DEAR BODY MAGAZINE The Identity of She is an equality blog and apparel company promoting self love and being who you want to be. Our goal is to create a more diverse, inclusive world with equal representation and to
Eboni Lacey Founder & Creator
redefine “man�kind once and for all. Dear Body Magazine features articles and images from our staff and contributors, as well as entries from our creative media challenge called Dear Body Project.
Pam Covarrubias Photographer & Contributor
We created this magazine to be a go-to guide for body positivity and a visual exploration of self-image through the eyes of others. Check out more articles and learn more about us by visiting our website at our website
Alexis Salazar Social Media Coordinator & TIOS Model
social love: @TheIdentityofShe
The Identity of She Team
Aislinn Hillmon Content Strategist Intern
Gabby Estril Videographer
Dear Body Magazine 2nd Edition Contributors
Jaxx Garcia
Katrina Todros
Randi Lee
Fatou Photography
Faye Kilburn
Labrenia Miller
Amy Herrman CeCe Marie Underneath We Are Women
Martina Puja
Hollie Walters
Katrina Todros
Steel Frame Designs Earth Medicine Mama
On Cover: (Top) Ola Bushra, Ranin M Ali, Fatoumata Diaby, Yacine Diouf (Middle) Emma Jackson, Eboni Lacey, Megan Kimberling (2nd photo) Ashley Soto Gonzalez, Denise Chamberlain, Berlange Presilus, Michelle Hood, (Bottom) Nia Patterson, Rose Geil, Sara Geurts, Madeline Irwin Pg. 3: Musu Konneh Pg. 7: Marcella Noelle Pg. 11: Ce Ce Marie Pg. 13: Jessica Mims Pg. 14: Tori Alondra,Ivanna Vargas, Nyajuok Jock Pg 15: Earth Medicine Mama Pg. 16: Marcella Noelle, Karla Navarro, Rachel Noack
Photographer: Fatou Photography Model: Musu Konneh
TABLE OF CONTENTS About The Magazine, Staff & Contributors
“Hot Damn I Love Sex with Myself” by Katrina Tadros Photo by Pam Covarrubias
Table of Contents Photo by Fatou Photography
Q&A with Drag King Jaxx Garcia
Body Love & Self-Love Quotes for your wall
“Dear Body, I Love You” by Randi Lee Special Offer from Self Love Apparel
“Industry Damaged” by Hollie Walters Photo by Jacelyn Tolosa
“Fighting” by Andrea Hennon Photo by Steel Frame Designs
“A Fat Woman in a Thin Woman’s World” by FL Kilburn Photo of CeCe Marie
“19 Ways You Can “Body Love Poems” Submissions from “Sexual Liberation: “The Woman’s Become an Intersectional by Earth our Instagram Post: The Herpes Edition” Sexual Identity Feminist” by Martina Puja Medicine Mama “How Has Your Body Been By Gwennie in a World Of Photo by Steel Photo of Affected By Society’s Trumps” by Labrenia Miller Frame Designs Earth Medicine Mama Obsession with Photo by Steel Frame Designs Beauty Standards?”
Q & A
Photos of: Jaxx Garcia
with drag king jaxX garcia Cuban-American Miami-born and LGBTQ+ advocate Jaxx Garcia has been doing comedic bits on Vine, Snapchat, Instagram and is now making a career as a Drag King. We asked her some questions from our creative media challenge. HOW HAS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR BODY BEEN AFFECTED BY BEAUTY STANDARDS? I was always super skinny growing up so I had kids calling me anorexic or bulimic and making fun of the veins visible on my face which definitely prevented me from being able to fully love myself. Women are always put under a microscope to look perfect and any deviation outside of society’s view of “perfect” is met with ridicule. It’s completely unfair and toxic. WHAT AGE WERE YOU WHEN YOU FIRST EXPERIENCED THE PRESSURE OF BEAUTY STANDARDS AND HOW HAS IT AFFECTED YOU? Around 9-10 or so. Outside of
being skinny I had large latina bushy hair which wasn’t in style back when I was in school. It was all about looking like Britney Spears and having pin straight hair. So I had kids throwing gum in my hair and calling me alien and all of that which is a direct result of how society puts these impossible standards on women. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE #METOO MOVEMENT AND HOW IT HAS IMPACTED SOCIETY?
