dam: Danson Chocolate
Kiki is truly something special. She is going to be a big girl. Only turning one in Nov and is already about 15.2hh. She has the prettiest face and so well put together for how big she will be. She is going through her gangly yearling stage so isn't probably the best time to advertise but even now she is exquisite.
Beautiful across the ground and has so much presence. I truly believe this mare will reach the top. Only selling as I have a colt born this year which is our 1st home bred so would really like to keep him. He is also going to be huge.
Contact: Melissa Harding
Ph: 0402 660 884
Price: $ POA
12.3 hh
Reg: Riding Pony
Bay Mare
YOB: 2013
Sire: Fairly Rembrandt UK
Dam: Concerto's Joy of Astral
Izzy is a true performance pony. She is a loving and kind pony with endless potential in any discipline when in the right hands. She has attended many showing competitions as well as pony club and show jumping events, always with success.
She has been recently jumping up to 70cm and shows huge potential. She is training elementary dressage and does flying changes etc. The little pocket rocket could do anything!
Izzy has recently been ridden by a 9 yr old and even though she is quiet, her education and temperament require a knowledgeable family or capable rider to bring out her best.
Izzy would ideally thrive with a small adult rider or confident family looking for a top performance pony! This is a very special pony to us so she will only be sold to the appropriate home.
Contact: Charlotte Oberin
Ph: 0448 765 457
Price: $ POA
15.2 hh
Reg: Anglo Arabian, Part Thoroughbred
Chestnut Mare
Sire: Andaman
Dam: Turbo
Aria is an exceptional, Grand National quality young mare. With incredible movement and extreme wow factor, alongside temperament you can’t buy, this horse will make anyone’s dreams come true.
Aria has been to many in-hand shows including the royal show, Arabian state championships and more coming home with champions, supremes and supreme of supremes every time.
Aria is now broken in and ready to hit the show ring this year and eligible for newcomers 2022. She has done her first ridden show last weekend coming home with two champions already.
It is with the most heaviest heart that this horse has become for sale and is only due to being a young single mother and I can no longer afford to keep her so I am finishing up showing. Being my heart horse she will only be sold to the absolute very best of homes. No time wasters will be accepted please as this is already such a hard decision.
Contact: Sophie
Ph: 0499 168 600
Hallie is a 7yr old 16hh warmblood mare. Hallie is easy to catch, float, shoe, rug etc. she has been out to competitions, lessons, and is well behaved in all settings. Will suit a home with a confident and capable rider to enjoy this beautiful horse. Heartbreaking sale and only for sale due to needing a horse jumping the higher heights handled and ridden by a 14year old.
Consistently having jumping and dressage lessons. Jumping up to 1.04 comfortably.
Price: $ 9,000. 15.2 hh
Reg: AHSAAF4397
Bay Mare
Sire: Coltura
Dam: Princess Geegee
Utopia is a 6yo 15.2 1/2hh Anglo mare by Coltura from a lovely TB daughter of Atlantis Prince (GB). Utopia is a lovely eye-catching type with striking good looks and a very elegant front. She is fine and athletic with good confirmation & great feet. She is very pretty and has a sort of WOWfactor about her. She is currently in full work and is coming along very nicely with 3 quality & elastic paces. She has had outings to riders club, trail rides and a local dressage competition. She has also spent time with professional trainers so has a very well-rounded foundation. Utopia has done some jumping and seems to enjoy the experience and shows great scope. She has good technique, and is brave and willing. She has jumped up to 80cm but shows talent far beyond this.
Successful shown in hand as a yearling she handled the travel, change of environment and show ring experience with ease. She has an excellent resting HE for endurance riders with her pedigree being used across Australia and internationally in the endurance field. Utopia is best suited to an experienced rider, or at least a confident intermediate rider that will work closely with a trainer to help her reach a potential.
Contact: Michele Towb Ph: 0419 598 662
Price: $ 15,000. 13.3 7/8 hh
Reg: Riding Pony | SHC | EA
Chestnut Gelding
YOB: 2016
Sire: Cheraton True Blue
Dam: Cheraton Work of Art
Barney is a lovely large pony, easy to CFS, lovely way of going, good conformation, lightly shown with success always coming home with a champion at ag shows. Placed 4th at Barastoc large show hunter pony. Has been ridden by children at show and around at shows, jumped up to 60cm at home. Barney is ready for his next rider, qualified for royals 2023 and Canberra royal 2024.
