Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio • 2800 NW Loop 410 • San Antonio, TX 78230 • 210-349-4372
Volume 13, Issue 4
Executive Director ..............1
HUGS ..................................1
Buddy Walk ........................2 2012 DSA Calendar ............3 Holiday Party ......................4 Acheiver Award....................4 Meet the Board....................4 Teen Club ............................5 Meet Drew ..........................5 Support Groups ..................6 Kid Connection ..................6 Playgroup ............................7 Adult Matters! ....................7 Educational..........................8 Government Affairs ............9 Contributions....................10 Outreach ............................10 D.A.D.S. ............................11 Who We Are ......................11 Calendar of Events ............12
Message from Terri Mauldin ... Once again, the Buddy Walk on September 24th was a huge success! It is hard to believe that this was our 11th year! We had over 4,500 participants join us at Heroes Stadium as we celebrated the lives of those we love with Down syndrome with a lot of enthusiasm, joy, and style! Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, families, and the DSASA staff for making the Buddy Walk so successful. Please take a minute to read all about the great event within this newsletter. Next year’s Buddy Walk will be on Saturday, September 29th, so mark your calendars!
Please plan to join us on Tuesday, December 20th for the annual DSASA Holiday Party at La Villita Assembly Terri Mauldin Hall. We will have food, drinks, music, visits with Santa, and raffle prizes. One change this year will be that the child with Down syndrome and their immediate family (parents and siblings) will be free. All extended family members and friends will be $5 in advance. Be sure to check out the details in this newsletter and mark your calendar!
During the next several months, we have quite a number of things going on for the Down syndrome community, as well as the DSASA. Our monthly social activities continue to bring lots of children and adults together, along with their families. Please watch your emails and mailboxes for reminders of upcoming events and be sure and call or email the DSASA office to RSVP for all our events. For Playgroup and Kid Connection participants, we will pay the event fees for the child with Down syndrome and their siblings (under 18 years of age). For Teen Club and Adult Matters, we will pay the event fee for the teen or adult with Down syndrome and a special needs age appropriate guest (no siblings).
Have you ever considered making a donation to the Down Syndrome Association? If so, consider participating in the H.U.G.S. (Help Us Give Support) program. It’s an easy program that allows you to give a monthly donation directly from a credit card or checking account. No more writing checks and mailing the donation! Just go to our website www.dsasa.org and click on the HUGS logo on the home page carousel. It just takes a few minutes to complete the form and you are all set up! Thank you for your support!
Please help me welcome another addition to the DSASA staff! Hilda Tovar has been hired as the Adult Continuing Education (ACE) Program Director. This program is so important to our adults in continuing the improvement of their academic skills. Hilda will do student assessments and lesson plans for the weekly sessions, as well as train the volunteers that have graciously committed to be tutors each week. Hilda brings lots of special education experience as a retired teacher from Edgewood ISD. So, we now have five employees at the DSASA!
Help Us Give Support The DSASA’s HUGS program is an easy way to donate through automatic monthly installments via all major credit cards or checking accounts. The minimum amount can be as low as $5 per month ($60/year). Every donation helps support all of the DSASA programs. Visit the DSASA website and click on the HUGS link to start your monthly giving today!
Keeping Up With Downs
Buddy Walk 2011 Once again, the Buddy Walk was a TREMENDOUS success!