I think women’s voices, and even broader than that victim’s voices, are finally being heard in a way that wasn’t previously allowed. There was this sense of shame with being honest about sexual assault and if you did have the courage to admit what happened it was always met with scrutiny. #MeToo was everyone’s way of saying enough is enough I refuse to live with this shame anymore. We still have a long way to go, but #MeToo was such a huge defining moment. HOW HAS SOCIETY AFFECTED YOU PERSPECTIVE ON BODY IMAGE?
I always wanted to just not be myself. I wanted thinner hair, knees that weren’t so protruding, and essentially to look less like a walking stick. Adversely I know that body shaming is far less forgiving to those who are more curvy, and that fat-shaming will always be more violent. Not for a second do I forget my privilege in that regard. But it’s interesting that how for some reason, no body type for women ever seems to be good enough to society. Women are always nitpicked where every part of our bodies is up for debate or commentary. I’m so thrilled to see this new generation of women rejecting that all together and saying, “No. This is who I am. And I love me.” The world needs more of that.
dear body, I’m sorry
Photo of: Randi Lee
I’m sorry for the years that I spent not loving you. For the things that I did to mistreat you, to harm you, or to make you feel like you were unworthy of my love. Since I was a young girl, society’s standards of beauty made me believe that you had to change in order to be worthy of love or considered beautiful. All of the images I saw on TV and in my favorite magazines were of woman with bodies that looked nothing like mine. “That must be what I have to look like,” I told myself. “No one will ever like you unless you look like that.”
For years I put you down and cased you harm because I believed you were unworthy of love the way you were. How could anyone possibly love an imperfect body like mine with its rolls, shake, and squish? I was constantly trying to change you in order to feel love and accepted by others, when what I needed the most was to wasn’t until I started to challenge love and accept YOU. all those false beliefs perpetuated by societies beauty standards that It wasn’t until I started to I started to see the beauty that realize all of the amazing lied in all of our “imperfections.” things that you do for I finally realized that I didn’t have me that I started to un- to change you in order to love derstand your worth. It you; that you were already worthy
of my love. That’s when I made the choice to never judge you again based on your appearance or how much space you take up. I made a vow to never hate or harm you again but to rather spend every day loving you more and more.
industry damaged BY HOLLIE WALTERS
If every-body is so unique, why did I dislike mine so much? Was it because at an early age I was reminded of how ‘different’ I was because I was a short, multiracial, curly haired girl with glasses and had never seen anyone like me on TV before? Did I dislike my body because I was raised in a time where plus sized models were not mainstream and fat was one of the worst playground insults? Maybe it was because PHOTO BY: JACELYN TOLOSA I watched women I “This photo was very hard for me to accept and actually post because I have always seen my acne as a was close to, my role major flaw and something to hide and be ashamed of. Even though my acne is only occurring because models, try and diet of the many medicines I am on for my extensive health problems, it’s a major insecurity of mine. But for years recently I have accepted the fact that acne isnt the end of the world and I am a goddess with or without because they were it, which is what led me to taking this photo! I will not let the “flaws” society has created destroy my never taught by confidence.” - Jacelyn Tolosa anyone to love out, but it’s ok because my weight should I could look like the models or the themselves. Is it possible I disliked myself because every boy I met as I not define who I am. By my family who celebrities that I see on Instagram. got older picked apart my appearance were fed lies about beauty standards But what these movements do, is they and then regurgitated them to me, who give me hope. They give me hope that if I before even getting to know me? only showed concern for my health when ever have a child they will grow up loving As I got older and my body began to they believed I was getting ‘too big’ and how they look because there are challenge what society thought was not when I was desperately trying to get communities of people dedicated to slimmer. Being constantly reminded that helping them love themselves. beautiful I began to realise I was effected by all of these things. I you don’t fit in eventually starts to effect These movements give me courage on developed rolls and curves, I gained what you think of yourself as a person. my worst days, they give me confidence lightening streaks across my arms and that I am unique, that there are other legs and my thighs rubbed together Movements like body positivity, the like a mermaid on land but I was still natural hair movement, self-love and people out there like me that have felt the same way about themselves