Currently in work at professional stables. Sale due to young family.
Contact: Tamara Lee
Ph: 0409 182 93808
Price: $ 16,000.
13.0 hh
Reg: RPASPEAHC Grey Gelding
YOB: 2013
Sire: Mirinda Field of Dreams
Dam: Mirinda Love Story
Archie has been slowly brought along under guidance by a teen, attending clinics, Ag shows and competing at top level.
Archie is vice free, drug free and sound/barefoot. Suit a teen or adult for showing, dressage, etc.
Contact: Kirsten Strath
Ph: 0409 780 770
Price: $ 6,000. 13.2 hh
Reg: Riding Pony Chestnut Mare
YOB: 2015
Sire: Royalwood Boy Soprano
Dam: Swanreach Divine
Zoe has been broken in and had a small amount of work. She hasn't been shown due to Covid and flooding. She would be suitable as a beautiful broodmare or shown under saddle. Full Sister to Swanreach Anthem and Swanreach Orchestra (both pictured). Currently in good paddock condition.
Contact: Kiri Jenkins Ph: 0427 212 067
Price: $ 10,000.
12.1 ½ hh
Reg: RPSB | WPCS | APSB | ARP| SHC | EA Bay Mare
Sire: Turberry Tom Kitten
Dam: Marconi Gold Sovereign
With her impeccable blood lines, huge movement, stunning looks and beautiful personality she has what it takes to take her next aspiring rider to the top. Belle is ready to continue on with her career and education. Would best be suited to a knowledgeable show home where she can continue her education. Very quiet & sensible, ridden by children & easy to do everything with. Has been successfully shown as a youngster.
Video Footage Link -
Contact: Samantha Crouch
Ph: 0412 211 469
ALLERGIC DERMATITIS are names for distressing skin conditions which affects horses in spring and summer months throughout Australia and around the world.
The usual cause is a hypersensitivity to the bites of flies (in particular sand flies or midges).
While the bite of the flies are an irritation, some horses develop sensitivity to the bite and will rub themselves so much that they cause injury to their skin.
Research shows the cause is an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the saliva of the midges (as with humans).
Not only that, but once or twice a day, stable lies come to the horse, feed vigorously for a minute or two, and then return to the shade to digest their food. These bites can cause intense irritation in some horses. The bites appear as small raised lumps with a central scab.
The effects on the horses can be dramatic. They suffer intense pruritus (itchiness) on the mane, tail, face, ears and back, resulting in biting, rubbing, hair loss, self-trauma and a change of temperament. They become miserable and irritable.
KURITCH has been specially formulated to help assist this problem effectively, in a number of ways:
Firstly, it repels the biting insects using the combination of the natural repellent “Citronella Oil” and a highly effective repellent “DEET”. Secondly, it soothes the irritated areas thus relieving the horse from biting and rubbing, which in turn allows the normal healing process to begin.
It achieves this by the inclusion of the natural antiseptic “Eucalyptus oil” and Camphor oil” which naturally relieves itchy skin.
These significant benefits are also enhanced by the “Rain Resistant” and “Low irritant” formula. As it doesn’t contain alcohol (prevalent in most fly sprays) it won’t “sting” the horse. It can also be applied to surface wounds, minor cuts and skin abrasions to help prevent irritation and possible infection by nuisance insects.
Registered by the APVMA in Australia for over 40 years, extensive field experience has proven KURITCH to be a most effective solution for both preventing and healing distressing skin conditions caused by biting insects.
As well as KURITCH as a repellent, environmental management will also assist in protecting your horse.
Midges breed near stagnant water. As they don’t fly more than a few hundred metres from their breeding area, housing or paddocking your horses more than 500 metres from those areas will reduce their exposure to the flies.
Also rugging, hooding or stabling your horses between the hours of 4pm – 7am during spring and summer will limit the contact of the flies.
Should your horse already be suffering from the effects of allergic skin dermatitis, ensure you use QUIT ITCH to treat and relieve the effects of insect bites.
Since the 1970’s, QUIT ITCH has been an essential weapon in the fight against skin disorders in horses.