We had over 45,00 participants come walk on a beautiful sunny day! Because of you, the families and friends of children and adults with Down syndrome, we raised over $130,000 for the Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio and the National Down Syndrome Society. This money will go to help support the many programs and services that are provided by the DSA and assist the NDSS in their research, advocacy, and education initiatives. This event would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the Buddy Walk committee. We also require a large number of volunteers at the walk to make it a success. So, THANK YOU, to all the committee members and volunteers. We would like to congratulate the participants that were the winners of some awesome prizes! Briana’s Best Buddies (Briana Troy), Hayden Bexar’s Buddies (Hayden Torres), and Claire’s Compadres (Claire Schorsch) were the winners of a VIP Canopy, a goody basket and a team banner for being the top team fundraisers. Briana Troy was the top fundraiser and won a 2-night stay at the Westin La Cantera Resort; Gabriel Hey was the 2nd place fundraiser and won a year membership to Wash Tub; and Amber Schorsch was the 3rd place fundraiser and received the registration fee for the 2012 National Down Syndrome Congress Convention to be held in Washington D.C.! We also had a contest to see who raised the most money online the week before Buddy Walk, and the winner of the four free passes to Morgan’s Wonderland was Alice Soto! This was our second year to be at Heroes Stadium and it was a wonderful venue with its wide expanse of space. Thank you to Mr. Irl Kincaid from the North East Independent School District for allowing us to use the facility. We can’t wait to be at Heroes Stadium again next year! A special thank you goes to Jack Riccardi, KTSA Radio Personality, for serving as our Master of Ceremonies once again. Jack is a strong supporter of the DSASA, and we look forward to having him help us every year! We were extremely honored to have the Kennedy Family serve as our Honorary Buddies. Thank you, Shaun, Debbie and Katie for all you do for the DSASA! We would also like to thank Bruce Bowen; Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Adkisson; the Silver Fox and the HEB Buddy for coming to the walk and showing their support. The Buddy Walk would not be the same without the Johnson High School JROTC Color Guard presenting the colors, including our very own Billy Cade, Jr., who held the Texas Flag during the presentation. Thank you to Rebecca Greebon for singing the National Anthem. Then, of course, we loved having Cat Paws and troop warm all of us up for the walk with their incredible enthusiasm and songs. After the opening ceremonies, the
Kennedys, Bruce Bowen, the Silver Fox, and the HEB Buddy with the help of the Johnson High School cheer team started the one-mile walk around Heroes Stadium. After the walk, the participants enjoyed a wide array of festivities. There were moon bounces, face painting, arts and crafts, basketball hoops, banner making and, of course, the train ride provided by Big Blue Choo Choo. The wonderful sound of great dance music was provided by DJ, Richard Hughes, from Baby Huey’s. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following exhibitors who displayed their services to the special needs community: 101 Advocacy, A Plus Pediatrics Rehabilitation, Ageless Living Home Health, All State Insurance - Jim Boren Agency, Any Baby Can, ARC of San Antonio, Auburn Dental, Autism Network, Bandera Dental Care, CAMP CAMP, Circle of Care, Eva’s Heroes, Inspiration 4 Life/Radio San Antonio, Miracles Happen Inc., Monarch Academy, Morgan’s Wonderland, PCI Education, Pediatric Rehabilitation & Behavioral Services, Premient, Progressive Life, R & K Specialized Homes, Reaching Maximum Independence, Reece’s Rainbow, Speech and Language Center at Stone Oak, Spurs Sports & Entertainment, Team Care Rehab, Therapy 2000, and Texas Lions Club. We had a record number of Corporate Sponsorships this year from the community. Thank you to all the following sponsors: GREAT BUDDY ($10,000) Avnet Valero HEB Tournament of Champions BIG BUDDY ($5,000) Gordon Hartman Family Foundation Royal Management Special Buddy ($2,500) North Park Lexus C.H. Guenther & Sons The Speech and Language Center at Stone Oak PCI Education Broadway Bank San Antonio Express News COOL BUDDY ($1,000) Progressive Life Deerfield Animal Hospital Cavender Audi All State, Jim Boren Agency Clear Vision, Inc. Institute for Women’s Health Therapy 2000 Amegy Bank of Texas Premient BUDDIES (UNDER $1,000) Padgett Stratemann & Co., LLC Penske Truck Rental Absolute Rentals Baby Huey’s DJ & Sound System
2012 DSASA Calendars available for sale!
2012 DSASA Calendar Order Form Quantity
2012 DSASA Calendar(s) @ $10 each:
$ ______
Shipping/Handling ($2 1st calendar; $1 ea. addtl.): TOTAL
______ $ ______
Child with Down syndrome? _____ Yes
_____ No
If yes, name and birthdate of child with DS: Name: ________________________________________________ Birthdate: ______________________________________________ SHIP TO: Name: ________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________ Please send your check or money order along with this form to:
Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio 2800 NW Loop 410, San Antonio, TX 782130 Credit card orders can be placed online in our new DSASA Store or by phone to the DSASA office 210-349-4372
Holt Cat Big Blue Choo Choo Parties, Picnics and Promotions Otis Spunkmeyer Simply We SideAFects American Medical Response The Westin La Cantera Wash Tub Allegra Printing North East ISD Custom Food Group Balloon Productions Mylestones Pediatric Therapy Law Offices of Ed Goldner Serrano Video Productions Century Music System Tony and Cindy Deavers
Keeping Up With Downs Please join us for the annual DSASA Holiday Party Tuesday, December 20 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. La Villita Assembly Building (main floor) 401 Villita, San Antonio, TX 78205 FREE parking will be provided with a parking ticket which is available at the DSASA office. We have planned a wonderful evening including a barbeque meal. Santa will be there to hear what’s on your holiday wish list. Our incredible DJ will be there, as well, so make sure to wear your dancing shoes. The Holiday Party is FREE for people with Down syndrome and immediate family (i.e. parents and siblings only). All extended family members and friends are welcome for a $5 admission. Please RSVP on or before December 9th with the number of adults and children that will be attending to the DSASA office at 210-349-4372 or sanderson@dsasa.org. We appreciate your timely RSVP, as we must confirm the number of meals being catered. You must make arrangements to pick up or request us to mail your parking ticket and meal tickets prior to Wednesday, December 14th.