too. These reminded that I wasn’t beautiful, I still more equal representation for challenged what was conventionally people who break the beauty standards movements remind me that beauty ‘pretty’. I was told I wasn’t beautiful by mould rather than neatly fit into it have standards are an illusion, they aren’t real. all helped me to feel better about my Everyone is beautiful in their own unique the makeup companies who for years uniqueness but that doesn’t mean that way and your appearance will change as refused to cater to my complexion. the damage hasn’t already been done you get older but it isn’t what defines you. By the toy industry who didn’t make to my self-esteem. It doesn’t mean that I How society sees you is not what defines you, you define how you feel about dolls with realistic bodies, dolls who don’t still avoid mirrors for weeks could have assured me that I was because I feel ugly, it doesn’t mean that yourself and that is the most important normal, that I was beautiful as I was. my relationship with food and dieting thing that matters. Through the sex education and biolo- isn’t a constant struggle, it doesn’t mean gy classes that conveniently forgot to that there still aren’t some days when I inform me that I would grow up and wish I could change or ‘fix’ how I look so
hot damn I love sex with myself BY KATRINA TADROS
The most important and frequent sex in my life is sex with myself. Something that I've come to learn in the past few years is, despite what my peers and surrounding acquaintances have told me, is that I am an extremely sexual being. Maybe it's because the stars aligned in such a way for my birthing into a Scorpio, or maybe it's because I finally learned that sex with other people can be weird and most of the time not really for me, but hot damn I love sex with myself. I'm talking at least an hour or so minimum every other day of shining, shimmering, splendid one-on-one with me. My own company is my best company. It's been a common thread throughout my life for people to accuse me, and sometimes even convince me that I'm asexual. I grew up in an extremely conservative middle eastern home where any physical contact with the opposite gender was largely discouraged, and occasionally even punished. Fast forward a few years and my preferred partners often comes with a set of labia or breasts, so take that dad! This somehow also really worked out in my favour as I became a budding serial masturbator and queer. My favourite breasts to handle and pinch are my own, and my favourite clitoris to tickle and rub is sitting right in my own intersecting legs. If I continued to become the religious woman I
Photo By: Pam Covarrubias Model: Marcella Noelle
was raised to be, I believe this would be referred to as a “blessing,” no? My closest friends have come to expect a frequent barrage of texts along the lines of “Sorry I wanted to leave early, gotta get home to have my way with my clit,” or “Bb, I just made myself cum SO HARD.” In turn, I get excited to get the same back from them, and the best part is that we know each other so intimately at this point that whenever we try something we know the other will like, our first impulse is to share the wealth! Never in my life have I been surrounded by such glowing and
relaxed friends. I got a snap yesterday of a gorgeous babe in my circle with “Everyone at work keeps telling me how beautiful I look today, little do they know I spent 56 min masturbating before work” typed across her angelic selfie. A text from another goddess today highlighted how she gets herself off whenever she chases her big dreams. There is so much support, balance and effervescence in the people who love themselves the way they can love a partner. Being able to be sexually active regularly with others is incredible, amazing, tremendous – but being the sexy beast that you are just with yourself is just as colossally marvellous. And it's the best, most comfortable, consensual, safe sex you can ever have. My last sexual experience, for that reason, will consistently be glorious.
BODY LOVE AND my body is not a democracy. it is an empire. i am its dictator. you do not get a vote and your opinion does not matter.
my self worth isn’t determined by others
HATING YOUR BODY WILL NEVER GET YOU AS FAR AS LOVING IT WILL you are enough. you are so enough it is unbelievable how enough you are.
Stretch marks are just little lightning strikes to remind you that you are a force of nature.
EMBRACE & LOVE YOUR BODY. IT IS THE LONGEST RELATIONSHIP YOU WILL EVER HAVE. In these bodies we will live. In these bodies we will die. Where you invest your love you invest your life.
SELF-LOVE QUOTES You owe your body and yourself the love you freely give to other people.
starve your self-hatred not your body
Be gentle. You are meeting parts of yourself that you have been at war with.
Even if you’re in the process of trying to change your body, be happy with what it is right now. Because if you can’t be happy with yourself now you won’t be happy with yourself ever.
I am obsessed with becoming a woman comfortable in her own skin. i am striving to be more than I have ever been
make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears
Forgiveness is a reflection of loving yourself enough to move on.
