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(Turn over for directions.)

Roles you like to play in a group?

Availability outside of class? About you:







age: gender: program/dept: other?

S Skills you bring to a team?

(Not your name!)

What’s your biggest passion? (Okay, name two if you have to - but no more than that!)

What do you spend your time on?

Team formation exercise: Picking a darn good team

draw in times that work for you, e.g.:

What is success for you here?

Resources you bring to a team?

Stuff you’re happy if others do?

© theinnographer.com /toolkit/picking-a-darn-good-team


1. Give it some thought and fill in the other side of this form (don’t over-think it though) 2. Do not fill in your name! 3. Only fill in things you’re comfortable sharing and make sure what you do share represents you the way you want to be seen 4. Gather all of the forms (yours and your colleagues’) and shuffle them 5. Circulate the forms among your colleagues so everyone gets to see all of them - you may be given additional directions for this step 6. As you read each, if you see someone you think you might like to work with then write your name on the back of their form in the space below 7. When you’ve had a chance to see everyone else’s form, retrieve your own 8. Go find - and talk to - the people whose names are on the back of your form 9. Form a darn good team!

The following people might want to work with you:

Team formation exercise: Picking a darn good team

© theinnographer.com /toolkit/picking-a-darn-good-team

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