We hope to see you there!
Achiever Award
BILLY CADE RECEIVES ACHIEVER OF THE YEAR AWARD! The Arc of San Antonio recognized the accomplishment of people with developmental disabilities in our community at the Achiever of the Year Awards Banquet on Wednesday, October 12th at Morgan’s Wonderland. Billy Cade was nominated by the Down Syndrome Association of San Antonio as their Achiever of the Year! Billy attends Johnson High School and participates in the JROTC program. Billy did so well as a freshman last year that he was promoted to Private First Class and to the color guard this Billy Cade year as a sophomore. Billy loves to play soccer and has played on the NEYSO Special Teams for the past 11 years. He also enjoys music, sports, playing Wii games and being with his family. On behalf of the DSASA and The Arc of San Antonio, we congratulate Billy on his award!
Meet the Board
EDWARD LEOS Edward Leos is a San Antonio native and is the oldest of three boys. He has been an avid baseball player since he was 5 years old, and even pitched a 1-hitter in the city All-Star game when he was 13! His favorite player is Derek Jeter and the NY Yankees.
Edward Leos and Family (Photo by Christina Klahn with Twinflower Photography (Michael's sister).
Edward owns Destination Marketing Group and The Hotel Guide, a nationally-distributed digital travel magazine direct e-mailed to 6 million travelers yearly (www.thehotelguide.com). He joined the DSASA in June of 2011 and serves on the Development Committee. Even before Edward joined the Board, he made significant contributions on both the marketing side of the DSASA and on the Development Committee with his wealth of experience and great ideas!
www.dsasa.org Edward is married to Jennifer and they have three children, Garrett (age 14), Kendall (8), and Lauren (6). Their family loves to spend time together and stay fit. Edward is a marathon runner – watch for him at the upcoming Rock and Roll Marathon in San Antonio. Their favorite pastimes are to go to the gym, go on walks, and cook creatively. In fact, Kendall and Lauren attended the Young Chef ’s Academy and took a course on cooking with chocolate! Edward’s connection with Down syndrome is through his youngest cousin, Michael (31), who has DS. Michael is the youngest of 14 grandchildren and also the heart of their family. Michael inspired many in his family and moved Edward to give back to an organization that he knew nothing about until Michael was born. Edward has lofty goals for this organization. His belief is that we can double our outreach and funding within the next 3-5 years. The DSASA is a hidden gem right now, and Edward believes our leadership can help the rest of the area see exactly what the DSASA can do. We look forward to helping Edward reach these goals!
Teen Club
The Teen Club is open to all teens with any disability between the ages of 13 and 17. The goal of the Teen Club is to foster friendships, stimulate socialization, and increase positive self esteem. Chaperones will be in attendance at each event. The cost of Teen Club events will be covered by the DSASA for the teen and one special needs, age-appropriate friend. Please RSVP for each event to Stephanie Anderson at sanderson@dsasa.org or 210-349-4372. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 – NATURE HIKING 10:30 a.m. Join the UTSA Geological Society at Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa Road, San Antonio 78256. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 – DSASA HOLIDAY PARTY Please see page 4 for more information. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 2012 – BOWLING 3 p.m. Brunswick Thousand Oaks, 4330 Thousand Oaks Blvd., San Antonio 78217. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2012 – TEEN KARAOKE PARTY 6 - 8 p.m., Pam Stephens Center, 6530 Wurzbach, San Antonio 78240.