Photo By: Steel Frame Designs
Its like she planted a seed in my brain and over the past year her roots have grown all the way down to my heart. Every negative thing she has said behind my back is like water to this fucking weed. I even water it myself. when I hear her poisonous words I grab them and hold them tight and choke myself with them until they’re in my stomach and nourishing that fucking weed. I talk to it I make others talk to it. I make my loved ones look at it and water it and when they are tired of it I continue to force them. The roots have grown behind my eyes and they have distorted my reality, making me see myself as a selfish, fat, worthless failure who deserves nothing better than to complete the tasks that no one else wants to do. Once in a while the sun will shine through and the roots will sequel and pull back with terror and I can see again. I can feel my heart lighten and my jaw unclench and I can see the true reality of the beauty in the world but gaze is forced by her in another direction so she can rid me of sunlight and allow her roots to grow again back into my eyes and back into my heart. Maybe she is right...maybe I don’t deserve to feel the warmth on my skin, maybe she has so much to teach me and if I just let these roots grow a little longer and a little stronger I will
become my full potential. I let them grow, I let them become my energy. Her poisonous words continue to nourish this weed but its okay!... Its not okay. I am sick. The color is gone from my heart. I have neglected to care for myself, physically and mentally. There is nothing but these roots. I can feel them squirming in my brain while I picture their creator living freely and comfortably while being served by others she has also poisoned. Somewhere inside of me I feel something fighting back but I push it down. Living with this parasite is easier than trying to cut it out of myself. But I become even sicker. The fighting feeling comes back but I push it down. It comes back. I push it down. Finally something inside of me breaks and becomes unconscious and that fighting feeling is released and temporarily lifts the roots so that I can breathe again and my mind is clear for just a few moments... I have to get out These roots are going to suffocate me I those few moments, I realize I am worthy of so much more. I am worthy of respect, I am worthy of being AND feeling valued.
I am smart I am capable. “I deserve to be around those who cherish me as the woman I am, not be made to feel like I am less than, like I have so much to learn, be told that my best efforts are still not enough and she wishes she had someone better but I guess I’ll do and when she sees me she doesn’t say a fucking word about it but continues to poison my mind and heart and spirit behind my back and through the energy of the universe and through the words of others.” But what she doesn’t know is that by poisoning me, she is poisoning herself. I have decided to leave. I tell her I am going to leave. To my face she is understanding and shallowly compassionate but when I leave she uses my turned back as an invitation to force her roots deeper into me, this time pushing them so hard its painful. I can feel them burning inside me, but I don’t care. I can let go So I let go I leave. I have been hoping to feel free of this parasitic weed but the nightmares continue and my face and shoulders are still twisted and knotted from the roots. I now know they will not go away tomorrow or next week. But as I let my beautiful inner light flourish, I know the weed will die.
A fat woman in a thin woman’s world BY F L KILBURN
I am a fat woman in a thin women’s world. Up until now, I haven’t spoken a to a single soul about it. Photo Of: CeCe Marie
I wonder why the universe chose you to bear witness to my confession. The thin women’s world hates fat people. They hate fatness. They hate gaining weight. The entire beauty magazine business, fashion industry and industrial dieting complex rests on the collective and continual shaming of a woman’s fatness. If I could get back all the hours I’ve worried about my fatness instead of my dreams I might have saved the world twice over. Every single day in some small way, someone or something humiliates me for being fat. Something doesn’t fit, or something breaks because of my excess, someone’s eyes bulge when I sit down next to them and they have to move an inch in their seats. Not often, but sometimes my legs ache so much carrying twice the [emotional] weight that I can’t get to the top of mountains so I miss out on the view. I love my fat body. I think it’s sexy. I think it’s beautiful. I’ve been through a lot to get here and my body, my big, fat, disgusting body carried me through all of it. I’m warm and soft all over. The only place I’m not soft
is my elbows. Touching my skin feels like touching clouds. But, you’ll know nothing about it because fat bodies are too disgusting to look at, let alone touch, let alone love. I’ll never understand how anyone can hate something so soft. I have had mind-blowing sex. The idea of a fat woman having anything other than pity sex is so alien to you. Of course, I’ve had shit sex too because I’m human just like you. Whenever a thin woman clutches her nonexistent rolls of fat and says ‘I’m so fat’ with a disgusting look on her face, it’s like a dagger in my heart. Thin women have no idea what it’s like to be a fat woman in a thin woman’s world. I have to make sure my Tinder profile isn’t too flattering because I don’t want to mislead anyone with my beautiful face and my hilarious personality and my disgusting fat body. [sigh] But my body is so soft, there’s nowhere softer. How is it my fault that the world was not made for me? A fat woman who loves herself in a thin women’s world - that’s everything I am after all.
