Down Syndrome Association - January Newsletter

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Down Syndrome Association of South Texas • 2800 NW Loop 410 • San Antonio, TX 78230 • 210-349-4372

Volume 15, Issue 1




Executive Director................1 HUGS...................................1 Teen Club.............................2 Playgroup..............................2 Kid Connection....................2 Adult Matters!......................2 Support Groups...................3 Audrey's Day........................3 Meet Persayus.......................4 Outreach...............................4 Mosaic Conference...............4 Fiesta Especial......................5

Downs Keeping Up With

Message from Terri Mauldin ... Welcome to 2013! I am really looking forward to all the wonderful things the Down Syndrome Association of South Texas has in store for the next year! As we close 2012, I need to reflect on what a great year it was for not only the DSASTX, but for the Down syndrome community, as well. The DSASTX added so many new families, and we are now serving over 900 families with almost 5,000 contacts in our database. More and more people in our community are finding out about the DSASTX, and we love that we can let everyone know the great things we can do and how wonderful our kids are. We have added a new Spanish support group meeting, which meets every other month. If you or someone you know wants information on the Spanish support group meetings, please contact us so we can make note in our database. All the events we held in 2012, from the monthly social activities to the Buddy Walk to the Holiday Party, were so well attended that we know we are making an impact. Over 4,500 people attended the Buddy Walk, and we raised over $163,000. The Holiday Party had over 800 people in attendance.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank some people for their hard work at the Holiday Party: • Rene, Carlos, and Roland for providing all the wonderful dancing music • Chris Reilly Photography for taking such awesome photos

Terri Mauldin

• Ron Milius for being a wonderful Santa Claus • Zachary Milius for being the incredible elf! • All the volunteers that helped with set up, registration, kitchen duty, and clean up. I also want to thank all the Board of Directors’ members for their dedication and hard work this past year in helping the DSASTX become an awesome organization. I look forward to enjoying 2013 with each and every one of you!

Birdies for Charity...............5 D.A.D.S.................................5 Education Opportunities.....6 Spring Soccer........................7 D.A.D.S. Golf Tourney.........8

The DSASTX H.U.G.S. Annual Giving program is an easy way to donate with a one-time, quarterly, bi-annual or monthly gift through automatic donations via a credit or debit card with amounts as low as $5. With every donation given through this program, you become eligible for the H.U.G.S. Recognition Club! The levels of the club are:

Who We Are.......................11

H- Helpers ($5 - $249): your name appears on the annual report U-Underwriters ($250 - $499): name on the annual report and a DSASTX gift G-Givers ($500 - $999): name on the annual report, a DSASTX gift and eligibility for a special drawing S-Sustainers ($1,000+): name on the annual report, a DSASTX gift, eligibility for a special drawing and a reserved table at the Annual Holiday Party

Calendar of Events.............12

Visit the DSASTX website – HUGS link to start your monthly giving today!

RLI Project...........................9 2013 Calendars...................10 Contributions.....................10

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