Meet Drew
Drew Boynton is 17 years old and a senior at Alamo Heights High School, where he has been in the special education program since the age of three. Drew enjoys watching musicals, playing Wii and listening to his CDs. Drew Boynton He also loves horseback riding, which he does once a week. Drew has a great sense of humor and makes people smile. Drew was nominated for Homecoming King this year by the entire student body and won. The experience has been overwhelming and wonderful. As parents, we were so proud of Drew and the community! The student body didn't focus on Drew's disabilities, but on him as a person. The students embraced Drew and were so happy for him. He definitely got the rock star treatment around school that week! Drew has appreciated being king, as you can see from the pictures; he truly is overjoyed and happy. He wore the crown with pride every day for a week! King Drew! Who would have thought this would be the case years ago. In kindergarten Drew started exhibiting some behaviors that needed addressing. I always called Drew "street smart” which meant that he understood everything around him, but it took a wonderful behavior specialist at Cambridge to work with Drew and our family to get his behaviors under control. Fifth grade was a better year and every year after that improved. Having a background in special education, I felt there was something else going on with Drew around seventh grade. When we got to high school, the teacher really listened, and Drew was diagnosed with Autism his freshman year. That was almost a relief for us to know why he did the things he did. That helped us understand the past and what we needed to do for the future. The peer tutor program at Alamo Heights made a difference for Drew. He loves being around the same age students and that is his "social time". The peer tutor program starts in 6th grade, so his peers truly have gotten to know Drew over the past seven years. They have received as much from Drew as he has from them. Being a senior parent, this is the part of school that we will miss. Having friends like this has been such a blessing! This Homecoming experience shows how effective this program is in high school. As a parent of a graduating senior, I feel that Drew is truly part of the community. When Drew won king, he kept repeating "We did it!” He understood that Alamo Heights did do it, and we are all winners in this! Debbi Chesney wrote a beautiful blog that really captures the moment. Go to http://alamoheightsunitedmethodistchurch.blogspot.com, and then scroll to Wednesday, September 21 - We did it!!
Keeping Up With Downs
Support Groups
Our monthly meetings of the Parent Support Groups are designed for parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends of children with Down syndrome.
SAN ANTONIO SOUTHSIDE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP De Paul Family Center 7607 Somerset Road, San Antonio, TX 78211 Third Tuesday of each month from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Childcare is available with a required RSVP to the DSASA office at 210-349-4372 or downsynassc@dsasa.org. We look forward to seeing you there! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Topic: Kinetic Kids Speaker: Tracey Fontenot TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 Topic: Sleep Apnea Speaker: Doctors from Academy of Sleep Diagnostics
NEW BRAUNFELS PARENT SUPPORT GROUP The Down Syndrome Association’s New Braunfels Branch serves families in Comal and Guadalupe counties. Gruene United Methodist Church 2629 E. Common St., New Braunfels, TX 78130 Third Thursday of each month from 6 - 7:30 p.m. Childcare is available with an RSVP to 210-349-4372. Other News: Every third Saturday, The ARC in New Braunfels holds a dance for all children with special needs. Please call Gloria Pinal at 830-609-9363 for more details. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Topic: Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Hollow Tree Ranch Speaker: Lauren and Jeff SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 Topic: New Braunfels Branch Playdate – All Ages Welcome! Location: McKenna Children’s Museum, 801 W San Antonio St., New Braunfels 78130; 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012 Topic: Dreams Fulfilled Through Music Speaker: Mary Kathryn Archuleta
THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 Topic: Parent Alliance for Learning and Support (P.A.L.S.) Training #1 Speaker: Brighton Center
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Topic: Parent Alliance for Learning and Support (P.A.L.S.) Training #1 Speaker: Brighton Center
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 Topic: P.A.L.S Training #2 Speaker: Brighton Center
SAN ANTONIO NORTHSIDE PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Coker United Methodist Church 231 E. North Loop Rd., Gibbs Room 1108, San Antonio, TX 78216 First Tuesday of each month from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Parents are encouraged to attend and PLEASE use the childcare for this event by calling 210-494-3455 x245 at least 48 hours in advance. Please leave a detailed message when making a reservation. Out of respect to our speakers, we ask that all children over the age of two be left in childcare. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Topic: Nutrition Relating to Down Syndrome Speaker: San Antonio Food Bank, Sarah Koontz, R.D. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 Topic: Kinetic Kids Speaker: Tracey Fontenot TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2012 Topic: Open Forum TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 Topic: What Happens After High School? Speaker: The Arc of San Antonio
Kid Connection
The Down Syndrome Association Kid Connection is our gathering designed for family social activities. We welcome all children with special needs and their families! Our events are specifically designed for ages 4 - 12. The DSASA will pay the admission for the individual with Down syndrome and their siblings. Parents are responsible for their own admission. A discounted rate will be offered when possible. Please RSVP for each event to Stephanie Anderson at sanderson@dsasa.org or 210-349-4372. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 – INSPIRE ART 10:30 a.m. We’ll create Thanksgiving placemats! Inspire Fine Art Center, 200 Queen Anne Court, San Antonio 78209. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 – DSASA HOLIDAY PARTY Please see page 4 for more information. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2012 – CLAY CASA 10 a.m., 502 Embassy Oaks #107, San Antonio 78216. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2012 – FUNTASTIC PLAYLAND 10 a.m., 7142 San Pedro #112, San Antonio 78216.
Adult Matters!