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sexual liberation: the herpes edition facts about herpes
There are two types of Herpes; Herpes Simplex 1- traditionally what we think of as cold sores (generally around the mouth) & Herpes Simplex 2- generally around genitalia There is currently no cure for Genital Herpes, but there is treatment. Genital Herpes can be spread through saliva, a herpes sore, or through skin contact in the area of the infection.
Genital Herpes is often mistaken for a UTI or Yeast Infection.
Is it an ingrown hair, is it a misplaced pimple, no, it’s genital herpes! It’s the superhero none of us ever asked for. After receiving a genital herpes diagnosis at 18, it’s easy to believe you will never have sex again, and that’s exactly what I did. I pulled out the iron-caste chastity belt and prepped myself to throw that key away, because once I disclosed my status, no one would ever ask for it. I spent weeks on the couch lamenting my loss of sex appeal, having daytime nightmares about growing old only being able to use heavily sanitized sex toys (while also taking the Acyclovir my doctor prescribed). I put away all the lacy thongs from Victoria Secret, pulled out all the period panties from the back of the drawer, and prepared for my life alone and untouchable. I felt like a nuclear bomb, no one could touch me, or even go near me for fear of radioactive consequences. My life was full of obsessive hand-washing, showers so hot I’d get dizzy, and sweatpants. I even shaved my head to further solidify my role of
1/6 people aged 16-49 have genital herpes, but most don’t know it because they aren’t showing symptoms. the chaste monk. So far, I’ve made my experience of contracting an incurable STI sound pretty funny, but it really wasn’t at the time. It was the biggest heartbreak I ever experienced up until that point, and I felt like anything that was attractive about me died. I felt like I had a tattoo of “UNTOUCHABLE” on my forehead and walked around in shame, feeling disgraced from my throne of womanly virtue. Obviously I see now that this was all total bullshit since practically half of the population has herpes and I’ve watched Ella Dawson’s TED talk, but at 18, shit never looked worse. I was convinced no one would ever want to get into my pants again and I would only experience orgasms alone. It took a very, VERY long time to break this mindset. After a suppressant was prescribed and the tingling stopped, I still had to wade my way through the muddy waters of having genital herpes and having absolutely no one that I could talk to about it besides my OBGYN. She was great, sure, but I wanted
someone who had it, who was my age, and found someone that still wanted to sleep with them. There were online websites that taught me a lot about the condition, but no one who could tell me how to navigate the emotional minefield of it all. After finding a wonderful partner who was more than willing to take the plunge (metaphorically and quite literally), I started opening up to friends and mostly anyone who would listen about my herpes. I will be the first one to tell you to use a dental dam, the first one to tell you to get that weird bump checked out, and the first one to tell you you are not alone. STIs are common in a world where our conversation of sex is completely lacking of education. We need to start talking about our realities without feeling ashamed. Reader, if you have herpes or any STI for that matter, you aren’t dealing with it alone. You are not untouchable and you are sexy, and worthy of all the sexual pleasure you can handle. Take your medication, let your whatever heal, slap some protection on, and get your freak on. You deserve just as much as anyone else.
The Woman’s sexual identity in a world of trumps BY LABRENIA MILLER
Photo By: Steel Frame Designs Model: Jessica Mims
Borders, bodies of water, race, and religion may divide us as women. However, we all have a common factor in this world that link us all together and that is respect or lack of respect from our counterparts ‘MEN’. In no way is this article meant to bash men, nor is it in any way going to condone the actions that are taken by men to deprive woman a basic human right. Sexuality is not a birth right so why are women objectified and belittled for wanting to take their sexual freedom and explore it? The double standard in society that a woman can’t do what a man can do and that a woman needs to think about what society will think of her for being herself is CANCELED! Woman are making themselves heard greatly and it’s significant because we were getting complacent. From the Woman’s March (2017), to the Amber Rose Slut Walk (2011-present), also the statement of #TimesUp expressed on social media and through Hollywood stars
at the 2018 Golden Globes woman are speaking up and are inserting our power into physical change. So where does the 2018 woman stand with her sexuality and freedoms to explore it? Let’s be selfish, greedy, forceful while keeping it classy as only a woman can! We are just as sexually aware and deserving as our men. We carry and birth nations! Yet women are still disenfranchised if we wear that dress that makes us feel beautiful but shows some skin, or if we allow ourselves to indulge in our sexual desires all because men get uncomfortable and feel obligated to objectify us. No man is born devaluing woman, that is a learned behavior from how they are raised to how we allow society, employers, and men to treat us. When
I talk sexual liberation, I am not only talking about the act of sex. I am talking about women knowing who they are, moving in their truth, and allowing themselves to love their bodies. “Own Your Cliché” is my motto and brand. We as women need to take back the words used to dismantle us and own it! Example: Amber Rose created a whole movement and took back the word “Slut” which is meant to bring us down. So, with that being said… My name is L. E. Miller. I am selfish, promiscuous, a bitch, conceited, insecure, educated, bold, fierce, funny, crazy, stupid, lazy. I am woman. I am STRONG! Own your cliché and own your sexual freedom in this world of Trump’s.
