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How I’ll Assess Your Two-Book Review Reviews of the two books: Introduction (3 marks)

Citation (1 mark)



 Does little more  Introduces a theme or than name or central argument for talk about the the review and implies book what the reviewer thinks about it  Isn’t long or clear enough  Doesn’t follow  Follows the required the format format and provides an (0 marks) accurate citation (1 mark)  Does little more  Summarizes the than provide an content of the book in a outline or list of way that someone who the contents of hasn’t read it could the book understand what it’s about  Is too short or uses words ineffectively

Book 1

Excellent  Makes it very clear what is the reviewers evaluation of the book  Introduces a theme that lends itself well to the rest of the review  Grabs the reader’s attention N/A

 Clearly combines content and ideas in the book into new sentences using the reviewer‘s own words, i.e. offers significantly more than the summary on the back cover  Stands on its own to clearly represent the book to someone who hasn’t read it Analysis  Goes significantly deeper than  Does little more  Provides an analysis of (3 marks) the summary to provide an than summarize the book’s main ideas, original synopsis of the main ideas and arguments and themes ideas, arguments and themes themes  Focuses on what the author wrote and wants  Lends a critical eye to the review of the book’s content readers to take away Critique and  Critique consists of insightful and  The critique is  Expresses a clear, recommendation original thoughts, responses and only reaction or informed and (2 marks) reactions to the book opinion‐based supported opinion  Recommendation is in response  Expresses only  Recommendation is to the book author’s ideas, aims personal supported by the earlier and intentions, and how well he feelings like analysis or she succeeds in getting those “loved it” or  Ties back to the across “hated it” reviewer’s original theme or argument Total (each out of 12): Summary (3 marks)

Comparative analysis, conclusion and sources: Comparative analysis (6 marks)

Unsatisfactory  Analysis is confusing, illogical and/or unclear  Doesn’t focus on comparing the two books

Conclusion (3 marks)

 Fails to effectively conclude the multi‐book review  Doesn’t make clear where ideas come from

Sources (3 marks)

Satisfactory Excellent mark  Makes it very clear how the  Is well organized and books relate to each other and reflects a reasonable what the two authors have to say process used to analyze about the common theme or and compare the books topic  Is clearly articulated so the reader understands  Demonstrates having more than just a surface understanding of the analysis the books  Goes deeper than just a summary of the books’ common elements  Leaves the reader with something  Effectively concludes new to think about, i.e. extends the overall review the conversation in some  Focuses on the theme insightful way or topics (rather than the books themselves)  Attributes in a way that  In addition, draws from relevant content not treated directly in makes clear where the two books, in support of the ideas come from review  Uses relevant sources Total (out of 12):

Total for the entire review (out of 36):

Assessing a two‐book review

© Alex Bruton, 2012

Book 2

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