The Down Syndrome Association Playgroup is a playtime for children ages 0-3 and their parents. The DSASA will pay for entry fees to these activities (if applicable) for the child with Down syndrome and their siblings. Please RSVP for each event to Stephanie Anderson at sanderson@dsasa.org or 210-349-4372.
Adult Matters! is a social program specifically designed for our adults with DS ages 18 and older. The focus is on providing an environment to help them further develop their social skills, build friendships among other adults with DS, and offer them safe and appropriate interactions within the community. In order to foster that environment, we encourage them to invite an age-appropriate peer (another adult with special needs) to participate with them. DSASA will pay the participation fee for both of them. We realize that our adults depend on family and friends for transportation to and from these activities, so we will always try to plan activities that offer a place where parents/guardians can gather nearby (restaurant, coffee shop, etc.) and visit with each other during the event. Please RSVP for each event to Stephanie Anderson at sanderson@dsasa.org or 210-349-4372.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th KINDERMUSIK 11- 11:45 a.m., Music Arts Center Northwest (IH 10 & De Zavala), 12732 Cimarron Path, Ste. 100, 78249. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend since materials are needed for each lesson. Animals A-Dancing – In class, your child’s memory and sequence skills will strengthen with stop-and-go games tucked into stories and pretend play about animals on a farm. You’ll find these stories and songs in your Home Kit, too. So when you play this month’s featured rhythm stick instruments along with the recordings, you help your child develop rhythm, coordination, and the confidence that comes with learning and playing along with you. Home Kit: Pair of Rhythm Sticks, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Cows in the Kitchen) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 – DSASA HOLIDAY PARTY Please see page 4 for more information.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 – NATURE HIKING 10:30 a.m. Join the UTSA Geological Society at Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa Road, San Antonio 78256. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 – DSASA HOLIDAY PARTY Please see page 4 for more information SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 – MY FIT FOODS NUTRITION 11 a.m. DSASA Office Upstairs, 2800 NW Loop 410, San Antonio 78230. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2012 – BOWLING 2 p.m., Brunswick Thousand Oaks, 4330 Thousand Oaks Blvd., San Antonio 78217.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 2012 – FUNTASTIC PLAYLAND 10 a.m., 7142 San Pedro #112, San Antonio 78216. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2012 – THE LITTLE GYM 10 a.m. 20711 Wilderness Oak, Suite 106, San Antonio 78258.
Keeping Up With Downs
ARC OF SAN ANTONIO – EDUCATION SEMINARS Transition to Adult Health Care Presented by Jeanine Pinner, Parent to Parent Coordinator Saturday, October 1, 2011 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. This presentation includes information and support to aid in a successful health care transition for young self-advocates: webbased resources/workbooks, public and private health insurance, health insurance risk pool, Texas insurance law, resources, Medicaid Buy-In, and more. Come prepared to begin working on your own health care transition plan for yourself or a loved one. Funding Programs: What Agencies Provide Support? Saturday, November 19, 2011 • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. A panel discussion/overview of local programs that provide funding. Representatives will be present from Social Security, DARS (Dept. of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services) and AACOG (Alamo Area Council of Governments). The Basics of Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs Saturday, January 14, 2012 • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Representatives from the CLASS, MDCP and HCS Waiver Programs will present an overview of Medicaid Waiver programs – what they are and how they can help—followed by a question and answer session. Guardianship and Special Needs Trusts Presented by Anna Torres, Attorney Saturday, March 24, 2012 • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Participants will learn about special needs trusts including how beneficiaries can maintain money or property and avoid losing access to essential long-term benefits. Differences between guardianship and power of attorney will also be discussed. Day to Day Life After School: An Overview Saturday, April 14, 2012 • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Information will be available on a wide range of residential, day program and leisure options for individuals once they graduate or age out of the school system. ★ Childcare option: Respite Care of San Antonio offers Family Day Out at the PSC on Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. You MUST be registered with Respite to utilize this service. Contact Oralia Waldron at 210-737-1212 ext. 15.
