Australian Hotelier September 2021

Page 26


The bar and restaurant areas take strong cues from the 1950s.

The main bar and restaurant are separated by a glazed timber shopfront.

Jewel of the Riverina

A major renovation of Griffith’s Gem Hotel has transformed it into a sophisticated multi-purpose venue for the thriving NSW wine region.

THE GEM Hotel in the NSW Riverina

kilometres, a place where locals would

elements that embrace the rich history

has undergone a major renovation to

gather and major business deals would

and culture of the region.

reinvent itself as a venue fit for the

be struck.

beverage industry heavy-hitters and the

“The brief was to create a truly unique

“Griffith has a thriving Italian community, and we thought it appropriate

workers who live in and visit the busy

venue that could stand on own feet as

to focus on this culture and explore the

wine region.

a quality food and beverage venue with

interesting design principles they once

accommodation and gaming,” says

used,” Kelly says.

Located in Griffith, it is surrounded by a thriving major Australian wine production

designer Paul Kelly. “Because of the level

area with a large population of people

of investment in this project, it would hard

been combined with contemporary

flying in and out. Owner Jim Knox, an

for anyone else in the region to get close

elements and applications to allow both to

established hotelier in the town, felt there

to what we’ve achieved at The Gem.”

coexist and create a unique experience.”

was a lack of quality accommodation and

The Gem was built in the 1980s and

“Traditional decorative details have

dining options in town when it came to

the refurbishment kicked off four years


servicing these visitors and locals alike.

ago, although the project was delayed

The base build architecture of the upgrade

Knox briefed specialist hospitality

a year when it encountered delays from

was derived from strong underlying

design company, Paul Kelly Design, to

local contractors, and then Covid. The

principles of mid-century design, with

help him create a hotel offer beyond

project, finally completed in May this year,

subtle nuances of the late 1950s to soften

anything else available for hundreds of

has delivered a quality venue with design

some of the hard-edge forms.

26 | Australian Hotelier

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