National Liquor News December 2023

Page 26

Caption: L-R: Jesse Ball (Store Operations) and Scott Corby (Operations Manager)

Camperdown Cellars wins ALIA Liquor Store of the Year This is the second time Camperdown Cellars Parramatta Road has won the prestigious award. Camperdown Cellars Parramatta Road has been named the

Being recognised for doing things our way is what differentiates

Australian Liquor Industry Awards (ALIA) Liquor Store of the Year,

us, and it is something we are very proud of. We will certainly

a recognition that is especially meaningful for Managing Director

continue doing things the Camperdown Way.

Rip Viropoulos, because it is an award that is both nominated and

Road has won the ALIA Liquor Store of the Year title, with the first

NLN: How does it feel to know that it was your industry peers who nominated and voted Camperdown Cellars as Liquor Store of the Year?

time being almost 10 years ago in 2014. National Liquor News caught

RV: Our consistency is the key to our success, and this has been

up with Viropoulos to find out what sets the store apart, and what

recognised by our peers over a long period. We are extremely thankful for

has made it stand the test of time.

this acknowledgement. Camperdown Cellars also secured Liquor Store

voted on by the industry. This is the second time that Camperdown Cellars Parramatta

of the Year in 2014 and we haven’t stopped working on improvements

NLN: How did it feel for Camperdown Cellars Parramatta Road to win this year’s ALIA for Liquor Store of the Year?

since. These efforts have not gone unnoticed, so delivering the title again

RV: National recognition is a significant achievement for any business

for other independent operators.

in 2023 gives us great confidence in our business model and our people. We hope this win delivers lasting impact for our industry, and especially

and we’re proud of our team’s dedication to delivering an exceptional in-store experience that differentiates Camperdown Cellars. The win has certainly boosted morale by validating the efforts of

NLN: How does your store stand apart from your local competitors?

our team, not only at Parramatta Road, but across our group. We’re

RV: Our priority remains the same every day; ensuring the customer

a small team and we react quickly to the demands of the business

experience is always positive. We guarantee there is colour and texture

and the community. We ensure the needs of the community are met

in our stores with great eye-catching displays that are supported with

by continuing to offer the specialty products that this business has

warm ambience created by the soft lighting and background music.

been famous for since 1947.

Our in-store displays are changed regularly to feature new arrivals,

We’re fortunate that our long-standing reputation attracts personnel

new promotions with great buys, interesting product arrivals coupled

to our business who are passionate about our industry. Our team

with tasteful giveaways such as glassware, bikes, barbeques, wine

members understand the focus for Camperdown Cellars has always

cooling buckets, and other things people can use.

been on the customer experience. This customer service ethic is the basis of what we term the ‘Camperdown Way’ of doing things. 26 | National Liquor News

We like to complement our customers entertaining and enjoyment with family and friends. Our stores ensure there is theatre, along

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