TAPPESTRY CONFERENCE 2012 – “PLANTING THE SEEDS ... FOR A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY” Saturday, February 25, 2012 TAPPestry brings together parents and professionals working with children with special needs for a day of shared wisdom, ideas, strategies, and resources to strengthen the needed partnerships for children’s success. This year’s keynote speaker is Micah Fialka-Feldman. Micah Fialka-Feldman, 27, recently completed the OPTIONS program at Oakland University in Michigan. He is part of the new wave of adults with intellectual disabilities attending college. Micah enjoys presenting at conferences on advocacy, post secondary education, and self determination, and his experiences learning and living on a university campus. To learn more about Micah, visit his website www.throughthesamedoor.com. Breakout Sessions will include: Bullying • Facilitated IEPs • Social Skills Training • Challenging Behavior • ARD 101 • Joint Attention • Tools for ARD Meetings • Sexuality • Dyslexia • Guardianship • Autism • Using Technology • Positive Parent/Teacher/Student Communication • Post-Secondary Options • Transition • Maximizing YOUR Child’s Potential • Feeding Difficulties Pre-registration Deadline: February 17, 2012 - Registrations received after this date will be accepted on a walk-in, as space is available basis. Please Note: No children will be allowed in the conference center. To register, contact Lori Williams at 210-370-5466 or by email at lori.williams@esc20.net. 19TH ANNUAL INCLUSION WORKS! CONFERENCE From Disability to Possibility... The Renaissance Hotel 9721 Arboretum Blvd. Austin, Texas February 1 - 4, 2012 The Arc of Texas’ Inclusion Works! Conference is the premiere learning event on inclusive education practices in Texas. Online Registration available at www.tharcoftexas.org Master Sessions by: Dr. Patrick Schwarz, author of From Disability to Possibility - The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. Dan Habib, film maker and father of Including Samuel fame. See a sneak preview of Dan Habib’s newest film, Education Revolution, about the inclusion of students with emotional/behavioral challenges through positive behavioral interventions and supports. Additional Sessions: Brain Research, Co-Teaching, Standards-Based IEPs, Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports, Differentiating Instruction and Inclusive Education, Inclusive Practices at the Preschool & Secondary Level, R.T.I. (Response to Intervention), Transition, Self-Advocacy and MUCH MORE!
Government Affairs The DSASA Government Affairs Committee (“DSASA GAC”) encourages you to take action NOW on public policy issues impacting the Down syndrome community of San Antonio. Legislation impacts us at the local, state and national levels, and your voice is your biggest asset when influencing positive and productive change. DSASA GAC has been instrumental in uniting the affiliates in the state to ensure that we have one voice and one mission ... enriching lives. You play a critical role in influencing change. Contact DSASA today to find out how you can get involved! So, what is on the horizon for those with disabilities within our state? Budget cuts. Texas Education Agency (TEA) - Public education will receive nearly $4 billion less for FY 2012-2013. The majority of those cuts will be personnel-related. What will you see? Fewer educators and larger class sizes. Many pre-kindergarten and special programs will not be fully funded.
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECI) - ECI provides services to children with developmental delays that assist eligible children to gain skills or improve development. Funding was reduced by $30 million from FY 2010-2011. DARS is therefore changing from a “months-based” to a “percentage-based” calculation of a developmental delay and restructuring Family Cost Share. Children will continue to receive an average of two hours of direct service per month, which is below that recommended by experts. Medicaid Waiver - Medicaid waiver spending has grown from 16 billion in 2004 to 19.6 billion in 2006. Medicaid is operating on an IOU. The projection is that by the year 2013, all resources for sustaining the program will be exhausted. For more information about budget adjustments impacting our community, please visit www.txddc.state.tx.us.
Early Childhood - Funding was reduced by more than 50%. This program provides for students in public pre-kindergarten, Head Start, university early childhood programs, or private non-profit early childhood programs where there is an integrated program with a public school. Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Medicaid Waivers - Appropriations for fiscal year 2012-2013 are significantly reduced; however, the legislature expects the number of people served in these programs to remain at August 2011 levels. DADS is expected to find ways to contain costs through utilization review, caps, and service limitations. Services considered non-essential are reduced to the 90th percentile in CBA, CLASS, HCS and MDCP waivers. CLASS specialized therapies are reduced to the 75th percentile. Provider rates were cut from 3% to 26.4% depending on the program. Currently, over 130,000 individuals are on interest lists which are expected to continue to grow. Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Community Services - These “safety net” services were cut significantly. Local authorities use these funds for a wide range of services to support individuals to live in the community while waiting for or ineligible for waiver services. When the legislature cut funding in 2003, there was a 50% increase in admissions of children into State Supported Living Centers (SSLCs). The legislature’s intent this session was for DADS to refinance many individuals into the Texas Home Living waiver program. In-Home Family Support (IHFS) - The IHFS program is level funded. IHFS provides support to families who would otherwise turn to institutional services. ID In-Home and Family Support - Funding for IHFS services for individuals with intellectual disabilities was eliminated.
