Hannah's Story

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Theyoungwoman'snamewas Hannah,Shewasmarriedand hada babydaughter.

I startedmycaragain,thenI noticedthephotoofHannah's daughterontheseat.

Shelookedverycoldandit wasn'tfar,soI agreed.

Onedark night
Shetalkedaboutherfamilyandshe showedmea photoofherlittlegirl. I noticedayoungwomanwitha suitcasebythesideoftheroad. I wasonmywayhomein mycar. It waslateandI wastired. Whenwearrivedat Hannah'shouse, shethankedmeandsaidgoodbye. Shelookedat thephotoandturned white.Shesaid'Hannahwasmy mother...butshediedin 1943.' ShewavedandIstoppedmycar. Shewantedmeto driveherhome. Ipickedupthephotoandwalked to thedoorofthehouse. I wasafew milesfrom home whenit startedtosnow.
Photocopiable@Oxford University Press2010 English ResultElementary 37
I knockedonthedoorandan oldwomanopenedit.I handed thephototo her.
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