Indie Business Awards The Indie Business Awards were set up to truly champion all types of independent business owners, from people just getting started to seasoned pros. We want to shout loudly about the talent and dedication that these entrepreneurs show to all their supporters, and inspire new followers to get behind them. As the first lock down hit in March 2020, I knew it was the perfect time for the Indie Business Awards, an idea that had been kicking about for a while, to become a reality. Physical craft fairs were cancelled and huge chunks of income disappeared. I knew it was the right time to get it set up to show support and recognise all the indie, small, and micro businesses out there. I got a little team of indie business owners together and we went for it! Now 9 months on we have almost 3000 followers on Instagram, a website, and have given out 6 awards! We have so much planned for 2021! I’m currently running the awards myself as my little team slowly gets back to reality from lock down but I never feel alone; I’ve got a whole gang of helpers and friends right in my phone!