
KarenContext:finished her lunch 1 minute ago.
Mrs. Larsson: Yes, Tom, in fact, we have already been to the moon.
We need the verb: Have / Has + Past participle
Just + PP
Already + PP
Joe: Hey Karen, would you like to have lunch with me?
Present Past Past Participle Work Worked Worked (Trabajado) Speak Spoke Spoken (Hablado)
7th Session Present Perfect 3
Tom: Mrs. Larsson, is it possible for humans to travel to the moon?
Karen: Thanks a lot Joe, but I have just had lunch, maybe next time.
Just = Short time ago
Special words used with the Present Perfect
Already = Before you expect it primary school
Context: Terry wants to know if Kenny has stolen anything once during his life
Lana: Hi Tara, this is Lana, have Pete and Carol arrived at the stadium yet?
Terry: Have you ever stolen anything?
Ever = Once in your life
Tara: O.K. I’ll do it, but they haven’t arrived yet.
Carlos: Tara, please tell Pete and Carol to buy some sodas in the café at the stadium.
Kenny: Yes, I have, mostly insects, sorry
Yet is normally used at the end

Never = Not one time
? Ever+PP
Terry: Have you ever killed an animal?
Kenny: Of course not. I have never done such a thing
? &Context: Pete and Carol are on their way to the stadium
TerryContext:wants to know if Kenny has killed an animal once during his life
Yet = Until now

4. They watched the sunset near the Temple of Poseidon
Yes, he has
8. He isn’t back home, he is in hospital in Athens
6. Jim didn’t ride the donkey – He walked behind it
Yesterday’s Activity
2. Jim hasn’t eaten Greek food many times back in New Zealand
Yes, he has Yes, he has Yes, they have No, he hasn’t
Yes, they have
Based on the reading, please complete the following activities F T F T F T
No, he hasn’t No, he hasn’t

2 3 4 5
SA Read Jim ' s travel blog and write the correct day under each picture.
Destinations lour Trave llers } Forums IFlights IHotels ICars IHostels ITours ITrave l Insurance I
W e arrived in Pi r ae u s ea rly thi s m o rnin g. Li z has neve r see n th e Parth e no n I' ve b ee n to A t hens once b ef ore, so I' m go in g t o b e he r t o ur gUid e. W e' r e go in g th er e t o ni ght!
Day I
2 Jim hasn't ea ten Greek food befor e.
Day 3
We left Piraeu s early this morning and sa il ed for twe nty ho u rs t o th e island of Santorini. We arrived in the o ld port late in th e eve nin g To m orro w m o rnin g we ' r e go ing up to the vi ll age by d onkey ! I've r idd e n horses, ca m els, and eleph ant s but I' ve never ridden a donkey !
B Read the blog again Are the sentences true (T) or false (F) ?
I Jim is a tour guid e. F
5 Jim and Liz trave ll ed to Santorini by boat
6 Jim enj oyed ridin g the donkey
8 Now he's ba ck hom e in N ew Zea land.
Day 2
4 They watched t he sunrise near the Temp le of Poseidon.
C Correct the f alse sentences. lim isn't a tour guide.
I H as Li z eve r see n th e Part henon? No, she hasn't. H as Jim ever bee n t o Ath ens?
We stayed overnig ht in Athens and then t ook a b us d ow n t o C ap e So uni o n in th e afternoon to visit the Temple o f Poseidon. We've seen many sun se t s in o ur li ves, but this was the mos t beauti ful the su n going down int o t he A egea n Sea.
Back to Athens agai n and th is t im e we f o und a r es t aurant in t he Pl aka ar ea W e've eaten Greek food many t imes back i n N ew Zea land , but thi s is r ea l Greek f oo d! Thi s is th e first tim e in my life that I've tr ied oc t o pu s and it was d elici o u s!
Donkey disaster! I'm w ritin g thi s fr o m a hos pit al b ed i n Ath ens. W e st art ed o ur donkey ri d e t hi s m orn in g and I m ad e a bi g mi sta ke: I wa lke d b ehind the d o nkey and it kicked me in th e st omac h! Th ere was no hos pit al o n th e island , so th ey t ook m e by he licopter to A t hens. I' ve b roke n three b o nes and I still have n 't ridd e n a d o nk ey. But I have f low n in a he li co pt er!
5 H as Ji m ever r idden a donkey?
3 Jim liked th e octopus.
6 A Imagine it's before the holiday. Read the blog again and write short answers to the questions

""", e;; 12.1
Day I B
In t he afternoo n , we we nt by train fr o m Pir ae us into th e city o f Ath e ns, and w alke d up to t he Parthenon am azin g!
4 H ave Jim and Li z ever seen a sunse t ?
3 H as Jim ever ea t en oc t o pu s?
Day 4
7 Jim flew back to Athen s.
B Now imagine it's after the holiday. Read the questions again and write short answers.
I Yes, she has.