7th Session Present Perfect
Let’s connect the past with the present
They were sitting on the sofa
They were leaving home
They have gone Have + Past participle = Present Perfect Go
What is the present result? They are not at home now
His shoes were dirty
He was cleaning his shoes
He has cleaned his shoes Has + Past participle = Present Perfect Clean
What is the present result? His shoes are clean now
We need the verb: Have / Has + Past participle
Present Work Speak
Past Worked Spoke
Past Participle Worked (Trabajado) Spoken (Hablado)
We use it to talk about experiences in life, connecting the past with the present
My dog has found its bone
My dog hasn’t found its bone
Has your dog found its bone? Yes, it has / No, it hasn’t Your parents have been quiet Your parents haven’t been quiet Have your parents been quiet? Yes, they have / No, they haven’t An action in the past belonging to someone’s experience – No time indicated
My cousin has eaten scorpions Repeated actions in the past
I have travelled to Canada 3 times Duration
We have worked here since 2010
He has cleaned the shoes
She has closed the door
They have gone to bed
The rain has stopped / The sun has risen / It has stopped raining
He has taken/had a bath
The picture has fallen down
Irregular verbs
been climbed done travelled had ridden drunk
Yes, he has visited
Have Has
No, they haven’t eaten
No, she hasn’t
met flown
Yes, she has been
Have Has
Yes, they
No, he hasn’t
Has been Hasn’t been Have seen Has not seen Has eaten Haven’t eaten Have visited Hasn’t swum
Let’s match the activities below with the pictures
Let’s complete this test with “have you ever…” and the past participle of the verb been
Have you ever
D E G B https://soundcloud.com/user-515088367/experiencies Tomorrow’s Activity Based on the reading, please complete the following activities
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Read Jim's travel blog and write the correct day under each picture.
Destinations lour Travellers } Forums
I I I I Flights
I I Tours
Travel Insurance
Day I W e arrived in Piraeus early thi s mo rning. Liz has never seen the Parth eno n. I've been to A thens once before, so I'm going t o be her to ur gUide. W e're going there to night!
Day I
In the afternoo n, we went by train fro m Piraeus into th e city of Athens, and w alked up to t he Parthenon - amazing!
Day 2 Back to Athens agai n and th is t ime we fo und a rest aurant in the Plaka area. W e've eaten Greek food many times back in N ew Zealand , but thi s is real Greek food! This is the first time in my life that I've tried octo pus and it was delicio us!
Day 3 We stayed overnight in Athens and then t ook a bus down to Cape Sounio n in the afternoon to visit the Temple of Poseidon. We've seen many sunset s in o ur li ves, but this was the most beautiful - the su n going down into the A egean Sea.
Day 4 We left Piraeu s early this morning and sailed for twe nty ho urs to the island of Santorini. We arrived in the o ld port late in the evening. To morrow mo rning we 're going up to the vi llage - by donkey! I've ridden horses, camels, and elephants but I've never ridden a donkey!
DayS Donkey disaster! I'm w riting thi s fro m a hospital bed in Athens. W e started o ur donkey ri de thi s morning and I made a big mi stake: I walked behind the do nkey and it kicked me in the st omach! Th ere was no hos pital o n the island, so they took me by helicopter to A t hens. I've broken three bo nes ... and I still haven't ridd en a do nkey. But I have flown in a heli co pter!
B Read the blog again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F) ? I Jim is a tour guid e.
6 A Imagine it's before the holiday. Read the blog again and write short answers to the questions. I Has Liz ever seen the Parthenon? No, she hasn't.
2 Jim hasn't eaten Greek food before.
2 Has Jim ever been to Athens?
3 Jim liked the octopus.
3 Has Jim ever eaten octopus?
4 They watched the sunrise near the Temple of Poseidon.
4 Have Jim and Liz ever seen a sunset ?
5 Jim and Liz travell ed to Santorini by boat.
5 H as Ji m ever ridden a donkey?
6 Jim enj oyed riding the donkey. 7 Jim flew back to Athen s. 8 Now he's back home in N ew Zealand.
C Correct the false sentences.
lim isn't a tour guide.
B Now imagine it's after the holiday. Read the questions again and write short answers. I Yes, she has.
2 3 4 5