My Poor Cat Based on the following story, you are invited to answer the 10 questions below Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Gutierrez were cousins. Mrs. Hernandez lived in a house in La Romelia and Mrs. Gutierrez in a flat in the city centre. One day Mrs. Hernandez visited her. When her cousin answered the door, Mrs. Hernandez saw tears in her eyes and asked. ------"What's the matter?" --"It is Pulgas, the cat, it died last night. My husband brought it from La Virginia just three days ago to relax here with him, you know, and I had to look after it. I don’t know what can happen when he gets the news. It was the nicest pet my husband ever had, much friendlier for him than the dog we have now” –And what happened? --“Pulgas had a hard fight with our dog outside and when he came home he ate poisonous cheese that I had for rats. Then I found him in front of my neighbor’s door, but the worst thing is that I have no place to bury it". Suddenly Mrs. Hernandez said --"I can bury your cat in my garden and you can come and visit it at any time." Mrs. Gutierrez stopped crying and accepted that. It was six o'clock and Mrs. Hernandez said it was time for her to go home. Mrs. Gutierrez put the dead Pulgas into a shopping bag. Mrs. Hernandez took the shopping bag and walked to the Megabus station. She waited a long time for the bus so she bought a newspaper in a news-stand behind the station. However, the bus did not arrive, so she took a taxi. She sat down and put the shopping bag beside her feet and began to read the newspaper. She got off the taxi and went to a drugstore to buy some aspirins. Finally, when Mrs. Hernandez arrived home, 2 hours later, she remembered that she forgot to take the shopping bag from the taxi and she started to cry. 1. What title can match better the story? a) Like cats and dogs b) The cat has 9 lives c) Adverse events 2. What action is linked with the word tears? _____________________________________________ 3. What is False about Mrs. Gutierrez’s Husband? a) He liked to have pets. b) He didn’t like dogs. c) He spent some time in La Virginia. 4. Why was Mrs. Gutierrez worried? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. How and where did Pulgas die? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did Mrs. Hernandez do to calm down her cousin? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Where and why did Mrs. Hernandez buy the Newspaper? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How did Mrs. Hernandez go home? _________________________________________________ 9. What time did Mrs. Hernandez arrive home? _________________________________________________ 10. Why did Mrs. Hernandez cry? _____________________________________________________________________________________________