It’s show time
After a two-year hiatus, the 2022 AHG Expo is back this month in Brisbane. These four gaming companies will be there to demo their latest innovations.
AFTER A two-year break, the Australasian Hospitality and
Gaming (AHG) Expo is returning to Brisbane on 23-24 March.
Visitors to this year’s AHGE can
This two-day event will showcase the latest products and
see the latest in CRT technology
services from a range of exhibitors and will also feature
with Banktech’s newly released
networking opportunities and an educational program, the
QuickPay CRT S2. The NEW
National Governance and Management Congress.
QuickPay CRT represents a
The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, which is
significant re-engineering of
operating at 100 per cent capacity, will feature a number of
both hardware and software, the
exhibitors. Here’s a sneak preview of some of them.
company says. The core of any CRT is the cash dispensing module and NCR is the world’s leading cash technology provider. The QuickPay CRT S2 incorporates the recently released S2 dispenser module and the changes made are significant. The NCR S2 cash dispenser promises improvements across a range of key metrics that will deliver significant improvements in reliability. “We don’t see the new QuickPay CRT S2 as just an evolution of
the traditional CRT, rather, we see it as a revolution,” says Henry
AHG Expo major sponsor, MAX, will be launching a range of
Kiwarkis, General Manager of Sales at Banktech. “As the gaming
new products and services on stand 123, including its Live
experience changes, we understand the importance of ensuring
Data API, CustomerFirst research program, and AnalyticsHub
our devices and systems are ahead of the game.”
reporting platform. Attendees can register for an in-depth product demonstration with one of its experts to hear about its new offers
and the latest insights and industry trends. Visit
On show at the Scientific Games (SG) stand at AHGE will be the
for more information.
latest addition to its global Kascada cabinet line – Kascada Dual
On the Wednesday morning of the show, MAX is presenting
Screen. Complementing the recently launched Kascada 43”
the return of its breakfast event The Big Picture. In addition to
portrait cabinet, this best-in-class gaming hardware is highlighted
hearing from MAX business leaders on what lies ahead, guests
by a signature reflector edge-lighting design that gives it a striking
will hear from Australia’s most successful rugby league coach
presence on every gaming floor, according to SG.
Wayne Bennett AM who will share his perspectives on leadership, teamwork, and leading teams to success. “As an integral part of the gaming and hospitality industry
Together with a diverse catalogue of game brands and feature mechanics, Kascada Dual Screen is designed to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience and this month launches with
calendar, we’re looking forward to the opportunity AHG provides
a robust roadmap of new game content comprising some of
to reconnect with Queensland-based and interstate customers,
SG’s most recognised brands such as the Huff N’ More Puff and
partners, and suppliers in a tradeshow environment,” MAX says.
Jin Ji Bao Xi.
18 | Australian Hotelier