19 ways you can become an intersectional feminist BY MARTINA PUJA
Being an intersectional feminist means you want equality for all. It’s all about just being non-judgemental, open-minded and open to continually learning about other ways you can be more considerate to others. Of course it gets hard at time as we live in the world where mostly everything is led by white, straight, cis, able-bodied man who are often not aware of their privilege and dismiss other groups of people. I can’t mention all the ways you can become an intersectional feminist, because I probably don’t know all of them but want to learn about them. These are some of the things you should try and try not to do and inequalities that you should fight against.
go for it! Please don’t think that hijabi women can’t be feminist. One of my big role models in feminism is wearing a hijab. For example look up Mona Haydaron YouTube. Do not use words that describe someone’s struggles and illnesses. I’ve seen signs at “feminist” protests saying trans women are not women and don’t deserve to be part of the protest or trans women being excluded from women only events and spaces. Please don’t overtake our safe lgbt spaces. Know your place and use your straight privilege and platform.
Photo By: Steel Frame Designs Models: Tori Alcondra, Sinenakhone Phavivong, Nyajuok Jock, Ivanna Vargas
from yourself and listen to what other communities are saying.
Feminism is not for white women only and should Gender is a spectrum and not If you have any money or involve, encourage and everyone fits in the female or the time to help charities, do it. Do not judge someone so empower black women too. male box. easily, instead try and think about what made them feel We need to know what that way, maybe the One of my personal struggles Racist, sexists, homophobic, happened in the history to be circumstances and discrimis to like women who hate transphobic, islamophobic jokes able to learn from the inations that they grew up women eg. woman who often are not funny and people should mistakes. with. seem to be more rude and be thought they are just encouragdiscouraging towards women. ing the systematic discrimination. Body positivity all the way, all Why would you hate your own bodies are beautiful no People get upset over a gender? But then I remember matter their size. woman breastfeeding in a what Chimamanda said: “We public space but have no raise girls to see each other as Expressing emotions are problem seeing unrealistic competitors not for jobs and considered feminine and body image of naked ladies accomplishments which I think vulnerable characteristics, why It’s definitely time to can be a good thing, but for man shouldn’t be able to express research examples of cultural in the newspapers and adverts. appropriation. Educate the attention of man.” them as well? yourself and others. The word “slut” is being too often used to shame women for something that people praise and encourage man to do. If it is safe and consensual
Just do not say words, phrases Try and look at your political or adopt a lifestyle that was and perspective through the eyes is used by the oppressor towards of people who are different certain groups that are being discriminated against.
If you can’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love somebody else, as RuPaul says.