Keeping Up With Downs
Contributions We sincerely appreciate the following people who have so generously donated to the Down Syndrome Association. Your contributions help us offer a variety of programs for the members of our organization. Alfred Gerloff Alfred Montalvo Antoinette James Aubrey Steffen Barbara Jackson in memory of Mary J. Murray Bill Cade - HUGS Program Center for Maternal-Fetal Care Chad Moos Christopher Lucas in memory of Mary J. Murray Christy Anderson - HUGS Program Citigroup (via Trust) Conrad Housler Cowden Charitable Foundation Trust David Kipp Debbie Albright - HUGS Program Duane Schafer Duggan and Massey in memory of Mary J. Murray Edward Leos - HUGS Program Elna Jeanes Gregory Liska Jackie Eaton in memory of Mary J. Murray James Collins - HUGS Program James Snyder Janice Troy - HUGS Program Katherine Little Kathy Carrizales - HUGS Program Kenneth Higby Kimberly Robinson Larry Rogers - HUGS Program Leticia Salvatierra Lydia Beach - HUGS Program Marcia Robinson Margie Peak in memory of Mary J. Murray Maria Hey - HUGS Program Marie Cassidy Mary Ellen Ryan in memory of Mary J. Murray Mary Jane Hardy in memory of Mary J. Murray Maureen O’Shea in memory of Mary J. Murray Michelle Pettit - HUGS Program Neal Matthews - HUGS Program Nelson Sleeper P.E.C. United Charities, Inc. Pages Printing in memory of Mary J. Murray Pete Aceves - HUGS Program Phyllis Van Buskirk in memory of Mary J. Murray Ray Deleon
Richard Glancey - HUGS Program Richard Wyckoff Roxane Galvan Roxane Galvan in memory of Mary J. Murray Sarah Lopez - HUGS Program Sharon McConnell St. Mary’s Church - Oak Ridge in memory of Mary J. Murray Stella Carrigan in memory of Mary J. Murray Susan Christensen in memory of Mary J. Murray Terri Mauldin - HUGS Program Thomas Murray in memory of Mary J. Murray Thompson Print & Mailing Solutions in memory of Mary J. Murray Trish Langley United Health Group - Employee Giving Campaign Virginia Criel Virginia Davis Virginia Koehl W. M. Ott in honor of Catherine Nivin William J. Smith in memory of Mary J. Murray Zachary Edwards - HUGS Program
WE WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME OUR NEWEST FAMILIES TO THE DOWN SYNDROME ASSOCIATION FAMILY! If you know someone who has a child or family member with Down syndrome, please let them know about the DSASA and the services we provide. We’d be happy to reach out to help in any way possible! Mary Jane Puente (expecting) Shaney Best, parents Shannon and Norma Best Cullen Turner, parents Timothy and Jessica Turner David Vise, parents Scott and Ginger Vise James Roberon, Daniel and Heather Crouser Christopher Solis, grandmother Josephine Sammons Eli Anthony Chavez-Gallegos, mother Victoria D. Chavez & grandparents Victor and Diana Chavez Brodie Bowman, grandfather Charles Schroeder & grandparents Tom and Brenda Bowman Kyle Simmonds, parents William and Kelley Simmonds Nicholas Burk, parents George and Holly Mc Cauley Araceli Aguero, mother Diana Aguero Maria Garza, sister-in-law Adrianna Garza Berlin Annalee Womble, mother Ashley Barquin & grandparents Christopher and Leticia Reyna Nicholas G. Garza, parents Israel and Crystal Garza Julian Ramirez, father Oscar Ramirez Joseph Ramirez, Jr., mother Priscilla Rendon Olivia Garza, parents Manny and Dena Garza
Who We Are
MISSION STATEMENT The DSASA’s mission is to provide support and services to children and adults with Down syndrome and their families.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Terri Mauldin 210-349-4375 • tmauldin@dsasa.org
COMMUNITY OUTREACH COORDINATOR Angie Cronin 210-349-4372 • acronin@dsasa.org
What is D.A.D.S? Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome, or D.A.D.S., is a committee or community group (within a local Down syndrome support organization) of fathers of children who happen to have Down syndrome. We hesitate to call ourself a “support group”, even though we do, in many ways, support each other. The 3 foundational pillars of D.A.D.S. are Support, Action and Fellowship. You won’t find us in a church basement drinking warm coffee and whining about having children with Down syndrome. Instead, you’ll find us out in the community coaching our kids’ sports teams, participating in our children’s IEPs, volunteering at local Down syndrome fundraising events, and even sponsoring fundraising events of our own. The cornerstone of D.A.D.S. groups is the monthly meeting where members come together to share insights and experiences. Face it: there are certain responsibilities that generally fall on the shoulders of the father. Having a child with special needs often affects how we approach those responsibilities. We invite expert speakers to discuss medical, educational, financial, social, and any other issues that affect our children’s lives. And of course, we share stories and experiences that are unique to fathers of children with Down syndrome. Your colleagues at the office may not understand your excitement when your 5 y old makes “poopie” on the toilet for the first time, but other D.A.D.S. will, because we’ve all been there. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 - D.A.D.S. MEETING 7 p.m., DSASA Office, 2800 NW Loop 410, San Antonio 78230. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 – DSASA HOLIDAY PARTY Please see page 4 for more information. ★ Stay tuned for more information on upcoming events for the D.A.D.S. group. To have input on the events, fundraising, and meetings for the D.A.D.S. group, please attend the November 4th meeting.
