4th Session Modal Verbs

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Asking for a Requestfavor

Inability Can you help me?

I Will answer The phone for you Volunteering

Money Can’t solve all our issues

Would You like to go to the cinema? Invitation/Offering

She has just decided she Won’t go with us Instant Decision

I will love you forever Promise

I could get A job before finishing university

She Won’t Come To the party Prediction

A lot of people MightMayCanCould be working now Possibility

Action to be made

Frank must train a lot because he’s so muscular Assumption

I Shall post It tomorrow Future intention/decision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ckl_XQDDQqshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yttzI_rbZz4

We must respect nature Obligation

You should see a doctor Advice

Shall I carry Your bag? Offer

Subject Modals Verbs complement Function

Inability In Past The war MightCouldMay end soon Possibility

I would prefer the window seat Preference

We mustn’t drive being drunk Prohibition

Shall We Call the police? Asking for an action

A polyglot can speak several languages Ability Can I use my mobile? Permission

4th Session Modal Verbs

Some students Couldn’t attend yesterday’s class

Ability in Past

My parents think I OughtShouldto start dating someone else

Subject + modal + Inf verb Subject + modal + not + Inf verb Modal + Subject + Inf verb

Patricia Wouldn´t call him without you (Patricia no lo llamaría sin ti)

You must go (debes ir)

She could win the game (Ella podría ganar el juego)

Can we take this? (¿Podemos tomar esto?)

Affirmative Negative Question

I will not do it (No lo haré)

Structure using modals

May she go to the cinema with us? (Puede ir al cine con nosotros?)

2. Cambian o transforman los verbos, es decir, que siempre después de usar un modal verb, el verbo debe estar en su modo infinitiva (sin el “to”), por ejemplo: You can read better (Tú puedes leer mejor)

4. Cuando los modal verbs en inglés se encuentran en forma negativa o interrogativa no necesitan de un auxiliar, puesto que el verbo es usado con ese objetivo; por ejemplo: I can't dance (No puedo bailar) · Can you sing? (¿Puedes cantar?)

1. Como lo mostramos anteriormente, nunca se conjugan.


3. Expresan necesidad, probabilidad, habilidad, capacidad, sugerencias o consejos; permiso, solicitud; obligación, certidumbre o disposición.

What can we say about these pictures? He might/may/could have a serious health problem You should stop smoking He must smoke a lot The man should start Hemeditatingmay/might/could beHestressedcanrun real fast

The woman should consult with a Thedoctorwoman may/might/could have a stomachache. The man can’t stop working. He must be a workaholic. She might / may / could get some good news

May I go to the bathroom? You mustn’t carry weapons there That man’s priority should be his daughter.

We must pay our taxes They should get married They might / could / may / be Thatactors.can’t be possible.

or I might



do. I might

money, so I might get a job

Complete the text with the words you listen

I’m not very good at decisions. I don’t really know what I to go to work for my father. He’s got a shop, but that’s not very interesting go traveling with my friend James. The problem is that I have much in a quite with

bar or a shop and save some. I’m

Next Class Activity

computers, so I might do a course in computer programming, who knows? Complete these sentences with an appropriate modal verb Might/may/could Shouldn’t Was able should can Have to must couldn’t


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