body love poems
I am her and she is me This body is a temple in which I reside One I move through ever increasing my pride Each moment of each day Let us remember her strength in every way I honor her essence I appreciate her intuition, her divine knowing That flows within, ever present Her sacred truth that is waiting and ready to be unleashed To become wild again and ignite a fire inside She calls me She sings to me She dances in the wind as the trees blow through the dark nights sky She embraces each tear as a healing Knowing everything within is pure magic Divine wisdom always ready to be tuned into Listen to her words, how she speaks to you uniquely What does your body say How does it react All you need is calm, quiet, silence Allow yourself to tune in to your emotions Accept them and heal them with divine love and forgiveness Deep breath in as you breathe in Father Sky Deep breath out as you exhale Mother Earth Give thanks and praise To our hearts, to our bodies However, whoever, wherever, whenever The time to remember your truth is now Bless your body Praise your body Love your body in all shapes and sizes There is no division For we are all one
I reflect upon my eyes Eyes aching to be gazed into. A body waiting to be touched Ravaged. Passionately. Lovingly. Sensually. Spiritually. Tantrically. This I deserve This is coming, I can feel it in my bones Communication is the key. To freedom and authenticity No more longing for feelings of intimacy Which seems so distant from my reality. I am calling them in I am connected to self, I am connecting to self My passion will rise, my sexuality will thrive This time is a learning, a teaching and a growing Asking myself the deep questions. I will answer them. I will be honest with myself Even if it is less than easy We are here in this body at this time To heal, accept, love and forgive We are all a work in progress Creating our realities. What an opportunity Truly a mystery. Love this skin. Dive deep within your soul Give thanks to our ancestors for lighting the way
Photo Of: Earth Medicine Mama
You have been born a mama as you have birthed your babe Your body an epic vessel capable of unspeakable wonders Your breasts giving the gift of life through a flowing Of akashic wisdom seeping through your being, always knowing Bringing powerful truths into your babies growing Body that receives, that nourishes That is ever present and can endure so much Each experience of motherhood unique Yet similar at the heart of it all Doing what we feel is best within So many variables leading to different outcomes To all my relations I call I am asking for healing, I am asking for teachings to immerse into my skin Show me. I want to know the truth of myself. I humble myself to the spirit of the forest To the light of Sister Moon To the force of Father Sun and to the sound of the water. To the precious elementals, keeping us balanced Earth, air, water and fire. From the strength I have learned within this body I hold much respect and love for myself May we all remember this as often as possible Never letting our love go astray Shower it upon your soul each and every day
how has your relationship with your body been affected by society’s obsession with beauty standards?
SUBMISSIONS FROM OUR INSTAGRAM POST I remember being at a friends house for a sleepover. We were going to a neighborhood pool and we both had matching swimsuits. I was so excited because 1) they were cute as hell 2) my friend and I were going to look so fun matching.
Photo By: Pam Covarrubias Model: Marcella Noelle
For so long I felt like an awkward in the middle body type. I’ve never been what someone would consider petite or really skinny, but I’m not really considered curvy or voluptuous. It took me a while to really be okay with the body I have. I’m still working on it, but honestly I’m miles from where I was a few years ago. I think body acceptabce is a road we walk down on a daily basis. Some days are just easier than others. @HANNAHCS1988 Photo By: Pam Covarrubias Model: Karla Navarro
They were laying out on the bed and I remember picking up the bottoms and my friend said “oh wait I think you grabbed mine. Mine are the small, your but is bigger so yours are the large”. From that moment on, I thought ok so large in size, means gross. I compared my legs to everyone’s that I would see. I thought small = beautiful. I hated going shopping because I knew I wasn’t a size small, so what was the point. It carried all the way into college. I would wear yoga pants in the summer because I hated my legs. I would wear
I’m getting over my fear of food and eating in front of others because it was portrayed as undesirable as a kid. I’ve battled with this since I was 10. I’m 30. Finally embracing your body as a sacred entity is what is being promoted. @MOXYCOLOUREDPEACE
Photo By: Pam Covarrubias Model: Rachel Noack
Lost 80lbs in a year by eating 1200 calories a day and exercising daily to burn at least 1,000, subsequently developing exercise bulimia and anorexia. I have since gained every pound, plus 20-30 more back. Thanks fat-shaming society. @BLACKHOLESONNENSCHEIN
oversized t-shirts to hide my body. I would hide out in my room from social gatherings because I just knew people were going to look at me and whisper to their friends “why is she here, she looks so fat.” When I was 24 I was diagnosed with anxiety and body dysmorphic disorder. At the moment, I knew that I had wasted SO much of my life worried about my body and what others thought of it. Hiding out from fun social events and missing cute trends to go shop for. I missed a lot. But I’m sitting here at 25 knowing that I can still experience so much. I know that my body is capable of movement, love, expression, etc. Your body is a powerful tool. I stand here today knowing that it is unique and I actually BELIEVE IN MY SOUL that it is. BY MAURA HAWFIELD
My relationship with my body has been affected by shame from other women. Specifically women in my family and in the schools I attend. @BA_PHO_METTE Definitely a lot, mostly because I would always be put down by others, saying I wasn’t beautiful or I’m fat. I’m not skinny enough to be a model or anything, but I’m trying to be more confident with my body. I’m still a little scared to show it but getting there. @ZOEABRI16