Stephanie Anderson 210-349-4372 • sanderson@dsasa.org
DSA BOOKKEEPER Vicky Akers 210-349-4372 • vakers@dsasa.org
ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION DIRECTOR Hilda Tovar 210-349-4372 • htovar@dsasa.org
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairperson – Christy Anderson Vice Chairperson – VACANT Secretary – Lisa Drozdick Treasurer/Finance – Debbie Albright Member at Large – Jessaca Bond Member at Large – Barbara Samfield Member at Large – Tim McIntosh Member at Large – Michelle Pettit Member at Large – Noe de la Garza Member at Large – Lamont Jefferson Member at Large – Edward Leos
THE DSA IS ON FACEBOOK! Become our Friend at www.facebook.com/dsa.sanantonio
Calendar of Events NOVEMBER 1,8,15,22,29 - Playgroup Kinder Music: Music Arts Center Northwest, 12732 Cimarron Path, Ste. 100, 11 a.m. 1 San Antonio Northside PSG: Nutrition, Coker UMC, 231 E. North Loop Rd. Gibbs 1108, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. 4 D.A.D.S.: Meeting, DSASA Office, 2800 NW Loop 410, 7 p.m. 12 Kid Connection: Inspire Fine Art Center, 200 Queen Anne Court, 10:30 a.m. 12 Teen Club & Adult Matters: Nature Hiking, Friedrich Wilderness Park, 21395 Milsa Road, 10:30 a.m. 15 San Antonio Southside PSG: Kinetic Kids, De Paul Family Center, 7607 Somerset Road, 6 - 7:30 p.m. New Braunfels PSG: Therapeutic Horseback Riding, Gruene UMC, 2629 E. Common St., 6 - 7:30 p.m. 17
DECEMBER 6 San Antonio Northside PSG: Kinetic Kids, Coker UMC, 231 E. North Loop Rd. Gibbs 1108, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 10 New Braunfels PSG: Playdate at McKenna Children’s Museum, 801 W. San Antonio St., 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 13 San Antonio Southside PSG: Sleep Apnea, De Paul Family Center, 7607 Somerset Road, 6 - 7:30 p.m. DSASA Annual Holiday Party: La Villita Assembly Building (main floor), 401 Villita, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. 20
JANUARY 3 San Antonio Northside PSG: Open Forum, Coker UMC, 231 E. North Loop Rd. Gibbs 1108, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 7 Teen Club: Bowling, Brunswick Thousand Oaks, 4330 Thousand Oaks Blvd., 3 p.m. 14 Adult Matters: My Fit Foods Nutrition, DSASA Office Upstairs, 2800 NW Loop 410, 11 a.m. 14 Playgroup: Funtastic Playland, 7142 San Pedro #112, 10 a.m. 17 San Antonio Southside PSG: Dreams Fulfilled Through Music, De Paul Family Center, 7607 Somerset Road, 6 - 7:30 p.m. 19 New Braunfels PSG: PALS Training #1, Gruene UMC, 2629 E. Common St., 6 - 7:30 p.m. Kid Connection: Clay Casa, 502 Embassy Oaks #107, 10 a.m. 21
FEBRUARY 4 Teen Club: Teen Karaoke Party, Pam Stephens Center, 6530 Wurzbach, 6 - 8 p.m. 7 San Antonio Northside PSG: What Happens After High School?, Coker UMC, 231 E. North Loop Rd. Gibbs 1108, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 11 Playgroup: The Little Gym, 20711 Wilderness Oak, Suite 106, 10 a.m. 11 Adult Matters: Bowling, Brunswick Thousand Oaks, 4330 Thousand Oaks Blvd., 2 p.m. 16 New Braunfels PSG: PALS Training #2, Gruene UMC, 2629 E. Common St., 6 - 7:30 p.m. Kid Connection: Funtastic Playland, 7142 San Pedro #112, 10 a.m. San Antonio Southside PSG: PALS Training #1, De Paul Family Center, 7607 Somerset Road, 6 - 7:30 p.m. 18 21
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