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The Indie Business Awards
The Indie Business Awards were set up to truly champion all types of independent business owners, from people just getting started to seasoned pros. We want to shout loudly about the talent and dedication that these entrepreneurs show to all their supporters, and inspire new followers to get behind them. As the first lock down hit in March 2020, I knew it was the perfect time for the Indie Business Awards, an idea that had been kicking about for a while, to become a reality. Physical craft fairs were cancelled and huge chunks of income disappeared. I knew it was the right time to get it set up to show support and recognise all the indie, small, and micro businesses out there. I got a little team of indie business owners together and we went for it!
Now 9 months on we have almost 3000 followers on Instagram, a website, and have given out 6 awards! We have so much planned for 2021! I’m currently running the awards myself as my little team slowly gets back to reality from lock down but I never feel alone; I’ve got a whole gang of helpers and friends right in my phone!
Our awards run monthly, and are nominated and voted for by indie business supporters. They tag their favourite businesses on the nomination grid post and, with a different category each month, we see a huge selection of indie businesses and try to shout about them all. We get guest judges involved who range from indie business owners themselves to influencers who strongly support independent business. They help with selecting the finalists using our criteria to ensure its fair and unbiased, then we have a week of shouting about the finalists, meeting the makers, and really showcasing their businesses while rallying supporters to vote for them. We use social media, linking with other groups, meet the owner interviews, grid take-overs, competitions, and our seasonal gift guides to showcase the talent in the indie business world. We want to help display the value in indie business products and show that for every mass-produced product you buy, there is a lovingly made indie alternative. We want to gather a whole army of people proud to be indie business supporters. Shopping independent matters because it’s not corporate and faceless, nor is it coming from a place of “make as much money as you can and screw everything else.” It’s passion, morals and love, and an indie business owner obsessing over little details to make their product perfect. It’s the dedication and love shown by these one person bands doing everything themselves and loving it, because it’s providing for their families and giving them an outlet for the amazing skill and talent they have. It’s the community they have built on social media and in real life. These people show up for each other all the time. You don’t get that anywhere else. It’s infectious and it’s beautiful. How could you not want to be part of that?
www.theindiebusinessawards.com @theindiebusinessawards